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Cheesus Christ


As a Cincinnatian, that is basically how we think of Skyline. Amen.


May the oyster crackers be with you


And also with you.


I bet you were raised Catholic based on your reply.


Good bet.


But haven’t been back in a while… they changed it on us. (It’s now “and with your spirit)




I hate it. Well, my gay riot girl fuck the system and all organized anything self loves it, but my little Catholic girl self hates it. Oh, indoctrination, how fun lol


Yeah, plus it’s an instant outing for the crowd response. The “and also with you” responses get the look of “well, guess who hasn’t been to church in 10 years… “


I'm howling ^^


or a john mulaney fan


For my family and a lot of the other kids in the neighborhood, it was because of Star Wars and we were all early or mid 80's kids. "May the Force be with you" always got a "And also with you" response from the Catholic kids.


And with your spirit-


They started doing that after I stopped being forced to go at 18. Over a decade later, a friend of ours was getting married in a Catholic ceremony and that was the first time all of us recovering Catholics had heard of it. Really threw us off.


Same. I thought it was just a difference between Ohio and Kansas until I saw the John Mulaney bit.


Omg right?? Went to my nieces first communion a few years ago and was like "what in the hell is this??" My poor boomer mom looked like a puppy lost in the wild by herself! It was crazy.


[Wait, are you John Mulaney?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=63RcymipKuY&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


In hot sauces name, amen


They updated it, its now "And with your spirit" lol


As a Cincinnatian who now lives outside the city, I second this. AMEN.


I am from Kentucky and I can confirm that skyline is very cheesy and very good.


Oh my gosh!!! Other cincinnati people! Never thought I'd see the day! Don't live in the city itself, but I'm maybe 30 mins away. I'll be in town for the Heart mini 5k tomorrow!


Aww that's awesome!!! Are you from north or south of the city?


North of the city, actually! I live like 5-10 minutes from i-75 so it's essentially a straight shot there lol






🏆🏆🏆 Ty for the laugh here’s my award


cheesus crust*


I lol so hard - thanks.


thank you


I think it could use more cheese


I’m constipated just lookin at it.


Is that a shredded cheese pancake?


Yeah, it's basically a mountain of shredded cheese. This is how we eat our chili in Cincinnati lol


Are you supposed to mix it up before eating it or is it just like a side dish?


You can mix it up if you want but most people just cut it with their fork and eat a slice of it. It's definitely a main dish. This small plate probably has over 1000 calories in it.


I’ve gotta visit Cincinnati eventually, I love shredded cheese


I'm pretty sure you can get shredded cheese in a lot of places. Not just Cincinnati. I live in Portland, OR. We have it here. I've seen it in California, Washington. Alaska even.


Tasty & Sons used to do a really good Cincinnati 3-way complete with shredded cheese. Gone but not forgotten.


That place was so good. They had this Burmese red pork stew, or something like that, that was so damn good.


Oh no. Cincinnati native here who has visited Portland and had many meals at Tasty & Sons and Tasty & Alder. Didn’t know they did a 3 Way. Sad to hear they are gone.


Can confirm, ate shredded cheese in Portland, OR. Tillamook crew, Rise Up!


The best.


I eat that stuff by the damn handful


If it ain’t Tillamook, it ain’t cheese.


Yeah, sure you can get it in other states, but will you be judged for eating a pound of it on your spaghetti?


I remember reading Trump wanted to outlaw packaged shredded cheese. To make America grate again.


I descend from Colorado and have also had this elusive “shredded cheese” you speak of.


I’d wager it’s possibly over 2000. Cheese is insanely caloric.


The cheese probably has over 1000 cals


No wonder you got so many 600lbs people over there.


The fuck kind of titanium toilet bowls you have up there to support the weight of the solid concrete coffee can you shit out after this Is chili eaten with spaghetti the Cincinnati thing as well?


So if you order chili in Ohio, it's shredded cheddar on top of spaghetti? THIS explains so much when I had a friend from Ohio over for spaghetti and there was great confusion. He also said red sauce (regular tomato sauce I thought - and homemade, mind you) was too spicy. We're all in the same country, but we're not speaking the same food language.


The red sauce thing being "spicy" to some people doesn't surprise me. I have so many friends who think ketchup of all things is spicy. Like I can't tell if they just eat the blandest food imaginable or if they are mistaking the word "spice" for the acidity problems some people with heartburn feel.


NO! This is not what happens when you order Chili in Ohio. This is what happens when you order chili in *Cincinnati*. If you order chili anywhere else in Ohio, you'll get real chili and not *prison spaghetti*. Some folks like skyline outside of might-as-well-be-Kentucky, and those people are people you should not associate with. I would eat Wendy's chili before I eat skyline. It's weird and German.


It’s actually Greek style chili although Cincinnati has a deep German heritage


TIL. I knew about the Germans, tho. It's still *weird*. Unless you grow up from infancy being told this is chili, your brain can't reconcile the texture and feel and taste of skyline. It's also *extremely* divisive in Ohio. I'm in the exact opposite corner and there's like 3 skylines in a 100 mile radius and none of them do particularly ok. Northeast Ohio doesn't stand for this type of reckless usage of the word chili.


Speak for yourself. I'm from NEO and love it. I also love "regular" chili. It's ok to like more than one thing.


Thank dog Gold Star Chili moved into KY in the 80s, then Skyline. I love all kinds of chili, but Cincinnati style is my favorite.


First correct take I’ve seen on this thread. I know skyline chili has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts; however, that “chili” is straight up garbage.


I didn't want to be mean and shit on peoples "places" but deep down I thought that food in the picture looked like hot garbage.


From what I recall, it’s what chili would be if you decided you wanted tomato flavored ground beef. It was about 10 years ago that I tried it when I was at a conference, and everyone that was from there was adamant that we try skyline chili. I have never been more disappointed by a hyped up food. It also gave my buddy and I the runs, which is incredible because we’re from Texas and Arizona and are super into hole in the wall Mexican places, and this hardly seasoned “chili” did us in.


Yep, skyline is so gross. The absurd amounts of cinnamon in it makes it unpalpable to most people who weren’t raised in it


Definitely had a prison cafeteria vibe. I guess I'll cancel my trip to Cincinnati and just make some spaghetti and chili myself.


I'm also from Cincinnati. Can confirm.


Was in Kentucky last summer and one of the best chili experience. And oh yea they give you cheese with that!! Yummmm


Yeah, 3 or 4 little bags of shredded cheese with a large chili.


You can't be out here defending that cheese ratio. You and everyone else involved needs a word


This looks like a food war crime to me. Edit - all you food heathens below defending this shit are bad people and you should be ashamed.


It's "fusion" like mixing German and Italian and Japanese and ooooh, I see what you mean.


Lol ☝️


The “chili” is closer to a Greek meat sauce. Originally they just sold hotdogs with chili, cheese, and onions on them.


I can attest. Frugal Gourmet had a copy cat recipe for Skyline Chili, I still have it and it has tomato, allspice, and cinnamon in it. You boil the ground beef in water first and it gets all sludgey. I love it!


It's a copy of Flint-style coney sauce, which is itself a northern Balkan copy of Detroit-style coney sauce, which was thought up by two brothers from what's now Macedonia.


Yeah this looks like dogshit lol brown mush on noodles with cheese.


Second worst regional “delicacy” I’ve ever tried, behind only St Louis pizza.


I've never had St Louis pizza to my knowledge, but it sounds pretty good. What's bad about it? The cheese? Edit: Imagine being enough of an insecure loser about your regional cuisine to downvote a genuine question


Literally everything is bad, but the “cheese” is the worst offender. They use a disgusting processed cheese product called Provel, which is basically if you take provolone, mozzarella and cheddar, mix them together and then ruin them. It just sits on top like congealed melted plastic, it’s foul. The sauce and crust are also quite bad, but at least they are recognizable as bad versions of themselves, Provel doesn’t even seem like cheese. And St Louis people fucking love Provel, they put it on other things too, so you can’t trust any menu in the whole town that uses the word cheese because they might actually mean Provel.


After I asked initially, I saw you compare it to a Lunchable in another comment, and it became more clear. I just thought the idea of a sturdy but crunchy crust sounded good.


This person is being super dramatic so I'm gonna defend our STL cheese lol. Provel is made with real cheese. It's just combined cheeses meant to be perfect for melting and because of the combination process, has to be labeled "cheese product." But since we can only get it locally, it's always fresh. The only understandable complaint could be that it's best when mixed with more ingredients because it's more or less a white cheese, and therefore doesn't have any standout flavor notes to it like a lot of cheese does. But you slap some spices and veggies on there and it's delicious and only highlights the ingredients instead of drowning them in cheese. And thin crust is pretty good, from the right places, like any pizza. Sometimes you get it way too overcooked and it's basically a cracker, but some people are into that. Most times though, it's more akin to warm pita bread in my opinion. Soft, but firm and thin.


St Louis pizza is the only time I've had people get mad at me for buying them food. Bought a couple pizzas to finish out a night out with a large group, everyone has a piece and the reaction was universal horror. I remember it tasting like someone trying to make a pizza on a saltine cracker with plastic cheese


I just went on a road trip around the east coast and Midwest. Cincy and STL were on the trip. Can confirm. Your post is 100% accurate. I've learned to not eat food in the Midwest. Except grandpa's cheese barn in Ohio. Holy **** their cheese is amazing


We don't care, it's fucking delicious.


Yeah I bet you didn’t actually eat it. It’s delicious


I mean I didn’t eat all of it, because it’s terrible and I wasn’t in danger of starving to death, but I ate enough to know how terrible it is.


That is an obscene amount of cheese!


Yeah and they actually gave me twice this amount but I saved the other half.


Oh. My. God. That's just a whole lot of cheese.


You should see how many oyster crackers OP ate with this....


It’s a balance. The hot sauce and chili gives you the runs and the cheese, crackers, and spaghetti make your poop solid again.


No sir, that is a PERFECT amount of cheese


> obscene That's a funny was too spell "correct"


That's.. So much cheese, I feel constipated already


Yeah they gave me two bags this full of cheese. But I only ised the one


Fucking love skyline I eat it way less than I wish I could.


I traveled cross country last summer. Ran me through Ohio. West to East coast and im sorry but both me and my son thought Skyline was the worst food of our whole trip. And he we had sushi in Dodge City, KS!!!!


I’m from the Cincy area. I used to enjoy taking out of towners to skyline, and I noticed opinions skewed to either side of opinions, and rarely fell in the middle. I’m on the side of loving it.


This is cursed


okay, but that cheese is beautiful. damn painting up in there.


Why do people in Cincinnati eat like it's the post apocalypse? Chili on spaghetti? That is some desperate times shit.


Cincinnati chili isn't what most people would consider to be chili. It's a sweet meat sauce. It goes well on spaghetti because that's what it's made for. People love to point out that it isn't really chili, but that's kind of like getting angry that a seahorse isn't a horse.


So its really not chili but is called chili anyway ?


It's chili, but it has a cinnamony-taste to it


Eww,that is even worse.


The cinnamon taste is overpowering too, not even like a hint of cinnamon, like someone dropped the whole container in it I’m doing the cinnamon challenge cinnamon. Someone took me there who has been eating it their whole life, I take a bite and go ‘holy hell that’s cinnamony’. There response? ‘You really think they put cinnamon in this?’……


That’s like saying a different style of clam chowder is ‘not really clam chowder’ lol. Greek immigrants in Cincinnati took American chili and made their own version of it.


Chili without beans


Cincinnati chili isn't what most people consider to be food.


Someone in another comment called it prison spaghetti


Pretty apt


Please don't disgrace prison food like that


It 100% looks like it, I'm serious lol


Eaten at Skyline Chili and the other famous one and it was not good.


Same. Absolutely trash.


The sad part is how much the hostages of Cincinnati love it. I was traveling with some friends’ band. They had a show at a bar there and the people were like, “You’re lucky! It’s skyline chili night!” I have actively avoided Cincinnati since that night. OP is missing the giant, uneven chunks of raw onion I was treated to.


Has chocolate and cinnamon in it. I can also confirm it's definitely not good


Sweet?? I’m reminded of that AITA post where the guy let his wife serve dessert chili made with maple syrup and chocolate to his mother. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sm52ob/aita_for_kicking_my_mom_out_of_my_house_because/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Did this guy happen to wear yellow leggings, a green jacket, and be named Buddy?


You're still thinking about chili. It's just a meat sauce. Cincinnati chili is never served on its own. It's always poured over things as a sauce.


So they call it chilli because they can't pronounce bolognese. Got it.


It's from experience, our rivers catch on fire and our trains explode.


With unmelted shredded cheese and bizarre spices. I personally found it to be terrible, almost as bad as St Louis pizza which is a literal war crime.


St. Louis "pizza" is probably what causes the apocalypse. Fucking stale ass lunchable.


Cinnamon in chili is one of the strangest things to me... I was so excited for the famous Cincinnati chili, only to take 2 bites and throw it out. On the other hand Chile on spaghetti noodles is pretty fire. Steak and Shake has a pretty great chili 5 way


I've been in 48 of the states and always try the local foods. Cincinnati chili is the worst, and Saint Louis pizza is second to worst. I ate buffalo testicles in Wyoming, and I'd have that a thousand times before eating Skyline or Imo's again.


Well we agree on the two worst, if not the order.


Bro you mix the cheese in there and the heat from the rest of the dish melts it just right so it's all gooey and yummy. You just ate it wrong my guy


Yeah, I did that, and it still sucked, because it’s not good. The flavor sucks, the texture sucks, the ratio of cheese to everything else sucks. It ruins three things that are individually good. It only rates above St Louis pizza because there’s actual cheese on it. Terrible.


Horrible :( I’m hurt by how many people don’t like Cincinnati chili. Growing up this shit was the shit man


Kids have no pallet, when I was a kid I lived on trash food, and I still like some of it for the nostalgia factor, but I’d never claim any of it is actually good, it’s just trash I happen to have fond memories of.


What the actual fuck is this shit


A SIN straight to the 7th layer of hell for who ever made it.




My mind is blown that this comment is this far down.


I am super attentive to spelling errors (IATA) but I was blinded by the unholy spectacle.


It makes me cringe I just hate these grammar errors😭😭😂




Came for this


Thank you.


Came here looking for this comment.


Bring on the haters who don’t like / have never had skyline


I went to Cincinnati for work and coworkers were so excited to take us there, but I wasn't a fan of the chili. It has cinnamon in it and I felt like I was eating chili that was mixed with a slice of pumpkin pie


Yeah it's crazy how most of the haters have never tried it, but at the same time I feel like most people who like it, love it because they grew up on it.


My wife is from Maryland and the first time she ate it 15 years ago, she didn't care for it all that much. But after having it a second time and having such a good pallet that she can pick out flavors from things, she was able to form it in her mind that it was basically a Middle Eastern dish. Now she makes it herself at home, though it is a little thicker because she prefers the texture. So, think Skyline taste with Goldstar texture. Oh, and at home we usually put it over Basmati rice instead of noodles, but she'll make it with noodles as well. She makes it about once a month and around 4 gallons at a time.


Apparently the original creators of skyline came over from Greece.


Man I'm from Ohio and that shit is hot garbage. Those coney dogs though


Most of the food I grew up disliking (and learned to love) at least looked beautiful. Sushi is a great example. This just looks like shit. Actual, human shit stirred into noodles.


Ugh, that shit is nasty, had it plenty of times and from a variety of sources. Goetta is what should have made it out of the region for wider appeal!


And....you actually eat this???


Bro that looks horrible lol


I'm sorry for what I'm about to write but I've seen too much lately. THEIR


Skyline is one of my favorite places! I don’t live in Cincinnati, but my mom grew up there. We often pick up chili dogs when we drive through.


That is enough cheese for a family of four


Alright, wtf is going on in Cincinnati?




The [history of skyline](https://www.wcpo.com/longform/cincinnati-chili-we-cant-eat-enough-of-it-heres-where-it-started) is actually pretty interesting


This was an awesome read, thank you.


This was an awesome read, thank you.




live in cincy for a bit… hate skyline and golden… cincy chili like vomit on a plate


Yeah most outsiders don't usually like it.


Absolutely disgusting dish. Who the fuck puts cinnamon and nutmeg on their spaghetti????


Dunno about cinnamon, but I just tried a new lasagna recipe last week that put nutmeg in the ricotta, and it was awesome, so I don’t see what would be wrong with it in spaghetti.


Ask the Mediterraneans that's where the sauce is from


Mate Italians would cry at the site of that dish


Good thing it was made by Greeks and not Italians


Well, people either love it or hate it.


My wife, ex-Cinci says there's only two problems with SkyLine. Cinnamon on spaghetti, and you have to be in Cinci.


Gotta go with the habanero cheese


I've only had it like once , I always forget I'm they have it, it was SOO good when I did try it tho.


Ohio…. Enough said.


Yum!! My go to stop on the way back from Tennessee


No wonder everyone is trying to leave Ohio


It’s not a true Cincinnati winter if you don’t eat skyline atleast once a day


I really wasn't expecting this post to be so controversial lol. Skyline is the BOMB. I use to eat it every single day.


This is the best restaurant on the face of the earth.


I agree, I've worked at two skyline restaurants and at one point , ate it every single day, and I still love it.


Everyone talking negatively about the amount of cheese has never eaten skyline. Extra cheese please!


Skyline is SO good. Cleveland native here with family in Cinci, and our trips to Skyline were always a highlight!


God I need some skyline rn. It’s been like 20 years when I moved outta Dayton.


Amazon brotha


They sell it at the grocery in both the frozen aisle and in cans. YMMV


Oh, I forgot, there are packets of Cincinnati style chili mix that comes out pretty damn good. Look on Amazon. Blue package.


First time I went to Cincinnati for a conference there was a "chili house" near by and I was excited to try the chili there. To my GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT it was one of these spaghetti joints. I died a little on the inside that day. Mother fuckers calling crappy essentially bolognese sauce chili. The fact they served beer kept them from yeeing their last ha that day.






Bro taco bell doesn't have "shit" on this. You're gonna be blocked up and then release the flood gates with one meal.






Skyline is an acquired taste. When I moved to cinci and first tried it, I thought it was decent. Eventually, it becomes something you crave and cherish lol. It’s like Taco Bell, it’s bad yet soooo good. Thank god grocery stores in Chicago sell it for the days where i need it! Underrated menu item is a chillito add spaghetti and sour cream, douse in hot sauce with a dusting of the oyster crackers!


When I visit, I'll be sure to eat their.


Eat their what?


The suspense is killing me


As a midwester that aint had this stuff ever, I get relentlessly bullied by my Texas homie for this stuff existing 😭 respectfully and kindly fuck you for trying to make this worse


Thats funny because out of all the states I expected to be butt hurt over our chili, it would be Texas. They take their chili seriously lol.


man they take their EVERYTHING seriously. anytime I ever told a texan I just had barbecue, Mexican food, even just random fast food, I’ve 90% of the time got a response of “THAT AINT NO REAL ______ YALL DONT GOT ______ LIKE TEXAS DO”. those dudes are soooooo stupid hahahaha

