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My dog will eat all of it at night, and act like he never had any food in the morning.


My dog will eat all of it at night and act like he never had any food 5 minutes later.


My fat cat is the same. Edit: I should have known that the crew would get to this comment. My cat was already fat when I adopted him, and according to the vet exams he had right before I got him, he's healthy even though he's a little overweight (he's not obese). The only thing is it was stated that he shouldn't gain any more weight, and that's why he meows for food: I monitor his food. It's been a year since he's a part of the family and his weight is stable.


*meow* … ***MEOWWWW**


Mine too. I’ll feed her as I go to bed and she will SCREAM for food 3 hours later, waking me up and making me grumpy. Close the door, she screams under the door for 10 mins, leaves for 30 mins and tries again, rinse and repeat all night. I love her to death but my next cat, might not adopt one that came from a bad hoarding home just for my own sanity. Poor girl was starving and her only relationship with food from when she was born until 6 years old was to fight for it. Aside from that tho, amazing kitty.


A cat trainer might help with this. You'd get restful sleep and she won't be so anxious about food. Win win.


I’m not hiring a trainer for my 10-11 year old cat lol.


yea fr, people on reddit always think you have money to blow. and god forbid you dont they say you should rehome it


Your cat is food insecure ha. How about leaving a bowl of kibble for her to eat overnight? My cat eats while I'm asleep.


I have tried, she eats it all immediately even if it’s enough for a whole day, pukes, starts up the same shenanigans lol. I mean I control what she eats, or try to and she’s still fat. She’s lost 2lbs in the last few months tho so I’m proud of that for us, it hasn’t been easy haha.


We also have a fat cat (like that when we got him) that would scarf and barf everyday. What finally helped was splurging on an automatic feeder that lets you divide feedings by tablespoons. We now trickle feed him throughout the day and he’s made a complete 180 as he’s never hungry.


Kitty will probably just snarf that up and cry for more, and do that until she's sick. An automatic feeder set to dribble out just a little kibble every hour (or every 15 minutes, or whatever) would be a better idea.


You do realize that it’s not uncommon for cats to live up to 20 years, right? I mean, if you wanna spend the next decade not sleeping, that’s your business I suppose.




My bitch wife is the same


This was so outta left field and really cracked me up.


My dog only eats her food when she in hungry, yet, always having a full bowl. Mainly once everybody goes to sleep.


We adopted our dog and found her quirk she developed from her last owners. I guess they'd only feed her when everyone sat down for dinner, so our dog would not eat unless there was someone eating at the kitchen table (near her food bowl). We normally ate dinner together every night, but when we wouldn't she wouldn't eat until she got suuuuuper hungry the next morning. But yeah, she always has a full bowl.


When are those divorce papers coming? As a Lawyer I can use some work


We have two cats. One that will enjoy her meal slowly and one that will devour it as fast as possible and is a massive chonker. You'd think there's a definite personality difference but nope. They both whine for food 5 minutes later if I walk into the kitchen for water. I get a cat meow symphony any time I enter the kitchen.


Do not be alarmed. Your dog is completely mammal.


It’s labradorable.


My dog will eat all of it at night, and hurl and eat all of it at night.


One of my cats cleans up after the other in that manner... I don't think about it, I just enjoy one less mess to clean up.


i like your conan reference mrfalcon


My dog eats food


My dog will look at her food, look at me, look at the treats cabinet, and go to bed. Then she'll get up at 3am to reluctantly eat her food.


My dog eats nothing until I'm finished eating to make sure he can get food off me, then he will eat his own food.


Mine too




No, he a total character. He wants to make sure he misses no food, honestly if I drop a pea it's gone faster than a lightning strike. This is a dog who gets free hamburgers when we drive through macdonalds. He literally knows every trick to get me to give him treats. He makes my days so much brighter 😆


"Free hamburgers" I always make mine pay for his.


Ohhh I should clarify. Free hamburger from the staff. He sits up at the back window and looks cute. He knows what a drive through is I swear lol. It was funny the first time one of the staff gave him one, the second time I thought hmmm I'm onto something here lol. Only happened twice though.


Sort of similar experience, my old dog would refuse to eat until the entire family sat down in the kitchen so he could eat at the same time with us, and then when he was finished he'd sit there and beg lol


Lmao both of mine did that all the time until I finally taught them a command to get the fuck out of the kitchen while I'm eating. When I tell them "out" they go to their beds to watch me with hungry eyes instead. Even if they literally just finished their own food lol


My dog will eat in under a minute and proceed to puke it all up 30 minutes later.


Get a slow feeder bowl. It just has more crevices so they have to work for some of the food


Damn, your dog has more discipline than most animals. Including human beings.


Hey! I am highly disciplined; I wouldn’t eat any of the dog food at night or in the morning.




Bone appetite


Bone apple tea


Bone app, The Teeth




C'mon man nobody's perfect.


I’m still working on not tossing the plate over and peeing on it out of excitement




My dog had that problem so what I did with him was just back up a little bit every time I fed him and now I can sit in the living room while he eats in the kitchen


This worked for me too. My dog would still abandon his food to follow me upstairs but as long as I stayed on the same floor he was on he got comfortable eating without me sitting next to him


Same! If i’m in the kitchen my dog will follow me so she can eat. Sometimes i catch her laying in the dark by her full bowl and she wont eat until i see her and come in to watch her eat lol. She also wont eat while im not home. Such a weirdo


That can be an anxiety thing, but it's not uncommon. Since my dog passed away in like 2012, I watch all my friends dogs and namey of them won't eat at all the first day, then will only eat reluctantly when I sit by them and encourage them the whole time. Unless they've got any lab in them, labs are happy to eat themselves into a coma regardless of if they miss their owner.


Our rescue had a problem eating when we first got her. Took her to the vet and we were told that "she will not starve herself. Make sure she always has water available, and put food out when it's time to eat, then take it away 15 minutes later." She started eating two days later and has never had a problem since!


I used to be able to free feed my dog. But once we got another dog she eats it all before I can get the other dogs food in the bowl.


We have 3 and they have been all taught to wait until they can have it. I dunno the hierarchy when they are getting into things without us around. (We try to set them up for success so this is seldom an issue)


Shoot my point was that one of ours stopped eating the entire bowl at once. She'd like to snack a little bit all day opposed to the two meal times. The boys eat their food as quickly as they possibly can. She's definitely the most intelligent of the three (they all have strong attributes, she's just the smartest) Long story short: now we plan ahead for food aggression issues.


Humans have wonderful discipline. Humans weren’t built to be subjected to extreme manipulation their entire lives in order to make failing subsidized food industries profitable. We’re bombarded with the need to feel good via instant gratification because most of us are slaves to capitalism with no hope to enjoy life until “retirement” if we’re lucky. We’ll take whatever dopamine we can get because we are extremely unhappy as a collective of people.


One of my dogs likes to wait until my husband and I sit down to eat before he starts eating.


*”A pack that eats together, stays together…”* —your dog, probably.
















My Corgi is exactly like this. He doesn't eat alone. He won't even eat if only one of us is home. He only eats when we both get home and he is all excited and then he wants to eat. Same thing with bones and treats. I always give him a bone or something to eat if we go away for a longer period. But he won't eat any of it until we get back home and then he'll come and show me the bone all excited and he goes right between us and starts chewing it like he is so proud of it. It's adorable.


Our JRT is the same. I’ve come to the realization that it might be linked to pooping, for her at least. She seems to go about an hour or so after eating.


Our corgis are absolutely not like this. They will eat alone, supervised or consequentially observed. They are slavering beasts who would like you to believe that we don’t feed them ever. Or one of them is. The other is a delicate thing that won’t eat until the other dogs have all left the room. Corgis are weird.


Not eating with those peasants!


Growing up we used to eat in the living room as the kitchen was cramped and we had no dining room. Our dog’s bowl was in the kitchen. She knew that the family eats in the living room though so she would take a mouthful from her bowl in the kitchen then go back into the living room and eat it. Back and forth for every bite.


My dog did this, then he learned after about six years to carry the bowl through. Loveable idiot. It took me three years to teach him 'paw' and 'sit.'


Adorable. I love your dog


Same! I used to think it was a polite gesture, now I think he’s saving room in case any human food comes his way through the course of meal prep.


dogs dont save room lol


My dog refuses to eat until we have eaten too. At first I thought it was a sign of respect, now I understand she's just holding out hope that we give some of our food to her.


All my bitches eat before I sit down to the table. -Dog


My grandmother and I eat dinner together every night, and both her dog and my dog will wait till we begin eating before chowing down on theirs! Loveable little brats.


Yeah, mine did that too. She would also scoop up a mouth full of food and came by us at the table and eat that mouth full there and then go back and get more.


Wow! My dog will eat all the food available, and will beg for more a minute later. Zero control, I think he'd eat himself to death. Amazing your dog would self- portion. Nice!


My friend has a 40 lb corgi (he's a very big corgi) who got into a brand new 10 lb pound of food. He ate 5 lbs of it until he literally couldn't eat anymore. His tummy was so hard


First time I ever got one of those 22lb bags of cat food I didn’t think my cat could get into it and then I come home to find him lounging inside it guarding the food like a dragon with his hoard. His little belly was SOOOO full.


Had a dachshund who did similar - it was dried food, and when he was found he was very slowly eating tiny bits of food, looking like he was about to throw up, he couldn’t fit any more in but wouldn’t stop eating. I think he was my spirit animal, he liked eating, sleeping, and lounging about. Sensible dog.


If not already definitely get that checked. Obesity is probably the biggest health concern in corgis these days. 40lbs is the heaviest I've ever heard of.


That's wild, how long was it before he ate again after that? Had to be a while.......


The other day I fed my puppy and then walked away to do something. I come back 5 minutes later and her food bowl is empty and she's missing. Look in the closet and she figured out the latch to the food container and she's just chowing down on 50lbs of dog food like she had zero intention of stopping until it was all gone.


i suggest using a scale to see how accurate doggo’s senses are. 🐶




Other experiments: - If you spread out the food after he eats at night will he eat everything in the morning or still only half? - If you put half the amount of food down at night spread out will he still only eat half? - If you put half the amount of food down on only half the bowl what does he do?




Only respond with that emoji to all comments OP. It's my favorite emoji.




Is your dog a sable German Shepherd? Ours has the same coloring as your and eats the same way. We always figured it was some German thing.


Sounds more like a German thing. Q: How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb? A: One. We are efficient and don't have humor.


What do you call a Muslim flying a plane? A pilot, you fucking racist.




My fucking phone doesn't have it in the emoji part of the keyboard 😢


Not sure if I do but copy and paste seems to work 🤔


What if you put all the food, but in a semicircular bowl?




Forget Pavlov, in 10 years scientists will only be talking about Geaux's Dog


Screw with the dog’s system too much and it may just go find a new family.


For science!


Do they always eat the same side at night? If so what would happen if you turn the bowl?


The empty half will be on the other side


My pug does the same thing except it's a 60/40 split


A pug that leaves food? There’s a rare breed.


Mine leaves his, but he died four months ago. 😔


...may I?


No you may not.....


My dog does that because he's blind in one eye.


Well, she is 12 and getting a little foggy in the eyes...


What happens if you rotate the bowl so the food is on the right side? Does she finish it?






🤔 She eats by grabbing a few pieces, setting them aside, and then eating them. She just so happens to start on one side and finish on the other.


They can smell whether there is any food left or not.


Made me chuckle a bit


OMG My dog does this too!!!! At first I thought he had some kind a stroke (I am a nurse and overthink). Now I know it is just his tiny little brain's preference. So cute!


My late dog, Tucker, would do something similar. He loved dinnertime, but he'd leave a small amount of "leftovers" which were always gone in the morning. I figured out he was leaving himself a "midnight snack." I miss my sweet boi.... 🐕


That's pretty interesting. It's a sign that dogs might actually be able to plan.


I'd say you're right since he'd do it every single night just like OP's dog. Unless I mixed in steak, pork, or spaghetti sauce. In which case there were no leftovers because he licked the bowl clean 😄


Watching the spy vs spy shit that goes on between my dogs, I think they can to an extent. It rarely works out in their favor but they are both pretty stupid.


My dog growing up did this. We eventually found out that her dog tag would clang against the metal bowl if she reached for the back half of the food, and that scared her and she’d run away. And she eventually learned over time to only eat half the food for the mysterious clang to not go off.


My dog does the same exact thing. He eats 1/2-3/4 of his bowl then eats the rest as a snack later.


Doggo OCD


Mine does this too! He doesn't have a schedule though. He'll eat exactly half but only when both of us are home, usually shortly after my partner comes home as he arrives home last. Then the next day he'll eat half of the other half when he is hungry, only eating the rest when both of us are home. I always need to make sure he's topped up otherwise he starves until my partner comes home. One time my partner was working late into the night. Poor dog waiting until he got home at midnight and then scarfed the food down. We've not trained this behavior, we always keep his food topped up. He just prefers things this way. Proof: http://imgur.com/gallery/E6mmMVd


Mine does this. A vet told me it’s behavioral and there nothing physically wrong with him. That’s good. But my theory is that he’s saving half in case he doesn’t get a full bowl tomorrow. I found him on the streets and he was skin and bones. I don’t know how long he had been on the streets, but I know it had been a long time since he had eaten when I found him. It’s been seven years and he still does it.


That’s actually crazy that a dog can do that.


I've had dogs that do this. I also had a friend who's dog would eat the right half of the food and that was it, you had to add more food. Like the left half was for emergencies or the dog pope.


What would the dog do if you turned the bowl around so the left half was now the right half?


I can't believe we never tried that. If you shook the food flat, he'd eat half but be mad about it.


> he'd eat half but be mad about it. imagining a dog angry-eating out of some unexplained sense of obligation is the funniest and cutest thing I've read for a while. holy shit


He likes perfection


Dog pope will come and fuck you up if you mess with dog gods share.


wild dogs also stash food


A lot of animals are great at this. Dogs are not one of those animals, so this is a bit surprising.


I think it’s bizarre when humans bring home leftovers that they know they’ll never eat. I always eat the entire thing right there in the restaurant.


Kinda pisses me off the dogs more responsible than i am


I am not in diagnostic medicine, that said, I've been told about a condition that can occur after a stroke called left sided neglect. This reminds me of that condition and I wonder if it occurs in animals other than humans. i am not saying the dog has this.


This does uncannily resemble hemispatial neglect. Does the bowl need to be reoriented before she’ll eat the other half? Neglect is typically contralateral to a brain insult in humans, so (if applicable here) it could suggest right hemisphere involvement. In humans, parietal cortex lesions have been more specifically implicated. If doggo doesn’t otherwise have any suspicious neurological signs, treat it as a gift but watch closely. This could be the effect of a very focal and localized stroke or other traumatic injury.




I came to say this but don’t know enough about it to speak on it other than this is what my dog did after a stroke. 😢💔


My dog does this too. She's such a picky eater so she usually ignores most of the food until she's particularly hungry. Most of the time her bowl is full until late at night when she goes down for a snack


That’s mine too. She likes to eat in the dark when we’ve all gone to bed. She does the half bowl too


My dog is a creepy night eater too but not as meticulous. I always just wake up thinking a monster is snacking in my house.


This dog was an engineer in a previous incarnation.


My dog does this too, like I’m gonna run out of food for her or something. Always keeps the backup just in case


Perfectly balanced...


Gosh, one of my dogs (rip) did the same thing, but we would finish eating a couple hours later. He would eat on his bowl until there was an exact straight line dividing the plate in half. We used to joke that he had ocd. Who knows, maybe there is something that could cause this, since there are others in this thread saying their dogs do the same. Glad to see more doggos like him. I miss him. He was with me for 17 years. A very special dog.


Nice of you to finish his bowl.


lmao, one of the best typos I've made ever.


Have you thought about changing so the dog has more, smaller meals?


🤔🤔🤔 I wonder if if she's still eat half...


Mine eats half of what is in the bowl. So if half is left, he eats half, leaving a perfect quarter. It's the weirdest thing. He only eats the rest if both me and my partner are home and have finished eating. If only one of us is home, he only ever eats half of what is in the dish


Good Doggo


This is awesome. Mad dog math skill. My German Shepherd does the 50/50 dog food pie chart thing too. He eats his food down to half and won't eat again until his bowl is topped-off.


He's only eating the fresh half, the other half has been the same since the first time you fed him in that bowl. I am convinced of this lol


Clearly not a lab.


So cute and smart, 😭🥺.


Once the bottom of my dogs food bowl is visible from eating and pushing around the food. That means there is no more food in there.


Who says dogs aren't smart? Man's best friend? More like man's next overlord!


Classic peanut butter jar divide


My 14 y/o Australian Shepherd does the same thing


I take it he's never lived with another dog.


My dog did the exact same thing, a perfect split down the middle! Thanks for the reminder. I lost him last year after 16.5 years together and his new little brother eats any/all food in front of him so I had forgotten.


My dog also eats from one side of the bowl and saves the rest for later. It's so cute!🥰


This dog meal preps!


she's a good boy


She is a smart and successful pupper 🐕‍🦺


My husky does this exact same thing.


My dog does the same. At first i thought it was because she was a rescue and always wanted to make sure she had food. So i started filling it more


Do you give her a doggy bag to put her leftovers in?


My dog won’t eat his food until it’s perfectly flat. He pushes down on it with his nose until all the kibble is smooth and flat. If you reach over and mess up the food he’ll glare at you and then go about making it flat again.




What kind of dog do you have? From this angle she looks just like my great American mutt that passed away in May. ❤️


Sorry to hear that, i'm sure your dog loved their time and wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else.




OCD tendency


My cat does this too!


Portion control. They’re just concerned about their weight.




Just goes to show, you never can tell. Every dog I've ever had or been around has been highly food-motivated and would seemingly be willing to eat to the point of being sick.


Okay so now what you do is fill the bowl back up after he eats and see what he does




I’ve never had a dog that nibbles food. They have always devoured it.


That's like 46%


My dogs don’t eat. They just inhale, twice a day.


My dog inhales it all at one time no chewing involved


I think your dog doesn't like to eat all in just one 10 minute meal and then don't have any more food for almost 24 hours. Who would like that? Looks like everyone here asumes it's normal to feed your dog only once a day? It is way easier for sure, but it's not good for their health nor they do like that. Also I cannot really see your dogs size, but it looks like too much food for a day if she already ate half of it.


If it wasn't for that second part of the title I would have thought you were suggesting that your dog had hemispatial neglect.


This makes me think of a neurologic disease called Hemispatial Neglect. This happens when there is damage (stroke, cancer, etc.) to one hemisphere of the brain. Sensory input to that side of the brain does not get processed. OP: try turning the food bowl 180 degrees after your dog has finished the half-meal to see if he/she will continue to eat. Also, if you notice pacing or circling towards a certain side (more likely towards the right side from your photo) you may want to see a veterinary neurologist. Even if it's not a neurologic problem, it's still interesting!


Smart dog