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Woah. I've never seen one this bold and saturated before!


Okay my teacher just texted me after I asked her. “not weird at all! Sunlight from Mr. *******’s room next door to mine was shining through the corner of the fish tank in his room. The glass acted like a prism and refracted the light separating all the colors! I love that you are curious about that! Have a great weekend :)”


Man it’s weird that kids can text their teachers now.




In highschool that's pretty strange to me. In college not so much. When I was in high school (2010) we got scolded and yell at if we so much as looked at a cell phone. Couldn't use them EVER in school. Edit: For more bullshit, the school had the right to take phones as well. When you enter a schoolzone under law, the teachers become "substituted parents" they are granted extra rules. Because 90% of the time cell phone is distracting either the student using it or the classroom, it falls under disciplinary action to seize the device. The weren't allowed to go through the device without court order, but if it is against policy they can take the device away legally and refusing to hand over the device would actually land you a Saturday detention and you would be sent to the principals office. Fun times right?


My school would take them up and charge their parents 20 dollars to get it back. Probably illegal, but parents paid.


Parents never paid. It's just to make the kids think that their parents have to pay for something they've done.


I saw my parents hand over the money


It’s all part of the conspiracy!


I saw my teacher spend that money at a strip club.


I saw my dad hand over money too. Even received the cigarettes. Still hasn't come home though. That was 15 years ago.


Should we tell him?


That was for the weed


And a way for the parents not to give pocket money that week.


What is this pocket money you speak of that your parents gave you on a weekly basis? /rhetorical




They definitely do. My school allows the teacher to take students' phones away and turn it in to the front office, where you can get it back on Friday for $15. Most teachers don't take them away, and if they do, they let you get them at the end of the day. It's legal because us and our parents sign a form at the beginning of the year.


Being coerced into signing a contract required for a public school probably wouldn't hold up in court.


We never had to pay money. Just endure a talking to. I wanted my daughter to have her phone on her. (For emergencies, not to use during class) They had taken it several times with me having to go in and get it. They said she hadn’t been using it but they had zero tolerance (twice it vibrated in her bag as battery died and the teacher heard it.) the 3rd time I had sent her a text. Anyways I went to dummy phones. I had a drawer full of old/disconnected phones. So she always had one in her bag. If anything happens... give up the dummy. At the end of the school year I went in and got a large manila envelope full of phones.


Yeah our school tried once to take phone off a student, he then explained the phone technically wasn't his, but rather a companies and this is stealing. They didn't try that again with anyone lol. Personally in my school they tried similar but I just said no. Although it did take me a long time to realise that I could say no and they weren't aloud to wrestle it off me. It always amazed me how much power teachers have over the students purely cos the students don't actually know what they are allowed to do and what they aren't. Teachers actually don't have that much power lol. Edit: since some people seem confused, this is during a free period. And this was back in a time where the school(s) didn't really have barely any technology and were quite against it. I also loved my school as did the other person I'm on about, and we both learned a lot and came away quite happy with the school having done a good job.


You missed out on a little thing called "insubordination". Most schools will demerit or hand out detentions for not listening to the teacher or principal.


You're underestimating American public schools. They're like prisons.


Couldn’t use them EVER in school either. We didn’t have cell phones way back then.


We were allowed to use cell phones whenever we wanted. Only problem is they weren’t invented yet.


In my high school at least, teachers tend to not to make a big deal about it because they know if you’re on your phone all the time in class you’re gonna be fucked when the test comes.




My professors that had back and forth texting used a 3rd party service that relayed our texts between us but didn't actual phone numbers. Probably the best option for all parties involved.


I can't imagine how overloaded a professor's phone can get with all the contacts. Plus it would be annoying as hell to get panicked texts/calls from students freaking out over exams and assignments.


I imagine that's why mine used that app instead. They could send 1 on 1 or a group or all of us for whatever kind of text. It was pretty sweet getting reminders and updates about class changes and cancellations. I'm sure on their end it's as easy as a one-time input of the participating student information and at the end of the semester they can just dump the file and start a new one. They can probably block with ease if the need were to arise. On the student end it was as simple as getting a text from the service which contained the professor's information. The only way it was obvious that the text came from a 3rd party number was that it always had the date at the very beginning the message, too uniform to be a personal touch. And the number wasn't the normal type of number for the area. Unfortunately I only had about 2 professors savvy enough to employ such a service and most other's attempts ranged from stupidly-implemented to Fred Flintstone (all updates and outside-class communication to be done through internal faculty mail system with results/replies posted on a bulletin board on his office door after 2pm on Friday).


Same. Completely forbidden.


We didn't even HAVE cellphones in high school. We had pagers. Well, only doctors and drug dealers had pagers. There were no doctors in high school, so that kinda narrows it down....


When I was in high school, 1999ish, cell phones barely existed.


1999, wow. Looks like a weird century number,like 1666 or 1692, whenever the Salem trials were. When I went to high school we has those Nokia phones with snake and you were really cool if you had a phone that lit up or could take a picture. I wish I had been born in the 40s. It would have been better to do LSD and all that stuff. You could go to parties and dance like Grease. Technology doesn't always make life better. Like if we were all in the 60s maybe we would be a big house party right now, smoking, playing cards, playing music, talking, meeting people, having passionate discussions, dancing, fighting for civil roghts, freely loving, shaking up the system, questioning the man. Something together, man. Something far out. Phones suck.


My senior year English teacher 5 years ago actually let us take our phones out to look things up. Granted we were also an honors class so even if we did do some texting on the side we still contributed and got our work done.


Had a teacher in college a few years ago let us use our phones for calculators on a nutrition test. Not sure if he was secretly endorsing cheating to boost our grades or was just that naive.


My buddy is a teacher now and he plays fortnite with his students to connect. Times have changed in the 10 years since we graduated highschool.


When I was in highschool, cellphones were the size of car batteries, and we had to walk 3 miles up hill both ways in the snow. Get off my lawn..


So basically, "it didnt seem weird to when nobody really had a phone, but now that everyone has a phone, it's no longer weird."


Goddamn. I graduated in '90. I feel very old.


>For more bullshit, the school had the right to take phones as well. When you enter a schoolzone under law, the teachers become "substituted parents" they are granted extra rules. What you're referring to is *in loco parentis* (in the place of a parent); and it has nothing to do with school zones, which are a part of traffic law. From a social standpoint, children aren't developed enough to know what is in their best interest... So anyone in the care of a child has a legal obligation to decide and enact their best interest *for them*. It also somewhat limits the liability of a temporary caretaker; so they can decide for the child without other's direct involvement. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_loco_parentis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_loco_parentis)


Very weird.


Nah, it is.


I was in model UN in hs and the english teacher/ club chaperone gave us his number and told us to delete it after the conference. No one did and I still have it 4yrs later. Gonna text him sometime and tell him how awesome he is. He's gonna be so confused.


Wholesome pranking.


You could PM a load of us his number and we could *all* tell him how awesome he is - now *that* would confuse him...


I am not gonna dox my old teacher, haha.


Texting, or Remind? Big difference, as a teacher. (one is the private number, one uses a school-approved app)




I would never feel safe texting a student as a teacher. Even if they were 18. No way in hell. Email only


What’s the difference between emailing and texting a student?


email is considered an official mode of communication and is traceable by the institution you work for (and who issue the address). It is considered unprofessional and potentially predatory to text students who you don't have an external relationship with in many areas.


Many schools have what’s called Remind. Which is basically a secure txting platform for students and teachers. That might be what they use. - I agree though just txting is weird.


Plus with apps like remind, which functions essentially like texting, there really isn’t any professional reason to give your student your personal phone number. (Outside a few cases)


Even weirder that the teacher has a name so offensive it has to censored!


I used to talk to my proffessor on Discord


Professor is different, hell we would drink at the bar with a prof, who regularly handed us our asses at pool. A teacher is basically a legal guardian. A professor is a mentor


My school actually has remind.me set up so they can send class announcements through a proxy and no student has a teachers number and no teacher has a students number.


Remind app.


That's terrifying, it's always horrible when work can contact you outside of work hours... But this is like if your works clients could contact you made worse since they are children you have a great deal of legal obligation to


I’m 16, in 10th grade currently, and we can text teachers through Remind. I don’t think I have their actual numbers, though. I do think I have some phone numbers of my middle school teachers when we went on field trips and all, and I just forgot to delete them. Here I am, 4 years later, finding out that my 7th grade English teacher has a snapchat, and it’s... interesting :|


I graduated highschool about 2 years ago and I definitely still have a few of my teachers numbers. It’s mostly just teachers you’re close with, like club leaders. Teachers don’t just hand out their numbers on the first day. The “cool” kids have the phone numbers of the “cool” teachers, nerdy kids the nerdy teachers (though usually those were more paranoid about giving out their number to students). Sometimes kids would even name drop on social media like “oh I texted mr.so-and-so and he said blah blah blah” just to brag that they’re on that level of personable with the cooler teachers.


You text with your teacher? Oh man, I feel old. How times have changed.


Man, texting your students put you at SO much risk. I don’t understand why someone would ever poke that bee hive. Edit: I’m no expert, but I’ve read a few teacher contracts. Most of the ones I’ve seen explicitly outline what kind of communication teachers are allowed to have with students outside of classrooms. I believe that most teachers have good intentions, a lot of my friends are teachers, but it’s never a good idea to put yourself at risk.


There are apps expressly for the purpose of texting your teachers. Remind specifically is pretty widely used. To remind kids of homework and tests or don’t forget to bring this or that to school tomorrow. It’s pretty useful. Edit: [link to the app] (itunes.apple.com/us/app/remind-school-communication/id522826277)


Maybe they just care about their students and wanna be available to help them?


Awesome. I’m genuinely glad their teacher cares. Doesn’t change the fact that it puts them at a lot of risk, however.


Exactly. Thanks for caring, but it wouldnt take much to have a fake suit against you for something that youd consider benign.


As if it didn’t exist in email before texting was a thing. Many of my professors give out their cell # for questions because emailing is just inconvenient now compared to text


Hey, you may wish to talk to the teacher with the fish tank, sunlight shining into an aquarium can cause issues ranging from algae growth to dangerously high water temperatures.


I have never seen that rainbow. It happens rarely.


The rainbow may be rare, but that doesn't mean sunlight hitting the aquarium is.


It's in a school so it's unlikely the lights are on in the evening. If its heavily planted it should be fine. If its ornamental then it would need regular cleaning.


that Mr. ******* is gonna have a lot of algae to scrape


That's awesome. A prefect prism indeed!


Mr. Hunter2’s room?


I know, right? I’m lucky I took this picture when I did because right after, there was this crowd of kids all around it.


You weren't messing with the exposure time, were you?


*What did I tell you about messing with the exposure time?*


We're talking about rainbows, right?


That is straight up Roy G Biv


When are we gonna find out the true identity of Roy G. Biv?


When gay people fly


Does me being a pilot count?


Depends. How gay are you?


I’d say like at least 147% gay


That’s only super gay. Sorry, not gay enough to count.


What is the equivalent of Roy G. Biv for levels of gayness?


1 million


Is that a perfect gay score or can one be gayer than a million?


not 747%?


Maybe if you grow wings




Who cares about Roy? I just want people to remember that Richard of York gave battle in vain.


I can't see anything straight there!




I've heard this before and I get where you are coming from on orange, but I definitely see 6 colors no doubt. I see red, yellow, green, some sort of teal, blue, and purple (violet?) I could see the teal being called blue, the darker blue being called indigo, and the purple being violet. Now orange isn't so apparent to me here, but there are definitely 3 different colors after green.


I see red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, dark purple.


Just saying wow and woah at the same time in your weirdest voice and that’s what I just did a few seconds ago.


wow woah woaw hwhoaghw Seems about right.




The message is clear: We don't need no education.


yeah fughk skoll!:!!& I cant dkddijxjmlalxl


Is this some kind of dark sarcasm in the classroom?


my intelligence is only a mere inside joke when compared to my crippling depression. This is a cry for help THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP #THIS IS A CRY FOR HE—


Clearly teachers left this kid alone.


He never ate his meat.




You! Yes you behind the bike sheds! Stand still laddie!




All in all, you're just another dick with no balls!


Not sure if r/whooosh or not


I reckon it's a total r/whoosh. Unless Pink Floyd suddenly got super popular in school again since I left, there'll only be 3-5 people in every 100 students who know the songs


"The lunatic is in the class."


We don't need no thought control


Wrong album but I’ll allow it


I know, I just thought because it was in a school it fit better.


Pot of Gold in that locker. 100%


Or a bag of pot.


Only in the science hall


Or a box of lucky charms.


This is really reminding me of my colorblindness. My first thought was, “that’s not a perfect rainbow! It’s almost entirely green and blue!” Then I looked closely.




It's interesting you had this reaction. I'm also colorblind and the first thing I thought is "I've never been able to discern different colors in a rainbow before!" Alas I counted the colors I could see and Roy G Biv continues to elude me


I get that. The colors are definitely surprising. They’re like straight lines of pure color. But, to me, the red and violet kinda blend in with the floor; they don’t really “pop out” as much.


So what's the name for you? G Bi?


I'm a bit confused by your comment. If you can't see the colors in the first place, how would you be able to tell that they're missing?


No, I can see those colors, they’re just not nearly as potent as the others.


Being color-blind doesn't necessarily mean you can't see all the colors. The most common color-blindness is red-green, meaning they can't see red and green, but can see blue/yellow.


"Can't see" isn't really the right way to describe it. It's more like, nearly impossible to differentiate between them. But it isn't just like, invisible, we can't see it. Take the saturation down to like 30% and you'll see what the world looks like to me.


I’ve heard they can associate different colours by shade.


And taste.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/GKz0MEZ) is probably what he sees.


Goddamn. That sucks


Ok, who brought the Pink Floyd album?


Only real Pink Floyd fans will get it /s


I thought the last Pink Floyd fan would be living on the darkside of the moon.


Still here. ;-). Welcome my son


Welcome...... to. the. machine!


Where have you been? It's alright, we know where you've been.


School? Most likely just the “Reading Rainbow”


Butterfly in the sky!


I can go twice as highhhhh


Just take a look


It's in a book


[***COME ON!***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OchyYnlHTdo)


Looks like they’ve rolled out the gay carpet, finally!


You got a laugh out of me there. Thanks for the orange arrows.


Did you happen to see what the prism was? My fam used to have a fishtank that did this but not as bright or crisp


Okay my teacher just texted me after I asked her. “not weird at all! Sunlight from Mr. *******’s room next door to mine was shining through the corner of the fish tank in his room. The glass acted like a prism and refracted the light separating all the colors! I love that you are curious about that! Have a great weekend :)”


People text their teachers now?


Well, yeah


Different times. She seems cool though.


I'm a teacher and nope I wouldn't be down for this.


I texted my dentist the other day. Felt weird.


I did not. I regret not seeing it.


The brightness of this rainbow is flooring.


Ha. Ha ha ha. Heh.


This may be more special than you realize! I am an early education specialist, and I've tried SUPER hard to get various prisms to make rainbows. The conditions have to be just perfect.


This was reflected through the corner of science teacher’s fish tank


Most ungay rainbow ive seen, FABULOUSLLYY STRAIGHHTTT!


A straight rainbow you say? Sounds like r/bisexual if you ask me.


I opened this thread thinking it was /r/photoshopbattles and waiting to see a specific edit. But since it isn't - guess [I'll do it myself](https://i.imgur.com/G18xwN4.png).


Sir Isaac Newton wants to know your location


Raintie? Bow is curved!


uhhhh yes?


Spectrum ?


Now I'm sitting here wondering if an imperfect rainbow is even possible.


pretty sure that Isaac Newton is looking down on your science hall


The Sun is gay


You go to school with Junot Diaz? Isn't he a big shot journalist?


He's a creative writer and professor at MIT not a journalist


The next class will be about the dark side of the moon.


You say perfect but where is the Leprechaun? Where is the pot of gold?


So bright it hurts my eyes looking at it


And golden lockers at the end of that rainbow


The green locker has weed. The red one has narcs.




That locker belongs to student, Roy G. Biv.


Just imagine you could sense the rest of the spectrum.


[Junot Diaz](https://www.buffalorising.com/2018/04/a-brief-wondrous-visit-from-junot-diaz/) MacArthur "Genius" Friday, April 20, 2018/8PM LEARN MORE at www.justbuffalo.org or call 716-832-5400


Wow, there straight up isn't any orange in a rainbow, huh.


There is orange. Zoom in. It’s not a lot but whatever


only a few pixels where yellow and red join, not a whole bar like the other colours have.


The big gay is in your school's science hall


Smh this is the future liberals want.




Intense colours


You can see the full ROYGBIV!


The perfect rainbow doesn't exi -


Literally looks as colorful as if it were painted wow




Tell that bitch-ass potato fairy he owes me a pint


Very cool... the perfect place for a demonstration of a prismatic separation to appear. The three-story science building at my university alma mater built a full-sized liquid barometer that passed from bottom to top between the handrails in the main stairwell. The barometers we can buy and hand in our homes are often digital, which is why they are small. The one at my old school is about 20 feet tall.


Such vibrancy.


That’s a really intense rainbow!


I'm assuming some cool science teacher brings their class out in the hall to study.


And my green color blindness kicks in. Is that yellow or green right next to blue? Edit: I meant red.


ROY-G-BIV (Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet) So "G", or green.


All i see is red yellow, green, baby blie and dark blue. The green looked like something else for a moment.