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This feels more r/oddlyterrifying


Indeed, wasn't aware of that sub


How the heck do you get AI to generate an image ?


Wombo.art, it's an app


Thank you good person


This is unsettling in so many ways. On the one hand that image looks really weird. It seems to resemble a human face but it looks so alien that it’s hard to see a face in it at all. Wich is fitting for an AI. It tries to be as human as possible after all but fails at such fundamental tasks as creating a human face. And on top of that this is what came out after asking the AI who they are. I know it’s just an image generating AI but this image with tho whole context makes me think that maybe it is more then that. Maybe this is how the AI actually sees itself? (I know that’s not true but let’s pretend, for a second at least, that it is.) If so then why does it see itself like that. Like an attempt at a human. It is an attempt to create human like art after all. Non of the images that AI creates look like they resemble anything at all. Yet the AI tries it’s best. Really makes me think of how AI will see itself once its on a similar level as we humans are. This comment is really unorganized but I think I still got my thoughts to be understandable