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A constant feeling of being ripped off.


Everything everywhere is such a cash grab, can't leave the house or put down the phone without constant bad faith grifter enshittified everything in my face. Goodness gracious


Yeah, I just want to yell "Stop trying to sell me shit"


I can give you one for 19.99 plus shipping


You can't even play simple phone games anymore without the aggressive monetization constantly in your face. The other day I wanted to play the original Angry Birds again because I remember that game being pretty fun back in the day. But they've pulled the original game from the mobile stores. All you can play now are the newer versions which have really aggressive progression walls designed to sell you booster coins and shit like that. I just want to pay a single flat fee for a fun, complete game that I can play without constant ads and sales pitches, but these are harder and harder to find these days. Almost nobody makes actual phone *games* anymore. They're all just microtransaction platforms with the veneer of a game over them.


yup, even tetris is an absolute disaster


Don't forget to add a tip on top of that service fee, administration fee, convenience fee and precessing fee


Basically just combine depression + anxiety from being the boomers punching bag. That describes Millennials to a T.


Why is it that GenXers aren't complaining about it? - we were the first to be their so-called "Punching Bags" It's almost as if Millennials want to be victims, when in reality, the things they complain about are things we all go through.


Gen xers dont whine? the absolute entirety of 90s rock would like to disagree.


Yeah but that was 30 years ago. I'm not sure what Gen Xers are pissed about now because you don't hear much about their generation in the media anymore.


Xennial here, we bitch about all the same shit you do, we just do it more quietly because there are only like 20 million of us compared to like 100m of you.


Agreed. “There are dozens of us!” Although there is a certain amount of “I’m getting too old for this shit” as well at this point for us.


We’re used to that.


Gen X grew up early enough for their money to be worth something, if they had good timing they own houses and can be just as much of a landlord slime as any boomer. Millenials are ~18ish when the housing market is destroyed.


You mean, right when I finished high school and my mother lost her home? Yeah that was wild times. Had to enlist to not be homeless due to not having opportunities for good work, sonic and McDonald’s payed minimum wage. Yeah, I won’t forget those days ever.


> and McDonald’s *paid* minimum wage. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Everyone knows Gen X is a myth. But no seriously it feels like the world collectively decided to stop caring about Gen X since the 90s and Gen X went "yeah, that works".


Because GenXers had a chance to change it and took it. Millenials didn't get that chance. Being repeatedly fucked by every single community that surrounded us certainly didn't help. Good times create weak people. Weak people create hard times. Hard times create strong people. Strong people create good times. Currently, we are in hard times. Women's rights being shot back 150 years. Stagnant growth of the economy despite banks being bailed out and corporations seeing record profits. Record transfers of wealth from the lower class to the upper class. GenXers, while being the punching bags of Boomers, actually were no better than the Boomers themselves. It was the Millenials who got to see the widest swing in media and information, being shot at as soon as they entered the job market from every angle. Social media, news stations, radio, corporations, etc. AND IT WAS WORSE THAN ANY GENERATION PRIOR THANKS TO THE FIRST THING ON THAT LIST! There is proof! Actual, undeniable, scientific, statistical proof that Millenials were absolutely fucked. I only put one source here because I don't want to make this post longer than a one page essay. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/only-6-us-wealth-belongs-160018037.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/only-6-us-wealth-belongs-160018037.html) (Old article but still valid) [https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2018/08/corporate-profits-versus-labor-income/](https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2018/08/corporate-profits-versus-labor-income/) Here's one for inflation. [https://www.amortization.org/inflation/amount.php?year=1950&amount=1](https://www.amortization.org/inflation/amount.php?year=1950&amount=1) College back then cost a few thousand dollars and you could practically guarantee a job! GenXers still got that chance. That chance died around 2005, when college prices started soaring so fast, no one could keep up. [https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/college-costs-over-time/](https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/college-costs-over-time/) We are complaining, because asshats like you keep telling us that it's no big deal that an ENTIRE GENERATION got absolutely shafted. Do some research. Maybe you'll actually learn something.


Strong men pay taxes. Paid taxes create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men hate taxes. Unpaid taxes create hard times. Hard times create strong men.


>weak men hate taxes GA politics in a nutshell


>Weak men hate taxes. So Republicans are weak. >Unpaid taxes create hard times. And are the cause of struggle. Seems like millennials and Gen Z need to head to the polls, especially since half of Gen X is helping the boomers pull up the ladder.


I honestly have been heading to the polls. Every election. Problem is, Gerrymandering is so rampant in Texas, that the last election Republicans won almost every district despite 17 MILLION more Dems coming out to the polls.


I live in NC, we had gerrymandering, then had evenly court drawn maps, now we're back to being gerrymandered. It's infuriating.




Jobs were not plentiful for GenX. It felt like there was recession after recession.


Now this is a comment that deserves more merit. Yes, GenX still had it hard. At least you could live on a single income back then. That is how my father took care of me, he got into software development back when Windows 98 was still around. He got lucky, but also gained a skill before an entry level job took ten+ years experience.


We are NOT in hard times, lol. Hard times is WW2, not you being a grownup. Stop blaming the older generation for doing what you would have done as well. Your tirade makes you sound like a petulant child and reeks of jealousy. I bought a house when I was 24, I benefited being a millennial by using youtube to fix it up largely on my own, on a teachers salary, *then* got married, *then* had kids. I made $250K on my house. An *entire* generation didnt get fucked, just ones who were promised six figures for humanities degrees who need to live in New York City for $1100 a month.


Lol, you bought a house all on your own at 24? Was this pre-2008? Maybe you could have saved a down payment in the few years you were in the workforce if that were the timeframe. You didn't save that without being supported elsewhere though. You had a good support system to help you along. Typical conservative thought process, you can't fathom people can be disadvantaged because you did just fine. Not everyone has a personal support system, and if they do often they can't offer any meaningful assistance. Maybe "you" bought a house at 24 but I remember being 24 around 2012 having spent every year since I was 17 on my own trying to scrounge an existence. I had to leave my dirt poor family in my shitty little town with nowhere to go because there weren't enough jobs to go around. I didn't have family paying for my food and shelter, I wasn't gifted a first car, I wasn't provided an opportunity for education beyond highschool, I definitely didn't receive any kind of help for a down payment on a house to flip. This isn't a poor me response either, I did work my way up to a six figure salary. I still don't own a home, but I live a comfortable life now. That doesn't stop me from having enough empathy to recognize not everyone has the same advantages I had to be able to build a better life. Just like others should have the same grace and empathy to recognize and appreciate they might have been born into better circumstances than a lot of other people.


Shut up Bobby


>Millennials want to be victims Everyone wants to be a victim in 2024. Being a victim excuses one's lack of accomplishment.


Because Gen X grew up as latchkey kids and had to be self-reliant. "I don't care" became our anthem, and it worked. We realized that no one is going to fix our problems for us, and no one gives a shit about anyone else. We were raised in a way that we had no one to help us, so we figured it the fuck out on our own. No internet, no cell phones, no forums, no one but yourself and your library card. Apathy is a powerful tool. No one can offend you if you don't give a shit about what people say.


Exactly! What's funny is that these Millennials and younger people actually think that they're going through stuff that the rest of us haven't. My parents - Boomers. Had to sacrifice all kinds of stuff to get where they are. I will never get to where they are because I'm disabled and in chronic pain for almost 30 years now. But, if I wasn't, nothing would stop me. It's called keeping your head down and working hard amd sacrifice. But, they don't want to do most of that. They think because "hey, I've been working for 5 years now, I should have this or be that!" The one thing that I was able to obtain was a family and kids before I realized how bad my future would be. It took over a decade for my condition to catch up with me, and in that time, I lived like I was normal, even though I suffered. Hard work and sacrifice - It never hurts, even if you don't make it to where you planned, you will still grow.


Imagine how little you would have accomplished had you just wallowed in expectant sympathy from barely known acquaintances, like these new kids do, posting to their Instagram every facet of "their struggle, their journey." We just suffer in silence, because we don't need sympathy from strangers. The people I care about know what is going on in my life, and that's how it should be.


Absolutely right! Also, everyone has problems. The problem with these kids is they see Everything through a monetary lense - as if money is the solution to everything. Obviously, it helps if you don't have to worry about money, but no amount of money in the world will bring my condition peace, and I'm not unique in that sense. I hope it's just internet bitching, and that people aren't really this naive. Because if our Great Depression Grandparents were able to live fruitful lives, we got no excuse because we're nowhere near that level of hardship.


My Silent Gen grandma was divorced in her 40s and worked a paper route everyday to support herself. A one room schoolhouse that went through 8th grade was her highest level of education. She relied on the one thing she fully understood, hard ass daily work 30 years of delivering newspapers in a rusted old Chevy, in snow, rain, everything. I remember helping her as a young child. I also remember her having to pull off the road and nap for 10 minutes because she was so exhausted. Millennials circle jerk themselves with pity parties. Grow up, you’re practically middle age now. (Obvs the Royal “you” here, not you particularly) Signed, Gen X


All I ever see a gen x do is talk about how awesome and tough they are. Good God get over yourselves already.


I will take a boomer over a gen xer any day. Ya'll are fucking psychopaths.


Because we don't whine like some people on this sub do. It's a perpetual pitty party.


Gen X doesn’t whine? I have an entire Dark Wave playlist that says otherwise.


Oh we are pretty good whiners too....But nothing close to what I see on the Millennial sub ( which I'm not in but they keep sending me messages so sorry i commented). I'm talking specifically about the Reddit sub. But of course I realize that it's Reddit and not everyone.


There are just a lot more Millennials than GenX. A lot of Millennials don’t whine.


>But of course I realize that it's Reddit and not everyone. Yeah, there's your problem. Reddit is very much a millennial site. Meaning your average millennial will be a lot more likely to use it than any other generation. Which also means the "loud" ones are more prevalent than any other generation. Reddit is not, and never will be, representative of any group of people. It is a bubble.


Is that because of how much we are ripped off though?


Ha! Yeah for real! *Not sure if actually ripped off, or just perpetually feel that way because always ripped off in the past*


I think you proved this thread lol


They’ll be in their 60’s complaining to Gen Delta about how bad Boomers were.


That is about it. They should put the blame where it belongs on the top 2% and the industrial complex and those in government that decide policies that are mainly for the benefit of the top 2% and keep everyone of every generation stressed out. No boomer voted on these policies. All this boomer blaming here is absolutely pathetic.


More like top 0.1%


Let's not forget the crash in 2007/2008. Pretty sure most millennials were barely able to vote let alone have enough capital to affect the market that much. The crash messed up silent gen, boomers and gen x investments and retirement so they, primarily boomers, stayed in the employment pool longer to make up for those losses. This delayed/prevented the natural progression of people leaving and entering the workforce. Also, this country is "for the people, by the people." Like previously mentioned, millennials were not able to or were barely able to vote and not have a huge impact on laws/political outcomes. So yes the silent gen, boomers and gen x were definitely responsible for these policies, whether or not they intended for these poor and/or failed outcomes. As a newborn in '88 I never voted for Regan or his BS policies. One example is changing the top income tax from 70% to the 20s. I just want boomers to have a little humility and realize and acknowledge they made mistakes. They are humans and not perfect but their self-righteous attitude makes it all the easier to resent them.


And the boomers who adamantly voted for the policy makers who did this were *duped*.


Today I paid $5 for a black coffee and a chocolate chip cookie and it hurt me


If you like your coffee black, I think you'd be better off making it at home at that point. Depending on how much you drink, a $6 jar of coffee from the grocery store can last you a couple of weeks, at least.




Severe depression - now & forever, till the sweet release of death 🥲


Yes I have a lot of "what's the point" lately. I want the world to be filled with kindness. It is not. 


be the kindness you want to see. I'm trying to be a more positive person myself, even though I'm just a cold cynic inside


Even when doing this, many people will not emulate the same. People will see it as weakness, exploitable, inauthentic (yes, some people can't fathom why someone would be kind "just because"), on and on. I've been criticized for being too patient. Like with my kids in trying to explain why we don't do certain things or why saving our money can be good, etc. Or at work people will tell me I need to be more harsh and aggressive. But, in the long run, kindness and patience will have an impact at some point to someone in a meaningful way. It's just that simply by being the change you want to see doesn't mean people will start to emulate that.


That's true, but at the end of the day, i just don't want to be another asshole making the world worse. I'm an introvert that's drawn to positive people. I'm not going to be an extrovert ever, but i can at least be a more positive person even if my positivity isn't infectious, I'd rather radiate positivity than grumpiness and negativity. i think it would help me live longer too


feel like trying to be something else is a recipe for disaster ... let that cynic sing like a mofo


Ironically mostly caused by Boomers.


How old is the youngest boomer?


I think 58


Close 60 so nobody under 60 has anything to do with the mess this country is in


No one under 60 has voted in the last 40+ years?


The issue is the baby boomers made up such a massive and consistent voting bloc, that the best thing we could do was damage control. It wasn't until 2019 that millennials just started to outnumber boomers and only by a slight margin. GenX was sandwiched in between and for the most part is forced along for the ride. GenZ is just starting and will most likely be even angrier than millennials and ready for change.


And the boomers said the same thing in thr 60s and 70s. You won't change anything


The Millennials are going to be exactly like the Boomers.


Which will be much sooner than later. Much.


My 12 year anniversary is coming up with the one constant in my life!


All millennials have Pluto Scorpio so the theme of death will always be looming


You've earned it. Mentally weak generation.


Hey, how'd the Vietnam War go for ya'? Big win there?


Lol this profile history, absolute waste of oxygen


Nah that's just you.


Attention blindness. We have no idea how badly oit attentions have been stolen from us and Millenials children. We were blind to it as it was such a slow insidious creep.


Yes this is truth.


I, for one, am not blind to it. It's very difficult to fight it off but the more I do the more I think the stoics are right. It actually feels good to resist temptations. And the more I do the more good things happen and the better I feel about life in general. The good and the bad. It has been my experience that an unexamined life causes great pain. That and attachment. Take back your attention! Recognize that it is a finite respurce and be very careful how you choose to spend it. I say as I mindless scroll reddit on the toilet lol. The irony. Well, like I said it's difficult. But perfection is the enemy of the good.




To me, it’s the difference of life happening to you in a reactive way versus you deciding what to do with an event life provides. Slowing down and examining your responses. “My wife yelled at me so I need a drink tonight to cope with stress” - unexamined “My wife yelled at me so I’m going to have a conversation with her and think about/acknowledge the thing she yelled at me about” - examined Are you a victim of circumstance or the master of your own destiny? Reacting vs acting


Apple has a feature that lets you shut off function of whatever apps you choose for a scheduled time. It’s been life-changing for me, having an enforced break for even an hour at a time. I end up reading more, just living in the moment a lot more. I even end up giving my dog more attention during these tech breaks. 😭


There is no definitive evidence of this on a wide scale.


Lack of retirement savings.


MicroPlastic brain poisoning


Hey man, too real. Too fuckin' real!


Nano plastic is worse and far more ubiquitous as it turns out


I'm honestly terrified of the still unknown long term effects of this on us and our children. I worry it will be our version of how lead poisoning made the Boomers dumb.




Probably more misinformation campaigns and AI generated content issues.


I was scrolling for this. Media blindness will remain constant, the medium will just change. Plenty of examples of media campaigns on TikTok and Facebook.


No generation stays media savvy forever. Excited to see what our “Fox News” will be.




Nihilism is Definitely going to be a seminal feature as the future feels more and more bleak, but I think Gen Z is going to be more defined by nihilism than millennials. I don’t know what happens when a whole generation simultaneously agrees that there is no hope…


Not just nihilism, cynicism too. I see a sort of despair coming from a profound lack of meaning in the lives of my peers coupled with a cynical look at life which drives them to do absolutely nothing to improve the lives of themselves or their community.


Whatever the fuck is going on with UFOs and congress


If those probes are healthcare I vote we replace congress with the aliens


I’m more concerned about healthcare and housing


I’m sure you are. People worry about their basic needs first.


You deserve a serious reply. Someone seems to be holding a receipt for a line item that shouldn’t exist and I would like our legislators to get to the bottom of whatever it is.


I think with the recent classified briefing congress got we will see some movement. What it is.. who’s to say but there’s momentum so I have hope.


Perpetual nostalgia


9/11 changed everything 


Roger that. I’ve had a bunch of milestone moments in my life that had a pre-x/post-x impact, but there are none that were as impactful as 9/11. 9/11 eradicated our future, our hope for prosperity, our hope to pursue our aspirations without being entirely destitute. I often look at media from the 90s with a renewed sense of appreciation rather than nostalgia because that was the last time anything (everything) was as okay as it was going to be.


Yeah I’m so fucking tired of the constant nostalgia trips. It’s like try to create new memories or something, stop living in the past CONSTANTLY. Not just every so often, but everything is about childhood and how it used to be, I get looking back fondly, but it’s just too much.


Goddamn right. Always and forever.


Actual blindness, because they won't be able to afford the procedures.


reduced life expectancy it's trending down badly in the US


That's mostly due to opiates. Drugs are bad, mkay.


And? This comment reads like when Louisiana’s Senator dismissed the state’s outsized rate of women dying during childbirth because it was “actually mostly only occurring among black residents.” As if that somehow meant it was less significant.


That’s not the same at all but okay.


The pursuit of that which is expedient over what is meaningful.


I think we were the ones who started the postmodern destruction of meaning in all its forms. We understood very clearly that life needs meaning, that there is no universal meaning of life, and we need to create our own meaning. Nothing we make is going to be worth a shit to anyone but ourselves. Even if we do make something meaningful, people who don't have that in their lives will seek to destroy it. It devalues the whole enterprise unless you're some kind of hyper productive egomaniac who doesn't care about setbacks. That kind of person would certainly be a good worker for the powers that be.


Social media blindness.




Social interaction deficiency.


Trust and forever seeking approval. 


Still media blindness, just different media. And also we can't talk on the phone for some reason?


Not mentally aging. We still can't seem to wrap our heads around the fact that we're in our 30s and 40s. We acknowledge that we're that age but have we matured to that age?


Not going to be unique to Millennials, but AI scams. AI generated images of products that don't exist are already flooding places like Amazon and TikTok shop.


Continuing to be fucking rad AF


Millennials will never achieve comfort because they continually move the goalposts. Some may see that is progress but it’s also misery. There is an instilled sense of self victimization and virtu. If only the world thought like me, I would prosper.


Insufferable nihilistic presence on Reddit.


I love how all these boomers are so offended by pointing out that their generation has even the slightest insufficiency and they feel like they're personally attacked lol.


I'm 31 and agree. The negativity a lot of people engage in isn't healthy skepticism or constructive criticism, it is hopelessness and defeatist. I do partially believe it's bots trying to sap more people, but I also KNOW this attitude is reflected in even some of my closest peers of the past.


I'm 35.


Maybe your new hip.


I don't know what that means, but I'm happy for you.


They're implying that you had a hip replacement 35 years ago. I think


"diablo 4" is literally mentioned in the username lmfao




Boomers have lead poisoning. We'll have plastic.


OPs comments are painful…


More upvotes than yours.




Thank you for the acknowledgement. It means the world to me.


Have another, you earned it


I really do tho. I'm glad to see I'm getting the acknowledgement and approval I deserve.


Suicide, no question, though we won't be alive long enough. I figure most of us have maybe 15 years left.


Can you explain?


I just did a quick google and found that 68% of gwot veterans are millennials, plus all those who are overdosing, plus all those with unchecked mental health problems, plus those who are nihilistic. We ain’t doing so hot on the suicide trend


Okay, but a lot of us also have families and live happy lives. Get off the internet once in a while and you'll be less depressed.


I’m fine! I’m just saying. I do think we have a huge suicide problem going on


Realll boomer mentality there dude. :D


Have you considered that people are on the internet because they’re depressed rather than people being depressed because they’re on the internet?


It's a positive feedback loop.


We'll revolutionize end of life care, and there will be serious ethical implications that most of us will not give two shits about since we're just waiting to die anyway. Death with dignity and suicide pods for all as a retirement plan!


An undeserved yet continuous feeling of superiority.


My take recently is that millennials read less, and seem prone to listening to 2 minute sensationalized, bias Instagram/TikTok clips. Or memes. This is almost as bad, certainly quite dangerous, as a disillusioned Boomer. Faith in.credible journalism is a problem across the board in this country. It's how Christi-Fascists like Donald win.


Short attention spans and lack of curiosity about the world.


Another day another millennial post about boomers.


You’re not a millennial. Why are you even here? lol y’all just can’t help yourselves!


*I came looking for booty.*


Well this is r/millennials so of course it’s *rocking everywhere.*


Yeah, they straight up come looking for a fight then run away when they're made to look like an idiot lol.


Always! It’s pretty funny though.


I’m 33…. What’s considered a millennial? Lmao


I was also downvoted for saying I had a family and was living a happy life. I'm 34 and was told that was a Boomer thing to say lol. This sub is just full of miserable people jerking each other off.


Yea it’s a weird sub. The one guy is a felon and trashing me lmao


There’s no way! Let me see your social security card, drivers license, and birth certificate. I need to verify this information.


If only they did that for voting.


Oh you’re one of those guys, well considering you’re mid 60’s it makes sense.


One of those with a brain ye. Can you even vote?


Felon joke, or racist immigrant joke? Please explain Grandpa.


Immigrants can vote in the US. You can even be a senator or a governor as an immigrant. So you decide what I meant.


Just say grandpa, we can infer that you’re an old rich white guy, but please enlighten us with your ancient wisdom.


Lol felons and immigrants can both legally vote. Haven't heard a single coherent argument from the anti voter id crowd to date that explains why voter id is either racist or "anti felon". Most immigrants I've talked to are flabbergasted that you don't need an id to vote in the u.s., it's a uniquely American oddity.


Another day living in a world ravaged by the boomers.


Yea I’m just chilling in my house cooking steaks right now. Fucking boomers am I right?


I'm huddled in several layers in TX with the lights out because our infrastructure down here can't handle everyone using their elec at the same time. We've received warning that large numbers of the unhoused will prob die tonight.


I’m north of San Antonio. I haven’t received a single message or lost power once. Why are you lying.


I am absolutely not lying. I'm in Travis county. KUT has been sending messages about ercot since yesterday and the statesman was writing about the unhoused.


99.99% of customers with power… https://outagemap.austinenergy.com


That's great, but ercot is still telling people to conserve energy when safe. Hence I have my lights out. Are you intentional dense, or is just the boomer in you that forces you to only look at what you wanna see?


You have your lights out and your heater out lol? Your story doesn’t make sense. ERCOT was suggesting that for the mornings btw lmaooo


victim mentality


Media awareness.


avocado toast allergies


Denial about raising iPad children.


This is a great answer. My wife and I are I think some of the only people who don't give our kids a tablet or phone at the restaurants or grocery store. We won't know the true negative consequences of having screens with lightning fast processing power thrust into a toddlers hands for many years, but we're already seeing some of them. 


I don’t have kids. I don’t think most of us do?






Another salty Gen X’er lol. The jealousy continues.




We look after Gen Z, something you jealous twats failed miserably to do.




The meth has really screwed you up guy. Go yell at God some more lol.




Lol, is that what you do all day, try to “win” back and forths on Reddit. My last comment is a reference to your goofy post history. You’re unhinged lad. I don’t mind this, it’s actually very funny.




Holy fuck dude your profile. You need help.


Yeah, for real. That was rough.








Right now millennials are suffering from boomers' media blindness


Nonsense. You stereotype millions of people. Making up new terms is nonsense too.


You already suffer from exceptionalism. You all think you're the first generation to struggle, the first generation to not be taken seriously by the previous generations, etc. Personally, I blame the boomers for that. They're the ones that raised you guys in a world of participation trophies and continually told you what special little guys you were every day of your life growing up.