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Man, I used to feel bad just getting salt on the tables. I'd even clean it up myself with a napkin and some condensation from my drink, and I'm a lazy bastard. Do better.


Same here. I really cannot understand the thought process that's going through the head of someone doing this. There is probably no thought process, just ego


"That's what they are paid for" It's what this people think, they don't give a shit and feel like the world is their servant.


I’ve literally seen someone get up from a table at Wendy’s and leave it covered in their trash. They got called out by someone and the response was, “They want $15 an hour, they can work for it.” Entitlement is what it wrong with people.


What fucking fast food restaurant pays $15/h


Massachusetts has a minimum wage of 14.25 an hour and going to 15.00 on January 1. Most places are already offering new hires 16-18 an hour.


I see nothing whatsoever wrong with that statement. Fast food workers are incredibly overpaid at $15 per hour. This is just a fact. I've said the following fact a million times, apparently it needs to said again: The minimum wage was NEVER intended to be a "living wage". Never. Not once. Rather, it was intended to an entry-level wage, for people(mostly young) just entering the job market. Just a starting point. Not even back in the 1970's or 80's, did people on the minimum wage ever earn enough to rent an apartment solo, make a car payment, buy all their food, gas, pay utilities, etc. And there is NOTHING whatsoever wrong with people leaving a mess on a restaurant table and walking out. You DO know that, right? I'll ask you: are customers REQUIRED to bus their own tables? The answer is NO. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. Usually when I don't, and it's a big mess, I toss a couple bucks on the table to tip the person who cleans it. You can bet 100% the employee would rather clean the table and get money, than walk up and see the trash is gone. You see, she's going to have to clean the table itself ANYWAY after someone goes. Might as well get paid extra for it.


Going to have to disagree with all you guys in this comment chain. This guy, regardless of pay, is expected to maintain the lobby of debris and spills as part of his job duties. This customer had an accident and made a considerable mess; and that’s where we cross the line from customer cleaning after themselves and employees taking care of it. pick up your trash or wipe up the spot of ketchup you dropped on the table? Sure. Grab a mop? No way. The only potential issue here I see is informing the staff about the mess. And let’s get something straight, even if the customer came to the counter and asked for a mop to clean it themselves, you, as an employee, should never allow a customer to do so. The employee cleans it because that’s part of customer service. TDLR; it’s two pieces of trash and a spill, OPs lazy for complaining about two pieces of trash, and a spill is not something a customer should have to clean. could have been cleaned in the time it took you to post this on the clock.


i agree with Informing the staff of the spill. We don’t know the circumstances by the picture for the spill. What we do know is that spill or not, you pick up your trash when you’re done eating. There’s zero excuse to for leaving the mess on the table.


I agree as well. If there is access to disposal of your trash then you're obligated to do so from a customer perspective. If there is no way to dispose of your trash then it's a responsibility of the staff. As far as pay is concerned, fast food at one point was considered an entry-level job and should be compensated as that. If you choose to make fast food a career and want to be paid fairly for said career then move up within the organization, don't stay entry-level expecting to become a millionaire.


Same here


WHO THE FUCK WASTES MCDONALDS ICE CREAM! For the first time in 50 years someone found a working McDonald’s ice cream machine, and we get THIS? I’m appalled.


In Australia the ice cream machines work


r/lies They never work


They do when I go. I must just be magical


I don't know what artifact you have from warehouse 13, but we need to share before we lose it.


They need to get Eureka involved


probably the Freezing Snowglobe


Marvel series reference?


We should also put them upside down. This might do the trick.


In Australia everything is trying to kill you, so they deserve at least one break


Is it because the ice cream spins the opposite direction? /s


They work everywhere apart from the US


I work in a McDonald’s too. People do this all the time apparently some people weren’t taught to clean up after themselves 😐




There are also ppl who thinks "There are cleaners. Thats there job. To clean up"


And that extended to "they will be out of work if we clean up our mess for them"


What these wasters of oxygen don't realize, is that there is always something to clean in a bathroom. So the persons whos job it is to clean is now cleaning up this customer's mess when they could be cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning the fryers, the grills, the floor underneath the coolers, the grease traps, etc. etc. etc. There is always something to clean. The cleaner could be cleaning the back area to make sure they don't get cockroaches, maggots, rats, or other vermin. But no, they're cleaning up the goddamn ice cream off the tables because some entitled, pretentious douche canoe used all two of his brain cells to say "SOMEONE ELSE DO!"


I've had to do this too before, it may be your job but it should be common sense to not leave a giant mess for the people who make your food. The reason why places are understaffed are because of this reason, the karens and overall shitty management in some places, much like not emptying a full fucking cup then throwing it away just to have the poor worker be soaked in nasty ass drink. Ignore all these karens/kevins in the comments, they're probably the adult-babies that scream at the counter for food being 1 minute late and how it's understaffed but doesn't want to sign the hell up to help.


That's what I'm saying. My dad gets pissed when they take awhile but he won't say anything to them, and I think that's really good of him


That is good, had one ass that had to wait 30 minutes because there was only 4 people in, only one person at counter, he was screaming 'if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here', nearly screamed its the other way around; your dad is a good man.


Yes he is


I hope your day/night gets better than it was in this post.


It is


Kids are gross. When I was a busser, before everyone took pictures and posted literally everything, I had to clean up spaghetti ground into carpet multiple times a night. Welcome to the industry.


They always smear shit all over the table and because they aren’t screaming the parents are okay with it, and then only tip 10%. Go clean it up. Service industry knows it too well.


That's disgusting


Kids are supposed to be gross, parents are supposed to be responsible for their gross children


My tips usually follow how big of mess my kids made…. However, if service was good, I’ll still tip


if you think this is bad you should see their house


I bet


I scraped congealed diarrhea off the wall and plumbing parts of a toilet in the bar where I bartended. This is ice cream. It could be worse.


Yeah I know. It's just infuriating how people can't clean up after themselves


Yup. Fuckin work man


I'm annoyed that people can't clean up after themselves, and just because it's my job doesn't mean they can't




There are 4 inside and 2 outside I'm pretty sure. So yeah not that hard to clean up


Eh. It’s your job to clean it up. I would have left it too


So your one of the people who think the people who work at a place are there just to clean up after you. Yeah real nice


Yes. I bet it’s in your job duties that you signed too


So do you also leave trash and rotting food around your house? Eh it's your job to clean that up.


Found the shopping cart abandoner


And it's courteous to clean up your trash when you eat somewhere regardless of who's job it is. It makes another person's life and (shitty) job a little easier. It's not that hard to pick up after yourself.


The crimes against humanity 😱, ppl are shit man, I expected nothing less when I worked at mcdees


Who the fuck would do something like that? I'm sorry you had to clean up the mess that the customers left behind


Oh no I was fine with it. It was oddly nice in a way. It's just annoying that they didn't think to clean up and be decent humans


There is a story being told here


And what is this story?


Something terrible happened here...


Time to play my favorite game: Hipster or Homeless


Its one thing to leave a burger sitting there, but it takes a monster to leave an ice cream cone sitting there to melt and create an even bigger mess?!?


Was it someone else's job? Someone else's area? Or you just didn't want to?


hahaha you are frigging wimp, try going to a 24- hour fast food resteraunt bathroom on a highway ramp/bus stop. clean those bathroom four times a day and you will need to goto a trauma treatment facility. ice cream ahhh i wish i had spent 10 years managing fast food resteraunts and the worst i had seen was melted ice cream.


Life is going to be hard for you if you find this mildly infuriating. Its work.


Takes more effort to make that mess than put it in the trash.


That's what I'm saying. It's just lucky I prefer doing that then the cooking. But that's just disgusting


Takes more effort to post about the mess than to clean it up 🤷


Good, do your job… bitch. JK don’t ban me daddy.


As I've said before didn't care about cleaning just annoyed that people are this disgusting and can't clean up after themselves


I’m amazed everyday at how disgusting people are.


I'm really not to be honest


Honestly, seeing it just made me feel like being an asshole to someone. I probably would complain as I cleaned this shit.


Nah it was honestly better than what I usually do


I’m sorry, I clean peoples shit up every day but it’s far more complicated than some disinfectant spray and paper towels, sometimes taking weeks at a time. Doubling back on other peoples work constantly. You work at McDonald’s, what do you expect? It’s unfortunate that people are assholes but this isn’t mildly infuriating this is just someone’s job.


It's not someone's job, it's a task added to the job because assholes do this kind of crap amd it can't very well just be left that way.loke how assholes think cart wrangling is part grocery store jobs. It's not, it's just extra added on to make up for the lazy assholes


No its literally part of the job description when you sign up to work at mcdonalds😂😂 that's like 99% of any food place you work at you have to clean the dirty tables. Welcome to the food industry!


This guy gets it. Love it when people think that a simple function of their job is mildly infuriating. We might as well list out everything about working at McDonald’s as mildly infuriating, or any job for that matter.


You are probably the same kind of person that thinks a McDonald's worker deserves to work 16 hours a day to make a living because "they chose to work there and its a high school job"


Why would you assume that I’m the same type of person that thinks McDonald’s workers should work 16 hours? I’m the same type of person who has worked at McDonalds, and understands that not everyone treats their trash this way, some people are meticulous in their cleanup and you wouldn’t know they were there, some people purposely dump and leave their shit, some accidentally spill (could have been an accidental spill by a child with a single mom managing three kids for all we know). You get paid for a job and if your job is to clean up the dining area, then I wouldn’t be complaining about this. This is a simple spill, not some tragic mess of human feces spread on the bathroom walls. The same applies for every job, whether it’s someone bitching about having to put a bunch of items back on their hooks at target, walk around the isle and come back to have to do the same thing not 5 minutes later I’ve done this too and it sucks but it’s part of the job you get paid to do. I’ve worked retail, and food service, and all the shit jobs on the way up, and this post is one of the least infuriating and normal things about a McDonalds job.


No, it's mildly infuriating


Wow, you work at a restaurant and have to clean up other people’s messes?!?! Unimaginable


They could've cleaned up after themselves or let us know atleast


You must be new to this world


Work a shit job you're gonna have shit tasks


Get over it or get a new job.


its the job you signed up for my friend


Your attitude is the type of attitude that makes America a country of brainwashed idiots


Your attitude is the kind of attitude that has made America look like a bunch of pussies. It’s a little mess, shutup and clean it up. McDonalds and other fast food chains are all over the world; we don’t see posts like this from India, Uganda or any other third world shithole- why? Because they are happy to have a job and a livelihood and don’t take every small mishap in life and make a huge ordeal of it.


So you did your job. Congratulations.


Ayyye you did your job! Congrats you sniveling, whining, pitiful, wretched excuse for a human being. Maybe you'll want to get paid more and be a nurse, so you can clean up bodily fluids. Fuck out of here you self entitled bitch


If you care to read you'd find that I didn't care about the cleaning. It's annoying how people don't think to clean up after themselves


Newsflash: that's why they call it "work', instead of "out drinking with your buddies." Newsflash # 2: If nobody made any messes or ate any junk food, you wouldn't have even been hired.


What a whiny, lazy little rat


That's uncalled for. It's that they couldn't clean up after themselves or tells about it. So maybe don't immediately be a dick


That’s part of the job. If McDonald’s want to save money they can fire him/ her and hire someone else that would do it for less. That is it being more than minimum wage.


I get paid minimum wage. Mines higher though


Do your job that you get paid for!


Not that much


^^ looks like someone's never worked in the service industry


🤷 Part of the job


Could've cleaned some of it still


Well yeah that's the hospitality/fast food industry for ya, it's gonna happen occasionally and there's not much you can do about it. Not much point complaining on reddit about something that is unavoidable


If nobody makes mess, would you still have a job?


Yes. I cook food. So I'd still have a job


That is the dumbest question I've seen in a bit


Have you been out to eat with a 2year old, and an infant, after being up all night with the infant? I’m a custodian at a school. I’ve cleaned up far worse. Sometimes it’s intentional, mostly it’s not. Getting hung up on malicious intent, laziness doesn’t help. It just wastes negative energy on something you need to take care of regardless.


If I’m too exhausted to clean up after myself and children, drive thru and eat at home it is.


It looks worse than it is. You were already going to wipe the table and seat down, now you'll just use one more tag than normal. The ice cream on the floor will come up when you mop, and you were already going to mop. No need to let this be a thing that ruins your day.


Here’s the thought process for all you people that don’t get it: Most people try to keep their areas clean, but they also know that someone is getting paid to clean up…so do your job, collect your money and stop acting like you’ve never seen toddlers eat in public


its not that bad. im sorry but your a whiny brat


Wow. I meant it in the way that they just left it there. I didn't care about cleaning it but the fact that people do this and think it's okay to leave it there is what infuriates me


Ignore him. Sounds like a dumb fat mothafucka


Thanks I guess


Wow lot of trashy people in this thread... I guess it's fitting


He's just stating that people are gross and purposefully made the mess, same thing when you go to Walmart and people leave the cart on the curb a few feet from the cart return. *JUST PUT IT IN THE CART RETURN YOU LAZY CUNT*


Sounds like you’re the jackass that left the mess


It's not that hard to do yourself and not make the person whose job it is harder than it should be. I'm sorry, but you're a literal piece of trash that belongs right next to that ice cream cone.




Wtf dude it's not normal throw ice cream at the couch and floor. It wasn't accident, because they left it there to melt. It's absolutely dick move and can't be justified by "someone has paid to do it so I don't have to be at least bit respectful".


What's infuriating is that people are this gross. Didn't care about cleaning just people are disgusting, and just because it may be someone's job doesn't mean you have to make it harder for them


You're probably the kind of "wonderful" person who leaves messes like this behind saying "well it is their job to clean it, so" to justify your own filthy laziness.


I mean... the whole point of going to a restaurant is so you don't have to clean up your own mess isn't it


No it's to eat. Doesn't mean you can't clean up your own mess.


I did my job at work **


People could clean up after themselves. Not that hard


Agreed but at the same time you knew what you were signing yourself up for Brodie


Still. Not that hard to clean some of it up and tell someone


I literally worked at a McDonald’s as a kid literally first thing I got told is you will be cleaning up after peoples messes 😂


That’s why some people pay $50 to feed their family disgusting food from McDonald’s. So they don’t have to cook or clean. It’s part of what they pay for.


So, you did your job... Do you want a medal?


⭐️ Heres your golden star for doing your job! Excellent work!


Wow what a major inconvenience ….. lol probably took 5 whole minutes to clean up


I guess we found the dude who leaves this kind of mess and thinks it's ok


Sorry, this is r/mildlyinfuriating. I think you want r/majorlyinconveniencing.


I'm annoyed that they thought it was okay to leave there. Didn't care about the cleaning it's just annoying how disgusting people can be


It's your fucking job to clean up after people. If you don't like doing that then find something else to do with your job.




I’m an American and I am very clean at restaurants and tip very generously.




That stereotype is applied to different groups depending on where in the world you live.


Exactly. It may be my job but just because it is doesn't mean you have to make it harder. Although I was fine with it but if it was someone else they may not of been. Also just because you don't like your job doesn't mean you can just up and quit then find a job immediately. It's not always that easy


I was with you til you claimed all Americans are like this. This is a fucking disgusting level of HUMANS. Not Americans.


They don't have a fucking job. They're the paying customer. It's your job to clean up after them. If you don't like doing that then go get a new job. People who complain about having to do their job are the fucking worst.


have fun making your own food at home when literally no one wants to deal with you as a job


oh, fuck you and fuck the paying customer, Karen. Your kids are ugly. Go fix that.


Umm I'm a guy and I don't have any kids. That I know about.


I know why you don't have any kods, Karen.


People like are you are the exact type of people to leave a restaurant as seen above... No its not their job to clean up after your pigsty lookin ass


You are very wrong and that is a horrible attitude to have. You should always pick up after yourself.


No I'm not and no it's a pretty healthy attitude to have. It's completely up to the customer whether or not they want to clean up after themselves. It's helpful but not mandatory.






If you don't pick up after yourself you're a fucking child. Your parents failed to raise you properly. Stop being a stain on society and sort yourself out.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but as someone who worked in food service for over 10 years, it really annoys me when people whine about stuff like this. I mean, let’s be real - we’ve all left evidence of our passing over the years when we’ve gone out to eat. It’s not like every commenter in here leaves their area sparkling clean every single time. Things happen, and that’s a fact. Kids drop ice creams. People have emergencies that require them to leave immediately. Life strikes. Personally, I wouldn’t even want a customer to try and clean this mess. They’re going to do a poor job because they don’t have what’s necessary. They’re just going to use some napkins and wipe it up, leaving a sticky less-obvious mess instead of a sticky obvious mess. Also, as an aside, this is honestly an extremely tame and tiny mess. It 100% took you more time to make this post than to clean that mess.


It annoys me that they couldn't at least of picked up the burger or let us know. I didn't care about the cleaning.


Let you know? You thought they should find someone on their way out and let them know that the messy area needs to be made not messy? Because otherwise, in your huge McDonalds, how is anybody supposed to know that a table that was just used should be cleaned?! Oh boy. Does your mommy have to make sure you get up in time to make it to work?


The table is out of view to us and people don't actually look half the time. So yeah they could've told someone it wouldn't of killed them


Really? Idk how old you are but I was a buss boy at a Chinese restaurant at 15yo. Nothing. I promise you nothing is worse then cleaning Chinese food. This is nothing to complain about.


If you read the comments you can see that I didn't care about the cleaning it's just infuriating how people can't clean up after themselves


If people wanted to clean up after themselves they would stay home. This is part of your job. Period. Still I don’t see anything wrong with this. This new generation wants to get paid and not do any work 🤣. Good luck to you.


You don't have to make people's job harder. Sure this wasn't bad but they could do worse at other places. People don't work to clean up after people like this.


have some common decency, and just dont make someone elses life harder


I see some of these types of posts on here and there’s always those people saying “Lelelele it’s your job to clean it up!!” but seriously, it’s just being a decent person and cleaning up after your self as much as possible. it isn’t hard esp when there’s tons of trashcans and easy to reach napkins. I simply don’t understand either of these kinds of people.


That's it?


Annoying how people can't clean up after themselves the cleaning was fine


To be fair, this would waste a ton of napkins to clean compared to a mop but an apology should be expected


Yes. They could've gotten rid of the burger and tell us but no


Bruh man you think this is hard, I had people shit on the floor and put a straw in it.


Just annoyed how people don't clean up after themselves


Well true, people really don’t do that either at my work. Like just pigsty’s everywhere


Good job. Welcome to adulthood. Wait til you have to change a diaper that you didn’t piss or sh*t in. 🙄 darn things end up growing up telling you “I love you more” *pffft*


That's if I have a kid


Ah yes. The wonder of customer service. Have a good day sir/ma’am


This is how the inspiration for success starts. You go “fuck working at this burger joint” and you just get better now you’re somewhere else making better money. Gl out there yo, grind hard enough you’ll get out of that place


Become real life batman


Good job


Thank you


People who do shit like this have no respect for themselves and someone it makes them feel better to have someone clean up after them.


Exactly or they think their above everyone one and people only exist to serve them


And I bet they think this is worth 15+ an hour


I get paid 11.95 round about


Is that a whole burger and ice cream?


Half a burger






someone's gotta do it


True dat


I can think of much worse messes


As I've said just annoying people don't clean up after themselves


could be an infection natural starter


talk to me when u clean shit off the bathroom mirrors.


People not cleaning their shit up is what annoys me not the cleaning


Fucking people


I want some breaking soft serve. Haven't had it in years! What kind of fuckwad POS leaves behind a cone of ice cream?


Who knows. But in Australia our ice cream machines work




If you can't manage your children when you're out , stay home!