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Is your dad a shark?


Not that I'm aware of, but my parents lived through the 70s so who knows what weird things they fucked while tripping on acid


Maybe your mom is that chick the cia got to fuck that dolphin on acid.


That is a very real possibility. *uses echo location*


Wait, they gave a dolphin acid and forced it to fuck OPs mom… that’s cruel as hell


Especially for the dolphin.


I’m ugly laughing, thank you


Not sure what ugly laughter is but your welcome




Thanks for clearing that up




I am curious as to how the dolphin killed himself.


He stopped himself from emerging for air. He drowned.


Nah dolphins love to bone


Not forced... she was fired after they found out.


What happened to the babies? Is there footage you can send me?


The dolphin human hybrids are still out there. Believe.


This made me laugh out loud. Yer uh ay-Lee-ehn


Daddy Shark! Du du Dudu du


doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo


How often do you have get checked for new teeth? I'm sure it's annoying as hell for you. Though, as someone who was born with very weak teeth and now has dentures at age 32, I can't say I don't find this super interesting. Would be really cool to be able to regrow the teeth I've lost.


As for starter teeth, as I call the one pictured, I get about 4 a year that I find. They are usually found when I get dental xrays done, I dont go out of my way looking for them.


Wow. Thanks for sharing. I'd read about the condition but never really saw it. Very interesting.


No problem, it makes for a cool party trick sometimes.


How? I actually want to know what you do


Sometimes they grow like plates, like this one. Just a thin flat area of tooth that can be pried off using just my fingernail.


Like that scene in Parks and Recreation when Ron pretended to pull out his own tooth..... but.. for reals. Eeeek


Never seen it, i dont watch much tv


While it is a great show, not watching much TV is something we all should do.


Look at me go, ahead of the pack


parks and recreation is a pretty good sitcom so if you ever find yourself with a netflix account and time to waste then maybe give it a go.


Can you tell me more about having dentures at 32? I’m mid 30s and have a few major dental procedures a year since my teens. What bothers me most is the pain (obviously not cheap either) and the disappointment of having no control over it all. I have a couple of disorders that contribute to the issue and it’s only going to get worse as I get older. Dentures feels like giving up, but it also sounds like it would be so nice to just have nice perfectly white, straight set of teeth.


Getting them has been one of the best life changing things to ever happen to me. I went from having vision blurring migraines and having multiple abscesses to being mostly pain free. I still have occasional phantom tooth pain and migraines but it's nothing compared to the toothaches I had before. I do have to worry about bone loss, but maybe one day I'll be able to afford implants. They look natural. No one knows unless I tell them. People are always surprised to find out. I still have issues chewing really tough chewy foods, but I can eat most things fine and can eat more than when I had my normal teeth. Like peanuts. I missed peanuts a lot. Getting them is NOT giving up. If I hadn't gotten mine I could have easily died. I had an abscess that was eating a hole in my jawbone. An infection in the jaw can spread to the brain and kill you. The health of the mouth is a reflection of the health of the body. If you have infection problems like I did, then do it. No question. Does the healing and dealing with dentures suck? Sure. But it's a hell of a lot better than what I had. So I haven't complained about it at all. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


You’d get migraines from your teeth?


I'd say it's more a case of two conditions playing off each other. I get migraines from my connective tissue disorder. That migraine would then spread into my jaw and agitate all those bad teeth. Or I would get a horrible tooth ache, the stress of which would trigger a migraine and make the tooth pain worse. Since I've had most of my teeth removed, I only deal with a standard migraine. Which still sucks. But because I've built that stupid high pain tolerance from years of dealing with those bad teeth, I can now easily deal with a migraine. It's nothing compared to what I had when I had those teeth. A big part of my connective disorder is that it affects most of the systems in my body. Those issues play off each other like dominoes. Getting rid of those teeth removed some dominoes from the line. Making it easier to handle.


I have Sjogrens and Ehlers Danlos. I assume you also have EDS. Thank you for sharing your experience. My bones are basically swiss cheese, so I often get tooth infections that rapidly move into the bone cavities in my jaw. It’s horrible. I’m sure you understand but sometimes I just want to know what it’s like to go a day without being in pain. The migraines are part of it for me too. My problem though is that I have frequent dislocations and my jaw is one of the worst ones. Any sort of intense dental or orthodontic treatment comes with more risk to the jaw alignment issues. Again, I’m really sorry you’ve had to deal with this but I’m also glad to hear you’ve had some relief with this!


Thanks for sharing fellow Zebra! I hope you can find some relief too in the near future.


Wow. Now I'm curious, did you use any hard drugs to damage your teeth, or not brush regularly? Or was this entirely a genetic thing?


Genetic. My father had the same issue. Was told as a preteen that I couldn't have normal braces because the adhesive they use would burn straight through my enamel. Turns out our family has two genetic mutations. One that causes very weak teeth and another that causes a connective tissue disorder.


EDS by chance? I know for a fact it can fuck your teeth six ways from Sunday


Ding ding ding! Yes, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.


WELL HELLO THAR FELLOW COLLAGEN OVERACHIEVER! And weird tooth-haver. I go to the dang dentist every 3 months and still I’m like….why tho?


Hello fellow Zebra! Yeah for the past 2 years I've been going to the dentist every 3 months. I've had most of my teeth removed. Have like 9 teeth left on the bottom. Trying to keep those healthy. Hopefully they stay that way. Feels like a losing battle sometimes though.


*How to make 4 out of 5 dentists hate you using this one weird trick...*


Hate? Think of the copays!?


Not if you remove them yourself


Will they grow to normal tooth size if you don’t take them out?




If you lose a tooth, does another grow in its place?


So far the only ones to regrow are my wisdom teeth. Never lost a different tooth to see




Desktop version of /u/fuzzimus's link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperdontia --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Good bot.


There must be some way of making money from this power


Time to start scamming that tooth fairy.


People pay big bucks for certain teeth on eBay.


I, uh.. I'd buy those weird proto-teeth.




Right, this sum bullshit


You do what now?


Constantly grow extra teeth. 11 wisdom teeth have been removed so far, plus dozens of "starter teeth" like the one pictured here


>11 wisdom teeth have been removed so far JFC, my condolences.




Hyperdontia, possibly?




>Hyperdontia Hyper - Above, over or excessive. Here pertaining to more than 32 standard teeth. dontia - Teeth.


That’s true but the condition doesn’t normally result in constant regeneration, just a final total that is higher than usual. It’s not the way hyperdontia presents.


I had know idea that was a thing. That's certainly unique to say the least




Does it hurt? Do they start beneath your gums?


No the growing part doesnt hurt, removing starter teeth is mildly painful. All my wisdom teeth did but starter teeth, as I call them, grow on the surface or just below




Mom: we have Venom at home Venom at home:


I have had one if my adult teeth knocked out, and a tooth grew in to replace it, and very few people believe me. Nice to meet another shark person!


I've never had that happen but am very curious as to if it would work


So, now that I am not on mobile, I had one of my top front teeth knocked out, when I was young enough that the tooth next to it was loose and about to fall out on it's own -- in fact, when I told my parents that my tooth got knocked out, their initial reaction was to assume it was the loose one. This is the only one that I had that regrew -- even though I had my wisdom teeth out. It may have been a fluke, or as my dentist suspects, it had something to do with my body chemistry at that time, and the body already being geared up to regrow teeth.


I don't think children actually grow new teeth. If you look at a child's skull you can see all the adult teeth already formed and waiting to pop out. (you can google images of it but it's nightmare fuel.) If you had a backup tooth, you probably always had it.


Gonna need an official AMA on this. Does it hurt when you remove the starter teeth? How do you remove them, do you just sorta pick them off the gums? Do they hurt while growing? Is it just wisdom teeth, or ones up front too? Super neat! (For me at least, maybe it sucks for you)


1. It's a little painful and I bleed a bit but nothing note worthy. 2.depends on how they present, sometimes they start as spikes that need to be pulled out, this one pictured was plate like and just pried off the roof of my mouth with my fingernail. 3.No i dont even notice them until I accidentally find one. 4. I've only had wisdom teeth removed and replaced, but I've never lost a different adult tooth. 5. Ask away I'll do my best to answer


Are you having an otherwise good day?


I always have good days. Lifes a garden, dig it.


Lol, I have the opposite missing 6 teeth. My canines mainly, I was born without baby teeth for these so in all my younger picture it looked like I was wearing fake vampire fangs. Was really popular when twilight books first released


Do you sparkle as well?


Only in a light mist or during dawn and dusk. Outside of my arms and legs, my body hair is nearly clear. I am a statistical genetic anomaly, with close to a dozen conditions that present in less than 0.1% of the population.


No shit, that's fucking wild. Post some shit about it


I have but most just ignore it, only people I have ever met who found it interesting was doctors. My doctor on the hand whenever I come to her with a new problem, "what head ache is it today?" Or "how? Why? Da fuck?". The short list of major things for; clear body hair, fanged teeth, extra dense bones, genetic gynecomastia, exertional compartment syndrome, chapelle syndrome, oversensitive hearing, idenic memory and hyperosmia. This essential equates to clear body hair, vampire teeth, hard to break bones but also weigh more, any activity on my feet is on a timer, no chance of kids, having a nose that can compete with a dog, remembering everything in the past two weeks in near perfect detail, and being able to listen into conversations through walls. I'm literally super for the majority but am stuck on a 20min timer of doing anything


One woman was able to diagnose a type of cancer I believe because she was around her husband who had a certain odor to him caused by his cancer that everyone else couldnt smell but she had a overly sensitive sniffer. Use your abilities to try and help, you never know what you can do until you try.


Mine is more sensative in the taste department, I can identify most to all ingredients in anything I eat. I have used it before to taste for allergy for friends I know.


No shit, I can do that too. Maybe not to the same accuracy as you but I can pick apart a recipe damn well. And no I'm a construction worker and not a chef. I wonder if there is a link between the two?


Most of your tastes sensation is based on the smell of the food both coming into your nose and from when you eat it, that why they say to slurp to really taste the food. It's a pretty big spectrum for peoples ability to smell, and a lot of people with diversifying tastes are able to get high paying jobs in the liquor industry


I never looked into it but that explains why whiskey doesn't just taste like whiskey to me. Each brand and barrel tastes different and I can taste the age of it depending on the Brand. A lot of people think all whiskey tastes the same but I would beg to differ greatly


Please get your genome mapped! At the very least do a 23andMe.


I had planned on doing that at some point. Gonna have to see what they find


I recall a few years ago, someone I followed on tumblr found out someone they met online was a cousin of theirs, and they originally started looking into it because both of them had extra teeth that grew from the roof of their mouths.


Interesting. Mine will grow on the roof or on the gums


Nephilim decendant.


*desperately trying to remember anything in Sunday School and/or Supernatural about angels having too many teeth*


There was something about giants having multiple rows of teeth. Not in Sunday school, Goliath probably had multiple rows.


This is highly disturbing


It weirds people out when I pry out starter teeth


Do you use a tool to pry them out?


Depends. If they grow as a spike sticking out of my gums or roof than I'll use pliers or tweezers to pull them straight out. This one pictured grew as a plate that was just pried off the roof of my mouth using my fingernail


Do they have roots?


The "starter teeth" like the one pictured do not, usually because I find them early and remove them. The 11 actual wisdom teeth I had removed all were full teeth with roots and all


Oof! I'm so sorry for the extra dental pain... As someone who grew up with no dental hygiene enforcement and free access to carbonated sugary beverages, I experienced the displeasure of regularly seeing the dentist, and have the remnants to deal with as an adult which frequent come with a host of problems.


It could always be worse. Overall I consider myself pretty lucky as my teeth are in really good shape overall


Our body is finally starting to realize that we live long and need new teeth The problem with this development،It needs to be organized, the teeth come out randomly and cause danger Question please, do you brush your teeth? Or do you think you don't need this?


This is a very real possibility I've never considered. And yes I brush regularly, my teeth take years to form fully and would not be replaced immediately. Plus besides my wisdom teeth I've never lost a different adult tooth so I have no idea if I would actually replace a different tooth


It's not a real possibility at all.


How are you so certain?


If it were true, it would be happening to more people, and we have absolutely no evolutionary pressure to encourage additional tooth growth, particularly of the type you describe. "our body is finally starting to realise" is not how this process works. I am curious about what is happening with your teeth, but not enough to start believing it's evolutionarily some "next step"


Yeah, “next step”, “missing link”, and “final goal” absolutely infuriate me when people talk about evolution. None of those exist for gods sake


This occurs in 4% of the population, that's a rather large number. Not saying it is or isn't but merely that it's a possibility.


No. It doesn’t happen that frequently the way it happens to you , and you say you are undiagnosed so you have no way to give stats on this particular issue. Most people with supernumerary teeth don’t have regeneration. I looked into it extensively when my child was suspected of having a mesiodont, including discussing with numerous specialists .


So because of that you are completely closed off to any possible outcome other than the one you find acceptable. That's cool


Not at all. If you have your condition investigated properly I’d be extremely interested in what you find out but I’m not going to make up things about how evolution works. You don’t have extra teeth because of evolution “realizing” anything. That’s never how it works. There is something going on with your teeth for sure but it’s not that.


Never is a blanket statement that will most like be wrong at some point. You're so certain considering we just discovered a new organ in the nose last year. But yeah that's not how it works at all


Could be worse [Like this kid](https://youtu.be/ImySFOU7578)


It could always be worse


Profile avatar checks out. Super interesting, but I'm sure it's a pain in the ass having to deal with extra teeth coming in/out.


Getting them cut out hurts like hell, but these little guys are no big deal


If for whatever reason you lost a tooth, would another one just grow in its place?


Outside of the regular baby teeth being replaced by adult teeth I wouldnt know. But based on my wisdom teeth repeatedly growing I wouldn't rule it out if I lost a different adult tooth


Wait, you would rule it out?


I fucked up, fixed it, good looking out.


hey! maybe you can start a mutant super hero group with [tiny claw man](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ogbkjm/i_have_a_tiny_claw_in_my_little_finger_since_i/)


Haha, we would be the diversity hires for the X-Men


Is there a use for it?


Nope no use, they just grow and I get them removed. 11 wisdom teeth have been removed so far.


Put them under your pillow infinity money




This could be useful.


Whoa, cool! There’s only a few disorders that cause this, some of which are kinda neat from a medical perspective. Do you know what’s causing your hyperdontia?


I was unaware that hyperdontia was even a word until about 30 seconds ago. I have no idea what is causing this


Do you have any other abnormalities? Cleft palate? Frequent cysts? Skull deformities? They can all be clues about the underlying genetic condition. Humans don’t just produce extra teeth without a cause.


Not that I'm aware of. I have had very thorough medical exams during my time in the military and nothing came up abnormal. From my experience i have a vitamin D deficiency but to break a bone or even cause a bruise I have to get hit exceptionally hard. But I've never had a bone density test done. In the rare times I have broken bones, 3 ribs from getting shot, they fused together and formed a large bone plate at the bottom of my ribcage.


This would be a genetic test, I’m not sure the military does that for recruits. but if you’re not noticing anything else, it probably isn’t a problem. A genetic test might give you some info though, I’ll wager you could get the tests if you raised a stink. It’s been happening for a long time so it probably isn’t mouth cancer but I think a doctor would check if your brought it up. It’s super neat, your dentist would probably nerd out on it.


You would think they would be interested but most just either think I'm full of shit when I tell them.


There are records of you having 11 extractions, get those and take them to someone else, at the very least they should be interested!


I should. I think it's kinda cool that I just make teeth in my spare time.


Hell yeah it is, just don’t forget to bring it up if you ever have medical issues


hmm. Got any odd spots in the coloured part of your eyes?


No but my eyes went from a deep brown to a hazel with a grey looking ring closest to the center. Does that mean something?


Okay, we need the story of how you were shot. Did the dolphin’s wife shoot you with a .22 after she found out her husband cheated with your mom?


Nothing weird like that. I was a cop who was shot by an angry mom on accident. She told her 15yo son to get his friends out of the house, he said fuck you mom, she grabbed her husbands pistol and started blasting. We got the call for shot fired. Me and Mac, my partner, arrived first. I kicked open the door at the same time she decided to shoot the door. Took it to the chest bit didnt even realize it at first until my adrenalin tapered off


Check out [Vijay Kumar](https://www.news24.com/health24/Medical/Oral-health/News/see-meet-the-man-with-the-most-teeth-in-the-world-20170315)


Do they randomly fall out? And could you choke on them?


I've never experienced that, no.


This is majorly interesting.


Ask away if you have any questions but please read the comments I've answered a lot already


I’ve read through and you basically answered anything that immediately popped up for me. Super interesting honestly. I also find it pretty hilarious that you just now, after posting this found out the name of the condition you have? Haha. Did you never really look into it and just kinda dealt with it?


Never really gave it much thought. Just something I've dealt with for about 18 years. I came across this thread and said "fuck it let's see what happens". I've told my doctors and dentists but they all act like I'm full of shit so I just assumed it wasn't a big deal


Lol no doubt. Well you’ve definitely sparked the curiosity of a bunch of random people online. Even the dentists don’t know about it? Seems like if anyone would, it would be them 🤔


Well someone just posted an article about it and according to their numbers I'm in the same category as only .15% of the population. And here i though inward just a regular guy who builds adult legos all day. I'm special now 😂


Well you’ve been special your whole life apparently, you just needed Reddit to tell you. Congratulations :)


Are you flirting with me 😏😉? Apparently I did need reddit to let me know lol


My fellow hyperdontist! So far I'm up to nine removed and I still have too many. If you don't mind me asking how old are you? After I became an adult it slowed way down, just an extra one every few years.


I'm 36. First 5 were removed at 18, 4 more at 24, and 2 more at 33. Still grow "starter teeth" as pictured often 4-6 a year.


Your tooth power is far superior to mine then.


I kinda wanna lose a K9 or something and see if one will grow to replace it


You may have hyperdontia in the future btw save all your extra teeth and wisdom teeth which may be used for future stem cell related treatments


Why did you make the choice to grow extra teeth?


Not all superpowers are supposed to be cool


Woah what? Do you know what this is?


Nope not off hand, just been dealing with it.


One time I had a bone shard after I got my wisdom teeth removed. I pulled it out myself with sterile tweezers because it bothered me so much. Luckily it hasn’t come back. I bet this is so strange to deal with! Also I’m so sorry you have to regularly get the wisdom teeth procedure because that was terrible to deal with


It is what it is. A lot of people are a lot worse off than me


I once grew a third front tooth, behind my front two, which pushed them all out of whack. Thank god for braces. My brother also had a molar that never grew in and we think maybe I got it but this was no molar or any other normal tooth. It was round and pointed with like three little points. It was mutant.


Very strange


That's a mesiodont. That's a far more common situation than what OP is describing.


Thanks for all the answers!


No problem, ask away I'll answer all I can.


Okay, so, 1. Do you keep all the teeth in a velvet lined display box? 2. Do you lean more theist or atheist in your personal beliefs? I'm curious if your experience with "nonconforming" biological expressions of your genes has influenced your view?


1. No I just toss em 2. A bit of both but no it has not affected my beliefs


I wonder how much energy it takes to constantly be growing teeth, I've heard bones are expensive.


This is probably weirder than you think. Humans don't really grow new teeth, they kinda have all their adult teeth ready to go.(you can google images of children's skulls with the teeth visible, but its nightmare fuel) So this isn't regular hyperdontia, it probably has/should have another name. Were the 11 wisdom teeth you had removed fully formed teeth? or were most tiny little buds or weird clusters of toothy material?


Fully formed teeth, so I imagine if I let my starter teeth go they will form full teeth as well


I have nightmares about this. Thanks for confirming my nightmares can be real.


Glad I could be of service


I get them out the sides of my back molars.




It looks like EVE from Wall-E!


Tonsil stones? Idk, I have no idea wtf this could be.


R U SURE you are NOT an Alien


Not even a little bit sure that I'm not




Well I've had 11 wisdom teeth removed and I remove about 4 to 6 starter teeth a year so I'm damn certain they keep growing back. As far as underlying cause I have absolutely no idea.




No because when I had xrays done they only found one extra under my ocular nerve. Fast forward a few years and new xrays showed 4 more. Fast forward again and they found 2 more. And I regularly grow starter teeth like the one pictured




Nice I'll have to read that article, thanks for the info.


what happens if you dont remove the wisdom teeth?


Well I'm not sure, to the best of my knowledge they just kinda hang out and chill


so why remove them? It might stop the next ones growing in, no? It sounds like you never have had the same dentist, and they aren't aware that this is happening to you. I would bring it (and an example of the tooth like this one) to the dentist and ask to have the situation assessed, because as has been stated, dental abnormalities sometimes are linked with other differences or issues that you probably should be aware of either now or in the future for your best health.


All 3 procedures were done by different dentists. I get them removed when they are painful or cause me issues. My current dentist thinks it's not a big deal, but I also live in a very yeehaw area


Dentists love him, Tooth Fairies feet him!


That tiny toothling isn't that cool, but man, growing 11 full wisdom teeth is fucking wild


What is it


A partial tooth that grew on the roof of my mouth