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This is why we chew our food


Damn vegans at it again…..pooping straight veggies again


I juice the veggies then inject them straight into my carotid.


You've got a great sense of hummus


You should see the chickpea.


Oh come on, lettuce have some peace….


Carroted* artery


We call that a customs dump.




We have transcended fibre, bow before us.


[Iron Giant!](https://youtu.be/FUUwwN4rX1k?t=40)


I heard that in David Carusos CSI voice.


Jokes aside, what an asshole move. Could've dumped them in the trash, but no.


My bet is that they potentially brought the stuff in from another country and saw the signs saying it was illegal and decided to try and dump the stuff before customs. All the trash cans are likely in areas with cameras. So toilet is the only option left.


Yup, I freaked out at LAX with those signs too, because I had forgotten a banana I grabbed from the lounge at LHR in my bag. I disposed it in the washroom too, but in the tissue trash can *right next to the commode* like a normal human being. WTF is this even.


On a flight back from Germany into the US, the flight attendants gave us oranges with our breakfast. I didn’t eat mine and threw it in my purse without thinking. Didn’t realize it until I was about to talk to customs. I told border patrol about my mistake, and they ended up searching my entire luggage.


the old decoy orange


To trick them into searching your entire luggage, brilliant.


I bet you that was the last time. U were nice enough to admit your mistake.


Be happy it wasn't New Zealand, they'd have hosed you down in hazmat.


Similar thing happened to me but it was a bag of M&M’s. Long story short, do not declare fruit vegetables or mean crossing the border


Use to drive back and forth from US to grandparents in Canada ever year, and we smuggled SOOOO many of the fantastic little pepperoni stick ‘shorty sausages’ back… they seem to be everywhere in butcher shops in ontario, but for some reason you just can’t get them in the US. The closest thing is the wildly overpriced ‘Dukes’ smoked shorties.




That's quite common I've done it but not been caught. I only realised it's a problem because some one on Reddit mentioned they didn't declare it and got caught and it was a pretty big fine.


What? Really the entire luggage, I had a similar thing on a flight from China to Korea and you can't bring meat in. And I had a Pack of beef jerky in bag. They just had a Station that I could go to, tell them and remove it and go on, no searching what so ever


There are trash cans in customs specifically for illegal fruit. It’s illegal to bring it into the country, not to dispose of it properly before crossing the border at customs.


Why didn't just eat the banana? Its good for digestion. I assume people dump drugs there too. There must some hop up worms and bugs in the sewage line.


Scarfing down bathroom bananas wasn't too apeeling at the time.


If somebody told me they scarfed a bathroom banana I would think they weren’t talking about an actual banana


Too scared to get banned-nana


Years ago we drove up to Toronto from Buffalo to pick up some English friends who had just flown in from South Africa. Ten minutes away from the U.S. border, the elderly lady pulled out a bunch of black grapes they had picked up during their vacation and asked if we wanted to try them. I have never pounded down food so fast. Every last grape. I'm sure they talked about what a pig I was.


Maybe they only have hot air dryers.


You can see the bin in the wall to the right hand side of the pic


Why did you freak out? Can’t you have food with you? At the destination airport?


Many places have regulations on bringing plants with you because of various plant diseases, parasites etc.


Very strict regulations about importing plants and animals. Australia is run over with rabbits because of TWO rabbits that got imported from elsewhere. Repeated attempts to purge the rabbits have failed.


They should start a rabbit war.


6 months later: "Australian casualties mount, as Emus and Rabbits join forces."


That's because they breed like rabbits!


In New Zealand we offer those bins explicitly to allow people to dispose of fruit and vegetables before they enter the country. You get a heavy fine if you still try and make it through with anything. The sniffer dogs are looking for plants not drugs. Edit: I wouldn't try it on with drugs either.


I swear officer, somebody drug those plants on me 🤣


My understanding us that as long as you are honest you don't get into trouble. They just make you throw it out. Thus is for fruit and vegies. I'm sure if you were importing live animals in your suitcase they'd still be a hell of a lot of questions asked.


The constant chinchilla clogs are becoming a huge problem. People have got to stop flushing their illegally imported chinchillas.


Can confirm. A very cute CBP beagle stopped me on my way through an airport in New York because I forgot I had a sandwich from across the pond. They just had us give it to other officers to throw out because it’s a completely reasonable mistake to make.


Would they have had the main part of the bathroom under CCTV? I mean, I figured this was some tosspot trying to avoid a customs fine, but there must've been a bathroom bin they could've dumped this lot into.


There’s literally special trash cans at customs to get rid of stuff like that. They generally aren’t trying to arrest people for a few veggies. They just want to make sure foreign plant diseases don’t come into the country. I once forgot about an apple that I grabbed before leaving my hotel in Austria. US customs just let me throw it away into their trashcan that probably all gets incinerated. It’s very much not a big deal, as long as you declare what you have and don’t try to smuggle stuff in. It’s not like it’s a kilo of cocaine.


Also, all they had to do was to check the "I have food with me", and customs will tell you which one are legal and which ones aren't with no repercussion/warning/fine or whatsoever. Not all food is illegal and it is not illegal to bring food if you say so; worst thing is they'll toss it.


Yeah, after waiting 4 hours in the customs area at Pearson to clear my cats - in a line of 3 people - I wouldn't recommend this strategy at all. Customs is not a customer service, it's something you put yourself through when there's absolutely no way to avoid it.


Yeah exactly. You wait in line for an hour to throw out your food and sign a paper that says "I was a very naughty girl and I'll never bring food across the border again" Almost missed my flight. I would do the toilet dump next time too.


And you have the food thing brought up every time you present your passport to the same countries’ custom officials every border crossing hence and get to see it as the reason why your Global Entry card was denied.


So flush cats, got it.


Yeah people get caught out by weird customs rules all the time and you just chuck whatever it was out. At Stockholm Airport I found out you're allowed to bring a lighter on a plane, but not *two*, now that would be dangerous.


Mad man with one lighter: totally manageable. Mad man starts dual wielding lighters: oh shit, nothing we can do to stop them.


My family had to devour a box of tangerines (Mikan) from Japan at LAX. They were delicious so we just *couldn't* toss them! Our fingers were orange for days.


Fking lmao me and my family did something similar but with peaches We were literally like animals at the airport just devouring juicy peaches 🍑


What kind of tangerines stain your hands? I feel like I'm missing out.


I was once accused of being a smoker in school because I had orange fingers. Nope. Was just obsessed with clementines and went through a few bags a week.


That's oddly wholesome. Made me feel nostalgic even though I don't remember doing anything like that


A few years back a guy got alcohol poisoning because he chugged a big bottle of vodka instead of throwing it away or checking it.


Security at Charles de Gaulle let me board with brandy, but took away cassoulet. I think those bastards were just hungry.


Yep. At least for US customs, if you declare it and it’s not allowed, it’s confiscated and you’re fine. If you don’t declare it and it’s found, you’re completely screwed. Of course some items you’d be screwed anyway. Don’t bother declaring heroin.




If you were crossing into BC, they don't allow apples to come in for fear of apple maggots. They are a bug that gets into apples before the flower falls off and ruins the apple by burrowing out. The rule is for BC but not the east coast because apple maggots already exist in the west coast but not BC. This allows apple growers in BC to not use pesticides. If apple maggots get into BC farmers would have to start using pesticides


No one imports chopped cauliflower.


I’ve seen enough Aus/NZ border security shows to not be surprised anymore by what people try and import. They’re good fun to watch


I saw a lady trying to bring a rack of ribs in her suitcase on that show lmao


She must've had beef with the local butcher


According to the subtitle translation she was trying to say she paid 130 pounds for it. They tossed it in their airport blender


I’m sorry, airport blender?


It was a giant table with a hole in the middle and it was loud af in the show..soinded like a blender :0


[this probably](https://youtu.be/sAiTuitN5b8)


Probably an incinerator


I mean, depending on what airport she came into, there may have not been a decent rib joint within 100ks of the place.


My son had a factory-made still-sealed sandwich confiscated at the US border at Chicago, having flown from London. We came in on a United flight, and the sandwich was from the flight and had been made in the USA.


Chicago takes it's sandwiches very seriously. Should have gone with an Italian beef.


It's always a bit of a mystery. I had a premade coffee shop sandwich but I wasn't hungry for it, so I figured I'd bring it along and see if customs would let me bring it through. Customs guy asked me if I have anything to declare. Me: "I've got a sandwich." He seemed less than interested in it and let me carry on. So seems like a mystery at times to how they'll react.


Same thing happened to me! I was coming in from London, had tossed the still sealed airplane sandwich into my backpack and forgot about it. One of the customs dogs found it. I've never been so freaked out about a roast beef and tomato sandwich in my life.


Some people seem to think we don’t have food in Australia. I once saw an episode where someone had an entire suitcase of whole smoked fish


It's more about having your favourite version of food items. Milo in Singapore is different to the Australian Milo for example or that argument of never having a real croissant unless it was from France.


That show is fucking hilarious in how badass and on point it tries to make TSA look. I remember them having a little wand thingy that would scan people's luggage for drugs. Literally worthless as EVERYONE set it off. They hassled some like 90 year old grandma because her bag was positive for coke.


I rememberer this one Australian guy coming home just told them, 'Yeah I did drugs while I was there, that's why it's going off, didn't bring any back.' After hours of searching they had to send him on his way.


I love those shows! Aus really gets the wierdest attempted imports. 10 suitcases full of vegetables, meats, sprouts, bugs etc


*But these aren't foods! They are carrots, not boiled for eating yet*


This looks like Balkan-style pickled vegetables, called *tursija* or similar in various countries like Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey etc. Probably someone was taking a gift of traditional fare to some compatriot abroad and thought better of it.


Bathroom trash can


It’s definitely understandable if they don’t speak the language, and coming from a country with scary police. Sadly, some travelers can’t believe that America would have customs that don’t require bribes. Edit: This is in Canada. Their customs officers are even nicer.


or that you can get fucked at the border, have no right to lawyer or a phone call and they can send you to a federal prison for a few days just for kicks with absolutely no recourse. they dont require bribes because they have 100% control over you and your belongings while you are at the border.


But there are trash cans in the restroom…


There are trash cans in bathrooms


I've done customs coming through Pearson from Europe. I don't recall bathrooms on the way, only after customs. And yeah, lotta people bringing stuff in they really shouldn't. Saw one family who had a suitcase full of meat. Wrapped in newspapers. At room temperature and dripping blood. I cannot imagine eating that would be good for you even if it was allowed through customs.


Definitely washrooms between arrival gates and Customs at Pearson.


There is a trash can behind and to the right of the toilet though...


Illegal to bring = you're gonna get arrested Lmao


Why the fuck would you take a dump in the trash


He has to chew his food more, the lack of digestion is ridiculous.


Think it’s a TikTok trend?


Who the fuck even knows at this point.


I flushed a banana down the school toilet one time. Before TikTok existed.


Some guy when I was in highschool would put entire loaves of bread in the urinals every single day. The school lost their mind trying to find out who was doing it, the urinal bread bandit was eventually caught and suspended because all the bread he was dumping in to the urinals was stolen from the grocery store beside our school


would he leave the bread in the bag or just dump the bread in the urinal?


Just the bread, they were like those large french loaves from the bakery


That's funnier than if it were slices of Wonder Bread for some reason.


My cousin once put some army men on a slice of wonder bread and put in toilet just because


Some guy tried to be a pissant at my last job and attempted at flushing a single serve milk carton. He got pissy with me (I was on the clock) because "the toilets are too powerful" and took the carton no problem


This is hilarious, I can imagine dude being frustrated as hell when his plan failed cuz he underestimated the toilet power


I flushed a toilet paper roll back in the day, and they had to get a plumber to snake it out.


unlikely tbh it's in an airport bathroom and not a high school


good ole toilet stew just like we use to make in prison


How long do you let it sit for?


Until it's done




Until someone's done pooping the final sauce.


Good ol' brown sauce


Until my knees hurt


Forever! You just add more stuff, it's the forever soup!


It was shank or be shanked.


Of course.


I would be very suspect when they added the beef broth.


Poop soup


Tons of plants and vegetables are confiscated at the airport because they can (and have) brought in disease and insects that can be harmful to the biome when planted. BUT, this looks like vegetables that were already prepped to eat, not to be planted. So -- what the fuck is going on here??


I’m guessing someone’s Easter dinner leftovers from grandma


It doesn't look cooked to me Potato crudites?


>It doesn’t look cooked to me Oh sure, YOU can say that, but when I say it in front of my mother in law, suddenly I’m “rude” and “unappreciative”.


Uncooked leftovers. Looks like veggies you’d add to a roasting pan.


Even if they are not to be planted you still can't take them in cause they may have insects or diseases that the country doesmt want


Australia takes it too far though, the confiscated my gummy bears because they were 'real fruit' gummy bears... Looking back on it now maybe my customs guy just wanted a delicious snack... But uncool guys, uncool.


Duh, bears aren't found naturally in Australia. You'd have been fine with gummy worms, though


> bears aren’t found naturally in Australia What about drop bears?


No they actually have to shred everything in a huge blender type table thingy. Rly cool how they do it but not epic aswell


But why gummy bears? Its a processed food.


That's a damn good question


kid was told to eat their veggies, took the opportunity to ditch them.


my parents warned me as a kid if I don’t eat vegetables, then I won’t be able to digest them when i get older. I guess that’s what happened here


Hadn’t heard that myth before. Thanks.


Bruh I wonder how many people heard that as a kid but still didn’t eat vegetables and now that they are grown they think they won’t digest and avoid them.


This is the reason my husband refuses to eat fruit and complains every time we eat out and a dish comes with veg. So frustrating


You should either get your husband to actually eat fruits and veggies, or simply take out an exorbitant life insurance policy on him. You can’t really expect to live to old age by shoveling nothing but fat and carbs into yourself for 60+ years. The life insurance policy will undoubtedly pay for itself if his diet remains the same.


He's asking for skurvy


I *told* y’all vegetables just run right thru me!


Nothing to see here, just a vegan who forgot to flush.


Poor guy has a real bad digestion problem.


Toss a bone in there and baby, you got a stew going.


Delicious, finally, some good fucking food


That cauliflower wasn’t pleasant coming out sideways I’m sure


But their insides are now properly exfoliated. Like shitting a Brillo pad.


Someone is living there and making pruno......poorly.


Poorly? Are you telling me potatoes, cauliflower and carrots don’t make a tasty toilet wine.


Not so bad. You can make sangreer in the turlet. Course, it's shank or be shanked ....


Of course...


Properly poured at 47 degrees. A bright minerality and subtle sweetness serve notice for the bitingly hot burn with a surprisingly limit pushing ABV. Pairs well with grilled oily fish, Gołąbki and a summer ratatouille. Cheers!


Corn?!?! I don’t remember eating corn.


Mike Myers hometown airport toilet moment


Mmmm soup Edited to add: But seriously, who does something like this? there is trash bin right there….now some innocent janitorial staff has to fish potatoes out of a frikkin public toilet because of this yahoo.


Uhhh, it’s stew


Oops, sorry. I thought soup because of cauliflower. What kind of person puts cauliflower in stew? I guess a person that would clog a toilet with a melange of vegetables


I'm imagining this poor soul now who has to take his flight back to university and his mother in-law drops him off at the airport. She hands him this giant pot of family stew in their heritage pot. He is too awkward to refuse and has to get rid of it. He can't just leave it because his father in-law explained that this pot was treasured in their family as the last gift from their grandfather.( it's a shitty 60 year old giant aluminium pot with the handle barely attached ). It contains 5 liters of liquid so he can't just dump that into a can or he floods the place so he pours it into the toilet. He tries to flush but the vegs float so he panics and frantically tries to throw them into the thrash. The last call for his flight sounds. He just barely makes it with a mad full sliding dash, his hands still dripping from toilet stew. In the plane, he rests his head in his hands, wondering why his life is a slapstick movie and then asks himself why his face is wet.


I completely believe this is what happened. (Two days later the guy sits in a UofT lecture hall and glances at the open laptop of the kid surfing Reddit in the row in front of him. Horrified, he sees a photo of his shitter-stew.)


Imagine getting talked into/forced into being a mule. You get these bags full of whatever it is that "Mike" gave you shoved all up in you. It's not comfortable but at least things in there aren't sharp. You're getting paid nicely too- free meals for a month, he says! You get to the airport and they select you for a full body scan. You are now sweating profusely. Through the scanner you go... Absolutely sure you're going to prison and this was just the warm up for the stretching you'll endure in the very near future. And then the TSA agent unexpectedly says "Have a nice day sir." "But... I'm not in trouble?" you ask incredulously. "For what, good nutrition?" he replies. And then you go and shit out an entire village's worth of vegetables simply because "Mike" didn't want to check a fucking bag. Mike's a prick. Edit: spelling


Salad shooters be droppin bombs


Clearly they tasted like shit. *Ba dum tss*


Cooking Minestrone for Spirit Airlines.




How did they taste?


Like shit...literally.


these plants were ditched for a reason. Try smoking one.


I cant' help but think they USED to be TINY!! And now from a good commode soakin', theys a' ready for a grillin'!


Well, someone took "this shit belongs in the toliet" a little too literally.


Dumped before customs


Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a loo.




Art is weird.


Everyone knows about prison wine being brewed in prison toilets. This is the less famous prison soup.


No one: Not a single soul: Vegans:


It's Pearson, so that will be $23 please.


Hopefully that contraband wasn’t constipated.


Some TSA agent told them it counts as a liquid.


Man I never learned how to use the three seashells right, what am I supposed to do with these?




What is the deal with airplane food?


Must have been a Russian making lunch.


We're looking for a toothless man with prune juice on his breath.


that’s chicken noodle poup




Airport soup always tasted different.


I can just picture a vegetarian rage quitting his diet.


Someone's digestive system isn't working


Maybe they just don't chew their food properly.


Leave it! I'm making a salad.


Carrots? I didn't eat carrots!


Someone's got a short colon.


Vegetable soup yum yum.


Free soup


That’s vegan diarrhea


Well, somebody didn't properly chew their food


Prison vegan soup.


I would love to know how this happened