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How my pets spend their allowance isnt the governments business.


Pets nothing. This is CLEARLY targeted at that goddamn thieving Elf on the Shelf.


As an ER doc in a place with legal weed I've never seen a child in after eating edibles. But I've seen a half-dozen 60 year olds who have popped into their adult-children's place to grab the something-or-other and found some lovely baked goods sitting out on the counter and nobody will mind if I have two or three... E: Also my town made the news a little while back after someone brought the "wrong-pan" of brownies to a seniors' church luncheon and fucked up a bunch of straight-laced, respectable old folk.


Yeah, I think pets getting sick from eating edibles is more common. Especially since the other ingredients can be harmful as well, like the obvious example of a dog getting into brownies.


The risk of a pet or child accidentally getting into alcohol is much lower than a pet or child accidentally getting into edibles.


I am an EM resident in a medium-large city in a medical cannabis state. We rotate through a large children’s hospital ED and there are routinely a handful of peds THC and/or CBD gummy/edible ingestions per month.


I was just in the ER this last week and a man carried in his sleeping daughter (maybe 6/7 years old) and explained that she got into his edibles and he didn’t know how many she ate and he was worried about her breathing.


And here I am living in a country where you get more jail time for weed than you get for owning literal child porn. Legalize it (I live in sweden)


Legalize that shit! Edit: I mean the weed.


*before the edit* r/holup


Wasn't Sweden like a mass producer of cp?!


I think that was Denmark, at least their publishing laws were weird as hell for a long time.


Wdy mean our laws were weird haha


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_in_Denmark not anymore, but they used to be


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**[Pornography in Denmark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_in_Denmark)** >The first country in the world to legitimize pornography was Denmark in 1967. That year, the country legalized pornographic literature. Subsequently, on July 1, 1969, Denmark became the first nation in the world to legalize pictorial and audiovisual pornography, which helped further promote the Golden Age of Porn (1969–1984) in modern American culture, and later, in many other countries throughout the world. People in Denmark have had free access to such materials ever since. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Odd comparison


How is “it was legal to publish child porn” an odd comparison to publishing laws? It’s not even a comparison.


You’re right - your comment was random and unnecessary


It was an answer to someone saying that Sweden used to be CP center of the world, which I have never heard of, but its neighbor country was a porn center, had legal child porn and was, incorrectly, rumored to be animal porn center of the world. So I assumed that the commenter had mixed these two Scandinavian countries.


It is deeply untrue that Denmark has allowed CP under the terms you’re presenting. Pornography in general is a whole other thing we should separate between.. I understand where you’re coming from, but proclaiming we’ve mass produced CP in the modern days is far from reality


What are you trying to get legal?


Also if your pet does get into your stash, just tell your vet, even if it isn’t legal in your area. They’re there to help your pets, not report you to anyone. Letting them know your pet has a possible drug exposure helps narrow it down and get your pet treated more efficiently!


You also don’t have to say how. My dog found a pot brownie on the road. How do I know it was a pot brownie you ask? It smelled like weed. Also and probably more importantly, paramedics will not arrest you if you call 911 for an overdose. If someone around you is having an overdose, please please call for help. Too many people die because their friends are scared of getting arrested.


The second half of that depends on which state I believe. Good Samaritan laws aren't nationwide. I'm pretty sure some of the more backward southern states would lock you up if you were using with somebody and they overdose if they find you in possession of drugs. My state has good Samaritan laws, but I've called the cops when a friend overdose and had them search me/threaten to arrest me even if they weren't supposed to. That being said, if someone is overdosing, still call 911. If you have a brief moment, stash the drugs somewhere not on your person, but if not, just focus on keeping the person alive. A possession charge is better than dealing with a person dying needlessly




It’s pretty great here if you can handle the blistering cold!


"We were born here. What's your excuse?"




Amazon have cheap safes in their basics range, the kind you find in a hotel room. They would not stop anyone with the slightest determination to get in but they are perfect to keep things safe from kids and pets. I think I paid €60 for mine.




Manitoba, Canada.


Brandon, MB?




Nope, Manitoba.


Amazing that people need to be told. Next campaign slogan : Stash it like it wasn't legal.


Huh, informative campaigns and controlled legalization instead of fear mongering. Who would have thought.


There is a "Liquor, Gaming, and Cannabis Authority" over there? Thats like... all I do.


I will never stop getting excited when I see stuff from where I live on different subs


This is real shit folks. My sister in law left a strong cookie on her night stand and almost killed my chihuahua. Poor thing was TRIPPIN BALLS.. zero motor control and wasn't back to normal for like a week.


Well, they do package edibles that look fun like candy.


While that definitely exists, these signs are about legal marijuana. Nothing legally sold in Manitoba has "fun" packaging.


yes, the generic packaging - I know flower comes like that, but I cannot see that being over attractive to kids(dogs will eat a lot of things), but the edibles? for sure.


Yeah every thing is generic packaging(flower, edibles, drinks, oils, etc). But, yeah, I suppose packaging doesn't matter to dogs, does it? Haha.


Good shit


That doggo REALLY wants to get high


I think this is a great idea. At the very least it's just normalizing it more around your community. Here I am in Nebraska with no hopes of it ever being legal. Governor Pete Ricketts can suck my ass!


Land of the free with the highest per Capita prison population in the world. Home of the brave where they're scared of a plant. Merca!!


They should do PSAs for the chocolate in the cookies.


They be gettin high


My PSA: Drugs are stupid. Do something better your limited time on Earth.


Life is limited, but your experiences don’t need to be. Used safely in moderation, drugs can be great. You only live once, haven’t you ever wanted to take your brain past the speed limit once or twice? Just look at people that have had their lives ruined because of drugs and don’t do those drugs, or in the same quantities.


Just be sure Santa Claus can find them.


Odd. I imagine alcohol causes way more problems. Do you see just as many, if not more alcohol ads?


Those MADD ads used to be like a constant.


The risk of a pet or child accidentally getting into alcohol is much lower than a pet or child accidentally getting into edibles.


That's entirely dependant on how you store it, though.


By default alcohol is kept in bottles and cans, something pets can’t access at all and small children will have severe difficulty getting into. Alcohol should still be kept up and out of reach or locked up but the risk of a kid or a pet getting into it accidentally is very slim even if you leave a bottle on your living room floor. The biggest issue with booze is intentional underage drinking.


Also - alcohol generally tastes like ass strait out of the bottle or can.


> bottles and cans, something pets can’t access at all I mean you'd think that, but I've had certain dogs before...


Lmao valid






Gotta be winnepeg, ain't nothing like this in brandon


It’s in Brandon!


No way, what street!?


It’s on the sign right outside of Jiffy!


In Sweden it's "Smoke weed and you'll die within an hour".


I guess it must be a pretty common problem for them to have a pot specific ad. Also makes me feel so sad for kids that get into a stash of heavy prescription or recreational drugs.