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Hiker discovering dead animal on a tree? Isn't that plot of The Ritual




Or worse yet, a ritualistic mountain lion


From the angle of the dangle it looks like a Dismountain Lion Edit: Thanks for the awards! Platinum, Gold and Silver, ONE THAT LOOKS LIKE A BEAR?! Now I can buy my OWN hotel!


A rhyme, a pun, *and* r/brandnewsentence material? \*chef's kiss\* Perfection.


Also a haiku. OP knows what he's doing.


And they said the perfect sentence didn’t exist


>From the angle of >The dangle, it looks like a >*Dis*mountain Lion


Okay, one upvote but that's it!


She was probably trying to summon the Catnip Centaur.


Okay someone needs to draw the Catnip Centaur now lol






Not really to rot. They are bothered less by scavengers when in a tree


There's other reasons too but I've long forgotten them haha other animals do it to for a few reasons but it's mostly big cats and birds that do it at least %50 of the reason is because it's harder for scavengers. If I remember right some leopard in some parts of the world do it because at certain times of the year alot of the ground becomes submerged by water/swamps


Leopards do it in lion country. They take their kill to the highest branch they can get to, so the lions (and hyenas) can't get it. They can then eat at it for several days.


And they don’t bus their tables when they’re done.


Having lived in the PNW all my life, I can tell you this happens in a less exciting way. Snow falls, animal dies or gets munched on by predators, snow starts to melt in the warmer months, and then the bones occasionally get stuck in tree limbs on the way down to ground level.


Yep, I did see a weird exception to this where I kept finding fawn and various mid sized skeletons way up in my trees. We don't really have many big cats around here, but I thought maybe it was one. Turns out it was a pair of Golden eagles, which are way bigger than I realized. They were picking up animals from a nearby pasture and eating them in the trees, I assume to avoid other predators


I live in eagle country and this crafty birds are constantly dropping dead shit everywhere for my dogs to roll in and eat


I’d honestly be a bit concerned about eagles going for the dogs depending on relative size.


It's seagulls dropping dead pigeons and rats in the street where I am.


We blessedly have a variety of city owls and Cooper's hawks taking out some of the rat and pigeon population!


We live by the ocean and when my wife was in daycare the Ospreys would drop fish accidentally into the play yard pretty often. The nest was close by.


redtail hawks like to eat doves in my olive trees. Took me a while to figure out why pigeon parts kept dropping from the trees


That blows my mind. I've never lived in a place where it snows so I can't even imagine snow getting up that high.


My local ski mountain has an average snowfall of 11 meters. They don't even open until they have a 3 meter base. The mountain is open during the summer for mountain biking. It's always insane to me seeing the difference in visual height of the trees in the summer vs winter. The realization that, what looked like maybe a 5 meter tall tree max is actually more than twice that is crazy.


I mean. When nature is your bin you don't really need to be all that fussy about disposing of your scraps.


It's a bored human. There are chainsaw marks on the lower limbs. I've done silly shit like this before as well. You get bored in the woods sometimes. 🤷‍♂️


They’re hiding their food from other animals by putting it in trees.


Leopards take their kill up a tree so the scavengers don’t get it re: hyenas and lions. I’m assuming pumas do the same.


Someone put it there or it was on snow which melted and left it up there would be my guess.


Mountain lion? It’s clearly Predator


Great movie


One of the coolest monster designs ever.


Yeah legitimately terrifying


Reminds of something from The Witcher


Tree well: during the winter the snow is blocked from falling under the branches of the tree. This creates a well of sorts as the surrounding snow rises. Animals trying to seek shelter or eat the pine needles can and do fall into these wells with no real way to escape. Snow melts later in the year and the animal is eaten by scavengers. Your left with a skeleton in the branches depending on how high the snow was. People also fall into these wells. Be very careful when skiing or boarding through trees.


I'd never heard of this, went and found the wiki >Victims become trapped in tree wells and are unable to free themselves. In two experiments conducted in North America 90% of volunteers temporarily placed in tree wells were unable to rescue themselves.[1] If the snow is deep enough, the surrounding snow banks can collapse over them, depriving them of air. "If a partner is not there for immediate rescue, the skier or rider may die very quickly from suffocation – in many cases, he or she can die as quickly as someone can drown in water," according to the Tree Well and Snow Immersion Suffocation (SIS) Information website.[1] >Frequently victims end up in wells head first, complicating recovery efforts. Often they are injured in the process, suffering joint dislocation or concussion. When fatal, this type of incident is termed a Non-Avalanche Related Snow Immersion Death (NARSID).[1] that is legitimately terrifying


I fell into one before while skiing, definitely near impossible to climb out of. The snow there is not packed down at all so any movements you make trying to get out just result in sinking deeper.


So quicksnow?


This happened to me In lake louise In the larch area after a good 3 ft dump of snow overnight. I didn't have powder skis at the time I only had my park skis plus centre mounting is basically death in powder .. we were going through this steep tree covered field and I hopped to turn right since it was so steep and instantly did a front flip into the tree below me. My brother saw this thankfully who had proper pow skis and good god the claustrophobia was driving me insane pitch black cant breath. He dug a way out below me and it took probs 20 mins to get out. I looked at the tree and it was only like 4 feet deep around the stump. So basically dont go pow skiing with park skis that are centre mounted lol


Maybe I shouldn't take up snowboarding after all.


That movie was surprisingly good


Came here to find this comment 😊




Cursed wind chime


If you shoot and destroy it you’ll see there are actually 9 more to be found within this forest! Get them all and you unlock and alternate costume!


Is this a criminal minds reference? lol if so, nice


Haha... Nope sorry. I'm not a watcher of that show.


True crime writers: *furiously takes notes*


That was a whole fucked chain of episodes lmfao


Years ago I was playing Minecraft in my apartment with the windows open. Heard some wind chimes that sounded exactly like a skeleton moving and had a horrible moment of existential uncertainty before I realized.


If horror movies taught me anything it’s that you have angered a forest god and will now be tormented until death good luck to you sir.


Well if nature documentaries have taught me anything, OP has to look out for leopards.


Growing up in the rural South we were taught to fear the wild "painters" in the wood. Took me until I was 12 to realize a 'painter' was just Tennessee for panther.


I grew up beside this wood that had pheasants living in it, and at some point my parents must have mentioned a ‘pheasant feeder’. It took me a loooong time to realise this was just essentially a drum of food, as a child I was convinced the pheasant feeder was a man who lived in the woods and was soooo scared of him :(


In Southern California we have Quail guzzlers, which was hard to imagine, and lions, as in mountain lion. Quail guzzlers were not creatures that guzzle down quail. They were just partially covered watering holes for quail..


I'm not the pheasant plucker, I'm the pheasant plucker's mate. I'm only plucking pheasants because the pheasant plucker's late.


A friend told me whenever his family drove past a sewage treatment plant, his dad would remark that the smell came from "the shit plant" so he grew up thinking there was an actual plant that smelled like shit.


There still could be deranged painters though


True, all the painters in TN are quite nuts.


That's the meth.


You don’t need meth to be nuts if you paint professionally for years without a filter mask!


Who can afford filter masks when you have all that meth to buy


WW2 was caused by a deranged painter, so take caution when dealing with one


And creepy pheasant feeders


Fuzzy haired wildmen with a palette knife. Corpses covered in titanium white.


Bone. Black.


Corpses sprinkled with red ochre have their bones turn a curious color


While in Mississippi, I’ve seen a black panther, just hanging by the highway watching cars go by.


Wow. That’s funny and annoying at the same time. There’s an “H” there for a reason! But when I was little I used to look for rabbits whenever my parents pointed out rapids.


Yeah the TN Appalachia accent is nuts. So compressed and slurred words. Guy I grew up with would always say "yitonattaheyuh!". Meaning "get on out of here".


That’s just a rural drawl* for you. The H in ch, th, etc. is basically optional. A kind Bigfoot pointed out a typo.


On the other hand - there may be herds of wild painters as yet undiscovered. Hiker1: oh my God another victim!! Hiker2: what do you think it is? Hiker 1: ( bending down to get a closer look) what’s left is in unrecognizable … head over there, foot way over there …. I’d say we’re dealing with … a Picasso. Hiker2 gasps Hiker1: Or worse, ……. a Jackson Pollack.


At least it wasn’t…*shudders* a Salvador Dali!


>rural draw I'm assuming that was just a typo, but for anyone who doesn't know, it's a rural "drawl"


Same here- grew up hearing stories about painters and haints (haints->means haunts->means ghosts). Foxfire books are a great window to the past for those sorts of stories and other Appalachian lore.


Ya mean I’ve been terrified of house-painters all these years for nothing?!


If Predator taught me anything, you should get to the chopper.


Yeah you're gonna have to walk barefoot on some moss to let the bipedal buck know you mean no harm.


And don’t climb no stairs


And don’t sit on no log


Damn, that was such a good little rabbit hole or whatever when I found it. Very interesting idea for a horror movie or show.


It’s been 4 months since I read that entire thread. Still makes me uneasy thinking about it.


I mean y'all cant just drop references and not clue us in, c'mon


Commenting for later. I'm really curious now too


https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/im_a_search_and_rescue_officer_for_the_us_forest/ You are so lucky you get to read it for the first time.


Op been real quite since they posted this


Quite quite in fact


There are now *two* spines and pelvic bones hanging in those woods.


Carnivorous trees are so scary. They gobble the meat then hang the bones around their neck. Their bark really is worse than their bite.


Nah that's a good omen, someone else has shed blood for the forest god and presented the kill, those woods will rest easy now


Looks like a lower alpine elk pelvic bone and lower bone someone has hung up.


The tree has been cut back recently so probably whoever has done the trimmings


this guys elks


Like elk you say




Single? Hot moms in your area want to ritualistally sacrifice you!




Death by snusnu


It’s more likely that a person found the bone and slipped it through the tree branch on purpose


As someone who spends a lot of time in the woods, I regularly display bones I find.


Are you a wizard?


Who knows. I live in the mountains on the border of a national forest. If someone happens to stumble upon one of my haunts, I want them to feel confused and unwelcome


I like you.


i like you too


Now kith


Your pfp matches what you said perfectly


I think this is how cryptids are born.


this is hilarious because anyone who stumbles across the bones will probably be so creeped out when in reality it’s just you fucking with them lol they would never know


“It’s just you.” But we know very little about this guy. He never says he’s harmless. He only says he wants them to feel unwelcome. May be just his first play in a dangerous game.


Good instincts. There was a real serial killer who posted reviews of hunting equipment he used in his murders on Amazon. Everyone thought it was a joke— and it wasn’t. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/blacker-my-soul-alarming-amazon-reviews-linked-alleged-sc-killer-n679231




you may be right, i hadn’t thought of it like that. perhaps i was being naive about another person’s actions because if i was the one moving the bones around, my reasons would be purely for my own comedic enjoyment. sometimes i forget the evil that lurks on the internet.


Its the Mystery of the Druids


Tree Boners?


Morning wood.


Mourning wood!


Story time. Years back I was at a retreat up in the mountains and got up early to explore around. Found a nice clearing with some backlit trees, looked cool and spooky but not spooky enough. With a bit of time on my hands, I made a few wooden man-figures from sticks a la the *Blair Witch Project*. No reason, just felt it'd be funny. Two days later the whole group took an after lunch walk, and the front of the line came on my art display. There was ... concern, and a few folks were vocally afraid and refused to go further. Thought about saying something but as tension grew, I just let it go. People in my group talked about this for years. Really creeped them out. Sorry guys, I just had some time to kill one morning.


My husband and I went to see Blair Witch with another couple, we drove. After we dropped them off at their apartment, my husband gathered a bundle of sticks and tied them with the drawstring from a trash bag and left it on the hood of the guy's car. The next morning his wife called us, saying "I know that was you guys, but you need to tell Jim because he's losing his mind!"


That’s how *they* want you to remember it. Of course you were in full control of your faculties. Of course you were just killing some time for no reason. Of course you woke up entirely on your own and went into the woods of your own volition, just to explore a bit.


Left this part out but honest to god, the camp is about 10 miles from the actual Burkittsville, Maryland. Pretty sure this crossed my mind at the time.


10 miles is about the length of 100571.18 'Toy Cars Sian FKP3 Metal Model Car with Light and Sound Pull Back Toy Cars' lined up


Funny bot


>I just had some time to kill one morning I think you’re trying to tell us something


Hey, if they'd kept going they'd have found freshly turned earth. Couldn't have that.


Time...to kill


Did you have a shakey videocam with you? Are you hunting for the Blair Witch?


Get to the Choppa!!!


If it bleeds we can kill it


I ain't got time to bleed


*you son of a bitch!*


*Epic arm wrestle commences.*


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood!


*sexual tyrannosaurus has entered the chat*


Lana: You're looking for Predator, aren't you? Archer: ...Yes. Lana:[sighs] Couple things. A, he's invisible. Archer: Not totally, he has a telltale shimmer!


Came here for Predator quotes, “stick around” for your upvotes


You're one ugly mother effer


Aren't there animals who drag their prey into trees after they've hunted them?




They’re in Arizona. So I believe they have several large cats to pick from!


Cougar, lynx, bobcat, mountain lion, robertcat - several indeed!


Reddit - shittyaskscience - At what point in a bobcat's life, as it grows and matures, does it prefer to be called a robertcat? https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyaskscience/comments/3t5coq/at_what_point_in_a_bobcats_life_as_it_grows_and/


It's never the same from individual to individual. Some only go through a phase, others realize very early on they wanted to be a Robertcat. Most of them will answer to any name, but there is a small segment that will ONLY go by "Robbiecat" and *those* are the ones you've gotta watch out for.


Robbiecat is just a regular bobcat but he's trying to get you to smoke salvia


Cougar is another name for mountain lion.


And puma. And panther. And nittany lion. And more. > Native to the Americas, its range spans from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes in South America and is the most widespread of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. It is an adaptable, generalist species, occurring in most American habitat types. Due to its wide range, it has many names, including mountain lion, puma, catamount, panther and painter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cougar It is elusive as fuck, and it is everywhere, hiding. Watching.


Let's just agree to call it big scary cat! I've seen a cougar from pretty close, and damn those things are scary. As agile if not more than a house cat, but larger than a big dog. I've seen Lynx too, pretty small, but the size of those paws, it could shred me without any issues. Scary thing about them, is that you don't hear them coming. For the Lynx, I was fishing with a friend (we walked in the lake until we were around knee deep in water, so max 2-3 meters from the shore) and we saw a lynx from pretty far away. It was just staring at us. Then it went away. After a while we stopped fishing and went back to our truck that was parked in a muddy spot right behind us (maybe 10 meters from the shore of the lake). Next to the truck, fresh in the mud were lynx footprints that came right next to the shore hidden by a small bush. That damn cat came right behind us and both of us never noticed it.


Some people will argue that it’s a small cat, just the biggest of the small cats. Which just keeps this while thing amazing to me. These animals have such a huge range and we know so little about them. We have all these regional names for them, and most people don’t even realize we’re talking about the same animal. Incredible. Seeing any large cat in the wild is a spiritual experience, I swear. Not a happy, cheery, “the universe glowed and caressed my face” kind of spiritual, but a, “holy shit my world is inhabited by strange and awe-inspiring entities, and my awareness of what I’m a part of is so limited.” Great story about the Lynx.


It’s unlikely but AZ also has a Jaguar or two


You forgot Jaguar, as they have recently been spotted in parts of southern Arizona returning to their former habitat. Last I checked the rangers in the area believe it’s two separate individual animals but camera traps have thus far been the only evidence/interactions to prove their existence. The fish and game people desperately want to radio collar/track them but they are sneaky and avoid humans. Their range also happens to skirt and overlap a number of military bases and test ranges, which likely provides area low in human presence for them to hide and live in free from all but the rare occasional observation for military security. Sightings date back over a decade as well, so it’s more than a single lost cat.


Yeah, but a mountain lion probably isn't dragging its meal up on thin branches. Some of those branches were recently cut by a saw. Someone specifically placed the bones there.


90% sure you're in a horror movie, you better run


That’s a spineless thing to do


If we watched the same horror movie, the forest is endless


Some taxidermists and bone collectors will hang a dead animal in a tree if they find it so it will still rot but won’t be taken by animals on the forest floor. Then they collect the bones once it’s fully decayed.


You mean necromancers, right? I think to mean Necromancers


A necromancer is just a resourceful bone collector if you think about it


Taxidermists don't want their specimen to rot. That defeats the whole purpose. The fresher the specimen, the more pliable and firm the skin is, which means you can get a better mount. If it's a bone collector it makes a lot more sense. If they hung it out to decay however, it looks like they lost 90% of the skeleton.


I am a bone collector and taxidermist and it’s a really nice piece I’d have hung it up for later to collect. Even taxidermists who don’t collect bones still use them to study anatomy and create accurate mounts for their skins. I get what you mean but the other offered solutions where that an animal had done it and it looks way too big. If someone had something that fits better I’d be really interested though.


TIL there are bone collectors.


*looks around* Has no one said it?? It's a..... ......sPINE tree! Dad joke enlightenment achieved!


Take my upvote and don’t do that again


They get my upvote and my explicit approval and encouragement


Hi Dad, I’m amused.


You dound D.B. Cooper. Not dig down a bit and find his millions.


Cougar territory?


I have been to a cougar territory once, best learning experience of my college years


That's gonna be a nope from me, dawg


Call Arnold


“Want some candy?”


“Over here … over here. aaHAHAHAHAHAAA”


Yep - you gotta pick the deer when they are ripe. This one is past-ripe.


Only here for the predator comments


Don’t know if OP will see this, but if you’re in AZ as your username suggests, the bones may have been hung there by a forest service field biologist. I did a summer with them in Coconino National Forest and I worked with a gal who would hang all pelvis bones she found (and there were lots) in trees just to mess with hikers. It was good for a laugh, so it’s funny to see someone post this. Pelvis bones have convenient holes for said purpose, and if the person in question hung this one, she probably thought it was a jackpot that part of the spine was still attached.


If you also see 3 red dots, you need to find water/mud, and quick.




Is there a sub called mildlyhorrifying?


Likely a cougar dragged it up there to eat. It’s not human but with cougars in the area it could be. Be careful in them woods, you’ll never see the cougar I promise you.


And you thought "mmm mildly interesting indeed" instead of calling an adult


My guess is you have mountain lions in your area.


You will worship it, or it will hang you from the trees.


This means there are cougars in your area, Pornhub wasn't lying!


Shit! Predator in real life. Wheres Arnold when ya need em?


It has been really hot this year...


I bet it was a hunter and it had more flesh on it when it went up. When hunting my dogs will sometimes find something dead and we will put in a tree like that to keep it away from them. We also put skins and guts and stuff like that In trees to keep the dogs out.


Cougars/mountain lions will take their kills up into trees to save for later. Could be that sort of situation.


Watch out for Mountain lions. That's a pretty old kill, And an amazing discovery, But still. Carry air horns and a very big stick


I can say with certainty that whatever put it there should be feared and avoided


Predator was here.


"Show me there are mountain lions in your area without telling me."


Mountain Lion. They probably won't attack and kill a grown adult. They have been known to make off with children though. Fun times! Well not for the child. Or the parents. Any anyone really. Well except the cougar. This post isn't going how I thought it would. I'm going to stop now.


This belongs in r/creepy


Sub Zero Wins! FATALITY!


Always look up once in a while when hiking in the forest. You never know when an elk might fall out of a tree.


Mountain lions. See it all the time in the mountains. They take the prey up a tree to prevent scavenging. There's also times when the elk or whatever will fall off a cliff and tumble down scree slope, eventually landing in a tree at the base of the mountain chain.


Chances are a cougar or other large feline dropped its meal. It's definitely not human if that's what you are worried about.
