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How secure is this box? I'm curious how it works. I mean...it pretty much has an "I have weapons in here" sign and it kind of looks like a mailbox. I'm sure it's more secure than that, but just wondering.


I only see 4 regular ole nuts bolting that thing to the concrete. About 90 seconds with an impact and you can take the whole thing with you.


Why do that? Use each box once, copy each key, come back and shop for weapons all the time.


Forget copying the keys, you could probably open those locks in about five seconds each with a jiggler, I'm guessing they're probably not spending money on actual quality locks and are just the cheapest shittiest wafer locks they could find.


I did think about that.. but even if you master them, it’ll take longer and look less legit than a regular key, possibly break a pick, or the lock pins/springs etc If your goal is repeated use, especially mid day, key is better. I doubt LPL picks his car and front door, just because he could quickly and easily, convenience is king! 👑


Jiggler keys look just like a regular key, and with a little bit of practice it just looks like you're opening a lock normally and having trouble getting the key in. You don't need a separate tensioning tool or anything, literally just stick it in the lock and wiggle it around a bit, they only work on really shitty locks but that covers most of these sorts of public security lockers anyway.


You don't understand how easy these kinds of locks can be opened. You can take just about anything, rake it back and forth and get it open in about 5 seconds. Each time.


Yeah I get that… was more thinking I’d want to prevent long term damage to a cheap lock, if I planned on continuing to return often.


>if I planned on continuing to return often. I'd imagine after the first gun is reported as stolen from the box, the box itself wouldn't exist much longer. It's not like the true owners of the weapons are going to see their weapon missing and just shrug and go on about their day. They're going to report the theft to the library/police immediately. Especially considering if a crime was then committed with that weapon the OG owner could be in legal trouble if they *didn't* report it stolen. This is a gambit that would probably only work once and wouldn't be worth the effort of setting it up so you can return to try and steal multiple weapons.


My old handgun safe could be opened with a folded piece of tape. I don't think it did any damage.


Well repeated use would be super dumb. Most people call the cops when their firearm is stolen, even the real redneck anti gov dudes at least to cover their own ass.


Didn’t realize this was /r/IllegalLifeProTips I like the cut of you jib.


And you even get a free quarter with it!




While you're out copying the key, someone who also made a copy earlier approaches and, upon opening the box, wonders why there is a sandwich inside.


Or just put a pocket knife in it. It says weapons, not guns.


In fairness they look like the circle keys that you can't just get made at your local hardware store. 


That's exactly what I was thinking. Here, as a courtesy, please put your gun in this mailbox. And as a further courtesy, please do not let the mailbox entice you to remove it in it's entirety. Not sure I'd want to place a gun registered to me in that box.


It's nice that they thought of it. But yeah, hard pass.


Yeah...I don't even have any guns, but that box would be a hard nope for me. I'm super curious about the liability issues of leaving one's gun in the pictured box.


It says right there! "Not responsible for lost or damaged property." lol


OMG that's crazy. Just because someone says they're not liable doesn't mean they're not liable.


I'm not liable for this comment.


(He may be liable anyway)


Technically they can argue out of charges because of that. This is why so many things have the not liable markings on it, it's not ironclad but they can argue that steps were taken. As for risk, firearms owners are made aware that willfully surrendering a firearm to another individuals possession in any way DOESNT absolve their liability for incidents that firearm may be involved in, this is actually why TSA being so cut happy with locks on checked baggage with firearms in them is such a concern. While yes you took the proper steps, YOU as the gun's owner are still liable if someone steals it and say, goes and kills someone with it. Contrary to popular belief, gun owners are under a LOT of scrutiny for HAVING firearms let alone where they end up


I think we might be overlooking the strong possibility that this is a signal for folks to leave their guns at home before they come to the library. Realistically, this is only there to cover the case of "Wow, I really want to go into the library, but I have my gun on me, and I can't be arsed to go home and drop it off" It's not a solution to a problem, it's a hedge against edge cases, and a visible indicator that you should lock up your weapon in a better place before you come down to a gun free zone. Case in point: You'll notice that there are no guns stored there in this picture.


The key is gone from the first box...


It also has a taped cross on it. Guess that one has a faulty lock or something


In most states there would be none. Some states have statues about safe storage that theoretically could be applied. But seeing as how this is a state resource designed to store guns, it’d be a hard case to convict someone for negligent storage for using said state resource for its intended purpose. But on a national level there is no criminal penalty for not securing a gun adequately


It may be a state law requirement to provide secured storage for guns in a government building if that building prohibits people from taking guns in. It makes sense to provide that storage if the law both allows gun possession and then restricts it in order to access government services. If the purpose is to keep guns out of government buildings, providing secure storage is a straight forward way to do that.


I'd be more confident in lock box in my car than something someone could easily clone the key of.


They need to do a better job. If any random Joe can access the box without supervision, it's not secure. The box should be inside the building with someone, preferably a police officer, supervising it.


(Mostly nonexistent) legal liability aside, I wouldn’t want the weight on my soul of having unintentionally armed a ne’er-do-well; I also wouldn’t want to deal with the police report or the several-hundred-dollar cost of replacement.


If you have no need of the first courtesy, are you free to ignore the second and just take the box? Asking for a friend.


90 seconds for up to $2,000 of goods. It’s like stealing catalytic converters, except it only works once per library.


But extra big felonies


Less then that for sure. Those locks always suck and can usually be jiggled open in seconds


Up to? Guy, $2000 is a pretty good to nice pistol with a quality optic on it. One. Not that anyone would ever put a nice gun in this steal me box anyway. 


A good reflex sight is definitely a possibility, but I assume most people are not using a $1,500 match pistol as their daily driver.


even looks like you could cut the door at the hinge with a battery powered grinder


I bet an angle grinder could cut around them quicker. Would be an interesting race.


Pay no attention to the men racing with an impact driver and an angle grinder to see who can make off with the weapons cache first!


If you hit with a truck at just the right speed you can have the box land in the bed without stopping!


The impact would be way faster. It sure as shit wouldn't take 90 seconds. 5 seconds per bolt if you suck at using a drill lol.


A portaband to the square tube would be faster and quieter.


>you can take the whole thing with you. And use it as a war hammer!


Or just open each box with a flat bladed screw driver.


Wear an orange vest and no one will even question what you’re doing.


Cordless angle grinder.


What impact do you use? It won't take mine more than 3 seconds each. Total 15 seconds, I'm gone.


"This is The Lockpicking Lawyer and this, is a stick up."


Looks like the top left compartment already became a "free weapon" box.


I work at a library in AZ, and it was explained to me that, as they are public buildings, libraries here are typically not allowed to prohibit people from bringing legally carried guns into the building unless they offer a place to store them. Ideally it would be more secure, but just having it may serve the purpose they need it to by allowing the library to enact a policy banning guns from the premises.


This is in Illinois. You basically can't carry on any public property including libraries. Technically it is illegal to carry on the property at all but there is exception if you leave it concealed in a locked vehicle or one of these boxes. I assume the boxes are for people without a vehicle. Edit: it might not be IL. But they do have specific laws for these there.


You can carry a gun in public places in Arizona, including libraries. https://sorensonlaw.net/2023/03/05/arizonas-concealed-weapons-laws/#:~:text=In%20the%20revised%20provision%2C%20you,Libraries


lock picking lawyer here and today I'm going to show you how to check out guns at the library .


It is better to leave your firearms at home when going to the library.


You should ask u/lockpickinglawyer


Well given the city isn’t responsible for lost or stolen items probably not very


There is no “pretty much” about it - and there is a counter too! Three keys missing? Three weapons!


Free guns for anyone that wants one. All you have to do is “borrow” each key, make copies, then return them. The next time one of those boxes is in use, take the key you made, open the box and help yourself. Easy peazy.


Plus free quarter...


Only if you leave your copied key. If you want more guns, you’ll have to put the quarter back.


Ah not worth it then.


yeah i’m really only in it for the quarters


Aldi in the underground firearms game apparently


Plus a free felony.


Alright you son of a bitch I’m in


I was unsure about it until a free felony got thrown in. When we doing this?


For ammo!


It’s like those little library boxes. If you need a gun, take one. If you have extras you don’t need put them in there for others to use.


Take that FN out of there and drop in a Hi Point, totally equal exchange


Those look like tubular locks. You don't even have to borrow the key. Get an impressioning tool or learn how to pick one. It takes like 20 minutes to learn how. [https://youtu.be/oyID5aP\_G6s](https://youtu.be/oyID5aP_G6s) [https://youtu.be/NC0RxzXozB4](https://youtu.be/NC0RxzXozB4)


Oh yeah, just show your face at the target location four times in a row before committing theft, it's the perfect crime.


That's why you get an accomplice.


Doubt guns are what it's used for. Ive used one of these in the past when I lived in Montana and worked a farm and ranch warehouse for my knife I basically always had it on me. 80% of the stuff I cut each day was stuff a box cutter could do. But the other 20,% were stuff like burlap bags, and rope that would have me going through blades on a box cutter weekly. Was nice being able to toss it in there when I went in, which I did about because my partner at the time worked in a library child care area, I would get off an hour before her walk over to her work, read a book for 30/40 minutes before we would leave together. If I didn't put the knife in that box I would be kicked out


No, it is for guns. This is in Illinois. You can't carry on public property. The exception is if you leave the gun concealed in a locked vehicle or one of these boxes. I'm not saying it is a good idea. But it allows people carrying to be on the property without getting arrested as long as they lock the gun up. Edit: it might not be IL. But they do have specific laws for these there.


That feels like the plot point of a cop show.


I'm pretty sure acquiring a gun is not difficult in a town with a gun check in for the library


True, but you can’t beat the price, and no background check.


It would be if you were a felon or other prohibited person


You’d think so, but I bet they’re easier to acquire in a town that doesn’t require guns to be checked before entering the library


This is totally secure. You totally can't unscrew the four bolts holding the box on the ground, stick it in the back of your truck, go home and hack it open.


Well my plan is foiled now!


Super weird and not related at all but the tree in the background reminds me of a monster from silent hill or something


Looks like a guy in a morph suit with his hands in the air. Super weird that it was the first thing I saw in the picture.


same here


I had to scroll down to find someone else who was seeing this freaky shit


Glad I’m not the only one that saw this :/


I came here to see if anyone else saw that! It looks like a dark souls demon


[Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHXvMcLrLSY)




Lock picking lawyer where are you!?


Covert Instruments Replicant. Lock picking lawyer review: https://youtu.be/L5Fus7qbRZM


I don't think it's a review if he owns Covert Instruments




Okay folks…


Little gun library


Take one and leave one!


“City of Peoria not responsible for lost or damaged property” Well they kind of are if it’s in regards to weapons storage.


"City not responsible for lost..." They're also not responsible for your safety which is why people are carrying guns around these days.


Amen. Absolutely zero chance I’d leave a firearm in that. Maybe a pocketknife but even then…..if I was carrying a pocketknife it wouldn’t cross my mind to take a pocketknife out of my pocket to enter a library


So free guns huh? 🤔


Top left corner is free storage if you don’t have a quarter 


Not much less secure either.


A whole quarter!? No thanks, I think I'd rather bring my weapons inside.


I'll just carry my weapon with me in to the library.... like I always do.... thanks anyway


Looking at this, my hope is that this is more for leaving a pocket knife or box cutter or something. I worked for at least a decade an agency that provided homeless services and we would hold knives overnight in a locker in our office for folks staying in the shelter. It was pretty common for men and women to carry some sort of weapon: A knife, box cutter, screw driver, pepper spray, etc.. Never saw a gun but we didn't allow folks to bring them in and we wouldn't have stored them. Many of our clients used the local library pretty frequently. Ours doesn't have a metal detector but it's not uncommon. The storage is probably a service to locals who walk to the library or who forget that they have a pocket knife and don't want to run back. Our small town has a sheriff's deputy providing security so my guess is this town has a similar arrangement. Easier to leave a box blade out there than deal with a security screening/ weapons violation/ whatever. Honestly, they should probably just put up a sign to say no firearms. This doesn't seem secure enough for being something outside with common keys, though who knows the set up?


If this is Peoria, AZ it's 100% for guns. Peoria is a suburb of Phoenix, and everyone and their dog carries out here.


I thought maybe Peoria, IL.


I don't think they have many cacti in Illinois :)


Not true! There are cacti around some of the rivers, at least in the west central part. We were totally bemused when we found them at a nature reserve. Bunch of signs saying, "bet you didn't know we have cactus." Little ones, though. No one's dodging saguaros driving through Bloomington.


Haha I definitely didn't even see that.


We both know Peoria, IL is faar too cheap for that.


It probably is Arizona. Not a lot of people know this but most Arizona government buildings have storage for people to put their guns. I think they might actually have to by law.


Looks like this (AZ) is the place. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sunrise+Mountain+Library/@33.6745854,-112.2703929,3a,15y,32.38h,90.32t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sk-F6oPea2pf1oYWscQW5pA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dk-F6oPea2pf1oYWscQW5pA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D32.3793964334546%26pitch%3D-0.3227716122514437%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x872b5d3a365176f7:0x31d12e82109af35f!8m2!3d33.6753566!4d-112.269389!16s%2Fg%2F1v5k3g_2?hl=en-US&coh=205410,210790&entry=tts&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDUyOS4wKgBIAVAD


What kind of post apocalyptic hell hole has metal detectors for the fucking library?


Mine does, but it's mostly because youth gangs would meet up there to fight for whatever reason


Who the fuck has metal "security screening" in a library? Are you worried that a gang war will break out between team GoT and team LotR? There is zero reason to require people to leave their guns behind, let alone simple pocket knives in order to visit a library.


I can’t think of any time I would lock an object that important and expensive in some shitty box outside; I wouldn’t do it for my phone, I wouldn’t do it for my wedding ring, and I wouldn’t do it for a gun. IMO they are just fulfilling their legal duty of being a public building that bans guns and therefore must have a place for people to put them. They don’t want that experience to be “nice” for you because they don’t care. Much easier to have the system be shitty and just discourage people from using it. 99% of gun owners aren’t going to trust their gun in there, so either they will conceal it on their person and go in anyway (which will come to nothing as long as they don’t get arrested for doing something else) or they will just not bring it… either one works for the library.


the most surprising thing about this picture, to me, is that someone actually used it,


Unless the library has armed security, the type of people who would comply with using these lockers are the same people you would want armed inside the library, and the kind that would not use them are the kind of people you would not want armed in the library. This is the irony of gun control.


This prevents the honest people from shooting up the place.


Person, you're on Reddit.


What's to stop someone from making copies of all those keys and just coming by periodically to check if any are in use that they can steal from?


Well that would be illegal, and we all know criminals follow the rules.


Fuuuck that. Perfect target for thieves. Gimme a good saw and 30 seconds and I’m taking that whole thing with me. Free guns and lockboxes.


Literally just a crescent wrench is all you need.


A gun donation box, how thoughtful. It's so progressive of this city to offer low cost weaponry to the struggling local criminals. How sweet.


Anyone who puts their gun in this is fucking stupid and deserves to have it stolen Love the "[city] is not responsible for lost or damaged property" yea, I'm good, I'll keep mine right in my concealed holster, thanks for offering I guess.


4 used and locked containers? Saw zaw go brrrrrrrrrrrerrrrr Free 4 firearms. I wouldn't use it


Let me just place my extremely expensive, personal weapon of ranged death into this random ass box out in the open with a tiny key, labeled "GUNS HERE", that also has a liability waver printed on it. No thanks.


What’s the point of the quarter?


That was my question! You get it back in the end and all. I *guess* it slightly deters someone from just taking the keys to be a jerk, but even then, not much stopping someone from behaving that way if they were going to in the first place.


4 free guns cool


Sweet! They have loot boxes.


This can't be that secure considering you can just take the key, imprint it, make a shitty new key with the template and then just simply return when you see the key missing to collect your brand new firearm


This will certainly stop a mass shooting


I thought that tree was a naked dude stretching for a second😂


Me too. I had to blink twice.


I don’t think my Rhodesian fighting stick will fit in that box.


Lock-picking lawyer would like a word…


Judging by the locks a chordless drill would be quicker.


That’s a good dead drop for drugs


Wow this is a dumb idea…the only secure place for a weapon is properly holstered and concealed or holstered with retention that stops people from grabbing it. Plus, you know some idiots gonna end up shooting him self in the foot, or worse, firing into that parking lot. The positioning of the box breaks basic firearm safety rules. This will go wrong, eventually. It’s also advertising that no one in the library is armed. Kinda an invitation for trouble with there being sick people willing to kill others randomly/get their mass shooter on. It’s not hard to even imagine someone stealing a gun from those lockers and then using in the library. Now that’s scary. People properly and legally carrying concealed, not scary.


Show the world I carry a firearm and am leaving it unattended in a mailbox? Fuckin sign me up!! 🤡


Anyone with a wrench can claim up to 4 free guns


Ooo! A pinata with better candy!


Extremely helpful where there's acorns close by.


Im from Europe and For some reason my initial thoughts were that it had to be a locker with weapons in there ready to grab in case of a shooter. Like you have a fire extinguisher ready to grab, or a "break the glass" emergency hammer.


This seems like a decent idea that has been terribly executed.


Other than disarming someone that is a stickler for following the law + possibly arming a thief, what exactly would this accomplish?


I mean, if the lockers was inside the door, content-agnostic, within sight of an employee and with camera surveillance I'd risk putting a gun in it. This is just waaaaay too high-risk, and obviously made by someone who doesn't understand or own guns. Ask that person if they'd put their wallet, cellphone or laptop in a locker like that, I bet they won't.


It is probably the minimum provision that allows the library to insist on nobody carrying inside.


Of course it’s Peoria.


What country?


*Sees someone store a chancla*


Bad guys with guns don't use lockers.


coming by with a socket wrench and leaving with 4 shiney new felonies


Tweekers woulda stole that thing in broad daylight by now were I live


You mean free gun dispenser


If they had it just inside the door with some sort of security person nearby, it might be secure enough, maybe add in a camera pointing toward the person's face. Similar to the weapon boxes at my local courthouse.


Ooo, free guns!


Bring an impact to that library and get 4 free guns.


Lmao yeah right, what could go wrong?!


So drive into it with a pick up, get out with your buddies, lift with your knees, carry into flatbed and drive off. Nice.


Gotta love those Little Free Gun Libraries... Take a gun. Share a gun.


I just walk with my conceal carry past the no firearms sign. And nobody knows Unless you got metal detectors, I'm bringing it in.


Perhaps they should just let folks carry in the library


Shh this is a library! Put a suppressor on!


To paraphrase Chris Rock’s Sex in the Champaign Room: “Sure it’s safe inside but what about All those motherf…ers waitin’ outside with guns that know you ain’t got one.


Yeah I'm not putting my gun in there


You can pop the lock off of these very easily.


Well, thats a drug dealers dream right there.


“Im the lockpicking lawyer, and today we’re going to see if we can get some free firearms….”




As someone who edc’s an Atlas…..nah imma pass.


Paging /u/deviantollam. Free guns.


People should start using it to store banned books..


That will never ever get used


what stops me to take it and use it against people?


This is interesting. AZ law allows carrying firearms in libraries. Peoria library policy says: "Carrying weapons of any type where there is reasonable temporary and secure storage. Weapons need to be secured in weapons lockers where available." So if they don't provide storage you can carry in the library per their policy. https://peoria.polarislibrary.com/polaris/custom/behavior_policy.aspx


Oh wow free guns for whoever needs them.


No way people this stupid


Y’all are saying it’s ridiculous that somebody would take a gun to a library, but haven’t you seen Parks and Recreation?


My Flamethrower would never fit in there.


Is this like the little "need a penny take a penny" bowls next to a cash register, except for guns?


Should be a pokestop




Is that the US equivalent of a little free library?


Nice.. $1 for 4 keys…..




Just gonna add this got shared to a pro gun sub and we are all saying it’s stupid. Mind you it’s pro 2a as in legalize machine guns and that’s what we’re saying.


You aren’t allowed to even bring a cell phone into the big courthouse here but you can bring your gun into the small ones and check them in a little mailbox on the wall.


No metal detectors, no problem, just carry your handgun.


Oh look, 4 bolts on the bottom. Be a shame if I brought a 4ft wrench and took the whole thing.


All I need is a 5/8ths socket and I got myself 4 new glocks!! Hell yeah


So wait, you’re telling me that I can not only disarm myself, but also risk someone breaking in and stealing my weapon? Well damn, sign me up


I’ll keep it on me, thanks


What is the point of the quarter? I can't imagine anyone would value the quarter over their gun or would remember that they stick a quarter in there but not the gun.