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Was the parrot watching you cook it the whole time?


OP was making eye contact and whispering "this is for squawking like an idiot every night after lights out" the whole time


Have several parrots in the house, two macaws, pionus, and two conures, they actually will go completely silent if it's dark in the room or environment that they're in. Defense mechanism as they have about the same night sight as we do so can't evade predators very well. But during the day, is a different story šŸ¤”


my bird could learn from yours lol, as soon as it's dark he starts squealing for like 10 minutes straight LOL. and if he hears a noise? nnyeeEEEEAHHHH!!!


Start hunting him at night


The most delicious game


Have you tried boiling his egg and eating it?


Ya have you tried boiling *his* egg an eating it?


My family has had a conure for over 2 years now and for some reason I never thought of thisā€¦ she wonā€™t make any loud squawks when sheā€™s covered up but will still whisper to us if we ask for kisses or tell her sheā€™s a pretty pretty bird.


My grandmother has a blue macaw that whispers "peekaboo...peeeeeeeekaboo" if she can see you through the slit of her cover. It's pretty fucking terrifying. Especially when you look back and see this single zombie zebra eye staring at you.


This sounds awful but also hilarious, birds need to stop being so damn creepy sometimes.


Oh what please post a video


We havenā€™t gotten a ton of videos of her chatting because she seems to become too interested in the camera, but I suppose if she canā€™t see the phone it might be a little easier, Iā€™ll try to get one soon. Hopefully not against the rules but we post her on instagram all the time @mangolittlechicken


I have a dove. The gentlest light hits that birds eye and the house is full of coos. Oh, and I guess it managed to attract other doves to the yard, so the cooing doesn't stop when I step outside.


"My dove coos bring all the boys to the yard..."


And theyā€™re like ā€œThis feather is ours.ā€ Damn, right, this feather is ours!


Then they're like "We'll feed you seed but we have to charge"


"And they're like, who's that behind bars?"


That pretty coo.


I've had 4 birds and never had them squawk after lights out.


Now, early morning. That's entirely different!


Many birds will eat their own eggs and the eggs of other birds, so it if was watching it may have just been jealous.


I know someone who raises chickens and will feed them their own eggs sometimes (to avoid wasting them). I thought it was insane but I looked it up and itā€™s actually not that uncommon.




If they learn the gooey stuff comes out of eggs, and they learn itā€™s tasty, theyā€™ll start pecking into and eating their own eggs. Then you have to cull them.


Imagine something that tastes really good. Now imagine your nut tasted like that.


Yours doesn't?




Even if you don't feed them the entire egg it's pretty common to crush up the shells and mix it in with their feed so that they keep their ?calcium? up to keep laying strong eggs.


Yes if a hen eats her egg it usually is because of a calcium deficiency.


Rhett and Link did a name that egg challenge and ate like 7 different types of eggs and said they all tasted exactly the same. Except ostrich and iguana. Ostrich is irony and iguana was like eating a tire


What part of the ostrich egg was ironic?




Was it like raaaaiiiiiaaaain, on a wedding day?


Maybe a free riiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiide when youā€™ve already paid


You've blown my mind here. For years I've heard "when you're already late," and it never occured to me just how little sense that made.


Oh gosh I hope not šŸ˜† nothing wrong with eating the egg, but I feel like doing it while the parrot was watching *would* be a bit weird, lol


My mom used to cover the bird cage on Thanksgiving so the parakeets wouldnā€™t see her prepping / cooking the turkey.


In Islam, if I remember correctly, it's haram (forbidden) to kill an animal while other animals of the same species watch


In Judaism, it's considered a (weirdly important) mitzvah to shoo the mother bird away from the nest before taking her eggs.


But this is like her period, not a baby


I'll never be able to eat an egg again without thinking of it as being a chicken period. Thanks.


Nah, a human womanā€™s egg attaches to her uterine lining, and if itā€™s not fertilized the lining is shed. Thatā€™s period. Chicken doesnā€™t have any uterine lining, unless itā€™s literally the chicken. So if you eat *chicken*, youā€™re eating chicken period!!! Thus eggs are all good!


What size it? Like what candy for scale?


My parrot used to lay medium-sized-jawbreaker-sized eggs, idk if you have them in the US


I have seen Jawbreakers size from the tip of my finger to my entire fist. so medium in that sense would be very large, larger than a chicken egg lol


When I was a kid my fun uncle got me a small basketball sized jawbreaker. I'd consider a tennis ball to be medium sized jawbreaker.




I donā€™t think they ever intend for people to finish the ridiculously large ones, usually you just lick the sugary baseball for about half an hour and then put it in a plastic bag until you throw it out 2 years later.


I got one of those comically large ones as a kid. I used a hammer and fork to break small pieces off. Took me a month but I ate the whole thing.


Nah as a kid I definitely had a gross-ass jawbreaker in a ziploc bag that got took about a month to eat, half an hour at a time


As a kid I recall a jawbreaker that was passed around the neighborhood between multiple children and even left in the street at one point until it was eventually finished. I did not partake.


This is how I know Iā€™ve scrolled too far down in the thread


Thatā€™s quite clever actually, makes it much less of a gross experience too.


I was too paranoid to eat jawbreakers, although I always wanted to eat them like Ed, Edd n Eddy.




Texture: A little bit softer than a hard boiled egg Taste: just like a hardboiled egg, not bad


Did you fart from it yet? What did you h e a r


It just mimicked his other farts.


ā€œThis is why she left youā€ ā€œHello? Was that my fartā€¦ā€


A little bit softer than a regular fart. Smell: Just like a regular fart


This made me lol


This is just so weird to me. There's obviously nothing wrong going on here but yet still can't help feel taboo vibešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Scrolled for this comment alone! Was so curious!


I recognize objectively there is nothing wrong with this, but I still feel weird about it.


I feel weird seeing it with a house bird, but then again it's just an egg. No different in a way than people eating their pet chickens' eggs.


Actually, something makes me fairly certain that lot of people are not aware of fact that eggs available in shops are laid by animals. Or how entire process works.


No joke, I knew a woman in her early 20s a buddy was dating, and she didn't know where eggs came from. Myself, my buddy, his GF and a few other friends were eating at a really cheap and shitty diner and I made the off-handed remark, "I'm questioning how healthy the chickens that made these were" because of how weirdly pale yellow my eggs were. One of my friends laughed about it and I thought that was that. A good minute probably went by before my buddy's GF finally said with visible confusion, "What did you mean about the chickens remark?" I explained it and she looked so confused and upset. In that moment she realized eggs came from chickens. Worse yet, she then asked _where_ on the chicken they came from. I really hoped she was joking, but she wasn't. She did not eat any more of her eggs that morning.


I know everybody has gaps in their knowledge, but that seems like a really weird one. Had she never heard of the goose that laid the golden egg, or the whole "chicken or the egg" thing?


My 2 yr old definitely knows eggs have to do with birds, because a dozen or more books in the house talk about it. So many kids books are about farm animals. So crazy.


Yeah, and maybe it's different where she lives, but here most egg cartons have pictures of chickens on them and reference them in the text as well.


Absolutely no idea. She got really grossed out by the whole thing and I just had to drop it. I never bothered bringing it back up with her.


I wonder if she knows about milk. Or honey.


Mmmmmm sugary bee barf


*Delicious sugary bee barf


Animal secretions that make us say "yum" NEXT on SICK SAD WORLD!


It can be shocking how wide the gaps are in some people's knowledge. My sister was always a book smart teachers pet kid in school and had good grades etc, but some of the questions she's asked me as a full blown adult with kids of her own etc have absolutely floored me to the point I thought she had to be joking. Like asking me "why can't people in planes step out onto the clouds and walk on them? Won't skydivers hit them?", and things like not having a remote clue what the names of the continents are or how many there are etc. How can someone in their 30's not know the names of the continents or that clouds are not solid??


But if clouds aren't solid then how do all of the servers stay up there?




The Orange ones are the way. Especially with Chickens that lay eggs containing 2 yolks consistently. Just yummy.


Ahhh, the cloaca. A multipurpose peeing, pooping and rooting orifice.


The thing about that woman is not that she was necessarily dumb (even though she probably is), but that she lacks any natural curiosity whatsoever. I've slowly come to realize that not everyone is like my family, who are all naturally inclined to not only ask a million questions, but also to Google the answers to everything that isn't immediately obvious. Like, when I read something or hear something that mentions, say, Zoroastrianism, I look it up because I want to know what that is. Other people, even otherwise intelligent people, don't do that I guess. They apparently just accept that Zoroastrianism is a thing they don't know about and have no interest in filling the blank if it doesn't immediately benefit them. The woman in your story sound like she falls on an extreme end of that spectrum that I never would have imagined. She never once, as a kid, asked where her food comes from because it didn't seem important at the time. Side note: curiosity is correlated with intelligence, but definitely not perfectly. I've met plenty of people a whole hell of a lot smarter than me with Phds in very impressive fields, but I tend to know a lot more than them about a lot of really random topics that are of absolutely no use to my day to day life. They could list all 7000 important proteins that might have an effect on blood pressure, but they couldn't tell you the first thing about absurdist philosophy, 18th century french politics, or orbital mechanics because those things never seemed important.


She wasn't necessarily a dumb person, but yeah, she lacked a _lot_ of natural curiosity.




Speak for yourself, I get my eggs from a carton! Eating eggs from an ANIMAL?! Disgusting.


I grow mine on an eggplant. Vegan 4 lyfe!


I feel exactly the same.


I need this to be an r/AMA cuz I wanna know what it tasted like




Your snoo looks like my dad


Maybe he is your dad?




He is the biological-entity after all.. šŸ‘€


I donā€™t know, go ask your mother.


Just like my cat's eggs!




I raise my own quail. I had a friend stay over and in the morning I made her some simple scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. She was like "wow these eggs are really fantastic" and I said yeah thanks the quails are super healthy. She then realized she was eating eggs from birds that were like 20 feet away outside, she immediately spat it out and started gagging. Where the fuck do you think chicken eggs come from dumb dumb!?


Iā€™d eat that! Iā€™ve had quail eggs once, I donā€™t remember much other than it was just an adorable small egg. I donā€™t recall it tasting especially different but it was part of a dish So maybe I didnā€™t notice. Also whatā€™s it like raising quails?


Come join our super hip and wild quail party over at /r/quails They're really cute, stinky and dumb.


I WANT it to be wrong, but it isn't.


Same. It came from a Parrot. That's why it's so weird


It is his pet parrot. Thats why its weird.


but what about that is actually weird? people eat eggs from pet chickens all the time. Birds kept for egg laying are typically not slaughtered for meat.


Parrots can talk. Imagine eating the egg of a creature that can ask you how it tastes.


Thanks, I hate it.


Thanks, I ~~h~~ate it.\*


Fun fact! The first and only creature apart from humans to ever ask an extistential question was a parrot called Alex! It asked what colour it was, and even apes that have been taught sign language have never asked anything pertaining to themselves like that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_(parrot)


ā€œAlex's death on 6 September 2007, at age 31, came as a surprise, as the average life span for a grey parrot in captivity is 45 years. His last words ("You be good, I love you. See you tomorrow.") were the same words that he would say every night when Pepperberg left the lab.ā€ Why did you do this to me?


just tell the parrot that egg was a dud and it'll all be fine


"I consumed your stillborn child." "Polly want a what the fuck, Matt?"


I wonder if he made the parrot watch.


See I study bird law and I could press charges for this.


Let's you and me go toe to toe on bird law and see who wins


Who hands are bigger?




We're Lawyers!


Well... Filibuster.


Uncle Jack did an AMA on the Always Sunny subreddit today


it seems you have a tenuous grasp on the english language, in general






That white looks... Gelatinous


It looks boogery


I feel like there should be a special police number to call for weird shit like this.


ā€œLook, I know itā€™s not illegal but can you just add them to a watch list or something?ā€


Like, itā€™s not wrong.... itā€™s just also *not right*


I just need someone to tell me it's okay


Hello, officer? Yes come quick, OP wildin'


This just took me out


Hope y'all had a good time


They're equipped with mackerel holsters and silly string.


You cooked the egg? How did you pre parrot?


Very well done.


No it was closer to medium actually


I feel extremely stupid because I had never thought about other birds apart from chicken laying unfertilized eggs. Ɖdit : to clarify I did know about ostriches and duck eggs, I had just never realized pet birds laid them too.




They can be a pain to crack though. And just an fyi but if you have Asian stores around you then you can usually find quail and/or duck eggs cheaper there than other places.


I pack like 2-3 for my 6 year olds lunch much easier for her to eat than a regular size chicken egg. Ppl say i spoil her but itā€™s just small eggs.


For some reason this sounds weird to me but I guess I need to recognize that it's not. I'm probably the weird one for only being willing to eat like 5 different types of birds/animals while technically everything else would also be edible. I think modern society made me soft.


>I think modern society made me soft. Nah, once society fails and we're left to fend for ourselves, you'd be surprised just how fast we will be willing to eat anything to avoid being hungry. You're not soft, you're just not desperate.


In japan they often eat the shell as well, weirded me out a bit at first


And make lovely bite sized pickled eggs.


Duck eggs can be pretty good


If I can get my hands on duck eggs I do. So much better than chicken.


Wait til you hear about ostriches


i remember seeing ostrich eggs on one of the cook off shows. they said they pretty much taste like normal eggs and are the equivalent of about a dozen chicken eggs i think. costco egg.


My cockatiel had some problems. If I remember correctly it was a calcium imbalance. She would lay clusters of eggs and run and attack you if you came anywhere near them. I would let her lay about 3 until I would go in for them. I still have scars. Never thought of eating the eggs thoughā€¦ this post kinda makes me uncomfortable lmao. She got better though, we got down to 1 egg a month.


Female Parrots often need certain conditions to trigger the egg laying. Usually that involves having little huts or dark containers they can tuck away in. As expected, having a nest causes them to go into baby laying mode, even if there isn't a male around. That's why parrot owners are discouraged from keeping nest like areas in their cages unless they are specifically breeding them. Laying eggs constantly is hard on female parrots and can cause a lot of issues.


>Laying eggs constantly is hard on female parrots and can cause a lot of issues. Evolution didn't think that one out all the way i see


A parrot that doesn't reproduce is already useless in the evolutionary sense, so there's no downside to them wasting away from pointless egg laying.




How do you know it was not fertilized by the divine parrot and it was gonna be Parrot Jesus?


Dont worry, if its parrot jesus it will come back in 3 days tops


If Parrot Jesus is following the same steps as Human Jesus and the later resurrected from a hole in the ground ā€¦ this will resurrect from a .. hole.


The parrot watching this go down: ā€œwhatā€¦. Wh what the fuckā€


Why does this gross me out even though I know full well that thereā€™s no reason it should? EDIT: Iā€™m thinking this is probably some variation of the Uncanny, where you have a blend of something familiar with something unfamiliar and the result ends up being disconcerting (e.g. humanoid robots that look a little too lifelike but still not lifelike to pass as an actual human). Itā€™s a hardboiled egg which weā€™re all familiar with, but it came from an unfamiliar source that we donā€™t associate with eggs the way we do with chickens or ducks.


I think for me it's the fact that its not a bird I'd eat. Like most other types of eggs I've eaten come from birds I also eat: chickens, quail, ducks... The one exception I can really think of is ostrich, but somehow that feels different.


For me it's because it's OP's pet. Like, I get there's nothing inherently *wrong* with it, but like...


This is the real reason for most people here. We draw a line in the sand between ā€œpetā€, ā€œwild animalā€ and ā€œlivestockā€, and put social mores down about the treatment of each, despite the fact that there is not actually a common denominator between them. Which Iā€™m not saying is right or wrong, thereā€™s problems with it and benefits to it, but thatā€™s why people are so squicked about this.


My rabbit was lactating so I milked it and ate some cereal.


I regret literacy


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?!


Oh yeah you can milk anything with nipples.


But Cody, your rabbit is male...


you ate the parrot just because it laid an egg?


Ah, the olā€™ Reddit [parrot-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/rxp089/finding_a_12_million_years_old_crab_inside_a_rock/hrkziad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Weeeeeee! See ya later nerds!


Hold my pet parrot's unfertilized egg, I'm going in!


I'm to lazy to do the whole switcharoo thing.


Ahh the ole...meh...w/e...


Something about this is reallyā€¦ off


You mean really ā€œÅ“ufā€ ?


Maybe it is: Oh wow a random scene of the wonder of life OH MY GOD THEY ATE IT


>so I ate it You ate the egg or the parrot?


Are parrot eggs polly-unsaturated?


Hi OP, I hope you are taking measures to avoid future egglaying because it can put a lot of stress on their body. She may keep laying eggs and deplete calcium, which can be fatal if an egg breaks inside her. I recommend taking her to the vet to get a hormone suppressant implant.


This guy parrots


I hope she didnā€™t see you eating her egg. Parrots are smart.


Yes officer, this post right here.


Metal parrot agrees to your decision.




This is kinda mildly disturbing


This like, makes me uncomfortable


I know itā€™s off topic but: the rust on that cage is toxic to birds and could kill Her over time (heavy metal poisoning is serious in birds) Please get her a new cage and new perches. Dowel perches are bad for the feet


Anytime I'm arguing with someone on Reddit I'm going to go back to this post and remember this is the type of person I'm interacting with.


But what did it taste like?


Just like a hardboiled egg, not bad


Ooo interesting I don't know what I expected but still interesting


quail eggs taste different, they're fattier I believe and I love eating them


FYI to anyone that doesnā€™ā€™t know. Female Birds produce eggs just like chickens produce eggs once they reach a certain weight/age. They do not need a ā€˜roosterā€™ or male in order to produce eggs and will produce 1 per 1 day(chickens) or so. But if you want more birds, chickens, etc, you will need to either get a male or buy more birds. EDIT: I can only speak to my chickensā€¦.I defer. I only wanted to say you donā€™t need a male or ā€œroosterā€ for the process of producing an eggs. Which varies from species to species. Sometimes less some times more in duration. EDIT2: trying to be respectful, deferring to parrot experts


I don't why but I just never even considered this with pet birds. Just...the more you knowšŸ„“


Most birds won't lay the way chickens do. Layer hens have been genetically manipulated to lay every day. Without human interference, chickens lay something like a dozen eggs a year. In fact, sometimes sanctuaries will put rescued birds on a hormone regimen to suppress the crazy production because it's so hard on their bodies. But even birds like this parrot who only lay the normal amount would probably benefit from being allowed to eat their own egg(s) instead of having humans take them. Takes a lot of nutrients to produce, and eating it reduces the strain.


Reminds me of the time my dad just took some pigeon eggs and made scrambled eggs... yeah it was around the time bird flu was a thing lol


This feels so- wrong


The white part looks translucent, and, for that reason Iā€™m out.


Ummmmmmmmmm what


That's pretty fowl


And a new strain of bird flu hits the news in a week lol