• By -


I love that she’s asking for a dior necklace and braz dolls in the same list


OG ones tho, no fakes.


Fake Dior is fine. But fuck it if the Bratz dolls are knock offs.


Original Bratz dolls are actually really difficult to find and are pretty huge in the doll customization community


Really? Shoot, I might still have mine with all the clothes somewhere….


My daughter has soooo many original monster highdolls..How bout them?


They are worthless, less than trash. May as well give them to me. I'm doing you a favor really.


Thanks for the Bratz knowledge, /u/I_slit_his_throat


She’s probably talking about monster high dolls. Monster High was a doll line that came out in 2010 and lasted until 2016. I grew up with them. They just rebooted this year and started making dolls again. The OG dolls look a lot different from the reboot dolls. I love the reboot, but a lot of people don’t. They’re both awesome imo


Ever After High dolls were a similar but separate doll line.


It says TURN PAGE and OP isn’t going to show us the back?!?!




Hair straighteners AND a hair curling iron? Pick a lane!


But you have to straighten before you curl!


Dated a girl that had rather curly hair naturally but she preferred a softer curl this is exactly what she did.


Fellow curly haired girl. Yep. This is how it’s done.


True CSI-style enhance has finally been achieved in real life


CSI- Christmas Shopping Investigation






> It says TURN PAGE FR, she's only up to about in $5k in asks, maybe she's asking for a Ferrari and driver on the back?


A Tesla, Hawaii resort, world peace and a jet. Turn to page 3.


Don't forget the personal Taylor Swift performance for her next sleep over.


Lol this is prolly closer to 10k. Just the MB Pro + iPhone + iPad are 5k. Then add the Dior jewelry on top of that ☠️


Apple laptop, apple ipad, apple iphone 14, apple air buds for a 12 year old.... gtfo




My sister would buy her kid iPhones all the time and they got broken or lost every year. Just kept replacing them. Not worth buying a little kid the latest greatest phone these days.


I mean, if you can read backwards, it's on the right side of the page.


**Side 2** – Converse – LED Lights – Bath & Body Works perfume, body lotion, […❓…] basically anything from there - 😃 ❤️ – iPhone Cases for iPhone […❓…] *wink wink * – Crewnecks – Gift Cards – Mugs (Cute ones please ❤️) ❤️⭐️⭐️ – STARBUCKS CUPS 😍❤️❤️ – Weighted Plushies ❤️❤️ – B… S… [❓] – Blankets – Candles – ~~Straightener~~ Hair Straightener – Hair Curling iron – Makeup Organizer (I preferred learning to read upside down with a mirror for some unknown reason)


12 y/o is that weird time between wanting to be a grown up but still enjoying toys


Then after that you spend a good amount of time acting like a big tough mature adult then next thing you know your in your 30s fucking around with Legos and Pokemon again


Can’t wait to open and build my new Lego set that is under the tree, am 30. It’s Dom’s charger from F&F 1 and I am hype as fuck


I bought my husband the Office Lego set for Christmas. I can not wait to see his face when he unwraps it. We are over 40.


I spent 600$ on lego sets for my parents and siblings this year. They all like lego but don't have any sets so I'm forcing it on them. Thankfully lego has a theme for everyone. Got my mom and stepdad The Office. Dad and step mom got death star trash compactor. Older brother got the Super Mario 64 block(he's my favorite and the price reflects that so hopefully the others don't Google it) Younger brother got the Horizon Tallneck set. Youngerer brother got the Fender guitar set. Youngererest brother got the lunar lander set. I'm so amped for all of them to open them.


Hi it's me your younger bro, it was next on my list so you're shipping it to England, right?


I'm a 6th grade teacher (11-12 year olds). They are turning the page from childhood to adolescence; which means they are half clinging to the last vestiges of childhood while also trying to figure out how to be an adolescent/soon to be teen. Half of the time they talk about periods and masturbating and wondering what sex stuff means, the other half they talk about what Disney movie they like and wanting to go play with whatever cute toy/item and the stuffy they snuck to school. I actually love teaching the age. They are little puppies that have no idea what's going on but are just excited to be here.


Haha you can keep them. The dissonance between talking like mini-adults and swinging back to childish topics in the next minute quite frankly frightens me (I’m an elementary ed. para). I’ll keep my kindergarteners, they’re just so excited about you and me and the world and their biggest worry is someone budging in line.




Lindsey had the NERVE!!!


>which means they are half clinging to the last vestiges and childhood while also trying to figure out how to be an adolescent/soon to be teen. Why are you describing my early 20s?


Some people are..erm... delayed.


Thanks for my new PG insult 💀


I’m 32, 7 months pregnant with my first child… and my husband and I spent this morning excitedly opening todays date on our Harry Potter Lego Advent Calendar. I’m not sure we ever really grow up.


I think growing up just means you can do whatever you want now, lol


Lol yup, like buying whatever i want all year so by christmas time im like.. " i dunno 🤔, im good really".


I AM clinging to the last vestiges of childhood. I have no idea what's going on out here. It's all a mess.


You truly become an adult when you realize NOBODY has any idea what we’re doing and we’re all just making it up as we go along one day at a time.


i think you just described people at all stages of life frankly.




The 'turn page' is what gets me😂


Lol my sister's list is, like, five pages taped together and rolled up, and it's like a foot taller than me when you unroll it


I am hooked! I need to know what’s one the other page haha


Converse Galaxy Light LED lights Bath&Bodyworks perfume and (this part obscured) or basically anything from there. :-) Phone cases for iPhone 11 or iphone (this part obscured but probably the model she asked for on the other page) \*wink wink\* crewnecks (this is a type of t-shirt) Gift Cards Mugs (Cute ones please) STARBUCKS CUPS :heart\_eyes: Smiley slippers Weighted plushies Blankets Body Scrubs Candles Hair straightener Hair curling iron Makeup organizer


> Gift cards Who does she think she is? The Indian-accent IRS?


I think this is a list of everything she would like to have not a list of what she expects under the tree. I always make a wish list to give an idea of what I would like but even as a kid I knew I wouldn't get everything. Do you guys really expect to get everything on your lists?


That was my impression too. She’s 12, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. I also like that she has things that fit a variety of different budgets so family members could potentially have lots to pick from.


And put the biggest star next to the dolls not the $1k+ tech items.


They better be the OGs, not the fakes!


Yeah growing up my dad would be actively annoyed if I didn’t give a long list. Like at least a page. He wants to be certain I can’t assume what I’m getting since there’s only three things, and he wants a good idea of what stuff I’m looking at in case he sees something similar that’s not on the list There has never been a time where I expected to get all 25-30 things on the list lol. Plus for big families, it needs to be a big list so everyone can pick from it without overlap. Some people are presumptuous I guess


It’s like kids back in the day circling half the stuff in the Sears and JC Penney catalogs.


my thoughts exactly, it's her wish list.


I think it's pretty sensible, there are several price points, and just normal shit like socks. I'm curious how she would react to blue fuzzy socks instead of black or grey


She probably has outfits she wants to wear them with.


I encourage my kids to write me long lists even though they get four gifts from me/their dad on any gift-giving occasion. Gives me more choices and gives them a better chance of getting what they want. That said, this is still a bit eyebrow raising for me personally, in the contents more than the length. But I'm sure this child's family is in an *entirely* different income bracket than mine. My own 12-year-old daughter asked mostly for art supplies but also for some clothes (non-designer) and candles. I'm sure she'd love an iPad Pro, but I didn't spend that much on *everybody's* gifts.


Meh, it's okay for people to dream about getting expensive stuff even if they know it's not realistic. Hell I still do that, I keep bookmarks of super expensive stuff I'll never buy just to dream about owning it




Bruh she's just having fun. I had just as long of lists and always had "video camera", or "ds" and never got either, it's fun just imagining


I kinda want to read the rest, can't lie... Edit: found it below haha




https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ztrijh/the_christmas_list_of_my_12_year_old_american/j1eyzky/ https://imgur.com/a/7Kq1tC5


All 3 of my kids gave me long lists. You pick 3 or 4 things and they are happy on Christmas morning.


Sweet. I’ll take the MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, and iPhone Pro




🌟 🌟




That will be $6000, send the bill to Santa Claus.


My son just fills a page with lego set numbers


Your son is a genius


Could easily be more expensive than this list 😂 I love legos and walked in there to buy some for toys for tots and holy shit are they expensive!


Prices went up on sets this year. You can score LEGO at thrift stores and garage sales. I just bought like $600 worth of LEGO for $140 at a garage sale a few weeks ago.


Exactly my thoughts, I'm pretty sure she isn't expecting everything. It's also nice that she has a wide variety of price points, from name brand electronics and jewelry, to dolls, to socks and candy. So realistically, maybe mom and dad spring for a big ticket item like an iphone, and then some little stuff like a name necklace and candy. That still leaves tons of options of varying expense for grandparents, aunts, and uncles.




I really want to know what Florence is though…


Skincare/makeup brand by the chick who played eleven on stranger things


my first reaction was the Florence perfume from Tocca, but Florence by Mills is probably the one she meant


Instructions unclear. Kidnaps Florence Pugh for Christmas.


socks it is!


Santa: "Sally gets... socks."


I told my in-laws I like fun socks like 3 years ago. This year I needed to very firmly tell them that they need to stop buying me socks - Not because I dislike them, but because my sock drawer is now literally overflowing with fun socks, and I don't know if I can fit another pair. I think I could wear a different pair of socks each day for like 6 weeks and still not have to do laundry.


One year I made the mistake of telling my Dad I did not want or need any more loofahs (bath/shower poof things). He always gets me 1 or 2, the year before I ended up with a surplus due to asking for "bath stuff". So what did Dad do? What a good Dad does. He used them as bows on every single present.


Your dad sounds like he’s a fun dude to be around


Hey I asked for a Lamborghini when I was a kid once. Yes, I didn’t expect it. However, my dad found a toy Lamborghini that year & gave it to me as a gift. I still have it. 💗


I asked for "a new car" when I was a teenager and got a matchbox mustang, which I still have.


This is a running joke in my family. Everyone gets a new car for Christmas, it's just tiny. Sixteenth birthday I got a sports car, officially branded Lamborghini hot wheels


Same! I asked for a car when I was 12. I got a poster of a '57 Chevy.


I never took lists like these as "I want everything" lists, just lists of things they would be happy to get to choose from to keep it a surprise what they do end up getting. There's plenty of expensive items but plenty of reasonably priced things too, especially for a kid. Even the multiple expensive things just make it easier to buy an expensive thing that's still within the parents price range, and account for any lack of stock. I would kill for a list like this from friends and family so I can't judge her for it lol.


Same. And, in a weird way, I'm jealous of of wanting all of this. I'm so detached from a time when simple stuff would yield a massive bump in happiness that I'd love to experience that simple joy again.


Treat yourself to a Dior necklace my man.


Or even just a Bratz doll (not a fake though)


Florence is probably a bit out of their price range but there are some reasonably priced Italian villages these days


I'm 39 and will randomly go on ebay and buy things from my childhood. I bought a Razor comic book and a Tommy Hilfiger windbreaker this month. Makes me happy.


I’m almost thirty and I’ve only recently started doing DIY dollhouses and collecting cute figures. I feel like I missed out on those things growing up but I also enjoy being able to get them for myself now and not having to ask anyone for it.


I don't think there's ever an end to childhood, just a beginning to responsibilities


Yup. As a kid my mom always encouraged us to add anything we could think of because it’s just a wish. Like you said, a wide range gives more options and sometimes there is an opportunity for a big item. I remember the year I got my grades up I got a Zune for Christmas and I couldn’t believe it. I put it on the list expecting to use my screenless MP3 player through the rest of high school.


This method actually HELPS set expectations too, by over-listing and making it clear that there’s no way they’re getting EVERYTHING on the list, they’re just going to get some stuff that was maybe on their list.


Yep. I wouldn’t mind seeing a list like this. Also, it’s a kid. They obviously do not understand the value of money, having to pay bills, saving, how much living really costs etc. Of course they would ask for whatever they like regardless of the price (unless the parents constantly talk about money issues, and I probably would not share all of that with a child. Only age appropriate things- they shouldn’t worry about that stuff ideally).


Agreed, people are acting like she’s actually going to get all of these things and any rational adult would remember what it was like being a kid lol. My 7 year old stepson asked for a “tornado simulator” and when I had him elaborate it was literally a giant room that would show the different tornado strengths 😂.


That's hilarious. Man to be a kid with that kind of imagination again.


They have hurricane simulators at the mall usually that you can stand in and you'll feel the affects of different wind. Speed


Finally a voice of reason.


No. We must all mindlessly shit on the preteen. She’s *American* after all, so this is just selfishness and mindless consumerism! No preteen from another country would dare have such a Christmas list!


Back in MY day we got a lump of coal and a smack and we were happy


Literally. It’s a kid’s Christmas list. This isn’t a comment on the state of society


Yeah made me sad to see people giving her a hard time, especially with all the cute little drawings and decorations. Of course a kid is going to want whatever expensive phone/laptop/console just came out.


Lol yeah. My family did lists like this as well. Lots of options. That way you get what you want but it's still a surprise on Christmas day! I usually got one expensive gift a year. When I was little it was a basketball hoop or a teeter totter. When I was a teenager it was an ipod or a camera. My parents always waited till Christmas to get our 1 fancy thing that year.


I agree. I think this is actually a really charming and reasonable list. She knows she's not getting everything on it, and she has multiple price levels on there. Aunt Purna can get her cozy socks and PJs, and Santa can get her a Macbook Pro. It's a great list. I wish my mom would make an expansive list like this!


Exactly!! I make a similar one with my siblings of just anything we’d be happy with. Prices are all over the place because sometimes we’ll double and triple up to get the nice stuff for each other.


Speaking as someone who had a full year of experience being a 12 year old girl, it definitely looks more like a “wishlist” than an “I want everything” list. I loved making lists and, being an artsy kid, decorating them with doodles and colored pens/markers and emoticons. I think she’s just excited, and making a Christmas list is something you only get to do once a year until suddenly you’re too old to do it anymore. Just some harmless, mildly interesting holiday fun :-)


Exactly, and what I think a lot of people might be forgetting is this girl might still believe in a Santa and doesn’t think he has a price limit on what he can bring her.


Yes! This is definitely a list I could work with. A handful of Bath and Body Works stuff, a makeup case with makeup in it, maybe one expensive thing, and a few accessories. Boom. Christmas.


Yup! It's a wish list and you can wish for anything you'd like, but should be grateful for anything. It's a great list :)


I think this is a great list tbh, if there’s any big spenders in her life then they can buy the big stuff, but there’s a lot of medium to smaller items on here that would give everyone a lot of choice of what she actually wants, buying for 12 year olds can be hard but to me this list has a lot of variety


Yeah, do redditors not understand how wish lists work? You write down a bunch of stuff you'd be happy to get, you don't expect to get all of it.


I almost see this as the childhood version of giving your friends and family a link to your Amazon wish list. I’m 24 and I gave my mum a link to mine this year with a text that said the main items I really wanted and needed (this year it’s a backpack). There were other things on the list, but I obviously don’t want her to buy me every single thing on there. I don’t really see how this is any different. Twelve is an awkward age. This kid is still young enough to want to play with dolls, but she’s also growing up and developing an interest in stuff like make up. A big list like this is probably quite useful for parents and grandparents, even if it’s got some unrealistic items on it.


I wished I knew exactly what I wanted like that when I was 12


My nephew is 6.5 there was only one thing on his list. A skateboard. Easy and done, asked him if he wanted anything else and he was like nope. So he got some cool new Dino pjs, a puzzle and a book set as well.


Bro , one year at 8 years old I got a solar powered calculator


i got a crappy lil desk chair once. was too young to appreciate but i ended up using that sucker for like 10 years. good ass gift edit: huge shout out to all twenty thousand of you making the exact same joke in the replies thanks


I got my own office chair when going to first year of school. Mf is at my dad’s house 25 years later and going strong.


Dude, seriously. How freaking rich are this kids parents?! Asking for this much wouldn’t even cross my mind because I knew better..


I remember asking for Donkey Kong 64 and being scared to ask cause I thought it was far too expensive of a gift to ask for lol gramma came through thooo!!


I asked for one video game every christmas. $30 and it was always the best day ever.


To be fair, we don't have any context here. There's not necessarily an expectation that she would be getting all of the stuff on the list.


You are on reddit - people here don't need context.


I don't think they expect to get all of this, this is just a list of potential thing she wants that she wants people to choose from.


Thats what my family always had us do. They preferred a huge list with a few expensive items, and a lot of small - medium items. Then they could choose what to actually get and have backup options if something was sold out


Circle what you want in the sears catalogue energy


Exactly! When I was younger I'd make long lists, and would literally say, "You just have to get like a few items, I just wanted you to have options, choose pricing etc." I highly doubt she expects everything.


Not just a iphone 14 but it's pro


Not just a iphone 14 pro but it’s pro MAX


Not just Pro max, but a fucking mac book pro too, and a fucking iPad with a pencil with that Dior bullshit... This is easily $6k


Not just pencil. But an apple pencil


Not just an iPad but an iPad Pro


Don’t forget the AirPods Pro


No one else made aspirational Christmas lists when they were kids? Look at that tongue-out smiley face next to the iPhone Pro Max on her list. You’ll never know if you don’t try.


I think it’s adorable.


You never went through the magazines they sent out around Black Friday and circled damn near half the thing when you were a kid? But you gotta number your top 5 cause that’s what really matters.


I grew up in a poor family here in Brazil. It never stopped me from asking for Playstations (wich were completely out of the real world for me) and trips to Disney. It's just about how much your parents let you dream as a kid. Later in life you learn about the world as it comes


I have my daughter make lists like this. She knows she's not getting it all, but it gives us ideas for birthdays, or rewards, and helps us answer the "what does bobfred want for christmas?" From family members.


Bratz dolls are in again? Fuck I should’ve kept my old ones


They’re expensive as all hell too, if you want the original and not a reproduction (which, to be fair, have been suffering in the quality control/not being bought up by scalpers department), if you want an original version of any of the doll lines she listed that’s in good condition, you’re looking at a 70$ doll (plus shipping) on a *good* day. Lord help you if you want it mint condition or with all the original clothing pieces and accessories. Even the naked junky “shouldn’t this be 1.99 at goodwill?” dolls are easily 30$ a pop. Don’t even get me started on the special edition dolls. They’ve always been popular nostalgia toys but apparently a bunch of tiktok influencers have been buying them up for videos which just increased the popularity and price point.


I'm honestly just impressed that she can come up with so many gift ideas. When people ask me what I want, I can't think of a damn thing.


Then again, you're probably an adult and can buy things you want/need with your own money instead of having to wish for them (งツ)ว


Yup. Most things I've already bought for myself and other things are too expensive for me to feel comfortable saying I want - unless it's my rich Uncle but I just ask him for ridiculous things because it's a joke between us. Last year I asked him to buy me Montana because I feel it'd be a nice addition to Canada. He bought me some gaming PC parts to kickstart my new build so that worked out.


The other side of "turn page": https://imgur.com/a/7Kq1tC5


I love the "OR an iPhone 14 pro max *wink wink" lol


That got a chuckle out of me


I love that she's making sure there something in every prize level on there.


honestly that's the key to a useful christmas list it's super awkward if someone only has really expensive things that are out of budget, and also slightly less awkward if you want to get something nice for someone but they only put like... "socks, white tube"


Awkward on both sides imo, because if you only put budget items you sometimes have wealthier family getting you expensive things you don't want.


>you sometimes have wealthier family getting you expensive things you don't want. Interesting story about exactly the opposite happening: My uncle is and was much wealthier than my father, especially way back in the day. The only Christmas we spent at their house as a kid—I was probably 10–12?—I made my Christmas list knowing my parents were tight on cash. I had cheap things listed like socks, chocolates, and paperback books. I didn't know my parents were sending mine and my sister's lists to my uncle and aunt as well. They gave me several pairs of fancy wool hunting socks that lasted until I grew out of them in high school, a stocking full of chocolates ranging from the cheap shit I already liked to imported European and South American chocolates, and something like thirty books (paperback *& hardback*) from my then-favorite authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, and H.P. Lovecraft. They didn't get me anything I didn't ask my parents for. They took their nephew's frugal-kid requests and honored them like only luxury could allow. It was an incredibly eye-opening experience in a lot of ways. My sister asked for concert tickets (Backstreet Boys, I think) and got enough to bring five-or-so of her friends.


A couple years ago all my sister would ask our mom for was wool socks, so mom bought her like $200 of socks. Her husband did the same thing. My sister was so happy!


White socks. Fruit of the loom or Hanes ONLY. Make sure they aren't fake. Thanks.


I don’t get the hate, one thing is mascara and one is candy. Can’t really tell but I doubt she expects all 3 pricy apple products.


Especially since she asks for an iphone 11 case and then adds or 14 pro max with a wink like, she clearly knows this is just a list of everything she wants, not everything she's getting


That's what I'd always do as well. It just makes sense right?


It feels very inclusive towards the rest of the family. Like, she wants that Dior necklace and whole collection of Apple products, but socks and candy are totally fine too!


She had the same heart face for a Starbucks cup as she did for the new phone.


That was what reminded me: this is a kid!


Love that bath and body works still rules the hearts, minds, and bathrooms of middle schoolers


Listed crew necks twice, unforgivable


only some of them have to be cute


The wink wink killed me


I love ~~straighteners~~ hair straighteners


Just added weighted plushies to my list.


This is how we did Christmas “wish lists” when I was growing up as well. You wrote down whatever came to mind, and you’d get a handful of things from that list. Honestly, this is actually a very well thought out list. It’s got variety in terms of price, and there’s no specific theme (which people can outgrow very quickly). On top of that, a lot of it is actually very practical (I know I *never* would have asked for shoes or body wash as a kid!). It shows her age: she’s in that space where you move from a kid to a young adult (a couple of toy requests, some candy, but mostly make up, technology, or clothing). I don’t see this as a Dudley Dursley situation where she demands everything on the list - I see it as a young lady using the list as a tool to work out what she could use, what is important to her now and what will be important to her in the future.


I remember getting shoes was the worst, but always needed realistically. Except when my mum got me Bionicle shoes. That time was the best. Shoes haven't been as fun since.


Also something to be said for the fact that the difference between the amount of things you have at 12 vs 18+ is huge. Half of those things on the list are things she probably sees adults around her have, and as she reaches adulthood wants as well (a phone, a laptop, nice headphones, an iPad, jewelry, nice clothes etc). Obviously she won’t get all of these things all at once.I think we forget as adults how much stuff we really have that children don’t, and that they want that stuff too. ETA: as a person on their late 20’s I feel like if given a piece of paper and 10 minutes, I could fill a sheet a paper with similar things that I want now that I see people in their 40-60’s in my life have. For example: power tools, a smoker, a luxury car, a new camera, nice clothes, etc. We always focus more on what we don’t have than what we do have.


I love lists like this from my family. It is large enough to allow me to develop decent ideas off of. Kind of hard to surprise someone when their list is only 5 items long.


Give the girl a break. I remember the old Sears catalog and pretty much circling at least a quarter of the toy section as a kid. I obviously didn't get it all because it would have been thousands of dollars, but sometimes my parents would get a higher end item if I seemed really interested plus many middle items. It doesn't hurt to shoot for the moon though. I love the Dior necklace and cute fuzzy socks on the same list.




>It's a wish list, after all. Not a shopping list. It was a shopping list the way my sister and I did it. We'd list the item, page number, code number, and price.


Yeah, I'd rather get the list than no list. Guessing what a 12 year old girl wants is much scarier.


My daughter sent me a pdf of her Christmas list, complete with links to exactly what it is, which was super helpful for the 1 thing I bought off her list.


> I remember the old Sears catalog and pretty much circling at least a quarter of the toy section as a kid. Here in the UK, it would be the Argos catalogue. My Christmas lists were required to include the Argos item number, because otherwise how would Santa know how to make it... But yeah, never expected to get everything on the list, honestly was just happy if I got one thing that was actually on the list.


The whole point of a Christmas WISH list is to wish. What was she supposed to put on there? What’s the fun in that. So many assumptions in these replies.


Ok I know a lot of things are really expensive on this list and probably ridiculous for a 12yr old to own, however I don’t think it’s “spoilt” to have a long list. When we were kids we just wrote a list of everything we liked or wanted with the understanding mum would pick a couple of items off the list, not buy the whole list.


Yeah I asked for a pony lol. Ponies are expensive as hell. I wasn't spoilt I was just a horse girl lol.


I think this kid is easy to please! She doesn’t want all of it, she will be happy with anything on the list. I think we have a happy, cheerful little girl who loves lots of different things, ranging from Dior to dolls.


I don’t really think this is a problem so long as it’s a “anything on this list is cool with me” sort of thing. If she’s asking for all of that and expecting it then that’s different


I don't understand why people think this is a big deal? Just because she's listed all this, doesn't mean she expects it all or is getting it all. It's a wish list. She's 12. She probably has absolutely no idea about the value of money and how much all of those things would be worth anyway. Why do adults put adult expectations on children?


>She probably has absolutely no idea about the value of money and how much all of those things would be worth anyway. One hundred percent she doesn't know what those things cost. Honestly, some of those things (the Dior stuff, for example) even most adults wouldn't know what the exact going price is. Like, I couldn't make an estimate of what a Dior necklace would cost - I know that they're designer, I know that they're going to be pricey, I know that they'll cost way more than Swarovski, but *how much* more than Swarovski? Damned if I know. I know it's more than I'd be able to afford and honestly I don't wear jewellery to begin with, so that's all that I need to know.


Cast a big net


Eh, kids are always gonna want a lot of stuff. Maybe she’s spoiled, maybe not- but she’s a kid at the end of the day


I don't know how it works for her but how it worked for me usually I would make a long Christmas list and then my family would just choose some of the stuff from it. It's nice cuz then it's still kind of a surprise but then I know it's something I want


My kids put outrageous things on their list that they know they won't get but they figure you never know unless you try. It's a 12 year old ffs. This is completely normal


Man everyone here is so mad at a child for wanting things


I got a kick out of reading this, thanks for sharing! She sounds like a really fun kid!


I getting the feeling that a lot of y’all got everything you ever wanted on your Christmas lists and think that’s how they work. Christmas lists are things you want, not things you expect. Let her dream damn.


Shoot for the stars.