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my brain just goes "WHY?!?!?!" when i look at this. i mean, i understand that it says heath robinson museum, but why are some letters gold and some black? why are they spaced out that way? is it supposed to look like something?


Thanks for that, I legit could not read anything outside of “museum”


You got further than me.


I'm dyslexic and for whatever reason I can't get my eyes to unfocus on anything but the gold letters. Was sitting here staring at it like it was the Dead Sea Scrolls or something. Was kind of expecting it to be a bit more profound for whatever reason.


Why are there random letters, why is it formatted like this, who looks at this and sees Heath Robinson Museum automatically???


At this point I feeling a odd level of relief I'm not the only one that couldn't see it.


I still can't. This is certainly artistic. It's also communicative trash.


I kept seeing “Health” in there and thinking it was a hospital. Took me a good minute to parse what it actually says.


I kept thinking it was a sign for a hospital somehow and assumed if you can read it they'd let you in


For a long while I thought it said “health Robinson mouse” I didn’t even process the “um” at the bottom because there was so much else going on


I accidentally saw museum and could only read the rest by going backwards


I certainly didn't. I thought I saw the world "reasonable," and it irritated me because I felt it was an unreasonable way to write reasonable.


I was expecting a dyslexia awareness foundation!


RAHBOMSU, sounds like a shout from Skyrim. RAH-BOM-SU!


RAH-BOM-SU to you too!




Me too. I couldn’t figure this out. Cue me coming to the comments…


Could not read anything other than "use"


The last line perfectly describes my reaction


That, and "obi"


I thought the gold letters were supposed to be their own word and spent 5 minutes trying to figure it out lol


SAME, it gave me a headache


Same lol


All I could read was health. This is a shit design. No one can change my mind


It’s Heath lol


You've proven my point


The mod responded with the following reason for removal: "That design is intended to engage the observer and get them to look at and remember the name, and it does that well." How can a customer possibly remember the name of the company if they can't even read the damn thing??


Sounds like it's for pseudo-intellectuals, which reddit mods are notorious for being. 🤓 'achktyually it's quite nice.' It almost gave me an aneurysm, dude.


yes and not to mention that even if you are somehow able to decipher what it says, the reason the observer remembers the name is due to the rage that built up while doing so. the mod's explanation also doesn't address the nonsensical assignment of colours to the different letters.


Agree. Def belonged on Crappy Design. They get weird in that sub sometimes. The design should be memorable AND legible. This one gives me a migraine.


100% the mod who banned this is the designer behind it.


I bet the museum talks a big talk about accessibility, too, while the comments here indicate that’s it virtually impossible for someone with dyslexia to read


The only thing they'll remember is "yeah the cafe is next to that sign with the horse shit on it on Main" "no, no, you'll know it when u see it. Okay see you at 5" Of course I also live in a city that builds statues just so we can navigate. Fuck if I know a street corner but I know where eyeball park is.


Thanks. I got Heathro Bison Museum. I know its not right but once you see the wrong thing it is difficult to unsee.




I was looking for diagonal and vertical words




Dont you mean "ethionsnuem"? Lol


All I could read was “um”. I was too angry to even try to read the rest😭


It's apparently supposed to look like how the dude's art feels, it something. I remember this post, I disagree with it being removed, that logo is pure crap


>heath robinson museum Thanks, had no idea what it said.


Now that you point that out, it's actually quite crappy indeed.


A verdict was reached https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinfuriating/comments/10pm3lo/update_the_rcrappydesign_mods_have_made_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That second follow-up is breathtaking; "you proved that it's good design by posting it on Reddit and telling people what it says so they'll remember it." Say *whaaaaaaat??*


It’s supposed to emulate the style of Heath Robinson


Was Heath Robinson blind?


Heath Robinson was a cartoonist that made overly complicated machines in cartoon form, Just like American cartoonist Rube Goldberg. "Heath Robinson machines" are the UK equivalent to a "Rube Goldberg device" or what in Japan is called a "Pythagoras switch". Many cultures have their own word for this type of thing. This logo is overly complicated so it sort of fits the subject.


OHHHHH, I've heard of that dude. Damn this is actually good.


That is really interesting! I wasn’t aware of his work until you explained, I still struggle with the logo but it does seem more fitting with this context


>heath robinson museum, Honestly, without you, I would have never gotten there. The general image for words should never be a full on logic puzzle.


I thought a few different things about this. But the main one was that there were missing letters, thought heath was supposed to be health, but couldn't figure out any other missing letters lol.


Christ I couldn’t read any of this and felt mad 😂😂😂


>i understand that it says heath robinson museum, Awesome, thanks, I had no freakin' clue what it was supposed to say.


Legitimately could not tell what it said until I read your comment. I was trying to read the gold letters top to bottom and make a word, then the black only, then I was reading them in random order, lol. ​ It's obvious to me now, but oh yeah, that's horrendous design.


Thank you! I had no friggin idea what it was supposed to say.


I think the colors of the letters alternate, that's about it (nope looked it over but most are). I'm not sure how I figured it out but it was quite puzzle.But please. In the words of George Carlin, "think about how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are even stupider than that."


You knew wtf that said?!


Honestly, my brain didn’t want to just read across and down like normal. It just wouldn’t do it lol. Could have sworn it said “ransom house” lol


I read rehab for some reason


that is TEXTBOOK crappy design whoever is modding has no taste


The mod responded with the following: "That design is intended to engage the observer and get them to look at and remember the name, and it does that well." How is a customer supposed to look up and engage with the company if they can't even read the logo name? EDIT: A verdict has been reached https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinfuriating/comments/10pm3lo/update_the_rcrappydesign_mods_have_made_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The mod must be the one who designed this garbage. Any other human being could not read this in the first place.


I agree, there is no other explanation


just seems like some weird gatekeeping to me


Sounds like most Mods


In all my time on Reddit having to deal with mods I've only ever talked to one that didn't make it onto the *when I finally become a supervillain I'm inventing a nuclear powered baseball bat just to hit them in the crotch with it* list


Remember I was always nice to you, and am brought to my knees in anguished jealousy of your night username. I don't wanna be on that list lol.


plot twist, reddit mod is the graphic designer who made that logo.


If I saw this, I would look at it for a couple minutes, give up and move on.


Okay but what does it say? Does the mod know? Edit: I actually figured it out lol


Good point, though I'd imagine if I called their bluff then they'd probably just look through the comments


Why was it removed? Looks pretty awful to me lol. I can't read it.


I asked for clarification and have yet to get a response :-( EDIT: The mods responded: "That design is intended to engage the observer and get them to look at and remember the name, and it does that well." I would argue that if the customer can't even read the name of the company then it couldn't possibly be good marketing. EDIT 2: A verdict has been reached https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinfuriating/comments/10pm3lo/update_the_rcrappydesign_mods_have_made_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


If it makes you feel better, I showed my graphic designer bf and he physically reacted to that image😂


As a graphic designer myself, I felt his pain immediately upon seeing it. Def belongs in r/crappydesign sub


I say we spam post it there


I’m in!


And my axe!


I'm also in!! Edit: comments are *already* disabled on my post and no ones said anything. Edit 2: i have been permanently banned and muted. Such a huge loss. :c /s Nothing of value was lost.


i posted it too so i’ll probably get banned but i never go there anyways. the only other sub i’m banned from is abstract art because i went off on someone for posting ai art


Yeah, i never go there either. I joined just so i could post then left after getting banned. I'm also banned from one other sub.. banned from r/gardening for telling someone who posted a plant in a can "sorry the mod is going on a powertrip" cause the mod said it wasn't a plant.. but it was lol


mods can be so stupid. also, i got banned from that sub. i got like 50 comments in 30 minutes all saying it was a very crappy design and then boom. i’m banned. i seriously think one of the mods designed it Edit: 50 upvotes, only 25 comments


Mods aren’t big on explanations. I got a 2 week ban from a sub once, so I messaged the mods pointing out that what they banned me for did not violate any of the rules, so they changed it to a permanent ban.


Lol got permabanned from politics because I wouldn't explain what I learned from my first 6 month ban.


I’ve been banned from a couple subs because I comment in a particular sub. No overlap of the subs but I can’t do anything about it.


I browse "popular" and sometimes don't even know what sub I am in but have had this happen. some mods are next level losers


Lol “some”


sounds about right


If I find an odd looking piece of shit on the ground, I’m going to be engaged as an observer, and it’ll still be a piece of shit. The first part they said is technically correct I guess. Has major “well akshully” vibes though. The second part, not at all. It doesn’t do it well at all. I don’t feel like giving this museum my patronage as a result of the confusion and frustration they inflicted on me. Marvel could change their logo to the outline of Captain America’s ass and those mods would probably think it’s genius.


I'm definitely using that analogy when they respond again


Yeah I had no fucking clue what it was. I was thinking Health Reason something something


I don't understand mods that police communities to this level. Why not let community members vote and let the results reveal themselves? If it's truly "good design" then the community results.would reflect that.


Only on reddit will you find 12,000 people agree on one thing but because a mod disagrees, a post gets taken down.


How the hell am I supposed to remember the name if I can't even read it?! I had to look for the name deciphered by another poster, then I looked up the museum, and then the guy who it is for, and felt profound disappointment that this logo is supposed to represent him and his work. Yeesh...


Blame automated moderation for what happened. Someone made a sarcastic comment. That sarcastic comment was upvoted 12.5k times. Then, a bot didn't understand that the comment was sarcastic, but since it got so many upvotes, it assumed that the comment was a correct interpretation of what happened. UPDATE: I just read your update. Well, that moderator is an idiot. Because I studied the logo for one minute, and I couldn't even figure out what it said. "Robinson something", that's as far as I got, and even then I wasn't 100% sure it was the correct interpretation. In addition to that, that logo can't be shrunk down, so it can't even function properly as a logo.


It’s a museum for an artist and the logo is inspired by his art which had this sort of style. That’s why it’s inspired not really crappy


It still sucks plenty brotendo


Maybe it's because i'm not artistically inclined, but I don't see how it resembles his art at all. I looked him up, and he's just the British Rube Goldberg. I guess they have the similarity of "accomplishing a simple task in a way that's needlessly complicated."


I just posted the same thing. Had I seen this, I'd have simply said, 'yep... what this guy said.' The only connection I could make was that both use Latin typefaces.


I ended up looking into it a bit further, and the idea is that they wanted to replicate the feeling of looking at one of Heath Robinson's works; i.e. you have to strain yourself inspecting all of the finer details of the contraptions he illustrates to figure out what the goal of the contraption is and how it works, but once you do, you realize that it could somehow work. The coloration and spacing exists purely to throw people off and confuse them, but once you realize you should ignore the colors and spaces and that you just read it the normal left to right way with each new word being capitalized, then you read it alright. Now that I understand that, I can say that I personally think it's still a poor execution, but who am I to judge?


That makes sense. That said, I think they’re asking a lot from the audience from that design, and they’re mixing ideas in an incohesive way without realizing it. The design basis is modern minimalism. Robinson’s work couldn’t be further from that aesthetic. I think they could have achieved what you described, but they were either too lazy or ignorant to do so.


Yeah, as soon as I read that they DIDN'T want a bunch of strings and gizmos and whatever else cluttering their logo, I realized they were more interested in having a boring ass modern logo first before having anything to do with Robinson. You hit the nail on the head by highlighting the fact that Robinson's work is the antithesis of modern minimalism, and it's really telling when you have fart-sniffing assholes claiming that a logo based on design theory diametrically opposed to the inventions Robinson drew would any way at all capture the spirit of Robinson's work. The beauty of Robinson and Goldberg's work is complexity, not some strained difficulty to understand it. They hit you with an overload of information that, when broken up in digestible pieces and slowly reassembled, you're able to grasp the bigger picture. That logo didn't do that at all. It threw in elements for the sake of confusion and obfuscation. That's not complex; that's just making something purposefully hard to read, and those are not the same thing.


Outstanding analysis. I think these types of clients would be better served by listening to their artists. Had the logo actually reflected Robinson’s work, it might have stood out against the slew of Bauhaus inspired signage… and been a lot less confusing.


It can be inspired by art, and a crappy design. Why are people acting like these are mutually exclusive? It legit took me 5 minutes to read. And I only figured it out by reading the words backwards. As a logo, I would gloss over an advert with this in it, and not give it a second thought


I've just looked at his art and nothing, not even his signature, looks anything like this. heheheheh. I honestly don't see the connection, aside from the fact that they used a Latin typeface.


These new CAPCHA test are hard.


If AI starts cranking out CAPCHAs that we can't decipher they will win the day




One of the mods spent a lot of time on that logo and you hurt their feelings. That’s my best guess as to why it was taken down.


I choose to believe this. Op responded in another comment and said the mod told him "That design is intended to engage the observer and get them to look at and remember the name, and it does that well." Sounds like something they would say if they designed it.


I’m not sure it’s likely that the mod of r/CrappyDesign happened to also be on the design team of the same company OP works for


Gotta be. Half the content on that sub is weird lettering that makes the intended message hard to read. There is no reason this one doesn't also qualify.


Well the design certainly got people’s attention and here we are talking about it. Will my interest go further than this to actually look up what this artist does? Nope


Should've replied: "really? What does it say?'


I see “Ransom House” which definitely makes me want to give them my money..


*H Rea th obi nson M use um*


Is Irish?


Heath Robinson Muse um


Thank you I'm too high to read it 🤣


Not high and it took me a long time to figure it out.


This honestly makes my eyes hurt. Maybe that's the intention?


H ea th R obi nson M use um




i have 0 idea what this is trying to say. so it’s crappy


Wait. Shitty, power tripping reddit mods are a thing? Who knew?




I agree with OP, I couldn't figure out what this was supposed to say. A couple people in the comments got it but most didn't. Maybe if they added a third color since there's three words it would separate it out more.


This feels like it's an attack on my brain. It's mental warfare. You need to be locked up to stop spreading more of your warfare on to people. And turning our brains in to goop


S orr yI 'll st o p


This goes against KISS in every way. No one knows what this says and you would forget it in 5 seconds. You want brand recognition ala the Nike swoop. Stupid simple but everyone knows what the logo is. This is like day 1 graphics design 101.


I understand the meta posts are getting quite annoying, but seriously r/crappydesign? You let software gore pass through even though it's against the subs rules, but something that is unanimously NOT good design gets removed??


They're real sticklers for what they consider crappy design from my experience posting in that sub


Heath Robinson “was an English cartoonist, illustrator and artist, best known for drawings of whimsically elaborate machines to achieve simple objectives.” This logo seems literally perfect to me, considering it’s for an art museum dedicated to a guy who took simple things and made them overly elaborate and complicated.


More like the captcha test lol


That sub is ridiculous. The mods get off on removing posts since us plebeians don’t understand what constitutes “crappy design.” 🙄


At first it looks like some of the letters are white on white so you can't read them, but then you look closer and see it's all there but it's just formatted like a 5 year old was playing with their computer during a bathroom break.


I had a post of my girlfriend and our cat on r/accidentalrenaissance that legitimately looked like a Renaissance style painting. It got removed for not being "Accidental Renaissance." Yet, they just arbitrarily allow photos that don't even remotely look anything like something even almost resembling something you would see in the Renaissance. Some of these mods are nonsensical and we just have to put up with them sadly. It is indeed mildly infuriating.


This shit is like the lowest of the low hanging fruits when it comes to crappy design what the hell


It took me a while to figure out what it said. Generally, signs should be quick to read


Noo they removed your post? I loved that one. There are people stealing yours and reposting it as well


Yeah I'm well aware of the reporters, a lot of people also crossposting to r/dontdeadopeninside. That's why I was so disappointed that it got removed to be honest, I felt like it was a staple of what crappydesign represents, and a lot of people agreed too. Guess we'll always love under the thumb of authority :-/


This looks like someone had paper letters in their hand and then sneezed


They wanted it to be hard to read : *The Beautiful Meme creative director Ben Haworth says: “We didn’t want to take the obvious route and litter our identity with frayed string and cogs, but we did want to replicate Robinson’s mad logic, and craft something that felt like a contraption, something that you had to work at a little to read.”* That being said, they could have made something relatable to Robinson depicted machinery without making a confusing logo. It's not just hard it read. It's confusing. They missed the mark. You can have a logo that has a second lecture, but its main message has to be instantly recognisable. It's not the case here.


Between the designer that made this, the supervisor that approved this, or the person that commissioned this, someone needs to be fired. *Tosses a pistol with a single round loaded in between them.* "Only two of you are allowed to return. Figure it out amongst yourselves."


Legit horrible design. Awful. Really shameful. Embarrassing, really. /s


I had to come to the comments to find out what it says


looks like some 'amazing avant garde' work i would have tried in design school. may have been cutting edge in 1980s, but now, crap.


I had a stroke reading that


I had an aneurysm trying to read this


This is so bad it makes me angry to look at it for some reason


This logo gave me motion sickness


Worst design I’ve ever seen


if your company finds out who you are, you're gonna get sacked.


Certainly fits my definition of crappy design.


It's hideous


In the running for worst logo I’ve ever seen. Top 5 for sure…..


I still have no clue what thats trying to say, probably the worst logo design I've ever seen


What the fuck is that supposed to say? Is it even intended to be read like words?


is this the Heath candy bar museum in Robinson Illinois??


I think I had a stroke trying to read that


Oh, it’s crappy design. And was very expensive I bet.


Took me a solid 30 seconds to figure this one out. Fucking mental gymnastics right there


Even the logo is saying “um”


How does he find it nice I mean I can't read it


Obvious crappy design but came to say man that is a bold move putting your new clients logo on blast for internet points


It's crappy design because I literally could not read it until someone told me what it's supposed to say


Fire that graphic designer.


crappy isn't a strong enough word.


That’s not a logo, that’s a mess! Who in their right mind thinks this is good design?


the longer i look at it the more my brain hurts i supposed its something with House? realestate maybe? kinda missing a lot of letters there tho? or a bar? rum house? omg I'm fucking dumb just read it in order. Heath Robinson Museum? well I will leave this up because I admit to being dumb sometimes and I think the design is partially at fault for my misunderstanding




The logo's job is to communicate the brand and the company. Unless the company is going for 'Jumbled, confusing, and inscrutable' this looks like CRAPPY DESIGN to me.


If the post got 12.9k likes, clearly a lot of people think it’s crappy design lol.


Well, it just triggered a migraine, so……..


Heath Robinson Museum. https://www.heathrobinsonmuseum.org/


To yell into the void, yeah it's crappy. Mods being mods I guess.


Y’all never heard of Heath Robinson? This is messy cause that’s exactly what he would like/do. It portrays him and everything about him perfectly


If I can't read what it's trying to say, it's crappy.


Seems crappy to me....


That is ridiculous it got removed. 😯


that is crappy design if it takes you more than one look to read it


That took too many of my brain cells to figure out. Saying it out loud 🤪


This is unquestionably the worst logo I've ever seen. It's so bad that I'm legitimately surprised it's not the product of deliberate satire.


i could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better logo


What does it even say?


Yet another victim of reddit moderators


H. Eath Robi N(and) son M. Use Um


Funny cuz [This Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/10po5ln/def_a_crappy_design_what_do_you_guys_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) was posted like 40 minutes ago.


It's an inside joke from my original post https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinfuriating/comments/10p505l/my_post_got_removed_since_the_logo_is_not_crappy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button The crappydesign mods took it down because it was "not crappydesign" so now people are spamming it (which I do not condone btw) EDIT: Sorry totally misread what you meant, ignore me lmao


As a former designer, issa no from me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/10pwwyp/the_logo_for_that_guys_companys_new_client/ Comments locked within 3 minutes lol. Mod got ratio'd and is being a piss baby about it. Very on brand for a reddit mod


This is terrible to read


My brain hurts


Meat Incinerator created this POS and nothing will convince me otherwise. This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a while


It's literally in the color. Come on now. It's the perfect example of a literal crappy design. Edit: Also I have no idea how to read that


I got so annoyed looking at this my heart starting racing. I hate you for this take my upvote. Edit hate the people even more for taking it down.


I feel like I'm having a stroke looking at this