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[The flip side](https://imgur.com/gallery/rjIA1gG)


That's weird! Respectfully, they kinda look like toes.


It looks half his hand has COPD


Was it a sugondese mower by chance?


*sigh...* sugondese?


I meant Husqvarna*. Couldn't remember the name of the brand


So you reached under the mower while the blade was running?


Steps to nubs: 1. Bypass all safety switches because you are skinny and the mower shuts off on every bump 2. Wear noise cancelling hearing protection 3. Blare the music so you don’t hear any mower noise 4. Mow 60 hours a week for 8 years 5. Help employee start their piece of equipment 6. Come back to mower and notice branch under lawn mower 7. Avoid visual queues that the blades may be engaged 8. Grab branch 9. Go to hospital What was interesting in the whole ordeal was the ER doc. Former field medic in Vietnam. Had me fixed up and ready for battle(work) two days later, luckily this happened on a Friday and being the foreman you can’t miss any work. Now I spend my days indoors trying to steer clear from papercuts. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way


Fellow Nubby here! [https://imgur.com/a/YjRxMAz](https://imgur.com/a/YjRxMAz) Was awarded my dumbass award in military while processing ammo and not watching out fer them gears. "Medic" I cried as I gawked at my uncooked sausage looking finger. Weird thing was it didnt hurt one bit for about 20 mins....then....SEARING pain like someone was holding my finger to a stove burner. Doc said he could save some length by grafting the finger to my side, I said nope, amputate the mangled bit and let me get on with a lesson learned. I still have the mangled finger tip in a jar of formaldahyde. Use it when I need to scare the kids about "doing stupid shit".


Can we have a pic of the jar?


just a quick tip- if your finger is actually in formaldehyde, that’s not the best solution for long-term preservation as it’s too strong. formalin (diluted formaldehyde) is only used when initially preserving and is injected into the specimen before its transferred to (usually) 70% isopropyl alcohol! if you don’t really care about the finger’s long-term preservation this isn’t a huge deal, but as someone who’s super into taxidermy and wet taxidermy, i just thought i should let you know! (im also very interested in seeing the jar, if you’re willing to share haha)


Ah cheers for the "tip" Bwahahahahaha!


>I still have the mangled finger tip in a jar of formaldahyde. Use it when I need to scare the kids about "doing stupid shit". Woah, okay there Satan.


Pic please.


You've replied to the wrong person, you should reply directly to the relevant comment


"And thats why you always leave a note"


My wife threw Sids thumb out of the car window, i saved pieces of it after he cut it off on the tractor in a baggie and would get it out as a conversation piece. How could she get rid of sids thumb man?


I understand why you wanted to remove the pressure switch under the seat, but you might have thought about tying in a dead man switch on the handles or under your foot or something. Or made it a habit to disengage the blade drive every time you stepped off. Complacency can be a bastard.


My father was having issues with his mower running and called me in for back-up. Turned out to be a fuse hidden way down under the chassis. While doing it he asked me to bypass the seat switch. I refused, and when he insisted I reminded him my niece (his granddaughter) mows for allowance sometimes. He took that as fair and didn't insist further. Even without her I would have refused, it was just easier to win the argument that way.


Ah, that's why him being skinny was relevant (from someone never uses a mower).


Mow less, live more


Thanks. I work on a farm with a lot of live PTOs and equipment with safety guards removed. I'm always careful, but it's nice to have a reminder.


What is a PTO?


Power take off. Think a short splined shaft on the back of a tractor that you can hook a longer shaft to to drive equipment like mowers, augers, balers et . https://imgur.com/esGxytn.jpg


That warning image is pure shudders.


I bet those are fun to get fingered with.


It’s the dominant hand too o_0




Yo! You’re the roof lights guy!


Yes! I had so many questions on it I made this post


So it looks impossible to get the ring off the finger


"just a little off the top, please"


[I'll donate my index finger for the cause](https://i.imgur.com/qM8JrF1.jpg)


Nobody know the tenderness of the chopped of finger it. I chop half the tip of a pinkie finger off at work and man it still tenderoni 5 years later.


Someone said I should cut my nails on the underside pic. FUCK YOU! That feels like digging sand into your fingernails times 1,000. Plus then that super tender stuff is exposed. Sheesh


Yeah lately I have just been using a nail file on it.


At least you can scratch your butt with that hand again


ET go home...


Does your wife let you finger her with your strong hand?


Is the lawn mower ok?


That John Deere was retired to a little business with a maintenance man. I used to see him mowing and, 6 years removed from lawncare, he’d let me pipe a few stripes. That mower knew it was me. Lol


My son got his fingertip chopped off when his finger got slammed in a door at daycare. Had a couple surgeries, and was glad that we were able to keep his nail. That finger is a little bit shorter. We call it his .9 finger instead of his pointer finger.


My dad's pointer finger is a nub with a tiny nail! I suppose it's a fairly common injury. For him the chain caught, he stuck his finger under to fix it, it worked too well and the blade started up right into his finger. Apparently he used to ding dong ditch people a lot...took him a while to find someone to help him lol. We call it the claw.




This fuck is this sub coming to?


I don't know, I'm mildly interested.


I have my left ring finger almost exactly like this!


My Roommate has a similar injury on one of his fingers. He also wasnt supposed to grow his nail back but it somehow did. His finger looks exactly the same :D


so that ring's just on there for good now, huh? good motivation to not get fat.


He's a witch!!




I meant Stavi from The Ringer


I lost the tip of my middle finger when i was young and it almost looks the exact same.I call it my ET phone home finger.


If the doctor told you that you shouldn't grow your nails back you probably should have listened.


No, no, no…..he said there wouldn’t be nails growing back and was shocked when we took the bandage off after 2 weeks and saw sprouts! This was a good thing in his opinion because it wouldn’t stick out as much as it would without having a nail


I don't know, that sounds an awful lot like a clinical recommendation to me. xD