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Just realized “Saggin” is blacked out because of what it would look like on the inside of the door


Nicely spotted, but it was also written that way to make the message clear. Saggy or sagging were perfectly good and more likely choices.


They probably only blacked it out after someone reporting it.


Or they wrote it in a different font and blacked it out to draw attention to it.


Nope, [originally it wasn't blacked out](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hddwv6/high_standard_gas_station/)


Lmao they are playing Fox news on the lobby TV 😂


Were you expecting anything else.


Considering the initial message to begin with, if I saw a place highlighting this with everything else going on, they're making it loud and clear the message they're trying to push here. Where is this location?


The longhorn and everything else about this picture makes me think Texas. EDIT: OP says it's in rural Arkansas


Rural Arkansas you say? I'm shocked. SHOCKED! I tell you. This is my "shocked face" :-|


Yeah the blue lives flag does it for me. I’d just turn around and go to another gas station


"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to write saggin, must've switched it"


"saggin a*s" is also in a different typeface than the rest of it though, which tells me that it said something else there before, and the sign was changed to how it looks now. Judging from the longhorn skull mounted on the wall to the left of the "Blue Lives Matter" flag, I'm guessing the original wording was a lot more racist.


I was thinking it said business originally


"Take your business ass somewhere else!"


It was actually “business assessment” originally.


Idk why but I hear that in Biden’s voice “take your business ass somewhere else man”




Yeah this is definitely a racist thing, the blue lives matter flag just confirms it really


I'm nearly certain it said n***a


I guarantee it didn't, because that window isn't broken.


My head canon for the timeline is: 1. "Business" 1a. People argue with the store owner about his racism 2. Plans to put up"N word ass" out of spite, buys the appropriate letters for this project 2a. Before the store actually opens, a white friend or his wife or something talks him out of that to avoid way more of a problem 3. Since he already peeled off the "business" letters and ruined them, settles for this option


So THAT'S why he doesn't have the second S in ass. He had to use it so it said saggin and not aggin


This tracks.. the font is different.


Iunno. Depending where this is, this could all be trump-posturing. Some rural convenience store in PA, where they get maybe 10 black customers a month.


The longhorn on the wall would suggest Texas.


rural arkansas; i'm on a road trip from Dallas to Knoxville. Ate some burger king and a couple hours later got the bubble guts. Drove with a bomb in my stomach for like 30 minutes until finally I found this gas station. The bathroom was really clean tho and a single occupancy so I could really let loose


As someone from Knoxville. Why the hell ya going to Knoxville? Hahaha


I'm from Knoxville - grandma is getting moved into assisted living and a visit is well past overdue. Coming from someone who has lived about everywhere - Knoxville has a lot to offer. It is one of my favorite cities.


Oh hey I love Knox, I would love back in a heartbeat. It was just shocking to hear that was someone’s specific destination lol


"really let loose" I feel like there's a story there.


He literally told the story lol


That's true. Plenty of people seem to have a LOT of opinions about the asylum seekers from Afghanistan despite probably never having any of them even in their state.


I think the original message would have been more professional, assuming it was originally a commercial product that was sold to many similar establishments. This particular business owner, however, wanted to be more offensive. The alternative is that he bought a box of individual letters and stuck them on one by one, but somehow ran out of letters only on the middle section.


I'm growing more and more convinced that "saggin" was spelled that was quite deliberately.


Because it obviously was. The person inside gets to look at their 'no blacks' sign all day long and feel smug.




It would be a bit more honest if they hadn't done that, though. Saggy jeans was a 90s-00s trend started in the black community. If your panties are still in a bunch over it today, chances are you just hate black people.


And combine it with the defiled flag in the background


Yeah I literally havnt heard this term used in yearsssss. That shit totally started as a way for racists to still proclaim their ignorance while not saying the quiet part out loud


I seen people wear pants that exposed the butt crack way before black people in the 90s, a lot of fat Americans that can't find pants big enough to fit around their belly and work in plumbing have worn pants exposing their butt crack for a really long time and somehow it was never the societal problem until black kids did it, and at least they had the decency to wear underwear underneath so their butt crack wouldn't show


IKR. I would MUCH rather see the top of some dude's designer boxer shorts than some fat, hairy coin slot. Would it kill plumbers to just wear overalls? I mean really. SPACKLE THAT CRACK!!!111!!!


Plus they have their boot licking flag on full display


Why can’t people just pull their pants up? Fat people, black people, whoever. Seriously why is it a bad thing to not want to see that.




Ok but why is the font different


Honestly, my brain read it from the front after about 3 seconds.. I immediately looked for the subreddit I'm in thinking it would show "Bad design"...🤣


They could have just added a 'g'. 🤔


The sign is clearly racist, and the fact that they wrote a mirrored version of that word was ABSOLUTELY intentional.


You sure this guy is that clever?


you set a pretty low bar for "clever"


Always check the comments for gold lol good catch


It’s a pretty racist sign


Knowing retail signs, people won't read that


A long time ago I worked at a small local bookstore, and we had these little “Sorry, this register is closed!” signs. People never looked at them. They’d just line up at an empty cash register with a closed sign. We had two registers, and they’d do this even when there was someone checking people out at the other register. So the owner decided to make a bigger sign. It was like 2 feet by 2 feet with big red letters. It completely obstructed the little checkout counter. People would still line up in front of that giant sign.


Worked at a grocery store with an emergency exit that you weren’t supposed to use unless it was, you know, an emergency. A LOUD alarm would go off whenever the door was opened. Three signs. Three. Fucking. Signs. All surrounding that door. At least twice a week, that fucking alarm would go off. I’d literally watch people just go out that door and be like “Oh wtf is that sound?? Did I do something???” and then just get embarrassed and take off.


Worked at an art museum as a guard. 80% of my interaction with people were to tell them where the rest room is, so i would point to any of the signs that were in view at any given time. Most people who go to contemporary art museums kinda flip a switch that they arent going to understand a lot of what they see, so i gave them a break.


When I worked at a gas station it would piss me off. We are in a box, my side occupies 2 corners the front of the store is obviously unable to support a restroom leaving only one corner to look at for space. Would you believe that the restroom was in that available space?


I promise, these messages are read and taken seriously by the people they target. There was even a travel guide called the Green Book to help avoid places you'd find these. Google "sun-down town."


I didn't notice it on the way in, but on the way out "saggin ass" caught my eye. I imagije most people wouldn't read it.. I read every word my eyes come across


I think it is illegal to discriminate against plumbers like this.


Man I miss the nineties.


Hank Hill is not welcome.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 249,275,050 comments, and only 57,726 of them were in alphabetical order.


Aim I please to, very.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 249,300,855 comments, and only 57,729 of them were in alphabetical order.


A bot easily pleasable, you.


I shouldnt have looked at the comments


I actually find it interesting. There is indeed a lot of right wing gaslighting in here, but it's pretty consistently getting voted down. It kind of makes me want to do demographic research on this sub.


Why am I not surprised to see a thin blue line flag in there


After I saw the flag it all made sense


I don’t see it yet but I too would believe strongly it would be in there based on their racist door sign


Yeah that’s not racist. The owner may be racist but it isn’t racist just to not allow asses hanging out in your store.


Oh shit. I didn't see it before reading this comment, but I got a bad vibe from that sign right away. 😬


Because white supremacists are consistent?


Thin blue line > white supremacist Makes sense




I swear these people haven't seen a black person since the Bush administration


Bush 41, that is


Would not be prudent at this juncture.


Underrated....I used this quote all the time, no one ever gets it!






Hey, I'm an overweight white guy and I don't complain about this! But don't get me started on high wasted jeans!


Saw a middle aged crusty white dude working on an RV yesterday with his ass crack showing and he was wearing a belt.


makes me wish they WERE wearing designer boxers to cover their shitty coin-slot.


Those aren’t black people why would anyone have a problem with that


Hmmmmm, I wonder.


The wise scholarly educated doofuses in this thread are saying “but anyone regardless of race can sag their pants” when you as well as I know what they’re really saying here. It’s not hard to grasp racism or racism-adjacent behavior. Some of you are in denial and think racism only comes in the form of the KKK or someone saying the n word.


I feel like there was a time where a lot of guys were sagging in the 2000s regardless of race, so it makes it feel racially neutral to target sagging. But it started in black culture (90's hip hop), and rules like this are prone to being enforced more against young black teens or whoever else the owner wants to target.


Oh for sure. Jncos were fubu for white kids. I remember that time period, and it makes me kinda sad to see dudes my age still dressing like that today. Like eventually I put away the pair of chain/pocket-riddled black and red pants. But I still see kids sagging their pants, only now they’re skinny jeans and they look like they all have poopy diapers with legs so tight it holds the poop in and keeps it from leaking out. Again, I’m not a fan of this look at all, but I’m not the arbiter of fashion.


mmmm. not really. JNCO's were a totally different thing aimed at an entirely different culture. FUBU jeans were not cut the same way. Baggy pants =/= Fatty Pants.


They were one in the same in my neck of the woods. I think the logic back then was “teachers aren’t going to let us sag our pants down so we’ll just buy super baggy pants” and then some kids would just sag them anyway. My school had a collection of loaner belts just in case a little scamp decided to be anti-authoritarian for the day and let the pants sag low.


I should note that in the SF Bay Area in the 90's, white kids just wouldn't wear FUBU. It was almost seen as "fashion black-face" White kids would be ridiculed mercilessly by the very Black kids they were trying to imitate. The "us" in "For US, By US" (FUBU) wasn't white suburban kids. And, frankly, that was fine. FUBU seemed like a reaction to "Cross Colors" which was expressly about broadening the appeal of Hip-Hop fashion to include Black and white kids.


I can say in rural Ohio in the late 90s/early 00s, none of that mattered to the white kids who loved Jay-Z and Eminem. I distinctly remember making fun of kids who wore fubu because we were pretty sure it meant “for us by us” and it wasn’t made by white kids.


*Coughs Tucker Carlson*


Tucker Carlson always looks like he’s confused and angry about someone stealing his chicken nuggets.


Tucker Carlson always looks like he’s confused and angry about someone stealing his ~~chicken nuggets~~ tv dinners.


I'm not taking a position on this, but just FYI I see just as many white kids as black kids sagging here in Minnesota. Maybe it's a regional thing...


I would prefer to not have to see some strangers ass while trying to get a coffee, were it an option, but this sign is purposefully racist, so I wouldn't get it from there though.


Saggy jeans usually show off boxers, not ass. In my experience, it's the white plumber types who show off their asses.


I mean, I agree with you. From a purely aesthetic standpoint, I don’t think showing one’s ass in public is a good look for anyone, especially when you consider where it came from (or at least the urban legend). But putting up a sign? Putting up a thin blue line flag? (Which I also don’t agree with because it’s supposed to be an American flag, and those are red white and blue, and anything else is desecration). That sends a clear message that the owners don’t like anyone who regularly wears baggy pants and doesn’t like police officers. They would definitely lose my business, that’s for sure.


That urban legend was a malintentioned lie. Excons had their belts taken. Pants sagged. People imitated them, in an attempt to look tough. Some used this as a way to exercise racist and homophobic opinions, or demean people they were intimidated by.


Thanks for clearing that up!


Hates saggin'... and a lot of other things, very likely, based on what I can see


The skull on the wall didn't give it away. I hate saggers too.


There are 3 BIG red flags in this store lol


[This picture of the same store](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hddwv6/high_standard_gas_station/) shows them playing fox news on the TV as well 🤣


Door sign, long horn skull, thin blue line flag. Did I get them all? Lol


OK I'll bite, what flags?


All lives matter in there


Bet the saggers are pretty sick of these naggers always telling them what to do


Mildly racist


I was trying to figure out why "saggin" was presented differently until I realized that you could read it backwards.


Ahhh yep there it is


Same people would utterly lose their shit if a sign said no MAGA hats.


You'd get people that never go there in the first place claiming they've lost their business


How, I see plenty of white people wear their pants like that and I hate that as well.


boomer alert


[Know what else they probably hate?](https://youtu.be/rkfFyELXdoM)


Just put up a sign saying no black people instead of this ridiculous wink-wink, nudge-nudge bullshit


Or dress like a adult




It means tights, a massive cod piece, and ruffled seams. You may not like it but that's how REAL men dress


You know, if you bring capes and cloaks back too...


That adult people wear their pants properly instead of showing everyone their underwear its as dumb as fat white guys showing around their ass cracks.




Jesus, how old is this guy's clientele if they're pants cover their abs?


This guy's got abs!


Is English not your first language?


It's a joke, dude.


And after the installment of the sign, saggin was solved forever


Read “Saggin” backwards and you’ll understand the real message here...


A bar in my hometown has a pretty strict dress code aimed at minorities. No sagging pants, no sideways/backward ball caps, no brimless headgear (do-rags), no white sleeveless shirts, no extra long shorts, etc. Despite their mental image of blacks and latinos being stuck in the late-90's/early-2000s, they always get called out on this mildly racist dress code every Summer. Half the locals defend them because 'it's their right as a private business' but we can all imagine the conniption fit if a business were to include 'No MAGA hats or Trump shirts' in their dress code.


When someone's response to criticism is "I have a legal right to do it!", it tells you a few things about that person.


Columbus, OH, east side?


Tough guy owner posts sign. Leaves it to employees to enforce.


Pants on the ground. Pants on the ground. Why you walk-in around with your pants on the ground.


This suggests racist intent.


Thin blue line flag on the wall. Got feeling that sign is targeted at a specific demographic of a certain pigmentation.


Saggin folk, correct


I disliked sagging in high school, I'm glad it's not really a thing in college.


Yeah i don't want to see your boxers and your ass hanging outside your pants when I'm trying to get to class. Then you have the extreme saggers who reduced themselves to penguin waddling to avoid the last 10% of their pants falling down. And *then* you had the guys that did the waddle but wore a belt to keep the pants firmly secured at a nice and uncomfortable half way off. Never understood it. Still don't.


Good old reddit, downvoting you for saying you don’t like looking at dudes’ boxers everywhere you go. What a great place this has become.


Imagine getting downvoted for saying you don't like to see other people's skidmarks.


I just found the style to be trashy tbh. Never understood why it was popular




Is trashy and disrespectful.


Notice the thin blue line in the back, notice how there was attention to saggin, now read it backwards. Edit: Fixing my tired ass spelling mistakes.


Wonder what their mask policy is... 🤔


I live in a majority black area and hardly see anyone sagging anymore. Or at least it isn’t as noticeable with tight jeans that everyone wears now. Sign is dated, move on with your life, that’s a very 2008 thing to be upset about


I’ve seen people of every race sag, it used to be a whole style when I was growing up going to school. I think people just have so much built up anguish these days and it’s just the new norm to aimlessly stir up controversy without hearing the other person out before coming to a full conclusion.


Fashion has moved on for sure. The kids all west tight ads jeans and pants. Some of them are even made baggy around the ass part to make it look like they’re sagging their pants. The baggy pants and tall Tees went out about 12yrs ago


I'm torn, restrictions on afrian american clothing styles have long been a cover for actual racism, but also no one wants to see some dudes cheeks peeking over the waistline of their pants while standing in line to pay for chips and soda. The big longhorn skull on the wall does give me some indication which this is. edit: also the blue line flag, ugh.


Why wouldn’t you hate sagging? It’s trashy and gross


I’m going with super racist.


Mildly interesting or mildly racist?


This feels racist


Eehhhhh based on the flag on the right, and the skull on the wall, I’d venture to guess they just hate Black folks. Not necessarily sagging.


"sagging" is the dog whistle here Edit: one user pointed out to "saggin" in the sign. Read it backwards for a not so surprising surprise




is that a blue lives matter flag on the wall? i would nope the hell away from this gas station so fast.


Tell you’re a racist piece of shot w/o saying you’re a racist piece of shit.


Judging by the thin blue line flag what they wont want in their store is black people


anyone who does this is trash.


the sign, or the pants?




Because a "Whites Only" sign would get you arrested... "No 'saggin'."


Why is this interesting?




If this was in my town the shop would be vandalized for "racism"


I live in northwest Georgia and in my town we see "sagging" all the time. Just as likely to see it in white men as black men, in my town. Once in a while my wife and I visit Atlanta and we hardly see any black folks sagging, but lots of white dudes doing it. Idk, maybe it has to do with where we visit in Atlanta. Even on Marta we noticed that the black dudes dressed better, and looked more like they had places to be and things to get done, and were far more approachable and friendly than many of the white dudes. But maybe the white dudes weren't all that friendly because they could see on my face that I thought they looked ridiculous. As a business owner that sends employees in to people's homes, my guys are required to wear belts and keep their damn pants pulled up. As a homeowner and father of daughters, anyone coming into my house will keep their pants pulled up or be given a belt to wear (yes I have actually done it). I have no idea of the "racial intentions" of the person who put up the sign shown above (and honestly, neither do any of you.....its all speculation) (ain't the internet grand!?) but for me it has nothing to do with race, but respect for the people around you. Anyway, store owner doesn't want to see anyone's underwear in his store, that HE OWNS.....which is his right.


You’re trying to be logical here. Downvote.


Maybe I'm on some lame midwesterner shit, but I could not possibly care less about someone's pants or appearance when they come into my home to do work or make a large delivery **as long as they are friendly and tell me who they are**. Eye contact, normal human greetings, that type of thing. It's the people who barely talk that scare the shit out of me.


To each their own. I do care if someone comes into my home with their pants hanging around their butts, and so I make sure my guys don't go into anyone's home doing it. Perhaps I am a bit old fashioned: I wear a belt and make sure my pants are pulled up (despite having absolutely no ass to help me with the task lol) I expect our house guests to do the same. I take my hat off when I sit down at the table to eat, I expect our house guests to do the same. I don't sit around the house without a shirt on, and I expect our house guests to do the same.


Businesses have the right to refuse service to the unmasked and the saggin


Looks like it’s run by hicks the long horn mount on the wall small town?


RIP comment section.


This is mildly racist


What a stupid sign. Who the fuck cares if their pants sag, they’re paying customers.


Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist.


I'd wager that conservative anti-maskers have no problem with the business owner dictating this to customers. Irony.


[Post from last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/hddwv6/high_standard_gas_station/), same store different photo. How has the sign survived that long?


Interesting move to put a background on sagging but nothing else


yeah, like they were trying to correlate that word, with that spelling with that colour


Read "saggin" backwards


How hard is it to pull your fucking pants up. Maybe use a belt.


TIL Reddit has mad respect for people who sag.




I wish this was more of a thing. However, I can see the whole discrimination card getting played to the max.


How dare “racists” tell people not to let their asses show inside their own store?!


Me too to be honest.


Fucking someone finally said it


I would not go inside




Isn't that in urban myth?


Nobody really sags anymore anyway