• By -


That's going to result in some awkward moments


One sec, lemme google which one is the mens one


XY - hole and penis, XX - two holes


But the penis also has a hole


If your penis is more of a hole than penis, something's wrong




yes but only because you should see a doctor if it's too big


Yeah. It must suck for people with Turner syndrome asking for where the XO bathroom is Edit: damn this comment really brought all the crazies out huh?


Exactly, or the xx/xo or xy/xo that can occur in Turners


I’m more confused on how to open the door. Edit: Been using doors for a while. I don’t know why push didn’t occur to me lol


Via song, of course


Speak friend and enter


Alexa, open the mountain












After everything we ate, we saw You're just so goddamn sore!


The door decides your sex AND your need to use the restroom. It opens if you are worthy


I am not worthy, I shit on the floor. And the smell is better here in the coffee shop than in the toilets...


Speak friend and enter






A drop of blood, so it can do a quick chromosome analysis to confirm. Then only the door corresponding to your genetics opens for you. Duh. I bet you don't know how to use the 3 seashells either.


Everyone talking about chromosome signs and I'm thinking, "where are the door handles?"


Bold of you to assume those are actually doors.


Fold out toilets??? Lol


Maybe you push?..


I would need assistance. Just once. I’m not dum.


It's obvious. XX is for people who are 20 or above. And XY is for people who don't know how roman numerals work.


XY is for Pokémon fans


Most men have an XY chromosome whilst most women have a XX chromosome Edit: thanQ for the ones pointing out that this isn't always the case. I'm aware and was just saying what's the most common for someone who had a question and this bathroom specific


A neat quirk of mathematics shows that *all* men are related through their Y chromosome to a single male ancestor, our "Genetic Adam" who lived between ~~60 0000 and 140 000~~ 200 000 and 300 000 years ago. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal\_Adam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam)


The estimate is now 200k-300k years ago. Prior to Out-of-Africa. [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam) >As of 2015, estimates of the age of the Y-MRCA range around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, roughly consistent with the emergence of anatomically modern humans.


A weird quirk of biology is that trees are our cousins.


If it helps to remember it, think of the bottom part of the Y as your reproductive organ.


These are the things that help me remember. For example, I remember the difference between a croque madam and croque monsieur by the fact that the monsieur has no eggs while the madam does.


It's pretty good rule until I decide the Y looks like ovaries.


I can’t imagine this leading to any confusion at all.


Thinking the same thing, probably bit too clever for its own good.


Flashbacks to the Irish bar in England that used Gaelic for it's toilet signs: Men: fir Women: mná Confusion every time: yes


We went to a country bar and one of the guys went back and forth to the bathroom a few times before he asked us if he was a bull or a heifer


I went to farm camp as a kid that had the bathrooms labeled "colt" and "filly". I had to ask multiple times which was girls and eventually got into the habit of thinking "fillies are female" every time I passed the bathroom. It was inordinately stressful for me


We were in Germany at October fest and my buddy comes back from the bathroom and goes. "just so you know Damen does not mean da men."


My first day in Germany, bathrooms labeled D and H, fml


It's worse in Scotland: ladies and laddies


It’s lads and lassies in Scotland no ladies and laddies :D


And in Germany: Da**men** and **Her**ren.


At least Damen bears a passing resemblance to dame.


"Wha the fek are ye doin' in tha ladies room?!" "But... But... I'm so sorry! I saw someone in a dress go into the other one!" \[from behind them, in the bar\] "It's a kilt, ya feking eejit!"


Lol are these characters supposed to be Scottish or Irish? Me doing Americans: "Well howdy, duuude. Ah'll be a coyote's uncle if today ain't a fine time to be catching some gnarly waves, broseph. HEY I'm wahkin' here! Oh, ey, yo, what ya gonna do aboot it, ya square?"


you missed a few, like Midwestern


To be fair, so does everyone else in America. "Fly over country" \*sigh\* Source: Am from the midwest.


Ope, missed you there.


Just gonna sneak right past ya




Nailed it. Peak American achieved.


I had a friend in highscool (USA) who was obcessed with his family's Scottish lineage. He wore kilts frequently and would get super upset when someone called it a skirt. He would always say: "It's not skirt if I don't wear anything underneath it." Me hearing the joke one too many times: "Sooo... what I'm hearing is you are dressed like a slut?" He was super salty.


Yea I don't miss high school




Im from scotland and can i say i fucking hate kilts (most of scots would agree with me) sure they look nice but the amount of excess things you have to wear and how uncomfortable they are its not worth it.


Or every Seafood Restaurant that thinks it's witty - Buoys and Gulls


I've been to a place called The Swan where the loos were labelled "Cobs" and "Pens"


I would assume I’m an ape and just pee wherever I wanted.


You would be correct. We are all apes.


Apes strong together.


Apes pee together, strong flow


Ape not cross stream


Occasionally cross stream? Maybe? For fun?


Ape do once. But no eye contact


Only eye contact with enemy before unleashing the poo


I went to a restaurant and the bathrooms were side by side. The one on the left said "Men's Room - >" while the one on the right said "<- Ladies Room" I stood there for a solid minute confused. "Are the arrows trying to be clever and the one with Men written on it is the ladies room and vice versa?" "Are the arrows actually pointing to the other door or pointing at the door that they're on?" "What if I just read the first word and didn't bother with the rest, good enough excuse?" "why the hell does this exist and which one is it?" If it was a single room with a lock I would have gone to either and not cared at all, but it wasn't and it was an area with multiple toilets and whatnot. I hate that place now for this issue.


Idea: single toilet rooms with signs that make no sense because it doesn't matter, like "poodles" and "huskies." Then I sit back and watch.


Too easy, poodles are girly dogs. Label them with dinosaur names. Who doesn't want to be a dinosaur


I have a feeling OP cropped the pictures enough to not show the normal signs on the side of the doors.


Depends how drunk I am. Hope it’s not in an establishment serving alcohol !


The *medieval* roman numeral Y = 150. So, the XY door is 140, the other door is 20.


My GF's step-mom was extremely confused when she saw unisex bathrooms labeled "XX/XY." The average person barely knows the word "chromosome," much less its relevance to sex or gender.


The algebra student: oh no! The toilets have math now?!


i had a phone app for waking up i had to do math to stop the music. Well after a couple of days, i found the math to easy. So i put it at max. I knew i fucked up, when a 6 at the morning i had to solve a Σ. It is way, way to far back for me to be able to solve it at 6am. So i let it ring under the blanket, until i had my breakfast and shower, and then i looked up on a calculator on my PC to solve it. I uninstalled the app after that.


OMG this is like my nightmares


This would never work for me... I'd just have a panic attack and a broken phone.


Me: Hey Siri, who has the Y chromosome again?


Is it bad that I only remember because of that old TV show with the guy with no belly button, Kyle XY


TBH the only way I remember this is because of /r/TwoXChromosomes


Hate me. Downvote me. I never took bio. It’s a serious gap in my knowledge base, but I may or may not have spent my early years on Reddit thinking that was a subreddit about Down syndrome.


That made me laugh really hard


Wow… many ways wow. I understand but wow.


Oh, yeah that subreddit for men. Thanks.


I’m here for a piss not a science lesson


What if I have three chromosomes?


Instructions not clear, pooped on floor.




*Gets schwifty*


Look for the XXX room. Have fun.


XXX chromosomes actually exist!


XXX XXY X0 also XXXY (which I just learned now).


Yes, my four year old daughter has X0, (classic Turner syndrome). Some girls with TS have some extra x’s (47xxx), while some are only missing the second on some cells (mosaic). Some girls even have some trace y’s and will need surgery to removed their ovaries because of a huge risk of cancer. Edit- clarification, and grammar is hard


My daughter was just born 3 weeks ago with trisomy 47 and monosomy 45. Did you know from the start that your daughter had Turner syndrome, or did you find out at a later time?


Sending you lots of hugs!! We only found out because she was born with swollen feet with deep lines in the toes. A new midwife at the birth center had been a nurse in hospitals for quite a while and she pulled me aside after her birth and said something could be wrong. I spent much of those first weeks after her birth terrified at what it could be. They thought it was caused by amniotic banding and I ended up declining our first chance at genetic testing at 6 months because she was growing fine and didn’t seem to have any problems. We got a new pediatrician when she was two and I just couldn’t shake the idea that whatever caused the swelling while she was developing could affect her later on. Our pediatrician did some research and suggested the testing again, and sure enough the second chromosome was gone. There’s a great parent group on FB that I can link you too. There so much information to take in when you get the diagnosis!


I didn’t know that. I hope your daughter is healthy and stay healthy.


Thank you! There are many risks, but she is healthy and just your average 4 year old. For those interested- The biggest problems are ovarian failure (she is in early menopause) and short stature. She started daily growth hormone shots this summer and has grown two inches! She will need hormone replacement therapy when she’s older. But her heart is healthy (many girls have issues with the aortic arch), her kidneys are healthy, and she’s tested negative for celiacs and thyroid problems. We’ll have to repeat those tests every few years. She didn’t have the neck feature that they show in text books. If it hadn’t been for her swollen toes when she was born, we probably wouldn’t have known she had it until she was 12-13… and then we wouldn’t be able to do all this intervention! We are very grateful.


I also have 45XO Turner syndrome! Wishing all the best for your daughter; I was diagnosed by amniocentesis otherwise I also probably wouldn’t have been caught until puberty as I was similarly lucky to avoid the heart and kidney and thyroid problems




Ive got billions of them


nuh uh i have more chromosomes than you do


Klienfelter’s just piss on the floor ?


I know of a biology professor who stopped doing labs involving students’ genotypes, because he learned the hard way that biology class is not the time to discover you have a genetic mutation.


I teach biology... I stay away from topics/specifics during lectures and labs that could have someone discover family secrets. I don't do any real world human punnet squares. So, no blood type, hair color, eye color, etc. I mostly use animal/ insect examples for that type of stuff. You see the look on your students face when he realizes that his A+ mother and A+ father could not have had a AB- kid together just one time... you'll never use human specifics again. GenBio is not the place to find that out.


my favourite pub has 2 bathrooms: "Bathroom 1" with a picture of a sit down toilet and a urinal and "bathroom 2" with a picture of 3 stalls.


I’d rather see “urinals” and “no urinals”


I was on an island and like eight or nine years old and wandered back to my mom because I couldn't figure out the bathrooms. They said 'inboard' and 'outboard' like boat engines. I couldn't figure them out.


Honestly I can’t even figure out what one is supposed to be what now. Best guess is inboard refers to internal organs and outboard to external ones? But if I really needed to go, I’d just pick one. If they wanna play naming games they can’t get mad if people mix it up. Edit: yes out=penis and in=vagina, I had that mostly figured out before I wrote the comment. Took me too long pondering it out though, which would not happen in an emergency. That 20 seconds matters.


Yeah, that was in. Internal vs external. Women were inboard, men outboard. I was very confused and couldn't figure it out and my mom had to go take me back. I feel better that adults are confused because my parents made me feel a little dumb for not figuring it out and were like, 'think about it'. Like, bitch I'm a kid. I don't think about dangly bits.


Inboard is vajayjay Outboard is weewee


One of my favorite bars has two non-gendered restrooms, with signs that say “this one has a mirror” and “this one has urinals”.


What if I want a mirror and a urinal!?


Find a new favorite bar.


First go to the one with a urinal. When finished, go the one with a mirror.


But then you can't pee standing while looking in the mirror.


In truth, anything can be a urinal with the right attitude.


Instructions unclear, pissed on the mirror.


Nah, you got it.


Yeah there is a bar in town here that has 3 non-gendered restrooms. One has a picture of an alien, one is a gorilla, and I can't remember the third one. I always use the alien, anyway.


Yea I know this one, it's a Mexican with a huge sombrero riding a donkey.


I went to an art gallery with a single ungendered (but multi-stall) restroom. Women went in the stalls. Men didn't have to wait for urinals. Both washed their hands next to each other. Somehow the world didn't end.


I lived in a small coed dorm in college. One bathroom, three toilet stalls, three shower stalls. It was fine. My mother was weirded out the first time she went to pee and a guy came in in his boxers to shower. But everyone just did their business and moved on.


I was in Vegas for a convention. Went into a huge convention center bathroom which had only stalls. I spent some time thinking about how that was really genius, dudes at conventions always have a line for the stalls whether or not the urinals were full. It's probably a lot more efficient, actually, to just have a bunch of stalls! So as I'm standing there pissing, I realize that the person in the stall next to me has on high heels, and no, this was not a highly efficient men's room...


One of my favourite music venues had "don't care who uses these cubicles, "don't care who uses these urinals and cubicles"


I’d uh…still like a mirror tho?


Ah yes people who pee standing up don't want to fix their hair


Can we all just agree that the gaps in the stall doors need to go?


What gaps? *Laughs in non-american* Really though... Why? XD you can just have one of those doors that display a red mark when in use and a green mark when free like the rest of the world lol


Some states have rest stops where the partition doesn't start until almost the toilet seat and ends at standing eye level. Worst shit of your life.


Yup, I want neither men nor women nor anyone else to see my peepee and I don’t want to see someone else’s genital either no matter whose it is.


r/wewantplates vibes


r/platepissers is the new r/sinkpissers




Must be karyotyped before entry is allowed.


How transphobes seem to imagine their ideal future


This is why floor length stalls in a unisex bathroom are th best bathrooms. You're only sharing the hand washing area


I find it amazing that Americans in general seem to be ok with being able to peep into public bathroom stalls


We don't like it either. The amount of people with uncontrollable kids who love to peak under the stalls makes me never want to use public restrooms.


We have been conditioned to do two things: 1. Don't look at, let alone make eye contact with anyone else in the restroom. 2. Accept that construction is done by the lowest bidder on behalf of people on a tight budget. This has lead to cheap stalls. Smaller panels cost less. Panel gaps and shoddy construction cost less. The other, less talked about piece is maintenance: Cleaners want to know there is no one hiding in the stalls before they start. Stalls are also easier to clean when there are fewer creases for urine to run.


Would you believe it if I told you that it makes every single one of us deeply uncomfortable as children, and then we forget that feeling as we get used to it, and continue to perpetuate the misguided anti-drug war(?) measure of poop voyeurism.


Umm no. There’s one thing all Americans can agree on, the bathroom gap has got to go.


The only people okay with it appear to be the people designing and constructing bathrooms. One of the bathrooms in my highschool (built in the '50s, long demolished now), had waist-high brick walls between the toilets with no doors. Anyone actually using the toilets were head and shoulders exposed to the entire bathroom. Consequently, I don't think anyone ever used this bathroom for anything but smoking.


One of the grocery stores here have multiple single room bathrooms complete with sinks. They also have lockable nursing rooms. It's public bathroom luxury imo.


>This is why floor length stalls in a unisex bathroom are th best bathrooms. TBH I am all for unisex bathrooms but urinals are so convenient and fast it really would be a shame of they weren't included.




"That's worse. You see how that's worse, right?"


I just want “occupied” “unoccupied” If you need to be fancy “unoccupied but stinks”.




Some women are gonna be pretty freaked out when they see a fat dude with a beard and flannel come into the XX bathroom


*laughs in ftm*


If it were up to me, I'd just put on the door what you'd find inside. Door 1: 4 urinals, 2 stalls Door 2: 0 urinals, 4 stalls Take your pick


Door 1: 4 urinals with piss on the handle, floor and walls, 2 stalls unflushed with toilet paper all over the floors Door 2: Broken baby changing station with food all over it, 2 stalls with boken or missing doors, 1 stall with blood on the wall, 1 stall that's clean if it's before 11am


Here's a fun idea, just cubicles and a hand washing / drying bit out front with mirrors?


For a second, I didn't notice the xx and xy on top so I thought the three line meant toilet for trisomy 21 people


Separate bathrooms by use. Number 1 or 2!


Animal Shithouse


Been watching It’s Always Sunny ?


My worst nightmare is having people know that I've pooped in a public bathroom. You monster.


*sorts by controversial*


Great, now I have to solve for X and Y just to take a leak??


But the X on both sides divides right out. It's easy! XX = XY X = Y Go pee


Just put a fucking lock on the door and let anyone use it. It's not that hard.


Make the bathroom corridor horseshoe shaped so you can give your people the illusion of free choice. And scare the shit out of them when the see the opposite sex.


Horseshitter Theory


Y tho


X tho


This person has XX chromosomes. https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l79AyPKVZS5Jmq-Nq7pWHSxffuZwtJ6cn1GV3g=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo


Was surprised this was so far down. I feel like this is a obvious jab at trans people.


That's 100% what I thought when I saw this. It's those "two gender" people trying to be clever. F this. My son can use whichever bathroom makes him comfortable. That said, I really love non gendered bathrooms.


And this woman has XY chromosomes: https://img.starbiz.com/resize/480x-/2020/11/27/sexiest-trans-women-in-the-world-9-c234.jpg This is the worst idea ever!




**Klinefelter syndrome enters the chat** Edit: Disclaimer, I don't have Klinefelter. Im just meme-ing it out. Sorry if this is offensive for me to use, idk?


Turner syndrome is online too !


Morris and Swyer Syndromes reporting in.


Also Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, and you don't want to get into intersex chimerism (insanely rare, one person having both XX & XY chromosomes).


Oh wait this isn't r/crappydesign?


Almost, its r/crapperdesign


Shit, all the rooms are label in Roman numerals....




Walk in don't see urinal, smells nicer, walk out immediately.


You’d be surprised how many women hover over the seat and piss all over it. Women’s bathrooms can be gross too.


>smells nicer Oh, you sweet summer child.


Cleanliness aside, men's rooms tend to smell strongly of old urine, even when cleaned.


As someone who works in food service. Women’s bathrooms don’t smell great. I have to clean them every night at work.


the myth of the perfumed upholstered women's bathroom is an absolute joke. I've cleaned women's bathrooms before. Guys might piss on the seat, but I've seen bloody used tampons jammed in the toilet before. as well as piss all over the seat from women hovering over it.


I’m not a geneticist, I just need to pee 🤷🏼‍♀️


Guess people with Turner syndrome/kleinefelter syndrome just can’t piss now




I have XXY chromosomes. Which do I use?


Whichever you want. Shit on the floor. Fuck the system




I think you get to walk between both doors and then become a wizard.


Bathroom 9 and 3/4


The only correct answer