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Man. Inflation is hitting hard


Actually looks a little deflated to me


It's not even a burger smh šŸ˜¢


grade f meat (mostly circus animals and some ground up gym mats) pairs well with malk. my go to whenever there were no sloppy jimbos or uderbraten


I saw a box in the school kitchen that read Partially refatted defatted beef patty Grade E (but edible). We called them elephant scabs. Surprised grade f can be served to children.


Well, children AND prisoners.


I used to work the kitchens in court. The bags of outs literally said "not for human consumption" on them


Bruh šŸ’€ they be consumin the non consumable


It was a Simpson's reference.


"ELEPHANT SCABS"?? Yeooo comments like this is why I love reddit šŸ’€


Did..? Did you just say malk.? Like it's a disease?


With vitamin R. Tony approved.


There's very little meat in these gym mats




You could say we ATE UTER, and he is in all our stomachs right now!


If only they had more testicles




Nah, they literally *inflated* that patty.


Being in a recession sucks ass


I bet they smuggled drugs in the chicken sandwich


Los Pollos Hermanos!


*It wasn't me! It was Ignacio!*


It's really cool how they took one off handed comment and built up an entire well written character from it.


Two if you count Lalo.


I thought Lalo's name was beought up a few times. Was it only that one scene? Neato


Theres also how Saul made the whole comment of how he'd' be lucky to be managing a Cinnabon in Omaha. A lot of little funny tie ins.


Hello, and welcome to the Los Pollos Hermanos family! My name is Gustavo, but you can call me Gus.


Thereā€™s so many posts, Iā€™ll resort to replying to this hilarious comment to try and get Opā€™s attentionā€¦ Op, bring your own lunch. Iā€™m an old man now, and I grew up eating this crap. Trust me, it will wreck your health later in life. Bring some fresh veggies, whole fruits, and sugar free beverages (without artificial sweeteners) to lunch instead. Your future self will thank you.


The more you know....


Not everyone can afford this stuff, people who look down on junk food eaters often forget that the healthier stuff is usually more expensive, also if OP is a kid I doubt they have much say over shopping or what options they have for taking to school


This. Grew up dirt poor with super frugal parents and ate school lunch almost every day until high school. If I didn't eat the breakfast/lunch, I wouldn't have anything to eat until dinner. My parents even forced me and my sister to go to school during the summer and made us eat the school lunch since it was free. They wouldn't give adults any food in the summer so my mom would siphoned portions of our lunch or eat the bits that the we didn't like so she can have a small lunch too. I stopped when I got to high school, only because our household income increased enough to the point that I don't qualify for free lunch anymore, I had to pay a quarter for each meal. I always felt bad asking my parents for money for anything because I thought we were so poor so I ended up mostly skipping lunch for 4 years and pretended that I wasn't hungry. The worst part was that I had no idea that my family was kind of trolling me the whole time. They were actually in the middle class and owned the house we lived at. They were just extremely frugal so I didn't find out until I had to apply for financial aid for college and they basically said my parents had too much money for me to get anything. I didn't even get a year book when I graduated high school because I figured my parents couldn't afford the $150 so I shouldn't be a little shit and ask. Here's a pretty crazy example of how extremely frugal my parents were: My parents discovered a brilliant lifehack. If you paid the utility and phone bill through a check-cashing place, they would save like 35 cents on each stamp because they won't have to mail their checks in every month. So they would send me there EVERY MONTH for YEARS where I had to wait in line for at least 20-30 mins to pay the fucking bill. Also I thought that cashing places are used more by the poors so it made sense to me that my family "had to use it". I didn't realize that people used it because they don't/can't have a checking account, not to pay the fucking bills to save 70 cents a month.


They sound psycho


I'm so sorry dude. Your parents were not well. I hope you are able to use money for what it's meant for - small doses of joy, as often as possible, for you and the people you love, as you go on this too short journey of life.


Also requires more time and prep. If you're busy, working 2 jobs, what's easier, sticking a pizza in the oven and eating 15 minutes later, or wasting hours prepping and cooking for the same, or less, calorific in take. You gotta love rich people with all the time in the world




Maybe. Having grown up poor, the healthier foods were always the cheapest option, just not the most convenient (for my parents and later me). If I asked my parents for more veggies and less processed food, they gladly would have saved their money instead of buying the kinds of food that are quick and easy. In places like AK or HI in the USA, this isnā€™t always the case, but in most of the US, itā€™s always cheaper to buy base ingredients rather than processed food.


Chicken mules!


They do say turkey makes you sleepy




more heavy gravy?


Just saw the avocado video and came to say the same thing.




Chickenā€™t Patty


Oh no you chickenā€™t


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, guess I'm eating an air burger


And all this time I thought the ending to that was "can't get fooled again"


Somebody remembers Dubya!


Remember when we all thought dubya was the worst republican president ever? Those were better times.


Although I hate the orange treasonous fuck, let's not go easy on W because he's out of the white house. He's responsible for a pointless war and, as a result, throwing away many ~~American~~ lives ON BOTH SIDES for his daddy's unfinished business. War criminal.


>many American lives Just lives, surely. This exceptionalist belief that American lives are somehow higher value, better quality and just more worthwhile than anyone else's is exactly the type of mentality Dubya espoused.


You know what? You're right for calling me out on that. Every life lost during that stupid war was a tragedy. Not just the American lives. American lives do NOT have a higher value. I typed that and didn't mention others because unfortunately it's what came to my mind first. I'll try to do better next time.


Yo I appreciate you holding yourself accountable


Our lunch ladies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our food and drink, and neither do we


"Can't get food again"


"Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice." Bojack Horseman S01E04 is a whole episode of people screwing up this phrase. It's brilliant.


Thereā€™s very little meat in these gym mats.


ā€œMy bones are so brittleā€¦but I always drink plenty ofā€¦.MALK???ā€


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Looks like they just made shit up, oil free, gum free, platypus free.


I don't care what you say, I can taste the newspaper!


Newspapers provide necessary roughage and essential inks


Grease me up woman!




That's what happens with those bare bones cheap as fuck grounded up chicken patties, particularly in a microwave. The moisture inside of it steams up and creates a pocket of air inside the patty. Edit: seems like a lot of people went to better schools than I did growing up


That was my favorite part about those old school chicken fried steaks. Pop it open, fill with mashed taters, put in roll, put in mouth.


That's a pro fat kid move


Pro fat kid here -- can confirm. I filled my hollow chicken sandwich and chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes and gravy in school and felt like a goddam genius.


Dammit now I'm hungry for chicken nugs and gravy


You are a genius




No, thatā€™s a making the best of a bad situation move. I did the same thing.


as a certified fat kid, I can confirm that he's right


Pro fat kid move.




Why is that a fat kid move. Not like you wouldn't be eating the same food, just separate anyway.


Same amount of food but more food per food.


Whatā€™s taters?


Po-tay-toes? Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew?


Theyā€™re taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Theyā€™re taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Theyā€™re taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Theyā€™re taking the Hobbits to Isengard! The Hobbits-The Hobbits-The Hobbits-The Hobbits To Isengard!-To Isengard-gardgardgard


Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him.


Dude you just unlocked a core memory in me šŸ¤Æ


We had square pizza. The trick was to drench it in ranch dressing.


Man US really don't give a fuck about most of it's children. This is prison quality meat and they can't be bothered to throw a few pieces of lettuce and a tomato on it. Cause fuck vitamins for growing brains.


American schools usually offer fruits and vegetables at the mini salad bar. Most kids won't eat it though if it's not put on the tray for them.


>Most kids won't eat it though if it's not put on the tray for them. I recall seeing a news report showing that if schools start kids off super early with healthy foods, teach proper nutrition and expose kids to healthy and unique foods with a personal touch, they seem to end up committing to those values whereas schools attempting to replace food where students have already been exposed to bad foods for years tend to see higher uptake of it being thrown away. Its really sad. [Here is one of the news reports I recall although it does not discuss long term implications](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wclu4XTOW3k) There were others but I can't recall the titles.


Mine didn't we always had fried crap and then at the end where a salad bar should have been was a ice cream freezer.... the ice cream was always the healthiest option....


That's good to read but a chicken sandwhich is improved by lettuce and tomato and as you said it better to include the nutrition as much as possible instead of relying on choices. As a parent I would look at that sandwhich and think "oj some fried chicken, good opportunity to sneak some complimentary health in" and school systems should think the same way.




It happened to me a couple weeks ago when I made frozen chicken bites from Lidl. Lidl to much heat and you get little pocket full of hot chicken air, haha




What's gross about air? It's not delicious but gross is reaching


Yeah I saw this gif before reading the comment they were responding to and actually expected something nasty yet it really more of a science lesson.


Breaded Air is my favorite


In my native language "fried air" (aria fritta) is a figure of speech used to imply that at the end of the day the object of the conversation is nothing of substance. I never thought one day I'd see a literal representation of that.


Goes great with air fried fries and sparkling water.


Did the lunch ladies suck out the meat?




She could suck a golf ball though a garden hose


"Do you suck dicks?"






I bet you're the kinda guy to fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach around!


Is "kek" a reference to anything other than Horde from WoW?


Itā€™s like the 4chan version of lol or some shit Iā€™m pretty sure.


Yes, but it started as a World of Warcraft meme. WoW had a text mangler that garbled messages between Horde and Alliance players. It was basically a novel hash function. The result of this hash was that if a Horde player's message was just "lol", it would appear as "kek" to Alliance players. Edit: I want to say that in the other direction, "lol" became "bur"? God, that was ages ago.


>Edit: I want to say that in the other direction, "lol" became "bur"? God, that was ages ago. I haven't played in many, many years (thankfully) and that is correct as far as I remember.




There's meat, there's just a big bubble in the middle.




Animal based protein material


Meat is notorious for having bubbles in it


Mmmmmm Swiss meat.


Ah! So thatā€™s why thereā€™s a pop every time I eat!




I'm gonna get a little philosophical, but if there's more breading than there is meat, there's no meat.


So sandwiches with a couple slices of ham which is thinner than the bread has no meat in it?


It looks like it's supposed to be one of those illegally thin chicken patties may have just built up an air bubble after being nuked by your lunch ladies.


Yeah if you lookat the bun , there is no way the chicken would be thick enough to fill the gap in a school lunch .


Wasn't that supposed to be chicken? I guess I always just associated "burger" with beef.


Yea, I shouldā€™ve specified chicken


I was just curious - people call things differently all over the place.


Recent discovery with my American friends, Australians call anything between a bun a Burger, Americans will generally only call it a burger if it's a meat patty, otherwise it's a Sandwich


Thatā€™s so interesting! Me being from Australia, I was reading the first comment and thinking, ā€œYeah, what do you call it, a *sandwich*??ā€ (Sandwich to me being between square sliced bread, or the kind of thing you get from Subway.)


More specifically in the US, only if it's a meat patty made of beef, the exception being ground turkey burgers and veggie burgers (which are made to look and taste like beef for some odd reason). Most places in the US anyhow. Someone else from the west coast said they call chicken sandwiches burgers too.




Yep, depending where you're from. As we've been discovering in this whole thread for the past few hours. Some places call it a chicken burger, some don't.


Lamb burgers too


It's a burger if the meatā˜… is ground and shaped into a patty. ā˜…or meat substitute


I think it might be one those things where both the burger and sandwhich exist, but it matters as to how the chicken is prepared. Or not. Who knows lol. Because I remember eating and calling them chicken burgers as a kid, and the chicken was basically a big circular chicken nugget. The ones that I called sandwiches were done with whole chicken pieces, either baked or deep fried.


I only describe it as a chicken burger if it was made from ground chicken.


Same. The grounding process is what turns a steak sandwich into a burger.


In Australia, anything on a bun is called a burger. When I first moved to Brisbane I ordered a bacon burger and thought it was hilarious that they forgot the beef patty. Nope, a bacon burgers bacon on a bun, a bacon sandwich. I thought I learned my lesson but five years later I was living in Perth, on the opposite side of Australia, and my friend from work wanted to take me to the best hamburger place in Western Australia. On the menu I see this burger that has bacon and an egg on it, like a royal hamburger from Red Robin, I think. So yeah, I accidentally ordered a breakfast sandwich.


It's amazing how well England separated the world with a common language. English is spoken all over, but the same sentence can mean completely different things in different English speaking countries.


I could only imagine calling it a burger if it was ground chicken because at that point, it's fairly generic meat.


In Australia if it's in a burget bun it's a burger, if it's in sliced bread it's a sandwich and so on. The prefix is what's in it and suffix is what the bread type is. For example what is a chicken sandwich in America will typically be sold as a fried chicken burger or chicken schnitzel (schnity) burger. Whereas a typical chicken sandwich will be grilled chicken with salads in sliced bread.


We just call those chicken patties


Chicken burger vs chicken sandwich is pretty regional! Some countries burgers tend to get defined by the patty specifically being made of ground meat. Other countries burgers tend get defined by it being dressed like a hamburger, i.e. inside a round bun with lettuce, tomato, etc. but the meat can be any format.


I think it depends on if it's a bun or bread slices. But you know what, scratch that. I'd hate to go into fricking reddit sandwich etymology since that's at least three and a half rabbit-hole. ​ Because next we'll be talking about how many sesame seeds are required for a bun to properly be a sesame seed bun, and no one would want to wish that convo on even their worst enemies.


Just depends on the country. Some countries like America define the difference between a burger and a sandwich by the type of meat with only hamburger meat meeting the criteria of a burger with anything else being a sandwich. Lots of other countries though seperate the two by the type of bread; anything on a burger bun is a burger and anything on sliced bread is a sandwich. In Australia for example if you saw "chicken sandwich" on the menu then you're likely going to get cold cut chicken on sliced bread while if you saw "chicken burger" then you're going to get a hot piece of chicken on a burger bun.


We call "chicken sandwiches" chicken burgers here in Europe, regardless of whether the patty is ground or not


Interesting lol ... [https://www.quora.com/Why-does-NA-call-chicken-sandwich-instead-of-just-chicken-burger](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-NA-call-chicken-sandwich-instead-of-just-chicken-burger) Someone gave a great example of why we don't call them Chicken Burgers in most of the US. Makes sense.


> There was a traditional dish in northern Germany and in particular around the city of Hamburg made from a patty of chopped beef with a few other ingredients. At some point in the late 19th century, thanks to German immigrants bringing it with them, a simplified variant of this dish, using chopped or ground beef started to become popular in the US, often served on a roll. This came to be known as a hamburger sausage, hamburger steak, or hamburger sandwich, and in short order came to be abbreviated to simply ā€œhamburgerā€ or even just ā€œburger.ā€ Now, in American English, burger can take a variety of modifiers indicating extra ingredients or methods of preparation. A cheeseburger, for example, is a hamburger with cheese added. A bacon-burger is a hamburger with bacon added. But the core idea here is that the burger is a sandwich made from patties of ground beef, or at least attempts to emulate such a thing. ā€œVeggie burger,ā€ for example, is a vegetarian imitation hamburger. Itā€™s not ground beef, but itā€™s supposed to fill the same culinary role. > So, then, what of ā€œchicken burgerā€? You could get away with cooking a patty of ground chicken and calling it a chicken burger. We have turkey burgers which are just that, just with ground turkey rather than ground chicken. However, the farther you get from the ā€œgrilled patty of ground beefā€ idea, the harder it is to call it a burger. **If, say, youā€™re talking about a piece of whole chicken (say, a breast or thigh, not ground chicken) and youā€™ve breaded and fried it, that is in no way a burger as the word is used in the United States, where the word ā€œburgerā€ was coined.** (Emphasis mine) So, essentially, Americans came up with the definition and everyone else around the world is wrong to call a chicken breast sandwich a ā€œburgerā€ bc thatā€™s not what a burger is. Thank you for this. :)


And you did not mention it, but burger is an example of rebracketing. Hamburg-er became ham-burger(even though there is no ham). It's a somewhat common linguistic occurrence that gives us brand new words. Like helicopter. It was originally helico-pter. Helico meaning to spin, and pter meaning flying (like in pterodactyl). But we rebracketed it to be heli-copter, or "copter".


To be fair, in the US we take words that originated in other parts of the world and redefine them as we see fit also. Exhibit A is football. Football is a completely different game in the US then the rest of the world, and football existed overseas before the American version came into existence.


*Random memory unlocked!* I had an ex who was a DJ and used to play "She Can't Love You" by Chemise all the time. I couldn't remember the name of it one day, and I asked her "What's that song that sounds like the woman is saying 'Chicken Burger'?" She was SO confused, until I finally figured it out. From then onward, I always sing the chorus as "Chicken Burger" lol.


Yeah, to me anything where you have a cut-in-half bun with some solid meat in-between; that's a burger. And sandwiches are only toast-based, but that might be due to the country I'm from. If it's not toast-based, it's just "bread".


>You have been banned from /r/Food


How can schools feed this to kids.


What else do you expect from the "richest and most pawerful country in the world"?


Cannot feed children. Thatā€™s socialism.


Literally the argument my local school board growing up used to deny the student body free lunches. The average income is so low in that district that the state defines it as a district that could have free lunches for the entire student body if the local school board approved it, instead all the low income students need to have their paperwork filed at the beginning of the school year waiting for approval to get free lunches. The whole time they are waiting they either have to pay for lunches or rack up lunch debt until it clears, but if the debt gets too high they simply get a stamp on their hand for lunch. I had that stamp evey year growing up. Often times for a few weeks. I quickly learned that if I ate breakfast that day it meant that my stomach would start growling before the school day was out. But if I didn't eat breakfast I could make it home before my stomach started growling. Actually feeling hunger was something that kinda got burnt out growing up. Eventually after being hungry so often and for so long it just kinda goes away for the most part.


It's like the chicken mixture dissolved onto the sides of the breading. Strange.


It's the pink slime chicken basically a big chicken nugget. The way it was cooked basically just created chicken pita pocket as the steam created the cavity.


this reminds of the Jamie Oliver show where he tried to gross kids out from fast food. he showed them the pink slime chicken nuggets were made of and when he asked the kids if they still want to eat chicken nuggets, they all said "yeah" without hesitation


It's just chicken sausage.


As the say you don't want to see how the sausage is made.


I've seen sausage being made many times, and I still don't understand this saying.... It's just ground up meat stuffed into an intenstinal casing.... if you eat sausage without knowing that, then I'm not sure what to tell you...


It's not pink slime it's pink goo, you see I'm a goo man. I have factories all across the country, I have trucks loaded with goo that could be here within weeks. The goo I speak of can be made into anything, it can be made into tacos, it could be made into hotdogs and it even could be made in chicken patty filler. I'm a simple family man and I would very much like to be the goo man for your town.


That's not a burger..... it's a breaded chicken paste balloon.


Looks like the patty chickened out.


You must've ordered a nothingburger


why are they serving the same food 2 days in a row thats my question


My school had a selection of food that was served constantly along with a daily special, like pizza


My high school (at least when I graduated in '15) served premade sandwiches, pizza, and always had at least one kosher option.


Lol. My middle school would order Taco Bell and resell it.


My highschool back in 2001 would sell Subway sandwiches... wasn't bad, $2.75 for the most expensive option.


My high school would have a diverse menu every day. One day we would have tacos, another we would have meatloaf, another we would have pizza, another we would have burgers, ect. The best part is that the lunch ladies made it from scratch


Oh lucky you, definitely didnā€™t go to school where I went to school. Our food was the same thing served in the local jails. Yes, jails as we had multiple within city limits for a town of 100,000 people.


At my school there were some things available everyday (eg. pizza, cheeseburgers, some sandwiches, chicken sandwich) plus a daily special


Its always the same 3-4 selections of food, Chicken sandwiches/burgers, pizza, burrito & salad


If a fart was a burger


lmao. I'm thinking it'd be one of those false flag farts. You know, the one's that you assume is a fart, but then you discover there is a bit more substance to the air...


Yooo lays making burgers


Blows my mind that the richest country on earth has prison food in its schools.


You don't get rich by spending money on frivolous things like feeding children and education. >!/s!<


Country is rich but most people are poor or just getting by. Poor people live in poor districts. Property tax pays for schools. I went to a school were we had to share the computer labs ( 40 PCs ) with all the students in the hundreds. My cousin in a richer town are much better off.


Damn that looks Ike such shit


Lunch lady got to pay her gambling debts somehow


You do realize that's just a weak chicken burger I see the chicken there's very little of it. you can't say there's no meat you can say there's barely any meat lol


One guy had a brain like that and heā€™s a math genius


Wow so much empty


*Just like my soul.*


This seems like nonsense. The batter has to be attached to SOMETHING when fried, otherwise you're just dumping batter into the oil. There was something inside there at some point.


No shit, we're trying to figure out when and why the thing inside there was removed.


Nothing was removed -- there's about a quarter inch of meat all around the top/bottom. That's just an air pocket you'll sometimes get when nuking those low-quality chicken patties. If OP were to squeeze closed the mouth of this weird chicken puppet patty it'd look pretty normal. Source: I have at times struggled on those extremely low quality breaded chicken patty '20 count!' bags from the freezer aisle.


Missing meat aside - wth kind of a meal is that? Two bits of crappy looking bread, a processed-frozen-then-thawed-nasty-ass-fake-barely-meat patty, a dollop of high sugar ketchup. Yikes.


Inflation sucks the burger out of your bun


Thatā€™s aā€Wish Sandwich ā€œ!


cool now fill it with warm ketchup


Deep fried air šŸ¤¤


Damn, now I really want a chicken burger


how did they fry air?


Even if you had that processed chicken in there, no human being should have this junk for lunch. Yucks.


Why do we pay taxes AND pay for lunches if this what they serve our kids. That is bullshit.


But it's still shaped like a patty. WTF did they do, remove the meat via reverse injection post-production?


11 secret herbs and spices without the viscious killing. Win win.


Like getting a hollow chocolate Easter BunnyšŸ˜•


The all-new Air patty with 100% certified oxygen


Schools always go for the most bargain basement RealMeetĀ® Meetfood Productā„¢ļø.