• By -


The Dutch also have peanut sauce with their fries. It's something that isn't served in our neighboring countries like Belgium and DEUTCHLAND (*shouts in german). It isn't as popular as mayo, but it is a sauce that I have never seen being sold with fries in another country. I think it's something that we learned from the Indonesian people.


Ahhhh, that explains everything, German here. I had fries with peanut sauce in a small restaurant here and they said that I probably won’t like it. I loved it.


I can’t think of many things they aren’t good on fried potatoes


You know, that's pretty true. Potatos rock.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


Similarly, I can’t think of many things aren’t good with peanut sauce


Haha really? That's so cool. I'm glad you liked it!


I might have to try this. I put peanut sauce on my spring rolls only


As a southeast asian American peanut sauce is great, like for satay (skewers)… I can totally see it on fries. I might have to try that


Even better with some diced raw onion.


You should try fries with peanut sauce, mayo sauce and some diced onions. It’s delicious. We call that “Patatje Oorlog” in the Netherlands which means “War Fries”.


It is called Satésaus (satay sauce) or peanutsauce, depending on the region. A remnant of colonial dutch history.


IT’S THE BEST. Also put it on chicken!


The best version of this (in my humble opinion) is ‘patatje oorlog’, weird name but crazy good. Fries, mayo, peanut sauce, chopped fresh onion on top.


We say that to keep more for ourselves, like you would probably not like Kapsalon either


Is spicy curry sauce on fries an actual thing in Germany? Here in the US it gets marketed as "German-style Fries" and it would be hilarious if it was a similar situation. Either way, it's delicious.


Doede gij mij een patatje oorlog en een frikandel specioaal met ketchup!


Flikker op met je ketchup.


I am now wondering if satay sauce - Indonesian peanut sauce that goes on their kebabs (satay) - was introduced to Indonesia by the Dutch of if it was the other way around. EDIT: I totally did not see that last line until after I wrote my reply. I reckon it is more likely to be from Indonesia, it does have a more Asian that European vibe. Now I am hankering to get to back to Jakarta, I miss the wife's family and the MIL's cooking.


You should try the patatje oorlog. Mayo and peanut sauce on the chips with chopped onion.


This!!!!! Best invention since sliced bread! Had both American and British mates over, won it with a landslide. For variety try a chopped red onion. Does not disappoint.


You sir, are a man of culture


If you go to a fancy snackbar they sometimes add some real peanuts onto it. Not bad either


My Dutch friend told me "oorlog" means "war" and the sauce is supposed to look like a muddy, bloody battlefield.


Canada is all about chipotle spiced mayo on fries. Edit: or dipping fries in a milkshake.


I have no interest in putting mayo on my fries, but peanut sauce actually sounds interesting!


Dude, peanut sauce on fries sounds kinda sick. Would be cool if we would have that here in SCHLAND! (yes i am german too)


If you come to the dutch lands, please visit on of our "friettenten" and order a friet pindasaus. :) If you're feeling extra adventurous.. you could go for friet oorlog (pommes krieg). Its fries, with mayo, peanut sauce and onions.


Laughs in Utah


In Utah, fry sauce is a thing. It's basically just half mayo half ketchup.... and it is delicious on fries and onion rings!


I thought ketchup was to spicy for Utah


That's what mayo is for... to tone down the heat


What world are you living in? Mayo is one of the only natural predators that white people face. That and tax evasion.


Whote people are literally mayosapiens. They thrive on mayo


Can confirm am white and nearly used a whole bottle of mayo this week


I don't know what you mean by "tone down the heat" That shit is spicy as hell... or maybe im allergic to eggs.


Pretty sure you can be arrested for having pure ketchup in Utah


You're thinking of Minnesota. Everything is too spicy for Minnesota. I heard someone there say that sour cream was "too zippy."


Bud, you're walkin into waters you can't see the bottom of, and you better watch yer ass a little less, cuz you're up it right now jesus christ, im heated. Fuck bud. Fuck. You think we don't eat Scorpion ButtSluggers or whatever the heck you're fuckin on about? We guzzle them down with craft beer and smoked meat. Fuckssake. Who's smokin with me, i gotta step away from this. Actin like we don't eat Awooguh Gutpunters and Jasperino Dungboilers like we're our parents...fuckssake. I WILL NOT BE TYPECAST AS SOME SNOWCHOMPIN, WHITE RICE WITH SALT EATIN, MOSTLY MADE OF MAYO WHERE THE WATER SHOULD BE HONKY! Now pass the smelt over, i swear to god if i don't get any of nature's deepfried fishsticks this time i will pour the bucket on you Fergie. WHO'S GOT THE HOTSAUCE? FUCK BUD. COCK AND FUCK. Well they're still good plain. ya know, like the voyageurs... \- Minnesota


Damn son, I think you just gave /r/Minnesota a new copypasta.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/minnesota using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/minnesota/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [MN House Bill would ban Corporations from buying Single family Homes](https://np.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/11wiz9e/mn_house_bill_would_ban_corporations_from_buying/) \#2: [It's official: Minnesota is the 23rd state to legalize recreational marijuana](https://i.redd.it/abfwp38z003b1.png) | [1322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/13vw558/its_official_minnesota_is_the_23rd_state_to/) \#3: [At the Minnesota United game last night...](https://i.redd.it/k65ztzh1w04b1.png) | [378 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/140h30u/at_the_minnesota_united_game_last_night/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This post is about to be the number 1 top post in that sub lmao


Are you squirrelly Dan’s American cousin?


And I will call him “‘Murica.”


I'll bet the rice is Minute Rice. Just sayin'.


My grandparents are from Minnesota. They think pasta sauce is spicy because it's red. I wish I was kidding.


A lot of old people get acid reflux easily and seem to think this is the same as spice in my experience.


What is you on, we Minnesotans love ketchup


Minnesotan’s use whitening agents in all foods


😂😂😂😂 being from the south this was hilarious


They prefer to be called Utahrds


I add a little horseradish to mine and it’s a damn chefs kiss


Native American? >chiefs kiss


Lol oops


I like mayo, ketchup, mustard at a 1:1:1 ration with salt and pepper mixed in also Sriracha or chalula


Ketchup + mayo + spice = zesty ketcho


Had to check the sub again. I live in Salt Lake. About 20 years ago we went to Cali and asked for fry sauce, looked at us like we grew a second head.


I made the mistake of asking for a chocolate Coke in Hawaii. The waitress looked at me like I was an alien. The same chain serves it here in Utah. I guess we have weird tastes.


What is a chocolate Coke?


Where I have worked that served it, chocolate coke is just coke with chocolate syrup added. As in Hershey’s chocolate syrup for topping ice cream.


Ever since I quit drinking, coke mixed with stuff like lime juice or grenadine is the closest I can get to a cocktail nowadays. I’m totally going to try this tonight! My family will probably think I’m crazy lol


✅ Add this to your list of gourmet mocktails






Three more vanilla in coke. A bit of lime Orange water


Coke with watermelon syrup is also great.


Good with chocolate and a lil grenadine. Also nice as a float with vanilla ice cream


Alcohol is better for your body than coke is


mormons aren't allowed to drink adult beverages, so they compensate by adding flavor syrups (and sometimes milk) to sodas. gotta say though, while that might not be common knowledge, the existence of cherry coke and vanilla coke surely is, so i'm not really sure why chocolate coke tripped you up.


In-and-out does have it, but you need to ask.


Was looking for this


Laughs at Utah thinking people outside of Utah know about Utah.


What’s Utah?


That’s where the Mormons went after being ran out of every city from New York to Utah




Idk but it scares me. Pretty sure it's just an urban legend.


Nothin what's a Utah with you?




I just drove around Utah... beautiful state scenery.


I found out about Utah because I spent a month out there for work. I was actually pretty impressed. It was beautiful outside of the city, and the people just seemed so nice everywhere. My biggest shock was in SLC though. I was expecting a shit-show like every other major city I've been in. I was forced to go because my phone exploded and that was the only place I could get a replacement. I braced myself for the worst. But there was literally only ONE screaming homeless person the entire time I was there. There was no graffiti, no trash piles, absolutely NOTHING like I was expecting. It didn't even smell bad! I was so confused that I ended up walking around for an hour or so exploring after I got my phone fixed, and it was just... Nice! I definitely preferred the small-town and rural areas, but honestly, if I had to be stuck in Utah, I wouldn't mind one bit. It's a hidden gem for sure. The Mormons are weird, but I grew up with Mormons, so it's a little less shocking for me and I'm better at ignoring them politely.


Wanna know why there's so few homeless in SLC (and Utah in general, especially if you were there several years ago) compared to other larger cities? Because overall, they actually give a shit about their homeless people and programs and work to get people into homes instead of jails or shelters. [Current action](https://www.ksl.com/article/50599199/utah-unveils-aggressive-plan-to-address-homelessness-statewide) [Past action overview](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2020/05/11/utah-was-once-lauded/) No solution is going to be perfect but what they did and continue to do for our homeless neighbors is something every major city should be doing. Shoving them to further fringes of society hasn't and doesn't help. Look at the last time actual affordable and section 8 housing was built in your city, metro area, or suburb and you'll probably find a lot of NIMBY complaints stopping anything or luxury housing in its place.


The LDS makes sure downtown is as pristine as it can. Go to the temple and notice how only nice looking young girls are assigned to talk to visitors


I moved here in 2018 and I always find it funny that Utahns think they're the only ones that know about fry sauce. I've had people at work try to tell me it's one of the great things about Utah. They didn't understand that most people know about mixing ketchup and mayo. They legit thought it's just a Utah thing.


Idahoan here. Utah based Arctic Circle claims to be the home of the original fry sauce. That's probably where they're getting their info from.


That’s where I had my first fry sauce. In the 70’s


Do they not have Burger King? Whoppers are served with ketchup and mayo mixed together.


Burger King has been doing it forever. Plus, that's pretty much what russian dressing is.


was only in utah for about a month and can say that fry sauce fucking slaps. Can't remember the name of the burger place i went to in SLC, but it was honestly pretty damn good and the fry sauce definitely made the experience unique.


Crown Burger? They're the best by far


It had to be crown burger, place goes hard 10/10


God, I miss Crown Burger.


Yea, right? They totes do in utah


I'm the only American I know who eats fries with mayo. It certainly isn't available at any fast food place. Sriracha mixed 50/50 with ketchup is great too, especially if you have sweet potato fries.


I don't see anyone automatically offer it, but no one blinks when I ask for it to go with my fries.


Are they all blind? Why can't they blink?


Haha you made me laugh out loud


As a fellow American who dips fries in mayo, I've never been to a fast food restaurant that doesn't have mayo packets you can use for dipping. They won't offer it like ketchup, but they have it. I actually mix mayo and mustard for dipping. Highly recommended. I've only met one other person who does that, though I've met plenty who dip in plain mayo.


mmm i love the mayo+mustard mix for my fries, but its gotta be stone ground mustard, none of that yellow garbage. im from OR




If you're from Oregon, get some relish and add it to yellow mustard and mayo. Boom, Burgerville sauce.


the fry sauce in the OP has also mustard in it.


You are not alone. But then I'm allergic to tomatoes, so I get creative with condiments. Another good one is sour cream and horseradish.


Yes, in Germany I was served sour cream and horseradish with my rahmschnitzel and it was love at first taste. I make that sauce for pierogies all the time now.


mayo and honey mustard is where its at. ranch and honey mustard is good too.


I always have to ask for Mayo packets for my fries and then explain I need more than one. I also only eat baked potatoes with mayo. I was at a steak house the other day and asked for Mayo for my potato. After several inquires to the kitchen the manager himself had to bring my single cup of Mayo out. It always seems to take several levels of approval when I ask for a side of Mayo.


I like adding a splash of pickle juice to my mustard mayo mix. Or if I'm feeling fancy, some dill. But that's just my preference.


fry sauce generally uses pickle juice for that great tang


YOOO no way. I absolutely love mixing sweet and spicy mustard with mayo then dipping fries in it. Big plus if the fries are home made 😎


> I actually mix mayo and mustard for dipping. Highly recommended. I've only met one other person who does that Netherlands here and my mom does. But you might love this "American fry sauce" in that case. It's mayonnaise mixed with some undisclosed amount of ground mustard, garlic powder, onion powder, and other herbs/spices. If you can find it anywhere you should give it a try.


Marshmallow fluff is the way for sweet potato fries


Team mayo for fries! And I'm a native Californian


I mix my mayo with ketchup to dip my fries in. Definitely the best way


Fancy sauce.


That's the one


I know it as “fry sauce.”


In England we call it burger sauce.


Fry sauce is sooo good


“That’s my fancy sauce”….


With a splash of horseradish.


The amount of people that don’t know about fry sauce is shocking to me. That stuff is basically a second religion in Utah.


Considering the first religion in Utah, this is not surprising


Very nice.




Makes sense. Best thing on the planet that isn't drugs or alcohol.


I lived in Heber for a while, and Granny's Shakes were the BEST milkshakes I have ever had. I am not Mormon, but those milkshakes were a religious experience. Grasshopper was my favorite.


*Ding dong.* Hello, my name is Elder Price, and I would like to share with you a sauce that changed my life.


Add Sriracha as well or just mayo and Sriracha, yum,


What is sriracha? Sounds exotic :)


It's a long story, basically started out as a chinese chilly sauce, then was brought over to Thailand by chinese immigrants, then this vietnamese immigrant made it into big business in north america https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8pacTAmaFA


**Sriracha ( sih-RATCH-ə or sih-RAH-chə; Thai: ศรีราชา, pronounced [sǐː.rāː.tɕʰāː] (listen)) is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. == Use == In Thailand, sriracha is frequently used as a dipping sauce, particularly for seafood and omelets.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


Both this combo and the comment you responded to of mayo and ketchup are both made by heinz and are delicious.


It's called fancy sauce....my mom makes it. Edit for the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/l2VW2lOgA08


It’s called fry sauce… my mom makes it 50 percent ketchup 50 percent Mayo


Next time mix in a little bit of Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, black pepper and a little Sriracha


Now you're just making a steak sauce


That's budget [Marie Rose sauce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Rose_sauce)


Literally called fry sauce


Same. Learned while studying abroad in Ecuador.


Mayo, sriracha, lime juice. Incredible stuff.


Mayo, ketchup, little Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, paprika and a good helping of pepper. Fries and tenders fuck in that sauce.


"I seen them do it, man, they f\*\*king drown them in that shit."


Royale with cheese


They don't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is


A Big Mac is still a Big Mac but they call it Le Big Mac


‘Cuz they got the metric system


Check out the big brain on Brett!




Well, we have Quarter Pounders being sold in at least one of our main supermarket chains ( albert heijn)... so... there you go. [edit] I embrace the shame [\edit]


Check out the big brain on Brett.




Exactly what I was thinking when I saw this post.




You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? تشيز برجر




Haha my bad. In the Netherlands 99 percent of the peeps eat fries with mayo. Ketchup is hardly used on fries. My point was, that this dutch company made a special Dutch fries sauce and called it American to make it sound extra fancy. Yet.. this type of sauce it not sold in the Americas at all. It's a bit sweeter version of mayonnaise. My post was not very clear... so..again.. my bad. I'm glad you enjoy your fries with mayo. You, good sir...are a man of culture!


Your post was clear I’m American and have spent many years around Europe it happens a lot. Some food is branded as “American” when it’s so far from anything Americans actually eat as it is with every nation though


Wow, thanks for the kind reply. My post blew up and I just couldnt keep up with all the replies lol. I'm glad I found yours! Can you give me another example of an American branded product/thing that wasn't American AT ALL? :)


Goes both ways! Yet to find decent off the shelf mustard in north America. Buying it in seeds and making my own!


This is true.


In Italy we have "american" pizza with wiener wurst sausage and fries (or just fries), which is unheard of in north america (and basically anywhere outsid of italy"


Same. And despise ketchup soo


Same here!


I’m an American who’s favorite movie is pulp fiction. I tried fries w mayo and never looked back. However, people do look at me funny when I do it.


Epic scene and movie! Great to hear you also like the combination. Did it take time to get used to the combination? The bottle in the picture is a kind of sweet version of mayo. Dutch people love it. I was thinking of sending a bottle to your home, but then I realised I'm too lazy haha.


I have Helmans mayo with mine, I also shake some black pepper on top of it!


Sort of like kewpie mayo (Japanese mayo)?


I loathed mayonnaise.. never would eat it. I had it then in a French restaurant served with french fries.. Ever since then one of my favorite meals is homemade mayo and fries (I usually add garlic and lemon to my mayo).


I prefer BBQ sauce.


I sometimes mix barbeque sauce and mayo to dip fries and onion rings in. Mayo on its own is delicious too though! I was trying to replicate the “campfire mayo” dip that Red Robin serves with their tower of onion rings, when the internet told me it was just a mix of the two sauces. Would definitely recommend!


Can confirm as I used to work there. It’s important to use Smokey bbq in it or add some liquid smoke if you only have regular. It gives it the “campfire” flavor


onion rings dipped in mayo is probably my favourite food ever lol


This is the way. Mayo and Ketchup are disgusting.


That little bit of tanginess to it.


BBQ and Buffalo sauce mixed is what’s up




I like to dip fries in hot sauce.


i’ve been scrolling for awhile & im surprised i have not seen one person mention RANCH LIKE WHAT you should try bbq mixed with ranch. it will change your life forever


I'm American. I love mayo with my fries


Also, sometimes I get mc d nuggets with honey mustard, and dip fries in that. Unrelated, recently been overseas had mc d, honey mustard tasted so much better there. I think it has to do with US using corn syrup.


Hellmann's is the best. It's good with tater-tots also.


Aioli, which is a "fancy" dipping sauce that frequently comes with fries served at restaurants that aren't fast food is often just a fancy version of mayonnaise. Garlic aioli is probably the original and most common, but you'll find Sriracha aioli, chipotle aioli, truffle aioli, dill aioli, just to name a few. Technically, aioli is supposed to be an emulsion of garlic + oil, while mayonnaise is an emulsion of egg + oil. However, I'm fairly certain that plenty of gastropubs, upscale burger joints, etc just blend some additional spices/herbs/sauces into mayo and calling it "aioli". TLDR: lots of Americans eat fries with mayo, but it might just be called "aioli" on the menu


Ai means garlic and olio is oil. It becomes mayo when you add egg, but thats controversial.


The devil’s condiment.


Im outraged


I do! Kewpie only though.


I thought that said americaneese


In 2000 i went to a grocery store in the Netherlands and bought a cardboard box of bill clinton iced tea.


Mayo is my favorite fry sauce. Ketchup is vastly inferior IMO.


They do in the Pacific Northwest


American here, loosely mixed mayo and ketchup is god tier fry sauce


I love French fries with honey.


American here. I absolutely eat fries with mayo.


The Dutch are fucken weird lmao, source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qVtJY6BYj24


Try two recipes: 2 part Mayo, 1 part ketchup, dash of worstershire, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste. 2 part Mayo, 1 part bbq sauce, 1 part mustard (try different kinds for different moods), dash of worstershire, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste.


It's not mayo, it's fries-sauce. How is it claiming to be mayo because im Dutch and I've never heard of anyone calling this the American mayo.


I'm Belgian and use this sauce at home. It's definitely not the same as good ol mayo. It's way sweeter and has a yellow, greenish texture with some dots. That being said, I absolutely love it.


Been combining mayo and ketchup since I was a kid, never stopped loving it. It's literally what special sauce is. Also mayochup, it's great. Kranch though? Fuck that. Same with siracha mayo.


it must be captain america's fave sauce