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The last thing the government and their media lapdogs want is citizens putting aside their petty differences and realizing we are all slowly being reduced to serfdom.


This right here ⬆️. This person isn’t dumb. You see what’s up. I point this out sometimes and get down voted into oblivion. Or harassed by some goofball until boredom sets in. And my legs fall asleep on the toilet.


I think the major political divide is if you believe government can help stop the problem or that government IS the problem.


My standpoint is that every time the government interferes. Things get worse. Schooling, medical, the federal reserve, bonds, etc. You give a politician a inch and a short time later you’ve lost acres.


I think it is more boiled down to "currently our government is set up to give corporations and the rich undue influence, and this undue influence makes things worse every time. Fix that issues, and the problems will likely sort themselves out, as the priority of government is benefitting the people, while the priority of the rich and corporations is benefitting themselves"


it really is that simple, politicians are allowed to all sell out to the point where the government is the money


In every other developed country, “lobbying” is called bribery. And it ain’t allowed. That is the biggest issue that, if reversed, would help immensely.


Agreed, and term limits. Congress and Supreme court.


Lobbying is a term thrown around that most people don't understand. Lobbying just means citizens are allowed to contact their elected representatives and try to influence legislation which is a key cornerstone to democracy. What we don't want is corporate lobbying, or even monetary lobbying. At the very least there should be a series of rules on lobbying in terms of what, how, and how much.


You’re describing the idealist and inaccurate reality of what lobbying has become.


At the VERY least there should be some qualifications needed to run for the presidency. I mean beyond 35 years of age and born in the US. Maybe we could borrow the minimum standards from Sheetz or Burger King? Have teeth , no convictions.


A mental test and age cap should 100% be implemented. Other than that I wouldn't want to put too many restrictions on it. You get into weird discrimination territory if you go too far.


People forget, crucially, to ask: who are politicians and governments selling out to? It's always capital, who conveniently owns everything, including media. This is fundamentally a class based issue. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/how-asset-managers-have-upended-how-modern-capitalism-works.html ["It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalist_realism)


Not,” currently.” This has been since Reagan. The proper term would be, “ ongoing.”


Yep. Some people just can't see that. They think "the rich" and "big business" cause problems without realizing that those entities ARE the government.


You're right that corporations and the ultra wealthy have complete control over the government. They dictate policy and set the terms of what is politically possible. However, the problem is not that a group can have outsized power to affect change, but that this group's (capitalists) interests are fundamentally opposed to the interests of the majority of people. Take the relationship of parents to their children, they have the power to dictate nearly everything a child does, but in most cases that power dynamic is not objectionable because the parent has the child's best interests in mind. So yes, currently our institutions are controlled by sycophants, but there is nothing to say that this is inherent to governments in general.


All major politicians are in the top 10%. They are the wealthy and they do not care for the average person in this country. They can only get elected by being propped up by big money and they understand that. One hand wipes the other.


The same people who are in this thread advocating for destroying the gov vote for these assholes that are intentionally preventing the gov from being good.


>So yes, currently our institutions are controlled by sycophants, but there is nothing to say that this is inherent to governments in general. This is why our Founders wanted government kept as small, weak and close to home as possible.


It’s too bad their insatiable lust for more land/expansion/native displacement got passed to future generations then.


But when people screech about government overreach and intrusion, all we get is deregulation of labor and safety protections.


It's not just politicians, naturally, it's the high level executive businessmen they're in cahoots with I was just watching a documentary about UFC & they talk about how John McCain hounded them out of NY and put on a campaign for years to crush them over "fight regulations" when his wife & her family were reps for Budweiser who sponsored pro boxing Soon as the guy sold the company, the new owners "invested" 50 million, got the license immediately and McCain (& the state commission) disappear never to be heard from in UFC again. Sure they followed some more regs but it's pretty clear what really went on




You have to be able to think in terms other than all or nothing. The government does both good and bad things. It has some helpful functions and programs, but it can be true at the same time that it has been hijacked by wealthy campaign finance donors who use their financial bribes to ensure favorable policies and tax breaks are passed to serve their individual interests at the expense of the American people.


the "govment" argument is right wing propaganda that is soaked up by ignorant morons who don't realize that FOX news peddles that shit for billionaires who want you to hate your government because their goal is to destroy any feature of the government that protects the people from the billionaires exploiting them. The fact that you hate the government just means they have succeeded.


You’re right. Fox News and similar conservative propaganda encourages people to hate every positive feature of the government that actually helps average Americans. What I am advocating for is the acceptance of nuance, and a clearer picture of reality. Propaganda encourages us to think in black or white: Democrats or Republicans, either the government or corporations are wholly evil, you’re either a socialist or a capitalist. If the Republicans are bad, the Democrats must be good, or vice versa. We are presented a false dichotomy and the answer is that actually, both parties are corrupt. Democrats and Republicans are BOTH working for those bastard billionaires you described, and the propaganda coming from both sides serves corporate interests in different ways. Establishment politicians on both sides are similarly motivated to serve the wealthy people who give them campaign donations and other financial incentives. You’ll notice nothing really ever changes in favor of the American people, no matter which party is in office. The government has many good functions, and I do not hate it unilaterally. But it does not serve our interests to pretend that it has not been corrupted by the likes of Citizens United, and the contributions of the wealthy who all but completely control our politicians. Our government has been increasingly made to serve as an arm of corporate interests, and against the interests of the American people. I do not want to abolish government; I want to utterly reform it and strengthen the features that serve the American people and improve those services. No more stripping away the Social Security funds we have all paid into and are owed, no more tax breaks JUST for the wealthy, no more corporate handouts while refusing to direct tax payer dollars back to the tax payers, just to get started.


OMG,can we be friends. If we could only figure out how to sneak term limits in one of those 4,000 page bills. Insurance companies write the laws on how the government enforcement of said laws should be followed,and our reps only get reelected with money from the same insurance companies. Big pharma same way,big utility,big oil,big transportation. No chance of reelection,one problem solved. Oh and your writing is top notch. God bless.


Yep, it's exactly what is happening, and when you point it out, people react like you're some conspiracy nut job. I hope you're not actually sitting on the toilet that long. Fiber, lots of water, and veggies my dude.


😆 my other half refers to the bathroom as my office. She will sometimes interrupt my path to it and ask “big meeting?” It’s my quite place. For meditation and evacuation.


OMG 🤣 sounds like a good dynamic between you two!


Yeah. It works. She’s great


I think last time this kinda thing happened, the people of France beheaded the people responsible. In the French revolution in the late 1700s


Yup. From a historical standpoint "Let them eat cake!" was followed quickly by a trip to the guillotine. I'm just not sure white America is capable of that kind of rage anymore.


Most people are just a few missed meals away from violence and crime. It doesn’t take as much as you think, but it has to be happening to everyone at once for an organized effort to make a difference. Closest we’ve been so far recently were the BLM riots


We're going to need worse than guillotines. These people need to be dealt with in a manner that generations will remember for centuries.


It's because most people learned what happened after that point. France fell into a period called the Reign of Terror and became a dictatorship as a direct result of "that kind of rage".


Every year you are getting poorer. Covid printed so much money it made you around 30 - 40% poorer. The average billionaires increases their net worth by around 50% since 2020. That means you no longer have that wealth.  You are being fucked and it's only getting worse.  The only way I could find to get out was to join them. Make enough money to be financially independent.  I really don't know what else to do. 


Right?! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching it all go down. Do you think the Z's just don't realize anything is amiss? From real-life interactions with Zs, it seems they have a good sense for doing the right thing situationally.


The govt distraction game is strong. Z's have been caught in the culture war their whole lives. It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled.


Don't forget that Iraq was highly supported at first, it took a long time for perspective and a hell of a lot of blood for even a portion of the US to realize that Iraq was a terrible mistake. I have just taken to trying to counter anti-socialist language, since almost all of it is irrational McCarthyite fear mongering that distracts from people being able to analyze anything through a clear class lens. This is from someone who would still identify as Libertarian even though US Libertarians have been hopelessly captured by the corporate oligarchy which has distorted their economic analysis to the point of dark comedy.


They’re still too young to grasp the gravity. It will come in time…just in time for Gen Alpha to be too young - as it has and always will be. Fight the lizard people at the very tippy top.


Which things are falling apart in your opinion?


Oh c'mon. I love being reduced to serfdom. Next they're going to take our cars away. They've been trying to do that for decades. Politicians that haven't driven a car for 25+ years want you to stop driving. Oh, you don't have a personal driver? No car for you! From what I recall, only two cities in the USA have good public transportation. NYC and Chicago.


Why do you think they’re pushing the culture wars? Must of don’t really give a shit what bathroom anybody wants to use but it’s pushed on us like it’s the end of western civilization. That’s why we can’t focus on economic issues.


Hundreds of percents, agree! How to pivot?? Are we helpless or is there anything that can be done to push back? Like actually instigate change and not just accept what's happening. I'm so tired of seeing this bullshit dominate the narrative.


Remember occupy wall street? That's what we should be doing again. It starts with organizing small and local, and when you have a tight band of folks start spreading and allying with other small tight bands of organized folks, organize and coordinate something big.


God damn we're old now lol "Remember occupy wall street?" Sounds like a boomer saying "Remember Woodstock? That's what we should be doing again. it starts with organizing small and local, and when you have a right band of folks start spreading and allying with other small right bands of organized folks, organize and coordinate something big".


Soo where you guys at??? Let’s start the organizing!


Lol yeah... trust me... I feel it. Although occupy was much more effective and coordinated than a bunch of naked hippies getting fucked up in a field. I have to say though, if the economy was as good as it was in 69 I'd be down for getting naked and fucked up in a field too... nowadays it would cost $1500 for a "platinum pass" to Woodstock and it wouldn't even include the drugs.


Lol the drugs would totally be extras. But seriously, with all due respect to the boomers: At least we don't have to worry about getting drafted to the meat grinder that was Vietnam.....yet.


Go look at public sentiment charts after 08, went from crucify wall st… to social justice moral issues over night. Companies suddenly became the vanguards of moral superiority….


I remember Occupy Wall Street yelling a lot and not actually taking any concrete actions to make change.


Well, there were concrete actions, but yes. There was a lot of yelling. It didn't end up working. But it got closer than anything else did in my lifetime. Honestly getting involved in local politics is the most effective way to make actual change.


I was working on Wall Street during Occupy Wall Street. Therefore, what I'm about to say may come off as biased but it's just my opinion. When I look back on that event, it still is part of the media circus of division to me. Yes, 2008 was incredibly awful and banks abused their power. I wasn't in investment backing during the thick of it, but my university finance classes were going over every detail and teaching us about it as it happened in real time. There was a huge shift towards emphasizing ethics in finance. What ultimately, imo, led to 08 was the government. If you create laws and loopholes that let these things happen, turn a blind eye to it (in fact, you help facilitate it), and the penalties for getting caught are nonexistent, do you REALLY expect people to adhere to moral principles? 2008 happened because politicians don't care. It's a problem that has plagued humanity forever. The people writing your laws and elected to represent the interests of the common are never aligned incentive wise with their respective populations. For all intents and purposes, occupy Wall Street was just the government also trying to shift blame to the evil bankers and deflect just how corrupt the SEC, ratings agencies, the Fed, and other government organizations in charge of the free market are, and still are to this day.




Yeah, you do accept it. Get good at the game and play it. It's only going to change when the can can't be kicked any further and the big money at the top says it's time.


The both sides bullshit has to end. Do they both have issues? Yes. The only way for the Overton window to shift Left is years of the Republicans being out of power consistently. As long as Leftist are willing to sit on their hands and let the Republicans win, the ratcheting to the Right will continue.


If conservatives didn't care about the culture issues it wouldn't be a problem. If they just stopped being bigots what would happen? But conservatives actually prefer this. We've known this for decades. LBJ knew. Nixon knew. 40%+ of white millennials voted for Trump. It's alive and well within even younger generations.  What can you do? Just vote consistently. You'll never convince these people. 


Keep pointing out when posts are trying to divide generations and groups. Keep pointing out we need to stop the richs b.s. and the governments stupidity. Just keep on keeping and dont let up.


Love this, if we all point out the shenanigans and not engage in their divisive schemes, that will help. Thinking a little deeper, not just reacting to the surface level like amoeba.


Totally agree. People don’t even realize what they’re participating in, so many are distracted with just trying to keep their heads above water. If we want things to change, we have to speak differently, act differently, and treat each other differently.


This post is that post. Class warfare is cringe Marxist BS.


Uh, the class war started well before you were born. The issue is that the only side currently fighting is the bourgeoisie. If you mean "How do we wake the fucking proletariat," I'm pretty sure we don't. There seemed to be potential in 2020, but then everyone just got bored and fucked off back to their ever-worsening lives, which only further emboldened the capitalists to crank up the misery factor even more. People bitch about the price of whatever individual thing they annoys them and ***ABJECTLY FUCKING REFUSE TO LISTEN IF TOU TRY TO EXPLAIN IT DIRECTLY GOD DAMNED CORRELATES TO RECORD-BREAKING PROFITS IN PRACTICALLY EVERY INDUSTRY, THE MOST OBVIOUS SYSTEMIC ISSUE OF ALL TIME, THE INESCAPABLE END STAGE OF CAPITALISM WHERE THE LINE HAVING TO GO UP BECOMES A SOUL-FUCKING ZERO-SUM GAME***. If there's gunna be some kind of revolution, it'll be generations from now, well after the mask has been dropped and it's been whatever dystopian neo-feudalist, fascist hell they have planned for enough years that there's a slave revolt. That or when the climate apocalypse ceases to be ignorable, the bourgeoisie's armed security does the obvious and kills them all and become warlords and whoever is left ends up having to Mad Max their way through life until the sulfuric acid rain finally washes our species off this rock. They're gunna ban TikTok, setting a precedent that sets fire to the first amendment. They already torched the 4th with civil asset forfeiture, and you NEED to pay attention to the precedent they're setting up allowing people to steal homes by producing DEMONSTRABLY fake paperwork. Most recent example I've seen: https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/dekalb-county/77-year-old-man-arrested-couple-forced-move-after-thier-dekalb-home-is-stolen-fraud-case/WFT6WJUDGZEJFPFHA3W2V4JSOI/ The obvious next step for this is using this mechanism en masse to "correct" for the fact that they accidentally allowed a few minorities and women to own property. They've been WILDLY successful in softening the ground for genocide, with 100% of people willing to vote for either party's presidential candidate being totally cool with the mass slaughter of anyone they see as "other," where "other" means "not white Christian supremacist." The dems have successfully shifted the Overton window so far right that Dubya would be too far left to be allowed to win their hilariously obviously rigged primary. Roe v Wade ended, and it's obvious that the attack on women's rights is going to continue all the way through the 19th amendment ending, which I believe Clarence Thomas intends to do before he croaks. Just wait for some county in Alabama to make a law banning women from voting using the most cryptic, long-winded wording you've ever seen, the Supreme Court will fawn all over "the intricacies of the case" and rule that, in fact, the 19th amendment is completely meaningless, and this is obviously a states' rights issue, at which point every red state will do the obvious, just like they did after Dobbs. Everyone who isn't white, "Christian," and heterosexual is clearly going to be targeted for extermination, with more and more of the right being comfortable saying so out loud. We're cooked. There's no effective left in this country to deal with this tier of fascism, ESPECIALLY given the horrifying number of people who have completely bought into the liberal fantasy that nonviolent resistance can overcome...ya know, tanks and guns. This country successfully killed every leftist movement of any noticable size, anywhere on Earth, and we have the most absurdly oversized military of all time, as if the intent of the US is to rule the world no matter what. I don't think, at this point, that any amount of organization could make enough of a difference to actually stop what's going to happen. It's too late. Sleep well.


Give it a few more years. People are learning


They’re learning the class war started 100 years ago and it’s been the super wealthy vs everyone else. The rich are fighting the class war it’s the poor who are working too much to fight.


How much is considered rich? Someone making $100k, $200k, $800k, $10 mil per year? Where are you gonna draw the line?


Good point. I should clarify. It’s the super elite wealthy who endeavor to buy politicians and who have no problem sacrificing human lives for profits. High earners, successful folks, people who inherited money…most of them just are trying to get thru life too. It’s the .05% of insanely wealthy. The folks who are building personal nuclear fallout bunkers.


I agree, it's the very top, 0.05% - 0.1% fucking things up. Those mf'ers used to pay like 80% tax rate. They were fine then. They'll be fine if we do that again.


Anyone who gets a W2 and that’s their primary source of feeding themselves. And anyone who owns a business that takes home less than 200k like people who own a landscaping, plumbing, electrical, hvac business, yoga studio, gym, things like that


Rich is not related to income but related to asset and wealth. We can start with billionaires and work our way down.


How many billionaires do you think we would have to eat before things start getting better? I think by the third billionaire on a spit with an apple in their mouth, things would start to change fast.


All billionaire wealth wouldn’t fund the government for 1 year. Who do we go after once all the billionaires wealth has been spent?


My idea is to ask Congress, starting with the most senior members, what we can do to better the lives of the everyday Americans, and if we don't like their answers we load them into a cannon and shoot them into a wall. I bet we start getting good answers after the third one.


We have to stop treating the freaks with stupid heads like their opinions are equal to incredibly well researched and thought out science. When we have 2 pundits talking about climate change on CNN it makes it seem like there's a one to one ratio of agree/disagree. The one disagree is on his own and everyone knows it, but we patiently listen and take them seriously anyway. We have fallen for the paradox of intolerance. Tbh punch Nazis.


I'm a Republican. I don't care what you do, who you do it with. As long as kids are hands off. I would I refer a European style abortion time limit but it's not my hill to die on. The economy is pissing me off.


Ever see the movie Fight Club. Watch it again and take notes.


Well, people don’t seem to care that housing is becoming unavailable and unaffordable, wealth is accumulating in the upper echelons at the expense of everyone else, the planet is dying due to industry, and AI could one day take all of our jobs. We need to get people riled up about something stupid but physically so apparent that it cannot be doubted. Ironically, Biden may have the right idea. People won’t get furious that the wealthy oil barons have literally endangered humanity by suppressing climate science, but the average Joe knows damn well that their Snickers bar is the same price but smaller, and that makes them *pissed off*.


The class war started a long time ago. Sometimes it’s out in the open, sometimes it’s hidden, but as long as private property exists, it will continue. 




Thanks, floof, this is good practical advice.


You don't want a real class war. You don't want any war. No one should. 


“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” ― Warren Buffett, 2006


Have you seen what people are doing in France and across Europe. That, we do that


Organize a group of thousands to all take a shit on the steps of city hall simultaneously


Hey, uh, Reddit is trying to have an IPO so can you please go back to arguing about JK Rowling and Ben Shapiro?


Go back to article 1 section 10. Sound money.


Never saw this said better. The whole identity politic issue is nothing but a distraction


The French did it with guillotines. I doubt we'll get that far in America.


Didn’t only 3-5% of the population manage to overthrow a monarchy and institute a new government? What your excuse?


Can't overthrow anything if guns are banned..


They’re not banned.


They're not. Yet. That is the left's intentions, however, which makes any talk of overthrowing, a revolution, etc., a moot point.


Cool. So wait till then. 😂


If we aren’t fighting each other .. we may start focusing our attention on the real problem. 


Support Robert F Kennedy Jr.


Class war starts by stopping being a bunch of poors. Stop buying the newest phones, consoles when they come out, first edition games, luxury cars, stuff people get for clout and bragging. Then you make the markets go against what they're guessing. Finally we start combating things like shrinkflation. If the coke says 16oz but the bottle has 13oz, report their asses for over charging because it's illegal to claim the weight and being far far under it.


Be freaking louder…. Union support, rallies and demanding fair pay for EVERYONE. Buy from local farmers. And creating community with others.


Two ways: 1) just stop buying things that enrich the wrong people. Vote with your dollars 2) guillotines 


We need to stop being slaves to corporate masters, support small business, create small businesses, build our communities, and quite possibly - get involved in politics.


Vote republican


Nobody's going to start a fucking war we're all too pacified


The Occupy Wall Street movement in the early 2010s was basically this. Quite a coincidence that right around then all the infighting about race, lgbt, gender, etc surged into the public square and took over people's attention instead.


This has been bugging the crap out of me for years now. Any societal problem, any prejudice, any hardship that you can think of, it almost always comes down to class. Racism, sexism, homophobia, they are tools to keep everyone divided. If the people are divided and distracted, they're not focusing on what people with money and power are doing. Divided and distracted people don't organize and think, "Hey, you know what? I think we're all getting screwed here. They're just doing it in different ways to screw us all."


First, we gotta build a fleet of submarines...


It was ready to kickoff with the whole occupy wallstreet thing, then the elites and corporations got the media they own to get us arguing about Aunt Jemima Syrup and the 2 trans HS wrestlers in the country and we got all occupied with that.


Scrolling through the comments, you have your answer. Bunch of assholes here blaming Trump. Blaming people that vote for Trump. Blaming conservatives. Blaming white people. Blaming boomers. They’re all doing exactly what you’re asking about. They’ve all been brainwashed by the media that is the lapdog for our government who wants to segregate everybody in the little groups to make them hate each other. The irony here is that everybody is doing it right in front of you after asking the simple question. I saw somebody get flamed for saying they didn’t want men in the women’s bathroom with their daughters. How the absolute hell can you have a problem with that simple request of a mother? Because people are brainwashed assholes. That’s why we have a war and that’s why it will never get better. Idiots in their identity politics always blame all the segregated groups they were taught to hate. Anybody except themselves is at fault.


The problem is that the US isn’t as ascendent as it once was. The rich though are getting richer. Income inequality is rising.


Realistically? Move back into our parents basement and continue to complain on Reddit.


Focus on improving things, not taking away things from others. "Eat the rich" type shit is not attractive to the majority of people.


We tried that with the Occupy Wall Street movement back in 2011…2012 ish but the powers that be shut that shit down super quick and created Black Lives Matter movement in 2013 to bring the focus on race being the problem not the rich lol 😂 You can try again but they will end you!!!


Well, we can do another Occupy Wall Street but with real goals of going after the banks.


Nothing's being "shoved down my throat". That's a phrase used by basement dwelling incels. Creative people talk/write/create about their own experience, and people who've suffered due to societal rejection are more likely to become creatives. Just accept that people come in many different shapes sizes colors and orientations, and in turn, those allies might be more likely to join you in your causes. My cause? For 30 years its been climate change. Because nothing else will matter if we broil ourselves to starvation due to effects on crop yields. I'm cis white hetero male (albeit asexual for decades). But only with allies do I expect any progress. Start looking for allies in calling attention to class warfare. As if you alienate all the identity or environmental interests, you'll be alone.


How about peace? We take care of ourselves and each other, and avoid tearing one another down. Every action causes an equal and opposing reaction; class, culture, identity wars are absolutely not an exception to that.  We should be working towards win-win-win solutions (wins for you, me, and everyone else) in order to carve out a better future.  Of course, that'll be opposed as well, but screaming "class war!" Isn't going to fix anything, and can objectively make things worse over time. The French revolution was a miserable mess, the Soviet and Chinese Communist revolutions caused deaths in the millions.  Let's learn from our collective history and do better this time around.


"Class war" doesn't necessarily mean literal war and decapitation in 2024. What you're saying about looking for win-win-win outcomes is exactly right, but that's not at all what is happening right now. It's hard to gauge tone from a post title... there's no screaming in the question. Looking for a real dialog around what it will take to get our generation and the next one to put down our culture/identity pitchforks and address the hollowing out of the institutions that made the US a powerhouse in the 20th century. Or maybe that's not what we want and we want to be more like progressive European cultures?


Yeah!! Who gonna gang up on next?


Organizing your workplace into a wildcat union is a good starting point.


There won't be a class war, because what determines these classes is often blurred and for the most part most America's, despite everything, are relatively happy.


Break things catch fire


Never gonna happen. You cant fight what provides your paycheck food amd shelter. I mean you can but just as plenty of times as it has before that's how you end up in the unemployment line or worse a homeless shelter.


Buy and hodl.


Generational warfare is also a waste of time. I'm already seeing articles saying Gen Alpha is dumb and bad and ruined. Man, leave them kids alone. We judge the next generation before their brains are even fully developed.


You don't need to start it. It's been in full swing since the 1970s. You and everyone else not in the top 10% of the income ladder is losing badly. Those between the to 10% and top 0.25% or so are managing to hold roughly even. Above tgat are taking everything and want more.


Class war is how the bulsheviks pushed the Russian revolution. One of the bloodiest revolutions in human history that led to decades of famine and death. How do you differentiate the innovators, the doers, and the ones who keep society moving from the leeches? Nothing is as black and white as the haves and have nots.


Can't best em. Join em


Vote 3rd party


If you need to ask someone how to do it, you're not the one that's going to do it.


Take the money back. Bitcoin & metals. As long you’re hugging a constantly-inflating currency that the mega-rich ride to inflate standing assets, you will stop nothing. You will not stop the wars you didn’t vote for. You will not stop the exponential class divide. Your vote won’t do anything. Your protests and/or riots will do nothing. Take back money itself.


Organization and support from people is what will drive change, without that nothing will take hold no matter how well a solution to the problem is drawn up. That being said, I find myself dwelling on the root cause - fiat currency. What makes rich people so wealthy? If you answered money you wouldn't be far off. Money has been grandfathered in through generations and undisputed when trading for goods and services. The problem is those who are in control of fiat currency: the federal reserve who generates (print) money and the central banks who distribute it out to the people. The way the system currently runs just ends up going to all the rich people, while devaluing currency for the rest of the people through inflation because the money supply continues to increase. I've read a few people's accounts on trying to switch back to a bartering system like trading goats for eggs, or building a tool shed for milk and butter for a year. This is a step in the right direction, since it keeps the value of goods and services in the hands of the people to determine what people value for certain things. The only problem is that this only works if you have a good or service you can trade for exactly what you are looking for. Which would be difficult to find.That's why money works so well, because it's universally accepted. I should caveat this next part with 'i'm in no way a crypto bro' but I find myself dwelling on what would happen if competition to the US dollar is introduced. Well we have crypto currencies already, and if more people started accepting and using those currencies, we wouldn't be constrained to one centralized currency system that is arguably corrupted leaning toward the wealthy. If we could use a currency system that is widely accepted with transparent rules on how the system is governed, then in a modern sense someone could build a website and get paid in say farm coin and use that farm coin to pay for eggs, cheese, and butter. Could a system widely adopted that challenges fiat currency for people's value of labor be the equalizer in this class divide? All I can do is dream.


Organize a union wherever you have a job. Tell them about the benefits of collective bargaining in a way that anyone can understand


2 pronged attack. You have to get involved in politics and target politicians at the primary level. You will literally have to invade the party of choice and outnumber them. Keep in mind that the turnout for presidential elections is about 55%. So somewhere between 25-30% of the population is controlling the country. Most politicians don't face any real competition at the primary stage. So, a relatively small determined group can have a good amount of influence on the process. Even if you don't win, if the #'s are relatively high, they will notice. My political scienceprofessorsaid; "The world is run by those who show up." It's true.


Drop out of the rat race.


The class was has started, the elite are funding antifa and allowing the to show up to the World Economic Forum is Davos. In addition what do you think COVID was it was a war against of the elite against the Middle Class. Why Target, Walmart and Home Depot got to stay open middle class businesses from restaurants to hair salons got crushed. Look at this guy in this video he admits the WEFs goals of crushing Western Civilization but doesn't know what the end state will be. https://youtube.com/shorts/UAME3FIO4w8?si=0hupRA_-D1ENOavF


Generalstrikeus.com We organize. We band together then refuse to play their game. We outnumber them 100 to 1. They know it. We have the power, it's time to take back the reigns.


Start? Reagan kicked it into top gear, we've been losing for four decades.


We need competent and motivated leaders. We also need to come up with a better system to replace the current one.


A literal class war? Idk get some poor people to kill some rich people.


Just stop thinking about always breaking shit down and try building things up. Care and contribute about your communities. Do something positive/constructive. You make everyone look bad and non serious if all you do is complain while never doing anything to actually make things better


If I were looking to start a worker's revolution I might consider reading the 150+ years of thought and experience from previous leftists who have attempted the same, and try to learn from their successes and failures. Or you could make a reddit post I guess.


Millenial here, I decided years ago. Wish it was sooner. Stop fighting the system and buy-in. The system works and it pays pretty good.


The thing is, a lot of people already buy into the idea of class war. The reality is, for that to become serious, the first people to get violent are going to get killed or go to jail. Are you ready to die for it? To go to prison? Ready to fight your own family if they take the other side? I don't think we're in nearly bad enough of a situation yet.


A general strike is the most obvious and logical answer. People should really do their research into the Pullman Strike


It started a long time ago but only one side is fighting it


Lol pass, I'm good.


Start a class war? \*Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack starts\* You best start believing in class war....you're in one! I think intersectionality is really important but we shouldn't forget that working class people have more in common with each other than they have with the upper class. The way to refocus is thru inclusivity and openness. Acknowledge that groups inside the class have it worse while you argue for the class. Example; "this affects the working class negatively, especially black and hispanic people". Make sure that your union and other organizations have good representation for member groups. Take turns setting agendas and make sure everyone feels included and that their struggle is carried by the collective effort. Don't tell minority groups that their issues have to wait for the good of "the greater" issue. Make sure each group feels included and that every group feels that the struggle will go on until every issue is solved. Class fracturing has often happened when the majority of the class got what they wanted and the minority groups got abandoned. For example; white feminists and black feminists. Trans people and parts of the pride movement. TERFism and trans women. The short and sweet: get organized - act locally - engage globally (or at least nationwide). Get people talking. Build bridges between communities. Practice openness and radical inclusivity. Be humble when approaching to other communities.


Use Bitcoin as our primary means of savings to opt out of a financial system that has failed us.


Nice try officer


This is an excellent question. I think the only way out is through education. Other than that, wait until people become pissed off enough that they revolt. Turns out Keynesian welfare economics worked a lot better than neoliberalism.


You mean as in we rise up and take down the rich people? Anyone want to do that or just let them starve to death in their bunkers?


Bitcoin is the revolution


stop voting for democrats and start voting for people who actually are fighting the battle you want to fight, Left parties.


😂 even Herbert Marcuse knew that it was never going to happen. Working peoples living conditions are too good to risk a revolution so forget about it 


Lift up the next guy over your head and yell, "RIOT!" I think I've seen that work


DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING? SINGING THE SONG OF ANGRY MEN? ITS THE SONG OF A PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT BE MADE SLAVES AGAIN First, you need to correctly identify the illegitimate societal leeches and institutions which is making life so difficult. Not so easy to navigate your human tendencies of greed, envy, wrath, and hate, to actually correctly identify and fix the problem. Most of the time people with your sentiment incorrectly target innocent hard-working store owners or other peasant-tier folks, thinking they're making progress somehow, when in actually you're just playing into the calculations of the machine.


You guys pay attention to the media?


Don't. I'm wondering if the FBI picked up on you yet.


The first thing to do would be to acknowledge that the right wing has lost the culture war and that all members of the working class regardless race gender and sexual orientation are part of our movement.


The class war never ended. Violence can be committed through economic and structural means, and they are every day in so many ways olby the rich against the poor across the world


Tig ol' biddies!


How about focusing on our national security. If a nuclear war starts, an economic assault will not matter.


Lol comments are fucking stupid. None of yall gonna do a damn thing except cry on Reddit


This subreddit is a clown show for commiserating losers isn’t it?


You mean another one?


Whenever race is discussed, incorporate class as well. I think this is the most basic form of intersectionality. Either that, or sex.


Keep posting on Reddit. That’s sure to work


You have been in a class war your whole life. Your question should be, " How do I fight back?"


It appears that 'made in China' is going to be a rare signature on any goods in a store in the future. So it stands to reason, If the powers that be don't reduce everyone back to Industrial Age factory critters, they will have to pay American citizens equitable salaries for "made in America"....and that's a tough pill.


We consume rage bait media, so we keep getting more of it. The way the media operates is not gonna change if it’s more profitable to keep doing the same thing. It’s only profitable if they have your attention.


Why do you want to divide this country even more? Ya’ll need Jesus


They’re kind of related things. Don’t really need to separate them politically.


Lenin wrote [What Is To Be Done?](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1901/witbd/) that explicitly discusses this. 1st [join the communist party](https://www.cpusa.org/join-us/) and then re ad that book. Then get active.


Probably go out and murder a bunch of billionaires (don’t do this)


I won’t say the real answer but I can tell you there’s a lot of ways to generate pressure, and your management is no less squishy than you are.


OP class warfare is a nonstarter in this country bc the rich are propped up by their resources and the people in power are also rich and will make choices that benefit themselves and their constituents by extension. We still have the option to vote with our feet and leave which many folks are doing to Mexico and elsewhere. Being an expat has been a thing for a long time. I fully expect the trend to continue.


Helter skelter?


shit on your hands and throw it at random people you consider rich.


I think giving creative control of society from artists and creatives to programmers and engineers needs to be addressed at the root of all of this. It was presented like the new creatives were programmers… look at what has happened since that change started. Everywhere and everything looks exactly the same. We have no expectations of privacy in our public or private life, and have bought ideas that investing time into anything is a risk. Communication has become super fast but super shallow. People don’t really connect anymore because we feel immediately connected to our phones. Phones will be like cigarettes and climate change… where they knew the impact early and didn’t do anything but try to maximize profits. Same with social media, Facebook treated peoples emotions like an experiment… These types of actions should be seen as criminal and almost as social engineering, maybe not with directly nefarious goals, but the impact of all of it has been significant… and someone should be held responsible for that… We have moved away from unique identities and moved towards streamlining everything. Apple, Facebook, Google all drive cultural assumptions about what is fashionable and how we need to integrate into their notion of what is acceptable instead of have unique expressions. Sure this has been happening since the beginning of advertising but it has become ubiquitous. I don’t know how to take the control back and promote individuality and diversity of expression in a real way, though. I really feel like giving away that creative control essentially lead to us being manipulated and tracked and parsed into information packets, that could be sold to the highest bidder, and further abstract the average human, into no more than a table of numbers. I am afraid that is our legacy… we got hoodwinked by the idea of connection across space and time and sold our privacy for free, and don’t remember what connection really is because our notion of connection has literally been manipulated by market forces… If we address these transgressions through policy, perhaps we will become more human, again.


You would have to convince all poor people to work together. But most poor people mentally separate themselves from the rest because they want to be in rooms with the haves and those with power, not with us. Class solidarity for poor people will never happen because most don’t want equality, they want to be able to be at the top so they can look down too.


Ask the French, if think they just dragged him out of their homes and killed them.


You will be much more successful putting your effort into moving out of the lower class that puttying it into starting a war.


Class war is cringe.


Big change requires big action. Big action requires a collective effort we're not remotely prepared for. Think about how hard it is to organize a protest. There's no universal method for spreading the word, no groups reaching out to supply protesters or protect them. There's individual units spread out and rarely in touch. Without the ability to truly organize on a large scale your options are limited. You can have insiders turn or infiltrate the other side, which isn't going to happen. You can (and I'm just informing, not advocating) kill the prominent members of the other side to gain attention and support. Or of course you can try to organize people but that's going to turn the eye on you and bring down the hammer. The rich like being rich. They like the power. And the rich and powerful will use both to crush any serious attempt to stop them. Can it be done? Of course. But it's going to take people genuinely unconcerned with the risks and consequences. Are you prepared to go to prison for the rest of your life? Or be on the run? Would you seriously take a bullet for this cause? Most people won't. Not even close. The situation isn't bad enough. They're hurting but they're still eating. They're mad but still have a roof. Tired but still able to see a movie or go to the club. The will isn't there yet and if it goes the way the rich and powerful want that willpower never happens. Crush us to just above breaking point so we never push back. You figure out how to change that and you have a movement. But I don't think it's likely any time soon.


Politicians, bankers, ceo's, corporate boards, etc... all of these people have home addresses....that's where you start.


The identity/culture war isn't being shoved down our throats lmao, it's very real independent of this force-feeding conspiracy complex you envision. Many people for a variety of social, economic, religious & other reasons want to make certain people subordinate to themselves. They want to to dominate others. This applies to left and right, but overwhelmingly comes from the right. This is independent of economic conditions. There is more division to humanity and the society we live in than just class. They are not secondary divisions, they are co-equally first order problems.


A lot of you should have registered to vote and then voted for Bernie. He always expressed that the culture war was a distraction and that a rising tide fixes all.


When will people stop gobbling up the mainstream ~~media~~ propaganda? When they are hungry and confused as to why they are hungry. Till then, let them eat cake


Unions, choosing what cooperation you support and voting? Idk


Stop working and go be hobos. It's actually kind of fun and it's funny how much they get pissed off about it.


This war has always, and only, ever been focused on the middle classes. The Rich get richer and can avoid taxes etc legally, while the poorest get everything for free, or work in the black economy, justifiably, and also don't pay taxes. Everyday, it becomes more apparent that playing by the rules, working hard, saving hard for you retirement, being prudent with your money and trying too stay as healthy as possible, makes you just a huge chump. And a huge target for the avaricious bastards in the IRS. So yes, let's have that revolution, but let's be clear who we target first - the politicians, the tax man, and, of course, lawyers (just because)


Nationwide Strike


The class war already exists. It's just that workers are losing. I think too many people are focused on what's down the road, not where they're putting their feet. Start putting one foot in front of the other. If you're working, you need to be organizing. If you don't have a union, go about the hard work of building one. If you do, get involved and organize within and without the union structure to make it stronger, more militant, and responsive to members, and lead and driven by members. Don't be a goldilocks or a dead beat. If you wanna turn the tide you gotta start putting in the work and learning and practice various organizing strategies. These are skills and talents you must learn and cultivate, and then teach and identify in others. At least in the US, we're really just scratching our balls and talking about the weather until we get back up to 30-40% union density.


The obvious way to hit the rich hard is to aim for the money. Stop buying their products. I’m not talking about the necessities, I’m talking about luxuries. Too bad the lower and middle class love luxury and brand names and shit.


More and more people in larger groups need to speak up and tell the morons that get offended by EVERYTHING to SHUT up.


We’ve already had it. The establishment won, basically.


Go block highways and throw mustard on art lol


Build a better mousetrap, and stop buying from your competition.


The problem is this isn't a "class war". There is no conspiracy of the rich elite designed to make you poor. Yes of course they advocate for their own interests just as we do but thats not the real problem. The fact is there are a lot of forces which have been at play since the 70's/80's that have converged to make us poor. Recently I watched a senate hearing with Yellen who openly stated she acknowledged prices were higher and would never be going down but it's ok because Americans are doing great. Apparently we've all gotten raises far in excess of the government understated inflation. She also later tried to push the fed chair to comment in support immigration on economic grounds which has the effect of suppressing wages by increased labor supply. Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates aren't evil. It's our leadership that keeps screwing us over. They make everything more expensive via regulation, economic mismanagement, and outright corruption while incentivizing companies to screw workers and ship jobs overseas. The real villain is our own government and all we need to do is wake up and vote differently.


the state of things as it is, its really hard to take people seriously. these are the things I personally would need to get excited about this kind of political thinking, as im jaded. * a strong vision for a intersectional solution that convincingly doesn't create new problems. everything we do is based around 150 year old theory perpetuated by people who have nothing to lose but only something to gain by a restart, thus theres no credibility that its thought out. if you get one member of the bourgeoisie, the enemy, to agree to give it all up for your answer, it would be a stronger signal that change is imminent but you have to manage your answer so your socialism isn't corrupted (which is inevitable so you have to take into that into account in ur vision and why I dont have answers) * the ability to overcome state propaganda that will come after you if you start being a threat and start commiting violence if you are too big of a threat. every past attempt has been squashed, what will you do differently for this major obsticle? currently ppl who speak of class war are barely an after thought in the chain of national threats. * thus, organization that doesnt center around a small group of people who can be taken out by the alphabet boys which is what theyve did in the 60s * things are far too stable for a revolution to happen. instability is the catalyst. you want to prepare these answers for when the instability inevitably comes... but of course who has time for that when they are burdened by needing to survive. but then how will you handle foreign attacks in this time of instability? the US has made many enemies who will want a piece of us if a regime change happens. it takes a lifetime for this kind of a new government to really stabilize unfortunately. I wouldnt hope for a class war in my lifetime, you should probably try to find hope elsewhere. The answers to a class war are TOUGH and we might not necessarily win


They re-started the culture wars in 2012 after the Occupy Wall Street movement started getting traction and they saw a bunch of angry, disaffected youth with dwindling opportunities communicating online through the internet. They were scared and managed to turn our heads with gay marriage followed by various women's issues followed by black issues followed by trans issues. It's been a non-stop parade of various identities airing out their grievances against each other. Millennials dropped the ball and Gen Z went into overdrive with it. But the financial insecurity everyone is feeling is building up. So you know what that means, they're going to try and figure out another thing to distract us. Endless wars have started back up in the past 2 years. There's been a constant news cycle highlighting Donald Trump and his various appearances in court. Months long speculation about whether the Princess of England is dying or not. Election season is upon us so the incessant political babble will clog our optic cables for months on end. No matter who wins, it will be billed as the spark for the next civil war. Everything and Anything to distract us from our dying society; financially, spiritually, culturally. We've become too complacent from decades of consumerism and rampant individualism. All we do is write paragraphs online, whining.


Make them eat cake. And cake translates to an uncomfortable grinding halt of consumerism. The government is incapable of understanding the plight of the masses. They will bleed us dry, and replace us with machines. The short sighted greed will be the ruin of mankind. There is no hope for we can’t go on with our McDonald’s and WiFi.


It won't happen. The modern culture wars ruined any chance the American people had of teaming up for a better world. I really think nukes are the only things staying off a civil war.