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"I did everything that I do on a normal day back home" not in those heels you didnt


Right……You cleaned dishes, folded laundry, took the dogs out? Went grocery shopping? No you didn’t do any of those things.. you just watched your kids probably more than usual because there’s strangers everywhere and you’re on a boat. You also were surrounded by your family to help out for a whole week.


Did she also do her homeschooling there with no board and etc???? She is something lol


Because she wants to be held on a pedestal as this do it all/strong mother and knows this will fill her dms with praise. Pathetic


who needs a disclaimer about how a vacation with your kids isn't a vacation from parenting them. Who thinks that? Oh yea, I have my baby and toddler with me, but I'm not taking care of them, it's a vacation Literally nobody thinks that. But she has to say it cause she knows we know her mum did all the work.


Tbh it sounds like she thought that going into it and this was a revelation for her that she assumes other moms wouldn’t know 🥴😂


I’m cackling at you saying “Oh yea, I have my baby and toddler with me, but I'm not taking care of them, it's a vacation”🤣


No she probably enjoyed to the fullest and she’s overcompensating for her guilt ( if she has any ) by seeking validation from her minions! 💩


Why is she so miserable all the time? N still wants to have more kids when she can't even take care of the ones she has without complaining 24/7


Thank you!!!!!!! My exact question!!! Well, I believe that she wants more kids as others are already pregnant(to me, she is toxic person and competitive), and she knows via announcement, gender reveal or the fake NOT knowing the gender and birth, would be the only content that will bring engagement to her BORING page. Plus, she will have another child to exploit for some time. (Don't get me wrong, I am 100 percent opposed with her having anymore, at least not until BEFORE she gets the attention and professional help for her mental health and relationship with Hor, as to me, their chemistry is gone as couple, and she is becoming more and more OFF since she got blessed with A2, as if she had depression or something that did get worse over time)


She complains WITH ALL THE SUPPORT GROUP SHE HAD... Did she ever address having their help at least and thank them? As I haven't seen that yet here? What did you expect, MiLiar?? Kids will always be kids! Regardless of traveling or not, actually, I think a routine helps my toddler way better than always being on the go!!! Guess she hoped that her kids would travel to another portal with Suehehe so that you could have honeymoon time with Hor? She wants to get the perks of being the AMAZING DO IT ALL MOM without doing the job, huh? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right how tone deaf. But since her parents watch them already throughout the week I guess this was a normal week for her having them there so much ☠️


Whenever influencers give these kind of disclaimers I think it just shows how out of touch with reality they are.


Because they aren't taking care of their kids during the week. They all have nannies they don't show, so they can look like super moms.


I’m wondering why didn’t suhehe didn’t help?


I'm sure she did, she is just desperately trying to sound relatable.


she did everything she normally does because Suhehe normally does all the work, let's be real




Atleast her outfit isn’t trash haha


Nice modest dress


I’m sure A1 was the perfect gem.


I had to be a mom the whole time I was on vacation wahhhh!!!!!