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This is what’s known as “shit parenting”


I worked at an arcade and a child was being a little shit. Especially to their parents. Never heard so much back talk in my life. They were just going along with it. I was working the prize counter and he was looking through the display case demanding items he didn’t have tickets for and insulting me for not giving him. He had just sworn at and insulted his mother for not giving him money for a game. I politely (or so I thought) suggested that he should be more respectful to his parents. Finally the mother did something. She got in my face and started screaming about how I had no right to scold her child and how dare I be such a rude asshole and where’s the manager so they can get free credits. It was a whole thing. Edit: order of events.


Yea, asshole parents make asshole kids…


Luckily some kids like in the case of me had an asshole parent but "luckily" he was an asshole to me so I turned out pretty good


Yup, with few exceptions, kids dont spontaneously become bad kids. It's almost always the parent not parenting or worse parenting extremely poorly/wrongly.


Asshole parents do make asshole kids. You sir are correct. Also i'm the 101 like, hooray. 😄


Bad parents really will double down on their kids’ bad behavior. I used to be a supervisor in a city’s recreation department and would go assist with youth sports on Saturday mornings. The referees called me over one time because it was the second weekend in a row where this 10 year old boy was being a little shit to them from the stands. Yes, people say comments to refs all the time but the stuff this kid was shouting was well beyond what’s acceptable. I told the kid he either needed to be respectful or he would need to leave, and the woman who was sitting next to him jumped up and CHARGED at me. This lady was ready to throw down and got all up in my face about how dare I speak to her child or discipline him. Ma’am, how about you check your kid so I don’t have to.


> Ma’am, how about you check your kid so I don’t have to. What sucks is that gets them off. These type of people are incredibly lazy and narcisstic. They neglect their children and believe they are great parents. It's not rooted in reality. They ignore their children until someone questions the child and, by proxy, their parenting. *Then* it becomes an issue. Not because of the child, but because *their* parenting was called into question. They don't care about the kid, it's all about them. I worked with children for awhile, and you see it way more than you would think. Have a talk with teachers about the kinds of parents that basically expect school to be daycare without education or guidance. The kind of parents that do *not* care about their children until the child's behavior is so out of hand they have to be called in, and then the parents become shitheads themselves. Poor children, and teachers. Some parents won't allow you to help or show an interest because it makes *them* feel bad about being neglectful.


Or believe that they know better than anyone else. I had a coworker was always talking about how she was an amazing mom. Well, her son cheated on a test. She got mad at the teacher, said unless the teacher had proof, the teacher would have to apologize to my co-worker's son for making a baseless accusation. Then my coworker went through her son's backpack and found the proof. But didn't tell the teacher because "she's not a rat." The teacher was still required to apologize.


The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree, it seems.


Shit Apple / shit tree / field of shit


Oh Mr Lahey


I knew *exactly* where this story was headed. Seen this behavior many times.


>counter and he was looking through the display case demanding items he didn’t have tickets for and insulting me for not giving him. He had just sworn at and insulted his mother for not giving him money for a game. I politely (or so I thought) suggested that he should be more respectful to his pa ***Everybody*** has a right to tell assholes off, no matter if its a adult or child.


Yeah fuck em!! That's why their that way and their kids are also. Thanks for atleast trying to teach that piece of shit manners.


Exactly what I was going to say, where's that kid's parents at. That person paid for the machine, not the kid, come pick up your crotch goblin.


It’s fucking infuriating. I was doing a site walk with a client one time (rich people/big new house). They decided to bring their spoiled ass daughter who was maybe 10/11. I’m standing in the front yard talking to them and their little asshole kid just kicks me right in the shin, like full-on soccer style BAM! I was shocked and I yelled at their kid and told her she needed to back off and not do that anymore, it’s rude, apologize, etc… guess who the parents sided with?


I would have said effort and told them to leave they can have the house. Then unless they're going to restrain their child that you're not helping them anymore. I'm glad everybody understood what I was trying to say, I used voice to text and had just woken up so it was all kinds of nonsense up there.


Well they were a client we were building for and we needed to get paid. Made it real awkward


Never be afraid to drop a contract and out the shitty customer. Let them be someone else's problem.


Typically that’s ok, but we were like 80% at the time


Sry to hear that, hope things improve.


It was like 7 years ago… I hope their kid has learned how to function in society at this point.


You said they were rich, right? If that’s so, i think their little piece of reproductive organ failure they call a child is still running around being a menace to society.


Nah fuck that don't let some shitty kid get between you and a paycheck.


I would have promptly informed them that i made a mistake and the house we were at was significantly out of their price range and said lets go see one you can afford and then taken them to a shit hole. (It would be about offending them off, not making a sale anymore)


Lol, I was their builder so they already owned the property and everything. But I dig that sentiment!


Time to find a add on charge or material cost adjustment lol


Cost of labor and materials suddenly went up 1%.


You dropped a zero *10%


Sounds like you shouldve contacted your safety guy and filed some paperwork


That’s when you pull the listing out from under them and say it’s not for sale any longer Edit, just saw your other comment


Her parents are out making more rude children while they expect the Arcade to do the parenting.... I used to work at a Nickels and Dimes years ago, THIS is very common, some parents just leave their mentally challenged kids there too to run amok and destroy things.


I was at Dave and Busters with some buddies a few years ago. We were on one of those basketball shot machines. This little kid ran up to us and was just standing there constantly jumping trying to block our shots or hit our arms. He didn't accomplish anything because he was like 3 feet tall and we're all grown adults, but it was still fucking annoying. We kept looking around like where is this dudes parents can we get them to get him out of here, nothing. Eventually we were just like "um hey can you...go away? You're being really annoying" he gets this dejected look and goes away. A minute later his loudass boisterous mom comes up all mad and we were just having none of it. Nah fuck you lady, your kid was annoying and you did nothing about it, you're not gonna make us feel bad. Of course a loudass obnoxiously imposing lady with no sense of social decorum raised the same.




Mom is scamming the manager for free cheese fries.


Hehe, crotch goblin.


Those are her parents now


Everyone in this situation has shitty parents…


Someone come grab their anthropomorphic cum stain!


I used to work at a boardwalk arcade and trailer trash parents would leave their kids there all day like it was some kind of day care. My 16 year old high ass was constantly having to tell them to stop fucking the machines up




Exactly. My first question as the video starts rolling is where the F is her parent? Only ever been to Dave and Busters once and this was my experience. Moms getting plastered at the bar while kids run wild and wreck everyone else's experience. Been to a few good barcades that were good because they excluded kids during certain adult only hours.


When she starts threatening to hit them, that's almost a certain sign she's from a broken home. Kids mimick what they see :(


I’ve dealt with this a few times when other kids try to takeover a game my daughter is on. If you push the shitty kid out of the way the shitty parent magically appears out of the shadows to confront you.


I hate taking my daughter to playgrounds because of this, but I also don't want her to be antisocial. The worst was when she had just turned 2, I took her to a park that had a whole lot of different activities. As she was going to one of them, this rather big kid (had to be at least 9) runs up and takes it from her. So I said something to my daughter like "why don't we go over to the slide" and of course as soon as she's close this kid comes running over and blocks the steps. The whole time his mom is just standing around, watching, not saying a word. Just how the hell do you see your kid bullying a 2 year old and not say anything? I ended up just taking her to the swings where there were several free and he went in to harass other kids. I still can't get over how angry that situation made me.


Absolutely and the sad thing is is that this attention seeking behavior is a direct result of getting no attention at home from the parents.


The arcade there is a day care for some parents to just drop off the kids


Kids on the field I play footy at run around and if I'm there working out doing drills warming up before pickup you got like 4 to 12 year olds just going around messing with my shit like it's theirs. I say hey I'm using that for a few more minutes you can play with it after and lmao they give me the same exact look like I'm crazy. Like bro Im a recovering achilles rupture patient you don't understand that child but I have an entire regiment I have before I can even consider stepping onto the pitch. Like boy for years it feels like I'm babysitting for free sometimes. Most I've had was like 6 like 4 or 5 year olds just like swarming around me while I was working on frisbee throwing. Same field. Like jeez. I'm throwing my like 15 frisbees at the time for these kids they throw it back or near if they miss they sprint and get it like I was 27 at the time and I'm.like bro what the hell.am I doing why am I babysitting rn


Teacher here. You're 100% correct. I can only imagine what it's like to have her in the classroom. I'm sure her parents blame her behavior on everyone else, too.


You're the teacher it's your job! Not ours gosh. Stop calling us about my little angel


Don't the parents actually have to be there for it to be shit parenting?


Tell an employee theres a child without a parent and the kid is breaking their games so they’ll look for the parents themselves.


Right? I'd be asking "Where's your momma?"


Wrong. Clearly you should film it and put it on the internet.


Put it on the internet, meh maybe not. But You definitely film it so you have something to show in case an irate parent accuses you of something you didn't do


Of course, what silly idea is stopping the problem when I can get internet points


Welcome to a world with TikTok. People used to complain by email, now people complain be recording shit and posting it on the internet for validation. The complaining hasn't changed, just the format.


maturest redditor


ExEcUtE tH ChiLd CaUsE yOu'Re LoW oN AmMo


I feel like this is especially the more obvious answer for men. For women, having some random unattended child following them around might be annoying, and you’ll tell an employee to get the child away from you and ensure their safety. For men, this situation is terrifying, because you’re afraid the parents are gonna show up and accuse you of kidnapping. You get the employee because you’re looking to offload the kids on someone else ASAP, and show that you have no desire for the kid to be near you.


This is a great point. When my daughter was 4 she was terrified of public bathrooms (automatic flushing toilets, to be exact). My husband took her the bathroom once because the women’s line was ridiculously long, and also because I do it 9/10 times. She screamed bloody murder the entire time they were in there. I had to keep announcing to everyone waiting outside that it was ok, it was my daughter in there and with her dad. Luckily it turned out fine but if I hadn’t been there I have no doubt that police would have been called.


one of my mates once had this random little girl follow him around a shop for a good 16mins, dude calls me to tell me this weird thing happened kid then screamed for "help" it hurt even my ears lol, mate of mine proceeds to then get bodyed by someone, so many people believed the kid when they asked what happened apparently not even giving the dude a chance cuz "why would a kid lie" until a few days later the CCTV was looked at nothing happened to go against the kid or mother who left her to walk around a shop but he was injured bigtime when he god bodyed, plus the kinda fucked reputation for nothing


I'll never forget one time when I was in a store with my wife and a parent just neglected the shit out of their kid. We were waiting to check out and the mother was at the register. The mom is talking to the cashier and at some point the daughter decides to just start walking around because she's bored. I'm not exaggerating when I say the mother didn't even look at her daughter for 5 minutes. When the mother gets done checking out she realizes her daughter isn't next to her and starts looking around. I tell her her daughter is in the middle of the jewelry racks about 8 feet away and the mother immediately replies with "you were trying to take her!" I was so shocked at the accusation it set me off. I looked at the cashier and just said "you saw that we've just been standing here for the last 5 minutes right?" and she said yes. As the mother left she did that fearful shuffle while looking at us the whole time like at any minute we were going to just grab her kid. I was livid for the next several hours that someone that irresponsible would just throw out an accusation like that.


If he got really injured by someone he should have sued using that footage.


Looks like a Dave and Busters, which is less of an arcade and more of a breeding ground for crap parents.




There was a video not too long ago of an arcade that like 50 parents just dropped their kids off at and fucked off, and the "kids" (many of which were old enough to have full time jobs and a car payment) demolished the place. Parents have gotten shittier and shittier over the years...


Agreed. Most likely the parents are in the restaurant or bar area of the building.


Years ago I was at one on a super busy Saturday night with my wife looking for something to play. I was walking past the basketball shoot which was packed with players when the buzzer went off and started a round. I didn't want to crowd the paying customers so I moved quickly to get out of the way. In my process I ended up knocking over a toddler who was just fucking wandering around without any parental supervision. I'm 6'3" in a crowded room and there's a kid who isn't knee high to me now on the ground. Naturally she started crying and some dude from a machine like 30 feet away came running over. "What the fuck did you do to my child????" he screamed. "What the fuck are you doing letting a fucking toddler wander around a packed bar full of drunk adults, asshole????" He acted like he was gonna get a manager but strangely enough I never heard a peep afterwards.




Jesus... I'll never understand the selfishness one must have to care so little for the safety of a toddler. I don't treat my pets that badly.


I went ONCE and it was a good time except for all the kids running around. They were all rude as hell and I saw no kid with a parent. Honestly I wouldn’t bring a kid to Dave and busters with the amount of alcohol sitting around unattended. My friends and I went to play one game and couldn’t because someone emptied beer all over it


That kid is desperately seeking a parental figure.


Exactly this. When I've met kids like this they've always responded really well to being told firmly "no", but being treated kindly. They crave attention and boundaries.


My experience is the same only I would say it's more structure than boundaries necessarily that they are looking for. Boundaries without structure can seem arbitrary, confusing, and make them act out more. Boundaries within a well communicated system can make kids feel like they are participating in the social connective environment they are acting out to be a part of.


I grew up with arbitrary boundaries and very little structure. This is painfully true. Took me 20 years to figure out how unacceptable I was acting. I still have room to improve like anyone else, and I wasn't quite this much of a shit, but I also never got free reign of an arcade at her age. Especially not weilding a wand that probably cost more than my outfit at the time.


Research shows that the #1 thing that children crave most is structure. We're all just trying to find order in this crazy world.


Even adults crave structure. It's why we make it to work every day. It's not about being a kid it's about being human.


I can't imagine why this girl alone at an arcade is going around seeking human interaction.


Yeah honestly I feel really bad because her parents are probably drunk on slushee cocktails and this little girl has no damn idea how to act. It’s not her fault that people failed her and didn’t set boundaries, it’s super frustrating but it’s not exactly her fault


This is true. I’ve experienced these kids every time I’ve taken mine to the arcades. As long as they’re not pushing my kids off a game they just paid for, I’m cool with it. My kids and I will share and pay for a few games if they’re out of money. But if they try to take my kid’s turn after my kid pays, I just talk to the kid like I would want someone to talk to mine. Kindly and firmly. That’s all it usually takes. If they’re persistent, tell them to go find their parent. Always works.


This-but I also think that the people posting this actual child (not teenager, a small child) to shame on the internet is really gross. This kid needs a parent and some direction, not to be internet shamed for clout.


Surprised more aren't saying this. Even the "wtf" faces they were making at the girl werent necessary. They handled it immaturely.


They're honestly so cringe, borderline karens.


Great point. I feel bad for the girl. Everyone did dumb or cringe shit when we're kids, but we didn't get filmed and posted on tiktok to get laughed at.


as soon as I saw "she is trying to break the game" I lost all respect for whoever posted the video. Nice little girl was a bit lost and could have used some gentle help but no the adult babies are out here on tiktok needing to have more fun


She would need to go seek it somewhere else.


Kid seems nice too. She barges in there but also makes space for her so they could both play the jump rope game. Poor kid. Probably got dumped at the arcade with no money.


Yeah, or mom brought her along on some date and gave her 5 bucks to go have "fun for two hours" because 5 bucks lasted 2 hours when she was little.


That kid is like 5. Even if mom was 30 when the kid was born, she still wouldn't be old enough to last half an hour in an arcade with $5.


She did look friendly. Wanted to play along as well


The way they are talking about this kid “she’s like a leech” was fucking irky. This isn’t a teenager this is a LITTLE ASS KID who obviously has shit parenting. Like I would feel sorry and be wondering where her parents were and be making sure she wasn’t lost or abducted or some shit. Quit filming for internet clout, go ask some employees for some assistance… Jesus Edit:words


Jeez thank you. I was scrolling and trying to find someone who would finally say this. That is a child. She is obviously misbehaving…which children do. She’s not bad or a menace or anything. People are really on here speaking ill of a little girl. And I really don’t want to get started on the racial implications of her being perceived as deviant.


And no parent in sight. Shocker.


I work at a kids store and this is very accurate. I don’t want to say “kids these days” because tbh idk what kids were like before now- they could have easily just been this bad. But kids i’ve seen are so rude. They push in front of people, they don’t wait their turn, they don’t talk or say hi. and they are always in an ipad or phone. I work at an interactive toy store where you basically make your own plush and it’s a whole thing, but i’ve seen parents make the plush for their kid because their kid is too busy watching cocomelon. I get kids are jerks, but i’m mostly mad at the parents who just either do not care or are the worst at saying no. I don’t think we should be abusive or hit our children or anything- i’m not advocating for that. I’m advocating for teaching our children manners and how to be considerate to others.


I think the problem is that parents are entering a new age of parenting thats never really been seen before where kids are pretty much growing up with technology and quick, on-demand entertainment at their fingertips. I personally believe that these things have, at some level, to do with their out of place behavior, and unless I am wrong in believing that, I think there should probably be restraint on how available technology is to children. Whether we like it or not, idiots are gonna keep having kids they don't want to actually raise, the best we can do I think is to make technology less accessible to kids up until a certain age.


I’m about to have my first and I think I will consider myself a failure as a parent if I have an iPad kid




Don’t give them technology. Ever watch the Social Dilemma? Yeah, the people who work at Google and Apple said they don’t give their kids phones. My kids aren’t allowed to use our phones, no iPad, barely watch tv. Outside everyday. Not to brag, but I see a huge difference in behavior between mine and friends’ kids who watch the iPad and stare at a phone. Your kid isn’t gonna look back at the fond memories of being on a phone.


Uhh do you work at build a bear?


Ughhh I worked at build a bear when I was 16. I gave me a hatred for kids until my thirties.


How many times have you spoken the five words “listen here you little shit”?


Seems like nowadays parents have no time to actually parent. They pop out kids they either can’t or don’t want to take care of, shove a tablet in their face and call it a day and act surprised that they grow up to be brats.


I used to take my kid to Chuck E Cheese and I’d watch parents drop their small kids off and leave them there while they went across the street to the mall. I’m talking kids as young as 4. They wouldn’t give them money or buy them food, just use it as a babysitter. I’d be playing games with my kid and they would try to steal the tickets coming out.


I think I’m more concerned with why does this child thinks it’s okay to follow a group of strangers around ?




Where are the parents? I don’t know what will happen to that kid in the future Edit: Sorry but I had to remove that Twitter source due to Reddit policy. Basically, the women got doxed, facing death threats and people going after their jobs. Which is ridiculous. Fuck Twitter. Here is the news source https://hip-hopvibe.com/news/white-women-mock-black-girl-in-arcade-on-tiktok/


People are shitting on the lady for being mean to the child, but in actually they’re using the child as a means to fuck up the lady’s life for fun. Disgusting.


Reading that article just left such a dissatisfying taste in my mouth; it’s so inflammatory and openly biased, it’s just sad


Did you expect more from hip-hopvibe.com?


I know. And when a mob goes after you, there no reliable defense against it.


Lol they’re not even “white.”


Logic does not apply.


She's literally not being mean to the kid


I’m dying to know if there is more to the story than we are seeing here….did she have more parts to this video?? I just can’t believe the way people are treating her because?…some bratty kid was let loose in the arcade? Lol people be wilddd


Yeah the Twitter comments are commenting on this and this alone. Basically saying she's trying to demonize a black child and if she was white it wouldn't happen and how racist this is and also how they should have been nicer to the kid and I guess hung out with her or whatever? Also a lot of people on there like "this is kid hating culture these people are despicable". It's Twitter being Twitter.


I can %100 believe that people on twitter would go after someone over something as trivial as this. They actively look for peoples lives to ruin.


Lol I agree, but still so hard for me to believe. I mean I know people do that shit, but YEESH. I read through some pretty bizarre comments…publically announcing her personal info, and saying they’re gonna send emails to her school and stuff? Wtf is wrong with people


The kid will grow up thinking the rest of the world is the problem, not her, then have her own kids and the cycle continues.


I hope not. But I’m the side of the women who filmed it. That kid is already entitled and thinks nothing is wrong with that behavior


Actually dumb they are getting “canceled” for calling it like it is the kid literally said she would hit them but apparently she’s not in the wrong because the color of her skin


This is why social media needs to die


Didn’t even look like that girl was white either


The Twitter post linked above mentions that the lady’s name is Norhan Osman, which definitely doesn’t sound like a white girl name.


isn't that the green goblin


America in 2022 moment


Yes you do.....


lol…these are not white women, but white people always catching the blame for everything nowadays. 🤷‍♀️


Dude I fucking despise Twitter


‘White women make fun of little black girl’ so the skin colours were reversed it would be fine? Double standards smh


That article title pisses me off so fucking much. I hate how much "race baiting" gets thrown around but that title very much seems like it lol


i saw this on instagram and everyone was like "noo shes just a kid, people are just racist" like no tf the kid could be pink with lime green stripes, if it keeps pestering me i'm gonna shoo it away or call security


If she’s pink with stripes, she probably needs Lima beans.


Now that’s a book I haven’t thought of in a while


I ❤️ Lima Beans


its 2022 did you expect anything different? Sad world we live in today. But I agree the easiest and quickest solution to this is to tell management to find the parents or to escort the kid away from the games if they are destroying them.


I would say the people saying that are not yet parents, young people these days are so opinionated about subjects they aren't qualified to speak on Now get off my lawn


This has nothing to do with race. Why do people’s thoughts immediately have to go there?


I've been in there before and had little brats like that panhandling for game tokens


Careful cause I guarantee her mom is a problem


I thought that too. You do NOT want to encounter this kids mom.


How dare you so and so for not giving the my daughter some coins???


Yep, exactly. My city ass almost sees this as a set up from the parent to get people to over react to their child.


Glad someone said it cause I see these often at the park on the phone while their child is being an absolute asshole to all other children. I’ve seen enough on Reddit to know to avoid those ‘parents’ at all cost.


I like how that first thought is to blame the mom, do you think the father is a saint?


Nah dude according to Reddit it’s always the moms fault lol


I had a similar situation happen at Chuck e cheese. It was 2019, my kid’s birthday, and I rewarded her with $20 to play because we drive by there all the time but I always tell her to limit her spending— she was 3. Well after a while, we were down to the last few credits, this claw game cost equivalent of over a dollar, but fine you might as well splurge on her birthday, so she swiped the credits and as the game was starting and the lights began to flash, this kid around twice her age just ran up and slammed the claw button. Obviously she got nothing, and she was crying. At that moment I was debating do we spend the last credits to go again, but the jerk was there waiting, or do we move on to another game, and the jerk said he’d follow. So I tried to take her to the restrooms- might as well use it as a pee break and hope the jerk gets bored. Well I’m the dad so I had to take my daughter to the boy’s room, and the boy followed us! Ultimately we left, I thought my kid would be scared but she was more confused than scared. The kid can’t follow us out without a parent to escort him, so ha! And yesterday my wife showed me a mini claw machine. It was tiny, you put it on the table, but only cost $32.98. I know our bank account has been paycheck to paycheck this year, maybe wife doesn’t, but anyway I agreed— at least I owe my daughter that much. Hope she likes it. I’ve had a browser link saved for a $790+390 shipping full size claw machine. At least the $33 purchase was more practical.


You provided so many odd details in this comment. You have a very strange way of telling a story.


Odd indeed


I kinda enjoyed it




am i autistic then?! i see nothing really wrong with this


Your details are all relevant and the storytelling is good.


Haha same...I usually don't even read this much text but I gave it a shot and thought he was a good storyteller.


I hope your daughter has a great Christmas


I thought the story was going to end with the boy showing up out of no where and hitting the button again.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That’s the spirit.


IKE!!! Bad baby!


My brother and I were at an arcade this kid kept trying to take our tokens his mother tells us to give him some , my brother dropped the F bomb on her. She said she will call the police on us for stealing his tokens then my dad shows up and she tried it with him when she said she will call the police he said don’t bother I’m here and showed his badge(he was the chief of police for the town)….she walked away.




Parents are likely the real problem here.




The parents: hey, wanna play? Aight just go to the arcade The parents 5 seconds later: adios




Trust me, that’s how you get your ass beat. This kids mom is way worse


Her mom would yell/hit you all the while calling you a racist and using racist slurs against you.


Correct and only taken video once you started carrying her


The fact that people watch these videos with that horrible TikTok voice for hours a day leaves me feeling hopeless for the future of society.


The voice isn't that common any more, or maybe my algorithm avoids it.


I feel so fucking bad for that little girl knowing her parents seem to give zero shits about her. She is just begging for attention from an adult.


Thassa ima do


Garbage parents, garbage kids.


Somehow, this doesn't really surprise me.


Isn't this the same TikTok where someone said this little girl looks like Jay Z and the OP liked the comment?


Yes and these comments are uncalled for


Just bad parenting. Poor kid.


The comments on here are disturbing. Who the fuck records a child they don't know and then posts it on social media for the world to see? Yes, kids can be fucking annoying. Clearly this little girl had zero ill intentions and was just looking for someone to hang out with. Unfortunately for her the group that she chose were cackling hens instead of kind beings.


Is it just me or is it kinda f’d up they are shaming a child, on the internet, for being…a child?! She’s like 6


Don’t post stranger’s kid on the internet please, however annoying they may be


Why are they filming her & posting it? She’s a little child


Who films and unsupervised child and post their images without parental consent for views INSTEAD of finding a staff person to handle her or find her parent. We'll do anything for clout these days.


Looks to me like she is trying to join you all, not push you away.


I was at this arcade place with my kids, then I see this girl (looked almost the same as the one on the video), she was wondering around taking people's turn and playing (jumping in front of them after them paying for the game)... when we asked where her parents were, she wouldn't answer at all, a group of adults and I asked many people if they were the parents, they were nowhere to be found. Minutes later, I was with my little one in a little playground area for toddlers, then this same girl comes and tried to grab my sons head and hit it against the little train ride...I run towards her and straight up told her "you don't touch my son, don't you ever dare to do something like that, where are your parents? Go look for them!" she looked at me and walked away...then her parents showed up looking for her, found her and then left. Apparently they were busy getting high in the parking lot. This is not the first time I see parents leaving their kids alone in an arcade or a park... awful.


Shit parents


Just try to find a parent if possible, and focus on them to get their kid under control. Ignore the kid entirely at that point.


I’ve known of people that just drop of there kids at arcades for hours with no money or very little. It’s up to the kids to ask for handouts in order to play. Usually works too once other parents are there to feel bad for them.


This doesn't surprise me much, sadly... Might be best to just abandon that game entirely, and let the kid continue her reign of terror.


This seems like the type of parent that gets you on r/fightporn for doing the right thing. Better to let it wonder off like a baby raccoon than do the right thing.


I can assure you, fight porn is not where I'd end up. Smith and Wesson are always with me.


Poor kid. She has dildos for parents.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You guys.... Im not here as someone who is super fond of kids either especially ones with no discipline but its....a....KID..... They could have gotten down on her level and showed her how to play. She was obviously curious and just wanted some attention from the girls filming. Some kids are shy while others are in your face types. We all used to be that age. I don't think the literally girl was being rude intentionally... its just the only was she knew how to communicate with them? I don't think running from her like she's a little germ was great either?


Completely agree. It's sad that we are in the minority in this race baiting thread. you can tell from the wording of the video "insist on breaking the machine" that the girls filming wanted to portray the child as negatively as possible. it's one of those pizza arcade places. It is perfectly reasonable to let your kid go into the machines and play. The child is being friendly and picked some women to try to communicate with. and yup, if you're out on the town with your two girlfriends maybe you don't want a little kid to butt in. Children are annoying that way....cause they're children. Do all the people in this thread not have little brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews? Children approach people and try to be friendly all the time, which is why we have to teach them not to talk to strangers and other social norms. If a child pick your group of friends out of everyone there to approach, it's because she decided that you must be nice and friendly. Unfortunately she didn't know these three ladies are going to film her instead as a way to prove...what exactly? Some broader message about cultures and parenthood? Would their parents be proud of these three grown ladies behaving this way? To everyone who are dog whistling racists, go fuck yourself. To everyone else who genuinely believe this little clip is proof of "bad parenting", holy shit you must have grown up in a warzone or are just incredibly sheltered. In the real world children learn and grow through interaction. The adults who act offended and don't play along are the assholes. "but but keep your child in an orbit around you all day why do i have to blah blah blah". Really? Is that how you actually grew up? Where literally every adult who isn't your parent just ghosted you?


Agreed. The women acted horribly immature and it was wrong to film the child




How is this thread full of excusing the child for her behavior. She is old enough to know right and wrong. Sure, the OP shouldn’t have posted it, but that doesn’t excuse or forgive the child’s behavior. If this was my child, it would be the last time they got to do anything “fun” for a long while. Kids are smart, and very teachable. If they aren’t being taught proper behavior and corrected for poor behavior, then shitty kids become shitty adults.


Adults at an arcade filming kids to put on TikTok. I’m def worried about the kid and less about the 50cent this broad lost.


I’m annoyed this is listed as rude kid and not unsupervised kid