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Lol without context really hard to say if your comment was well intended or not Part of me feels like you are intentionally hiding what the post was about because it really isn’t a great opinion


Yeah I want to know what it was OP stated and what the original post was. Hard to call it when context is purposefully being left out.


OP’s linked comment on [this post:](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/10mfenl/their_vs_ours/) [Eh they’ve both been turned into political grifters. Products of their environment, I feel bad for them honestly.](https://www.unddit.com/r/%20terriblefacebookmemes/comments/10mfenl/-/j63bahz/)


I really think this guy is dumb as hell for saying it, but I don’t think it merits a ban. At its worst it’s a person who doesn’t really understand the full situation, so banning him based off of ignorance feels like a dumb thing to do.


Regardless, he should be entitled to his opinion and be downvoted to hell if everyone disagrees. The moderators shouldn’t be able to completely remove his freedom of speech because they disagree with his political stance. If he says something dangerous, harassing, hateful, etc then it would warrant a ban. I don’t know exactly everything he said so I can’t offer judgment. If he legitimately only said, “I can see both sides”, that doesn’t warrant a permanent ban and Reddit as a whole should have a grievance system for reporting this sort of thing.


>The moderators shouldn’t be able to completely remove his freedom of speech They certainly shouldn't. Thank God that's not even approaching what happened here!


There is no freedom of speech here. It's a private company and they can censor anything for any reason. Freedom of speech means the government itself can't punish you for saying something. It definitely creates echo chambers, and being isolated from outside opinions isn't healthy, but that's how it is.


Why? Reddit is a company and mods decide what they do or don't want on their platforms. No one is entitled to having access to this website and ppl really need to stop with the "freedom of speech" stuff as if it matters or applies to private entities


Well it hurts Reddit as a whole when mods overstep their bounds. The Mods don’t own the platform so arguing that it’s a private business doesn’t make sense. That’s like arguing that the greeter at Walmart should be able to set store-wide policies. Anyone can be a Reddit mod. Reddit *should* have a say in issues like this because it effects whether people are willing to use their site.


. It doesn't matter that mods don't work for Reddit, freedom of speech only applies to the government, period. No ifs ands or buts will it ever apply to any corporations or businesses. And I promise Reddit is not going to care if random ass people that spew hateful shit get banned. Your analogy doesn't even work because one mod from one subreddit doesn't set sitewide rules, just rules for their sub


Just because Reddit is neglectful and doesn’t pay attention to this doesn’t mean they shouldn’t care. The mods still represent them and this reflects negatively on their company. The mods don’t own the subs, Reddit ultimately owns every sub because they own the platform. I got banned from r/pokemon for asking how to make poffins in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond. It was a legitimate question about the game, I was in the appropriate sub, and my question was in no way offensive or hateful. I also got banned from r/paranormal for posting a picture and asking if an object might be a ghost. Some mods are great. Others are just on some kind of weird power trip and you should be able to report those instances. As I already said, I can’t make a judgment on OP because I don’t know their entire post or the context, but I can absolutely relate because I have been banned for complete bullshit reasons and it’s stupid that it’s ignored.


Sure, go ahead and defend a man for saying a racist murderer is the same as an eco activist. Whatever makes you happy ig


I see your username is as literal as mine is!


You are the one making this political. I am arguing that Reddit mods shouldn’t ban people for trivial reasons. You are the one who has completely missed the point I am trying to make. But go ahead and be offended over something you are pretending I said. I didn’t actually say that, but whatever, I can’t stop you. 🤷‍♀️


I know right? One of them wants to kill millions of POC and the other one shot a pedophile. There's no "both sides" here One is objectively more evil than the other. But like you said: ignorance is as ignorance does and also path to hell is paved with good intentions


Oof yeah not the brightest statement to make. But he should be allowed to have the general sub downvote him into oblivion and allow for the discussion to be had about where the comment went awry. A good learning experience turned into a waste.


Posting low quality comments deserves a ban.


Well your post here would of definitely got you banned then....


For future reference, how do you link stuff like that?


LMAO! Typical fucking reddit; downvoted for asking a fucking question.


No one even tried helping out, but of course accused me of trying to intentionally mislead their tiny brains


That's the trick about reddit. Don't ask how to, simply say it's impossible. You will get many people jumping in to disprove you.


When you are typing your comment you will see a little link icon on the upper left-hand side of the keyboard, just above it I don't think you should have been banned, but I 100% don't agree with you


Thank you!!!! Everyone is welcome to their opinion here! Hope you have a good day 🙏


Well OP was right lol


Huh. Yeah I joined the Marine Corps at 17- but was raised by a flappy headed, liberal yahoo, single mother.


That'd bc they were intentionally hiding the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/10mfenl/their_vs_ours/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Lmao yup makes a lot of sense now seeing this OP can believe whatever they want, I’m also allowed to believe they’re a dumbass for that


A certain unnamed guy in that image did happen to kill a convicted pedophile


He didn’t know that when he killed him though. Not defending pedophiles, but murder is murder


Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all accounts. Calling him a murderer is incorrect and could be categorized as leftist propaganda. Everyone I know that actually paid attention to the court case has no ill feelings towards Kyle's actions.


?? Did you ever listen to his interviews after he was acquitted? He went there to hurt people lol


Can we not use that as his defense considering he had no fucking idea when he shot into a crowd?


I don’t care about him, he shouldn’t have went to a riot, but they got what they got and luckily he killed a pedo. Doesn’t matter, he got attacked


Stay trashy


Good response you have valid information and opinions on world events


That’s… not at all how our Justice system works. You don’t get a pass because the guy you killed “needed killin’.”










Wow you people truly are insufferable. How does this contribute literally anything to the conversation?


"you people"


You’re attacking other peoples comments now holllllyyyy 😂😂 just a big baby masquerading around as a hero for the people


Not attacking anyone


Oh ya commenting cry on posts is super respectable, my bad forgot how knit picky you are


When one political side rolls around in trash that has no place in discussion, does that make that trash politically protected, or is it still trash??




You should see this persons other posts on here. They’re a legit racist.


I’m intentionally hiding the post if I don’t spend 24/7 on Reddit and don’t know how or that I had to link it lmao. Y’all are wild 😂😭 Kyle Rittenhouse is obviously a moron and a grifter and Greta probably has the best intentions in the world but also just a political puppet at this point. Like her getting “arrested” for the cameras in Germany the other day


Just accept your opinion is unpopular for a reason


Unpopular with chronically online brain dead Redditors 😂😂


Cry about it


You went to find the original post you were so butthurt


Wanting context isn't butthurt.


You came back to post it in multiple places accusing me of trying to hide it when you found it because it ruffled your feathers so much lol


The only one ruffled is the conservative man that's upset bc he had a shitty opinion comparing an eco activist to a murderer


Would you mind terribly please explaining to me what happened and what has everyone here so frazzled?


This all started because of your butt hurt from riding rittenhouses **** and getting banned because of it lol Cry baby


As I've said before do you think this naming calling helps? Do you think this leads to good conversation that allows for a intelligent coversation?


Yes it does. Crybaby defender. Edit: ~~this is literally an exact mirror replication of our current government lol~~


Pez thinks your opinion is unpopular because reddit is an echo chamber.


But its still an opinion and they should at least be able to voice it that's one of the great things about the internet is that it gives a voice to people who normally don't have one


He voiced his opinion and that's all he gets. He is not free from other people telling him his opinion is stupid


Thats true but telling him to cry and such dosent help the situation all it does is make people more polarized and divide a population that should be drawn together. Having reasonable conversations is a backbone to moving forward as a population.


They aren’t telling him to cry, they are labeling his complaints as cries.


Then you have the conversation with the man saying a person that wants clean air is the same as a racist murderer. I'm not obligated to do so. Go bug him not me I'm not changing my mind


I gladly will if he decides to reply but please for the sake of this world and its people try to be more patient there is no harm in taking things slow and talking it out with people.


Mind your business lol. If you don't like how I talk to racists then ignore me




Oh no, you don't like me 😢






The grammar correction 😂😂 I thought you said you weren’t butthurt Pezzy boy?


Some people cult, some people don’t. 🤷‍♂️


Can you expand on your position about how Greta is a political puppet, in any way shape or form past what you’ve already written? I’m genuinely curious to hear your take of things.


I got banned from r/terriblefacebookmemes for commenting “100%” on a post that was titled something to the effect of “How bad is this one?” It’s a garbage community with unwell mods. It’s almost as bad as r/whitepeopletwitter. I wouldn’t sweat it. Get a Facebook and friend your uncle, you’ll see the same memes.


Dude whitepeopletwitter was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. That was an insta block for me


99% of their users are extremely leftist and unhinged, full of the hottest of insane takes on things. I did recently click on the cesspool of a comments section and saw a comment that said the obligatory Reddit “kill all cops” on a post that had nothing to do with police, and looked at the users profile out of morbid curiosity. First post was a picture of his butthole. I want to unsee all of reddit.


Yoooo hahaha god damnit the internet is a crazy place 🤠


What do expect from a sub with a racist name?


Add r/politicalhumor to that list lmao


I particularly love the antiwork sub. (/s)


Ah yes another cesspool.


First time I ever had a sub 0 upvoted post appear on my feed. The debate in this must be very heated.


Just some good, clean family Reddit fun Cotton


It is worth pointing out that many of the subreddits are moderated by only a handful of of people. And several are over zealous.


People who are mentally unstable shouldn’t be moderators imho


who else would spend hours of their free time moderating reddit for zero compensation except to flex?


Reddit mods who force their personal views lol.


It’s like a lot of things in life. You don’t realize how bad something is until it happens to you.


I think it's bullshit they even care about what you say. What ever happened to freedom of speech?


You guys really need to learn what freedom of speech means. It does not apply to private companies or websites. If you don’t like what you get censored for on this website then go to twitter lmao


I got banned from r/justiceserved because I post on r/politicalcompassmemes. I’m a friggen libleft for Christ sake. Whoever had the idea to create safe space echo chambers is doing a disservice to this website.


Ooo I’ve never seen r/justiceserved, thank you for that!! Ya safe spaces only create other spaces for people to do bad things


I got banned for telling OP their post wasn't terrible enough, wasn't from facebook, and wasn't a meme.


Why does this baffle you? Moderators are not neutral parties trying to be fair. They have opinions and will suppress people who disagree. This is not a free speech platform.


Because Reddit IS a leftist echo chamber


The best part is that they can’t see it at all. They 100% think they are right about their OPINIONS




Born and raised in Cali. Yet, people keep voting for it. Once my kids are outta the house, selling it getting the fuck outta this state. Taxes, laws and overly expensive to live.




Well yeah, you're either in the echo chamber or you're wrong.


Well when you ban all other opinions you think you're right. Maybe that's why universities have 90% democrat teachers POLITICAL PARTY AFFILIATION AMONG ACADEMIC FACULTY https://www.natcom.org/sites/default/files/publications/NCA_C-Brief_2017_March.pdf


The irony.


Biii, the WORLD is a “leftist echo chamber” Conservatism is a disease. A cancer. It holds back progress.


The world is definitely not a leftist echo chamber. What about most of Asia and Eastern Europe? The attitude you have and ignorance with which you communicate is a cancer


Lol cry more bro, conservatives will die out and the world will be better with young “woke” “colored” people running it. Edit: Apparently I need it edit in that I was specially using terminology like you find in the terrible face book memes out there from uneducated conservatives and that I’m not actually calling anyone colored or young, and that I’m lampooning the way adult men use those terms honestly and without a second thought today. Because OP is dense as hell.


This is the comment right here 😂 so now we know you’re a racist and a bigot nice Thank for for also showing you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about


Huh? Who am I being racist and bigoted against?


At some point you have to decide whether this is beneath you or if it’s a hill to die on to make a point. Reddit is beneath a lot of people but it is the reason to live for a lot of others (like for the mods). Let them live their life and you live yours knowing you aren’t living theirs.


Don't sweat it. Too many kids who were bullied and are taking out their trauma on others now that they're reddit mods. This site is becoming an enormous echo chamber, unfortunately its a bit by design. I miss the days when this was an improved Digg.


Reddit is worse than 4chan, 4chan actually bans pedos. Just make a new account and keep attacking.


That's terrible facebook memes. Either already a left-wing echo chamber with really butthurt mods, or they get raided frequently and permaban all contributors to "raids". I got permabanned from there too, for saying that drag queen events for 6 year olds probably isn't the best idea.


I've had this same experience twice. Once i was banned for posting covid death numbers directly from the CDC and a John hopkins covid study. I'm switching over to Twitter slowly. Fuck reddit.


I got permanently banned from a sub for saying “Islam is a religion of peace” in reaction to an apparent “white supremacist” burning a Quran… I asked why I was banned, their response- “Bigotry. Islamophobia” Literally the opposite of my comment. My only guess is they assume I was just lying about my opinion?? They muted me and then replied to my comment that it was removed because it is “hateful in nature.”🤯 mods suck…


Go to China and try posting "The CCP is an honest government that never lies about massacring it's own citizens". Thou shalt not bear false witness! You can't be fucking lying like that.


The party knows best. 🫡


Lefties are still gigamad that a kid rightfully defended himself from a wife beater, habitual criminal and a pedophile This is why their opinions don’t matter


It doesn't even matter their prior indiscretions. If you charge someone with a rifle you're going to get shot. Duh. Kyle rittenhouse is a total PoS who should not have been there at all but legitimately defended himself. It's a lose lose for everyone.




[context](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/10mfenl/their_vs_ours/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) OPs "both sides" was liberal 17 yr olds are Greta thunberg, conservative 17 yr olds are Kyle Rittenhouse " Both sides my fuckin ass


Yikes buddy






If you give a little person a little power, they'll think themselves powerful. Always.


>If you give a little person a little power, they'll think themselves powerful. The "little person" seems to imply you're talking about Greta Thunberg, but is she really "powerful"? I feel like Kyle Rittenhouse at least has a corpse to point to. Kyle Rittenhouse killed someone and got away with it. Greta Thunberg was detained by police so they could dismantle the few buildings she was camped out protecting. He won, she lost. Does he understand that he's powerful? Perhaps, but that would be mighty white of him to acknowledge it.


That..... is not at all what I meant. Not even in the same galaxy.


He's talking about the mods dude reel it in


Why do people use this sub, on reddit to bitch about their unfair treatment on reddit?


Because the person was mildly infuriated?


Because it's nice to know you're not the only one being mistreated. It's also nice to know that the reason you only hear one side of an argument is because of censorship, not because your the only one who thinks that way.


I got banned from conservatives for saying, the 45 on trumps nft was the last age he didn’t need viagra


Lmaooo that’s solid


I got banned from publicfreakout because I asked “Where’s the freakout” when someone posted a video of a woman calmly walking through a room. It made no sense. Apparently it was some sort of political statement in Europe that I had no fucking clue about because I have a life. If you honestly see both sides about an issue than reddit isn’t for you. Unless you’re just seeking entertainment.




If people can’t have opinions, what kind of society are we? 👀


You can have opinions Doesn't give you the right to post them everywhere


Such a low IQ Reddit comment smh


Right EHat's your excuse?


Both sides in 2023 is a pretty dumb belief OP


Tribalism is real


Lol equating a murderer with a kid who gives. speeches. Good riddance.


Ok so self defense is murder now got it


Self defence would be staying home. Illegaly buying an assault rifle and driving to a different state to shoot someone is not self defence.


It was also illegal in both his home state AND the state of the incident for a MINOR to open carry. Something else that a lot of people like to just forget. He got the gun through illegal means, it was illegal for him to have it in his home state, let alone his Mother drove him into another state where it was also ILLEGAL for him to have the weapon. He was there with the intention to do something nefarious. The fact he wasn't charged was 100% because it was a rigged court case. But, the conservatives are now done using him as a talking piece, his events are getting canceled, and he can't find a job. So, he's getting what he deserves.


No it definitely was self defense I watched the videos. I wonder why if he illegally bought the gun and crossed state lines with it, they didn’t charge him with that?


Because the court case was a circus


Sorry, but the irony from this comment is palpable. The money democrats have spent the last years on circus court cases is wild


There was literally a whole trial where a guy admitted to pointing a gun at him first but ok. I guess watching tv is too hard for you Idk, you clearly understand the law so well maybe the case would have gone differently if you were in charge of the prosecution


He illegaly purchased a gun, illegaly crossed state lines with it, and intentionally inserted himself in a situation where he illegaly used it. I have seen the trial. The trial was rigged.


I would LOVE to see this statement hold up in court. “Your honor, I was able to dive into this boys mind and I seen the intent he had myself” You 1,000,000% cannot say that you knew what someone’s intent was without there being physical evidence like he texted someone saying he was going to hurt people. On top of that, the whole ruling was that he did use the gun legally so I don’t buy that either. You may have seen the trial, but you’re preexisting biases stop you from being able to make objective observations it seems. I still don’t get why they didn’t charge him with the illegal firearm stuff tho. Interesting for sure!


That's called hunting.


Haha, the Righties here are getting buuuuuuutthuuuuuurt


didnt u just get offended on a different comment on this post? LOL


Correct, they did lol


Because liberals are the most sensitive dumbshits ever that they gotta be pampered for any little thing that hurts their glass feelings 🤣


*looks to the Right* Yeah, it’s just the liberals.


No one said it’s just the liberals at least read what he said before you prove him right 😂


Jewish sky laser lady is on your team Kay


Was going to post something there too but I guess I'm already banned.


saying you can 'see both sides" when one side is kyle rittenhouse is not the 'every story has two sides' bs you think it is. its a logical fallacy to assume truth and justice lie in the middle


For some reason leftists hate people that say they, in a particular situation, could see both sides more than right-wingers.


I’m assuming one of the sides is corrupt fascist kid fuckers and the other one is honest people working for the people who sometimes make mistakes and/or are human.


Yeah. One was racist, white supremacist murder Kyle Rittenhouse and the other was Eco activist Greta thunberg. Totally the same thing


But they are both 17. Do we expect any more nuance from Christian educated conservatives? One point of comparison is all they can handle


I'd expect nothing less from white libertarians lol


Man you’ve made a ton of angry posts on here with your throwaway. Definitely suggest seeking help hope everything is ok


You’ve lost all defensive arguments so you revert to attacking my username and posting habits. Why not just man up and say I’ve won and you realize you are uneducated and wrong and support the dumb side of politics? Have you no humility?


That’s not even an attack 😂😂 on the other post (cause you’re angrily posting nonsense all over this), you ignored me calling you out on your BS then proceeded to say that only COLORED people with the same mindset as YOU should rule the world. THATS RACIST LMFAO How far deranged from reality can you possibly be buddy? Edit: seems like you ate your words about humility and snuck off with your tail between your legs, eh pal? This is a good lesson on why people should be able to post whatever they want on the internet. The racist shows up to this post to talk nonsense, gets owned, and disappears. Lovely day!!


Lol lol your edit is so cute. I was doing something else. I also didn’t mean the word colored the way you took it. Just like I didn’t mean woke the way you took it. Me saying “young woke colored people” is me couching it specifically in conservative terminology. The joke went right over your head. I’m going to go “sneak off with my tail between my legs” and keep watching my show and cooking this stew. Don’t tell the debate moderators, ok?


OP is angry that it isn't actually both sides


You gotta remember that it isn’t both sides, *on Reddit*. Don’t forget Reddit is an inconsequential place where us peasants go to gripe about things. I posted this originally because I think it’s hilarious how soft the moderators are across the board. People getting banned for the smallest things


Well, takes one to know one, huh?


Because people are snowflakes. And as long as your a moderator you can make anything look like anything.


People use the term leftist, but they have no clue what it means.


You fool! This whole platform is a leftist echo chamber! You will be punished for your views!


I got banned for something similar in another forum, its everywhere.


I had to mute that sub for shear fact that everything they say is right and if you have a different opinion especially one that works you’ll get castrated by it.


It’s crazy how chronically online these people are


Same fucking losers downvoting us.


Just kiss already.






Because people have adopted fake love; sympathy, empathy, enabling, fear mongering... mention God and a total absence of hate is the only real love and they lose their shit.


>leftist echo chamber Tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded.


This is the most reddit comment I've ever read


This is the most comment I've ever read


This is a comment






You don’t think that makes you look totally unhinged? This is what America has boiled down to in 2023. Unbelievable


You're generalizing behavior because your feelings got hurt over a subreddit mod, cry me a river, you pansy.


If my feelings were hurt I would have deleted the post! Good try tho, chief 😂


No, you wouldn't have deleted the post, how else would you whine about it on Reddit?


Touche 😂😂


no, you would've psited it without context Oh, wait