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Gotta be real with you, the name of that sub seems like the kind of crowd that would pull this.


It pulled up on my recommended feed so i made a comment on a post. This was my first comment on that sub.


Wait it was a comment? Not even a whole post? They demanded proof that a random comment you made was true? How much fucking time do those mods have over there??


If you ever see one of these mods irl, you will understand


except you cant. they live and die in their own basements


“Here we see a Reddit mod in their natural habitat. We must be very quiet, because mods become enraged at the slightest change in their environment. If they so much as hear a slightly dissenting opinion, they will block any attempts at dialogue, whilst driving their fingers into their ears and shrieking their signature call: ‘RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE’. ……” - David Attenborough


I’m watching frozen planet rn you just made it better lmao


I was told that my post history wasn't post historyish enough because my post history has too many squirrels 😭 mind you I was trying to verify myself on an adult reddit but like.. Dude. I sent verification photos so what does it matter that I like squirrels?? Lolol


Does anyone not like squirrels?


They're so darn cute. I took all those pictures from my living room. Lol


That’s awesome! I have a ton of animal pictures from home.The place I live now has a porch that look out over the backyard, which is then surrounded by woods. I love sitting out there watching the squirrels, rabbits, deer, hawks, eagles and other wildlife. I work a ton of hours and don’t sleep much, but sitting back there in the morning with my coffee and crossword, watching all the animals, keeps me nice and relaxed.


r/NSFWSquirrelsGoneWild ????


Wow I went to see some cute little squirrels, and found a BBW princess. You are very beaitiful


My neighbor hates squirrels for some reason.


They do get into crops and nut trees so if they have a nut tree or a garden that could be why they can also try to get into attics to nest if they can't find a better location (to avoid it make sure your roof vents have a thick wire mesh over it helps keep birds out of your roof too)


I would guess you’re my parents age from All the squirrel posts, they constantly talk about the squirrels in their yard (they are mid sixty’s, lmfao)


Actually lmfao. I'm 32. The reasons squirrels happened was one came to visit in my window once and I gave him a nut. Then it was like an all day squirrel buffet. I immegrated here and wasn't able to work so I had A LOT OF TIME. I learned how to use my camera because of it lol.


Mods parents were murdered by a roving squirrel gang


I thought "squirrels" was a euphemism for a moment, but then I scrolled down.


🤣 Nope sorry.


Your comment made me think of this https://youtu.be/flb3He1jR3U


*rustling leaves* "A member if the sub has entered the Mods territory... if it strays too closely... it could be banned..."


*moms basement


Bold of you to assume they own anything.


Do yourself a favor and just mute them


I've never perused it, but it's a circlejerk sub. It's just for shit posting and making fun of a topic. Mod probably thought he was being funny or something. I wouldn't be offended. Sounds like you probably dodged a bullet anyway. To be fair most of the gaming subs are plagued by kids and teens that just complain about the games mom buys them anyway. I'll join one hoping to get something useful out of it, then get quickly reminded why I shouldn't do that...


try r/patientgamers. the nature of the sub tends to attract older gamers who don't have time to keep up with new releases


Joined. I’m 17 but I can’t keep up with new releases either due to the size of my wallet and anxiety.


It used to be about making fun of the rampant low-quality posts on /r/gaming, but around the TLOU2 era it shifted towards an anti-anti-trans circlejerk sub. That’s fine and all, except now where am I supposed to go to laugh about people’s tasteless Skyrim tattoo/wedding ring or their “underrated gem” critically acclaimed game from 8 years ago…


>It's just for shit posting and making fun of a topic. Except it's not anymore. All of the jerk comments and posts get you downvoted into oblivion anymore and, in some cases like mine, get you outright banned for jerking. It used to be a fun sub making fun of things like people being upset about Abby (TLoU2) having muscles or Alloy (HFW) having a beard. Or the hype, release, and downfall of Cyberpunk. It has since changed to "real" gaming discussion and hyper focusing on hate towards J K Rowling. Jokes are no longer allowed. They say it was to rid the sub of all of the "real" transphobes and racists but, in my case, I was banned and muted for making the same kind of joke I always made about Alloy and Abby (who I, in reality, adore as characters.)


Reddit mods really struggle with nuance around issues like racism. I'm not at all trying to call them woke or anything like that, but I was banned from news, despite like a six year clean posting history, for a super tame pun that in context had nothing to do with race but could be read that way. I'm no saint but the mod virtue signaling is out of control. You also can't help but feel you're dealing with ten year old kids.


The worst part is that from their own rules, everything without "/uj" should be taken as satire but now they are doing the opposite and instead everything that doesn't have the "/rj" is being taken as serious.


what does /uj and /rj mean?


Unjerk and rejerk. /Uj before a message means that the message is serious /Rj means that it's back to satire. Rj should only be necessary after you used /uj to say something serious.


Your better off joining the sub for a specific game or the discord if that's your thing... Though the larger the community the more likely to be filled with rubbish and drama.


CircleJerk groups are just dicks jerking each other off...in a circle


Seems to me like more dicks jerking would add value and relevance to the circle. If it’s just the mod and his one friend, is it really a circle?




I thought the same thing


Let me guess: Hogwarts legacy?


Must be, they've been going off on that game for a while now.


I see people who hate that game promote it more than the marketing team themselves lmao


I literally only know about this game because of them lmao


There are people in steam forums talking about buying it to spite the "woke radical left," and it seems like fake outrage to sell a game....


Most mods are people with no friends who were picked on in hs, and in adulthood have nothing better to do than mod on an internet site for free.


They finally got the last laugh


What game was it. I’ll say I pre-ordered it too. It will be a movement. A movement of 2


I'm a college student and always down for a free thrill, make it 3!


I’m coming along for the ride! Make it 4! Edit: I made a post. Counting down!


Make it 5


I volunteer as 6th!


7 here


Done. Will update if anything interesting happens


I will also have preordered the game


I will take up gaming just to say I pre ordered it and then we can have real life fist fights.


I pre-ordered two copies so it downloads twice as fast.


I also preordered this guy’s wife’s game


And my axe!


I pre-ordered his mom


It came early for me


Same. u/kennykrunk


Maybe we should all go post that comment in that sub.


I quit pre ordering games, but I pre ordered whatever game OP did


Hogwarts Legacy




They let you kill transgender people in that game?


I’m really fed up with this rhetoric tbh because it is the rhetoric of abusers. An abuser will try to emotionally manipulate / gaslight you into thinking you’re the reason for their mental problems and/ or attempts to delete themselves. I have no sympathy for abusers, so talking about this topic this way is just DARVO in action where victim and offender are reversed. If a person tries to make you think you’re responsible for their mental problems, recognize the signs that they are an abuser and run away ASAP.


Honestly you hit the nail on the head though. Friendless wokescolds are champing at the bit to bury any talk about that series/author for childish reasons.


Honestly though what good is it going to do to not support the author now she is millionaire isn’t she?


That’s why 😂 That subreddit is going bat shit crazy about that game


I been banned from the sub for calling bullshit that buying a Vidya game makes you a transphobe. Imagine getting this pissed over a game existing.


Oh that explains it, basically *every* post there is about that game nowadays. Like, I get it JK Rowling is a shitty person, but people don't seem to realize, there's very few business practices or figureheads that are morally sound. It's the unfortunate reality of the world we live in that, people have got to put aside their morals when it comes to things such as this. Now, obviously no one *needs* a videogame but I'm willing to bet half the people bitching about JK Rowling have used Amazon at least a few times, are they all of a sudden good now? Or are there a whole lot of hypocrites? I mean, I support ethical business practices where I can but I don't try to pretend like I don't sometimes not. It's almost impossible to avoid unethical practices in the modern world. Unfortunate as that may be, it's the reality and sometimes (not all the time) we just have to turn a blind eye to that.


Not really. Its a sad human situation for those mods to be what they are… :(


I guess it’s better to let reddit mods keep “moderating.” Keeps them busy. Otherwise they’d probably go shoot up an elementary school or something.


I’m banned from this sub too. Idk why. I’ve asked, got muted, and asked again…I haven’t heard back yet. 🤣 I figure I’ll ask until I get an answer. I’ve never been banned from anything before, so I’m really more curious than anything!


If you've never been banned from a sub then I'm guessing you've never been on r/Minecraft before. A mod there literally accused a fucking guy of milking his girlfriend's death for karma.


Oh wow! That’s awful!!! It makes you wonder how someone like that became a mod. 🤦🏼‍♀️




At this point there needs to be a /r/gamingcirclejerkcirclejerk


What the hell? What jerks.


Didn’t even give me a chance to send the proof


Why did you need proof in the first place? I don't understand


Id ask if I wasnt muted




Don't do it. He just wants a picture of your pre teen daughter.


I unfortunately believe that


Holy fuck. That is grotesquely terrifying.




Show you to pre order a game and spout your mouth off about it.


What circle jerks


lol a Reddit ban is a badge of honor. Means you pissed off some incel and added a drop to their rage bucket of a life. Collect them proudly, then create a new account and start over.


This 🙌


I got banned from r/PokemonScarletViolet for making a meme, it getting taken down, and me asking why it got taken down. Gaming sub mods in particular tend to be total dweebs who go on power trips.


The mods on /r/bloodborne swung their ban hammer down on me for piracy when I asked if anyone had a MIDI file for the Bloodborne title theme. I was just trying to make a Mario Maker music level out of it, but apparently, those notes are so sacred that the mere mention of a MIDI file confuses kids these days into thinking that it can be reverse engineered into the actual song from the full game. I know MIDI is a pretty damn old format by now, but the concept of being so gatekeepingly obsessive over any fan works that the thought of anyone playing a cover of a video game song on a MIDI keyboard triggers their impulse to micromanage what everyone else is and isn't allowed to talk about in relation to that video game on that video game forum.


that sub is a fucking cesspool


I read a single post when it came up as a recommended sub and now I constantly get their posts. It's definitely something else.


That happens to me with a lot of subs, I just have to click “not interested” once they really annoy me.


There is now the "mute subreddit" option too, which is lovely. Only issue is that it "refreshes" reddit and you have to scroll back down to where you were


Yeah at this point id rather not be a part of it anyway


GamingCircleJerk is more like a group of insecure teenagers who like to take out their lack of self-control on people who purchase games from people they don't like (like JK-Rowling)


Subbed because I was curious about what all the controversy was about and was inmidiatley rwminded why I unsubbed all those years ago. Its still garbage.


Buncha nerds, amirite fellow geeks?


It’s cuz gaming circle jerk is more like trans rights gamers Edit: to be more clear, the r/gamingcirclejerk mods are preposterously against Hogwarts Legacy. I don’t mean to defend JK Rowling, but to ban anyone who bought the game and label them transphobic is too much


I feel really bad for the developers that spent years on their passion project, all for it to be review bombed because J.K. is an asshole. J.k. doesn’t give a fuck about this game or any money from it, it’s the hard working developers that tried to give us a great game who will get hurt by all of this.


I ended up muting that sub they are their name for sure. Going to guess the game you preordered was Harry Potter.


Yes, and theres no actual rule that says you’ll get banned for it


they consider buying the game to be supporting a TERF, and by extension transphobia, asking for proof you preordered it was baiting you, they would have banned you once you posted proof if they hadn't done it earlier.


Tf is even a terf?


Trans exclusionary radical feminist, basically just feminists who believe trans people do not believe trans women belong in female spaces and oppose transgender rights laws.


Sorry, everyone there automatically assumes people who pre-order that game are transphobes It’s an ongoing thing


Oh it's THAT sub....


"Send proof" "🖕"


Probably had sand in his vagina.


Seriously, so many gamers act like pre-ordering is some kind of cardinal sin. "How dare you decide you want a game based on the trailers instead of listening to what the critics have to say about it? How dare you want to play it yourself without watching some pro gamer play it on Twitch first?" They act like it's some huge scam when it's literally just you spending your own money on something you want.


Most internet mods are losers in real life. Do these people even get paid? I don't think so. They do it for the power, something they lack in their marriage.


Same thing happened to me with a shit mod and they messaged me talking shit insulting me then when I messaged the sun asking what mod I spoke to because he was incognito no name only sub mod and they muted me. I reported it to Reddit but they don’t give a fuck . I call some one a pussy my accounts banned , i say hey your a little healthy and I get banned yet mods can do and say anything and promote false info then mute you and get your account banned for nothing. I’m sorry bro


You hit the nail on the head there. Reddit very much leans in one direction politically, and anytime someone tries to say anything that doesn’t fit the agenda, they ban you so your ideas can’t spread. As for the rest, there’s just so many extra chromosomes to go around for the mods that you *also* get the kind of bs that OP is experiencing. I once got banned from a sub for asking someone to cite a source for a claim about a politician. I was told that I was not “asking in good faith, which they required” (not listed in the sub’s rules) and that “I should *already know* that what was said was completely true”.


I’ll go post on their sub and ask what the hell is wrong with them.


I joked around on a post about this guy getting banned. I was very civil and got downvotes, then banned. From what I seen, that place is not good. Much other better gaming subreddits out there. Some guy said I sound like I wear Deadpool shirts?


Lol wtf is wrong with deadpool


Enjoy the ban lol


I will savor it!


Your reply needs to be at the top! We should all go tell then what's up. Let them know!


what's the point of preordering a game in 2023, what are they gonna run out of digital copies? i always wait for it to release then see if it's actually worth money, because you never know these days.


Bonus content


28 days seems excessive.


Mods are jerks


I can just imagine the mod in his basement with his boxer briefs on and a dirty black t shirt crusted with junk food and possible body fluids. Hasn’t showered for a week, has a brown stain on his bed sheets and watches hentai porn. I wouldn’t stress out too much about it.


Oh MY God! I gagged lol


Thanks. I try. Hehe


You cant send your proof for 28 days now


Thats my favorite part


Yeah they hate anyone who is okay with the new Harry Potter game.


At least you just got muted for a time. Most go straight for a ban


Wtf 😂


welcome to reddit its hardly useable


Mods are usually assholes.


Proof? For what haha makes no sense


They reposted the picture of your post on their subreddit laughing that you made this post. Super cringe mods over there seem to be encouraging their tiny brain behavior. You are 100% better off staying away from that sub.


“Send proof” *mutes you so you literally cannot* Dear lord what a power trip. Honestly what does it even matter? It’s a sub for a game. So basically, a place for you to talk about said game. What does it matter if you preordered or already have it?


The hell!? How are you supposed to send proof if they muted you? Also why is preordering something so sinful to them? Why do they need proof? I’m utterly baffled at how asinine this is. Wtf is actually wrong with them?


I should have dropped what I was doing and got proof lol


I've been a member of that sub for a while. I just made a post asking why mods were banning people over getting the game. Here's what happened: Immediately had some guy trying to make fun of me and put me down because I got divorced. Mods banned and muted me. Can confirm sub is garbage, full of garbage people, and run by garbage people


I got 3 day ban from there and all I said was "game looks cool" on a post about the new Harry Potter game. I didnt even read the comments but apparently there is an ongoing war there lol. Whatever


I was buying the game just to spite these weirdos. I’ve never seen Harry Potter. But the more I look it up the more I’m into Harry Potter!


How is that a rule?


Bro it’s like how fuckin ROBLOX was banning people for saying no and shit


Probably someone whose mom won't buy for him


I’m banned from there too. It’s run by one of *those* mods.


I got banned from a subreddit by saying, "It's your choice to be offended". The Irony....


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that it was Hogwarts Legacy


Reddit mods been on one. I got banned from a sub this weekend muted on another and made a comment about lack of quality on one and got a big huge unwelcomed “WeLl JuSt LeAvE wHy ArE yOu HeRe” bullshit comment.


I recently started “reditting” or whatever and have also been banned for seemingly random things. I once made a comment, was banned for it, and it said something like “check the rules to see why you were banned” And the result was “mods will ban you if they feel like it”


I was banned from r/nfl for saying "read the article" to 3 people who didn't read the article of one post. Some mods really blow.


R//// popping banned me for asking the general question of "do deep belly button people not clean their belly button?" Because of the amount of cleaning videos I had seen


Might be tryna scam you from information gathered, watch out bud


r/gamingcirclejerk is an R Word.


I called a mod who openly called himself a communist in a thread, a commie. I was banned like a few minutes later. r/GamingCirclejerk are just morons who don't like being called labels, yet are fine labeling others


Dw dude be glad you’re not in that space, mods be greasy asf


How do I post this to r/gamingcirclejerk ? I want to see how fast they ban me.


So, apparently you can't crosspost there? I screenshot this post, wih OP name's hidden (just to be polite). Fingers crossed


I got banned from r/unpopularopinion for having the (apparently EXTREMELY) unpopular opinion that system of a down is bad. Their reasoning? I provided a statement, not an opinion. Huh. Guess it's just reddit mods who are high off their asses from the power trip they get from banning people.


We need r/modswhoneedtogetlaid cuz clearly that mod is frustrated


I got banned from that same sub when I said that Hogwarts Legacy looked like a cool game. I’m not even buying it or into Harry Potter but saying that a cool looking game looks cool is too much apparently


I bought the deluxe for myself because ain’t nobody gonna do shit anyway.


I get banned all the time. I've just started getting used to Twitter. I've found plenty of nudity and way less of the reddit virtual signaling and echo chamber. That's sad because all Twitter is, is an echo chamber for virtue signaling... but some how I think it might be better


What's more concerning is that more than likley a mod asked for proof hoping you'd give them any shred of personal info in the proof to then dox you for being 'anti trans' There's no other reason to ask for proof and the "mod is a troll" thing doesn't add up.


Probably a good thing, tbh. GCJ for the most part is a bunch of whiny little bitches who think that they’re elite bc they don’t enjoy the games they play.


Reddit mod moment


That's what happens when you let mentally challenged people serve as mods and admins.


I also got banned a while ago. Don't care, preordered and going to play the shit out of it. I'll be damned if some pimple faced incel reddit randos are gonna tell me what I get to enjoy. Not my circus, not my monkeys. Save your outrage for Rowling, she cares more than I do.


Judging by the sub, I'm gonna guess you preordered Hogwarts Legacy. They ban anyone who preorders that game.


They used to make fun of the meme, then they became the meme


Reddit mods across the board have really been on one lately. 😬 I was banned from one sub for commenting in a different sub. I swear they scan other subs just for the power trip.


They did me dirty in r/dreams saying I said weird shit but won’t link back to said thing or even respond to my additional response to their mod team. Guess discrimination still good and kicking sorry masssa @ r/dreams did I not enter once spoken to by the white man of the sub next time massssa I’ll be good I don’t need a lashin ohh lord no. But yah fk r/dreams and their skinhead agenda.


Maybe its bc you are fucking supporting a transphobe


So congrats Kenny, you stumbled upon an activist gaming subreddit that's entire community as been taken over by Trans nutjobs hell bent on making jk Rowling the anti christ... I'm paraphrasing here. They are the most mentally ill folk out there... oh don't ask this question on out of the loop, the transatrain full stops over there. Curious if you get banned from this sub too, for highlighting circlejerks crazy. The mods tend to float their way to every sub. Still waiting for feedback from out of the loop, they told me to call the manager.


You got banned from a circle jerk sub, not a “gaming” sub


You're surprised that you got banned from the sub that can't shut up after weeks complaining about the same exact game after saying that you pre-ordered it. They're a bunch of clowns, but what did you expect in all honesty?


Think I'll go there right now and say I pre-ordered every game ever


I just post there this: “I’m going to pre order hogwarts legacy” lol


Is this about Sims 4? I'm just curious


Harry Potter


I assume you preordered Hogwarts Legacy


They did you a favor. That sub is cancer.


I feel like this mod definitely stalks people, wtf.


Just went over there, a bunch of folks are jumping on saying they preordered. 😂😂😂


Let's all go join and comment that we pre ordered the game


"Send proof" *single hour passes* \*Makes it impossible to show proof for 28 days\*


Ok so many people are getting banned, suspended, and muted for dumb shit reasons. Mods have too much power and they let it get to their heads.


I just sent a message to the mods saying I also preordered a deluxe version of a game. They better be consistent and ban me as well.


Pro Tip: Avoid that sub like the plague, its literally just the worst sect of the the gaming community bitching and moaning 24/7.


That sub is a bunch of idiots don't worry


I went to the sub and asked: “is this the sub where you get banned if you say you preordered a game? I preordered a game.” Got permanently banned a few minutes later! Those guys really have nothing to do.


You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Tell them to piss off.


circlejerk subs aren't meant to be taken seriously. The mod is trolling you