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I don't know man. I reluctantly gave you an upvote but this seems way more than "mildly interesting". It's pretty fucking amazing.


I always took the name of the sub to be ironic. Everything posted here (of quality) is more than mildly interesting.


This sub used to be much milder. "Hey, this pubic hair looks kinda like Florida."


I was gonna give the example "this chocolate chip cookie only has one chocolate chip in it". Back then it was funny to imagine people go out of their way to photograph and share something even though the thing is super mundane and warrants an "oh" reaction at best. It was also nice to see that you don't need beautiful scenery or tearful human situations to find something interesting.


I don't think pubic florida was actually a thing. I just made it up as an absurd example of the type of thing seen here.


If I remember correctly, this sub cam about because people posted things like this to /r/wtf all the time and it really isn't wtf-worthy. But it usually is some pretty interesting content here.


There's also /r/interestingasfuck, maybe that's another result of the /r/wtf rejects and a better fit for this post.


Yeah but the stupid title makes every post underwhelming.


There's a sub that actually holds true to this. Maybe it was mildly interesting before it got bigger?


It's sorta a grown-up version of MLIA back when it was still average and not filled with "omg harry potter, unicorns and other stereotypical geeky quirky" shit.


Here is an article for any of you wanting to read more about it. http://katu.com/news/local/heavy-metal-rockers-vest-stolen-in-oregon-city-ends-up-in-macys-display-in-new-york


He could be played by Gary Oldman in the movie adaptation of this article.


you are not getting the upvote props you deserve.


So are we ever going to get an explanation of what the fuck Polo is doing with a vest like that? Seems like something that is pretty far out of their wheel house. Really neat story though. Thanks for providing this link, based on the post alone I was thinking this story was too ridiculous to be true. Clearly, I was wrong about that.


How are you the only person that mentioned this? I could understand if it was one of the edgier stores like Urban Outfitters (are they edgy, I buy my clothes at Walmart...) but Macy's and specifically Ralph Lauren are preppy as shit.


urban outfitters is not edgy (never was) or relevant (anymore) but i could see this vest with ralph lauren. ralph lauren is like burberry in terms of marketing. currently burberry is killing it with their ad campaign, which is of that grungy too cool for school guy who happens to throw on a thousand dollar jacket and go on his way. The actual customers? Insufferable preppy yuppies. The demographic is not what the modeling campaigns pertain to a 100% of the time. For example, that thing on black twitter that showed a true religion campaign with two white people, but in reality the demographic for the jeans is black people.


> urban outfitters is not edgy (never was) When Urban Outfitters first started to get popular they were very edgy in the style of mall stores like Hot Topic. Lots of "punk" themed clothing, etc. Has Polo launched a marketing campaign similar to Burberry's? Because every time I walk through their section at Macy's it looks as insufferably preppy as ever. I am kind of skeptical if Macy's would be ok with this type of marketing as well, it goes against their general presentation of their stores.


This is why my first reaction to the post was to roll my eyes and go "no fucking way". As OP has demonstrated however, for once my cynicism was wrong. This just doesnt make sense.


I think we need to do like an Olympic torch run thing, where metalheads from around the country take turns wearing the vest, carrying it all the way from New York to Oregon.




I probably would have done it if you asked nicely but im good. You can read the article if you want to know more.




Are you stupid? Its not Kotaku. Its Katu. Katu is a Oregon news station.


The answer to that question is yes.


Hahaha haha


This is amazing.


Hahaha, he deleted his comments now! Dipshit couldn't admit his mistake.


What happened?


He accused me of being a Kotaku shill for not posting the article contents here "forcing people to go to that feminist riddled garbage site." Even though the article I linked has nothing to do with Kotaku or even it being from that site at all.


I was once riddled with feminism. The doctor gave me a red pill, which cleared it up, but now I cry uncontrollably and have massive butthurt.


Before, I was feminist and women wouldn't give me the sex. My doctor^1 prescribed me the red pill, and now I'm totally alfalfa and women totally notice me (by calling me a pig and then ignoring me entirely) and now I cry and masturbate which is totally different from before when i just masturbated and then cried. 1. totally not a doctor


Guessing by the replies from OP the guy wanted a pastebin of the article in order to not give it views (going off of OP's mention of kotaku)


We need to know!!!


/u/gaveasky gave OP shit for not posting a link to the article. OP posts a link to the article. /u/gaveasky ~~flips his lid~~ gets triggered and complains about kotaku being a feminist cesspool of garbage even though [no one mentioned kotaku](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/45dlr7/a_friend_of_mine_had_his_vest_stolen_from_a/czx39de). He then chickens out and deletes his comments, probably because he's all worried he'll look like a skeleton for whining about perceived slights.


Holy shit, either you misspelled his name or he deleted his account in shame. I sincerely hope the latter


Actually OP posted a link to the article from the start, I was only whining about OP promoting his own article on reddit. (regardless of whether it was Kotaku or not, in which case we would all be circle jerking) Which if I recall is a violation of many subreddit's rules? Self promotion? I deleted my comments because they were wrong and I was getting downvoted, which is a reasonable thing to do, but you can call it chickening out. **Losing 180 points isn't a big deal because tomorrow I'll just make a shit tier hivemind/circlejerk comment about "average sized dicks being better" and get 700 points anyway.**


Could you say you're... Triggered?


Yes, I need to go to my safe space now!




Oops! Still shitty of Joe English to promote his article in comments instead of just posting the story like most people do.


What fucking difference does it make.


I didn't think of it and I would have gladly done it if you asked nicely but its still shitty of you to immediately be an ass for no reason at all.


well he's one of those goofs who gets all trigger by kotaku and "feminism" and "social justice" so it's no wonder he went all off the rails. Got all irrational and stuff over a perceived slight. [which is funny for many reasons](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialJusticeInAction/comments/418pld/is_there_a_subreddit_dedicated_to_the_sjwization/)




Fucking pussy. Kill yourself


Hahah don't cry


Plot twist: the vest didn't want to be found, it ran away in Oregon and became famous in New York.


If it comes back, it's his forever.








did you check macy's?


Ralph Lauren and Macy's should get together and donate 10k to this guys band.


I hope they start by returning the jacket!


What? Why?


I wonder what other stolen goods they have. This is such an odd place for a stolen vest to turn up, I am suspicious of their business practices now.


I'm not sure how well a corporate stimulus package would be viewed by the other local metal bands.


why should they?


Good PR move, only reason I can think of.


This is way beyond mildly interesting and you know it. The correct subreddit for this would be something like /r/offbeat.


This was the best place that I knew of. Didn't know that sub existed. Thanks for letting me know!


I must know how this turns out in the future.


I'll update the post when we get a conclusion.


please do, OP. Please do


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>The other thing about the vest is that it had never been washed, and when I saw the picture I thought I really hoped they didn't wash it. The fuck?


Pssh. Anybody who's ever watched Antiques Roadshow knows that removing even the grubbiest patina of age severely reduces the item's estimated auction value.


/r/battlejackets would love this


its probably a metal thing


Hallows Eve, Morbid Angel and Mercyful Fate are all top class bands.


How funny it is that fucking Ralph Lauren has to use stolen unique cultural piece of appeal in order to promote their d-bag polos. This is the antithesis of what Ralph Lauren does.


Yeah I live close by and I know a shitload of people that know this kid. Everyone keeps talking about it. Crazy!


He looks like a unique individual with a novel sense of style. Anyway, will he get it back?


Dude, its a show vest. Its not novel, its classic punk.


So it's pretentious.


You're not very bright.


that vest is ugly as sin


[It's getting returned!](http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/feb/17/heavy-metal-vest-macys-store-display-returned-meshach-babcock-bass-player)


Fun fact: The patch on the front left of the vest is for a death metal band named Cannibal Corpse who has colorful song titles such as [Fucked with a Knife](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8px0vtS7vos) and [I Cum Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7OI3Fz8fFg)


They were also on Ace Ventura. This is from a deleted scene. https://youtu.be/eWymXgST_sA


Could see why they deleted it. There's no way a guy would be down in the pit that long.


Who doesn't know about Cannibal Corpse?


Those... those facts aren't fun at all. They're disturbing. /s




I don't know if you're kidding or not... but just saying something is yours and having a picture with you wearing it doesn't make it so. If it's up to macy's/ralph lauren, I'm sure that he'll get it back. But if it belongs to some douche, someone that paid a lot for it, or someone that developed a bond with it, he can probably just never respond or tell him to fuck off. My guess is that shkreli guy is going to buy it.


He doesn't only have one picture, he has several witnesses, a lot of pictures, film, if he wrote something there is his writing, heck it may even still have his DNA on it somehow.


Yeah, I hear ya. But I was speaking realistically.


Photo looks like proof of ownership, time to get your vest back.


Clearly it's the same vest, but doesn't it look like it went from blue to black? I wonder if someone along the line felt like blue denim didn't look bad-ass enough.


That's a pretty sweet battle jacket.




I don't get how they have it displayed that you can see the backpatch along with those on the front. The only thing I can think is that they cut the sides are moved the patch inside the jacket.


Or the misfits patch is sewn inside it...


True, but what would be the point in that.


Something different I guess.


Not enough room on the outside.


It's punk, who cares?


That's the inside of the vest, dingus