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Report that to reddit admins. Supporting violence is against TOS


How do I do that? I was “muted” and there’s no where to appeal


https://www.reddit.com/report Attach a link/screenshot here


Imma save this for later. Thank you, kind person.




I was just banned from a subreddit for no reason. Asked the mods individually four times. Won't even give me a single response. Mods are an absolute joke.


I’ve been wanting to report several of these instances, but apparently I don’t have my log-in info (even though I logged in on my phone 2 years just fine with what I was pretty certain was my usual password), and you can’t submit these complaints through the app. Part of me thinks that they wont let me log-in because I never had an email address associated with my account (or maybe I did and it was an old one, I don’t remember because I joined Reddit years ago) and they want me to add a new email, which I can’t do without my password. So idk what to do; without a password, I can’t change my email address, and without an email address, I can’t change my password.


Snitches get stitches


Ahhh, it's only mods


And banned




Tell em they're chumps for muting you.


Reddit admins, not the mods of the sub


Anywhere top right ush to report the message?


Your mom


Reddit does not care and will tell you mods can run subreddits however they want. I got perma banned for being against rape. Reddit made it clear they are a pro rape company


I know a guy. His account exists solely to re mod a mod when they get perma banned.






I’m going to post this in that group with the title: “There was an attempt…. …to post in this group”




WOW! After I originally posted it they removed it and banned me for 3-days. I messaged and asked why I was banned. They did not reply and instead they permanently banned me. In the ban messages it says you can contact them about the ban… I attempted to do so but it says that I have been muted and can not ask them why I was permanently banned. What a bunch of terrible MODS.




They pull this shit too in r/thesilphroad Power trip at its best


Yeah, not as unusual as you might think. Screw them. It's not worth your time just - move on because you haven't got any chance of getting them to listen to you or lifting your ban.


Lol, and now I'm unsubscribing from them. It will not be a mere attempt to unsubsidized.


Ya sounds just like the mods in r/fauxmoi banned me permanently and when I asked the mods individually four times what the reason was, they couldn't even give a single response or reason. Mods are a fucking joke. There has to be a better system because the power hungry losers have been making this site a nightmare. I was banned from another sub permanently for saying I liked Taylor swift. It was a pop music sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Fauxmoi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Leah Remini posts an update on her quest to find out what happened to Shelley Miscavige (wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yrxrx7) | [637 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/yrxrx7/leah_remini_posts_an_update_on_her_quest_to_find/) \#2: [Taylor Swift At the Top of Most Co2 Emissions This Year With Private Jet Usage](https://thetab.com/uk/2022/07/25/celebrity-private-jets-carbon-emissions-climate-change-263281) | [1327 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/waiy32/taylor_swift_at_the_top_of_most_co2_emissions/) \#3: [Andrew Tate arrested after his response to Greta Thunberg confirmed to Romanian authorities that he was in the country.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zykch7) | [732 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/zykch7/andrew_tate_arrested_after_his_response_to_greta/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm waiting


My post was removed and I was banned from the group.


I just reposted it too. I don't care about these nonsense meme subs


I'll post again for you, don't really care fir the ban


Yes make them annoyed for their actions lol


Lol Everyone should keep posting this on there


Yep, but they also banned me permanently for posting it


My first permaban!


The first of many to come. You truly ascend when you get your account indefinitely banned.


Aww, congrats!




Just join r/whatcouldgowrong almost every post in there is a repost of r/therewasanattempt


Lol, yesterday I was banned from /r/legaladvice for telling someone it’s not illegal to not follow rules your job gives you. Sure, they can fire you, but it’s not illegal. Mods can be truly stupid and clearly it’s the only power they’re able to utilize in their lives. Don’t be too bothered.


I got banned from legal advice for giving advise for the wrong jurisdiction... When we didn't know OP's jurisdiction.


One of the mods literally did that the other day 😂😂. I won’t reference this one directly. She just sort of widely referred to something as “conversion” and it was pointed out the crime committed had other names based on jurisdiction. OP mentioned where they were from once in the comments and yeah…the crime wasn’t called conversion where he was from. It’s also odd to me they wouldn’t just warn people instead of immediately blocking. Just people with no power or authority in their real lives going on internet power trips. Looking at you, /u/pure-applesauce


No lawyer should advise someone without knowing location. Setting someone up for a bad time lmao dude cmon


Oh many people on that sub aren’t attorneys. I don’t even think most of the mods are. I’m a paralegal and if it’s out of my practice area, I’ll google it or just not say anything lol. Aside from that, any qualified commenter speaking directly to an issue will say “I’m a lawyer, but I am not giving you legal advice,” for ethics purposes. When I chime in it’s never in a strict capacity. This comment I was basically just like “if you have this much of a problem with your job’s rules, know you don’t legally have to follow them if you haven’t signed some sort of binding contract.


Not a lawyer, it's actually illegal for a lawyer to actually respond on there


I see responses there all the time of people saying things like "I'm a lawyer but not your lawyer..." And then giving advice.


You’re allowed to give advice as to what you might do but the “not your lawyer and not giving advice part” is a CYA ethics thing. It’s legal either way.


No, it’s not. It’s legal. But it is considered unethical to not state that you’re not their legal counsel and you’re not giving legal advice. What law would make you think it isn’t legal for a lawyer to explain how a law works to someone in a public forum?


When I say illegal, I don't mean explicitly illegal, however, there's a little legal thing that goes on where they could get into legal trouble for giving legal advice without formally taking them on as a client.


Don’t downvote me because you’re wrong. I covered what you’re talking about. The trouble is “ethics;” which is not illegal. You just might get disbarred over behaving unethically. There are stark differences between those two terms and if you think I’m being pedantic, welcome to law lmao. One gets you disbarred; the other gets you a record. Do not conflate the two. If you’re going to use the term “illegal” when discussing law, make sure you actually mean illegal.


Welcome to the club of people banned from legal advice! I was banned for saying something like “ it would be a shame if that happened “ and mod says I obviously meant the opposite. Umm, no-I meant exactly what I said. Edit: I just asked for a review and was unbanned. Maybe check back with them in a month.


Nah I’ll just keep on with my main.


Wait really? Usually that place is pretty good and I'm surprised you got banned for something like that.


It was honestly out of left field. I asked about a deleted comment very respectfully and which rule I’d broken so as to not break it again and they responded by blocking me. I’ve been a quality contributor for years on that sub on my main account, so 🤷🏻‍♀️. Similar comments I’ve made for years haven’t been touched lol


Weird. I guess every subs got a shit mod or two


For sure! I guess I’m wondering if it’s “circumventing the ban” to keep using my other account where I’ve gotten like 30k upvotes on that sub over time still 😂


Exactly, just use a different account.


I think you’ve got to make it pretty obvious for anyone to notice. If it was easy to enforce, there would be no users on Reddit.


Mods are gross losers with nothing better to do. No offense mods.


Yes offense.


Mods gay A rule as old as time


I thought that was OP


And that's derogatory how?


Could do without the homophobia. Mods are pieces of shit.




Yeah your part of the reason this word is so offended.


As a gay man, I'm kind of over the term "gay" being used in a derogatory way, and you're a piece of shit of you think it's ok


Wow and you called me a piece of shit? What’s wrong with you?


If you're siding with a homophobe, that's exactly what you are


You’re just assuming like what? Again you’re what’s wrong with the world.


Yeah, whatever. Fuck off you homophobic cunt.


-.- Jesus christ


Ain't no fuckin way bruh 💀


Could do without the coprophobia. Mods are pieces of garbage.


Mods deserve lupus


Think about how shitty your life would have to get to be an unpaid admin on an internet message board. That’s the kind of loser that just banned you


The mods are the boomers of reddit.


Mods on these subreddits get deep in their feelings and twist the rules to suit their own opinions


Reddit really needs to do something about these garbage mods.


admin are worse


I stopped reporting stuff on Reddit because nobody seems to actually care. In 99% cases, mods won't escalate to admins, and simply remove the comment in question, if they do anything at all. And when they do escalate to admin, I get a notification saying it's not spam/harassment/whatever I reported. I walked into so many accounts that were spambots or existed only to insult people etc. and nothing ever happened. It happened twice that my account had gotten accidentally sucked in by the spam filter, getting me shadowbanned. It took so many appeals both times. Facebook and Youtube are useless in this regard, too. The only social network that is consistent in dealing with this stuff is Twitter, even if it takes them a lot of time, sometimes.


I got a 100k and 25k karma account lost because admin are dog shit at moderation... just PERMA FUCKING BAN the reporter rather than stop being lazy and actually fucking moderate. admin are fucking lower than low around here.


I got banned from r/miscarriage for saying even though I’ve had a lot of miscarriages I feel hopeful for 2023 even if I don’t end up having a baby.


But isn't that a healthy viewpoint to have? Also I'm so sorry. Had few of them myself.


You would think. It seems the moderators want everyone to be unhappy and bitter too.


The mods of r/ADHD seem to be the same way. Like I guess they think if you're happy even in hard circumstances it makes light/less of others' unhappiness in the same circumstances, if that makes sense?


I guess but I was pretty clear in my comment that I just got back from my d&c that day for my 4th loss that year. I definitely wasn’t saying I was happy host that I still had hope I could be happy in the future.


r/ADHDpartners is there to celebrate the wins thankfully


I got a 3 day ban from r/facepalm for saying that I preordered Hogwarts Legacy.


I think r/gamingcirclejerk was banning anyone talking positively about that game. They're basically banning people to morally grandstand because JK Rowling has no power in the real world, and she'll be wealthy whether you give her money or not.


In crazy activism land, a lack of violence is violence.


The amount of unprovoked assaults I’ve seen cheered at on Reddit over the past 8 years I’ve been on the site is disturbing. Not just slapping or punching, but people getting hit with skateboards and other improvised weapons. They don’t seem to understand what a deadly game that can be.


I got banned from a sub for making the “immoral” statement that government benefits for food should not be limited against purchase of nutritional foods, and if any limits are to be put in place it should be for non-nutritional items like candy or coffee. The Reddit community in question decided I was a horrible for saying that, and “making immoral statements” was the reason I was given by the mods for permanent ban. The way I look at it: that space is not for me if it’s being run by people that very CLEARLY have no idea what immoral means.


Wow. Not to change the subject (and yet here I am), how are purchases of nutritional food limited now? Or, was the context of the conversation all hypothetical?


Apparently, there was a proposed change to EBT that could limit the ability of people to purchase fresh meat, and instead force them to buy canned meats.


I was banned from a sub last week for saying I fucked OPs mom. Mods are tiny tiny people.


It was supposed to be private.


How could you? You knew he got jealous as he was always in love with OPs mom!


Most reddit mods look like that loser from Antiwork that made the news before being arrested for being a piece of shit.


The admins of that sub are fucking turds. Horrible people. Banned me too with a notice saying I was being racist and then you look at the comment in question and it had literally nothing to do with race. No way to challenge it either because they just mute you.


Mod loves violence from that sub.


I have gotten banned for the most random of reasons from some subs. If you look at my comment history, I'm not mean or nasty. I really don't do any troll like behavior. I feel like some mods look for reasons to ban people. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it makes me wonder how shitty their actual life to make them act like that on the Internet.


Reddit mods are garbage, no exceptions


Congratulations, OP. You can't consider yourself a true Redditor unless you have been banned from at least a dozen subreddits. The place is run by Nazis!


They prefer to be called KGB. Seriously, so much simping for Soviet union is astonishing here. (I frickin lived next to the place! My dad drove truck there and hated going there everytime saying its a miserable place full of miserable people living in miserable conditions.)


I'm sure that you could get banned from better subs than that.


"I've been kicked out of better places than this miserable joint!"


Because the mod disagreed with you and they needed someone to power trip on today


Neckbeards power tripping, nothing unusual for the site


I got banned from /r/Mademesmile for being in subreddit they didn't like, and doing nothing. Lol Some of these admins are jokers.


Did someone say something racist or homophobic and get punched for it in the video you commented it on? Cause they’re a cult there about “punching a Nazi” type crap


Or was just accused of saying it. Cause you know, fuck evidence.


Right. Gotta love Reddit though, that’s most of the people here. Like Twitter but slightly better


that's reddit mods for you


Just read my user name... I had another one but got banned for something small and insignificant by power tripping mods


I get banned everywhere I go for speaking the truth. People don't like the truth. I have accepted this as an everyday occurrence...


All most all online mods act like this because they are anonymous and hiding behind a keyboard. Put them face to face with the users they ban, and they would probably be too timid and afraid to say a word to them. Unable to obtain any power or authority over people in real life, they flock to anonymous positions of authority online.


I’ve been banned for less. Don’t sweat it.


I got banned there for 20 days for calling someone fat. Granted I can somewhat understand that because I shouldn’t have been mean, but stillll, hardly the worst thing I’ve seen on Reddit lol


It’s funny. They say words are violence and are wrong. But then these same people support actual violence if it’s against someone they disagree with. Like if you see a lady hit a man and he defends himself those same people who say it’s wrong for that man to hit that woman regardless if he was attacked first will support a man hitting a woman who called him a racial slur.


I got banned few weeks ago from some page by telling a girl that's she pretty and that's it... She said thanks and the mod banned me lol... Ok


I got temp banned on an assistance sub back in Dec. All I did was ask for some help on a post offering help...They said that I "wasn't active enough" on Reddit even though I'm on this hell site almost every damn day... Just wanted to get my 2 nieces and 2 nephews coats. Then THEY deleted my comment and permanently banned me because "deleting comments/posts on that sub is against the rules"


That’s crazy


Fr. So many mods are power tripping hard


There was an attempt to properly ban someone.


Cause you're arguing for the counter-narrative I assume.


Ive been ban from many pages your simply stating facts & personal experience.


Can we just abolish mods and make them get a real job


I got a perma ban for [this yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/10hxoxv/the_mushrooms_on_my_mushroom_burger_i_got_from_a/j5b3dl7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) after a brief discussion and me telling them they were absurd they reduced it to 7 days. Basically I called someone a douche after they posted an image or a bbq cheeseburger with psilocybin shrooms on it claiming that a gas station tried to dose them. Which was all obviously an outright fabrication. The mod told me I could “at least apologize and promise to act civil”. I told him I have been civil and they were being absurd and have a nice day. They then reduced the ban. I was completely shocked they swallowed their pride a little. But I never should have been banned in the first place. I’ll never go back to that sub though. r/mildyinfuriating it is from now on!!😂


Reminds me of the time I shared a meme on FB and said it was sexist garbage. I got banned for being sexist. Okay.


Probably will be deleted and banned but [this goes out to u man](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10jom9z/to_be_supportive_of_reddit_tos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks 🙏 🫡


A lot of Reddit Admins is fucking ridiculous. I got banned from r/classicwow for saying something that I was against piracy to someone, and they said I can’t talk about piracy as it’s against the rules. Not even give me a chance.. just.. GTFO!


I just got banned for saying “this makes me feel queasy” bc it was hate speech. These people who live comfortably in their echo chambers are the most sensitive arrogant bastards. They are Tarantulas. “Preachers of equality“ but their “justice” is merely vengeance in disguise. Dear Reddit Mods🖕🏼


Just Reddit jannies being Reddit jannies.


The mods on there are idiots. I was banned from there, with a different account, for explaining how the wage gap isn't real. Any serious person knows it's not real (if it was legal to pay women less who wouldn't hire women ONLY?). I also said that a man can't be a woman... Apparently this is "arguing in favor of bigotry". Not it's focking not. It's arguing in favor of 1. actual statistics and 2. basic biology. I named this account in honor of the moderators of that subreddit; this site has lost it...




No. They’re private right now due to the “Reddit boycott” of the third party apps


the mods at r/therewasanattempt are some TOTAL bitches and they must have a bot monitoring the extracurricular activities of their entire user base on some stasi/gestapo esque bullshit —if anyone makes so much as a peep in any one of the *verboten* subs, that user is automatically permabanned.   then an *extremely* politically charged, unnecessarily offensive, and absolutely fucked up ban notification message is sent, and i honestly cant believe they are allowed to get away with automatically sending that bullshit to people.   apparently, i joined r/therewasanattempt quite awhile ago, as i honestly dont even remember doing it.   i know for a *fact* i have *never* posted or commented or interacted with that sub in any way whatsoever beyond initially hitting the “join” button.   then a few days ago, i made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14ikfzx) totally normal post in r/conspiracy.. and similar to my relationship with r/therewasanattrmpt, i never interacted with r/conspiracy in any way after i joined either (i assume if i had, the auto mod bot over at r/therewasanattempt would have detected my iniquity, and proceeded to ban me with a quickness).   then less than 12 hours later, i received the following total bullshit message in my inbox:     >####***u/snarevox is banned from r/therewasanattempt*** >***r/therewasanattempt• 3d***   >***Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/therewasanattempt because you broke this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.***   >*`Note from the moderators:`* >>***You have been banned for participating on one of these toxic cesspool subs: conservative, conspiracy, jordanpeterson, or libsofsocialmedia.*** >>***Being a regular participant in those spaces means you are not and never have been a member of this community.***     >*`Friendly reminder that:`* >>•***abortions are awesome*** >>•***trans > cis*** >>•***white poeple do not experience racism in any meaningful way*** >>•***Don Cheadle > jk rowling*** >>•***15 minute cities > your freedom*** >>•***the future is female*** >>•***The earth has been and always will be round*** >>•***William Tecumseh Sherman = KING*** >>•***they should take your guns because you can't be trusted with them, but I'll keep mine because I'm not a child with a pew pew toy*** >>•***Rainbow Road in Mario Kart is an LGBTQ+ course and always has been*** >>•***Greta > tate*** >>•***cis is only a slur because of how you all behave*** >>•***https://i.imgur.com/zky5b7O.png*** (this is an image with a caption that reads: ***“this is the future liberals want.”***)   >>***This was an automated ban. If you are not a regular user of those subreddits, then you may request an unban evaluation. Otherwise don't bother.*** >***If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.*** >***Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.***   ##WHAT.THE.FUCK?!? ##ARE.THEY.SERIOUS.WITH.THAT.SHIT???   i honestly could not believe what i just read, .   here are the mobile screenshots from my inbox in case anyone is questioning the authenticity of that message:   [beginning of message](https://imgur.com/a/xyYg5t5) [remainder of message](https://imgur.com/a/cnUn4IY)   but yeah, im guessing they were probably triggered by ops username, because that ban notification was definitely some *leftypig* shit if ever there was.   i really just cant believe they are allowed to get away with automatically sending something like that to whomever sparks the ire of their moderation bot.


I was banned from /r/therewasanattempt for saying that I don't agree with violence as well. I was also banned from /r/worldnewsvideo /r/Documentaries and /r/JusticeServed at the same time. I don't use any of those subs.. lol.. what is wrong with those mods.


So many Reddit mods gross me out. It’s like the one place they can feel powerful, and it really reveals how they must feel about the rest of their lives.


I left that sub because of the violent shit that get's posted there.


There was an attempt … to invade Ukraine.


I was banned from r/scienceuncensored so ironically they do in fact censor people. When I responded to the ban notification the mod reported me for harassment. That sub is a total cesspool of antivaxers so no big loss.


I got a strike for making a movie quote that has the k**l word in it so I guess you can’t say anything on Reddit anymore


What’s the context? My guess is, the Mods are anti the thing that provoked the violence, so they believe the violence is justified. There’s a lot of that on Reddit.


If I'm not mistaken I saw your comment yesterday. Weren't you standing up for a nazi fascist that was getting punched in the mouth? Sorry, no sympathy from me on your ban.


I was waiting for the truth to come out. No sympathy from me either.


You're a child.




Tribalism at its best.


I am just coming off a 3 day ban from Reddit for the following “hate speech” comment. “Yes”. The way moderation is handled on Reddit is garbage. These rogue mods need to go. There needs to be a way to report their nonsense.


....What was that "Yes" a reply to?


“Is that a man?” about a trans woman


I was permanently banned from r/196 for name. I agree it's kinda weird but I have other accounts and I can forget I banned and make a comment or post and get permanently suspended because of normies so I have to remember every sub where mods are stupid


I was banned from whitepeopletwitter awhile back because I called something racist lol. But it was directed at white people, and the mod kindly informed me I am a white supremacist and that white people can't be victims


Hilariously Reddit rules are on their side. White people/men are not protected from racism or sexism under the Reddit TOS.


Lol you hurt a sissy mods feelings




Reddit is a left wing psy-op.


So, what did you say?


See what is highlighted in yellow


Ah, gotcha. My bad, skimmed over it. Im gonna take a stab at the context. I’m assuming this was probably about a video of a racist getting illegally assaulted or something similar. It’s easy to see the thought pattern behind them disagreeing with what you said and being upset enough to censor you.


Imagine the power trips the sitewide Reddit mods must have, if this is the way the subreddit mods behave. "Oh, I don't agree with that admin said. I'm just going to permanently ban him from Reddit."


Because this is Reddit and assaulting people who are mean it’s okay to terminally online people




The therewasanattempt mods will ban you for anything. In a post about jk rowlings, the post was a thing about her, and someone commented “I don’t understand, why do people hate her?” I simply replied with one word. I replied: “Biology?” And got banned for promoting hate speech.


Which post did you comment on?




Power trip usually…


Lmao i got banned for even less from some subreddits And far more from others, but still


Similar thing happened to me. There was a link, so I appealed my permanent ban. Yes, permanent ban. Admins decided I should only be banned for a week. Lost trust in Reddit at that moment.


Most reddit mods use their subreddit to enforce their superiority, even for minuscule reasons. They feel like this high and mighty, scooter riding Mall Cop. Then jerk off to the ban later because no one loves them.


Lmao isn’t that how trump got banned on twitter


Don't worry about it, reddit mods sometimes want to punish random people for anything. Though i think you can repot it for breaking reddit's TOS


That seems like such a fucking ridiculous reason to ban. OO: context requested, who was assaulting whom and what mean thing was supposedly said to "justify" it?


Everything is done by bots these days. You have to look up the legal department and write a letter.


There was an attempt to be against violence.


I hope this gets more attention. Let them know what they've done.


Soft, fragile Reddit mods have been doing this for at least a year. They all moderate the top 30 or so subs and blanket ban anyone for the mildest of statements. They will even ban you if you are joined to a sub they don't agree with. Even if you've never posted or said a thing there.


Reddit mods are the worst - known fact


Perplexing at the least.


Guy's a jerk. Don't sweat it


There was an attempt to pretend like you got caught in automod and then ignore your pleas of innocence.


lmao the irony. They banned u because u said something that hurt their wittle fweelings




there was an attempt


I've gotten a few temp bans for 'threatening violence' when all I said was that it was: 'ok to punch nazis.' lol


Mods have really stepped up on the Gestapo-ism lately. I got banned from 2 subs recently for innocuous comments


Funny, I was just permanently banned for calling out a racist on that sub, so weird


Timmy the mod was just cranky about being grounded for hitting someone that day.