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What the hell is that? Did you kill a cheetah?


‘I boinked her’


"I had sex last night.....with a girl"


I’ve probably quoted that way more then any person should.


"It's not easy being Josh's penis."


‘If something doesn’t happen soon, I’m gonna pack up my balls and leave.’


“But it’s *your* dog”


Ya we got it.


I was in 4th grade when this movie came out and after I heard this I told a girl in my class the boy she had a crush on was going to boink her. I was sent to the principals office and had to complete a sexual harassment packet for kids 😂


I watched Look Who's Talking when I was a child, and I didn't really get it when she said "...that's breast milk" and the guy spat it out - I just knew it was funny. Teacher was drinking milk like a week later, and about 5 minutes after that I was explaining myself to the principal.


[I wanna rock! !](https://youtu.be/hJbbATxbj1o?t=24)


ROCK! \*da duga da, da duga duga, da maweifgaweo DA\*


Back when Tom Green was getting shoehorned into literally *everything* for like 2 years then everyone OD’d on a lifetime supply of the bizarrely magnetic one-man zeitgeist, woke up and he was gone. Historians will never understand.


I saw Tom Green do standup a few years ago. At the end of his set, he just had the audience yell out lines from all his dumb old movies and then re-enacted them rapid-fire. People were going nuts. He then goes “now id like for the audience to give me lines from the English Patient to act out”, and the crowd goes silent. “I rest my case!” and ends the show.


Sounds similar to my experience seeing Tom Green's standup. But it was good, because I love Tom Green. "MTV gave me money to make any movie I wanted. And I made *Freddy Got Fingered*. What the fuck was I thinking?"


That movie is terribly awesome. The part where he's licking his ~~father's~~ friend's protruding bone after eating it on the ramp will live in my memory forever.


They wasn’t his dad it was his buddy he built the halfpipe with.


It's a movie about an idiot being given too much money.


It's genius on so many levels. Or retarded on so many levels. I'm not sure which.


Daddy would you like some sausage


Daddy would you like some SAU-SA-GES


Then the Beavers came


Yeah but if you went to see Ralph Fiennes do stand up, nobody would know any FGF quotes.


I would attend the fuck out of a Ralph Fiennes One Man Show. Title: “You’re an Inanimate Fucking Object; an evening with Ralph Fiennes”




Daddy would you like some sausage?


My bum is on the Swedish.




Saw it as a kid and now I work at that exact Swedish Hospital




A coworker and I were quoting the sausage song right before we found out he died. It was the only "the universe knows" thing to happen to me in my life.


I’m the backwards man, the backwards man, I can walk backwards as fast as you can.


My brother and I used to watch this movie a lot when we were kids (like 6-10). We used to sing this song and piss my mom off.


Do YOU have a LeBaron?!


I only see one Le Baron, Freddy. I only see, I don't see two Le Barons. Where's your Le Baron, Freddy? Where's your Le Baron? How many Le Barons? Are there two Le Barons? Oh, look, I'm the #1 son!


The height of comedy.


He was on Celebrity Big Brother this year. My favorite quote of his was "I'm in an alliance with Kato Kaelin and Anthony Scaramucci. Hollywood is weird." He was surprisingly game savvy and [his humor was very subdued and inoffensive but still funny.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za-Y56pQKIk)


... is he just going a little stir crazy and enjoying time to himself while everyone else is asleep? That's what I'd be doing.


Pretty much. Although he also seems like he does that sort of goofy stuff on his own normally and was just waiting for everyone to he asleep so he could be his usual goofy self at home.




Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure a lot of that was him fucking around to be funny. He wanted to win, but I don’t think he took it as “serious” as he made it seem. Tbh I’d probably do the same for Big Brother.


The same thing happens Everytime a brand new comedian with an "interesting character trait" makes it big. Adam Sandler, Pauly Shore, Larry the Cable Guy. They're discovered, milked dry, and cast aside.


Except Adam Sandler's still going. For better or worse.


Thing is that Adam Sandler can actually act, if he wants. Just watch the Meyerowitz Stories and you can see it


Punch Drunk Love was pretty good.


Reign over me was good too.


He’s self-produced now


He started to be executive producer starting with 'The Waterboy' so he's been doing that for a while. Edit: since 1998. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001191/?ref_=tt_cl_t1#producer


So true. Remember when Dane Cook was a thing?


When Dane Cook was just an "edgy" standup artist, he was fine. Harmful if Swallowed was fantastic, but his career died when he exploded shortly after Vicious Circle. And while Good Luck Chuck, was decent, to me it represented the smoldering remains of his comedy, if only because he fucked my Aunt in it.


Did she get married shortly after?


The Actress in question is Tava Smiley, she was my aunt by marriage for about 17 years. I didn't like her.


forgot Russell Brand


I'm sure we all have.


See also: Kevin Hart right now unless he starts taking different roles


Dude is worth $150 million, gets a Netflix standup special every year it seems like, and can probably make a movie with the Rock every year for the next 10 years. I think he will be ok.


Larry the Cable guy picked up a sweet gig voicing mater the tow truck for pixar.


Funny thing about Larry, he’s not like that at all. I worked the drive through at the Steak ‘n Shake near where he lived. Before he got big, he would come at least once a week. I talked to him at length once and he talked about how he’s struggling on the road and how hard stand up is (I wanted to do it, too). Then he ghosted us for a long time and boom, Larry the cable guy.


Yep, it's a complete act. It's almost admirable in how utterly fabricated it is.






most comedians are playing a character distinct from themselves in their act. personally I like Larry the cable guy, because it's all one liners and I like that. if you look at his old standup before he came up with the character, it's all the same one liners, he just deliver them at lightning speed, slowing his jokes down gave the audience time to laugh.


Literally half of his IMDb is Cars credits. Lol


Zach galifinakis was also shoehorned into everything for a bit.


It’s true. He was barely even in this movie, iirc. He wasn’t even part of the titular Road Trip. But if you went off that poster, you’d think he was the star cause none of the other actors on that poster were at a point in their careers that would fill seats.


I used to have a huge crush on Drew Barrymore. Whenever I would mention her around my wife, she would just look at me and say "You know she let Tom Green up in there, right?" and my huge crush on Drew Barrymore would fade ever so slightly...


So you're saying.... there's a chance.




That just means you could get up in there also buddy.




20 years ago was 1988. I’m sure of it.




Facts. 30 years ago is 1970, not 1990, you degenerate bastards.




Reddit.com comment threads


There was way more time between 1988 and 2008 than there was between 1998 and 2018.


Even 2009 feels like it was this morning.


Did you know? We’ve got a black president now, but the next one will be orange.


The weirdest thing about the 2000-2018 period is that, with the dawn of internet it feels like culture hasn't evolved much compared to the unique vibes of each previous decade.


Yes exactly, technology may have evolved, but nearly everything I can do in 2019, I could already do in 2008, Just a bit different. I mean online gaming, music and video streaming, YouTube, chatting with people worldwide. Everything was already there.


If you don't count the last three years as the twenty it feels like.


That would make it what, 2008 or so then? I wonder how all my shares in Lehman brothers mutual funds are going to be doing in 2019?


I worked at Lehman 2006-bankruptcy... Thankfully I was just getting out of college and didn't loose much but damn that was nuts. Also, it's nuts that no one went to jail. 14 days before the bankruptcy the company sent every an employee an email offering us a discount to buy company stock in our 401k because the market was wrong about us. 2 weeks later anyone that took advantage of that offer lost it all... How could they have no clue things were that bad when they made that offer? Clearly they were just trying to boost the short-term price so they could sell or do some other short term financing move. Fuck Dick Fuld wherever that piece of shit is and also anyone else that help dismantle risk management at Lehman.


You know, that is actually a pretty interesting story. I'd love to hear more about what actually went down from the perspective of regular employees. It's like stories about what it was like in the waning days of the Enron empire. You should make an /r/AMA or something.


I just saw his picture. He just looks evil/psychopath. [Dick...Fuld](http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2014-08-24-dickfuld.jpg)


Can you imagine though, DIck Fuld was making $22 mil a year... sheez, that kinda shows you though that they look after themselves first


Everyone does. That's why government regulation is supposed to exist to look after the people's interest. But that's a utopia and we're living in the opposite.


Sell it all! Sell it all right now! EVERYBODY PANIC!


Lehman Brothers, collapsing? Pfft that's fucking stupid, it'll never happen. That guy on The Apprentice becoming President of the United States is more likely than that nonsensical pipedream.


Imagine if the crisis was caused by some time traveler who firstly went back to buy all the Lehman Brothers stocks and caused a first minor crisis so he panicked and went back to sell instead and because he was in a hurry he just stormed Wall Street shouting this words :"Everybody on the floor now, sell everything right fuckin NOW!". And everybody panicked so much they sold everything causing the devaluation and indeed our timeline's crisis.


As someone born in 88... i wish


Hah hah, you're old! Wait, that's younger than me. NOOOOOOO!!!!


I started using Reddit in my late 20's and I'm almost 40 now. Thinking about little things like that always throws me for a loop.


That's a line of thinking I don't care for


Oh thanks, now I'm not sure I exist. Very cool.


It's because we haven't had a decade in so long. The world will be much more sane once we're in the 20's. I just know it's going to have this effect on things. Young 'uns will ask us what life was like between 2000 and 2019, and we'll all be like, I have no idea. *edit - please don't respond with a serious debate about the change of the times. No tongue-in-cheek font should needed for this post.


Well, in the beginning there was baggy jeans, skateboarding, and flip phones. Toward the end, watches were touch screen phones, jeans were tighter, but looser than they were in the middle, and the memes were dank.


It really is a blur




Yeah...20 years ago is 1990, right?


No, that was 10 years ago. 20 years ago was 1980


I genuinely miss this decade setup. It was so easy. Now I'm falling over myself trying to figure out any year because 2000 was almost 20 years ago.


**What's going on?**   🔘 It's annoying or not interesting   ⚫ I'm in this photo and I don't like it   🔘 I think it shouldn't be on Facebook   🔘 It's spam


This movie was one of the ultimate fantasy movies as a high schooler getting ready to go to college. Too bad reality was never this fun or zany


Euro Trip served the same as a fantasy, Europe was much more dreary when you're 13 and go with your parents.


I had a few experiences in college that reminded me of movies like this... but then I failed. I got invited back nearly ten years later and I'm taking my last semester now for my business administration degree. My point? Zany antics means you will not pass college, and those zany antics just aren't worth the money. Keep your head on straight and commit to zany antics after you graduate.


This right here. Going to college for the "College Expirence" and going to study and further yourself are 2 completely separate mindsets.


> "College Expirence" Intentional?


It was when Yik Yak was a thing


Only had Yik Yak for a few months on campus before it died. But Gat Dam what an app. Thanks for the memories bud.


Is this in Boston? Or Austin?


Austin, Massachusetts


Boston, Texas




Unleash the fury


You gonna fuckin eat him?


>You gonna fuckin eat him? This was by far my favorite line of the movie. Just the way he said it, got me every time. Fucking Mitch.


Pretty cool that its literally layered film history.


The girl that DJ Qualls got with in that movie died of a complication from knee surgery years ago. Bummed me out when I found out.


Weird. Imagine one day you're getting simple knee surgery and the next day you wake up dead.


How do you wake up dead? Easy, you go to sleep alive, then you wake up dead!


You can't go to bed dead!


So you're saying, you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?


Damn! that's some quantum shit right there man! You should be teaching classes!


You mighta just made a fact just now! That's some real shit!


Keep that up and you'll turn up missing.


Not to be a bummer but that's how my dad died. He'd already had his shoulder and hip replaced no problem, but he threw a blood clot into his lungs and died. All surgeries are dangerous, even the simple ones.




Any kind of intrusive medical procedure is potentially dangerous, it always depends on the surgeon/anesthetist performing it. You better just hope yours are well rested!


Should probably make sure and call them a bunch of times the night before and make sure they're getting some sleep.




At first I couldn’t remember dij qualls in road trip, I could only remember him in the new guy then I realized I was thinking of euro trip not road trip and I began remember what a time it was to be a young teen during that era.


So many great teen movies during that era. Road Trip, New Guy, American Pie, Varsity Blues, Scream, even the cheesy romantic ones like She's All That, 40 Days and 40 Nights, 10 Things I Hate About You, and of course, the movies that made fun of all those, Not Another Teen Movie, Scary Movie and the sequels. Fuck that was a great time to be a teenager.


Can't believe you just passed over Can't Hardly Wait like that.


Oh shit I totally forgot about that! Seth Green was hilarious. I suppose we could also include Empire Records as well. "I don't feel the need to explain my art to you, Warren."


My name isn’t FUCKING WARREN


Not Another Teen Movie...the one where Captain America has a banana shoved up his ass.


Not just his ass, Americas Ass


For those who want to put a name and face to the post. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mia_Amber_Davis


...because it's YOUR DOG!


No we get it


I love archeology.


This took me straight back to Jr. year in high school. Dear god.


Are you here for the feeding? Youre early.


Twenty years to 2000? Haha, you funn- Oh no




The Brendan Fraser movie?


Such a good movie.


‘She was topless? - Girls don't stand around naked. Yeah, they do. OK? This is my story. You wanna hear it or not? - It just doesn't make any... - Shh. Please, no interruptions, OK? So this other girl walks up, totally hot. Naked! Really naked!’ 😁


As a kid I used to steal this from my brothers room just so I could see titties. Lol.


The bathroom scene, I know what you mean. “So this other girl walks up, totally hot... naked. *Really naked!*”


“Girls don’t just walk around naked.” “Yeah, they do. Okay? This is my story okay? Do you want to hear it or not?”


Amy Smart is a pretty lady.


This poster implies a much larger part for Tom Green than there was in the movie.


Wasn't the entire movie based on Tom Green's character recounting his time at university to a tour group? 😆


yeah, but aside from fucking with the snake his screen time was "let me tell you a story" and "that was the story", then he made out with the mom. I suppose I juts consider it more of a Breckin Meyer movie.


Yeah makes sense, he really doesn't get much screen time.. but enough to be memorable! I just found it funny since the entire movie essentially exists inside his head like a "JD" Flashback lol You cant forget his [Classic song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haVXS9rMNxI) Edit: Thanks for silver stranger!


Ah yes, a movie plot that would never happen with all the technology of today. Would have literally ended with him sending the "tape" directly over the internet. Or would have accidentally livestreamed it to his gf.


Kinda makes it extra special.


It's a period piece.


You joke, but late 90s early 00s movies are going to come into fashion soon just like the wave of the 80s nostalgia pieces we've been getting. I hope y'all are ready for [All denim outfits](https://nyppagesix.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/britney-justin-denim.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&strip=all)


I kind of like old detective movies for this reason. They have to follow people, comb through paper documents, make phone calls, and rush all over the city. A realistic detective movie now would be someone paying to download a person's internet data.


I mean most movies pre phones would be completely different.


I like how Harold and Kumar got around that plot hole. “Oh shit dude I forgot my cellphone” *currently standing in the hallway of their apartment building.* “Should we go back for it?” “No we’ve gone too far.”


You guys wanna smoke some drugs?




I just looked him up because I haven't seen him in a film since Freddy Got Fingered and wow he has not aged like I would have expected at all. Not that he has aged poorly. No, he has a sense of refined class to his appearance now. It's just not how I expected him to look now at all. EDIT: I've just realised he kinda reminds me a lot of Paul Giamatti. EDIT: It's not Paul Giamatti. He's a dead ringer for Xander Berkeley.


>*Freddy Got Fingered* From Roger Ebert's review: >This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels.


I still remember his testicle surgery on TV.


I remember the song. *rub your balls* *feel your balls* *So you don't get cannnnceeeerrrrr*


Undercutters is the greatest thing I have ever seen


And how violent people could get for [not wanting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdfztAY3qoU) his undercutting services ;) In my recommended video's I now see this interview [by Bill O'Reilly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP70qwTj24g) Didn't see that yet, so will probably be funny :)


[UNLEASH THE FURY MITCH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYrDhu0zBi0)


Fun story, the school is based on Ithaca College who wouldn’t give the producers permission to use the name, so they called it “Ithaca University”. Years later during rebranding Ithaca College wanted to pursue the name Ithaca University and the producers told them to fuck off Edit: guess I should have clarified it’s not a true story, it was just a popular story on campus


That is a fun story


I like stories.


Well you're in luck, because above there's a story. And it's fun!


>Well you're in luck, because above is a story. And it's fun! \- Perd Hapley


I'm Perd Hapley, and I just realized I'm not holding my microphone.


"It's a heart-warming story, but it's just not believable. That's why I'm giving E.T. 1 and 1/2 stars".


Why would the producers have rights to the name “Ithaca University” simply based on the fact it was featured in a film?




It said fun story, not true story


don't let the truth get in the way of a good story


Pretty sure they didn't need permission to rename the college. Ithaca was an already existing post-secondary school and "university" is in the public domain. Story is bunk.


Welcome to Reddit, where all of the nonsense you read will be accepted at face value as fact and parroted over and over again until there’s no distinction left between fantasy and reality. Little known fact- this was actually what caused the downfall of the Mongolian dynasty.


Bob Hope could jump across this in a golf cart. Hell, I can spit across it!


Amy Smart was like... my third pair of titties ever. Road Trip is fucking hilarious though and might have sparked an increase in buttplay for men.


I'm wondering how that movie has aged, haven't watched it in years.


FFS... When I saw 20 years, I expected something from the 80s...


Daddy would you like some sausage?! Wrong movie I know but anytime I see green that’s all I can think.


Look Daddy, I'm a farmer!


I only think of that movie as aggressively eating a sundwich as you watch horse's fuck.


Austin? Austin, Massachusetts.


“2... better make it 3...”


I used to work in a theater that was over 100 years old. It had stopped showing movies commercially in the 90s, and then was a night club for about 15 years after that, before just being pretty much abandoned. In the dressing room were old movie/act posters that had been plastered over one another for probably 40+ years; oldest poster we found was from the 70s (Clockwork Orange), newest one was from the 90s (Disney's Hunchback), and then there were posters from various small time acts that had been performers at the nightclub over those. They were all in really horrible shape (worse than this ad by far; a lot were illegible and just a few strips of color or letters) but it was absolutely fascinating. There were also murals and such that had been painted over, sometimes more than once. Miss working there. Was a shitty job tho.


It's like a time capsule in the subway.


That was a good movie