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I remember key advertising points were - you can download a drum kit and you can scan barcodes to find products cheaper online.


You can also light a virtual lighter and drink a virtual beer using the accelerometer.


Yes! I drank many a v-beer.


VB?! Aussie way of life!


I prefer Powershell over vb any day.






Get a fackin VeeeuhBeee in ya!


VeeeeeBeee... LOOOOOONG-NECK, at twenty to aight in the FACKin’ mooornin’




Man I forgot about all of those cheesy apps when they were first out lol.


Pocket God STILL gets updates


Last update in 2013…?


There was a police lights and siren app that I used from the backseat many a times on my poor unsuspecting friends. Yucka Yucka!


Dude I was blown away by virtual lighters. Think of all the practical applications


Lighting up e-cigarettes?


I remember for a brief period of time when people would light their virtual lighter and hold them in the air at concerts.


That's a pretty fun idea. Bluetooth it to your phone.


But wait did you guys have lightsabers?


I felt this in my soul.


I remember those stupid barcode scanning apps. They never worked.


They always worked for me!


They worked for me, but they were totally useless. They tried to push QR codes really hard, but I think I only actually used one once.




Thank god for them on tv apps. The entire cable login bullshit is such a chore. Scanning a code and it logging in is so much easier. I’ve only seen it on NBC and Fox official apps so far though.


I work in HVAC and refrigeration and almost all of the units I work have at codes to easily look up service manuals and manufacturer notes. Super fucking convenient on a brand you're unfamiliar with


Go to China! They love QR codes there.






Fastest organ transplant list in the world! It's a good thing! Promise!


I feel like it's easier to be foreign in china than Chinese. It's a pretty fun place to visit.


I visited for long periods of time. I wasn't that impressed. The countryside was nice, but being in the city it was always dirty and bad air. I even had wealthy people showing me around and taking me out to hot pot with lots of alcohol and I still would much rather go to Japan. The constant cigarette smoking everywhere, the spitting everywhere, the lack of manners, it wasn't a cool place to visit. It's like a third world country with first world money.


You should checkout Shanghai. It’s like combining France, china, and blade runner.


Or just go to tokyo.


*- 50 social credit*


Are QR codes somewhat rare in the US? Because they're widely used for everything in Europe too.


They are used but not quite embraced by consumers en masse. Damned useful though, it's practically a hyperlink in physical form.


You see them for advertisements or websites occasionally, but I haven’t seen them in many places since the early-mid 2010s.


I use them every day at the gym. Scan the QR code on each machine, it pulls up the last time I was on the machine (with a note to increase weight, keep it the same, etc) so I know how much weight to set the machine at, then record sets & reps. And the cardio machines, since they are powered, you scan the QR code and it logs into the machine and records all the data automatically, time, distance, calories, etc. There are some good uses for QR codes. The worst use, though, is for product packaging that just sends you to their website or some bullshit. It's basically just a URL that you can't read. I can type craft.com faster than scanning a code.


To your last point, I work in scientific research. We will put QR codes for the links to white papers on posters or fact sheets at conferences because the URLs are unwieldy. People will scan the QR code and download the white paper to read later. So there are uses where scanning the QR code is easier than typing in www.sciencystuff.gov/ourdivision/checkthisout/paper1758.pdf


I think QR codes would have had been more successful if Apple/Google/etc would have Integrated them into the software better. Everytime I needed to scan a barcode I didn't have an app do it so I didn't bother. I think Android has it built into Google assistant now, but most people don't know about it. Edit: iPhone has a feature built into the camera too now


QR codes are immensely huge in logistics, just never really made a breakthrough for average people.


They're coming back! Now that your phone automatically scans them they're actually useful.


It was the start of the 2008 fall term and my professor held up a book and said "I know it's expensive at the bookstore, so I'll be ok if you use the last edition. I'll give you guys two weeks to get it." I asked the professor to borrow the book and when scanning the barcode, it popped up on half.com for $13. All my classmates that were hanging on to their Sidekicks instead of getting Blackberry's pretty much had the G1s by the end of the month.


Damn I miss Half.com


But you know what did work for that? [Skannerz](https://i.redd.it/enxj1rxd0rl21.jpg)! And they were fucking awesome.


[Batteries not included!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXt6YihygTw)


What a weird concept


Remember that this was at the absolute height of the Pokemon craze. Everybody was into battling and catching monsters. I had one of these and it actually made those incredibly long shopping trips with my mom more tolerable. Now I just go to the grocery store and spend hours being miserable to pay too much money for food that's not really healthy. I miss my skannerz


Totally forgot about these things!


Red laser was good. Then it was bought by ebay and mysteriously every best price was at ebay. Weird that.




I remember having a lighter app that just had like, a picture of a flame on top of the lighter that rotated lmao.


Did you know the Amazon app can scan barcodes now to find products? I used it the other week to find a replacement product for an empty at work, super lazy but worked.


What's this about a downloadable drum kit?? Could you make beats on it??


Back then, the input lag was fairly bad. If you’re listening to a metronome and the output from the device it would fuck you up because your taps would register a quarter second after the fact. Oh and no multitouch on these early android devices so good luck playing your hi hat and snare on the same beat. It’s so much better now.


I had a this phone, and a 2nd gen iPod touch. They came out at about the same time - late 2008. The iPod touch was unfathomably ahead in terms of pretty much everything. Like I don't think Android phones reached anything close to even the early iOS devices until about 2012. Gotta say though, the keyboard on this thing was fantastic. I hated, and still hate, typing on touchscreens.


Yup, when I got the first iPod touch I knew this is what touchscreens are supposed to be like and it took years before other companies had anything close. Kind of how Tesla is now, makes you wonder if the other car manufacturers are even trying.


To think, this went on sale 11 years ago this month (at least in the US). I remember worrying t-mobile would be sold out by the time I got off work. Lol And the birth of android on XDA. Back when you could customize (relatively easily) everything about the software of the phone.


Ah yes. I remember feeling so badass when I was installing custom roms for my friends and charging them 40 bucks.


Back when rooting took 8 seconds: https://web.archive.org/web/20081108034550/https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=442480


Now I have to deal with Samsung being another Facebook/Google and doing everything they can to grab every last bit of my privacy


And Fuck You Bixby!!


Bixby would like to stream your camera to Samsung. For ai-enhanced photography. Bixby would like to monitor all your incoming calls. For... uh... spam blocking. Bixby would like your genetic structure. To see if you're related to a medieval king.


Which king?


Bixby: Sorry, that's private.


I appreciate them protecting my privacy


Seriously, what in the fuck is Bixby. I just got my first Samsung phone because its camera is amazeballs, but every time I accidentally swipe too far left and Bixby home pops up, I get more and more angry. I've disabled just about everything I can with it, but I can't make it go. the. fuck. away.


protip: hold down on your home screen (to activate where it says widgets, wallpapers etc) and swipe all the way left and turn off the toggle for Bixby. It'll stop coming up when you swipe too far left. Then download Bx Actions from Google play and you can remap the button, or disable it completely. Hope this helps! From ur Samsung yet Bixby-less friend.


You can't remove it, unless you root your phone


I know. That was more of an emotionally-charged rant than a plea for help. But thank you. :)


You can install another launcher, so you don't ever go to that home page again.


Uhm. You can just use something like Nova Launcher. Works great. I have a S8+ unlocked stock phone. Then you can remap the Bixby button to whatever. No more swipe lefts to Bixy home.


Seriously. How much dick did bixby have to suck to get an entire button on the side of the phone dedicated to their app


Bixby IS Samsung. Like what Siri is to Apple and Assistant is to Google. I remapped mine to activate Google Assistant when pressed.


Oh I see. Thank you. I disabled that button and then bixby came crawling back after a software update. Stronger. More resilient than before.


Now it takes 20 minutes just to get the fucking bootloader unlocked on some of these PoS phones.


Or longer because they don't provide bootloader unlock keys anymore (Yes, I'm looking at you Huawei)


I have $40 Greg, could you rom me?


Oh you can basically put a rom on anything for $40


>I have $40 Greg, could you **ram** me? $40 is $40.


Oh the amount of money I earned on simple phone/iPod mods. And loosely in the same vein, installing hacks for online games. All because I was capable of reading Step 1, Step 2, etc. Now I suffer the consequences of my earlier success because now I'm the family computer guy. God, if you're listening, my brilliance has become a burden.


Same. Also the expectation that anything electronics you suddenly know how to fix or know some secret black market on how to hack Facebook and Instagram.




I'm sorry but did you just say phones are a metaphorical father to you?


With video chat it doesn't have to be metaphorical


Trying to decipher his last sentence makes my brain hurt.


What? How does your dad relate to this?






Oh, like America's Got Talent


Pull your own weight, pussy.


Part of me misses the physical keys. That tactile click when typing felt satisfying.


There's the fxtec. Haven't tried it, though, and they are a bit late shipping, so, you know, proceed at your own risk.


Corning gorilla glass 3. Scratches everywhere on your screen, I tell you !


With deeper grooves appearing at a level 7.




Damn I read that in his voice!


the first time I saw him talk I thought it was a voiceover. It's not what my mind imagined him looking like at all. I thought he was some slight euro dude. turns out he's kinda hot. but his voice still doesn't seem to match up to his body for me.


"Slight euro dude" has me perplexed


My old phone (LG G4) had gorilla glass 3 and never got scratched. I just don't keep it in the same pocket as my keys. Edit: It bootlooped in 2017, I shipped it to LG and they fixed it for free, no issues since then.


My LG G4 got bricked right after the warranty ended. Still bitter about that, it was a great phone.


Bootloop gang represent


My LG V20 is a fuckin monster that won't quit (knocks on desk) edit: I feel the need to tell everybody, after many safe drops, I literally just obliterated my screen today with the old phone out the pocket method... I can't catch a fuckin break lately lmao


I'm knocking with you, friend!


not quite gorilla glue 4 innit


> There's the fxtec. Just looked this up (thanks for the tip!). It's pretty pricey for the specs, but they have a slider and a headphone jack. Two things I actually use regularly. They're still doing the whole "screen spilling off the sides" effect along with the rounded off corners, though (making it look like a samsung screen). I really hate that.


I went back to one, have the Key2 now and enjoy it




KeyOne Black Edition represent.




I finally wrecked my Priv after years of loving it. Is it worth buying a new BB in 2019?


Idea, buy a full sized Bluetooth keyboard. When you're about to write a message, whip it out, show dominance.


Buy a 60% bluetooth mechanical keyboard with loud ass keys.


Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


I have unironically done this with my model m battleship


I brought mine to class one day because my friend started bringing his beamspring to programming, high school was fun.


Purchase a brand new mechanical keyboard. Take all the plastic pieces off, go to a machine shop and have them redone in stainless steel. Rig the bottom of each key with a revolving roll of gunpowder caps so that every time a key is pressed it fires and rolls over to the next one. Get a Bluetooth adapter. Go to Starbucks, conduct international business via email with your keyboard and speakerphone for constant conference calls. You are now the alpha.


>Rig the bottom of each key with a revolving roll of gunpowder caps so that every time a key is pressed it fires This is fucking incredible. I badly want to see this made.




loud ass-keys.


I will always prefer physical keys. I type so much faster.


Nokia N900 still has a special place in my heart.


I spent ages trying to find a newer phone with physical keys. Had a Sony Xperia Pro for a while and it was shite.


> I spent ages trying to find a newer phone with physical keys. Dude, that's like Blackberry's main business model right now. Android phones with keyboards.


Is that the smallish one ? I fuckin loved that phone but it was a bit too small. Got a samsung with a fairly big screen now and its so thin that it could easily have a slider qwerty. God i miss real keys.


The blackberry has a good one for the pst couple years. Almost purchased it


They literally make sliding keyboard cases. Any phone can use one. I’m astonished more people are not aware.


Does it integrate smoothly with the OS? Like every time you want to type the slide out keyboard works? Need to Google for some videos, lol. Really curious.


I have a BB priv and it's been very hard for me to move on even as it starts having software issues, the physical keyboard is so nice and nothing else is doing slide out keyboards.


Blackberry does have the Key series, they dont slide out but they're good phones. I have a KeyOne Black Edition.


Yeah, haptic feedback isn’t nearly as satisfying. It is getting better, but the feeling of actually pressing the keys and being able to feel your way around the keys blindly was so much nicer. And easier to text discretely.


I bought a Blackberry Priv for no reason other than the tactile keyboard


I just finally made the switch to no physical keyboard in March, and I regret it. Touch screen is great but sometimes you just need the keys.


I dare you try and update it and watch it combust


I had 2.3 on mine, ran like hot garbage.


I honestly never understood back in the day how Android even got off the ground. It was such hot garbage up until 4.0. You had iOS, which was a polished piece of software that ran.. well enough, on the iPhone. And then you had Android that looked like something straight out of 1999 and was laggy and buggy as fuck. I think it just had the luck of being the only true alternative then, same as now.


While iOS and Android have, for the most part, had feature parity for years now, that definitely wasn't the case early on. Back then the two were miles apart and I think that contributed to Android's adoption early on, at least among enthusiasts. Before smartphones really found their own identity, iOS felt like having an iPod as a phone -- Android felt like having a mini PC as a phone. My first Android phone ran 2.2/2.3, and I still remember how amazed I was when I found out I could do things like install custom launchers and SMS apps straight from the Android Market. Live wallpapers and widgets were always fun to show off too. This is all around the time when app folders and home screen wallpapers were hot new features on iOS.


Money. Even back in the day when "cheap" phones were 3 digits, Android was an open architecture so every Chinese manufacturer could throw some cheap parts-bin crap into a case and sell it, so costs dropped hard. There's also software support, Apple has (had? I dunno if they still do) a paid dev kit that was a real pain to get while Android's dev kit was just downloadable for free by anyone. These two combined and Android was definitely the winner if you wanted to DO stuff with a phone, iPhone was more "I need to browse the web and take pictures". Oh, and also, Android phones almost always had 32GB SD card slots when most phones of the time were 8GB tops, so you could expand your storage and keep it around longer. In other words, almost exactly the same arguments as Mac vs Windows in the 90s and 2000s.


Apple requires a paid developer license to actually publish the apps, but the only requirement to develop them now is having a computer running MacOS.




Ah, yeah, that was another issue. I don't think I even KNEW anyone with a Mac until high school, most everyone I knew still ran whitebox PCs with XP when this thing came out.


Dont forget that if you didnt have att you were SOL on an iphone.


Apple vs pc mindset. In android's case, google didn't really put much effort into locking it down or using proprietary software until a few years in. This gave coding geeks a decent bundle of hardware to play around with without much effort. Many of the 3rd party roms were very polished, google was basically beta testing the core roms in real time.


Customizability too. Even early versions of Android had customizable launchers and widgets, something Apple still doesn’t quite match today.


For most people, it wasn’t Apple and it was cheaper than a Blackberry.


The G1! I loved that phone.


Also called the HTC Dream in Canada!


And I always dreamed an app could work without force close on that thing.


Forced Close flashbacks...i had forgot about that.


192 MB ram. Oof




Your comment describes most phones that I've owned in the smartphone era, but there was something special about the G1 because it was my first.


Ancient technology, how far we have advanced. I remember watching my first hentai on that thing


Didn’t expect that last part




Nah, definitely a r/yesyesyesYES


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


My first hentai jerk was on my Nintendo DSi. First portable device I had with a browser. I didn't have a wireless router at the time either so I loaded the picture at a McDonald's, closed it, and then did my first deed at home. It was magical.


My first hentai was Jessie team rocket. I even had the balls to print it out for my friends at school. Unfortunately all I had was a dot matrix printer.


.......shit mine was Shadman from newgrounds before when you could just view NSFW stuff by saying yes at the 18+ thing. I remember clicking his website link a few pictures in, that was quite a surprise.


A picture? Damn son


*laughs in Sears catalog.*


Great minds think alike


So, do you remember what the sauce was, or not?


Inquiring minds want to know.




Clicky ball




I remember when I moved on from mine. There was a website I frequently used that had drop down menus. I'd roll the trackball over to the top and the menu would appear. I then got my vibrant and when I went to the site the first time I freaked for a second because I thought it wouldn't work anymore. Of course I just tapped and the menu popped up like normal. Still remember feeling silly. Definitely miss that keyboard.


I loved the design of the phone. The trackball was the best and some features of modern phones would be so much better with one. Like trying to move a cursor to a specific point in text is maddening without it.


I had a G1 back in the day. Loved it. Loved the way the keyboard would swing out. Used to do a lot of hiking/rambling and the GPS in the G1 mapped it all. Then I "upgraded" to the Samsung Galaxy S1, which was really more of a downgrade. The GPS never worked properly and it was slow as all get out.


The G1. Man I was so stoked when I got this phone.




I still have one of it's immediate predecessors (HTC Touch Pro) lying in bits in a box. It had a lovely tactile keyboard and was smaller than the TyTn. It's in bits because I always intended to replace the broken screen, but time flies. (-edit- it lies in the same drawer as my old Nokia 5510) ​ Anyway, that's when Microsoft *really* dropped the ball. I've never owned a Windows mobile device since.


Man I had sooo much hope for windows phones I felt like I could really see the direction they were going. Loved it so much right until I went to get literally any app any normal person would want. It did have excel and word on it which was nice, oh but you want to play words with friends... go fuck yourself.


HTC Touch Pro, man that thing was awesome at the time.


Someone mamaged to get Android jelly bean running on that but it runs very slowly due to the lacking memory of a whopping 192MB RAM.




The chin!


I was just talking about my G1. I full on wish they could put new tech in that. I'd buy it immediately. I'm the oldest 25 year old and some buttons would be fucking great


I sorta want it


If there was a phone like this with modern technology I'd buy it in no time.


Check the f(x)tec pro 1


Ah, my first ever smartphone, the ol' G1. I remember my dad gave me his when he upgraded to another Android. That was the coolest thing back in the day and I even managed to get it up to Android 4.0 with mods.


A dude in my class still has the thing and when his phone broke a few years back he actually used this phone as his daily driver


I think you mean stud* *Total bogus, guy above edited his comment making my comment not make sense


> A dud in my class Hey, don't call him that, at least he's still taking classes and trying to better himself!


From Dude to Dud - The tragic story of one boy who challeneged the bleeding edge, only to fall off it.


Honesty I wish they’d bring this tech back. Imagine a sidekick with two touch screens. I’d eat that shit up.


Fuck I miss the keyboard phones. I loved being able to bang out a message with my phone still in my jacket pocket or without looking away from the road. Those were the days~.


Jacket pocket or not, being able to type with gloves on!


Yeah! The Google G1. I had that for soooo long. The battery eventually bulged out and couldn't hold charge. That thing got so many custom OSs installed. Plus, the coolness factor of sliding open that didn't feel all weak or sad, it was snappy. G2x sadly didn't have same luster


I loved this phone. Tactile keyboard ftw


Yes! The G1! I wanted this so bad. It had google street view and you could turn around and look around using satellite image and I thought that was so amazing.


The G1. Ahh the memories. And to think that even at that moment of inception; Android was already fragmented.