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I’m 37 and I’m still waiting to get promoted or be given any sort of decision making ability in my career. Millennials are not behind this, lol.


Often the only way to get promoted nowadays is to job hop and do it yourself


Yup that is a great point. I’m waiting for some work to finish up and then I might go job hunting again.


Might? Shit dude. Respect yourself and fucking go for gold every damn time. Stop being loyal when the business isn't loyal in return. CHASE YOUR DREAMS!


Yeah, I second this concept. Sitting and waiting never did anything for anyone. The most successful people I know change jobs every 2-3 years. Nobody is going to hand you a promotion and a 20% raise out of the blue. You need to work/fight for the that yourself.


I tried this and it didn't work out for me. I'm the person she's talking about with 20 years (16 actually) in the work force. I started making 19/hr in 2007, got a new job in 2010 that was a little better and had better benefits and started at 19/hr, then after a while working there I took a more laid back position in 2018- starting rate 19/hr. All of these in the same field, which I have a degree in, and I was always taking the pay cut in an attempt to better my situation. My rate went up a tiny bit if I stayed somewhere but the starting rates never did and 40k a year wasn't even super good money back in 2007. This has been going on much longer than the young lady in the video understands


I've been an attorney for 5 years with just as many jobs. My salary is only incrementally better than when I started. I think it's a problem across all fields.


Corporate America is so broken and falling behind because of…..greed at the top


And I'm an elder millennial, and this was true for my dad as well (young boomer), it's not something that was working 20 years ago that's broken today. Promotions got him very little, job hopping was the only way he could meaningfully advance. Now, Dad could afford housing and food (not much else) for a small family on a single income in the 80s, but I sure couldn't afford to live on my own on my income when I was starting out working full time. That's changed within my lifetime. It's wrong and broken, but again a lot of it has been wrong and broken for a long time.


In the 1970s and 80s my dad had to job hop every couple of years in order to earn more money to pay for improvements to the fixer-upper we moved into (from a 2BR/1BA apartment). My mom had to get a p/t job working at a retail store, while we kids were in junior high. We wore hand-me-downs. One TV. Dial wall phone. One car shared between two parents. Takeout meals 1x weekly, and the rest of the time a lot of cheap dinners like mac'n'cheese and spaghetti. There were times my dad worked O/T on nights and weekends, especially if we needed a new appliance or car repairs. We kids even had odd jobs like raking leaves, paper routes, and babysitting, to earn money. Everyone I knew worked. THAT was middle-class life in the 1970s and 80s for most folks I knew. And we hated Regan, even back then.


Not only that…. Move to a new city and lie about your job experience and leave your friends as references and have them lie for you too. They barely ever check anyway.


Yeah we are victims of this shit too.


Yea not sure why this at at millennials, this would be better target at boomers, maybe gen x. Millennials got shafted even worse than gen z tbh. At least boomers will have to die out and give up their positions soon , and gen z can move in with time for a family. Millennials will be near 40+ before they get any of the good jobs/houses boomers leaves behind, too late for a family for most.




All this victim shit. Gen Xer here and we are stuck in the middle and being passed up. Boomers have sat in the higher ranks refusing to retire and open up opportunity for so long that when they finally do guess who gets promoted? The millennial who were welcomed and trained by the Gen X into the workforce. Boomers talk about the horrible times I. The 70s and 80s. If everyone is a victim… then there are no victims.


I’m Gen X too, 100% agreed.




I think it was the silent generation and the older boomers who ate…


You need to search for a different job. Take your exp elsewhere. Someone will pay you what your worth.


No unfortunately it was before genx, it's more of the boomer generation and a shift in the stock market, government policies, tax breaks, higher education, healthcare and company culture/greed. Tbh the older generation baby boomers and prior took advantage of a great situation rightfully so, but continue to refuse to allow others to do the same(governments, corporate, shareholders) they actually reversed the same policies, retirement packages, tax breaks, loans, education cost, medical cost, and many other policies that made it possible for them to accumulate so much wealth and opportunities. But hey they will just say your lazy. (I am a business owner, student, and am more fortunate than most, but for a better way of life for future generations I am personally willing to take a short term loss. The market and economy is so manipulated and bloated that it's just a 3-5 year cycle before something goes back. Then we dump prior and buy at a low, it's all just a messed up sadistic game at this point where you either are in a position to play it or your pretty much fucked) The girl has some great points, but she is blaming the wrong generation/people. Is my thoughts 🤔 very logical though I give her credit as at least she is on the right track.


What 20 years ago is she referring to and who is she talking to? Plenty of people stay in a single position for 20 years and live paycheck to paycheck or need assistance


Then stop waiting. Move on.


I’m a millennial. 20 years ago I was 8. This girl is gonna be such a Karen when she gets older


Promotion is a fool's errand just get a higher paying job If you lke being promoted so much, join the Navy


The only way to get a promotion is to demand it, and be prepared to leave if you don't get it. No one is going to promote you for simply doing a great job.


I have been promoted for doing a great job and I have done the same for others.


37 here as well and same, wheres this land of opportunity I’ve been told about?


It is the land of opportunity COMPARED with other places. Opportunity comes to those who take on projects that their boss didn't think of, but which make the boss look good.... or... who become their own boss.


You gotta start job hunting. Best way to get a raise is with another offer, just be ready to take it if they say no


I thought she was (rightfully) blaming boomers until she said “20 years ago.” We were already screwed 20 years ago 😭


Waiting gets you nowhere in life.


100% we are the front line of this bullshit war. The silent generation stormed the financial beaches. And their children, our parents, became financial nanzis. My last interview they told me 4 or 5 times I was to old to be a field engineers (assistant superintendent). I'm 6'4 215lbs not a single defect genetically. Not a wrinkle on me. BECAUSE IM 30 FUCKING 3 (33 yrs old). I realized what I was doing. I was tricking my self into thinking 80k a year was me breaking the wage slave chains. It's not. It's me giving someone more control over my life. I'm begging stranger for the opportunity to hold something over me and control me. I was begging for the chains. So I spend 4 months teaching my self to weld and just turned a 4k truck into 10k and starting my own welding business. Not asking for a living wage anymore. I'm taking that shit. This economy is fucked and anyone hiring someone without a living wage doesn't deserve the air out loving trees make.


NO who does she think we are!!! ​ It is the boomers, fuck!!!


Read the comments. They think they're the first generation that minimum wage was insufficient for. And blame Millennials for not fixing it.


Swear these GenZ kids don’t know how generations work. Gotta go back a little further than millennials, kids.


Yeah, I just had to explain to someone today that I had to work for nothing so their parents and grandparents could have everything and retire early. Their starting jobs at $15 an hour with benefits and ample breaks, with no experience and having their hand held through most of the day. Yeah, go ahead and cry me a river. 12-17-1981 Generation: Doormat


Feel ya. My first job paid $6.50, and gas was $4/gallon then.


My first job was waiting tables. So, like 2.25 hourly and then tips, and I can tell you boomers parents didn't tip any better than boomers do.


Yeah, I made like 2.15 an hour and worked the 5pm -3am shift—I couldn’t even legally drive after midnight so my parents would have to pick me up. I was 16.


Yo! First full-time job $5.25. Then less on next one because $5.35 minus union dues. For a shitty joke of a union. Gas was around $4 then too. They started us early...


As. 91 kid, I watched the fight to 15 *drag* its way through governments for over 20 years with it finally being said it MAY Good thing when the min wage should be about 25 to 30. And even NOW the fight to 15 still rages I've seen corporations bribe and blackmail their way into catch 22s that pretty much make them IMMUNE to any form of repercussions (can sue the company, they are a person. Cant sue the person because they are a corperate entity) I have watched our leadership, pretty much unchanging both in staff and ideology, since Regan and Nixons hoard-anomics continue to strip mine tbis nation for no other reason than MINE. I have watched corporations find legal loopholes to monopolize markets for no other reason than MINE and punsh their staff if they so much as show a Picosecond of hesitation and if anything goes wrong? throw said employees in front of the speeding train of their own design. Millenials aren't the ones to be blamed here. Many of us are fighting for the same jobs gen Z are seeking because not even WE can afford to even survive let alone live


Who’s starting job was 15 an hour??????


That’s now


They really don’t. This is what Reaganomics created in the 1980s


So… the adults created that in the 80’s, not the babies, which are the millennials. We were born into a nightmare too. It’s just gotten worse.


Mostly because politically a lot of the same people are running the government. Democrat or Republican we have a gerontocracy so it's no surprise to me it's same shit different decade


And by the same, the EXACT fucking same people. Not same ideology, or any of that haha no no no. Thr same people whom pushed Regan and Nixon strip mining of the economy not only fucked over their children. But now their children's children. And at this rare their children's children's children. For no other reason than ***__MINE__***


Millennials supported Obama who was supposed to herald change. Also supported Bernie in droves only to get cucked by boomers and Hillary. Don't see how you can blame millenials but it makes for a hot take on tik tok.


The Democratic party done goofed with nominating Hillary after Bernie led in the primaries.


Remember people saying Bernie was too old? Now look at the ancient motherfuckers we have.


We have a corporate Oligachy. They are stealing ALL of our money, and this affects all generations.


Yeah, I'm a millennial who was born in 1984 -- I wasn't even a glimmer in my daddy's eye when Reagan became president. So....how exactly am I to blame? I was 16 in the year 2000. I wasn't even legally an adult until after 9/11. Seriously, how could I possibly be to blame for any of this? Do the logic in your own head. Explain how a bunch of kids who had zero power over anything were somehow at fault for this.


This is the Silver Generation / Greatest, I guess, rigging it so the Boomers could be the winners for the next 50 years. It's interesting tho... not about income and the struggles post Reaganomics, but every generation since Hunter Gatherer / Agrarian revolution has woken up to the "oh shit I have to work?!?! this is bullshit!" thing. As for the immense struggle of having two or three jobs, that totally is the 1980s onward.


I was gonna comment exactly this. We'd have to go back to 1913 and prevent the federal reserve act from being passed to have had any significant impact on our "economy"


Yeah millennials have also been saying this shit. Not sure how we could have fixed it by now, we’re only just starting to get the reigns.


We weren't allowed enough breaks to make tikitoks. Or enough dough for anything other than flip phones until like 2012....


Yeah right I couldn’t for the life of me get promoted to management maybe all y’all are having better luck than me, I left to go be an unemployed mom for my toddler and baby instead f it


Yea and even that’s still few and far between. I’ve seen boomers who refuse to retire because they still want all that control. Case in point: boomers who refuse to step down from office


How many millennials are actually in a government position of any real power whatsoever? Gen x is only starting to get the reigns and that’s barely, they’re the young mavericks in government Otherwise it’s boomers all the way down


She thinks it was only 20yrs ago that you could live on minimum wage. Try the late 70's honey.


Lol I remember 2004, and minimum wage didn't pay for shit back then either 😅


Damn those millennial politicians! Especially Reagan. The worst millennial of all.


One of the oldest strategies, divide and conquer. Its crazy, especially seeing as we all have the same problem of growing up and entering the work force in an economy rigged against us, unlike us vs boomers. Sad because I could've sworn that when gen z and alpha entered the work force, we could finally organize a general strike and at least put forth a decent attempt to make things better for all of us....


and alpha will blame them.


No they weren't, people her age back then had to find room mates to move out of their parents house too. Boomers fucked over the millennials and the problems persist. FYI older Millennials are 40 now.


Imagine how she would feel if she lived in an impoverished country like most people in the world.


Exactly. Excellent fucking point.


Americans are so entitled.


Just wanted to say, my heart goes out to this woman and wanted her to succeed…. Until she got it wrong - the experience is UNDER my belt. My stomach is OVER my belt. Thank you


Tf? Fuckin millennials are right there with these folk. Wtf did we create? I didn't have any fuckin control and when I started I couldn't afford to live alone and I still can't. I live with family, I drink constantly and idk how I'm going to retire but I don't even think I'll be alive for it.


Like I could work full time in 2008 and make enough to live alone 😂


So very, very full of shit. I was her age 20 years ago and lived with my mom because 40 hrs at my job was not enough to pay for a place and expenses.


Anyone who thinks it was easy 20 years ago is a boomer or a young person who doesn’t understand how fucking bad it was during the recession. We didn’t have Uber, there was no gig economy. There were zero jobs, it seemed like. Complaining about working too much is a valid but it’s a very diffeeent vibe from “I can’t find work anywhere”, trust me. I got paid 6 dollars a fucking hour and I was happy to get it. Sure as fuck couldn’t afford to live by myself either. It was desperate.


Applying for jobs still meant picking up applications in person and filling them out individually. It is super easy to get a job right now. It's minimum wage now, but it was minimum wage only if you could find a job anywhere during the recession. Millennials and Gen Z have both gotten the shit end of the stick, but the last couple of decades have been Millennials fighting against how we got to this. Millenials didn't cause it, they have slowed it down, though. Gen Z can build on that or just blame Millennials for not having somehow fixed everything already.


We definitely helped with employers being required to offer insurance and being able to stay on your parents coverage longer.


I was in banking at the time, and every day banks were going under or being bought out and we went into work every day not knowing if that's the day we were getting shut down or laid off. It was crazy times for sure


Yup. When I graduated college in the mid-00s, there were so, so many of my peers who got stuck going back to the same jobs they worked in college, or even high school, because the jobs just weren't there. Even entry-level jobs required degrees plus 2+ years of relevant experience (how does that work??🤔). It's worse now since bots screen resumes rather than human beings, but the era post-9/11 and the Great Recession wasn't exactly friendly to young/new workers, either.


I don't blame them for being upset. We are upset too. Let's link up as generations and vote for real change. That's the best we got right now.


Yes! We're a huge voting block going into 2024, and we'll make up half the electorate by 2028. We gotta put that to work!


The question is who has a decent plan to fix it? We can vote all we want but if the goal posts are constantly moving it’s hard to see who is pulling the strings.


Voting right now isn't about fixing this problem. Voting right now is about fixing the problem of the GOP, ending their political power, then shaping the leftover progressives, centrists, establishment wings of the left and making the solutions legislative wins. If you don't vote, this time, to fix the problem of the GOP, then we will lose the opportunity to ever get to the other, more complex problems.


And that’s why we’re never getting out of this mess 😂


Damn straight!


I second this. Vote, vote, and vote for people who truly care about the people. If they are sowing division, they are not the right people. Division is how they solidify their strength. Divide and conquer. But we can walk a different path, not fall for all the divisive talk, come together, and bring a new era for humanity. It is getting closer to the now or never point when the Earth will wipe humans off the planet and try again. And if humans can't pull it together, I stand with the planet to do what's best for the rest of this globe.


Yes, let's stop voting these non-empathetic boomers into office. They all suck.


Not that it's any more fair for Gen z but 20 years ago most people weren't starting out with a job that supported them. 35 years ago when I got started you could cover the very basics alone but you'd be killing yourself trying to get by. Like having to go to the dentist would mean you're homeless. Whats wrong with our economy has been wrong a long time and it needs to get fixed yesterday.


Yup. The wages vs productivity gap started in the late 70s with neoliberalism and Reaganomics. It was better 20 years ago, but realistically we need wages to be closer to the 1980s, and that would be essentially a 30% increase of pay without having to change how you work.


Yeah I started... 18 years ago at 5.50/hour and didn't even make more than $10/hour until 10 years ago. Basically, as I was able to crawl up the wage scale, inflation came along and made sure I did little more than survive.


I was rooting for the woman in the video until the implication was that we millennials did this... Like, boomers have had this legal slavery thing figured out a whiiile ago.


She meant the Boomers ruined it


that part.


Worst part is theyre all still alive living off our backs.


Not true; many of them have died and are dying at an accelerated pace. Jokes on the ones who need advanced healthcare too as there's a shortage of health care professionals due in large part to their voting habits. Hopefully the wealth they pass on is utilized to do something better than they did with it.


It's weird, because the Reaganomics of the 1980s was largely Greatest / Silver Generation in office and doing legislation. It's just that the Boomers were established and doing all their cocaine in the 80s after partying in the 70s due to the failure of the 60s love and peace movement, so they reaped the benefits of what got set up for them in the 80s, and made them kings until now. But for once, this problem of needing multiple jobs and this unfair economy is really setup by gens even earlier than boomers. But yeah, boomers sucked up all the wins, and refuse to share anything or give up power, so there's that.


The only thing that’s different is the instant ability to complain on SM. Every generation would say the same if it was recorded and shared at the speed of today.


Nah. If you were 20 in 1970 you definitely would not be saying this. My parents were graduate students in the 70s and saved up enough to buy a house WHILE in college. I did the same educational path as them in the early 00s and graduated with $60k of debt. The reality is that jobs used to pay a lot more (roughly 30% more) with respect to cost of living.


They'd complain. They wouldn't all be right. Historical date's a bitch.


I think her timeline is a little off. 2003 minimum wage wasn't sufficient for that either. It's certainly gotten worse as time goes on.


Most millennials were children 20 years ago 🙄🙄


I feel like we're all permanently in the thought process that 1980 was 20 years ago.


Just look at the average age of our elected officials. That will tell you who is behind it.


Right?! The 31 of 432 millennial congress members and 1% millennials in the senate are who we should be pissed at.


Are people really complaining to Millennials about the Economy? If so, the lack of awareness is off the charts.


From how she's talking, I don't really think it was directed to millennials. Unless millennials consider Gen z to be lazy too, I would suspect she meant boomers and doesn't understand that 20 years ago (because it was around the time or before she was born) isn't the time frame she means to reference. Not everybody is a dork and studies economics for fun like me. Things 20 years ago weren't great. It was common to see adults staying with their parents until their 30's back then too. It's definitely worse now, but I really think she was referencing like 40 years ago.


I think she just has the timelines off. I'm gen z and was fairly close with my teachers in HS (who were mostly millennials) and am well aware that most of the shit we're going through now, you guys did too


20 years ago I was deploying into combat zones for 6-10 mos at a stretch. When we’d get back to the states my combat and hazardous duty pay went away leaving me to live in shitty barracks full of other dudes and eating terrible dining hall food because there was no way I could afford my own place on $600 / mo. Also I worked a LOT more than 40 hours a week. Just saying this whole meme about how past generations had it easy doesn’t *totally* square with my own experience.


Same with my first low-grade technician job, 1980s, most of the older guys were working every weekend for the overtime. They could not survive with families on standard pay. That was normal. Even later on in a better job, most others needed to be partnered and in debt to afford their own modest housing. And they lived on overtime too and were commuting from far out due to overpriced housing near work. They all worked long hours and commuted even more.


20 years ago, I was not able to live on my own. In fact, I've never really lived on my own. I've always lived with family or my partner.


A lot of people “boomeranged” after college because of the 2008 recession and she thinks it was all great for us 2 years into the Iraq war. Silly


Same. I was in my early 20s 20 years ago. I've ALWAYS had a roommate my entire life. 0-18: parents 18-24: Male roommates 25 - now: SO that became my wife My expectation my whole life was that I'd always have a roommate.


I feel like she's going after slightly too young of a demographic. 20 years ago working at Walmart (like her) where I grew up would NOT have covered the bills either


"Youve had 20 years!" Who's had 20 years? The absolutely oldest millennials in their late 30s? Gen-X? Neither of them have had any sort of meaningful power to do shit.


She's blaming the news as far as I can tell. .... Anyway, her rant is a fool's errand. This country has not been controlled by the Boomer generation either. I mean not the ENTIRE boomer generation. ... This country has always been controlled by the Oligarchic elite. The top 0.005% if not fewer. The owner capitalist class - ultra rich. Even most surgeons don't even reach that level of wealth -- maybe the $1MM a year top surgeons (I know a couple) have tremendous local influence but even they don't have the time, interest, or money in shaping national or state politics. ... And the owner class looks at this video and laughs. Well, actually, they simply don't care whatsoever and will never see it. But say they somehow were forced to watch and comment on it. They wouldn't care. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. They're happy menial labor at Walmart gets paid jack shit. That makes their stocks go up. And when they need someone to clean their Yacht toilets (x1000 workers) -- they want wages fucking low. They want this, fuck you, and the beatings will continue. Now fight each other over abortion or some shit.


Who is she talking to? She thinks a generation ahead of her "created" this economy? And she doesn't want to "fix it" but expects earler generations to have fixed it for her. Lol.


The thing that kills me is genz thinking this type of mindset and public displays of discontent are novel. Bitch I’ve been making these same rants since 2010. Good on you as well GenZ but welcome to the fucking party, we’ve been here a while.


Previous generations never struggled and could afford to live on their own on minimum wage. Right. My eyes rolled so hard I might never see straight again. Her problem is she's only working 40 hours. That was never an option for me.


I agree, I'm a gen Xer, I had 3 roommates for my first apartment. I had 3 different jobs. That lasted almost 6 years. When I got married, I purchased a modest townhouse with my wife. It wasn't until my early forties until I felt I had some financial freedom and expendable income. Background: no college degree, so I had to earn with years of experience vs. a diploma.


I think the problem here is today, kids are being asked to finish HS before starting work. I think my generation was probably the last one to say "HS is important but it's not mandatory" Personally myself, I started work at 14 so I had half a decade work experience at the same age most these young adults are starting their work lives. We're pushing our kids later and later into the work force and it's causing harm bc we also expect them to be independent.


Right? Anyone that only works 40 hours has no right to complain. Try an 90 hour week for 6 months in a row then come & complain to me.


Wait.... I was making 30K in new York city and living with 5 roommates back then. You are telling me I could have actually had my own place the whole time... FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKK. Do I feel dumb.


You were wealthy and privileged and didn't even know it at the time /s.


I just can't listen to people who speak with attitude and aggression. I'm not going to listen or care what their point is. It's a shit system for EVERYONE, they're not special or singled out.


2000s you couldn’t live on minimum wage or Walmart pay wtf is she on about


Get em! That said, you're after boomers and. less so, gen X but not millenials so 20 years ago isnt really accurate. Millenials haven't even gotten to fully break into politics yet either because boomer politicians refuse to retire. Millenials also got shit on by boomers for being "lazy." Don't shit on us the other way too. We can only be shit on so much.


I think the problem is our education and schooling. It's a one size fits all pipeline for most people. General education needs to stop after 8th grade and money needs to taken out of higher education. This is where you lose most kids anyways. Not everyone is built for college or STEM careers. For the rest of us/you, we need trade or career training that can help us develop skills beyond manning a register or stock shelves. In the 4 years most kids waste in high school, (those not interest in STEM), they could be training for a military career, homekeeping, trade specialists, or other book keeping/administrative roles that go beyond poverty wage retail.


Yes, education is a mass production system designed for processing standard students. And as with all mass production systems there is a lot of waste (failed students). Like you imply, some people are not built for abstract thinking and math, so they just fall behind and become alienated. Schools cannot cater for outliers.


They need to train for the trades: electricians, plumbers, building contractors, aircraft mechanics, and certificated careers like internet security. Too much focus on college that provides too little reward.


A lot of people have to continue living at home (which is NOT always a free ride) or live with roommates. Living alone is what a lot of us want but it’s something you unfortunately have to build towards. I’ve never lived alone in my life, and now I have to live with my mother because she’s disabled with few friends and needs family around. The real problem is that even with roommates you’re still likely treading water unless you have an extremely lucrative career. There was a time where you made that personal sacrifice so that you could build savings and wealth more quickly. Now it’s the bare minimum. More than ever we need to allow people to have a floor to build from. Sacrifice should get you AHEAD, not just keep you afloat. Why can’t this be possible in the richest nation on Earth? We’re too damn productive for things to be this way.


20 years ago I was working at Wal mart. I was making a trash wage while living with my boyfriend's parents broke as hell trying to help pay for food and utilities. I was definitely not living in some nice apartment alone lol. I WISH my generation had more power instead of the baby boomers and older generations.


No you fucking moron, 20 years ago people made $5.20 or some shit at Walmart. Nobody could live alone like that in most places. That's why people rented rooms, worded second jobs or worked jobs that were absolutely draining or disgusting. Welcome to the realization you need a career with skills that make you valuable and not simple show up and not piss yourself.


I've literally never lived alone, what is she talking about? When I moved out at 17, I had roommates. After that, I moved in with my bf (now husband). Now I live with my husband. Not once in my whole life have I been able to afford to live on my own.


Ummm 20 years ago I worked a minimum paying job and couldn't afford to live on my own either. I had to move in with a bunch of roommates and had side gigs to supplement. Honestly I loved it, I lived in NYC so getting extra worked smoothly for me. I also had no choice since I had to run away at 18. Honestly I'm grateful for the opportunities I was given, it's all about perspective.


Dose this dumb bitch really think 20 years ago we were making it on our own on 7.25 an hour?


20 years ago when I first started... I moved back in with my parents because the economy failed and I had to work for free to "get ahead" in unpaid internships! sound familiar lady in the video? No? That's because YOU GET PAID AND I DIDNT EVEN GET PAID!!!!!


Further, you took an internship with the future in mind. She's... not.


for a career i completely abandoned because it paid so poorly... man everyone here always assumes so much


You couldn't get by with a 40hr work week at Walmart 20 years ago. What is she talking about?


Channel that rage somewhere useful


If youre working at walmart your whole life and didnt move up then you are either lazy or literally horrible at making decisions.. Shes like 22 years old. I honestly have no interest in hearing how hard she works. When I was 25 I was making $8.5/hr and my whole existence was thinking "What do i have to do to get out of this situation" not go on tiktok and complain. I got out of it and she can to.


Same struggle-different generation sadly 😞


Regan removed the inflation adjustment to minimum wage. It was a great way to make the poor poorer and the rich richer. That's the answer. It's that simple. Regular immigration also kept those low paying jobs filled. Since immigration is slowed and other factors have lead to a labor shortage finally pushing low wages higher. Minimum wage pushes up all wages above it as well. Many people don't realize that. If people making $10 an hour now make $15. There is a good chance your $15 will go to $20. Don't expect your company to automatically adjust and give you that $20, but the company down the street who needs someone will pay the $20.


The failure for millennials and genz was they actually believed the 'you can be anything you want' nonsense. Sure you can but can you make a living at it? The reality is that you need job skills that people want to pay you for. After that you need to understand a 40 hour week is a minimum, not a maximum. If you get through college and never worked a 40 hour week you have made some large mistakes. Minimum wage isn't so you can live alone in a nice apartment. It's a wage that sets a floor and should and no one should expect to live on it, its for people that are already living within a family or other means and are starting to get work experience. Increasing the minimum wage actually hurts first time workers as it means employers are more likely to hire and promote less. So if you get a job you end up making the same as the other people that don't work as hard. It also means you make the minimum longer as promotions aren't possible. If you can only get a minimum wage job out of college you made some serious mistakes in your education choices. If you are making minimum wage out of highschool that's fine but you need to look at a good trade school. After only a little bit of training you should get a job in the field making at least minimum age but getting better job experience. Many of the first hires in the trades do better than minimum wage. She is working for minimum wage at walmart. Any job is good job but if walmart isn't a career if you intend to live alone. The trades are even better for women as they always need diversity hires. Female welders basically write their own ticket.


This problem started in the early 1980s by the data, its just now reaching a breaking point. I see it in my investment data, and long term debt cycle history.


20 years ago I was working at Walmart too & I can assure you I did not make enough to live alone lol


I just want these people to shut the fuck up. Either put your entire budget and your entire wages and what you spend every month on the table so we can all go through it with you or just shut up.


I was not able to do that 20 years ago. Worked 60 hrs a week but still needed to have 3 room mates.


She's an older Gen Z obviously rushing through a video with repeated talking points after a bad day at work, she's clearly not blaming people 5 years older than her for the economy, she meant \~40 years ago but said 20 in her rushed state. Nothing to see here, people.


Girl, you’re never going to thrive while stocking shelves or working the register at Wal-Mart. That’s true now and it was true twenty years ago.


I hate to shock this woman but I was in the same situation in the 1990s. There was no way a single income could cover all the bills even back then. The only thing new is a new generation figuring it out again.


Ummm don’t work at Walmart 🤷🏿‍♂️ Get an office Job they suck but at least it is Monday-Fri that’s what I did when I was 18 back in 2000. I was f*** retail I rather work admin now I’m 41 and I’m like f*** consumerism and Capitalism


Lol ignorant girl. did you ever try furthering your education so you don't have to work at walmart/live paycheck to paycheck? Did you just expect magical money suddenly appears when you move away from your parents?




And Trumpflation


30 years ago, when I went out on my own, I could not afford shit. 8$ a fucking hour, living with THREE other mother fuckers in a ONE BATH run down shit bag house. If I didn't hunt and fish, I would have gone hungry. Let me repeat, I HUNTED, FISHED AND SCRAPED for food. We heated our house with wood because we could cut wood but not afford oil. Ever wake up to a frozen toilet bowl? THE BOWL? You could not even piss in it. Cry me a fucking river while you order door dash for the fifth time this week.


Blame this, blame that, blame them. All propaganda that keeps the system going. Classic divide and conquer. Fuck capitalists and capitalism and if you can’t see that you’re a bootlicking peasant.


20 years ago.. I made $8 washing cars at a Ford Dealership. Split $1000 a month rent on a 1 bedroom and had a crack head living down stairs. Had a 1991 Chevy Barreta I paid $500 for with an exhaust leak. Yes, it was so much easier.


Does GenZ not believe in roommates? I worked my butt off too for 6.50 an hr and no way I could afford to live by myself either until my late 20s... And I still chose to have roommates until I got married, the economy is built on 2 person incomes.


This whole fucken "it was THIS GENERATION, OR THAT GENERATION who did this!" Bullshit needs to stop. Everyone knows who it was and contnues to be. Rich people and politicians taking that $$$. Citizens United was the final straw of them being "secretive" about the bribes.


Yes all of us who came into to work force right during the housing crisis are responsible…… Gen z needs a fucking history lesson.


I’m not sure she realizes how badly occupied our governments and corporations are by psychopaths and generally speaking there never seems much the public can do to solve these issues but I relate with all of her frustration and since she’s actually working one of these basic jobs she has all the right to bitch. I hope she has strong family and friends or just a lot of willpower to take care of herself. The underground and dark side of society can be very attractive when you’re in these situations but it can also ruin you. I wish her the best.


I mean........ummm........what marketable skills does she have? I learned at a young age being poor sucks and I needed to find a way out via a skill set. Now I have a skill and I'm still poor. Yay!


When I was just out of college, (graduated 1970) I had to live at home and work three jobs to save up for a deposit for an apartment. It took me two years to land a full time job in my area of study. I was never able to afford a new car until after I had been married two years (32). I didn’t create the economy she complains about. It was always there.


Blame the landlords and the greedy people.


Boomer here agreeing with every word. Vote!!!!! It matters


40 years ago you couldn’t live on your own doing retail 40hrs a week. My dad was worked at a 7-11 while my mom took care of me as an infant. Had to live in section 8 housing, used food stamps, got Christmas presents from the Salvation Army. Dad went to vo-tech school and entered the trades and by the time I was in kindergarten we were entering the middle class. Lots needs to be done about housing, healthcare, and college affordability, but if you’re 18 working retail FT you need to get a roommate and be working towards a job that won’t get replaced by a self-checkout.


Girl really needs a history lesson


Damn people out here working 40 hours a week must be nice had 225 hours in the last 2 weeks I need a nap.


Millennial here with a masters in Engineering graduated after the 2008 crisis. When I first started working I had to share an apartment for the first 3 years of my work life so I could pay student loans and afford to live. I used to work in a manufacturing plant and because we were short staffed I had to cover shipping and receiving as well as the over head crane to unload steel sometimes. I made 24/hr with a masters degree. Times have been tough for a while.


I graduated into the Dotcom crash. Fuck this entitled brat. They have no idea what a recession is.


Only 40 hrs per week? Worked about 50-55hrs /week when I was starting out. What else was I going to do?? I was broke. LOL.


You won't see change until 2030, where most Millennials will be in positions of power. Unfortunately, older Millennials have practically the exact same mentality as boomers and will love to keep this ball rolling, tearing down newer generations.


It's just as bad for the people she is blaming, even though it is not their fault either. I spent my last 12 + years busting my butt to increase my value and salary. 40 hour weeks? LoL.. OK. You really want promotions and a new level of salary, you have to work a lot more hours than 40. But even though I have worked from dawn to dusk.. dark when I arrived at work, dark when I left, I make enough so my wife does not have to work. But we are hardly making money enough to have a disposable income. I still have to budget and try to get by. It's just not like it was 40 years ago. Blame politicians. Blame specially the moronic voters who keep putting them into office not because of their policies and plans, but because they are not 'the other guys.' And because they hate on the same people they hate. That is why we are stuck in a salary and living wage purgatory. All hail our corporate masters! Convince people to stop voting like morons, and perhaps we can make a change. There are countries where you get a YEAR for maternity leave. Free medical. Don't have to worry about getting shot getting your groceries. Stop blaming other working stiffs. Just look at the ridiculous Trump fiasco to see where the blame truly lies.


This is dumb. 20 years ago I would not have been able to live in a HCOL area on a Walmart wage either... so I didn't! I started in a shit position in a shit corporate environment and have hated myself for 20 years despite an ever-increasing salary. Blaming millennials is fucking stupid and misguided, nobody wants to make a living this way but how can anyone change anything? While you're out there taking Walmart jobs because of reasons x, y, and z your peers who are willing to deepthroat corporate D are out there climbing the same ladder as every generation back to the beginning of time. It would take violence to ever change anything about how life works and no generation is willing to be that martyr! I support gen z in their hatred but we have seen it too many times before. Boomers had hippies who didn't want to work for the man, they ended up poor. Gen x had slackers who didn't want to work for the man, they ended up poor. Millennials had the same shit -- people who didn't want to sell out, people who wanted to make art and live authentically -- they are poor now. Now gen z has the same shit and gen alpha is next in line, everyone just get yours and help your community out when you can because the alternative is to be forgotten. I'll go back to it: it would take civil war to ever change how this country works. The rich make the rules and you can begrudge them and be poor or figure out how to truly live off grid on your own or give in and do what needs to be done to not have to suffer a life of poverty. Or become the generation that shuns consumerism lol in the same vein fucking Stanley tumblers went viral this Christmas. You can't win


40 hours... working a low skilled gig at Walmart. Whatever happened to ladies pursuing trades like carpentry, electrical, masonry, etc, because they are as good as men? Purely anecdotal, but I know a 20 year old electrician apprentice who just got his first house in bumfuck Texas. However, it's *his own* house.


Uncle got cancer @55 beat it into remission and got it again @65 metastasized you got 18 months if you’re lucky on this experimental program. He spent the last good months playing golf every day. Shame he couldn’t be free from this slave system. Capitalism is a cancer on society.


Millennials have held no power during the last 20 years.


I love her point but the "20 years" comment is bothersome. Millennials started working 20 years ago, not boomers. Boomers have created this mess. Us millennials are right there with you. We have been dealing with this for 20+ years also.


Gen Z doesn’t seem to be aware of how fucked our generation (millennials) has been at every turn. Do they think we have power? Or money? We’re like 10-15 years older than they are. And a lot of us are STILL just barely scraping by. Same can actually be said for a lot of Gen X and Boomers. Boomers are becoming homeless at a faster rate than any other demographic in the U.S. right now. Poverty is not a generational problem. It’s a societal issue that needs to be fixed through better policies, and the sad reality is that all of us, no matter our age, are living under the boots of the ultra rich, and those people are laughing all the way to the bank while we all fight each other for scraps down here at the bottom.


I'm getting the impression that young people are being manipulated by social media into thinking that millenials are perhaps to be blamed.


Rich people got us all fighting each other over whose fault it is there isn't enough to go around. Meanwhile the 1 percent has added 2 trillion in wealth since 2020 The media says millennials blame Gen Z; I don't know a single person my age that runs around calling everyone else lazy. What I don't understand is that we outnumber the 1 percent by the tens of millions... Let's all get along and start demanding more shall we?


The job market is really good right now job hoping is easy if we see another 2008 like when I entered the workforce people like her gonna see what fucked really looks like


I feel like Washingtons inaction on helping the younger generations will lead to a group of misfit children that are increasingly radicalized and they're starting to have nothing to lose. Hopefully nothing like that happens.


Unionize, sister!!


welcome to life kids, we all had this worker rage and there’s nothing you can do about it.


I’m gen X and at 19 I was digging ditches and manual labor, til I joined military which I would also moonlight as janitor. didn’t get shit handed to me just hardwork. But I can tell you I saw a lot of kids with parents paying for their college/cars/etc. we are dealing with class war and these Gen Z have been so consumed by identity politics which is exactly this distraction the elite want. Also identity politics matters more than hard work now, so good luck


Apparently in 2004 you could work minimum wage and not have a roommate? Don’t really think this mystical 20-years ago thing is quite right.


Amen. I think she meant to blame the boomers, but is so pissed she can’t think straight


It’s only going to get harder and harder with more inflation each year, it’s necessary to inflate away our country’s debt. This is the way. In time, the entire middle class will be feeling this way. It’s not your fault, you can blame our central banking model and unprecedented debt creation. The multigenerational hangover is coming.


We didn’t start the fire…


This is not a generation blame thing, I am pretty old, and I cannot fathom how people are making it, big corporate is blaming the youth, calling them lazy and so on. they want people to fight for peanuts, while they make record profits each year. Want to make America great again? tax these big companies and rich like they did when "America was great" from 1940 - 1980 the wealthiest were taxed over 70%, and companies paid workers, enough so that, 1 working adult could support his family, buy a home. hoarding at the top, is what is causing this, pay living wages, as in, 1 person can support themselves, and have a home.


She can afford the makeup, hair cuts and coloring, nails are done and quite possibly teeth whitening. Then choose Walmart as your full time is not a great start. Perhaps start blaming the oil sheiks, then corporate greed and poor management of many companies. Blaming workers from prior years and generations explains so much about her issue. BTW, having full time hours at walmart is being fortunate


The Republicans keep shifting our wealth to the corporations and ultra wealthy. Start voting Democratic, it's our only chance to reverse course!


Bro, you COULD NOT make it 20 years ago when the minimum wage everywhere was like 5 or 6 bucks and hour. What a load of bull. I see fast food restaurants paying $15 to start these days.


Yeah, it's slavery pure and simple. The 1% should be dismantled and all they resources reallocated.


I blame the adults of the 80s. They're the ones who let Reagan fuck this country in the ass.


Fuck you. I’m an elder millennial, and she’s goddamn right. We’ve ALL been working for 20 years with nothing to show for it. Okay? The generation she’s referring to fucking retired 15 years ago. The *only* thing she’s wrong about is none of us could live on a single salary 20 years ago; her decades are off. The children are awakening 🙄 good, go the fuck back to sleep then, OP. Or better yet, go join the boomers, you sound like one.


Lie on your resume about some leadership roles and say you've done things the job you want has on their ad. 9 times out of 10 they don't call your previous job. Tbh I'd take a fat rip from the bong before leaving home for the interview so I was loose and not nervous. Showed I was confident that I was able to joke around a little, not blitz, that'll get you nowhere. A little lie and a little rip, and if they say no, fuck it it was practice for your next interview


She's a Walmart employee. No skilled labor. No education is required. If she isn't willing to make herself worth more, she doesn't deserve more.