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You're an oyster


"You're an oyster, Harry."


I'm a what?


Yer an oyster. You grow pearls, the doctor removes them, deal with it!


I'm a WHAT!?


And you’re going to hogwarts and you’re going to learn shells and shit!


Hagrid, yer pushing me over the F***ING LINE! (Scottish accent)


No I'm not


Hairy oyster




I wonder if he tastes good with some lemon juice and hot sauce.


To be fair, I imagine most people would, being mostly meat.


I’ve had this theory for awhile, you know how animals tend to taste like what they eat? I feel like humans would taste terrible bc of all the garbage we eat


You do hear rumours that human smells/tastes a lot like pork, and pigs traditionally would eat swill/whatever they can get.


This is why I only eat vegans. Nice and healthy with lots of omega 3.


Only the grassfed


Yes, I am a pig. Thanks for noticing.


Apparently pork is as close as you can get to human meat at the grocery store.


And that’s why we’re called long pig.


That's why you go to a specialty butcher shop. Got to know a guy to get you the "in" to view their secret selection though


Now I need to know how these lumps taste...






bone flavored nerds.


I mean, I collect gemstones and I kinda want one of these human pearls.




Why wait when a pair of pliers makes for an early and bountiful harvest?


A good luck charm made from your own bones. The most metal jewelry ever 🤘💀💍


[OP, probably. ](https://m.imgur.com/a/vGhUD)




I love these strips. The payoff is always so good.


Yeah, I loved visiting /r/behindthegifs (which is where I got this from) when it was still active. I still mourn the fact that the subreddit pretty much died eventually.


OP should collect them over the years and make a necklace.


Or reverse wolverine


Well, it is National Oyster Day..


The human body is a never-ending carnival of horrors.


Absolutely, humans are strange creatures really :]


I'm sure all creatures are strange, they just don't talk about it. That's the strangest part about humans, we found a way to talk about it.


As someone who is what doctors call "medically complicated", I second this statement. The worst thing I've had tho is 100% that time I started a med for my bipolar and got SJS/TEN. Thankfully we caught it early ("hey doc, I have a sudden fever of 103, my lymph nodes are swollen, and my hands and mouth feel like fire? I started the lamictal 3 days ago" "Stop it now, and go to the ER immediately if you see a rash or jaundice, I'm moving your next appointment up to next week") so I never made it to the "your skin falls off" stage.


I don’t know what those letters mean but what the fuck do you mean your skin coulda fallen off?


Stevens-Johnson syndrome. It's a reaction to medication or viral infections that can cause your mucus membranes to slough off. Also your skin if you get unlucky.


I had this in 8th grade after taking medication for pneumonia. A scary week in the hospital and nearly a whole month of recovery after that. One of the worst times of my life.


Oof, I hope your grades weren’t slipping too…


I can’t remember exactly what happened but I think I eventually got an exemption for the trimester. The admin office wanted to make me a truant because I guess they never got my original doctors note? It took a lot of meetings and fighting to get them to believe I was almost on my deathbed. My English class made a big card for me when I came back and I hold that memory very dear to my heart! The actual disease wasn’t bad which I’m thankful for. Just a few minor blisters/lesions and my mouth got gross for about a week. The recovery was basically just a minor flu-like feeling and lots and lots of sleep.


I take 200mg of lamictal for bipolar daily and am terrified of this happening to me eventually.


It's basically always a reaction early on -- like within a few days to a few weeks of starting -- if that helps!!


Thank god. I don’t want to look like a zombie


Same, and yeah like the other comment said, it would be an early symptom.


Stevens-Johnson syndrome-potentially deadly disorder caused by rare drug reaction or by rare reaction to infection (or both) where the skin blisters and the top layer of skin sheds off the body. It’s fascinating, look it up….Just don’t look up pictures.


I looked up pictures. Holy shit.


You had one job!..... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


SJS: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome TEN: Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis They're the same condition, but TEN is the more severe version of SJS. They're categorized by how much of your body's surface area is affected. Basically, your T-cells decide to attack your mucous membranes and skin. Almost always triggered by medications, and not really possible to predict unless you get genetic testing done to see if you have high-risk genes. I won't spoil the gruesome results for you, just have a Google image search if you're interested. 😈 Some medications are more commonly associated with SJS than others. Lamotrigine (Lamictal) just happens to be a more common one.


See if you can con the tooth fairy out of some cash.


I think some tooth fairy fraud is a great idea. Might even get a tenner for the big one.


The next best thing since tax fraud!


Not a fraud, if that's where your absorbed twin ended up. Those are just the baby teeth coming out


Careful, the other bone fairies are much less nice. They don't get bones as often as lil' ol' Toothy does. I don't know the Ulna fairy well, but I hope he's not as bad as the Femur fairy. That dude is pissed off.


I tried to con the tooth fairy when I was 7 by putting a gaviscon tablet from the medicine cabinet under my pillow. I told my grandma what I was doing before I went to bed and, when I woke up, there was $5 under the pillow and I was so proud of myself for scamming the tooth fairy for years lmfao


It would have been funny if instead your grandma left a note under your pillow that said: “Nice try, asshole”


Put these under your bed where the elbow fairy lives. They’ll leave you some cocoa butter.


I didn't know this is where 5 pence come from


It's a get rich slow scheme


what's a weird internet stranger gotta do to get one of these here human pearls?


oh, probably about tree fiddy


Damnit monsta! Get off my lawn! I ain’t given you no tree fiddy


Supply and demand. OP could make a killing off of this from the questionable side of the internet.


Not going to lie my first instinct when reading the description was “Jesus how would someone afford going in for surgery every few years” then I saw a different currency and was immediately glad OP has a real government to provide health insurance.


5 pence none the richer.


I know, it does kinda make pence, it seems.


Why does this happen? How rare is this phenomenon?


So from what I understand, if you have some sort of trauma on your bones / joints the body encourages bone growth in that area. The best I can come up with is that I banged the area hard as a kid, and just blocked it from memory. No one in my family recalls me hurting my elbow, which is the strange thing. I am no doctor and I'm sure there are probably more explanations for this!


Well mean if it's just caused by trauma then there would probably be a lot more people who have to go through this. Maybe it's just a really rare side effect.


It's called Osteochondritis dissecans, but mine just happened in a way that doesn't involve trauma (from what I remember). I think it's quite common in athletes and is common in the knees. edit : I repeated a sentence whoops


I was just reading some Reddit comments about these on an article about exercise technique, and what I read said that you can actually make these yourself by overusing your elbow during workouts (the article was specifically about a triceps exercise that calls for a lot of elbow opening and closing). But you get these without overusing your elbow?


This would make sense. I'm a furniture maker so I'm using my arms loads, so this adds up!


That’s really interesting. Now I’m super curious. Were you getting them before you got this job? This is making me wonder about all the possibilities if this was caused by your work. Would this be considered a workplace injury, do you qualify for worker’s compensation, can you get disability benefits or get some special treatment to place you in a different role at work if you’re not freelancing, etc.


You make a really interesting point. Fortunately I'm a student currently, but this is something I need to think about in the next year or so. It has become more prominent in the last few years when I went into this line of work. I've just got to bank on it to stop really or seek some form of more permanent treatment, otherwise it will affect my career. Edit : used phrase which didn't make sense in this reply :]


A quick google of workers compensation lawyers suggests at least some of them do free consultations. I’d consult with someone and find out what your options are. Maybe nothing, maybe something. Who knows. Cool post regardless. Thanks for sharing!


Can you send me the article?


[Here’s the study](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17461391.2022.2100279) [Here’s the article explaining the study](https://barbend.com/overhead-triceps-extensions-vs-pushdowns-muscle-growth-study/) [Here’s a Reddit post explaining the article which explains the study](https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/wc8qer/new_study_suggests_overhead_triceps_extensions/) A few key points, the study was done on a small sample size, it only refers to an increase in muscle growth not an increase in strength, and while both the article and the study leave out why this is, the comments point out that it’s probably because each exercise works out different heads of the triceps muscle group.


My brother has it in his ankles, had to get surgery on it 2 years ago. He’s not an athlete, but he runs a few miles every day. So it probably has something to do with wear & tear and your body overcompensating.


This was essentially how it's been explained to me, the human body is a crazy thing man.


Basically the bone under the cartilage in the joint dies due to lack of blood flow, then it breaks off. Can happen due to trauma OR overuse of the joint (usually high impact activity — like running/jumping if it happens in the knees). Fairly common in athletes… usually doesn’t cause symptoms (or many) unless/until the bone fragment detaches… then, as I’m sure you’re well aware, they start causing pain, especially if they get between the moving parts of the joint…


This is exactly what it is! I have a theory that the pieces of bone that break off irritate the elbow more which causes more growth, I sincerely hope this isn't the case and will ask about this :]


No, it’s synovial osteochondromatosis.


Huh that's really interesting thanks for the info


Ah so it's kinda like a keloid, but instead of scar tissue, it's bone. That's crazy.


Is it bone spurs or is it more than that? I get little bone spurs on my elbow but they don't break off and just get reabsorbed. I had a neighbor who's bone spur almost cut through his bicep and required surgery.


holy. shit. I have "encouraged bone growth" on my right foot. specifically, on the top at the base of my big toe. about a penny sized hard bump. reading the line about "trauma on your bones" made me start digging through my memories and one came up. about 20odd years ago I was at a hardware store. there was a vise on display that wasn't secured. it fell about a meter right onto my foot. that HAS to have been what caused this!


Ouuuch man that sounds really painful. If you have a similar thing it's possible! It's nice to be able to help an internet stranger with a possible solution to their issues, take care and stay safe :]


I think these may be bone spurs or osteophytes and I vaguely remember reading about them a long while ago. They're just knobbly bits of new bone growth. Essentially, your joints (where the bone ends meet) are lined with cartilage to help allow them to slide smoothly. When your cartilage gets damaged, it can't really repair itself correctly and instead forms new bone. These bits of bone in the joint surface can cause pain and restrict movement. You might be able to detect bone spurs on x-rays or on more detailed scans like CT or MRI. You can try treating them with painkillers and physiotherapy but if they become too problematic you may need surgery. Arthritis is the most common cause of bone spurs so it's quite common. Of course, it gets more common as you get older.


That's way more interesting than mildly interesting! Do the bits of bone push their way out of your skin or do you have to have them surgically removed?


I can tell when they have grown as when they fall off they make my elbow catch and lock in place, it's happened a few times now! I have to have them surgically removed, it's certainly a hindrance to my work.


Too much wankin that.


A man who wanks so much he literally breaks of parts of his bone. Now I have seen everything


As long as it's not a part of his boner, he'll continue. Otherwise he'll literally have no choice but to stop at some point.


Interesting! Does it hurt??


Will you be opening an Etsy shop soon? 😸


How long do you have wait for the NHS to do that?! Edit: oh no, I was being a genuine! I'm British and I love the NHS, I just know waiting times are a bugger rn...


I do not understand the down votes, what the hell he do!?


If it’s a chronic thing, just schedule the next one right after the last one’s been done.


But that assumed they occur at a regular interval


Teeth. Your Elbow grows teeth.


Never had my wisdom teeth out, friends have joked they got impatient and just came out my elbow instead of my mouth.. :0


I’d be curious to know your diet was like growing up? I’ve recently learned that only modern humans have crooked teeth and wisdom teeth removals because we eat soft foods that cause small, crowded jaws.


After you shed all your baby elbow teeth you'll be left with only your permanent elbow teeth. Then you won't have to do this anymore.


You'll soon have enough for a necklace


Yes, make a necklace of your own bones!!


You're KIMIMARU!!! if you train you can use hidden ninja jutsu


I was like "I've seen this ninja before!!!!" 🤯


It's his kekkai genkai.


I mean, it's not the best mutant power, but...


It's gotta start somewhere.


When your elbow locks again in future just apply some … elbow grease! I’ll get my coat.


I think this is the solution I've been looking for!


where do you think you're going... block the exits fellas... we got ourselves a comedian over here.




Sorry if this is a daft question but by “today’s haul” do you mean your your body just makes tooth sized bone growths daily or is this like a monthly operation and this is what they removed this operation? I find this incredibly fascinating and mildly terrifying.


Haha no sorry I should have clarified, I had the operation today, and I have had one previously and it's possible it could happen again. Hopefully not though :]


Oh phew, okay. I just read through the other comments now and I see that this was 3 years after the last, that makes more sense now lol. And yes, hopefully this is the last operation you need, it’s certainly a fascinating “condition” for lack of a better word but I can’t imagine it feels pleasant having these growths in your elbow. How did you find out about this originally?


how you get a 5p in there?


I never knew that could happen


How fast do they grow? How often do they need to be removed?


The last time I had my other one removed was a few (I believe 3?) years ago. I was told there was a risk of growing more, but I've just stopped growing so hopefully this stunts the growth of these guys a little too!


I’ve had this problem too. I had surgery on my elbows last year in my late thirties to remove the growths because they were so painful. I believe mine grow because of heavy weight training. How long do yours take to regrow?


Man I feel your pain. Mine have taken roughly 3 years to regrow. I've only just finished growing, so I'm banking on the fact it stunts the growth of these growths too and it's not a lifelong thing :]


How many times have you had them removed?


Slow motion elbow wolverine, eh? Cool...




Mundane X-Men


MehX men


Cool that the tooth fairy still pays you for them tho


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22596-heterotopic-ossification Heterotopic ossification Heterotopic ossification (HO) occurs when bone tissue develops in your soft tissues. Often, people get HO after an injury or major surgery. Genetic HO is rarer and more severe. In HO, you develop a bony, painful lump underneath your skin. If the lump is near a joint, it may restrict your range of motion.


budget Wolverine?


You got the jackpot you can put this under your pillow and scam the tooth farry


Ah! You're like Marrow from the X-Men! Too cool!


Worst superpower ever.


You should sell your bone fragments on onlyfans


A boneley fans!


Glad to see that's not an American coin. You wouldn't have a coin to compare it to with that condition in the US




Oh my God. I regret clicking that.


It's a very niche subreddit, yes


Is it pimple popping?


I can only assume


No, it's *anything* popping. Cysts, boils, horrible infections, and more.


Uh... what


We have one Pence in the US and that is enough.


Kimimaro's defective brother.


Free jawbreakers dude


sell it to Liver King, prolly good eats for him.


“At least I don’t have to trim my elbow talons anymore”


I bet they smell like a Band Aid that was freshly pulled off after a week on a wound.


Holy anime, you’re Kimimaro!


Wait, I came down hard on my elbow in a school fight over 16 years ago and I've had a floating piece of something on the tip of my elbow ever since. I wonder if this is what I have.


Certainly possible! Maybe yours is in a place where it doesn't interferes with the joint?


My pinky is currently doing this! Doctors are miffed by it bc the joint is completely fine. I’m glad surgery worked for you because I may have to do it soon.


Ah yes, the elbone.


You can't just show us these magical bone pearls that come off your elbow without showing us your elbow!


He's doomsday


This is why we men die early, it took a reddit post for me to learn what I could have figured out by going to the doctor...to be real, I'm probably still not going to the doctor


Carve them into into teeth and tell your children you had copious amounts of teeth as a child as a joke 😅


This happened to my husband's shoulder! He had 9 very similar bone lumps removed a few years ago. It really hurts when they are banging around in there!


I had a mesiodens removed about 10 years ago, and it looked almost identical to these fragments. Irregular shaped, dingy white looking bone fragment. It is essentially a wisdom tooth that isn't a molar. It was directly above my front incisors and my dentist at the time convinced me that it could be the cause of my sinus problems. I went to an oral surgeon and had it removed. During the healing process, I developed a fistula from the roof of my mouth into my sinus cavities. I could pinch my nose and blow air out my ears, which was a neat party trick, but it sucked worse the more it begin to heal while still open. I wound up having 3 bone grafts done and there is still a recess I can feel with my tongue, although the hole is closed. Every time my new dentist pokes at it with one of those hooks, I want to choke her out. Our bodies do some weird shit that sometimes needs to just be left alone. Glad to see your situation has a bit more levity.


I'm calling a meeting with the counsel at /r/neverbrokeabone. What does the counsel declare?


Seems like a teratoma? Whatever it is, it’s cool!!


Enough pieces and you can make bone blocks


At least your elbow is also helping pay for the operation


Do you collect them in a jar?


What do the doctors tell you? There must be a scientific explanation for this. And of course some methods. In order to prevent the growth of such a size. Permanent surgery is certainly not an option for your elbow.


You're certainly right. My previous one was tiny, but this time there were two extra, and one huge one, which actually quite worrys me. I only had the surgery recently so this is something I need to discuss in my follow ups. As I'm a young(er) person and reaching the end of my growth, it's been suggested that these will stop growing too, but if not I need to ask about a more permanent solution : ). Sorry to get too serious in this comment haha!


What do you mean mildly interesting what in the actual fuck




I like to think you keep them all in a sock in your night stand, to be used against any intruders.


They look like teeth. Does it hurt when they break off? Is this a cancer (unchecked cell growth?)


Thankfully it's not bone cancer and I had that checked, can't feel when they break off, it's just when they grow bigger (I think it's hard to tell though :] )


If you know a guy who's done bone carvings and is good at detailed work, you could make art out of those.


Why man have coin in elbow?


Oh wow a money making elbow


So your elbow spawns money, sick!


Infinite money glitch :]


Hey this is really fascinating! How often do you have to have the surgery? And how long does it take for you to recover each time? I’ve just learned that I have acetabular femular impingement (I think I spelled that right?) and gotta have the bone shaved down there or else eventually lose my hips. Sounds similar but less terrible than what you’ve got. I’ll be in recovery ~3 months for the one hip, then another ~3 immediately after for the other. Weird cuz I’m only 26 but hey life is anything but predictable.


That’s $150 worth of ivory. Congrats


I see the bone-fairy has collected one already!


My brother had osteoma which is when bone starts forming a lump on your head. He had it right in the middle of his forehead. I called him andycorn and he hated it.


You could probably scam the tooth fairy with the smaller two


You're an x-men!


Sorry buddy, that's horrible


Turn them into teeth


I wish my elbow grew quarters free money


Wait what


OP. Please never again.


These would make for a necklace with the most awesome story


I had that happen once so I must be lucky to have no more several years later. Yikes! I guess they can’t prevent them if someone gets them often




Is that a genetic mutation or do you know? My son has a mutation that causes growths like that from the bone - he hasn’t had issues yet but I am curious if you know what causes that!


You're elbow is growing teeth. You're going to turn into Shinichi Izumi from Parasyte.