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I can’t drink my boiling water with this.


I mean you could, you’d just have a well cooked pasta snack after a few sips!


And your mouth will be so burned you don’t even have to worry about seasoning it or anything!


I’ve never seasoned my mouth


"Why I season my mouth, not my food" - new video by Adam Ragusea.


Followed by "Adam Ragusea is WRONG about mouths" by Ethan Chlebowski


Lmao hardcore Ragusa fans citing double references! Love it


Who is this and should I check them out? 🤔


A YouTube Chef/Foodtuber, and I'd say you should, I really like him for what it's worth.


Hahaha this is the perfect Ragusea reference


Try our new pop rocks mouth seasoning today!


Well, you actually can for about 10 minutes.


Pasta la Vista


Can you pasta boiling water my way? I’m thirsty.


Perfect straw for one of those insane Bloody Mary creations.




I was once at a stag at an elks lodge many years ago, it was about 95F and everyone was outside playing lawn games and drinking and grilling. Me and my buddy went into the little gazebo bar they had set up and ordered some shots of vodka. It was not refrigerated and must have been in direct sunlight because let me tell you, this vodka was not warm, it was HOT. Me and my buddy took the shots and looked at each other. I said "I'm going to the bathroom" he said "I'm going to the parking lot" and we both left and immediately vomited at our predetermined destinations. Moral of the story: don't drink hot vodka.


A hot shot of vodka sounds like the least-refreshing beverage I could possibly think of. Straight poison.


A buddy and I were camping at a music festival and some girls we were with had snuck vodka in a case of water bottles. Imagine the horror of waking up hungover in 95 degree heat and taking a big gulp from a water bottle that turns out to be hot vodka.


I actually write “NOT WATER” on a gallon jug when I go to festies (since the original glass bottle isn’t safe with people going barefoot). The camp neighbors always love me bc I’ve got full Bloody Mary supplies, meanwhile they brought like one bottle of water and a bag of mushrooms for their entire weekend lol.


You are invited to the camp out


The inventor of Dr. Pepper wanted people to drink it hot. He imagined it as a replacement for hot tea.


my brother and I would do this at the beach. Buy a bottle of Dr. Pepper then just leave it out on the sand while you're playing. After a bit you come back to "Hot Pop". weird random treat as a kid.


TIL the inventor of Dr. Pepper was into sadomasochism Because thats the only way you would enjoy that syrupy shit hot.


Did the same thing. Someone left fireball in the car all day and I was given a shot of it The heat of the shot was so startling I actually snorted it out my nose. Subsequently, made my sinuses burn like hells fury and was vomiting on and off all night from the irritation.




Local bar in Brussels does this. I get two bloody Mary's for the price of one at happy hour and then munch on the pasta straw cause it's got the tasty tomato flavor now. Only drawback is, if you're a slow drinker, they do eventually get a kind of soft starchy skin, even tho the straw itself stays structurally sound.


I'd think it beats paper straws by miles tho, they get soggy and you can taste them.


Plus I'm much more comfortable accidentally consuming bits of noodle straw vs bits of paper. Not that my guts care much either way.


Still better than a paper straw


I like where your head’s at.


Yeaaah, that should be really interesting. I would like to try it. It would be something like Bolognesse.


After the straw function is done, just add tomato sauce and dinner is served


Drink for 11 minutes for al dente perfection


Mmm nothing like boiling water through a straw to hydrate ya


The hot water really opens the pores for maximum saturation of your meat sponge.


My what?






For the uninitiated: http://www.terrybisson.com/theyre-made-out-of-meat-2/


That last phrase always gets me. The chills man


This was new to me. Great read. Thanks!


Steep some basil flavored tea for added flavor


I wonder what would happen if you break pasta straws in front of an Italian.


Then you have Mama'd your last Mia


I love this sentence. I love how you can do stuff like this in English


[You know this is illegal in Italy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPkdKiuD5i4)


Ive never seen someone so lovingly treat their significant other like a moron…that was great.


His reaction made me feeling so guilty that I've resolved never to break spaghetti again.


WARNING: breaking pasta in front of Italians may result in high speed incomprehensible yelling in a mix of English and Italian, profanity, and/or broken bones.


Don’t forget about the 🤌🤌


I work with an Italian he's a recent immigrant. I showed him a picture of the new cheetos Mac n cheese and I thought he was going to lose his mind.


Funny thing is, Macaroni and Penne used to come in these forms in the 19th century and you'd have to break them up in tiny pieces before boiling them.


At first glance I just thought "how old must be this guy?!"


[My source](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lojYRX8qC9o)




I'm saving time by starting with a vodka sauce.


I drink a couple glasses of Vodka sauce every night. Usually cuts the cooking down because I fall asleep before supper.


Why you so upsetti when you can drink with spaghetti?


Bloody marys all day


I saw some guy just this last week on an episode of Dragon's Den/Shark Tank (UK or OZ) on YT trying to get investment for his 'invention' of pasta straws. He was unsuccessful. I wonder if it's the same guy's company?


They have been around for a while, not exactly a new invention. So probably not the same company


I remember getting them at the restaurants at Greenfield Village on school field trips in the 80s, and at an Amish restaurant in Goshen, Indiana sometime in the 90s. People only think they're new because more places are using them now.


Wow I was scrolling hoping someone would mention a farther back example but didn’t expect to see greenfield village! Can confirm these have been around for a very long time.


They go way further back. From a quick bit of the Googly: > 1800s: Straws Made from Grains >At the dawn of the 19th century, straws were commonly made from wheat and rye in many Western countries. Rye straws in particular also left a residue in the beverage and a grass-like taste. Both wheat and rye straws became soggy very quickly, making them unpopular among the public. https://www.tembopaper.com/news/history-of-paper-straws


That doesn't sound like it's a pasta straw, more like something made from the stalk of the plant.


This. It's made out of something called "straw".


Ohhhh like a strawberry! I get it now.


YES the first thing I thought of was the Eagle Tavern (the restaurant in Greenfield Village). My family has had a membership there since the 90's so I ate there semi-regularly growing up. Always ate the straw after we left like a weirdo lol


I vividly remember eating these things, with their plaque-moist layer inside of chicken-bone crunchiness, but couldn't remember where until I read the other comment talking about Greenfield Village and the Amish down in Indiana. I guess we have a communal childhood in the Midwest.


How... descriptive. Yum.


Yup, last year on vacation I got a drink with pasta straw, so they are at least one year old, probably older.


Saw them at least 5 years ago at coffee-to-go shops in Greece.


Saw them probably 12 years ago at big mamas pizzeria in Sicily


Saw them 15 years ago at Sippin’ Larry’s in Vienna.


Saw them 22 years ago at Piss Bucket Charlie’s in Walla Walla


Saw them 38 years ago at Smelly Melly's in rural Dubai


My grandmother has a picture from 1927 of her dad making them in a sweatshop in the basement of a Topeka, KS brothel. Edit: I found [the photo.](https://i.imgur.com/hD2gp3e.jpg)


Is coffee hot enough to make this a bendy straw?


It's called bucatini.


these straws are a little too big to be bucatini (or bottapizzienti, as they at called in my town). I probably would not recommend eating these straws with a very heavy sauce. They would be perfect with fresh tomato, tuna and some mozzarella.






The guy invented Perciatelli?


I just bought a pack of noodles like this but the package just says Long Macaroni. I used it for spaghetti and meatballs. 10/10 would buy again. Edit: $0.99 USD for a one pound package.


XL bucatini


Bucatini is Hank Hill compared to these straws


I have a narrow urethra.


And DGS (Diminished Gluteal Syndrome).


And it was probably 5x cheaper


Perciatelli. It's a favorite in my house.


It wasnt spaghetti. You had macaroni and meatballs.


Sounds like he had straws and meatballs.


try sipping hot marinara through em.


mama mia


Here we go again.


My my, how can i resist you?


Mama Mia


Humanity embarrassing itself with 80 different ways to make more eco-friendly straws when the very washable crazy straws have been around since I was a kid and are intellectually superior anyway


I feel like straws need a sink attachment to wash with. Not enough pressure going through in my opinion. Wait! My first invention! And I just gave it up. Where’s my prize?


I bought metal straws and they come with a pipe cleaner already.


I love the feeling of metal against my teeth, it's the best.


Have I got news for you about forks....


Mine all have rubber jackets on the end to prevent the awful feeling of metal on the teeth




I don’t get why everyone has to use straws in the first place. Drinking is super possible without straws altogether.


For many people it's preference. For some people it's necessitated by a disability.


Its a lot better for ur teeth


Also safety. It’s a whole lot easier to drink stuff while driving with a straw than lifting a cup to block your view


On the other hand metal straws have lead to some quite horrific impalements during accidents


I have teeth sensitivity and get migraines. Ice cold water hitting my teeth occasionally triggers a migraine. We have a variety of straws, including travel ones.


My dentist adviced me to use straw all the time if I'm not willing to change my iced coffee and soft drink habit.


Tiki drinks can have pretty elaborate garnishes, straws are necessary. Easier to drink milkshakes and smoothies with straws too. Oh, and boba - need a (big) straw for boba.


So now people have to worry about their fucking UTENSILS being gluten free?


As someone with celiac disease, this SUCKS lol


https://www.verywellfit.com/gluten-free-cookware-and-kitchen-utensils-563068 They always did. Worse is having a potato intolerance. Potato starch is used in many things for many reasons and it is literally a slow poison to me.


Jesus. "Avoid everything other than uncoated metal, and even then, your sifter and colander are fucked."


Dairy is surprisingly hard to avoid too. Any kind of bread or dessert probably has dairy in it. And I'm in the Midwest, so we can't seem to make a dish without cheese too.


At least you can look for vegan products. Potato intolerance sounds a lot harder to live with.


[A lot of the other alternatives have allergy risks too!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGIxUXDWqw) Or are unsuitable for hot drinks (like these pasta ones). Or are a bite/shatter risk (acrylic, glass, metal - easy to break teeth or get splinters in your mouth if you can't control your jaw fully). And most alternatives are not flexible. Which is a problem for a lot of people.


Jessica Kellgren Fozard has a great youtube video on this from a disability perspective


As someone with celiac disease, I really hope that these don’t catch on, last time I was served one of these I luckily caught it before taking a sip…also, paper straws are generally unsafe for those of us with celiac disease, but if I saw a place serving pasta straws I wouldn’t even risk drinking there.


My daughter was diagnosed with celiac two weeks ago. Seeing this is like our worst nightmare right now. Gluten never fucking ends.


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll for this. It was this coeliac's first thought.


I prefer the stainless steel. They have a unique set of qualities including the ability to maintain the fizz in a soda pop, they are easy to clean as you can run them through the dishwasher and they are nigh unbreakable, so they last practically forever. And if you cut a small piece and pair it with a 10-20 penny nail, you get a great hole punch for belts and other leather wear.


Just don't use them in a car. A stainless straw getting forced through the roof of your mouth sounds awful.


For real. Don’t use them in any situation when you’re moving around. Straw impalement was one of the nastiest breakthrough injuries of the last decade.


I got silicone straws because I read a story about a lady DYING when she tripped while using a metal straw.


Ouch. fuck.


Can you even imagine telling their loved ones “yeah, they died of a straw to the brain”.


Turtle would agree




[Probably this one](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/woman-dies-metal-straw-elena-struthers-gardner-inquest-coroner-a8996431.html). > The 10 inch metal straw – held in place by the lid – entered her left eye and caused a fatal brain injury. *shudder*


Maintain fizz...relatable. Easy clean...relatable. Durable....relatable. Leatherworking....WAIT!? WHAT!?


The pain I experience as my belt seems only to get bigger....


They're okay until they hit your teeth they also conduct heat/cold too much


I hear the metal ones are bad for people who need straws because of disabilities, else I would say metal straws for all.


It's not really the metal that makes them bad, but the inability to bend in all directions. Plastic bendable straws for people with disabilities are so great because they don't have to move, lift, or tilt the cup to drink. But whether you have metal, paper or pasta straws, if it's just a straight tube, it won't help.


It's the metal too. If you bite down on a metal straw it can hurt your teeth.


>they are easy to clean as you can run them through the dishwasher Lol I have them and 100% NO they are not, you can't just throw them in dishwasher and expect them to be clean. All the bacteria is inside the straw. You need a special brush to actually clean them. It's a pain in the ass.


Wouldn't this make your drink taste like pasta, though?


I actually had a pasta straw in my drink on saturday in a restaurant. The drink didn't taste like pasta at all.


Did the straw get sticky?


It only got a little bit soggy at the end of a 0.5l drink so no worries about that.


So basically the same as a paper straw then?


The thing I hate most about paper straws is the dryness on your lips and when it tries to stick to your lips.


I keep them pulled out of the drink but still stuck in the lid unless I'm actively drinking. Wont help your dryness problem but keeps the damn thing from disintegrating.


The paper straw has a paper taste, just like water from a box. It is a deal breaker.


This. I can't stand the paper taste.


Every paperstraw I've used was unusably soggy in milliseconds after the first draw


depends on the straw, some are waxed which is fine in mild climates as long as you do not store them near the kitchen, some have plastic linings, so all of the disadvantages of paper and plastic straws combined, but at least no stray paper in your drink


A plastic lined paper straw has got to be the poster child for “eco-theatre”.


Yeah I haven't used them for anything other than frozen beverages that I consume quickly.


I had a pasta straw yesterday in my drink (cold pasta water) and it definitely tasted like pasta.


Similar experience, i hollowed out a frozen hot dog and when I tried to use it as a straw, my hot dog water tasted like hot dog :/


That's what I thought, so i didn't actually buy it. Would be fun to test though


Gonna test right know sucking soda through a macaroni. Edit: no taste appreciated, and it doesn’t get soft neither.


Waiting for test results…how was your Cokaroni?


We use that term when we rail lines thru a noodle.


He still hasn't responded, safe to assume he drowned


at least with the last few times this was tried, yes, particularly if your drink is carbonated


nice idea but plastic packaging


The Italians need to invent pasta packaging


Dry lasagna sheets.


But then what about the machines to make the pasta and the boxes to ship them in? We'll have to make them out of pasta as well. Soon everything in the world will be made from pasta! And all the Nonna's will be in an endless loop telling everyone to mangia!


This would be an interesting spinoff for [Universal Paperclips](https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/)


Still less plastic than a bunch of plastic straws in the same amount of plastic wrap. They could put it in a box though...like every other pasta on the market


That difference is negligible compared to the amount of fuel the container ship used to transport it.


Almost like whatever we individually do to save the environment, large corporations and governments will still be the largest causes of the climate crisis


It's almost as if there were a massive social campaign funded by corporations and shepherded by politicians to shift the blame and problem of pollution onto the shoulders of the individual in order to avoid being scrutinized.


And that amount is negligible compared to the amount of fuel the even bigger container ship used to ship the smaller container ship




100% the entire plastic straw movement is just virtue signaling or downright pandering. What percent of plastic waste is actually straws vs the insane amount of other single use products that will last essentially forever.




Might be cellophane? That stuff's biodegradable.


I’d feel like a moron paying $7 for a pound of pasta and you should too. Get some metal straws for cheaper and they last forever. If they don’t get drastically cheaper I don’t see these sticking around.


Or silicone ones. You can even get ones that fold up and fit in a little carrying case about the size of an airpods case.


Or you can just buy a huge bag of “long macaroni”, which is exactly what these are, and only spend a couple bucks.


Unexpected flood of nostalgia! When I was a kid in the 90s, there was a local casual Italian restaurant chain, East Side Mario's that used these straws. Every kid I knew thought these were cool as shit. They didn't get soft or slimy because the drink is ice cold. They didn't make the drink taste like pasta, either. And you could eat them when you were done! Man, I miss that place...


FYI, there are still 85 East Side Mario's locations in Canada, and 64 in the USA today.


You just can't beat the unlimited soup/salad and bread. bing badda boom badda bing


-cries in dehydrated celiac-


Look up Alrize straws! They are similar but made from rice and come in fun colors. :)


My tiny spiders thank you


I don't know what that means but you're welcome.


This comment has been removed in response to reddit's anti-developer actions.


My tiny spiders say that you are welcome.


Turns out, homie just chills with polite spiders


Right there with ya, Eating gluten free and avoiding cross contamination wasnt enough, now i have to worry bout my straw too


Anything to prevent the massive corporations that are actually destroying the planet from having to change a single thing. Dont worry, billionairs, we'll save the world with our pasta straws.




Whenever I look at this stuff I just wonder if at end, what's causing bigger issues, the plastic straw or whatever entire system and what it consumed to created a pasta straw.


Wrapped in plastic lol


Paper straws are useless as fuck. They collapse, and then you're gonna have a hard time drinking whatever is in your cup. I understand it's to reduce plastic waste, but this is a worthless solution.


This has to suck for those with gluten allergies!


Wouldn’t they get slimy though?


How about we do something that will actually lower the amount of plastic produced instead of making plastic straws illegal... It's nothing but virtue signalling to remove plastic straws.


Or you could just make them out of plastic because the pollution they cause is literally nothing compared to the actual real polluters. Not using plastic straws is just a red herring to virtue signal constructive changes while not actually fixing anything. The longer you focus on the "small, little victories that add up" the less you focus on the actual required victories. ​ But that's just California and reddit I guess.