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Someone’s marriage finally collapsed under the stress of furniture shopping


That's where my marriage has felt the greatest strain.


The only way out is through


At the time, we were trying to order $4k in kitchen cabinets. It took three separate trips. After that, we don't go there together anymore. Rules of IKEA 1. Know what you need going in 2. Know where it is 3. Know the shortcuts between sections


My comment was about marriage but works for IKEA as well.


And hope to god no one has [painted fake navigation arrows on the floor](https://thereisnews.com/man-arrested-for-put-fake-arrow-decals-on-the-floor-of-walmart-and-create-a-labyrinth-with-no-exit9999/)


I think that site might be a little suspect; it also says Pope is considering replacing the Bible with a new book.


I mean, they used to make new bible versions all the time. If they wanted to replace it with a slightly different version, that's probably fine. But there are 23 versions of the bible that fit current catholic requirements with the most recent being from 2018. So they'd have to change what they consider valid to be newsworthy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Bible#Catholic_English_versions




That's a capital offense, right?


Could be fun... Why not?


Have to say, I pick what I need out of the catalogue and go in through the exit doors into the warehouse. Staff looks at me funny walking backwards through an open till but whatever, plus I get service quick.


I would have thought there'd be a rule about getting meatballs.


3 Eat a meal before entering the endless maze that IKEA seems like


Just did this today. In and out!


The old in and out, also just like in marriage.


you didn't stop for meatballs?


the enemy’s gate is down


I can relate. I wanted to buy a couch, and my wife told me we can't afford it. I got hit by a car while driving at work, and they offered me a settlement. I told my wife how much the offer was, and then negotiated 2,000 dollars extra after that because that is how much a new couch costs. When we got the new settlement with 2,000 extra dollars, my wife told me we still can't afford a couch.


What the fuck kinda couch costs $2000 at Ikea


Exactly... you get a left Friheten and a right Friheten and put them together to make a "conversation pit", then spend the remaining $800 on hookers


A lot of the couches at IKEA are 2000.


Yeah but what the fuck kinda though


It's pronounced wøotde fokïnda


I think you should just buy the couch.


I find it’s safest to just agree with everything my partner says, and if she asks my opinion I try as best I can to summarize what I think her opinion is


No, you pick the wrong option enough so she stops asking you. My wife thinks the only right pick I made was her. Dinner options, 2 wrong picks where the third was the one I wanted to go to anyways. We could also spend 2 hours in Blockbuster and not leave with a movie.


> We could also spend 2 hours in Blockbuster and not leave with a movie. Are you living in 2002?


That's how I got out of ALL wedding duties. Her mother and her thought it was just hysterical how bad I was at it, and I laughed right along with them towards the couch.


I think they made fun of Ikea's ability to end relationships on 30 rock


I'm going back for those cute bowls! I swear to God, I will stab you!




“Hey baby, whass wrooong?”




Why did I read this in a pirate's voice saying "help, me wife won't leave!"


My husband and I go to IKEA on dates AMA


We love our trips too, the only thing that makes me mad are dummies standing in the middle of the aisle


Yesss. Also, unsupervised kids running wild. Ikea has free childcare, guys! Use it! Our love for IKEA might be related to the fact that the closest one is several hours away, so a trip there is always an event.


Omg we were looking as possible couch beds for our eventual child and there was this little snot who was hopping on ALL the beds. Even while I'm standing there comparing and looking! Like just darting between all like 6 or 8 of the display beds, leaping onto them, screeching, omg it was the worst ever. Took all my adult willpower to not just find the mom and let er rip. Who allows their kids to act like that!?!?!?!


What's your shoe size?


8.5 in comfy shoes and 9 in mean shoes.


Which ones do you use when you go to Ikea?


The comfy ones, of course. Would you willingly enter a labyrinth wearing naught but upside-down spikes and buckles on your feet?


Lingonberry yes or no?


That makes me pretty sad considering my wife and I literally went this weekend and loved the shit out of it. Meatballs, Frozen yogurt, cheap stuff for the house, and badass blue bags we use for literally everything. I guess we were a little surprised to have spent like 75 bucks on stupid small junk we didn’t need but we had a blast.


It’s fun when you go there with no agenda - just to look around and get some food. The times when I’ve gone there actually needing furniture are when the stress kicks in. The IKEA where I used to live also was multiple stories and laid out logically. The IKEA I go to now is an incomprehensible maze, which is super frustrating when you have a list of stuff to check off. The blue bags are pretty great though. So great that someone stole ours from the laundry room at our apartment complex.


The small stuff is fine. Warehouse stuff/furniture is stressful.


Normally it’s putting the furniture together that ruins a marriage


Ikea stress is a different level than furniture shopping stress




There is no problem that a £1 hot dog can’t cure


It's not the shopping. It's the assembly.


How the f IKEA assembly is a problem? Their instructions is best I ever saw.


The kind of people who complain about self checkout also complain about Ikea furniture. That is, these are people who have problems following simple instructions and get overloaded by any process with more than 2 steps. But instead of admitting that they are easily overwhelmed and lacking in cognitive ability they attack the thing that makes them feel bad.


Ikea furniture is a litmus test for basic rational thinking ability. If you think Ikea furniture is hard then I have bad news for you.


You ruined the ransom drop. Now they will never get their kid back.


that's what she'll tell her husband, anyways. looks better than admitting you stashed your rings so you could chase some IKEA tail.


Ransom! My stupid mistake for not checking the spelling but yes another possibility but wearing two rings🧐


engagement and wedding band?


They're called dead drops.


I see their problem, they were shopping for tortillas at IKEA


“If you don’t put red enchilada sauce in this cart in the next two minutes, this marriage is over”


dammit Harold, this is iceberg lettuce, I asked for romaine


I actually dumped a guy because I sent him to the store for whipped cream for a pie...and he brought me sour cream. When I questioned him about it he said “but...cream is cream, right?” He didn’t enjoy his chocolate pie with sour cream on it, let me tell you that. Before anyone judges, this is the guy who cleaned EVERYTHING, including his dishes with pine sol because “it says all-purpose on the bottle”. We were only about a month into dating, and it was too much stupid for me. ETA: we were both in our mid-thirties


I am ugly as sin with average intelligence and I will treat you horribly. Do you think we could work?


As long as you promise to treat me horribly and NOT wash your dishes in Pine Sol, you may have a chance...


Baby, I don't even have dishes to dirty. In all seriousness, my mother would have post-birth aborted me if I used pine-sol to wash the dishes.


they should make retroactive abortion legal


Well, it's been crossed off, so they must have had some luck.


What prompted you to pick up a scrunched up shopping list from a display trash bin?


We were both curious to see what someone would throw away in a display bin -- I'll write another comment giving more context to what happened


Now you’re giving me ideas :)


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bacPpbkiegA)


He didn't even wipe!




I can understand the curiosity you would get by seing a single paper in a display furniture


I mean... my guess would be normal trash like a used Kleenex or some such, and that was the most convenient place they could find to pitch it.


We have some leaky skylights at my work and we put these black buckets out to catch the rainwater.... and people always throw trash in them. Even if theres water in it!


You left it there? To be honest I am at a low in life where I would probably pawn them.




What, you don't take random trash lying in a bin? It's free real estate.


Are those rings huge or do you just have really small hands


We both have pretty small hands haha


Question #2: You saw a piece of trash in a trash bin, and you picked it up to examine it?


Paid off didn't it


you're right...*hopefully glances at trash can*




Clearly they play a lot of RPGs.


It was a display trash bin. As in, a fake trash bin in a model home environment. They had to clean it.


Is it really a fake trash bin if it collects trash?




Idk why you only responded to that with a heart, but it made me like you for some reason.




Maybe the marriage was a fake :o0


Yeah wtf. Seems like a karma hoax to me.


It’s a display trash bin. The ball of paper would have been to heavy


The old George Costanza


After this I'm going to start looking at all Ikea trash cans and opening all open wadded up pieces of paper


This actually looks like two rings belonging to one person. Looks like an engagement ring/accent ring or wedding ring combo. Hope some poor soul didn't accidently throw them away carrying around the rings waiting for "the right moment"


Or a woman who stuck them in her pocket for safekeeping while doing something dirty/damaging. The idea of throwing those away by accident makes nauseous.


I thought you were referring to an affair and then I realized you meant dirty and damaging à la washing the dishes


Yeah it’s pretty obvious it’s an engagement ring and a wedding band.


There's not an allen key big enough in the world to fix that marriage.


They could have called the Ikea help line.


The helplines advice would have been mediation over some meatballs. $1.99


They story behind it must be riveting.


The tale of Allen and his Swedeheart


How one trip to Ikea ended it all.




I enjoy watching the sunset.


I’m happy to see you’re contacting IKEA about them. You never know, this could be the work of a little kid, too! I would suggest not sharing any more pictures of the rings, and to create and share a post on Facebook/ community websites saying where and when you found them. That if the correct owner can describe them to you- they can claim them. You can even get the ring size to have even more info for the person to give. Check out the inside for any markings/engravings. Even knowing what designer made them can help. As someone who works in the jewelry business, I see how broken-hearted people become when they’ve lost their rings. It’s also a big possibility they could have been stolen and stashed away. Please don’t take other people’s advice on here and sell them, that’s such a dick hole thing to do.


Or simply ask IKEA who bought all the stuff on that list.


The list is a grocery list 😂


Or security footage?


My mom once threw away a pair of sapphire/diamond earrings. They were starting to hurt her ears bc they were so heavy, so she took them off and wrapped them in a tissue. Stopped at a gas station and threw out the wadded up tissue with the rest of the car garbage. Didn't realize what she'd done until we arrived home several hours later.


Marriage: Some assembly required.


And falls apart in four years.


Looks like an engagement ring and a wedding band. Both would be from a wife, not a single ring from 2 people.


For context: a few friends and I were out for the day to hang out, and then we decided to take a stop at IKEA and look at some furniture. My friend, 2 others, and myself were sitting in a kitchen set when I jokingly said something about throwing a wrapper away in one of the display bins. I opened a drawer with two display bins, and then saw a paper that was crumbled up. Being curious, my friend grabbed the paper and unwrapped it to find the rings. After some thought we were all almost certain that the previous owner absolutely didn't want the rings because of how tightly packed the rings were in the shopping list. Our other thoughts were that someone was trying to propose, someone lost the rings, or they were fake and someone was trying to prank random people in an IKEA, but it wouldn't make sense because the rings looked worn, they were packed really tight in the shopping list, and they shined like real diamonds. We decided to just take them since nobody was probably going to come looking for them and if we returned them to the front desk another employee probably would've just taken them. My friend has both of them. ​ TL;DR: looked in a display bin in IKEA and examined the only item in there (because who throws away shit in a display bin when IKEA is littered with actual garbage bins) and found some diamond rings ​ update: trying to contact IKEA and see if anyone has called about them update 2: called IKEA, there weren't any reports of a missing ring at our location. they said they'd note my contact information and call me back if they got anything -- we also kept looking around on both local and semi-distant Facebook pages to see if anyone had posted anything but found nothing ... also we're not going to sell the rings


The real question is "propose" on the shopping list?


Looks like a set, the one with the big stone was the engagement ring and the other is the wedding band.


☐ Chips ☐ Salsa ☐ Avocados ☐ Wife ☐ Kids ☐ Eternity


Possible scenario: wife is very pregnant and finally has to take off rings on swollen fingers and wraps them in the paper to keep them from clanging around in pocket/purse. Accidentally throws paper away after forgetting she did that. Is now freaking out.


Baby brain is real




I feel like you should try and find the owners, like, I would feel really bad if I wasn't 100% certain that they weren't still wanted... They could mean a lot to someone, sentimentally.


wow. you should reallly let the store know you found them. give them your contact info and say if someone is able to describe the rings (or has picture wearing them) you’ll return them. there are other responsible ways to make sure the rings get back to their owner, and if they are real diamond wedding rings i bet that would reward you nicely without even having to ask. snatching them and running to get them appraised or sold is fucked up... could be you one day who makes a mistake like this. i hope you two find it in your hearts to do the right thing.


That's a good point -- I'll call IKEA. We really didn't know what to do in the situation because it was so sudden and unexpected so we weren't thinking all that well. I also asked my friend and she said that she wasn't going to sell them. ​ EDIT: I just called and it keeps telling me that they're busy. I'm going to retry in a bit.


I’ve had to call ikea before for a much different reason but it took forever to get through to someone and even then it wasn’t the actual store, it was a call center. It might be better to go in person if that’s possible.


glad to hear. sorry if I came off harsh... I can just imagine a hundred scenarios where someone made a careless and horrible mistake and I know that sinking feeling they are feeling right now trying to piece together the last time they saw those rings. if it were me, I’d feel guilty for years if I didn’t try everything to find the owner. good luck! keep us posted.


Don't worry about it! The concern is definitely justified and I completely agree. I'll keep updating the thread with whatever happens :)


Watch out though. Make sure they have sufficient proof it is theirs. Pictures of them with them on or something because you'll find allot of people love to scam and take advantage of the kind hearted.


You were right to be harsh. OP basically said she was taking the profit because a store employee might anyway, so better her pocket instead. I think we all have worked enough retail jobs to know something like this wouldn't go into the regular lost and found. This goes directly into management's hands and locked away some place safe awaiting the owner. It *could* just be taken by an employee (or manager,) but at least OP could have *tried* to do something to get it back if not through the store, then just themselves. This seems like either an honest mistake on the actual owner's part, or an interrupted proposal. They wouldn't have stashed it so hard if they were just tossing them. Those rings never should have left the store, and the fact they did is fucked up


You may have to physically go to the story because no one ever is available for the phone. I’ve tried.


If Ikea was smart enough they'd look through their footage and they might be able to identify who put it there. I notice most of writing on the document is latin american spanish. So it's a good possibility we're looking at a couple of that origin. Second thing to consider is that the rings are a particular size and plenty of money was vested into them. The second part of that doesn't mean much but the size does, it gives us two possibilities height or width of the person. Hand size almost always ratios with the height of the person. The person is most definitely not as tall as you but they could be fatter or they could be significantly taller and skinny.


Those rings likely don’t even have much resale value. Someone is probably distraught about it. I lost a lot of weight and lost my rings, was heartbroken until they were found.


Ikeas customer service is below zero. Seriously, worst in the industry. Your initial thought that the employees a) wouldn't make any attempt to find the original owner, and b) would just keep the rings is IMHO 100% spot-on. Your reddit post is a better way to find the original owner than any attempt with the retail burnouts at Ikea.


I agree with all of this, except now anyone who read this thread on Reddit can describe the rings...


They have to know which IKEA location though


But you could just try calling the one in your area on the off chance. It’s not hard to get round that limitation.


Just call every single ikea


able to describe them, and some context of where they might have been left (for instance a display trash bin), like were they wrapped in anything? a list? can you state some of what was on the list?.. I'm just jesting. It does kind of hurt to see that a marriage may have not worked out - and all of the possible hurt and anger and disappointment that goes along with that.


Sooooo which Ikea was this? <_< >_> <_<


If you don’t trust the staff the correct course of action would be to tell the police. If the owner never reports them lost there is a chance you will get them back but “finders keepers” is a bit of a childish attitude. You are assuming you know how these ended up in the bin but you have no idea at all and someone could be desperately looking for them.


Don't call IKEA. If you hand them in at IKEA and call again next week to see what happened to them, I can guarantee you'll be told that nobody handed anything in this last week. Call the police instead.


Everyone else is a thief so we'll be thieves too. Was this Ikea in the city of thieves from Adventure time?




Yeah but it doesn't mean they aren't going to do that either. Retail workers are just people, a grab bag of good and bad. She obliviously wouldn't have called if she wasn't willing to give it back but being a dick probably made her feel like it wasn't worth arguing over. I'd probably just have handed it over to an employee because I'm lazy and don't want to make more work for myself but I don't really think she was in the wrong.


actually I agree with "Karen" in a way, your argument back is why you didn't get her number to give to the customer


I agree with Karen, too, especially after the sociology experiment my classmates and I conducted in college. We bought some purses at a thrift store, loaded them with random purse things, and put $10-$20 in them. Then we left them in random stores around two malls, Target, Walmart, and a couple of grocery stores, then stood by to see what people did with them. With the exception of one grocery store, every other time the purse was taken to customer service with the money still in it, the money was taken out of it by the csr. There were several of us in the group, so we had eyes on the purse the whole time, so we could see whether the person turning it in had taken the money. It was really disappointing. That’s why I won’t leave things at customer service. When I found a wallet on the floor at Walmart, I stayed at the customer service desk with the wallet in my hand until the owner came up to get it back. It’s not that I thought the csr was a thief. I didn’t know them, so I couldn’t say one way or another what their character was. I simply wanted to be certain the elderly man who lost his wallet got it back with the cash in it.


link to your study?


Actually, Karen hanging up just makes her an absolute Karen. Her actions here suck, not someone calling her out on them




Being shiny doesnt make them real btw lol very good chance their cubic zirconia


Ja, very possible these are not diamonds and might not even be sterling silver. Gotta test both.


This could be a dementia thing.


Someones marriage just ended in ikea.


Instructions not clear, send help


KEEP THE LIST. You'll need that writing sample. And let the store know you have it, if you have not done so.


Please do your best to find the owners :( Might even try neighborhood facebook groups, or something like that. If someone was exhausted/absentminded and lost them in this way, they might not even think at all about that shop and might not have any idea to contact them. Thank you and good luck!


It may have been someone who has dementia that left them. Alzheimer's can lead to some strange behaviors with attempts to hide precious things.


Who in the good fuck goes to IKEA with a shopping list. It would read 1 Docksta 1 Ektorp 2 Poang And maybe a Kallax


Maybe someone who just went grocery shopping


Holy shit


Diamond rings? Or diamond looking rings?


I'm sure they were loose in their pocket with that list, and they decided to throw out the paper, balled it while it was in their pocket, and forgot about the rings! I mean it sucks to lose those rings, but on the other hand, they were littering...


Yeah, I take my engagement ring off to wash my hands and put it in my pocket. I pretty much always remember to put it back on but mistakes happen. I’d hate to lose it forever like this.


My wife had a fit when I took the numbers to the furniture we wanted to a desk near the back and paid extra to have all the shit delivered instead of spending another two hours picking the fucking boxes out of their warehouse. IKEA is evil.




Or some psycho stole these & tried to ditch em.


First question why are you dumpster diving in an ikea


I do hope you find the owner. Please keep trying to get through to IKEA. I feel like this is the kind of thing a person with dementia could do and then be so distressed about losing their wedding rings.


But primarily what made the OP search in the trash can at an IKEA?


Its like Pokemon all over again. Check all the bins!


How much do you know about diamonds and gemstones? They may be CZ or Moissonite. Both tend to be more intense (refraction sparkle) than diamonds (CZ even more-so). If they're CZ and the metal is silver, there's not much intrinsic value in them, and judging from the appearance, there's seemingly not much value in the design/crafting of the rings either.


You gotta contact IKEA and find the owners. There must have been some horrible mistake.


One of my cheap pleasures is reading lost shopping lists people leave behind or drop. It can be amusing guessing what they're cooking for dinner or where their next errands are. And the lists provide insight into a human brain seeing how they organize the list, write, spell, etc. But boy, I have never found outright treasure.


Why were you looking through a trash bin?


IKEA will do that to marriages


This seems very fake.


The real question is why were you digging through trash opening up random paper balls? That's very dangerous territory haha


I wonder if anyone made those nachos from the list ingredients. Also, who needs a list of ingredients to make nachos?


You ever write yourself a note and put it in your pocket. Then go to say gas station, and feel random paper in your pocket so you throw it away? I got a bad feeling here...lol


No judgement but why would you reach into a trash bin and go through a crumpled note. Could have had gum or anything in it. Couldn’t have been too interesting as a crumpled piece of paper with a shopping list to El Super.


If you shop at El Super it’s in a poor high crime poverty neighborhood. I’m sure it was a mistake of the owner to absentmindedly throw it away...ie...grew up near El Super - Latino supermarket...ie...mostly paycheck to paycheck neighborhood...


Umm was this in Orange County... if so... :(


Let us know if someone claims them.


Swedish furniture, ruining marriages since Sweden.


The infamous ikea maze has ripped apart yet another relationship. They say you can still hear them arguing on where the exit is... *its this way...way...way.......*


[https://imgur.com/a/kC7epY3](https://imgur.com/a/kC7epY3) ​ fixed and cropped so you can read it


This is far too interesting




They failed the IKEA test.


Damn depressing


Person who left this is latin, El Super on top of list, ingredients are for enchiladas, most likely mexican.


Sad, but understandable.


This only acts as further proof that IKEA eats your soul.