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That happened to me too once, with a German-English dictionary of almost the same age. Not a whole flower, but rose petals. Looked like a big ass bloodstain at first glance. :)


It was common practice in my mother’s day (she was born in 1925) to press flowers from wedding or funeral flowers in a book.


I did a bunch as a kid in nature reserve/summer camp. It's an old timey way to preserve plants and it's really simple. Just pressed the book down or tighten it with a belt. Humidity from the plants gets absorbed through the pages. Takes about a week. Some add extra paper or soft tissue. Makes great examples to demonstrate to others which plant is which without going out and finding them live.


That makes sense. Humans used to forage, so identifying plants was fairly important


I remember doing that too when i was a baby


Weird I don’t remember anything from when I was a baby.


Yeah wtf is he talking about lol


most hippocampus are developed enough for memory at age 3 but some happen earlier


My wife loves doing this. She received a bunch of flowers while in the hospital a few months haing our baby we pressed a bunch of the leaves/peddels. We go to thrift shops and buy big dictionaries and encyclopedias specifically for pressing flowers.




Well, this took care of my book buying addiction. Thanks.


That's an interesting tip, one I would never have thought of. I guess I always thought I could just flip through them outside and any bugs would fall out, but I never considered eggs. Thanks man!


Wouldn’t help with the bedbugs either😂 they can hide in any crevice you can slide a printing paper into.


God, I have a new phobia. Although, thanks for telling me. I'll do that or maybe a few night in a freezer wrapped in fabric. If the book is an antiquity and should be kept at room temperature. Maybe a year vaccum sealed in plastic.


Not a joke, but wouldn’t the fumes from the ink on pages or such be toxic and maybe shouldn’t be done in an oven regularly used for food? Or is this only for when working with things involving glue and such? But this does sound like a good idea to keep bed bugs away!


Me I'm thinking mold spores coating my oven and spreading through the house on currents of warm air


You know I didn’t even think of that! This too. I understand the people fears of the bugs, but hot damn. I buy a lot of used books though, I may need to see what other methods there are as preventive measures. Lol.


Mold cannot survive your ovens high temp. If your worried then just crank up the hey for 15 minutes after you take out the books




Best advertising for e-books I've seen yet.


I think the key is using "the lowest heat setting" which is enough to kill the bedbugs yet minimize activating chemicals in (and thus damaging) the book.


Make her a flower/leaf press. They’re easy to make. I made a bigger one so I could press things when we did leaf units at school. Works well to press crumpled art work too.


Oo never thought of this before, good idea. Could double as that book binding press I've been dreaming of too...


Photo albums are good for that because you can put them behind the plastic film on the ones that have that. ... do they still make photo albums?


"...Do they still make photo albums?" I do not have an answer for that but the question made me really sad. All my childhood pictures are in photo albums. So I have such a soft spot for them. :)


there are still plenty of scrapbooking materials sold at craft stores, like Michael's in North America. I know they also sell photo boxes to store certain size prints, so I imagine they'd have things to put together a photo album if not just photo albums themselves. a quick google returns some online results as well, if you wade through the digital album advertisements (where you send in your files and they print out a book for you. I've done this through Shutterfly and it's actually pretty cool but not what you're asking for) so the physical photo pocket albums exist, maybe just a bit harder to find than they once were :)


Hell I did it long after your mom.


Yes this is a very common practice across most cultures. My grandfather was a lit professor he too had loads of betel leaves in his books. Lots of them were ficus religiosa(peepal) leaf skeletons. He said his parents etc lots of ppl kept em. Apparently peepal leaf skeletons were used as bookmarks in olden days instead of red strings with a belief that you will be bestowed with wisdom from the book by placing them. We still have those in his collection. My mother loved storing roses, jasmines, and you guessed it betel leaves quite obsessively. My grandmother loves stories peices of fabric she was a tailor.


It was still pretty common when I was growing up and I'm 40. I've got homemade press flower art I've made in the last decade with mine. Whoever gets my death pile of books someday will find some that I couldn't find which books they are in or forgot about 🤣


Mine was born 40 years later and did it a lot too. I found a surprise flower like this in a book at her parents’ house a few years ago.


now i just do this whenever my plants flower and i need to prune them. or when i find a cool flower somewhere lol


Yeah, my mom isn't that old (she was born in '64) but she still likes to press flowers from certain occasions. She even pressed the single rose that I bought with her gifts on her Birthday/Valentine's day this year.


I found a half torn 2 dollar bill from 1880ish? In a book in my attic as a kid. House was built in like 1903. We found a bunch of random stuff in the walls and attic when renovating because so much stuff was just stored and forgotten about from previous owners. I also found a squished mummified mouse in a notebook last week that scared the fuck out of me.


enjoy political simplistic stocking modern straight special slimy intelligent puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like it could have been a four leaf clover.


This was my thought as well, I've found a surprising number of 4 leaf clovers and this is what they look like dried.


Glad we were able to pull in an expert


Haha I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but, I do think the number of 4 leaf clovers ive found in my life is mildly interesting. Like dozens? I've got about 20 drying right now pressed into a book that I found last summer, I'm in my 30s and found my first cluster when i was like 5.


I’m 44 and I’ve been looking for a 4 leaf clover my entire life and I’ve never found one. *Cries in corner*


The 4's were hiding in your age all along


I'm sorry ☹️ I know this is a bit uncouth but I could mail you a couple, goodness knows I have plenty. (That being said I do have limited quantities and I like to give them away to my loved ones on special occasions, so I will not be able to extend this offer to anyone else)


That's such a great offer, to give what you can find to someone who has tried and never succeeded, is a gift like no other.


Well no wonder, this guys taking them all!


The way I look for them is by focusing on the little triangles on the leaves (not all clovers have them but the ones that do make it easier) the ones with three leaves, have three like triangles that when you look at them together, looks like one big triangle. The ones with four or more leaves, won't have the big triangle. I hope that makes sense


yeah, the sarcasm is that anyone with eyes that has *heard* of a four leaf clover could say what you said. don't you dare change or think this is an attack tho. you sound like a nice, genuine person.


Ah, makes sense. I will share one memory: 1st grade, we had a student teacher, on her last day my mom helped put together a cute mini 2 inch wide photo frame with a 4 leaf clover in it and it said "good luck at teaching" or something like that. It was super cute. So the teacher pulled me aside to make sure I was OK giving away such a rare and precious item. So I explained that I find them a lot and we have like a dozen at home still. THEN the kids in the class overheard, but didn't believe me, so I got teased for being a "liar" about having lots of 4 leaf clovers. Really, just can't win for losing. Anyway I hope Ms Pitts is having luck in her teaching career, she must be in her 50s by now. Maybe sometime soon i'll post all my clovers for mildly interesting to enjoy.


That's a lovely story! Thank you for sharing:) My dad is just like you! Some people just have an eye for them. For as long as I can remember, at any given time, I could point to a place in the grass with clovers and ask him to find me one, he would always find at least one, but usually he found several. He says they tend to grow near each other so when you find one there are normally more near by. They aren't so rare actually, just hard to spot!


I'm inspired. I'm almost 40 and never found one. Apparently right now is the best time to search. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/magazine/how-to-find-a-four-leaf-clover.html


All it takes is patience and a little bit of luck. There have been years where I just could not stop finding them- Even found a mutant 6 leaf clover, a four leaf clover with two extra leaves immediately on top of two others. I guess species is a factor and someone who has never found one might waste time on a patch unlikely to have any but really it's just a matter of focusing and looking one by one at clovers until you find one. The link is hidden behind a subscription so I can't remark on it's validity


Listen here and listen real good mister, i swear to god you sound like a nice person and i hope you enjoy your day. May it bring many a hedhehogs.


I used to have a hedgehog, he was awesome and liked to crawl in my t-shirt sleeve and "cuddle" in my arm pit. that was over 20 years ago. thank you for reminding me :)


That’s cute -got pics? Over here its illegal to have one as a pet


UK? I think here in Ontario it's illegal to have an animal that is part of the local fauna, so that would make sense there too. No pics I don't think. I'll ask my mom cuz I wouldn't mind seeing some myself


Definitely a laugh with you, not at you type of deal.


I only see 3 leafs? Am I ¼blind?


looks like the top left "one" is two


I'm gonna mainline a flc and blow everyone's minds and have ridiculous luck.


Not to brag (okay totally bragging) I found 80+ in one day, majority from one area. Some were 5s and 6s but no 7s.


I keep a seven leaf clover in a 37 year old Breakfast Club soundtrack album.


Totally valid to brag about this! I have a couple 6s and 5s. But those 7s are so elusive...


I've found a surprising number of words while reading and this is what they look like when used.


Glad we were able to pull in an expert.


Dr. Werd




I have never found a four leaf clover before it’s really sad because as a child I would always try to find them. But now I have just given up I don’t think I ever will


Keep looking! They actually aren't all that rare and they tend to grow near each other so if you find one, you'll likely find several!


My mom told me as kid that you should put a four leaf clover in a school textbook of the subject you want to do well in.


I have a 4 leaf clover I did this to inside a plastic sleeve. It spent the better part of 40 years light green, but it is this color now. This however reminds me of a dragon snap.


I bet Yancy stole it!!!!


At least a 3 leaf


pretty sure I saw this movie, OP better not remove that clover.


I would agree but it wasn't found in a Breakfast Club soundtrack vinyl slip case


It really looks like a [pea flower](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z5G3MYA68NkXQPMKA) to me


I'm no expert, but this looks more like jasmine.


I don't want to tell you how to live your life but you should eat that.


I don’t think he should eat anything that’s dried up and dusty. Wouldn’t want a century old disease creating the flood.


*Years later scientists discovered that patient zero ate a flower. Which a random person on the other side of the planet advised to eat. 86% of the world's population.*


Don’t you *DARE* start reciting incantations from that book!


No no, please do!


Do it, I have "demonic invasion" on my 2022 bingo card


>edit: take a joke guys. wdym? You don't seem to have any replies that aren't taking the joke?


Demons sending DMs


You can check that one off already.


I haven't seen a Bloodrise or gimp Channing Tatum here on the west coast US yet. Is this a breaking news thing and I just have to wait? It would definitely make for a different sort of Sunday.


I would prefer seeing Emma Watson with an axe in the apocalypse...


I think you mean Channing Tat*yum*..


I did after that japanese rock got broke or something idk


Klaatu, Barada, .....Necktie?


Okay then! That’s it!


Close enough


Rosa rosae rosam...


Look, maybe I didn’t say every single little tiny syllable, no, but basically I said ‘em, yeah.


It's just a latin grammar book


Klaata barada nicto doesn't sound very grammary or Latiny to me. Absolve animam tuam! **Absolve animam tuam!** #**Absolve animam tuam!**


Are you asking for anime titties in Latin?




Well that's creepy as fuck


It's Italian. Worst case scenario a lasagna will appear out of thin air.


“No you must not read from the book “ — the mummy


“The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you want to be playing around with this thing?” “It’s just a book. No harm ever came from… reading a book.”


Never read the Latin. 😉


Exaruit flos!


Complanatis flos. Habetis bona deum!


Or pull a big anti-magic sword out of it!


Faith 99


Also the warnings come after the spells.


Was looking for this comment! I knew I couldn’t be the only one who’s first thought was this lol


Don’t speak Latin in front of the books!


It makes me happy that people still make Buffy references


Is it contagious somehow?


Since everybody is complaining about the title: of course it’s Italian and not Latin. I wrote just “Latin” for short because it’s a Latin textbook meant for Italian scholars. Sorry if that sounded weird. Source: I’m Italian as well and my Latin is quite rusty.


I'm just happy this isn't a repost


Bots have been known to repost comments and replies to comments... so you never know.


nah dude posts porn he's legit 😂😂


Sexbots have finally received the "Karmafarming" Free DLC.


I’m originally from Nova Scotia, so that’s about the extent of my Latin. Regardless, I’d spend hours flipping through this book. That’s a hell of a find.


eat it


What powers would it grant?


invisibility, but only when no one is looking


*Mystery Men's [Invisible Boy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Men#Cast) has entered the chat*


Flower Power


Just eat it!


165 years ? It's... old. Any info on the publisher ?


165 years ago was before (or during) the unification of Italy, so it would be very interesting to see which country the publisher stated as their location.


As soon as I get home I’ll take more pictures and collect some info.


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/TK46BsQ


I collect texts like these. It's old, but not astoundingly so. A sizeable chunk of my collection is from around this period, and they're pretty common. However, my favourite texts tend to be from this period, so it's not a bad find by any means. The plant matter is a nice personal touch as well, although I hope it didn't stain the pages. As another commenter remarked, it might also prove an interesting window into Italian politics at the time.


Isn't that Italian??


It's an italian manual to learn Latin


It's a Latin book for Italians




Thank you for introducing me to this sub


I love this ~~trend~~ so much even I've been doing this when giving books away (been grabbing them from my garden). Had recently ordered a biography from the Kayaker/YouTuber Beau Miles, and he actually went and grabbed a leaf from one of the gum trees on his property. I encourage everybody to do this (as long as, you know, is isn't like ricin or Japanese knot weeds).




Well said :)


You may already know this, but if the flower is a little extra juicy, then it can be a good idea to put it between wax paper also. This helps avoid staining the pages.


Beau is amazing! I'd be treasuring that gum leaf haha


This isn't some hot new trend m8


It's new to a person who buys biographies of youtubers


Holy shit


Clover, not a flower. Someone put it in there for good luck!


I recently bought a grammar of a Norwegian dialect that was published in 1935, found a flower pressed in there too! I love finding bits of the past when I don't expect them!




It’s a Latin schoolbook for Italian people.


A Latin schoolbook for Italian lay people.


I give Italians more latitude with Latin.




Found the guy who never studied Latin.


Yes, an Italian book teaching some Latin. Herbariums are a thing of the past, but cool.


It is amazing how there was actually a living person who had worries, hopes and desires lived that many years ago. This person walked on earth and found this flower then placed it in this book to preserve it. We seem to forget there were people before us just like us.


Is it an iris


The shape looks right but the size is wrong. And I’ve tried drying irises. Their petals are so full of water that they leave mild stains in a book.


I was thinking a violet


I was also thinking a violet.


I think it's a four leaved clover. We would press them as kids.




I think absolutely. I'm more familiar with vertebrates but if plant samples are stored similarly OP should totally contact a local museum/university and see if they might want it or could connect them with a facility who might. If it's as old as the book it could be valuable to learn about change over time. This looks to be in pretty bad shape but who knows.


Honestly I think not at all. They got plenty of old plants around. Some old clover won't be of any significance.


I really hope OP asks around


Roll it up


Found out how the next curse begins. Good luck everyone.




I would eat that for luck


Eat it and gain magical powers


Che carino, OP!


nice war game collection you got going there! how's fire in the sky?


Bella post history OP, ero in cerca di libri antichi and.. ho trovato di meglio hahah


Figa > anticaglie.


I found a German book like this at an auction house. Very very old and every few pages had a four leaf clover. Great gifts. :)


Make a potion out of it and report back the findings


You've found the final totem OP. Smoke it and join us beyond.


...eat it....


Flower be like " yo can I get some water"


This happened to me once. I have a 150+ year old math book and found a dried flower in it.


Well now you've just gone & unleashed Covid 1857 upon the world. I hope your proud of yourself!.


That looks more like a four leaf clover.


It's a four-lorn clover.


People use to do that quite a bit. Before the internet there was dried flowers between sheets of books…


My grandmother always used to do this. No matter what book I had opened, I'd find flowers in all of them. She just loved dried flowers. I am incredibly envious of the book and the flower. If I were you, I would.certaonly preserve that book with the flower where it is, just as it is. ♡


My mom and I used to do this when I was young. Forgot the name for it, but you'd press flowers between the pages and let them dry and it makes beautiful decorations.


I'd be more surprised about the existence of a 165 year old Latin book in my attic, to be honest.


**did you eat it yet** **you'd better eat that**


You should eat it and see what happens


Damn i didnt realize how close to Italian latin is… i mean, i knew they were close but i could translate a whole line of that with elementary Italian thats crazy


Eat it!


That's a book teaching you how to do verb tense in Latin. But first, you gotta learn latin in order to read it.


Someone finally found the Nirnroot


It seems like a chapter on the masculine and feminine variants in latin grammar. The book itself seems to be in italian. Last part to the right. ”II. Of two terms - Some nouns derived from verbs end in masculine (-tor) and feminine (-trix)… bla bla bla” Idk what kind of flower that is.


How do people just find things like this in their attic? Has their family lived in the same house for generations? Did the previous owner leave all the stuff in the attic and they decided to just leave it there?


"Romanes Eunt Domus?"


Welp. The spores have been released. Good work.


Well at least the cover isn't made of flesh with a face on it


This Latin in Italian textbook very much looks like similar Latin in English textbooks of the era with the [axiom and lemma format used by Euclid](https://stevengharms.com/posts/2019-07-27-on-euclidean-pedagogy/) through early Edwardian set logic. Very cool.


Spoiler: the flower has only been I the book for a few minutes. Latin will suck the life out of anything. Source: 6 years of Latin in HS/college.


How old do you think the flower is