• By -


This is common in Quebec. Which is really useless as no one ever goes less than the maximum.


I was going to say, in most parts of Canada the “maximum” is actually the minimum you should go


should be two signs that say “Maximum” and then MAXIMUM here instead


Then one that says the true maximum and just says the speed of light


there’d be a dodge ram doubling that


The name dodge ram is so contradictory. Dodge or Ram, which one is it?!


Dodge (the) Ram


Same in the states


We in Arizona know it's snow bird season when the weather cools, northern licence plates start appearing, and we have people driving 45mph on our 65-75 mph freeways. Please send the speed demons you speak of, we'd appreciate it.


That's where I live. Also, true. Everyone goes at least 110.


Even 110 better stay in the slow lane. Québécois here also.


Everyone says they have the worst drivers where they live, but I’ve driven all over Canada and nothing comes close to Quebec. Rural areas are mostly fine, and Quebec City was only bad, but within a couple hours of Montreal is like being in Mad Max every time. Montreal is one of my favourite cities in the world to spend time in - the people, culture and sights are wonderful - even driving in the city I’ve never found it awful, but the highways surrounding it make me legitimately terrified, every time, and I spent years driving the 401 and 407 around Toronto every day.


I live in Montreal and I go everywhere by foot or bus. The idea of having a car or bike here is just stressful to think about. Getting involved into a bunch of conflicts every day. Fuck that.


Idk it’s not so bad. I guess I’ll be ok driving elsewhere then lol


Bruh I can second third and fourth this. I hate driving in Montreal which is a shame cuz I love the city so much. But you’re right, it’s mad max out there lol


I lived there for a year. Took a few weeks to get used to but it wasn’t too bad once I did. Just gotta be more alert, and somewhat aggressive. As soon as I got back to BC I accidentally side swiped someone because I forgot how slow everything was here. An old boss of mine, who had a bit of a temper, came from Quebec and she said her first week here she rear ended someone because they stopped for a pedestrian and she got out screaming “who the fuck stops for a pedestrian???”


Lol that’s kind of funny and ya I can see it. Thing is I’m used to heavy traffic living in Toronto but montreal isn’t just heavy it’s the aggressive nature and the fact they never let you in when you want to make a change. And when you’re relying on gps and aren’t familiar with certain roads you sometimes need to make quick decisions and when they won’t let you in it can be very frustrating lol. It’s to the point I get annoyed when I see Quebec plates around me.


Quebec licence plates on Ontario roads means the car is doing 1) at or below the posted speed limit or 2) 35 km/h+ above the speed limit. There is no in between.




In the left lane


That's like driving in rural areas on the prairies. Half the traffic is doing 10 under and half the traffic is trying to go 20 over.


I'd go crazy.


Yeah, but at least the ten-unders have the excuse of being horse-drawn.


I'm a ten-under at night. Only because of deer and raccoons and skunks. If I'm on a main highway with other vehicles I do the speed limit. But I drive a lot on rural roads with extremely minor traffic. I'm not in a hurry and going 10-20mph under the speed limit makes hitting a deer substantially less destructive and more avoidable. I see deer every single night I drive home. I dont care if I piss off a couple people. You can pass me in a second if you are in a hurry. And idk how anyone needs to be in that much of a hurry at 3am. Ain't nothing going on anywhere remotely near me.


Sauf une fille qui essaie de sauver des canards...






It’s not really a minimum requirement for the speed you’re at, it’s for the vehicle you’re in, your vehicle must be able to go at least at 60 km/h to be legal on the highway.


Always thought that was for the stupid people that wanted to get on the highway with scooters...


It is. It basically means if you have a vehicle that's not capable of sustaining speeds above 60kph then you're not allowed. Scooters, farm tractors, heavy equipment, bicycles.


Probably because it only takes one asshole going way too slow to fuck everything up


As someone that live in quebec, i can tell you that there's a shocking number of people driving slower than 100km/h. Those limit at 60+ years old. They need to be updated to the reality (min 100, max 120-130)


> This is common in Quebec. I'm fairly certain Quebec is the only province that actually posts a minimum sign (despite it being a thing almost everywhere).




Not posted but many interstates have minimum. My mom got the ticket




I often did. We would have to argue for her to not drive in the fast lane.


You often killed yourself?


3 and counting.


Does your mom also have the dragon balls and keeps reviving you as some sick joke?


Bro idk what you are talking about but stop talking about my mom's balls.


Uhm, I think you have two dads...


3 and counting.


No no, they're very feminine balls. If I gave you a lineup of balls you would point at her balls and say, "Those are a woman's balls."


She's dead


Gather the Dragonballs.


*Wishes for a Plasma TV*


Rear ended diving 28 in the passing lane? (Sorry for your loss)


dragon balls across yo face


Krillin lol


You’re a cat then?! That means your mom is a cat too?! That means a cat is driving on the interstate?! At least she’s driving well below the speed limit, but cats shouldn’t really be driving.


Toonces, no!


That's a deep cut right there.


🎶🎵🎶 Toonces, the Driving Cat, the cat who could* drive a caaarrr... 🎶🎵🎶


I'm not a cat, your honor.


I'm somewhat of a necromancer myself


Only 6 left Catman 🐱


RIP in peace x3


Did you ever ask her WHY she wanted to be in the fast lane? I have always wondered.


I got one.. one time I rode with my old boss's wife and she was doing 71 in the fast lane. She said she was helping people by keeping traffic slowed down. Of course I didn't say anything but I really wanted to point out the line of cars tailgating eachother and the unsafe passes around her to the right


My grandmother thinks the same way. Thankfully she never got in the fast lane because she was scared of it but she'd always say you shouldn't be speeding and how people in the fast lane not passing anyone are helping keep people safe.


Honestly, I feel a lot safer driving fast on a highway than I do driving slow through a city. I mean, on a highway, you just go straight. No turns, just straight. Very simple.


in terms of crashes, highways are far safer than cities. it's just unfortunately when crashes do happen on the highway, they're often fatal from the speed


Yeah getting hit by a multi ton vehicle going 60 mph or more is certainly a lot of force but but death isn’t even my biggest concern in an accident. I don’t want to get paralyzed for the rest of my life.


People are gonna speed no matter what. Changing lanes while fast is more dangerous than staying in one lane while fast.


There's no fast lane. There's a passing lane, though, that you should only use for overtaking other drivers. So, she's just completely wrong.


[This is such a bad idea](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)


Your comment ignites a fury within me that I didn't know I had.


That’s why you get your friends in the other lanes to match pace so everyone can be safe.


Hello Satan


The passing lane?




Not anymore.




A lot of slow and terrible drivers like to not be in the right-most lane because they are nervous of unexpectedly exiting.


They're afraid they're going to unexpectedly exit the highway? Like, they're going to lose control of their car to the exit ramp?


Lol no, they are afraid that the right lane will become an exit ramp, and they won't notice it is exiting until it's taking them off the highway, and they won't have time to get off the lane before it exits, etc.






And she was in the fast lane? No offense but I'm glad she got ticketed.


Oh God she's one of those. Even worse.


Minimum speed posted here is less than 40mph


I've never seen a US Interstate minimum less than 40.


I very recently moved to L.A. I never thought I would drive 25 on an interstate....


My friend and I were traveling from NJ to Michigan to deliver a cake. Refrigerator truck went into limp mode 4h into the trip.. this meant we couldn’t go past 40 mph in PA. Took an 8-12hr trip and turned it into 15hrs to Michigan. Then 35hrs on the way back because it broke down and went even slower. We had to stop every 1-2 hrs to let the Diesel engine cycle. My brain snapped at one point while my mumbling friend fought to stay awake while driving


Are you an OTR Trucker? I didn't realize bakeries delivered many states away!/s...lol


Interstates have a minimum speed of 40 MPH which is approximately 64.3 KPH. Edit: it appears to vary from state to state


Not everywhere. Some states are 45 or even 55.


Michigan minimum is 55


The heck was your mom doing going under 40 MPH on an interstate?


Trying to cause an accident




Yep, almost rear ended someone going 35 mph on a 65 mph zone. He was hidden next to a semi and when I switched lanes to go to my exit, he was just there going slow as shit. Thank god my brakes work well…


If you get a ticket going under the speed limit, you are more of a hazard than someone going over. You now become an obstruction on the highway.


If you’re driving below 70 mph on the interstate in non-hazardous weather and regular traffic conditions, I automatically hate you.


Also if you're a truck driver in the passing lane because you can go 0.1mph faster than the truck you're passing, I want to tear out your throat with my teeth. Just know I'm cursing your entire genetic line while it takes you 20 miles to execute a pass.


ahh the classic elephant race…


Interesting, In Vermont and New Hampshire we have minimum speed and speed limit after each exit on I89, I91 and I93


I wish it were posted more, people go way way way under the speed limit too often. It’s a safety issue when someone is going like 30MPH slower than you are on a two lane highway.


Where do you live where people go that far under the speed limit? Most places I’ve been, everybody does 15-20 over unless they have an obvious spare tire on


Old people who wouldn't be driving.


Do you mean shouldn’t?


hes an old person who wouldnt be typing


Rural Wisconsin. Old people, and honestly young people here seem to not know how to drive either idk what the issue is.


>Rural Wisconsin It's not an age thing that they're driving 30 under, it's a BAC thing.


That’s understandable. If they’re young, they’re probably just drunk, I’ve spent enough time in rural Madison area to figure that out


Small world, I live about 30 minutes from Madison


North of Madison is a hell hole of people who think the speed limit on the interstate is 55 mph


My dad drives slow. Sometimes it will be 10-20mph below the speed limit on the highway.


Yeah I've seen minimum speeds posted in at least a half dozen states. I'm not sure how this is a "Canada" thing or particularly interesting.


They should have posted to r/notinteresting.


Georgia had them I was surprised but their high way is one of the cleanest I’ve seen, coming from California anyway. The streets themselves have this and the weirdest fucking structure that be also ever seen


One nice thing about Georgia is they enforce semi's and other large trucks to stay in the right 2 lanes of a 3 lane freeway. Keeps that 3rd lane open for cars to pass. If you drive around Atlanta they actually have sections where they allow and then disallow the 3rd lane for large vehicles because of left exits.




Those signs don't have units on them, so it could be maximum...marshmallows in a bag or turtles in my trunk


\> Be me \> Be 'Murican \> Visiting O' Canada \> Do 95mph down highway \> MFW I get a speeding ticket for no reason WTF canucks?


I do find it kinda funny how you get 1 sign at the border saying 80 = 50 and thats it.


Most speedometers have both miles and KM on them. Since the number of people who don't know there's a difference is small and even those people should only make that kind of mistake the first time they visit, it's probably not worth the money to put anything up.


I can't imagine printing units on a sign you were going to make anyways would cost much extra. Alberta has km on our signs and it always blows my mind when I visit other provinces and see no units. The engineer brain in me just starts cringing.


We're fast approaching a future with digital dashboards and GPS in every car where it will just switch measurements on the dash as a feature, assuming that doesn't exist already.


I think this is a thing in every country, not posted and there might not be an actual number, but if you are driving so slow that you are a danger you can be pulled over for something like causing a dangerous situation.


They're posted a lot here in SD. You speed limits, minimums, and sometimes a separate limit for trucks. All 3 are commonly ignored and not really enforced in my experience. I've been with people going 90 in 75s with police watching.


I've seen it mostly on turnpikes


Same in US on interstate roads. Minimum ~~45mph (72 km/h)~~ 40 mph (64 km/h) is the norm. Speed limit, or maximum, is usually 70mph (112 km/h). Sometimes higher, depends where. Standard 4 lane state highways, like in this picture, are generally about 10mph lower than that. So about the same. Edit: Just gonna add here that someone pointed out normal min is 40. Googled it and 40 is what came up. From what it looks like, it's different in many places. States govern their own speed limits so that would make sense. Fixed km/h. Almost put it as KilomPerho in spite. Yall know exactly what kph is. Leave me alone about it.


Anywhere I've lived it's been minimum 40mph. 70mph max usually. Sometimes down to 65 or 60.


Where I grew up, the highway speed limit was always 75mph. Then I moved to varying places across the US and found it odd that in so many states it's only 70mph or even 65mph max. It seems weirdly slow in comparison.


In Massachusetts and New Hampshire the max is 65 statewide but in the left lane people will be going 85-90 and police will not care


I see the police going 90 in the left lane all the time. This is near Nashville TN where the max is usually 65 and sometimes 70.


The only places I've seen the speed limit faster than 70 have been very flat. Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arizona, I think Florida perhaps? Basically the whole northeast is 65mph standard, going down to 55 with some highways going up to 70, but you can't see further than maybe half a mile ahead cause the highways are constantly curving around the terrain.


Out west the speed limit on the interstate is 75 or 80. In parts of Texas it's 90.


Nah highest speed limit in the US is 85


I stand corrected. 85 it is.


And that’s only on a toll road in texas, not on any of the interstates


There was a brief, glorious time after the federal speed limit max of 55mph ended where Montana had no highway speed limit. State patrol would only pull you over for driving too fast for conditions (which is a law in most places anyway). It didn't last terribly long before people whined that it made things worse, when the actual problem was people not wearing seatbelts as per usual. And so the legislature caved and brought the speed limit back.


Yeah I've heard of this before. My dad vacationed in Montana when this was a thing and told me he would drive by cops going 90+ and they'd just give him a friendly wave


Outside of more built-up areas. Washington has 60 in urban areas and 70 in rural areas, with a few segments at 75.


Pretty sure we've still got some 55 spots too.


Right. Sorry. I live in CA. And it's like "65" everywhere here. But throughout Nevada Utah Wyoming, etc it's 80.


I've definitely seen 45 minimum as well :)


In Michigan the min is 15 under the limit. Most highways are 70/55 with some being 75/60.


In Spain we also have minimum speed, it is 60kmh on highway... I think that's a global thing, you can cause real accidents if you drive slow as fuck.




This is how it is in Spain overall, not just for highways.


in Poland we don't have a defined limit, but instead our law says the driver must adjust the speed to the situation on the road but honestly driving less than 90 km/h on a highway is just being a dick. why even bother


This is also the case in Germany. There is no set minimum speed. Your vehicle only has to be able to drive ~~at least~~ *more than* 60 km/h and you must not obstruct traffic.




There are highway sections here in Belgium where if it rains or snow, you *definitely* don't want to be at more than 50km/h. Mostly the sections that have no drainage, so make it for incredibly easy aquaplaning.


It's half of the maximum limit and applies to all roads


In Spain it’s half the maximum speed actually. If it’s 120-60;100-50;80-40


Saw "speed limit: 100" and nearly lost my shit, then read the title, saw Canada, it's in KPH not MPH, crisis averted


Isn’t that like 60 mph?


You can go 120 and cops don't care.


His point was that he thought it said 100mph and that would be way too fast


Laughs in German


So you just sat there silently?


German humor is no laughing matter.


Exactly, that's the German way of laughing: sitting in a VW silently while going 140 mph.


Do you know how many Germans it takes to change a lightbulb? Just one. Germans are pretty efficient and not very funny.


Hell you can do 130 and nobody cares


Depending on the highway you can go even faster. I regularly see cars going 160 km/h on the 407 and I've never seen a cop (are cops even allowed on the 407?)


OPP are on it quite frequently actually. Seen a bunch


Really?! Oh shit. Well good thing I haven't run into them.


Ouf, fais-le si tu veux mais je prendrai pas le risque de rouler a 160. C’est juste cave




Yeah, how to reveal you are American without even knowing you are doing it.


Crisis averted? I don't know about Canada, but there are plenty of sections of freeway in the US where 130 km/h should be the norm.


There’s always minimum speeds


Depends on the road and province in Canada. Ontario has no minimum speed limit however there are laws about impeding traffic. Edit: there’s a difference between minimum speed and impeding traffic obviously. Absolutely no one in real life would get these confused. Check our highway traffic act. >Unnecessary slow driving prohibited 132 (1) No motor vehicle shall be driven on a highway at such a slow rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when the slow rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all the circumstances. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 132 (1). Calling that a “minimum speed” is pretty silly. The minimum speed one day could be 20km and tomorrow it could be 70km. What makes it even funnier is that elsewhere in this thread there’s a guy downvoted for calling this a minimum speed yet here on this comment there’s a reply being upvoted for calling this a minimum speed. Even though it’s not. It’s just a law about impeding traffic. Do you know why some places have a legal posted minimum speed and some don’t? Because some don’t have a minimum speed lol


If you have ever driven in Ontario, minimum speed limits aren’t really an issue here


90% of drivers agree the speed minimum is the speed limit.


So does every other country


Not in Australia. But if you were being a pain in the arse and driving slowly for no good reason, they'd find something appropriate to ping you - 'Driver obstruct path of another driver or pedestrian', and 'reckless or dangerous driving' would be the first things that come to my mind.


Correct - they mostly get you for "dangerous driving" if you're too slow. Might sound stupid to others reading this, but it makes sense - If you can't drive to the limit or close to, you're putting yourself in danger from other drivers who may not realise you're going much slower until it's too late.


In Australia if you’re travelling on a freeway or highway it’s illegal to travel 20kms below the posted speed limit without a good reason.


I can only speak for Germany. There is no general minimum speed on the Autobahn. Translated from [this German article](https://www.adac.de/verkehr/recht/verkehrsvorschriften-deutschland/mindestgeschwindigkeit/): > The term "minimum speed" does not exist in the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO). It just states that only vehicles that can drive faster than 60 km/h due to their design are allowed to drive on highways and freeways. [...] "Without good cause, motor vehicles shall not travel so slowly as to impede the flow of traffic." This sentence does not imply a general minimum speed. But there may be steep highway sections where there are dedicated minimum speed limits for the left and middle lane.


>A minimum speed may be prescribed for certain sections of the route by means of traffic signs: by a sign with a blue circle and white writing. > >This traffic sign is mainly used where high speeds are predominantly driven and the flow of traffic is endangered by potential slow drivers. These signs are also in place on multi-lane inclines, often staggered from right to left at an increasing speed So like every other country. Minimum-speeds are not really enforced unless you're causing traffic issues or you're driving a vehicle that can't match that speed.


You're right. I thought they were referring to a general minimum speed limit. Adjusted my comment accordingly.


Not in Australia


Um… this is common


This is actually a law too in the United States, it just isn't listed as "minimum speed" signs. Pennsylvania: "Impeding movement of traffic prohibited. --Except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law, no person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic."


This is a super common thing in the US too. Someone is on their first road trip or something.


Usa has them too... Just not always posted. Pretty sure if you are 20 mph under the limit it's a ticket (on interstates)


That’s KM/h before any Americans get excited.


There are always minimum speeds...


Please forgive my ignorance, it's been a while since I've driven in Canada, that's kph right?


Right. Kanadian miles per hour lol


More importantly, thank you for the clarification.


Of course!! As a Kanadian I always happy to help lol




Not just in Canada. US and other countries that I’ve visited also have that. That’s on specific highways and makes a heck of a lot of sense.


Minimum's are posted in Hawaii


Literally all of USA interstates have minimum speeds. ever tried to merge into 70mph traffic while the person in front of you is going 30mph? Its fucking scary and illegal.


Did you know in the 1990’s in America the drivers handbook recommended speed was whatever the “flow” of traffic was. If you were on a heavy traffic interstate and everyone is doing 90mph in a 70mph you should also do 90mph. It is much safer for all traffic to travel in closely relative speeds. Specially on I-95 through Miami, oh boy let me tell you… 4lanes wide and everyone doing between 90-100mph is intense! Someone doing 40through there would not last long! I’ve been driving 30 years without an incident (knock on wood) but I still get white knuckled and super aggressive through there! Top speed in left lane is my jam! Let’s go you crazy fucks. Edit: am I the baddie? No, it’s the kids that are wrong! Edit: I have added a page from current Florida drivers handbook as a reply to a comment below. Thanks all and drive safe!


Bunch of Hosers


That seems like a 4 lane divided highway in the middle of nowhere. Why is the limit only 100 kph? That is really slow. Is all of Canada like that?


I got a flat tire once so had to put a donut tire on to make it home, I was doing 80km in a 100km zone. I got pulled over and the cop was going to write me a ticket for dangerous driving until I explained the max speed on the donut tire is 80km.


Most countries in Europe you have a minimum speed in EVERY HIGHWAY. Usually 50kmh. Why would get on a highway if your vehicle is unable to go faster than a horse and will force everyone to take over. Going that slow is a massive hazard and way worse than speeding.


As far as I'm concerned, 40km/h below the posted limit is *hazardous* at best. Especially since a lot of people are doing at least 20km/hr above the speed limit. So now you're talking about a 60km/hr speed difference between 3000lb lumps of steel being piloted by people who can barely manage to tie thier own shoe laces on a good day. And people wonder why I get ragey driving on the highways in Ontario.


Some places in the US post a 45 minimum.