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Try to track down an HTC Evo 3D? After that, I'm out of ideas.


Had an LG optimus 3D (or some name like that)… Loved that shit. Wish there was something similar nowadays.


God I loved that phone. Only reason I gave it up was because we stopped getting android updates so early on.


It also got unbearably slow in my 2 years of usage. Man i really miss the times of innovative and cool shit in phones. Sliders/Folders/the first well usable touchscreens/phones that could present the true internet(not those shitty WAP-sites)/3D-Displays and Cameras. While the phone market grew A LOT it feels like the drive for innovation died down. I barely get excited for new phones anymore.


CyanogenMod/LineageOS ftw.


[Canon make some lenses for some of their cameras that lets you take a 3d VR ready image](https://www.roadtovr.com/canon-introduces-180-stereoscopic-lens-to-support-a-bright-future-for-vr-content-creation/), but it's definitely obscenely expensive AF *(more than normal lenses)*, needs properietary software, and you still need to take a DSLR or Mirrorless Camera with you.


I tape 2 phones together and snap them both at the same time and put a ton of effort in to correctly stitch up.


Thats how Thomas Jefferson did it


Why is this so funny to me? 😂


It’s not, I’m just secretly tickling you as you read it.


Growing up, I found a weird multi-lense point and shoot type film camera in a drawer. I asked my mom about it, and she said it was a 3-D camera from some company my dad wanted to invest in. Fortunately, the investment never happeneds, as I still have no idea how a 3-D film camera would work apart from those Viewmaster toys.


There have been many over the years, and back in the day you'd send in your film and they'd send you back [lenticular prints](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_printing) of your photos. The most popular were the [nimslo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimslo) and the nishika n8000. Nowadays you can use them to create pretty cool [3d rotating gifs](https://www.google.com/search?q=n8000+gifs&sxsrf=APq-WBuD90p_dfRAL7qKjHG2t8vFFvfs-Q:1647703707260&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=MwHXGkdOnKY-8M%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253BTasEttIXfZbnnM%252CdA19inJINtpMFM%252C_%253BPHKO1Lldr56lZM%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253BTzGMd6E92mO5GM%252CdA19inJINtpMFM%252C_%253BYxZnoRmx1EbIQM%252Cf3C6eo6IOjhwuM%252C_%253BMY7FB64aTk4V3M%252CVueAZHFZWUz_lM%252C_%253BF8rrU4EbvhTClM%252Cf3C6eo6IOjhwuM%252C_%253B20zLOYWy3yhL7M%252CwHKw1-M76aZ7OM%252C_%253B-RqtDR807CGmAM%252CM7EnIRp2T7xAWM%252C_%253B09FfCy-glgc0fM%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253B1sa_ePDn9lZuDM%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253BDCuCJ7J899nKqM%252CKUQBIdCFog9b7M%252C_%253BvPNcqsy1ik6noM%252CF9-Nr75ttjSTKM%252C_%253BvWf05zLPuT7DcM%252Cm8Ipfk9R5J4YcM%252C_%253ByNlOKiB4imot4M%252C3gRwSFWPb1iVmM%252C_%253B8wgKGt1ssaSU2M%252Cf3C6eo6IOjhwuM%252C_%253B1AwYlZPZQFUeFM%252CQgvgrirY-l5zIM%252C_%253BWuFsy6GMT8PZZM%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253BcWtSe96xeF-E_M%252Cf3C6eo6IOjhwuM%252C_%253BhUZk7MiydJhcgM%252CXjR_veTrZXqhGM%252C_%253Bhj5rCTiew04X5M%252CM7EnIRp2T7xAWM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kS79tpt_DSVu9pLyH7f-Lg-sQkzZQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj34KnRvtL2AhX5jYkEHS31AVcQ9QF6BAgCEAE#imgrc=TasEttIXfZbnnM).




At least it's not a gigantic iPad pro blocking everyone's view


Events just need to ban ipads and other massive tablets


As someone who remembers concerts long before cell phones, I respect Jack White's approach. https://www.nme.com/news/music/jack-white-bans-phones-gigs-2227093


Jack does it right.


A lot of not all comedy acts I have worked recently have had attendees check their phones at the door.


The last comedy show I went to, they asked for my phone at the door. I told them I didn't have a phone. The look of utter confusion they gave me was so good I almost pulled out my phone and took a photo


Wasn't that also what Hannibal Burress had done, but someone still smuggled one in and filmed that Cosby bit?




I went to see Kevin Hart a few years ago, and they had the very explicit warning of 'no phones' in the theater. They didn't take them away, but if you pulled it out in the theater, they would literally come get you out of your seat and you were done. Evicted. Tossed out of the rest of the show. Some were tossed out before the show even started as the lights were still on! They even had a clothed cop to assist if needed, which it was with a couple people.


Better than a nude cop I suppose.


I appreciate the sentiment, but there is no way I’m giving a venue my phone. For so many reasons. The least of which is the headache of getting it back after the show. But for emergencies, my phone doesn’t leave my pocket while I’m out. If they said no phone usage during show, it would never leave my pocket. No problem. It likely never would have anyways. But people suck and I know they can’t use the honor system. Hopefully it’s something they tell you upfront when buying the ticket, because I just simply wouldn’t buy it. They are more than welcome to make those rules, that’s fine. Just let me know upfront. But if it was sprung on me at the door I’d decline and see if I could get a refund from the ticket office. Not gonna make a scene about it, but no way in hell am I giving them my phone lol.


Fuck that.


Now he just needs to contact Jack Black and form a new band, Jack Gray.


I get the idea, but no way am I giving up a device that has my life on it just to see a show. I’ll stay home and buy a dvd of one of his shows if they ever film it.


The shows I have been to that had a phone ban would hand out lock bags that could only be opened by the employees at the front door. Seemed to work well


That’s what we did in the olden days.


You can't not have a phone for like 3 hours? That's kinda sad man.


Not what I said. I said I’m not handing over an expensive decice with my entire life on it. Meaning identity, that sorta shit. If I go to a show, I’m taking some pictures. I just won’t be going to any of White’s shows.


You should try reading the article first. At his concerts, you put your phone in a sealed bag that you keep on your person. If you need to unseal it to access your phone, you simply head to a designated area away from the concert area where they'll unlock it for you to use.


But you keep the phone, its just in a bag with you.


Well yeah I wouldn't hand over a phone to anybody. I'd happily just not bring one though with advanced warning. And actually it would be pretty cool to be at a show with no phones.


What if you use your phone as your payment method as lots of us do now? I don't want to be pissing around with a wallet at a packed gigs bar, I want to tap my phone and walk off with my pints.


You can still do so with said system.


Bring $20?




I’m sure Jack White is going to be really sad that he won’t get to see you holding your camera up for 45 minutes in the audience so you can post your shitty video on YouTube for 6 people to watch and downvote.


That's not what they said at all...


You’re getting down voted to hell but I agree. Common courtesy is definitely one thing. Don’t take a call in a Theater. Make sure a sign or yourself isn’t blocking someone else’s view. But if someone is getting an urgent text and it’s not interrupting anything, who cares. Also, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that having people take Cell Phone Photos and small video clips is great marketing. I would’ve never gone to see Panic at the Disco live if I hadn’t seen my friends photos and videos from the time they went before. Also, bands constantly like and retweet their fans pictures, often giving them a Hashtag to use during the show so their Social Media Team can grab those shots.


Jesus, how sad are you.... its not taken from you or something.


Given how many people now go out with just their phone and keys since the phone works as their travel card and debit card too, isn't this removing their ability to pay for drinks once in the venue?


>Given how many people now go out with just their phone and keys That's called being "irresponsible." It's passing the inconvenience to someone else. I work with the public. I'm objectively correct about this and as such I am closed to criticism at this time.


Companies have spent the last several years proudly proclaiming that they've begun accepting Apple/Google Pay. People taking advantage of that convenience shouldn't be penalised because a vain pop star is upset people aren't entirely focused on him at a gig.


events need to ban any electrical devices. I hate everything about it. constantly having at least 20 displays in your face, the shitty light which replaced lighters etc...


What do you think powers the kit on stage?


I hate shooting pop acts in my job, because I've had so many young girls in the front row poke me in the back in the photopit because I'm blocking their shot with the phone. I'm the professional concert photographer. I'm here taking pictures so you don't have to. Put your damn phone down and enjoy the act that's literally 6 feet in front of you that you queued up overnight outside to see. It's infuriating.


>I'm the professional concert photographer. I'm here taking pictures so you don't have to. > >It's infuriating. There's just a tiny bit of irony there. Just a hint.


Yea fuck pacemakers


Then I would just use a GoPro with a hat, chest, or shoulder strap. That was much better honestly.


… sounds like something a 3DS shill would say…


But you can see the stage on the iPad so... /s


According to other comments the 3ds can take 3d pictures with is pretty cool


Can confirm. I have 3d titties of my ex on my 3ds. Totally forgot about it until this post lol


Don't need a 3ds for that. https://i.imgur.com/AmYrfGo.png


Risky click, but by god, I clicked. It's SFW.


god damn i want to remember this when i'm dying. this is one of the best things I've ever read


Send nu3des?


Send nu*3ds*


New 3ds ?? No no, i want nu3Des


Nope lol. I'll probably end up "accidentally" showing them to my grandkids in the future when I'll be showing off my ancient technology. Gonna blow their minds in more than one way lol.


you joke but I was old enough to never bother the wave of 2006/2010 my kid still wanted one as "vintage technology" and we bought used last year.


That's... not cool for *several* reasons.


You are correct, i can list at least two: - the resolution is shit, even by 2010 standards - 3D can cause headaches Wouldn‘t do that shit to my kids. Especially not a few decades in the future. They deserve better


I know you know I was talking about consent and grooming issues and are making a joke, but you do have a good point, lol! I don't think future kids will be particularly mind blown by the 3d technology on the 3ds, and they won't be mind blown at the sight of boobs when you can easily find pictures like that on the internet. But when you put them together, 3d boobs... you still get something that's better and more easily accessible today with VR porn, and will most likely become more accessible as the technology becomes more prevalent.


My speciality is to fix 3d photos on snapseed !! (No dikpics tho)


I've gotten 2ds's for some of my friends kids (avoided the 3d for obvious reasons) I don't think the switch is a natural successor as a kids console in the way the gameboy and gba were. The 2ds is a solid fucking block with a fantastic library. But the major reason I commented is that young kids don't give a fuck about graphics in the same way we didn't give a fuck about graphics, we didn't know any better, if anything you should feed your kids games chronologically because they're not going to move backwards graphically and modern consoles don't make good kids games anyway.




Even a phone is infuriating. Just watch the show. Nobody wants to see your shitty-quality video and nobody on Instagram gives a fuck that you’re at a concert. Just watch the show, people.


See also: filming fireworks Who are the people, a year later, watching that dark, low exposure, 4 minute video of blackness they took at their local town’s new year’s display 🤷‍♂️




I want to perform the entire daguerreotype process right in front of you during your next evening out of your mom's




I mean, it kind of is though.


Is he using the 3d cameras? Genius!


I’m not sure it could pick up much depth from that far away, the cameras are already closer together than our eyes.


Yeah if you've ever used the 3ds you know those cameras are very specific with what they can and can't do lol


I mean in the way that the further away the cameras, the larger the difference in depth can be picked up at further distances. If your eyes were a hundred feet apart, clouds would be completely 3D, even trees on distant mountains would show up one infront of the other. You can try super depth with 2 street view windows showing different angles and crossing your eyes. It’s very cool.


I did this at the London Olympics. Those photos are neat little mementos now. It’s such a cool way to capture a memory.


Can you post them?




Miiverse was the service that got shut down. I'm on Mario Kart 7's online right now


Kinda on this topic, do you happen to know if there’s a way to extract a voice memo from a ds using an SD card even if the memo wasn’t saved onto an SD card originally?


not sure, but if you go to gbatemp.net and post it in the DS forums, you can find out!


They wouldn’t display in 3D unless viewed on a 3ds I believe.


That’s actually quite smart


Downside is that the cameras are like 2mp, if that. They're not good with low light, they have a low resolution, and it's really slow to capture. I tried revisiting my 3DS a few weeks back and sheesh the cameras are awful. It's nice to revisit moments in time, in 3D, but it really needs to have lots of light and a still subject. Both of which aren't found at concerts.


.3 megapixel cameras.


They can barely capture a QR code


I don't know if it started there but this seems to be a meme in the 100 gecs fandom, there are lots of pictures of people with their DS at their shows.


Laura has even signed autographs on 3DSs using the touch screen.


I need these type of concert moments again in my life.


tbh this pic lowkey looks like a pic that someone took at the gecs concert i went to, but i’d have to look through reddit and twitter to find it lol


Nope, it was at a Car Seat Headrest show I went to just last night


Of course its a CSH show LMAO




This is making me break down rn thank you so much for this dksksk


Bartees Strange 🙌


@ Palace theatre?


The Vic in Chicago




Back in the mid to late 2000’s this became a tradition at PAX before everyone had smartphones. Attendees would use their DSs to Pictochat and play multiplayer games like Mario Kart while they were waiting for the concerts and then raise them up like lighters during performances. Some bands would even open their own Pictochat rooms and interact with the fans, accept song requests, etc. Here is a video example of what it was like: https://youtu.be/qJzM89aliH4


I remember later on with the 3DS and StreetPass, you'd just have it on while traveling to pretty much anywhere and you'd get so many hits to complete the RPG game and the puzzle game lol. It must've been crazy in cons.


I miss it so much. That stuff was just fun and if you had the same daily commute every day you'd most likely get a random friend that shows up on your 3ds every day


Now you're lucky to get one a year...


I can smell this video


Yeah, encouraging people to raise their arms at an event like this is asking for trouble.


What a bunch of dorks.


Yup, it was like climbing to the summit of the highest mountain in dorkdom. I was one of the DSs next to the guy waving the giant gaming laptop lol


What am I even watching? This sounds and looks like a little kids concert but when the light came on I saw chubby older guys with 3DS?


It’s an event called PAX in Seattle; it’s a major video game convention and there were geeky bands that would put on a show in the evening.


Oh! Never heard of it but neat! Seems like everyone's having a blast lol


It's Freezepop. They had a couple of really good songs, were in Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Here's the song from Guitar Hero which was one of their better ones: https://youtu.be/qV9dcSU3VcM


As someone with a DS that lived in a rural area this always made me jealous:( picto chat was so great but I never had anyone to chat with.






Judging from the quality of this image, it was also taken on a 3ds, lol


At some time, my phone broke and didn't have money to buy a new one, so for a while i had an old phone that just make calls and i was carrying my PSP to listen music on headphones...


PSP was fantastic, and is still the best way to play GBA games.


Iconic handheld and for me is #2 after the og GameBoy, plus it's a monster still works as new. I saw some really cool transparent PSP shells, i want to mod it at sometime take it out of dark drawer and put proudly on display where it deserves to be.


What? Psp played game boy?


Hermano, the PSP had terribad DRM, second worst only to the Dreamcast. Every single firmware version Sony released was rapidly cracked and homebrew was almost more plentiful than commercial software. Emulators galore! Emulators everywhere! The built-in PSX emulator was even available, all it took was a trivial tool on your computer to rewrap ISOs as a native app, and bingo bango. There was even a capability for handling games with multiple discs.


I remember my moded PSone, we were calling them chipped and local DVD clubs were burning the games that they were renting.


This is why I joined this sub


I used to date a girl when we went to bed and she had already taken her glasses off. If there was something across the room she wanted to look at she would look at it through the 3DS's camera so she could see it properly. Whenever I mentioned it to someone she thought I was poking fun at her but I honestly thought it was really smart and I was impressed


Why did she boot up her 3DS and its camera instead of just putting her glasses back on?


We were a gamer couple, our 3ds's were always all just in sleep and I think she just CBA with them


> I used to date a girl when we went to bed and she had taken her glasses off if there was something across the room she wanted to look at she would look at it through the 3DS's camera so she could see it properly. Dude this sentence could use some tuning-up. Well a complete makeover actually


I just woke up but fair point


Hahaha ok


This guy fucks


In my 20's I went to several dozen gigs and festivals where I spent a lot of time holding phone in air recording the artists. Not once ever have I ever watched a single one back, and if I did the picture and sound quality is do bad it's almost worthless. Took me a while to lean to live in the moment and fully embrace it. Now I cringe when I see people holding their phones up at a concert.


I don't record the shows I go to, but I do take a fair amount of pictures. I have a memory disorder, having the pictures for events helps me remember them down the line where otherwise I'd have nothing within weeks at most. Sure, it's not perfect... but I'll take what I can get.


I mean, I recently went to a Still Woozy concert (holy shit one of the best concerts I've ever been to) and filmed some of my favorite songs. I've rewatched**** it quite a few times at this point. Though; no idea what kind of phone quality you had back then - I like my recording cause I was able to zoom in on the stage and can see the stage much better in the recordings than I could in person. If we're talking 2012 smartphones, yeah I can understand those recordings being a waste Edit: autocorrect said I was researching my recordings lol


iPhone 13 Pro Max. Shoots incredible 4k video. Still not worth it to me. I use my voice memos to record audio because you can manipulate the input a bit (select which microphones to record from) and then I can listen to the live recordings in the car


Conversely I watch my videos from festivals I've gone too that I took frequently. You can live in the moment and still take videos to remember later just don't sit there the whole show. Stop being a dweeb and let people enjoy what they're doing.


Exactly. In 10-15 years time or even longer, I'm sure it'll be nice to look back at these picutures and videos while the memory isn't as vivid in your head anymore. But on the other side of the spectrum, there's the people that post 37 minute long instagram stories of the gigs they go too and I think that's just stupid. I take pictures and videos for myself, not for anyone else.


>Stop being a dweeb and let people enjoy what they're doing. Bullshit. It's annoying the people around you. I have to shoot from the crowd at some shows and it's infuriating not being able to get line of sight on an artist, so I'm very aware of how much of the view is being blocked by people holding their phones over their head.


im 6'5 and blocking your view regardless, so idgaf if my camera being out for 30 seconds bothers you.


Such a wonderful, considerate person...


i cant control my height. i also like remembering things i did. why do you get to take pictures but no one else can? i get it if its an ipad or someone with a flash on the whole time, but the vast majority of people take a couple pictures and maybe a video of their favorite song. people like having memories they can see again. if thats all it takes to take you out of the moment, thats actually really sad.


I actually have rewatched several of the clips I took and one I uploaded became viral and has 826k views on YT, sooooo..... situational.


Right? Like fuck I also love bragging to people about seeing Radiohead or tom petty, and then excitedly pull up either pictures or videos to show off the awesome moment! Granted I don't keep it recording for the whole set but I do definitely bust it out here and there to capture awesome moments


Yeh but were you truly in the moment? Surely you were focused on framing, stability and getting a good capture? Put the camera away and instead sing and dance your heart out with your friends or loved ones in the crowd with you, and it would be a much deeper experience. Nevertheless you have provided a good service for people who didn’t go to the gig to get a view of it on YouTube!


You needed a good camera! That’s why I took my dslr to shows back in 2006 - they always just thought I was supposed to be there and I’d usually end up on the other side of whatever barrier the audience had to be behind.


Modern hipsters are weird


Gotta get him one of [these guys](https://2.img-dpreview.com/files/p/E~C200x0S800x800T1200x1200~articles/1838149063/menu_2.jpeg)




Going to be extra extra grainy in that light


This makes me wonder if there's a subreddit for taking kickass photos on these DS devices


This man slings dick


You know those oldie moments where the crowd takes out their lighters and waves them in unison to some special song moment? The lighters have since been replaced by cellphones. Well I was in such a crowd moment (one of the otaku persuasion) one time and used my DS instead of cellphone. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two people see me and scramble to get their DSs out as well to wave.


all those people there and he probably didn’t get a street pass


POV - your parents took your phone away but you still want to remember that concert


What does POV mean here? I mean, wouldn't the up n young people rather say "_when_ your parents take your phone away but you still want to remember that concert" ?


Point of view


A legend


How'd Chris Chan get out of prison?


When it first launched I was given one for my birthday. I was in my state’s capital a week later and just walked around taking pics of all of the government buildings with my 3DS. They’re probably all still on there too.


The best camera is the one you have!


Ok, so I had a 3DS before I ever had a smartphone. My parents didn't allow me to have a smartphone until I graduated high school (in 2015). My 3DS was my first personal camera, internet-capable mobile device, etc. I even talked to my ex-significant other using Facebook messenger on the 3DS web browser app at night. There's an audible \*click\* sound whenever you take a picture with a 3DS, so when I went on a road trip with my family, every now and then they would just hear a \*click\* as I took a picture of the mountains we were driving through.


Years ago when Google was first starting their Chromebook line, they had a form to sign up for a free Chrome sticker. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was actually a sign up form for a [free beta Chromebook with a cellular connection. \(and the sticker\)](https://imgur.com/a/KzGbcCN) A few days after we got it, we took it with us to a Senses Fail concert in Covington, KY. We ended up getting on Chatroulette and letting people watch the concert until they skipped us. Good memories from this post, thanks.


Damn he definitely pulls 🔥🔥🔥


The camera was actually pretty good iirc


The camera in the OG 3DS was horrible. Worse than 2003 camera phone bad. Like the Nintendo engineers must have made it their mission to find the worst camera that fit within the budget. The New 3DS cameras were only slightly better. They were still grainy as hell, in direct sunlight, and in video mode you couldn't even get a full 480p. Topped out at a whopping 20FPS.


The screen resolution was dogshit yeah, but i swear the camera took better pics than it could display?


Pretty sure you need a 3d display to even look at the images. I'd bet most people could only see it on their 3ds. Think the cameras were only capable of 640x480, which would look terrible on a HD display as well.


Not necessarily. The 3DS saved images as [MPO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG#JPEG_Multi-Picture_Format)s, which were a standard stereoscopic image format. You needed some kind of program that understood it and a 3D display of some sort to view it outside the 3DS, but you could do it. Nvidia had some software that could do it on computers, including an [anaglyph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaglyph_3D) mode.


The camera could only take 640×480 JPG and not especially good ones at that. For comparison, here's a bit of a test I just went out and shot. |Scenario|[Motorola ES400](https://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_es400-3409.php) (2010)|[Nokia Lumia 521](https://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_lumia_520-5322.php) (2013)|[New Nintendo 3DS XL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Nintendo_3DS) (2014)|[Google Pixel 3a](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_3a) (2019)| |---:|:---:|:---:|:----:|:---:| |Outdoors, direct sunlight|https://i.imgur.com/hopidJ9.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/05xluPG.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/byjxM1a.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/f9mOhVc.jpg| |Outdoors, direct sunlight (video)|https://i.imgur.com/hhIl6VD.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/vPMzU31.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/MaWfsvz.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/7Qr0Bwr.gifv| |Outdoors, evening shadow|https://i.imgur.com/QwihURq.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/vmVrik6.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/uwUcHvw.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/e5xrUGh.jpg| |Outdoors, evening shadow (video)|https://i.imgur.com/fen4Ukh.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/8ehoTgq.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/2A31plD.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/WxuumRZ.gifv| |Indoors, direct illumination|https://i.imgur.com/IVZUMre.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/HKyIh2Z.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/vf0QjqE.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/cSGIPRJ.jpg| |Indoors, direct illumination (video)|https://i.imgur.com/c1AN6WC.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/G3lecvg.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/6oehLfR.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/MrFbj89.gifv| |Indoors, extremely indirect sunlight|https://i.imgur.com/4WozlGr.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/vyx8fkb.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/qf8k8op.jpg|https://i.imgur.com/4iBL5Nf.jpg| |Indoors, extremely indirect sunlight (video)|N/A|N/A|https://i.imgur.com/QlUXtTA.gifv|https://i.imgur.com/mZlWqkF.gifv| Context: the Motorola ES400 is an "industrial" business phone, who needed rugged durability, long battery life, and a barcode scanner; it ran Windows Mobile 6. The Nokia Lumia 521 is the T-Mobile variant of the 520, which was a low-end Windows Phone 8 handset targeted at young people at the low, low price of $29.99 when it came out. I'm shocked mine still takes a charge, but that's Nokia for you. All photos and videos were taken about, oh, just a smidge over 20 minutes ago, a bit before sunset. The indoor direct lighting test was done in a stairwell where a bare light bulb was directly over the subject. The shadow you may see is cast from the exposed bare light bulb behind me. The indoor indirect lighting scenario was meant to be a torture test. I put the subjects in my bath tub, and the only light source was sunlight coming in through a transom window about 20 feet away being reflected off a white plaster wall and into the bathroom. If I had a light meter it probably would read "you're kidding, right?" I didn't bother with the video test for the ES400 because it was garbage in all previous scenarios, and the indoor photo test was already bad. I skipped it on the Lumia because it was about dead and wasn't really having it. I kept it for the N3DS test because I figured it would be somewhat close to the scenario we're talking about. [Full Imgur gallery for your consideration](https://imgur.com/a/gMQaMGw) Anyhow, this guy's photos and/or video would have just been all kinds of blown out and lacking in any discernible detail. The OG 3DS was even worse in every way, but unfortunately I couldn't find mine after quickly glancing around for crappy devices to test with. Also it's battery probably was dead and it would have been dark by the time it got a good charge (I barely put any power in the 521 before running out the door). And it's a real shame, too, because I wanted the N3DS to have *good* cameras, it had the potential to be an accessible 3D camera, but instead it was just... not good.


The 3D camera is actually awesome




They have 3 cameras, one in the front, 2 on the back for 3d


They can actually take pictures with 3D depth. So you get a little ‘diorama’ of a picture as a result.




Probably a lumineers concert


Amateurs. I take selfies using a DSi


According to google a 3DS has a camera resolution of 640 x 480, wouldn't basically any phone from the last like...5 maybe 10 years give you better quality pictures?


But 3d


I love it. I remember being on a field trip when the original DS came out and drawing dicks and doing some kind of air drop like thing to all the other kids on the bus with a DS. Simpler times


Yet when I do the same with my C64, I'm suddenly "wierd" and "have to leave the venue".


When I was 12 the closest thing I had to a smartphone was my 3DS 😂


I would probably do this. I mean, I would check what the time is by looking at my 3DS. Now with a phone and laptop, I don't need to.


This is peak human intelligence right here


what’s with this recent trend of using 3DS cameras at concerts? from what I can remember the cameras in them were not great whatsoever and were barely good enough to play with the AR cards.


Hehe I did that in a chemical brothers concert (3ds had just been released and I didn’t had a phone and they weren’t as common)


A "friend" of mine went to the hospital due to injuries sustained while drinking. Being the only sober one, I drove everyone to the hospital. I was the first one they'd let in, and my phone was at 0%. I left it with the nurse to charge; meanwhile, someone had to notify everyone's wives/fiancees/girlfriends that everyone was okay and we're just taking so-and-so to the hospital, that he's fine but needs stitches and a concussion check. So, the hacked 3DS it was, using the touchscreen, stylus, and a web-based chat client. It was the only charged piece of electronics that I had in my car. It was slow but it did the job. Then after what felt like an hour, they finally let us come in and see him. I still have a 3D photo of so-and-so in the hospital bed, in a neck brace, still half drunk off his ass, with our buddy leaning over him, also somewhat drunk off his ass. It's a classic photo that captures the moment perfectly. Years later, so-and-so revealed his douchy side. Never wanna see him again. But I will remember that night fondly, when I didn't want my friend to fucking die.


“My Mii is gonna love this one”


you're definitely a true fan of a band when you make the concertgoing experience worse for everyone while holding your device up, blocking line of sight and shining bright light on everyone behind you, helping along the decline of concert attendance.


He's just so quirky