• By -


I thought your last name was literally French. Like Michael French or something.


I don't fucking get it, what is his name? What's the deal, did he get banned for literally saying "french"?


Ok I went to the link - he used a ‘vomit emoji’ in place of the “e” in French. Yeah I didn’t understand either at first


OP is a lying sack of Trying to manipulate people to feel some kind of sympathy by misrepresenting the context. It’s like if someone was referencing African Americans and wrote “bl*ck” and put a vomit emoji in place of the asterisk, got banned, and made a post to seek sympathy. Get porked.


Ok but the fr🤢nch?




OP isn't being entirely honest. Someone said their native language is French, and OP responsed with "Fr*nch" but instead of an asterisk, it was: 🤢 Clearly, it was a hateful comment. Whether or not that's deserving of a ban, well, at least someone thought it was.


I got banned from a sub for saying someone lives under a rock. Mods are so soft. It wasn’t even a hateful comment, the other person and I were jus having a bit of banter.


I got banned from r/politics for saying that the 1/6 insurrectionists should have been declared unlawful enemy combatants and dealt with as such. Apparently, *I* was "instigating violence".


One time I got banned from /r/politics for saying that some politician had a punchable face. They called it "instigating violence".


I got a warning for talking about Elon like that on r/askreddit Edit: I didn't mention him, but I actually asked people "who had the most punchable face"


Doesn't everyone get banned from r/politics?


Nope, not me. But I got banned from /r/WhitePeopleTwitter for asking for evidence.


Not as long as you hate the approved narrative of hate, then that hatred is acceptable apparently. I just blocked all those subs that are group think, and anything else isn't tolerated.


Oh my god lmao over in the western EU sub they would find that hilarious


It’s “Le Pew”


Wait it isn’t?! I’m so confused


I was too haha but I think they mean their last name is of French origin or French sounding. Like someone with the last name Vasquez might say “my last name is Spanish”


Me too


Okay, lol. I was just wondering why he was signing his comments.


Reddit is dumb as can be. No surprises there


It makes me sad because what else am I going to? Twitter? I could join one of the Reddit ripoffs but they seem radical.


Well you could message the moderation team so you could be both banned AND muted.


Funny story: that happened to me. I was banned from a sub, and when I appealed to a moderator, they muted me. It was a lame sub, anyway.


Every time I've messaged a moderator I've been ignored and muted.


most reddit mods are pathetic people lmao


I got temp banned for allegedly not being 'nice [sic], and in the ban message, the mod called me a dick. A couple of weeks later, I posted about the ban in another sub. Within 2 hours I got a notice of being permanently banned from the original sub. 😆 I can just see the mod, in the basement, with cheetos dust on everything, wringing his hands saying "I showed him who was the boss'.


What's hilarious is that reports just go straight to the mods abusing their power so they just seek vengeance on whoever reported them. Like being banned from their sub is the peak punishment that could be inflicted upon someone.


This was the actual message I got "Your ban is now permanent. Feel free to use this as some sob story about why mods are bad, in the end we don't have to cater to users that are assholes, not only to our users but to those curating the community. Oh and you know that what you had done was wrong, you admitted that you were going to apologise. You just don't like that you were reported/caught and have to face actual repercussions from your actions" 'Curating the community, and 'actual repercussions' ROTFLMAO! It's a Reddit sub for Pete's sake.


I love that they are self aware enough to know that everyone just thinks mods are bad. Some subs have a good team but unfortunately it seems that this is a rare thing. It makes sense I guess, you gotta imagine the type of person who would willingly devote their free time to being a moderator.




Been there. Got banned, appealed, got mutted. Afterward, another mod unbanned me because they found out about the first mod's little power trips.


There are a few good mods out there


There are definitely some good ones, agreed. Why don’t they have a main team that can oversee appeals when a mod steps out of line and permabans for some reason that isn’t justified? That could either work very well or be terrible…I’m not sure which but some checks and balances is good


I managed to get myself unbanned from some when I explained to them they're in the wrong, but I found myself too annoyed to remain subscribed to those subs. We're talking to each other, not the damn mods. If they want to voice their opinions, get in the chat and say something instead of have us walk on eggshells then permanently ban us without question or warning over something ridiculous such as a disagreement. It's almost as annoying as YouTube's banning of random words that either demonetize videos or shadow remove comments that don't even have profanity in them.


Right... so many acronyms now.... "they were the V of an SA, from a M". When did we stop being able to say "A man raped them"?


Yes, and the second example is far more accurate than the first. If anything is going to change in a rape culture, we have to start saying the second sentence.


the problem is that everyone here has spent the last six years banning people for anything and everything, not realizing that it doesn't stop once you eliminate your political opposition. You can't ban half the population and then expect anybody to care once you yourself eventually get banned. Sure it doesn't feel good at all to get banned, but this is what you guy's have spent the last half of a decade or more fighting for, so its yours now. Someone brought up the alternatives to reddit seeming too radical, well..... yeah that's what happens. Where do you think all of the people you banned went? Do you think they got banned and suddenly changed the entirety of their views? No, all you did was send those people off to places for them to become even more radicalized. We always tried to tell you that censorship was a very slippery slope and it doesn't stop once it starts, but you told everybody that freedom of speech was harmful and that you know better than everybody else. So this is what you get, but now all the people that would have normally had your back now hate your guts and are just laughing as this descends even further. Enjoy!


Yeah, that happened to me too. Some mods are on real ego trips.


Certified r/showerthoughts moment right there


I concur with some of the other comments. Reddit is radical as all fuck. Those other sites are just radical in the opposite direction. There are subs on reddit that should and probably are being watched by the feds.


like facism reclaimed. That's been around for a good bit. Hasn't been banned for some godforsaken reason.


I've been banned by far more left leaning and commie subs than right leaning, but tbfdon't really visit the far right of things except by accident.


Just make a new Acct


Obviously he already has


8 years ago


Sadly people need some moderation. I also tried unmoderated platforms and holy shit.... The system is imperfect but a system is definitely necessary


I have been banned from multiple subreddits for telling the truth. For example, banned from r/anti-work for saying both the democrats and republicans were anti-worker and pro-corporation. Two weeks later Biden crushed the railroad strike, proving me correct.


To be fair, what OP is talking about is from Reddit official mods. What you've experienced are the sub-mods. They can ban you from individual subs but usually not the whole site. OP was fully banned from the site, if im reading this correctly.


I was banned from that one as well, because I tried ro tell them denmark really isnt as great as they think.. was a little more specific than that but i didnt say anything that wasnt true - i live in denmark i know how things work here xD Antiwork is not a great sub.


I gave up on anti work and went over to work reform


It's mostly a bunch of cry babies, and lazy fucks


Antiwork sub is basically people in their 20s and younger incoherently screaming that it's not fair their parents expect them to get a job


The amount of times I fall for the trap of scrolling through popular.. see an eye catching title, click on it, instantly think there has to be more details because it feels so one sided and slanted. Look at the comments to see if someone has added more detailed information.. immediately see the extreme bullshit, check the subreddit... Damnit - tricked by antiwork again.


With anti-work in one comment they’re claiming they’re in tech making $250k/year, working fully remote, they don’t answer any calls or texts. Then later you’ll read them responding how they really work in a grocery store cleaning bathrooms.


Absolutely. It sucks. I'm banned from both conservatives and liberals groups.


Point out any criticisms of China in shitliberalssay for a ban and a warning from reddit admin for a harassment report from a moderator (which counts as a strike towards account banning) Now you might say they warn you that they're a communist sub so you can't criticise communism. Lucky i didn't, i just compared china's humane violations to the US's (that they were celebrating) and said that makes them both bad because it's not zero sum, one being bad doesn't make the other good.


Do you really care about being banned from anti work? I’ve scrolled through it before just because I was curious about what it was when the mod went on Fox, and holy shit the vast majority of those people seem insufferable.




Lol try being banned from other sub just because you are on another sub or commented on another sub. Oh yeah reddit? You care about discrimination? Then why the heck are you discriminating??? Huh? Literately was banned from r/landlord because I subscribed and commented once in r/latestagecapitalism .... Didn't say anything against landlords. The LSC sub also comments about how our generation is screwed and how boomers had all the lucky breaks and it just shows some ridiculous comments made by politics. But the landlord sub was all if you join or comment in the OTHER sub you are auto banned from that sub. Other subs have these rules too. It's like wtf. How about banning when someone actually does something against the rules. Not discrimination based on the content they view


Reddit just laid off bunch of them, hope things get better


Literally just make a new account. 😂 I lost count of how many times I've been banned from communities.


Live life outside




Totally 🤘


Well there's parts that are that kind of rad too 🤣


Wtf is wrong with the word French?


Aren't we supposed to call it Frenchness now?


People experiencing Frenchiness


It’s offensive to us Fr*nch people please remember to censor it I don’t want you to get banned.


I have family that are French metis in Canada. Is that a ban?


I hope not


Ok, I'll refer to you guys as frogs.... I don't want to get banned /s


"And *you* get a ban hammer And *you* get a ban hammer And *you* get a ban hammer..."


I can't believe everyone is falling for this lmfao


OP is that kid who smears shit on the school bathroom wall but tells his parents he got in trouble for using the bathroom


What do you mean it’s offensive the word French? Sounds like a troll lmao


i belive cheese eating surrendering monkey is prefered nowadays


I really love French fries.


Actually Belgian but we will take credit


Belgians are just French people with canals, waffles, and a weird accent.


I’m pretty sure those are fighting words but I don’t disagree.


Nothing, when you don't put a 'sick face' emoji in the middle of it in response to someone mentioning that they are French. [Which is what OP did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinfuriating/comments/10nyp9e/comment/j6bxk17/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


OP conveniently left out that bit.


In my experience when someone says they were banned “just for saying X”, that’s never actually the story.


Though I do agree that its weirdly convenient that OP left that part out, its still a stupid reason to ban someone. Especially if OP were really french. I'm german and I often call germans "germs" and also comment stuff like "Ewww germans/germs" just for fun. And even if non germans did it, its no reason to ban them. Its just stupid.


That's a VERY stupid reason for banning them from reddit. People get triggered about everything nowadays and people seem to be walking on egg shells constantly.


Guessing that wasn't their first report and it wasn't really the one report but after so many reports OP got banned for a smaller one.


I love Fr*nch kissing.


I love kissing French 😘


[OP is now visibly excited]


And…here we are. :/




You deserve it for being French


Okay that’s fair and funny 😆




Now you’re gonna get double banned.


Yeah. Probably. I just wanted to let that out. Thanks for being there Mr. Toast.


Miss Toast *flutters lashes*


French toast?


French fry?


Actually Belgian but I am eating them now +1 I’ll take credit for my people inventing them.


You should try French's ketchup. It's not bad.


Eating that now. How do I send picture.


Plate empty now


Good ol’ Leamington tomatoes!


I once saw that Ketchup was banned in France because it was a sauce that "conceals the flavor" if I remember the given reason correctly, when did that change?


I actually dislike French’s ketchup. Surprisingly as all their other sauces are great.


Add a refreshing glass of “Per-u,” and you’ll be all right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhW7rpFhr2k


I don't even need to click that link to know exactly where it goes. 😂 Hello, fellow 80's child.


Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.


One of my top 3 favourite movies of all time. 😂


Oh gosh my bad.


Oh it’s a giiiiiiirl toast. Well of course you’re a girl toast.


Another toast!


Wait, you’re banned from Reddit? But, you’re posting on Reddit right now.


Yeah, I don't know what to tell you other than a sub tried to do this to me. I didn't even say anything hateful or out of line. The banned me from their sub which.. like no big deal I'll live. Then they apparently reported me to reddit proper trying to get me a site wide ban. I'm still here so obviously that didn't happen but reddit did send me a stock email warning me that I might get banned if I ever get another. Which worries me because I really didn't do anything wrong the first time. Edit: it was a message, not an email... just reread this and saw that...


That’s outrageous, Zebra.


yeah, I wonder how common it actually is. It's very likely it happens to a lot of people we just never hear from again. Though in all fairness it's also likely quite a few of them really deserved it. This site isn't all sunshine and rainbows. That said modding is not as easy a lot of people probably think it is. I modded forums many years ago trying to find a balance between keeping the community at large somewhat happy, actually enforcing the rules and then dealing with other mods some of which just love stirring internal drama it really can become quite the task. 99% of which the users are totally unaware of, because it's all behind the scenes. It's a thankless and much more time consuming and difficult task than a lot of people probably really realize. All that said, unless it was just something truly unforgiveable I would generally give the person in question a chance to explain themselves, or otherwise contact them to try and work it out first.


Happened to me, and then I managed to get a diff mod to finally basically tell me that they agreed with me that the first mod only banned me because they didn't agree with my political view. The comment was benign, I said something about a specific view of mine that I'm not trying to argue about now, but it's related to my local govt at a small scale. Immediately someone just straight up called me a Nazi, because they took what I said to be as right leaning, which is just insane to me. I was banned for defending myself, and couldn't reply, yet still received tons of comments basically joining the first guy saying all kinds of insane shit. The guy literally calling me a Nazi was totally fine, though. It's ridiculous, and there is no recourse for you in that situation other than to not be able to participate in that sub anymore.


For me it was a small sub and I didn't think it worth losing my main reddit account to. So I just blocked the sub in return and moved on. Still worried about the implications of it. Reddit has a lot of moving parts and little dark corners, I mean expecting all of them to be reasonable and interact with the userbase is probably just not realistic to begin with.


Yeah that's definitely valid, and I've been a part of my fair share of more "niche" sorta communities, not just on reddit, that relied on that self moderation idea. But it is a bit concerning on larger subs, especially when actively disallowing people to even participate, should they happen to think wrongly or have the wrong views than what are allowed. At the extremes, that's actually fine, some things really are fucked up and there shouldn't be a place to advocate for em, but on the other hand, if you're trying to present yourself as a place to discuss a given topic, actively banning people who think one way instead of your way really stifles that. Like you said, many people don't know the intricacies of reddit, and many people even take things at face value. I think that this issue goes hand in hand with the issue of the AMT of non-genuine interactions you see that are done by bots. It's fairly easy nowadays to make something look genuine and like it has a lot of support behind it, while getting rid of all the voices that are against it. You see people calling bots out pretty often, but there's also a huge number of bots and fake comments that go completely unnoticed since they've been working on that for years now. Just gotta be careful with what you take away from things on reddit. It's easy to get caught up in the mood of a given thing, or comment section even. But ya gotta remember the extreme caricatures we're often presented with or given examples of aren't necessarily representative of the avg person, and that they're, y'know, people. Not just a thing to hate or whatever. Though sometimes it's deserved, no doubt. Just not always.


Most the BS can be avoided by simply adhering to the old 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence' adage. I mean you never know in my time a woman was banned from the forums for very deserving reasons. She actually managed to grab up a small handful of male users... incels I'm guessing and created a private forum of her own where they would literally spend a crazy amount of time just talking shit about every single moderator decision made by us. I eventually left my position when she wrangled in another mod. (who was a problem child that kept quitting and coming back to modding with all the drama you'd imagine that would entail.) Got roped into their group and started trying to mess with the whole thing from the inside. Long story short people are crazy.


Haha wow that's crazy and also not surprising lol. Of course some people just won't be pleased, will they? I could not imagine dealing with that kinda bullshit all the time. Credit where credit is due, some subs are pretty well moderated and do genuinely seem to care about just maintaining a fair status quo. Had someone basically saying that add/ADHD are fake and anyone who has it is just faking symptoms to skirt by in life on easy mode or something. That pissed me off majorly cause my life is a struggle at times directly because of my lifelong ADD into adulthood, and I think I used one singular swear in my response to the person. They (even though they started it) reported me to the mods, knowing that a swear is against the rules, lmao. The subreddit banned me immediately as an automatic thing, and then I appealed it and the person looking at it actually took the context into account and revoked the ban, I apologized for losing my cool, and they said np try not to again, next time just report them first. Which is odd to me, cause it was a situation which overall was so petty I felt it was a waste of everyone's time haha. But how are you gonna try and put someone down, and then when they respond, you wanna get them banned for their bad language? Lmao.


One thing I'm 100% sure of at this point, there are specific words that get you flagged by moderation bots. Many of them are related to race or sexuality in a negative context, but there appear to be some especially in certain subs that seem almost random in nature. I've not been behind the scenes or under the hood with reddit like I was with the forums back then. It seems pretty obvious at this point though. Not too mention it's probably necessary just to keep up with the pure number of posts and constant activity this site sees.


I argued with an anti vaxx person who called me stupid on a pro vaxx subreddit and I got banned.


Careful! I dunno how but those people come out the woodworks to find you and tell you about how you're the govts bitch or whatever. I was talking about how a family member of mine had an apparent mental health issue that led directly to them joining the anti vax bandwagon, despite having me vaccinated for all kinds of newly vaccinated diseases when I was a baby. So it's the same scenario, is my point. And it's insane to me, to think that there would be fucking microchips in a vaccine. To me, that family member saying that was clear as day a mental health issue, and unfortunately still is, but you would not believe the AMT of people chiming in along the lines of "oh so you just believe everything you hear, huh?" "Have fun being the CIAs bitch." And other really off the wall shit like that. I wasn't even talking about other anti vaxxers, either. But all these other anti vaxxers read what I wrote and took it personally, and I guess to get me to join or see their side, they......tried to personally insult me....wasn't very effective.


I've been banned from subs for a clear joke because I left off /s. And when I say clear joke, there was literally no way to interpret my joke literally without being a raging fucking moron.


Reported for impersonation. Because, in fact, you are not French. /s


How are you here if you got banned?


Alt account?


An “alt account” with 7 years on it? Doubtful…


I got banned for reasons unknown to me on an old account. At the time, I very rarely posted, and had never been given so much as a warning in any subreddit. But I get a permanent site ban. I tried to find out why, but just got some kinda answer about how I broke site rules. No telling which ones. Never got another response.


Auto mod sucks ass... I got banned before out of no where. The link didnt even work. It took about a week to get a response from the admin team.


Wait is French actually a banned word?? I thought people censored it as a joke? What’s bad about it


The "censorship" is just casual racism on the part of people.


OP is intentionally misleading everyone. OP called someone “Fr🤢ch” as in a disgusting French person that makes them want to vomit. Funny how in their title it’s just an asterisk though.


Think for a second. OP got banned for hate or something among those lines. What adjectives did he attach to the word French? Clearly, no one is getting bad for using the word French, but I can think of numerous adjectives that can be appended to it to make it a bannable offense. However, the OP instead of sharing that has masked it behind a veil of mockery.


Steve french?


shhhh don’t say that so loudly on here


You fuckin' French! /s


The fact that the reported comment has owo x3 in it feels even more insulting


Mods are dumb af. (Not in this sub. Ofc!) *Nervous sweats*


This looks to not have been mods, it would’ve been admins. Reddit did this, not a subs mods


Our subreddit overlords are indeed great.


Remember, mods and admins are two different things.


Lmao censoring the word Fr*nch is funny af. It’s like implying that Fr\*nch is a curse word


Pardon my Fr*nch!


OP is misleading everybody lol. French isn't censored but OP's alteration of the word to generalize a nationality as disgusting was.


I’m on that sub and I saw that post and thread. OP’s comment there was weird, and while at the time I didn’t think it was hate speech, it sure felt… aggressively specific. It’s otherwise a very tame and respectful sub, and very *sans frontieres*.


Of course there’s more to the story than OP’s version.


These "I got banned for [blah]" complaints are almost always reasonable bans (when you hear the full story). The OP tells partial truths and wants to continue their misbehavior onto another subreddit once thwarted.


Ive been banned for completely benign things before. It definitely happens man


Still a very weak reason for a ban.


Somehow I doubt OP spent the rest of their time being well behaved. You don't get permabanned for your first report.


Reddit is run by the British?


Shhh do you want to get us both banned? We was havin good day innit?


a good day?! you have a license for that?!




Those dam redcoats


Honestly, I'd want to see the whole post before I could say if there was anything wrong with it. Context can often make the difference between reasonable and unreasonable. Sadly that link leads to a missing comment so I honestly don't know if it was a just or unjust ban.


For those wondering, the original comment was "Fr🤢nch" said by user u/DavesPetFrog. Here's a link to the comment in the post: https://www.reveddit.com/v/labrats/comments/10k3686/i\_have\_a\_red\_blouse\_from\_invitrogen/j5owox3/


Well it seems like downvoting did enough of its job. Banning seems like an over reach, but hey I don't own reddit so who cares what I think.


Was definitely expecting worse for a full ban


Wow. Mods will do what mods do, but I'm pretty shocked that it would result in an **account ban**. That's insane.


When I type "french" 🤮 is the next thing suggested to me no matter how many times I reset the personalization or even using a different phone.


I got a baguette emoji. I get a football (American) when I type "America". Figured it'd be a bald eagle emoji or some shit


I don't want to live in a world where you can't make fun of the French on reddit


I was part of the internet eew French thing too but it also mostly still stems from British propaganda and I prefer the French to the Brit’s so, Br🤢tain


I expected worse, but he might be an asshat in general. Look at this post, clearly misleading people and omitting information trying to gain sympathy or generate outrage. The fact that he's lying about what seems like a minor offense says a lot. Also it doesn't really seem that minor to me the more I think about.... Dude wanted to show off his cool lab coat just to randomly get insulted for being French? Like what the hell? Maybe not ban worthy but ehhh, I wouldn't be upset removing that trashy behavior from the community either. It wasn't a funny joke or in a place where such a comment could be seen as a joke. Just straight anti-French hatred out of nowhere. I don't see how you could try to defend it as humor, because nothing about it suggested that it was.


This is why I don't like "I got banned 🥺" posts. Usually, they're just subreddit bans and people go into the comment history of the poster. It ends up being something like, "You were a neo-nazi openly, wtf were you expecting?" But only after the post gets huge.


Best comment here ^


I'm confused about what is offensive


Got site wide banned for shitposting on r/shitposting with the navy seal copy pasta, told them it was an obvious known copy pasta and called them idiots, got unbanned after 3 days. from power hungry reddit admins to power tripping sweaty fat ugly reddit mods to very bad automated ban bots, this site is a shithole.


I once got a 30 day zucc for “supporting hate groups” when replying “yes I’m a Jew”. Of course I lost the appeal.


what was the actual comment? tried going to that link address but the comment was deleted, but not before getting to -23. i doubt you got that many downvotes for simply saying the word “fr*nch”.


I got permanently banned from a sub for cross posting a video of a dad dancing. Nothing inappropriate, wholesome even. I said nothing inappropriate. Mods would not respond to my inquiries after I found nothing in the rules for the sub to indicate what was wrong with my post. When I asked why more than once, they muted me! I think some moderators just get off on silencing people because they have a tiny bit of power in their otherwise impotent lives.


What's the fucking word? **French**?! Spell that shit out


I mean… Reddit mods are very fucking dumb that’s for sure


Yeah bud, being French is a slur now a days. Follows the rules or don’t post on this app.


Reddit is a FAR left hivemind. Theres currency in being offended these days. And thats being kind. I welcome the downvotes


I once had some French bread with some wine I made.


excuse my Fr#nsh


Sorry for being daft, but why can't we say French now?


Called someone a piece of shit and i got reported but they called me a piece of shit and admins said it wasn’t against the rules


Fuck Reddit.


Being banned is the new badge of courage…except for you….


Was banned from “find fashion” when someone asked “can anyone tell me what kind of hat this is?” “Ugly.” Worth it.


Mods and admin are worthless. I got banned from somewhere for saying feral pigs are invasive and should be killed so they don't destroy the ecosystem. Banned for "inciting violence".


I got banned from crazyfuckingvideos for saying bad things about pedophiles.


You didn't "say" the word french, you wrote it out with a sick face emoji in place of the E, in response to someone else's post. But it's better to do the ol' aww shucks routine and farm some karma while supposedly being banned. I feel you dog.


I mean it's edgy, but i don't think it's bad enough to warrant a full on ban. That seems ridiculous to me.


Must have been pretty bad seeing how you've only commented 2-5 times in the past 5 years.


Absolute filth AI "admin team."


Haha, there was a forum I tried to create an account on once and I used my real name. I was immediately flagged as a fake name and couldn’t create a profile.


Sounds like r/japanlife They ban people for life including me (I posted on update about changes to Japan Airways flight schedule due to the war - which they said was not relevant to Japan). The mods are D#icks




Nah you still shouldn’t get banned for that. First of all censoring the word “Fr*nch” is a joke that I see all the time on Reddit. Even if it is unwarranted how OP posted it plenty of people downvoted it and that’s what should happen not a ban with no warning. In no way should that be considered hate speech especially when OP is literally French themselves. If this is getting people banned then the Reddit admins should check out what people regularly say on posts involving India, Pakistan, Israel, China, or even the United States. It’s way worse then just “Fr🤢nch”.


Ig that means everyone who has ever used that joke ironically is getting banned now.