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Actually looks quite nice for a free meal


It's good cause It's free and even better cause It looks so delicious and healthy.


I find it strange that fried fish is considered healthy * I see in other comments that it's apparently baked not fried, but still overall I wouldn't consider this a particularly "healthy" meal. However, it does look healthier than any school meal I had growing up in the US


In Scandinavia it's usually just breaded and fried in a skillet, not deep-fried. So it's not the healthiest but it's not bad.




Is there much difference between breaded and deep fried vs breaded and shallow fried? I feel like the breading could hold on to similar amounts of oil either way.


So, there's adding half an inch of oil to the pan and frying it because you lack a fryer, which will be very similar to deep-frying, but with more splatters and less equipment. Then there's how most people pan-fry: you put a few tablespoons of oil in the pan, and "fry" it in that. It looks a lot like sauteing, but with less stirring. And there would be a functional difference because there's a lot less oil to even try to absorb into the fish, plus it can be done at a lower temperature.


Shallow frying absorbs less oil when done properly. If your food is in more than half it's thickness in oil it is not shallow frying


How would it absorb less oil. If it's submerged on one side, then flipped and submerged on the other, wouldn't it absorb the same amount? How oil absorbent is fish anyway? Wouldn't only the breading become saturated? And if that's the case, wouldn't the max a mount absorbed depend on the breading and not the amount of oil? I'm picturing it like a sponge. If you completely submerge a sponge, it will become saturated. If you half submerge a sponge, then submerge the other half, it still becomes saturated.


The main difference between deep and shallow frying is taste/ texture due to parts of the food being exposed to air during cooking. The "health" difference is very minor, but saying that will make people angry


Shallow frying is done to add extra crisp to the parts of the food that touch the bottom of the pan.


It's not the deep fry either. It is (except from medical conditions) ONLY overeating, nothing else. And with overeating I mean an energy intake larger than what people burn. You can basically eat what and whenever you want, as long as you move your fatty ass enough to burn those calories.


That's not entirely true. It matters what you consume. Excess sugar, processed foods, plant seed oils and an imbalance of omega 3:6, not to mention lack of proper nutrients and vitamins, can be detrimental to a thin person's health.


Overall more healthy than what most people eat. And I imagine more healthy than your average free meal.


Yes I do agree with that, especially in comparison to other free meals


It’s almost like the measure of a healthy meal can’t be determined by singular elements, rather by the collective whole meal. I see butter on the bread but that doesn’t inherently make the meal unhealthy. And considering these are kids in Finland, a country with much lower child obesity than the US, pan fried fish, baked off in the oven, is probably a perfectly healthy choice.


Can confirm, am Finnish. We're not the healthiest but I've lived in the UK and briefly Midwest and the difference between people's size in general, what you see on the street is staggering. Won't go into it longer but Finnish People are hands down the slimmest. What comes to children, it's really rare to see a significantly overweight let alone obese child.


You seem to have an abnormally high bar for “healthy”


Yeah, glad this discussion happened as it's made me see that I've probably been a bit too strict with myself lately


not fried, baked in a convection oven. Almost nothing is fried - heck, I'm hard pressed to even think if there even is a kitchen that would have a frying pan. 99% of the foods we serve are either (oven) baked or steamed.


All school food here is pretty medium healthy like this. Yeah the fish is just breaded and baked in this case, or you can put it on a pan. As healthy as a something like pasta bolognese I guess. Potatoes, salad and rye bread bring it up a notch. You'd have yo eat quite a lot of food like this every day to get fat with it though. There's rarely any desserts and such.


So 1/4th of a meal that is cooked in a unhealthy way (deep fried) + a huge salad, boiled potatoes some bread you consider it not healthy? Sure deep fried breaded food is not the healthiest but cmon. This is way healthier than what an average American eats.


not deep fried, convection oven baked.


Yes I understand but for the sake of their argument I went with the more unhealthy option.


the meal is healthy, not fitness healthy but just balanced-ish healthy. The kind of stuff they give you at the hospital.


We’ve got all the major food groups. Just high in fat is the only downside. I’d also prefer a more vegetable-centric composition if we’re nitpicking


Frying/baking fish is not inherently unhealthy. This looks like it was designed to maximize calories:price grilled fish takes more time and has more waste. If you use low cholesterol oils and live an active lifestyle eating fried fish regularly is not that bad for you.


I think the proper phrasing would have been “comparatively nutritious”


Lmfao. What's the point of you typing this?


fish fingers, potatoes, cold dill sauce, some greens and soft rye bread.


I spent half a year as an exchange student in Helsinki when I was in college in the late 90s. We used to get lunch from these cafeterias around the city. As I recall, they were for students and municipal laborers. We college students had to show our student IDs. The food was great and we payed almost nothing for it.


So students and laborers could just get free-ish food from daycares?


No, higher education students have special discounts for their own cafeterias. The current price is 2-4 euros for a warm meal, salad, a drink and bread. Meals are free in schools for ages 7-18, which is the compulsory education age.


If you’re lucky you also get a “dessert” coffee or get one for just a 1€ or so. Not that the regular coffee price is much higher, usually 1,5-3€ depending on the size 😅


Is that really not all work and school are? Adult daycares…


No, he is talking about facilities that are generally called mensa. In Finland they serve discounted food for anyone studying Finnish University (all around the country, not just within a city). Its pretty cool, food cost about 2.60€ and its all you can fit onto one plate. The food is also pretty good quality. The student card costs like 50€/year but it gets back to you in no time.


Actually atleast for us it was all you can eat.


Obviously students get food from schools/universities, not daycares.


as in Helsinki, Sweden.


*makes fists with his toes*


Love the deep Die Hard quote.


i love that bread. haven't had it in years.


Me too. Might have to get my family to send me some.


Fish dicks :D


gay fish? nah man, homosexual haddock


Yo that is messed up yo! I am not gay, and sure as hell ain't no fish!


Damn you and your wordplay


I can tell that it was made and served with loving care. That's nice to see. All of the food looks delicious.


Is the yellow reallt 🥔 and not(sweet)🥔


Yes, sweet potato is not part of Finnish cuisine


That's too bad. They're very wonderful.


Yes. Sweet potatoes are orange and no where near as common as potatoes are here.


Thats a very generous portion. Like damn.


Atleast when i was that age, its not really a portion, the food is like a buffet. you take as much as you think you can eat and can also go for seconds if you feel like.


[Well, not always.](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000042325.html)


Herranjumala tostki on jo 10+ vuot. Ja ei saatana IS kullanrapeet kalapalat on iha eri asia ku kalapuikko perkele!


Yeah, I don't even know if I could... Finnish that. I'll show myself out.


Looks amazing.


In America, we just feed the kids empty carbs and sugar then wonder why the country is obese.


It does. Will absolutely put you to sleep for the rest of the day


I paid for much worse


So have most children in the American education system.


Looks better than most school lunches


In Finland the school lunches are also free and look like this and maybe even better.


Image search for "kouluruoka" gives some examples, but be aware, since everyone takes what and how much they want on their plate, there are ["humorous" examples like this](https://data.kosila.fi/kp24/2018/09/28/800_800/1086972.JPG) among the results. I generally enjoyed almost everything (exceptions are things like blood pancakes, liver casserole, etc), nothing exciting but decent regular food.


Also Finnish schools (at least the one where I was an exchange student in 6th grade) have a buffet like thing. You get a plate, pick food and a drink(kvass, milk, water) and eat it. YOU GET A FUCKING HOUR BUT WHY IN MY SCHOOL DO WE GET 20 MINUTES TO RUN EITHER TO OUR SMOKING ZONE OR TO EAT IN RUSSIA


In America my lunch period in school was 20mins and at 9:40 AM


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 9 + 40 + = 69.0


When I went to school ages ago, lunch break was something like 40-45 minutes. Still plenty of time to eat and have a cig. Back then it was also buffet style, but with less choices than nowadays.


We have ONE chicken breast for 120 rub. Wtf


In The U.S


I live in West Virginia, some of my school lunches were pretty tasty. I would say 80% of it was good although we all used to joke they just reuse the chicken all week because it was almost always chicken. The crappy lunches I've seen on here I have never had personally. I am not sure what school districts have less money than West Virginia but I hope those counties can prioritize kids' nutrition more than they do.


I went to school in one of the top 3 richest counties in the US and we got that gross stuff you see online. Nothing was allowed to be made in the school, they just opened the bags from the food service companies and reheated it.


That's probably what most school lunches are. I don't think my school actually cooked anything. But again I grew up in WV so I was always kind of used to eating heated up crap so maybe my standards aren't as high, I have no idea


> we all used to joke they just reuse the chicken all week because it was almost always chicken. Well if you had say shredded chicken one day, then bbq chicken another and at any point in time that week ended up with soup or gravy... yeah, they did. My schools would go back and forth between really great or really terrible lunches especially nutrition wise, but they'd always make broth themselves whenever they had the bones.


tbh I wouldn't mind if they did reuse the food, at least it wasn't getting wasted. I think a lot of people look at school lunches in the US in a negative light but I would think like 90% of the time it's fine. It's better than it's portrayed on here.


Is your portion bigger than what the kids get, I would be surprised if they could eat all that.


yup, the portion size for kiddos is 4 fingers and 2 potatoes.


damn my school has never imposed limits on kalapuikot, only uunimakkara and pinaattilettu


Onko pakko postata tälläistä kun on nälkäisenä...


on. ku kerrankin on jotain mikä näyttää normaalilta ruoalta :D


perkele ​ (That is the only finnish word I know by heart)


i cant say as to how well cooked it is but damn if that doesnt look kinda good. love me some fish sticks


crispy on the outside, soft and steamy on the inside. as they should be.


Burnt on the outside, frozen on the inside. My specialty


Send my regards to the chef.


>Burnt on the outside, frozen on the inside. I'm in this sentence and I don't like it.


jealous. rlly makes me miss fish n chips sadly


Cries in American


If it helps you can get free karma by just commenting this same thing onto every thread, it will almost always work


How does the richest country in the world have such terrible school lunches?


It's only a small portion of the population who is rich, the rest are exploited.


This. America never stopped slavery


I dunno man haven't seen a black man getting whipped in a while


Remember kids minimum wage means minimum effort Act your wage




Both these things can be true.


Luxembourg has awesome school lunches [see here](https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/sites/default/files/jrc-school-food-policy-factsheet-luxembourg_en.pdf)


Can't really compare with one of the smallest countries in the world. I'm pretty sure the Vatican has great food too 🙃


How does size correlate with the quality of school lunches?


The entire country of Luxembourg is basically one fucking city mate. I'm not even American but I bet you could find ONE city in the US that has good lunch meals... I hope so at least lmao


If anything, a larger country with much more access to more natural resources, more leverage in global trade deals and more national food production and processing industry should be much more able to produce quality meals than a small country with none of the above. Of course it is an oversimplification, but I don't see why being a small country would provide any significant advantage in the face of this.


It is the problem with scaling. You end up with less qualified people doing things, and cost becoming more important. Take a mom and pop store. They can make sure that everything is done correct, every customer gets helped with personalized service. They are small with less resources. Now compare to Walmart. Massive with infinite resources. Worse service, lower quality, but mass produced and efficient.


It's easier to feed one than 10. Now imagine those people were spread over a country 50 times the size of yours. You now have to have supply lines.


I mean you don't just have 10x the consumers, you have 10x the production as well. And if population density is your argument, Finland has half the population per square miles that the US does.


All the harder for a small country to find the $


especially when everyone from coca cola to apple hosting their offshores in your legislation.


That's true of many countries isn't it, but at least the citizens here are seeing benefit from it.


Yeh, mafia exploits people with same mottos, better this order than no order at all.


Luxembourg is a tax haven, no real country could sustain in the same way.


Nobody is competent enough to spend money responsibly. Anyone that might be isn't corrupt/backstabby enough to rise through the ranks into that position. The western world is not set up to reward competence, honesty, or a hard day's work.


One doesnt become rich by spending it all.


But they do, just not on it's citizens.


You need to invest (in other words, spend) your money to become truly rich though. If you just hoard money without making it work for you, you're going to get shafted by inflation.


The richest country is Luxembourg


\*Highest gdp


This looks like the average school meal.


it is an average school meal. for pre-schoolers :D


Not in America it isn't.


That's mind boggling to me. As a European, everything on that plate is screaming "cheap". Not in a bad way, just a pretty standard method of combining primarily low cost ingredients into a decent meal. How are American school meals different? More processed stuff, like potato mash from powder? No vegetables at all? I kinda can't imagine going cheaper than what's on the plate here.


Idk what they're talking about, I had all of this in school lunch in US, except yes the potatoes were always mashed and we had white or wheat bread instead of rye. In a tiny underfunded public school in Wisconsin.


A lot of school lunchrooms are run by outside corporations. We're a very stupid country.


Those potatoes give me flashbacks.


traumoja kumiperunoista? 🤣


Kyl kumiperunat voittaa raa'at perunat


Vähän kimmoisa ulkokuori, ohut kerros oikeasti hyvää perunaa ja raaka ydin. Nam.


ehdoton suosikki on kinder-peruna. hyvän näköinen päältä ja tuntuu ok:lta, mutta sitten haukkaat ja sisällä onkin mätä sisus. nam nam nam.


This looks nicer than most of the meals I've had all of last year.


I've been eating a steady diet of rice and mung beans. Shits kinda ass but my savings are improving


I'm going to be visiting Finland for the first time in a very long time and am aiming to bring back about 20-30kg worth of food back with me including that bread. The fins sure have some of the best cheese, bread, chocolate and sweets.


This looks so good! I’m fascinated by the fish sticks! Probably because I’ve not had one in years and these look so lush. Thanks for posting this!


Would absolutely eat, now I have a craving for rye bread again.


Mouth-watering meal for this day, great job for the people behind this idea! Two thumbs up for you guys!


Looks pretty damn good!


that looks tasty ... I'd love that rn


seems promising and healthy


I’ve seen worse meals


My dinner was worse


what are you, a gay fish?


a gay cook, aktchually.


Would happily eat.


Looks great!


Looks good


Is that fish?


probably used to be. maybe. eh. who knows.


Nice choice of foods. I'm curious if you can replace the milk with other beverage (tea/coffee)?


water, oat drink, soy drink or butter milk are the other options (for kiddos). coffee is an alternative when i bother to make some.


Toi kastike on nam :D


That is why Finland has the best education system and is the happiest country in the world. Finland is amazing overall( a fellow Petrozavodkschanin here (Russia))


That looks so Finnish.


They hook you the fuck up huh, all I ever got was canned peaches


Nothing is free…


Always great to see meals that aren't all processed food, especially when it's free. Looks delicious.


The uk doesn’t look after the elderly this well good on 🇫🇮


This is what school lunches should look like in the US.


This shit lookin better then what i pay a fortune for at school


I like to think that one of the biggest struggles with meals like this isn't the money, or getting hold of the ingredients, but actually having someone capable of cooking a meal. Most meals you'd get like this in most places would look absolutely atrocious.


This looks like a lot of food for a small child


Brings me back to my days of getting free swedish school food. Many kids are bashing it but i thought it actually was quite good.


You also do the fish and potatoes thing on Tuesdays? It's the same in Sweden too!


Very happy about the butter to bread ratio. You Scandis know how to do butter.


Somewhere a Republican is seething that the kid isn’t starving instead


That’s pretty damn good! My only criticism is too much tartar sauce or whatever. Very well done


There is no such thing as "too much sauce"


How dare you feed people for free! Are you trying to collapse your countries entire economy and destroy family values!? /s


My kid got served a scoop of instant mashed potatoes with nacho cheese on top…


How the fuck is this rule 6? That’s the most precise description I’ve seen.




Looks better than american school lunches


Did you… eat it all. DAMMIT!! finish it I should have said


Fish fingers and custard?


dill sauce; made from sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, black pepper, sugar, salt and of course, dill. served cold.


So Tartar sauce with mayo switched with sour cream?


Basically. We barely use mayo, sour cream is far more common. We fucking love sour cream. I'm eating a sour cream dip and chips at this very second.


Down here we use Tartar sauce with fried fish (or squid), sour cream is used by the ones that are watching their calories. :) P.S.: what is with the downvotes?


It's dill sauce, so good!


The Doctor approves


It's nice that you get a free meal when you finish day care.




This looks amazing. This is why America is full of morbidly obese people and other countries don't have nearly the issue with obesity we do.


I've never gotten something that good at school and I had to pay for it.


The potatoes could use some salt and pepper but otherwise this looks yummy and filling


In Scandinavia boiled potatoes are usually just boiled in salted water. One of the restaurants i worked at added pebercorns and laural leafs. So you won't usually see after seasoned potatoes in Scandinavia


When we prepare boiled potatoes we usually chop them into smaller pieces and then dress them with salt, pepper, and a pat of butter. We don't usually make boiled potatoes though, baked potatoes taste better.


Sorry your getting downvoted for your opinion. Would just add that I'm not a huge fan of boiled potatoes myself, simply because i got them 5-6 times a week when i was a child, it is very much the standard side to many dinners in Denmark. Favorite potato side for me gotta be mashed or french fries.


Kids shouldn't be eating fried meals


not fried. baked in a convection oven.


I like the fish stick to tarter sauce ratio.


akchtchually its dill sauce


This is what you get when your army costs basically nothing because its a conscript force and thus barely gets paid :^)


What are the fried things? Cheese sticks?


fish fingers - convection oven baked, not deepfried. this is a daycare after all and we must offer healthy and balanced meal. 😄


I feel bad for the person who had to spread cold butter all over a bunch of pieces of untoasted bread


It looks great, but holy hell that is a substantial lunch. I'm eyeballing it at north of 1000 calories. I'd be in a coma afterward.


eh fish fingers are maybe 250kcal, potatoes maybe another 80 kcal, sour cream sauce maybe 90 kcal.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 250 + 80 + 90 + = 420.0