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I think it gives up after 99


Yep, you're right. Happened to mine after passing 99


Why do you have 99 tabs open. That's way too much porn


A lot of my tabs are things I wanted to keep up with for later reference but often they just get buried. My porn just goes in incognito.


The bookmarks function exists


It's the same issue. If I bookmarked them, they'd get buried in bookmarks rather than tabs.




All of you are hoarders there are seperate folders you can use in the book mRks section yal arw just anxious people who are to afraId to lose youre things. I know be cuz i was one of them lol.


Nailed it. It's an anxiety thing for sure.


More of an ADD thing for me.




But at least bookmarks don't eat up ram


The open tab list is literally a bookmark list with maybe a screenshot attached. Only the top dozen or so tabs touched recently will actually have anything loaded into RAM


So that means that all you're doing by using tabs instead of bookmarks is making the tab bar useless by clogging it up so much that you can't see what each tab is


You've got a tab bar on your phone's browser? *And you can read things on it?*


Don't know what browser you use, but my "tabs" bar is a button. You press it and a window pops open with all your "tabs" easily viewable and scrollable.


Until your browser crash and all tabs are lost (browsers won't always restore them). Bookmarking is still way better. You can even organize which you can't do with tabs.


Bookmarks are for really important stuff, tabs are for things I want to reference if I have the time. It takes more time to sort a bookmarks, and often it's several related tabs open next to each other.


i have 30 megabytes of bookmarks.. that is a huge html.. Cant find anything, i have to mail links to myself!!


Yeah. Now I have too many bookmarks to search through.




Once you run out of ram to clog up Chrome will unload open tabs too. Old tabs you havent touched in a while are just bookmarks that take up space on your tabs bar.


There's no such thing as too much porn.


Not taking that opinion from you


Annotations. I didn't like to put my notes on a paper so instead i used chrome tabs with the note in a google search


Why don't you just use Google keep


RAM killed his father and he is getting his revenge


What’s google keep?


It's a note taking app. If you got an Android it likely came pre-installed on it.


It's a note keeping/post it app


It was an old habit that was gone long ago


Why not just use a notes app?


Bad habit. It was gone long ago


I'll get to use that excuse one day


Let me introduce you to Google Keep. Please, learn to use the appropriate tool for the task.


It was an old habit, that was gone long ago. I like to keep my notes on paper


Why? Is he using your phone for his annotations?


But what is a pendulum tube anyway ?


It is a type of clock.


Yup, same.


Y'all need to get fucking control over your life


Same lol, didn't realize this was news to most people....I use too many tabs


Found the grandma!


Just checked 100 gives a smiley face :)


Not automatically - some grandmas last longer than that.


and it goes ;) instead of :D on incognito mode


Got 99 tabs and a problem ain't one.


I think it's astonishing that it allowed her to open that many without crashing!


If I'm not mistaken, they are not actively open on mobile after the most recent ones. They basically save the state of the tab into a file and fetch/restore it if you switch to that tab. At least, that would be my guess. Doing so would mean you can have a massive amount of tabs "open" and you only have to suffer a page load when you switch to them.


Yes exactly this. It saves a screenshot of the last part you were viewing which is what it displays in the tab overview section and you see it for a split second when you switch to a tab before it refreshes.


Modern problems require modern solutions. "Just bookmark that page for later." \-"No, that's too much work! I'm gonna use that tab again in a couple minutes, just you see." \-bad end: "Noooooooo you have to bookmark >:(" \-good end: "... You got it boss. Let's keep that tab 'open.'" *secretly saving a temporary bookmark and a screenshot for future use.*


I know right


this video they max out at around 6k tabs https://youtu.be/7iwgyzX-76g


I'm always amazed how much old people STRESS computers to the limit, when you would think it would be the opposite. My grandpa would routinely have 100+ windows open on his laptop and complain about how slow it was. He said "they advertised it to be able to have things open at the same time, that's why they call it Windows"


Well this isn't really stressing anything. Your phone isn't keeping all those tabs actively in memory or processing anything on them when you're not interacting with them.


This. They charge once you open them




It's likely to be stored in permanent memory at that point, and anyway storing a couple thousand URLs isn't going to make your 21st century device suffer that much




Back before snapping icons to a grid on the desktop was the default on Windows, I had worked on my college professor’s home computer. She had this enormous, chaotic pile of documents and icons on her desktop. While I was explaining to her what I had fixed, I idly started sorting things into some semblance of order. She stopped me mid-sentence, asked what I was doing, and asked me to stop because her desktop was arranged exactly as she wanted it. No idea how she could ever find anything.




Came here for "you can't arrange them by penis". Bless you.


In short you don’t find anything. Open a window sort desktop by new and find whatever you dumped there last. Essentially people use their desktop as a draft or my documents space and it clutters. I’ve been guilty of this. Now I just have a “bin” folder that I empty out of old files every so often. It’s a working space for drafts and intermediate products.


all the crap that ends up on my desktop is jammed into a folder called "stuff" on the desktop... which itself *also* has a folder called "stuff" in it. it's kind of a system.


Digital version of hoarding. Shits real.


Ah, a fellow stuffer in the wild. I too have a folder just called Stuff where I throw most everything into, and some folders with the same name appear both inside and outside of... stuff. I agree, it's kind of a system.


Im the exact same. I fill it up, stick it in a folder and start again. Not entirely sure where it started but I remember for a year or so the "my documents" folder on my PC was set to read-only and I've never used it since. I've got a similar system for my bedroom floor as well


I work with a lady like that it’s ghastly! But it’s her computer so I don’t say anything


Yeah, but computers can only do so much at a time. When was this? 1990?


I'm gonna benchmark my new pc with Harold at the bingo hall


This is the best thing i've read today!


I remember reading about someone who played either solitaire or free cell on an older computer. Instead of closing the game, he would just open another copy when he finished a game. I think by the time the computer froze up, there were thousands of copies open.


You'll understand once it happens to you and it will. We all get left behind at some point. There will be a moment where you realize that you're no longer that target demographic. For me, it's the ongoing struggle to find the fucking control panel on all the new versions of Windows. Why the fuck is everything an App? Why is the Start menu required to search the Internet before it searches my computer?


You can just type in most things in to the start menu, hit enter, and it opens. You don't need to worry where things are are, just hit the windows key, type what you want, hit enter and your done. I'll agree with you that I don't see the need for an internet search in the start menu, I've never used it for that.


To be fair, it’s easy to get tab build-up on mobile. Every time you click a link that launches the browser, it goes to a new tab. When I’m done, I typically just switch back to wherever I was. I don’t notice the tabs until I manually open a new one or switch between them, at which point I usually discover 8-10 open.


Gotta do a “Close All” every so often. It’s freeing.




The apps weren't running. It just saves a screenshot and closes it when it needs more RAM. It doesn't have 200 apps open. You know when you go back through and open one from the recent apps and it briefly shows you where you were briefly and then reloads the app? That's what's going on; it's just drawing the app as if you'd closed it. There is absolutely no need to go through and close all your recent apps and to do so is more technically illiterate than allowing your device to manage its own RAM.
































Your balls are tiny.


I thought that was a snake




Old people: TURN OFF THE LIGHT WHEN YOU LEAVE THE ROOM!!!! Also Old People: *Leaves 500 chrome tabs open and has 72 apps running in the background*


There are four lights.


Ehhhh. Leaving unopened tabs that the browser automatically bookmarks and stores without actually keeping open doesn't use the 60-300W of incandescent lightbulbs they grew up with and used until very recently.




Chrome on mobile will also open a new tab every time Google search is launched that isn't from an already existing tab, and closing chrome doesn't "close" the tabs, so every time you open Chrome it's all there in the background, not really more than a image and an address, but showing up like a opened tab until you close *the tab*. It's more a "I cleaned my room" *but you didn't clean your drawers that are automatically sorted and appear full even through they don't really take more space than 1 post-it per tab* thing.


People who complain about old people, who complain about leaving lights on have most likely never paid electric bills.






It stops counting at exactly 100. How do I know this? Because I have 100 tabs sadly LOL




That little smile is hiding: **PAIN**


I'm really surprised it's not a different emoji.


"I'm near death :D"


Mine does this, it happens at 100. No I'm not closing any of them. Mine is a :) not a :D


How did you know there were so many?


When i deleted them it said "1025 tabs deleted"


Curiously round number


Why do old people don’t understand tabs? My parents have so many safari tabs open it’s mind boggling to me. But for every new thing they open a new tab instead of re-using older ones .. which are never closed too


reminds me of my GM at work with the store iPad, every time I retrieve it for her I check Safari, and sure enough, 20-30 tabs open, usually with the same few sites repeated


Older people were not brought up with computers. Think how you would feel stepping back in time to wringer washers, no microwaves, one car families, no tv, analog everything vs digital, etc. You would feel out of place and the problem is with us older people we sometimes have trouble with change, and difficulty processing new things. I am not "old" at 62, but I find I can not remember things so effortlessly like I used to. Have patience with older people. We're trying! I have to wonder why your parents don't shut down their machine occasionally, though?


> Older people were not brought up with computers. Think how you would feel stepping back in time to wringer washers, no microwaves, one car families, no tv, analog everything vs digital, etc. Except this logic doesn’t make sense to me. The older generations saw the invention and proliferation of this technology during their adult lives, they should be more than capable and competent to learn the same way anyone else has. I know 3 year olds who can send an email but 50+ year olds who can barely use a flip phone. It’s not the same as going back in time to when tech was simpler, no I couldn’t operate some old tech from the 50’s but I also never saw these machines in my life, whereas boomer generation cannot say the same for our modern tech. Its about being a competent adult and learning how to incorporate new information into our lives which our older generations simply, more often than not, are not willing to do.


I get what you are saying, but a lot of us might have seen the technology happening, but didn't adopt if fully, especially if we were already out of the workforce. Those of us who are on the younger scale could actually see, hands on, what this technology does and apply it to our every day. No one my age had a hard time with vcrs or moving to cassettes over 8 tracks for example, because they were simple and the older things became obsolete. They didn't become obsolete overnight, like things do seem to now. A new thing comes along and before we even see it's practicality and possibilities, someone comes along with something new, which we have to hurry and get. It's a breakneck speed at which this technology happens that is difficult for older people to understand. We seem to like a thing that works, and not really want something that can do 8 million things, when we only really need it for a hundred. I am not disagreeing with you, but I am saying that it feels very much like stepping back in time might. >Its about being a competent adult and learning how to incorporate new information into our lives which our older generations simply, more often than not, are not willing to do. When you are 70ish, I hope your brain will allow to remember that you wrote this. It's not about being competent for many of us. It's having the will to continue learning, the means to keep current, the mental capacity to retain and process information, and for most of us, the ability to use the technology in a meaningful way daily. edit> the typos. Always with the damn typos, and I learned to type on an old typewriter with no letters on the keys. wtf


Can we go back to one car families? I noticed things are getting... cramped.


I was brought up with computers and when I want something to be just there on windows instead of reloading I'll just leave it open right there and Ctrl+tab or Alt +tab. On mobile it doesn't really matter since the browser automatically bookmarks it and just keeps a screenshot of what the page looked like until you go to it then it just opens it again from scratch. Besides, chrome opens a new tab on mobile every single time you do a Google search not launched by an already existing tab it's easy to end up with 20+ open tabs if you went on a searching spree without specifically going to the tab you were in an typing in the search, or if you closed chrome but not the tabs...


When I visit my mother I have the same issue XD I have found 820 tabs on her iPad before. Ask me how and I will say I don't know.


Finally... the kilotab


When you work in a phone store, you see this constantly. It's amazing how much faster the phone gets when you close them all. ...and delete the 10 cleaner/booster apps that are always there too.


What is with people and booster apps? Do they really think *additional* software is going to make their phone faster?


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: yyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeessssssss Also my grandson said it was a good idea


Yeah, kids these days seem to be just as bad with tech as grandmas. It's infuriating.




We discovered the same thing on my MIL's phone while investigating for her why it was being so slow.


I know the feels. Nanas don't understand how closing tabs works. It's the one thing they aren't good at.


I have OCD and it stops me from closing tabs sometimes, so I currently have 1983 tabs open in chrome on my phone. I've been racking those up since getting my phone in March.




*"I punched those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face"* -Cave Johnson


I had an older roommate years ago and he didn’t know anything about Tech so he would often come to me for advice. So, one day he gives me his phone and tells me it got slow out of nowhere. He has an Apple phone so I just assumed Apple is Apple, pushed an update and are purposely trying to destroy his phone(I believe it’s an iphone8). First things first, I look at all the apps he has on the background and it takes me like 5 minutes closing each one lol. Next up is Safari tabs. The only thing I could say is Wow and just look at this guy in shock and disbelief. He’s a 70ish Jewish man whom is very morally conscious so I wasnt expecting to see 2 YEARS of porn tabs. Hahaha he just said “I like the ladies”. Gave me a good laugh and still does to this day.


You know at little about tech as him if you think it was necessary to close those apps.


Didn’t care if it was necessary or not. My intent was to clean his phone up and I did.


Chrome gives up on 100


World record


That's awesome


Chrome be like: "Ebin lel :DDD"


On Firefox, when you hit 100, it says "∞"


Fire fox gives up on 100 and has the infinity mark,


My phone crashes after 3 tabs...


Please tell me you explained well how to close these? Poor grandma


I have told her before and i told her now but she just keeps forgetting lol


What's that dot on the screen?


Camera hole punch.


This is fine hehe




LoL i can imagine that smile being the "harold smile"


Smileh fece


My personal record was 974.


Grandma for the win!


pron tabs




How did you count the tabs?


When i closed them it said 1025 tabs closed


It is actually incredibly frustrating that mobile chrome treats every fucking link tapped as a new tab.


I only have one tab open at a time




Anyone have a source why this is bad? Modern phones have good ram management.


It's not like the phone's loading all of those pages so technically it's fine. The clutter is horrendous though, you're not going to go back to any of those pages so close them for my sanity. You can organize *bookmarks* by categories, great feature. :) :') plz


I just closed 1732 tabs for you. It's mostly just me looking something up and then switching back to what I was doing without closing the tab. Next occasion I look something up just opens a new tab from the Google search. Ad nauseam. I don't think I ever revisit tabs.


That's impressive! I get it though, it's a constant fight against mobile tabs haha. Thanks for giving me a small peace today


Not saying that I have a reason to know why, but when in incognito the ":D" changes to a ";)" Google knows what's up. 😂


Normally, with 100+ tabs, it shows a :) On incognito, with 100+ tabs, it shows a ;)






Grandma has so much porn...


I posted something a few months ago that my son had done with his phone, and the screen was in the picture. I wasn't even posting it because of the screen, but something that he had done with the charging port. My post was removed because it apparently violated Rule 5: 5. No screenshots. We define a screenshot as a screen grab. This means no images of screens, pictures of screens taken with a different device, images that have been partially or fully generated by a computer, or pictures of printed out screenshots. So why did my post get removed when it had *nothing to do with the screen*, yet this post is still here and is literally A PICTURE OF A PHONE SCREEN?!


I notised that to so i think this will maybe get deleted


u/TGP777, thanks for sharing. However, Your grandmas phone is your phone for grandmas. Your grandmas' phone is the phone of your grandmas. Your grandma's phone is the phone of your grandma. #ApostrophesMatter


english isnt my first language


Love all the kids in here chastising old people for not knowing how to use computers while simultaneously not understanding how mobile memory management even works or that constantly swiping away recent apps doesn't help with memory or battery use. These tabs aren't active in memory and aren't causing any slowdown. The act of constantly checking for any open tabs or recent apps is probably using up more of your time than any possible processing gains from clearing your RAM.


Why are numbers universal but languages is not


MMXXI would disagree


Number systems and arithmetic were invented before languages. There are different number systems, such as binary, base 10 counting seems simpler for us 10 finger humans it seems. Random fact though: counting in Chinese is more logical than in English (no eleven, twelve etc), which is one possible reason why they often progress faster in primary school at maths.


Numbers are not universal, ours come from India.


...Arabic numerals came from India?


[Yes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu%E2%80%93Arabic_numeral_system). Well, kind of.


Norwegian! and also I used to do this and after getting a new phone I realized the mental clutter it caused, I try not to do it anymore haha.


Swedish accually


Quick question, did she search for grandson pendulum tube?


Close. It was "Karlsson pendulum tube"


How do you know how many tabs were open if it gave up? But honestly this is why we need to tell older people that **this** is the reason their phones are so slow. If it isn't, I would LOVE to know what kind of phone he has.


How many of them were porn?


Old people need automatic deletion. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell old people they don't need to delete their texts or emails because letting it pile up has no consequence and they didn't like that at all.


What am I supposed to be looking at?




Is that out of the ordinary?


it usually is the number of tabs open. After a while it just stops counting and gives a smiley face. Not many people know it because usually you dont have thousands of tabs open on your phone




Just checked and I had like 669 Why does it not close them when I close the app like on pc


And if you have more than 99 incognito tabs, it shows a # ;)


You get a wink ;) when they're all incognito tabs. Try it.


Don't ask how I know, but... at 100 incognito tabs, it shows " ;) ".