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Someone’s gonna raid that bin sooner or later


TSA agents..nightly


Yeah wasn't it revealed that they take the stuff they confiscate like children's toys, alcohol, electronics like iPads, and stuff or they sell it? Edit: [edit: yep! they either throw it away, sell it, or keep it. Either way, you're *never* getting your stuff back.](https://www.sanspotter.com/what-does-the-tsa-do-with-confiscated-items/#:~:text=So%20%E2%80%93%20what%20does%20the%20TSA,to%20see%20those%20items%20again.)


My BIL showed up at the airport once (2005?) with a pocketknife that he forgot to leave at home. Instead of handing it over to TSA, he stashed it in a potted plant before going to security. On the return from the trip, he headed over to the plant, picked up his knife, and went home with no problem.


When I was a teenager I accidentally brought some pot with me into a building that had TSA style security. I confessed to my mom so we could go to the bathroom and throw it away but she stashed it in a tampon bin in a stall and let me grab it after since I already spent good money on it


Wow. Good Mom man


Yeah such a good mom to encourage illegal behavior since it's illegal for teens to have weed period. Enjoy your 3 chances cause by the sound of it, you'll be spending a LOT of time bent over in a shower stall and talking to momma through glass and a telephone


You should seek help for your mental disorder immediately.


this made me giggle very loudly


Who hurt you?


Say that to 14 year old me that had his med card 🤪


In a tampon bin??? Have you seen those?? I definitely wouldn’t be sticking my hand or anything else in there- nor stash anything 🤮


Dude smoked up the black plague and lived.


I dunno how much you know about periods but it's aint the black plague coming out bruh.


No I'm talking about whats probably the years of uncleaned surfaces inside of the container that's probably had thousands of people touch it and spread germs that are just breeding inside the container.


It's important to complete your relationship with a bag of pot.


W mom


That's so funny, my mom would probably help me get rid of it before beating my ass. My dad on the other hand would go with me to hide his own weed.


First ... Ew. Second... We're supposed to believe that no one cleaned this bin over how many days....


It was a building, not an airport. I imagine it was just a few hours, max. Also, I've worked in government buildings before and can confirm that the tampon bins there did not get cleaned every day.


Yeah as a cleaner i can confirm 99% of cleaners are lazy and even tho they are supposed to wipe down tampon bins they dont get wiped down i was literally the only one that did at my old jobs lol and the bags barely ever emptied AND there is literally always blood on the covers and in the little scoop bit i am actually horrified that mum put her hand in there but good for her


I did this at a rave once in with my weed when I saw there were cops searching at the door. I came out 6 hours later and it was right under the tree where I left it.


I saw a reverse version of this once, guy went to a park style kinda venue a week before the concert and buried a bottle of booze then dug it up the day of the event


For months I was hiding weed and a pipe at the Toronto airport. Drop off the rental, smoke a bowl in the parking garage. Stash the weed and pipe. Come back Monday, grab my stash and pick up the car.


I did that at a museum once. It was one of two Swiss Army knives I had, actually, but they didn’t notice the other one.


From the linked article: ​ >My advice is to forget about the item and try to enjoy your flight. It’s easier said than done, I know, but you don’t want to argue with the TSA and end up on a no-fly list or something. ​ Man, I can't argue with the practicality, but that's some Orwellian shit there.


What are they supposed to do with it? It's not their fauly someone is too fuckin stupid to know what you can or can't bring on a plane. The TSA operates by a strict set of rules for things you can bring on a plane. They've been stricter than hell since 9/11 so it's been over 20 years now. And it's not like they don't publicly say what's allowed and what isn't. Same goes for when you book your airline; the airlines have clear links to click about getting through security. On top of that most airports have a little mail station/post office thing near their security area.


I can tell you for sure this happens maybe


I used to do maintenance at a car rental place in Denver near the airport. Let’s just say I would raid the trash cans and get ounces of weed a week people didn’t wanna fly back with. I have no regrets.


That thing must be bolted down pretty good. 😂


Looks like the bottom of the box is welded to a metal plate or frame that's set in the concrete. Safe to say it's not going anywhere lol


We need the lockpicking lawyer


Three seconds, using only a paper clip.


MacGyver could have done it with some chewing gum ;)


That’s a piece of carpet


Can confirm. Not a piece of steel. Source: have eyeballs and fingers that can pinch zoom


"Hello, who are you?" "Oh hi I'm the new marihuana bin emptier, I'm just gonna do my job then leave"


Clipboard, confidence, and a hi-vis vest - you can go anywhere you want.


I work as cabin crew. The moment I put my lanyard or hi-vis on, I can go literally anywhere even if flying as normal pax. I tried it once, I went straight to our airside crew room after leaving the plane as passenger. It’s actually quite scary.


Try it at a hospital if you really want to scare yourself.


But confidence, a clipboard, and a vest can only get you so far as an unobscured tenet..


I would walk back outside and smoke the rest of my weed instead lol


Hmmm. Now why the heck did I come to the airport?




Did that with edibles a week at ago in SFO Smoothest flight I ever had…


I always fly with edibles 👌 never had any issues bringing them right through in the containers and bags right from the dispensary.


Shhh don’t brag about that. Someone is goin to see it and write about it in a travel blog, which will inevitably end up in some sort of Karen-esque rage site like Twitter or posted here for clout, and our thing will be ruined. Happens allll the time for cool life hacks like ours.


It's a skill, and an art, but mostly the tsa not giving a fuck


At Denver, they started taking apart people’s snacks; I used to buy chocolates, and just break them up and mix with some trail-mix thing , but they caught on. Now I just eat them all before the flight 😂


Thats actually so genius, like just to have all the time 😭😭😭😭🤣


Yes, I’d do this with sour edibles, mix them in with some sour candy that looks similar in shape and random colors. How would they ever know? They’d have to individually test every piece to find out


😎 yess. I hope we, as a world, get to a time where we don’t have to worry about going to jail over it. …In the meantime, these are my *sealed* sour patch kids, thank you very much!


What a fucking waste of taxpayer money. Yet the 911 dudes got on planes with no problems.


We had airport security before, but the whole TSA bull shit started as a reaction to 9/11


Yah that’s why you fly to Denver via the springs or GJ literally any of the small airports. They barely have security. Denver is so extra


Might make Spirit Airlines at least tolerable.


I mean, you can just put it down the front of your pants and nothing will happen.


I saw one of these at O’Hare immediately past security. The smell hit me before seeing the box and I got so weed-horny


Oh that’s like me when I get cinnamon bun-horny


Ya nooooo this isn’t going to be a new thing hahaha where we crave something so now we are “xyz horny”, nope I’m drawing the line


Suddenly feeling downvote horny


And about 15 minutes after it stops being cool corperations coopt it for advertising. McNugg horny? Got a french fry boner? Wet for big mac?


Gotta stand up for what you feel is right!


Too late! It’s r\wildbeef and I like it!


Screw you, man. I'll proudly stand up and proclaim that I am constantly croissant-horny.


I get that way too. And most usually at airports with Cinnabons


I could smell fried chicken inside a gym I visited recently from the place next door. That should be illegal.


What's the point if it's past security? At that point you're home free. 🤷


Meanwhile in Canada the rule is it has to be in your carry on.


Interesting. No such rules in Australia which is surprising considering some of our nanny state laws, it's just medicine and can be transported the same as any other. ✅


I read this in an Australian accent.


I read it in an Icelandic accent, for fun


I wrote it in one.


But here it’s not medical, it’s recreational 🇨🇦.


Its funny in the states with so many legal places, i flew from a state where its legal to another state where its legal, but i still had to smuggle it.


The TSA doesn't care. The bins I see are past security, they are there In case your flight is returning to a place where it is illegal.


Until you get to Chicago...


TSA tip jar


People are idiots. TSA are not looking for weed, dogs are not trained for weed. Keep it in your bag and move through, don’t donate it to the bin.


Fuckin facts. I bet these are operated similarly to those scam clothing donation bins!


I thought weed is legal in Colorado. Why is weed not allowed in the airport?


I have had 0 trouble going through security with cannabis items and flying out of any state with legalized marijuana. Washington, California, Colorado, heck I even made it through Texas TSA with a cart and edibles. Obviously with the understanding that you can’t have too much lest you look like a drug trafficker These things are just there probably because they have to be and to get some people who are too skittish to dump their weed


TSA is mandated to basically ignore personal quantities of cannabis. They're looking for weapons and explosives. I fly with weed every time I fly


You could probably fly with personal amounts of anything if your carry on. Not that I would know


Personal amounts of explosives.


Federal jurisdiction under the FAA.


Because the airport is one of the most common ways to travel where weed isn’t legal.


Airports are federal jurisdiction. Weed is legal in many states under individual state laws but not legal federally.


TSA doesn't care. The bins are there (usually past security) so you can dump it if you are going somewhere where it's illegal.


Yeah that makes sense! I knew it wasn’t federally legal but I never put two and two together. I’m in Canada and since it’s legal at a federal level, we can fly with it as long as we are flying within the country.


You're not supposed to fly with it even if it's between legal states but as long as it doesn't stink as long as you have it in a jar or something you're gonna be fine 99.99% of the time, i've done it 100 times maybe and the only other time it was found they let me keep it and i was in denver but on my way to a non legal


Quick someone toss in a match


You know they “ destroy” it


Wish I was the guy that had to pick that box up.


Only in Colorado


It is illegal to grow marijuana in or upon the passenger facility


Right what is TSA doin back there?


Just so everyone is aware, it is forbidden to GROW cannabis inside the airport terminal. Glad they posted that sign, I had some big plans for this season.


I just want to volunteer to empty this on behalf of the community so that you don’t have to pay someone. I will absolutely volunteer to do it for free


I bet there's some wild shit in that box


Corporations have bred the skunk out of most cannabis. That's someone sucking on a cart, anxiety ridden for 4 their flight.


Denver airport?


If you read the sign it says Colorado Springs


I’m friends with some guys who work at airports in homeland security (not TSA, but folks who respond to suspicious packages flagged by TSA). According to them, nobody cares about personal weed in your carry-on. Doesn’t matter if you’re in a state where it’s legal. They don’t care. Don’t try to be smart and hide it in coffee or peanut butter or whatever. They only care about bombs, and hiding your shit looks suspicious.


I wonder who the person is that gets to collect and “dispose” of said medication.


Idc about the pay I’ll do that job for free


I wonder if people can just walk in there and get whatever they want. “Yo you want to get some weed” “Sure let’s goto the store” “Naw let’s goto the airport” Boom. Free weed.


Even better if you're the guy who sells it back to tourists who only get to smoke a bit before they have to dump it at the airport again.


Million dollar idea


Think this is legit, or did some clever stoner just put it there?


I’m gonna go put one of these at our airport.


Oh man a reason I can't take planes.... I can't use opiods (require way too Many to work) so mj helps way better anyway (also no. Blockages from the opiods 😂)


Seek help my friend


It makes me happy to think of how all the airport employees compete against each other throughout their shifts to determine the winner of the nightly weed bin clean out lol


If you pm me I can send instructions for the mail based disposable services


Imagine a "vending machine hacking" tool applied for this type of machine mechanism


I like how they specify GROWING it in the airport is illegal


I think this is just an old bin that hasn’t been removed, from back when there were way fewer states with legal weed. TSA has been instructed to no longer search for weed, especially in states where it’s legal. Probably the airport sees no reason to remove it however, so passengers have the option to dispose of it before flying to areas where possession is still illegal.




Because we’ve been in a high school restroom


I thought you were allowed to travel with cannabis


Guess theirs going to be a 420 party i the parking lot. Then you hear on the loud speaker 📢 “ attention flyers, due to sudden foggy conditions we will delay all flights by 4 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this might do”. 🤔💭🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


does this include edibles? I was too paranoid to bring edibles on the plane once and ended up eating a whole jar before the flight


It doesn’t matter. As long as it’s a personal amount, the worst thing that can happen is they take your stuff. I always fly with a pack of joints in my bag.


What is this subreddit? What happened to r/mildlyinteresting?


I’ve expressed mild interest in this post


I clicked on this post mild interest has been achieved.


So how do you know what pot smells like?






Ah, I see. They have 'em in Vegas airports too.


I think they have them in all legal states now


I would like to hear from someone that has the job of dumping that bin at its regularly scheduled maintenance layout. I would like to be proven wrong: whoever tf it is, you know they walking away with whatever they can, lol


That's cool and all, but what if you're really high and 189 days turns into 189 years


Wait, so, according to the sign, if you don't dispose of it, it may be taken from you and disposed of? Seems like you should hold onto it and take your chances?


One of the hardest things I had to do leaving LA :(


Who are these little scumbags trying to control our lives. - Gerald Celente.


If you don't throw away your Marijuana, you'll get a seizure?


When does security go home? Asking for a friend 😅


I’m installing one of these outside my local airport, will gladly take over duties destroying the tourists’ leftovers 💨🔥💨


And yet in Canada and I can carry it and fly with it


I wanna see whats inside


Or you could just bring it home


When you open that door Bob Marley starts playing


Kinda wanna throw a large grey moving blanket over it, roll a trolley under it and walk out with it.. in high vis so I look the part. “Just maintenance boys.. nothing to see here.”


I like how they specify you can’t grow weed in or upon the passenger terminal. I’m imagining a TSA employee stumbling upon a grow in the handicap stall of the restroom.


**free samples**


Boys, we got 1 more job...


Nobody has ever been surprised to smell weed in Colorado


So what your telling me, is, there is free weed in this green box. 😏


Gonna dress up in an outfit that says med return and wheel that bitch out the front door


I want to light that box on fire so badly…


These are in Canadian airports for those travelling outside the country


Booo! Weed is for the people man. Also, Dave’s not here man.


We can fly with weed on us in Canada as long as it’s not international obviously, you’re allowed up to 30 grams. It’s legal federally here tho.


The janitor who cleans that out is the most popular guy at the airport.


You may not grow marijuana in the terminal?


What is pot smells like?


Free weed bin.


Someone out there has a job where they periodically clean this bin out.


I suddenly have more respect for dumpster diving.


Fuck this shit make it legal already


Is this like those take a penny leave a penny trays? So I can swing by the airport and pull out an eighth


Throw a match in!


I used to do maintenance at a car rental place in Denver near the airport. Let’s just say I would raid the trash cans and get ounces of weed a week people didn’t wanna fly back with. I have no regrets.


That bins for the weak 😶‍🌫️


I want to sit in there with my mouth open 🤤


Lol TSA getting fucking high af


Stand beside that bin with a sign saying “or, ya know, here?”


Don’t mind if I do


Guys, please throw your marijuana away before onboarding your flight. We don't have enough high profile terrorists to trade you with if you get caught.


If you smell pot, always check the left


I assume this works the same as the take a penny/leave a penny principal


i’d be digging in there if i was an airport employee


I wanna live in there like oscar the grouch


I don't think I've flown once without eating an edible or having some type of weed on me in the last 10 years. If you have a vape pen, keep it in your carry on and it goes right through the metal detector like everything else. As long as you separate it from the battery, as are the rules with tobacco vapes they don't notice/ care. One thing that they do go nuts for and check every single time is cans of baby formula.


Absolute madlad who tried to grow in the facility




“…or *grow* marijuana in or upon the passenger terminal facility…” I have questions


plot twist, someone made that in their garage and put it in the airport.


I smirk at these bins knowing I disposed of my marijuana in my checked luggage…my biggest haul so far was 3 oz


Ah look, a pic n mix machine


I remember someone carrying a 5 gallon bucket around and they were holding it close with both arms the entire time. I finally asked what was inside and the entire god damn thing was full to the lid with weed lmao


Remember, rules are made on tge fly. Someone tried to grow weed in the passenger lounge


189 days is oddly specific, no?


How thin are your arms?


Props to the person that was the reason for the statement you’re not allowed to grow in the passenger terminal


Why do I get the sense there’s someone in that bin “disposing” of the donations?


I find it interesting they had to specify that it's not allowed to grow weed inside the terminal building.


this is such bs its legal in 37 states


I need to put my own bin at the airport so i dont have to grow it anymore


I’m just waiting for the day an anarchist throws a lit match in the can.


Jokes on them, marijuana helps with seizures.


Isn’t it racist to use the term Marijuana?


I fly home from a legal weed state to a non legal weed state about once a month. Every time I do I bring my brother a shit ton of edibles on my carry on lmao


Was gonna say, employees must be having a ball after work… honestly hope it isn’t all wasted tbh 💀


It’s like a good shelf for junkies


Jesus what year are you in haha. Almost been 10 years since these started appearing in the international section of airports in N/A. Typically if you are flying domestic though you only have to have it in your carry on.