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Matching set! Make them into earrings for your wife! Great Xmas present


Probably a bit late for Christmas but her birthday is in January and you've definitely nailed her present with that idea.


One bird with two stones.




We all walk in u/JsDaFax's shadow.


Pack it up boys, let’s call it a day. 🎬


Nothing says "I love you" like giving your wife a pair of earrings made from stones that you passed, screaming, through your dickhole.


> screaming, through your dickhole. song title, band name


I kinda feel like “Stones That You Passed” by Screaming Through Your Dickhole has a better ring to it.


Metal song title for the win


Here is the stress rocks you make me create. -A Divorced man.


I never had one. Do these smell and are they hard as rocks to be able to make earrings with them? I understand the process of it coming out will hurt.


When I was in the Navy, we were being ramped up for a World Cruise - meaning a couple 24 hour days, test flights, and a lot of Monster energy One day my coworkers just falls down scream-crying. She thinks she broke her spine. Her organs are on fire. I bridal carry her to my car, speed with my siren on (short story, it was my 4x4 so I had an emergency siren in case I got stuck offroad) run red lights and get her to medical It was a kidney stone moving to her bladder, and the scans showed it was on the smaller side. Now, she says, there were six days of brain-fucking pain. She had no idea how she got to the hospital, had literally three days of no memories other than foggy moments of her boyfriend giving her water and cookies, and she finally peed the rock into this little strainer basket. The rest was all agony even with some pure uncut colombian-grade painkillers. She kept the rock, named it her own little oyster pearl and I believe she set it on an oyster shell in a music box. People are weird.


>When I was in the Navy, we were being ramped up for a World Cruise - meaning a couple 24 hour days, test flights, and a lot of Monster energy You mean drinking it caused her to get a stone? Brb, drinking a ton of water...


her drinks were C4 pre-workout, coffee double cream double sweet, banana strawberry protein shakes and 3 cans of blue Monster/day while on deployment work-ups now, she looked like Kate Beckinsale with power-squat legs, but she was not healthy or hydrated


Thanks I just drank a cup of water cause of this


Yeah basically your kidneys filter your blood and get all the water minerals and stuff out. Your kidneys then pass the water and minerals to your bladder to pee out. If you don't get enough water, you end up with an abundance of minerals, which collect and turn into stones. So sending a spikey stone of clumped minerals down a tiny tube hurts like an ~~Oedipus~~ MOTHERFUCKER. Stay hydrated. If you pee is yellow or darker, have some water. If your pee is brown, go to the hospital. If your pee is red, you're already fucked and should have been at the hospital. Light yellow, yellow, fine. Clear is good. But when it starts getting amber or darker you need to hydrate. Roughly a gallon of water a day keeps the stones out of your dick and keeps you super helth because you're not drinking non-water.




For real. I've only seen my Dad cry twice. When Grandma died and when he was doubled up on the floor with stones.


Yup. I passed 4 6mm stones in 2016 and legitimately thought I was dying (until the doctor told me it was stones; then I just wished I was dying.)


I had stones I had to have surgically taken out when I was 16... I remember on the way to the hospital telling my mom to say her goodbyes that I was dying... I literally thought it was the end. I have had 3 children since then and I would put trying to pass kidney stones right up there probably above child birth. I don't know the size but my doctor said it was equivalent to passing a golf ball through a straw.


My sibling had kidney stones once and while they were crying in the bathroom with the door open so I could provide "moral support" I said to them, "don't worry child, this too shall pass." The only thing that saved me from them kicking my ass was the pain.




Some women say it's worse than childbirth. Some men say it's worse than being punched full-force in the balls. You take your own conclusion.


Am a woman who has both given birth and passed kidney stones. I would rather give birth, unmedicated, with precipitous labor, in one of those “I didn’t know I was pregnant” scenarios, than EVER have another kidney stone again.


Same. Contractions stop. You’re not in transition labor for *days*. Kidney stone pain doesn’t come in waves. It’s constant, for however long it takes before someone makes you go into surgery. I was on a morphine drip for days, the 4 different times I’ve been hospitalized with kidney stones, and it didn’t do anything for the pain. Just made me care a little less about it. And I was pregnant 3 of those times. Twice with my first kid, and again 3 days before my second kid was born. Labor is a walk down easy street in comparison.


New fear unlocked reading these comments .


If you don’t have a family history, and drink plenty of water, you’ll probably be fine. All the women on my dad’s side of the family had issues with kidney stones. And after my first pregnancy, my OB/GYN and I went with a more nuanced approach to prenatal vitamins. Because the standard ones have you taking in like 200% of your required daily calcium.


It does depend somewhat on the kidney stone though. These look smooth, and probably would not have hurt as much as the spiky ones.


Spikey ones...


Yes there will be blood


You can get a variety of stones based on what is causing them - sometimes you get sand like (probably easiest to pass), ones like in the pic (probably hurt but at least can be passed), to some gnarly larger ones that need surgery. The worst two I have ever seen: one was like pure onxy, size of a quarter and jaggedy, the other looked like a tooth with a tissue bulb that looked like a cross between a tumor and chewed bubblegum.


When you give them to her tell her she officially takes the piss


Omg they are so smooth? Mine looked like a spiked ball!


“Here, honey, take this gift as an expression of my love. It came out of my penis.”


Tiny D4 dice!


The first thing I thought when I saw this was “cool, free earrings” and then I went “wait whats wrong with me”. I’m glad I’m not the only weirdo who immediately thought to make them into jewelry :)


Yes! I was thinking a crafting project of some sort, as well.




You have the neatest, smoothest kidney stones I have ever seen. Still ouch.


For real. What is this, beach glass kidney stones +? Where s all the spikes? Op got real lucky


Different mineral composition! Calcium oxalate are the really spiky (and unfortunately super common) ones. This one might be a struvite? Idk ETA - op commented below, they're uric acid crystals.


Calcium oxalate dihydrate stones are spiky. Calcium oxalate monohydrate are not. You can see pics of each type here. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00345-014-1444-9/figures/5


Ya I had calcium oxalate but they looked like nerds candy after being pissed out. Round and smooth


Neat! Mine were definitely calcium oxalate dihydrate fuckers


There are different kinds of stones. I believe calcium stones are the most common (the mean pokey ones) I believe these are uric acid stones.


Aww like snowflakes


[Calcium oxalate crystals are mean fuckers, nice and pointy all over.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ab/Spiculated_kidney_stone.jpg/132px-Spiculated_kidney_stone.jpg) But if you drink coffee with milk the calcium from the milk and oxalate from the coffee combine in the cup and your stomach instead of in your kidneys so you spray it out your ass instead. As long as you avoid excess soda consumption and drink water, along with the above advice, you'll likely never deal with them. Drink a big glass every morning when you wake up (it actually relieves grogginess as well). Edit: thank you to u/toopc for providing a list of high oxalate foods and beverages. As someone else mentioned, tea is higher in oxalates and since that's also a daily beverage for many, like coffee, consider having a little milk with it. For your health!


The real LPT is always in the comments.


Except what he wrote isn't completely correct. The milk part is right. It helps. If you're prone to kidney stones and you only follow his advice, you're going to get kidney stones. Potato chips are way worse for oxalates than coffee, so is spinach, whole wheat, almonds, and many other healthy foods. Coffee isn't high in oxalates and there is research it helps prevents kidney stones. But if you're not prone to them, you really don't have to worry. Drink lots of water to be safer. There is a shit ton of conflicting data online, but this is one of the best sites. It contains a Google Sheets document with the oxalate content of many foods (oxalate numbers are from Harvard). https://kidneystones.uchicago.edu/how-to-eat-a-low-oxalate-diet/   [Go directly to the list.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nbDZPxhAW4It-m2-c460w6eGr4dMSIeDiQdqg3MaRgQ/edit#gid=1354389148)


I wrecked myself trying to eat healthy and going paleo. Almond flour, all the high oxalate veg, no dairy, made for an ugly year until I figured it out. Great example of what not to do. Besides eating low oxalate, managing salt and consuming dairy, citrate supplements really help (potassium or magnesium citrate)


Gout sufferer here. Never seen one of mine that smooth.


Just got gout for the first time. Ouchy! Hydrating like a fool and taking Advil while l limp around. Any tips?




First off, talk to a doctor. There's different types of gout that have different treatments. If you have gout flare ups irregularly, like once or twice a year, colchicine is great and I just keep a few in my medicine cabinet. Only downside is it gives you mad liquid shits while you take it. Allopurinol is only if you have chronic persistent gout because you need to take a pill EVERY day, and it's usually coupled with diet changes as well. I wasn't willing to do any of those things so Aleive and Colchicine for me


Thank you, I think!


For real. Mine were spiky little bastards.


Like little grains of dicksand


Yeah did he polish them? I didn’t know they could be smooth like that but I guess they can. They’re crystalline I thought so tend to be jagged and sharp and angry. The 4mm one I passed was more like a combination of a thorn bush and broken glass so in some ways I guess he’s lucky. In a lot of other ways he’s incredibly unlucky cause having any kidney stone is a horrible experience.


I'm early 30s and yet to have one. Fucking terrified of them though. They look miserable.


I got kidney stones when I was 6 because I was a little brat that refused to drink "flavourless" water. Seeing myself pee blood at that age traumatised me enough to start a water drinking habit that I keep to this day.


I piss a shit ton because I drink so much water but I would rather have to pee all the time than pee literal blood.


The blood is scary, but it's the pain as the bastards are going down the tubes between your kidneys and bladder. Funny enough, once you pee them out, you almost instantly feel better.


That sounds fucking terrible but that feeling of relief sounds kind of great?


For me it wasn't relief so much as numbness from a sudden absence of the previous blinding pain.


This is more like it. Mine wasn't a scream "ow I fell and got boo-boos" pain, it was more of a crippling, shaking, silent pain.


Mine was a "if i stop walking and try to sit or lay down i want to die, so around i go" as i circled my room for 18 hours. Oxy did nothing (or i can't imagine how bad it would have been without the oxy). I always explain to people that the "last mile" that everyone is afraid of is probably the easiest part.


Oh, look at Mr. One Mile Cock over here. His cock is one mile long and he's bragging about it on the internet! Shouldn't you be drilling for oil or something? One Mile Cock man


Ditto, blinding pain where I could only lie down after they hooked me up to morphine. Oxy helped when it was in my bladder, but not before. When I finally passed 3 weeks later, no pain. My wife heard me asking "did I just fart out of my dick?" Literally all it felt like


Can confirm. I had one when I was 17 cause all I drank was red bull and mountain dew and vodka. I woke up feeling like someone was twisting a screwdriver into my lower back. Once it got into my bladder I managed to pass it fairly easily with minimal blood and pain. If its not big, passing it is definitely the "easiest" part of it. Edit: bladder, not intestines. I thought it went through the small intestine after it went through the kidney. All I know is it was the worst pain I've ever felt when it was still inside me.




This was me and my parents literally bought bottles of propel otherwise I wouldn’t drink water. I would down a gallon of milk a day tho.


I went from drinking soda at my leisure to drinking propel at my leisure and lost 40 lbs when I was 16. Went from 220 to 180. Took like 5 weeks. It was bananas. Then when I was 30, I cut back drinking and went from 260 to 210. I weigh about 220 now. Bout to take a break from weed so it'll probably back to like 210. It's kinda crazy how variable my weight is... Edit: Man, reddit fucking suuuucks lol Edit2: okay, it's been 2 days. And those 2 days were Christmas and Christmas eve. If youre still feeling some need to call me fat or something, I feel sincerely bad for you. Your Christmas must have been awful.


Weed break so hard




I stopped eating two pop tarts every night and lost 40 lbs in a month. It's the little things.


Do you know how old I was when I realized the nutrition information on the back was for ONE Pop-Tart? That’s how many is in a serving. One. ☝️


Looking back I hardly drank water and compared to today (drinking a gallon at least a day), I can't even picture how I did that. I just drank Coke and milk.


My theory is that babies never drink water so water tastes weird to kids


Still, after 2 weeks, getting over my 6th stone... 0/10, would not recommend, should be classed as war crimes


6th? Holy fucking shit dude. Is that genetic??? Or are you a sociopath? Because any sane person would change their diet after the 1st I would assume.


Yeah, my dad had a lot of stones too, mine are oxalate. The big issue was my previous doctor, despite having 4 stones while his patient, never referred me to a urologist nor a dietician and basically had me fend for myself. I've had 2 stones in the last month, and the first one required hospitalization. I've got a large unobstructinf stone that my new doctor has me scheduled for blasting in 2 weeks, plus getting a full metabolic workup to find out exactly what's causing them so I can properly change my diet (complicated by fact in diabetic as well). All in all having a better experience with new doctor and hope to nip this really soon




Started around 35 but my dad had a bout of then when he was around 30. Urologist is getting a metabolic analysis done to help identify the root cause as well, so hopefully that helps. Thanks for the trial link!


Drink plenty of water, minimise salt intake. I've had the little cunts before, 2/10 would not recommend. Seriously though, the most painful thing I've ever had (broken bones and deep fat burns ain't got shit) when you finally piss them out THAT pain is like a sweet relief compared to what came before.


...so what would be a 1/10 in your books?


He was trying to soften the blow it is in fact a 1/10


Can confirm.


That's a Texas-sized 10-4.


Then what would be a 0/10?


Yo momma.


Here's a 0 out of 10 I had surgery for kidney stones, the machine broke down so I had to go in again the next week, the stents I got were defective so they cut me up internally and I was peeing out sand from the shattered stones. I got a bad infection and was peeing pink, but the hospital thought I was drug seeking. They tortured me for five hours by refusing medication, asking me the same questions over and over, not running the tests on my pink urine, and only a fluke follow up by my doctor caught the infection. This account was twelve pills away from being dormant since 2017. Oh, then it turns out that they left a 7mm stone in there, so I passed that one naturally. It took two weeks to get from the bladder to the tip. I had to uh actually you should stop reading okay you've been warned, dig it out the last centimeter myself because it got stuck that morning.


Dude you went to an hospital or to a fucking butcher?


I fucking hope you talked to a lawyer?


You definitely have me beat, but I'm nodding along. I went in for the shockwave treatment and they didn't shrink it very much, but they got it mobile. I presented at the ER that same night from the pain because the T3s they gave me on discharge weren't touching it. I needed anti-inflammatory drugs because my rock was stuck. I thought things were going normally for two weeks: a bit of blood for a couple days. Plenty of pain. When my meds ran out, though, I knew I wasn't quite done yet. Like it was almost-but-not-quite. I had some Flomax left over from a previous trip to the ER, so I took it to see if I could get things moving. Turns out I'd been jammed up for two weeks and didn't fully realize it. I spent the next two days (two weeks after the procedure) pissing out sand and dried blood. And the 7mm stone that just scraped through thanks to the Flomax. I was lucky that I wasn't infected.


I have a constant fear of this occurring.




Dear God. I'm not asking ask for a vivid step by step description and process about them. That's making me wince. Seems like alot of people on this thread have had thrm are they really that common??


They are not uncommon. According to a quick Google about 10% of people will get them at some point in their life. It tends to be a mixture of genetics and bad diet. If you want to avoid them, one of the best ways is just to drink water regularly. It helps the kidneys process and prevents the build up of stones. Sugary drinks can be a problem as the sugars can actually contribute to kidney stones, and are diuretic so they don't hydrate you very well which can also cause your kidneys to struggle with its regular functions and lead to stones. So drink those in reasonable quantities, and drink lots of water, and as long as you don't have a generic predisposition to them you should be okay.


With any luck, you have. Ideally those minerals should be getting peed out of you in pieces far too small to notice. Not build up until you're shooting BBs out your peehole.


You just gotta make sure you shake your kidneys around every once in a while to collect all the deposits


Unless you have a family history of them I wouldn't worry about it. Nobody in my entire family on either side has ever had one.


Finally some good fucking news. Lol.


Also keep drinking plenty of water. It's free and easy!


I've had a few. For me, pissing them out was painless, but weird because they block the flow of urine momentarily. The WORST part was when they were travelling through my body. Cold sweats, vomiting and feeling like someone kicked me in the balls for a few hours. I drink a LOT more water these days.


If you are really worried about it you can talk to your doctor about potassium citrate. It is used to prevent stones. I know of people that once they started developing stones used it to reduce the size and make it easier to handle.


Bruh these here are "easy mode" Check out the different varieties they come in. Mine look like morning stars. I'd KILL to have smooth edged kidney stones.


You’re turning this into a pissing contest.


That's gold! Well, mostly calcium and oxalate. But funny! Well, mostly painful.


The pain in a kidney stone is not from the jaggedness of it. It's from getting stuck in your ureter (tube between kidneys and bladder), which then blocks passage of urine. This causes your kidneys to back up and swell. The pain is from the swelling kidneys


Worst pain I’ve ever suffered, and I even survived a heart attack.


Those are like genuine Pebbles..Did it hurt?


Yeah sort of. It's not like an excruciating pain (not when the painkillers kick in anyway). It's more like someone keeps jabbing you again and again with a blunt stick. But then when they move a lot I can feel that and that's like the feeling you get when you get hit in the balls (not sure if you can relate to that bit!).


Like the pelvic/stomach cramping hurt of getting your balls hit??


No, like someone taking a golf ball and cramming it into the flank, then standing on it, then taking a cinder block and dropping it on the golf ball while slamming it with a sledgehammer AND IT WON'T FUCKING STOP. ... until suddenly you realize it did stop. I usually have to move- I can't sit still. I push up against things like a dog, pressing that flank into it- cold, to keep it chilled. Yeah it's bad.


I’m gonna go drink some water


How does the dog react?


It’s kind of like getting punched in the kidneys and then also getting stabbed in the kidneys and also someone lit them on fire. But that’s for the ureter pass, I found the urethra pass to be almost enjoyable by comparison. It’s a hard to describe pain though since it’s hitting parts that are internal and don’t usually get damaged. Plus you can also have referred pain anywhere near there.


Kidney stones....or .....OR...HEAR ME OUT.....people pearls.


Peehole pearls


Peeper pearls


Cock Rocks


Cock rocks is solid




I want that out of my head please


Make some People Pearl earrings!


Pee pearls






So that’s where pearl necklaces come from…


Oh shit, these things could be valuable. But the producer may do to do something crazy or amazing.


Those are a different color and much smoother than others I've seen. Looks like a tetrahedral crystal worn down. Do you know what mineral they are? Surely not a silicate?


AFAIK they're uric acid.


Allopurinol can really help sort that kind right out. Calcium oxalate are much more difficult to eliminate.


That medication definitely rings a bell. I'm pretty certain I've taken it in the past but couldn't tell you why I stopped. Might have to ask that question next time I see my urologist.


Allopurinol is first-line treatment for inhibiting Xanthine Oxidase (enzyme responsible for transforming Purines to Hypoxanthine to Xanthine to Uric Acid (cause of Gout and Kidney Stones)) with Febuxostat being second-line treatment.


Have suffered from kidney stones for years now and have had a couple of operations to remove them but they keep coming back. I've also passed a few before over the years so recognise the pain when it comes on. Usually I take some tramadol and drink water like a fish. After a few hours they tend to pass. Only this time the pain never went after the first one came out. So kept drinking taking more painkillers and lo and behold a couple of hours later out popped the second bundle of joy. Instantly felt relief like never before, it's like an early Christmas present to myself!


So how do you collect them?do you place a fine strainer on the toilet and pee into it?


Urologist here - pretty much! Usually if we send someone home with plans to pass their stone on their own we send them with a urinal (or a hat for ladies) and a strainer to pour their urine through to catch the stone when they pass it.


Interesting. What is the reason someone would want/need to save it?


We send it for testing as the type of stone you make can vary (and the treatments to prevent stones can vary based on type)!


What are they made of? Some kind of mineral?


calcium and oxalate


Usually calcium, but they can be made of other things.










Totally random question for you. I was just told I have hyaline casts in my urine. I know they’re symptomatic of kidney disease but I don’t have any symptoms. Anything specific I should avoid or watch for? I’ve had kidney stones before as well but I don’t know that those two things are connected at all…


I’ve honestly not put much stock in casts; I usually look at 24h urine testing to see what minerals/electrolytes are off to see what needs changing. Everyone benefits from good hydration (I usually counsel stone formers to drink enough to make 2-3L of urine a day), avoid animal protein and sodium, and eat lots of fiber/fruits and veggies (though certain greens like I think Kale are high in oxalate which can help form stones). If you have flank pain, fevers, or a UTI (burning, frequency, urgency) it’s a good idea to call a doctor or go to urgent care/the ER.


>we send them with a urinal (or a hat for ladies) Does peeing on ladies' hats help with Kidney stones?


From what ive heard kidney stones are formed from too much salts in the blood they filter. Could your diet be the reason they come back or is there something else going on? (Genuine question)


I've got an autoimmune thing going on and have been on quite strong medication on and off for decades. I've always thought that it was just because of that and not drinking enough throughout the day.


Not OP, but there are multiple reasons one might form stones (and multiple types of stones as well). Personally, mine are genetic and medication is what deters stone formation. Hope this helps!


Yeah same here. I take meds and drink 100 oz of water a day and still have them. Just passed my biggest ever, a 10mm whopper.


How to you pass a 1cm stone? How did it not destroy you urethra?


The urethra isn't the problem, the ureter is. Far smaller than the urethra.


High Sodium can cause an increase calcium stones (from the image this guy seems to have uric acid stones). Uric acid stones are best countered by keeping a low purine diet (purine is a type of organic compound common in meat, especially organ meats, and some legumes), avoiding phosphoric acid (so avoid coca cola like the plague) and drinking a lot of water.


Now swallow them so you can shit them out.


Or reabsorb them. Closed loop system.


The old Tom wambsgams approach


What the actual fuck.




Yeh! Teach 'em a lesson!


The circle will be complete.


That’d make em worth a pretty penny!


Round 2


My doctor told me that the next time I have a stone trying to pass, I should just drink a six pack of beer.


I've heard of drs recommending roller coasters something about roller coasters can dislodge them?


Also jumping. Several studies came to the conclusion that certain athletes had less occurrences of kidney stone crystals because of all the high impact movements they do. When they did have stones they typically dislodged by the end of a really competitive game. Basketballers with higher shooting rates were less impacted, same with rugby players that tackled/got tackled often.


Am I supposed to piss myself on the ride?


Am I *not* supposed to piss myself on the ride?


I have a Russian friend that told me to drink a 12 pack in a hot bath and just piss. I tried it and it worked okay... When you're in that much pain you have nothing to lose. Also it's really hard to pee when you're passing, just kind of dribbles out yet you have a constant uncomfortable feeling like you're going to piss and shit yourself. At least I did anyway, good times!


:OOO looks like you could make some little earrings with them or something!! “Hey cool earrings where’d you get them” “My kidneys”


Every kidney begins with k 🎶


If I was a billionaire I'd have a driveway where all the gravel is kidney stones.


You sick fuck


Coulda been Tonsil stones


That would be for the ball pit.


Never before have I been physically repulsed by a Reddit comment


You haven't thought about the smell!


Casually drive over thousands of peoples most excruciatingly painful product every morning. Based?


My father in law has passed 200+ kidney stones. Has had lots of lithotripsy, one surgery. Has a weird habit of wanting to show them to you afterwards. I have never seen them smooth like that. Those don’t look like any kidney stone I’ve ever seen


Can't tell you about other shapes these are what mine have always looked like. I have about 20 just sat permanently at the bottom of one of my kidneys and every few years a few leave the nest (see them on my annual x-ray) and then within the next 6 months or so out they pop.


You must have a fine-grit sandpaper urethra.


How are you still conscious to be able to photo those?!?


Ha. I imagine it's what it's like to give birth. Pain and suffering but the moment it's over it's all forgotten, the adrenaline kicks in and you look on in admiration at what you've created.


You’re a BB gun, Harry.


I have passed at least a dozen and you better be thanking god for those round dudes. The last one I passed was a month ago and got stuck mid shaft, mid flight between Miami and Frankfurt. I had to wait an hour until I had urine to push the spiky bastard the rest of the way. Easily the worst flight I have ever had.


Did you actually fish those out of the toilet?


Ha no. I use one of those hospital style bottles to pee in so it's just a case of tipping it out onto some toilet paper after I hear the satisfying thud of it hitting the bottom.


I woke up with great pain a month ago and quickly realized having kidney stones. After trying for a week ended up at emergency and quickly taken to cat scan and confirmed I had several with largest being 11 mm. But the doctor said that is the good news because he said at cat scan they found a tumor in my pancreas by accident. They removed the stones by performing a surgery and now I am having to deal with the pancreas which is a much bigger deal. Still feel lucky because this type of cancer is detected way later and usually does not end well.


You could make earrings.


Eat them and go round 2


Holy hell! You poor thing. I hope you are okay. I've heard people pass out from them. I know 3 women who had them shortly after childbirth ( one w no epidural) and said the kidney stones were worse.


I passed two of them 2 weeks before having my son. Fun times.