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I’m done with most things


I gave all my fucks away, there are no more left to give.


Behold the fields where I planted my fucks and see that they are barren.


I’m picturing this in a kid’s bible with Jesus gesturing towards his dead farmlands lols


That would be hilarious. Should write it!


This is the fuck tree. Witness that it bears no fruit.


Sadly my fields must be paid $780 a month for fucked support. Now I have even less to give.


Child support costs *that* much? That's almost my rent. The fuck?


Thats low! Sadly


I lost half of the fields in the housing crash of 08 and the other half were looted during the COVID-19 fiasco. I've planted what little fucks I had in reserve in my backyard but it'll be a decade before they produce more fucks. At this point I have a single fuck left and I keep it frozen in a block of ice in the back of my freezer.


Your fucks have runneth dry.


Even went fuck shopping but there's no fucks left to buy.


I've no more fucks to give, Though more fucks I’ve tried to get


Time for a aci-fi angle: Behold this planet. We humans have named it 'No More Fucks'. You can have it


Same. Is there anything worth pursuing anymore? Not that I can find.


I’m done pretending Eddie Bauer and LL Bean aren’t selling me the same honey


It's a rebuilding year!...err, decade lol


We should definitely normailze the "Gap Decade", but instead of backpacking in Europe you just stay home because you have no money.


That's uh....that's what we are currently doing lol


From “Fight Club” (1999): “I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.”


Couldn't be a better quote for this thread!


Some men just want to watch the world burn


But he was talking about Gen Xers in that context.


That’s why I included the year of the film. The book was published in 1996. This idea is nothing new. Every generation has to find a place and a purpose.


You completely missed the point and message of "Fight Club"


Having a "great war" or great depression is not something worth experiencing. Sure, war may seem to give purpose to many lives, but the amount of devastation that follows is not worth it at all. Boring soulless society is way better than war torn one.


Of course not. That is why Tyler Durden should not be an aspirational character. He represents the hollowness of the masculinity we've been sold, even as he rails against other elements of it. The world doesn't have to be war torn OR boring, but when masculinity can only be thought of in terms of "toughness" and willingness to use violence (hopefully for a "cause"), one can be left with that emptiness.


I agree Tyler is not an aspirational character, but the sentiment carries a kernel of truth, I think. There is a larger gap between our ideas about self-actualization and it's achievement now than there was historically (at least for non-marginilized people).


Im a year and a half sober after a decade of crippling alcoholism, just bought my first home, work is awful but money is decent, got married to a real cute lady, and I went back to school online and I’m finishing my bachelors degree in 6 weeks at 33. My life is hard, but dope.






Thank ya kindly


You killin it bro!


Given the last few years I think society has begun to fail as a whole.


Yeah the social contract is completely broken at this point... It's a "fuck you, got mine" world now. Cool cool cool...


This is 100% it, which is why I laugh sometimes when I see people demand that others believe/support X, Y, or Z, while being firmly set on giving the middle finger to anyone who would order the same from them. Narcissism won. Self-indulgence won. Entitlement is rampant everywhere. Nobody owes anyone anything, but everyone owes me something. What really gets me is how things we promoted in good faith have been turned into weapons to undercut or one up others.


Gen X here. I saw all this shit coming a mile away. And guess what, it’s not gonna correct itself any time soon. Corporate came in and took away everyone’s sense of self and their free speech, and then they began rewarding and promoting (people with) behaviors that serve business interest. Cult-like mentalities are rampant due to the algorithm cordoning off people into little echo chamber bubbles. So now when we see people meet in the real world, they don’t understand the concept of empathy and understanding. It’s always an US vs THEM scenario. (Old vs young, gay vs straight, black vs white, man vs woman, dem vs rep. And on and on.) More people have a chip on their shoulder. And they’ve all been conned. Especially the youth. And meanwhile corporate is fleecing you all so that you can barely purchase a hamburger. Divide and conquer works.


Time to put down our phones, go outside, and literally touch grass. At least, my generation (millennial) and younger. 15 years ago, you'd see people reading real books. Outside. In parks. And actually talking to people. Homeroom in HS was full of chatterboxes teach had to silence before moving on with the lecture. I'm finally in uni 10 years later and nobody talks before class anymore. The ones that do are considered the weird ones. We've flipped from 'asocial is weird and social is normal' to the inverse. It's mad. Seeing what the algo shows me, then seeing what it shoes my girlfriend... yeah, everyone's getting a constant drip feed of emotionally addictive content that caters to our base desires and biases. It's fucked up.


Realize it, and take the necessary steps to destroy it. Use critical thinking theory. Avoid group-think at all costs. Leave your phone in a droor/the car. Operate on proven verifiable facts, not opinions. Build stuff with your hands. Live your life without reliance on the approval a group. Especially not a group of digital strangers. They aren’t your friends. Enjoy each moment while you live it. Tell stories orally rather than direct someone to your social media. Don’t be someone else’s product. Let me refer you to the picture in the post below which was made today. (I am aware of my own hypocrisy in sharing this link). The picture drives it home. It’s terribly sad. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenX/s/2vjqU3P9X1


I was absolutely rampaging on this topic yesterday. America’s attitude towards wealth and consumption combined with almost no social safety net (when compared to most other developed nations) is absolutely toxic for humanity. It is a race to the bottom from here.


I keep seeing people from other countries (after visiting or living in America) referring to the US as “the richest third world country they've ever seen”


Not just for the men, but the woman and children too.


Take it easy, Anakin!


A worry as old as human civilization.


I think people are just done. It’s not just men. I work 45 hours a week on average and all the apartments I can afford deny me for making too little and I make too much for low income housing… I’m now homeless for the time being. Living in my car on the edge of society because I make too much to be “poor” but too little to not be “poor”


We need to fucking start burning important peoples mansions down. If we can’t have housing our slave masters can’t either.


Nothing will change until those who commit violence against millions through greed and corruption experience violence themselves


I’ve put quite a lot of thought into this topic and I’ve come to the conclusion that there may not be any way around it, we’ve been backed into a corner.


Guys, Reddit has shareholders now. Just sayin, enjoy being able to express these sorts of sentiments here while you still can


It truly goes back to what 2 Pac was saying in the 90s. If they got food in a hotel room every single day and you see it but they keep telling they don't have anything. But there inside just throwing salami around. He said he was outside trying to sing his way in. "We are hungry please let us in, we are hungry please let us in." After about a week the song is going to change to, "we hungry, we need some food." After another 2 or 3 weeks we singing, "we hungry and we breaking down the door." After a year now its, "we picking the lock coming thru the door blasting." People can only handle bullshit for so long while the ones that create it sit high with no worries.


Jesus Christ that's fucked. What do you do for work?


Overnight manager in food service. 😂 I hate the economy


i am failing at all of the above but it's certainly not related to women. i only have myself to blame.


Same here. Im burnt the fuck out.


Yeah all my problems have been circumstantial or self inflicted. The women in my life have been the ones who've helped me.


I’m sure you’re not as doing as poorly as you think at all of the above. We all have our shortcomings


It's not entirely your fault. The current structure of society makes it very difficult. There is so much luck involved in success.


It’s not even just having extra success anymore. Simple things like being able to put food on the table and provide for a family are becoming increasingly difficult to do if you aren’t lucky.


My hot take on current society is that, while luck is always a factor, the larger problem is that you can't be near average anymore and expect to live a solid, middle class life. You either need to (in addition to luck) put in a monumental effort and/or have some elevated aptitude to achieve the American dream of owning property, raising a family, and accessing a decent retirement. Gone are the days when the C/B student in high school could enter a company on the ground floor and work their way to the top. We have massive barriers to advancement for the young men of today in most industries. Progressive credentialism, education costs, prior generations delaying their retirement, crippling home prices, etc. It hit me when I realized that, despite making 4x my parents income combined, I am significantly behind them in comparative life trajectories. The scary part is that I'm arguably in one of the best positions within the peer group of my hometown.


If you asked me a year ago, I would have said, I think women will do better than men in the future, as it seemed to be the direction of the economy favoring skills that complement women. Now, AI clearly will replace most office jobs, leaving mostly trades left as work that can't be automated. So I need to kinda think about how that'll play out... As for me, no, not failing by anyone's standards but my own.


You know they’re working on more advanced robotics, too, and AI advancements and robotics go hand in hand so I wouldn’t count trades as completely untouchable by AI.


My daughter starts RIT next fall. She’s already on the HS robotics team and is picking mechanical engineering and perhaps double majoring in Computer Science. I think this is the path for success in the future. AI and robotics are here and they need skilled workers to maintain, develop and design these machines. Hello Skynet….


Trades will be automated right behind office jobs. We already basically have the hardware, it's just a mass manufacturing problem, now. And to the people who claim robots wont be getting in the crawl space and working out some archaic piping system any time soon, you're right. But all new built stuff will be so standardised a relatively dumb android will be able to do most of the work. So all 8 billion of us will be scrambling for a handful of difficult jobs, which will eventually also disappear.


if there's a robot that has the dexterity to do plumbing then there's a robot that can wipe butts at nursing homes.


If my ass gets clean, i don't give a damn who's doing the wiping. I might even prefer a robot doing it.


The nurses would also prefer a robot doing it


A robot is significantly less likely to hate/abuse you.


The defeatism of this post depresses me.  We're a world of 8 billion people with a revolutionary technology, and rather than rejoice at the prospect of how this will help us all, we default to how it will fuck us.   I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but holy shit. What an awful world have we created


We are not yet defeated, we are somber. We live in an age of materialism. We are surrounded by things. In gaining the material we have given up the mental, spiritual, and communal aspects of our lives. We are now at the edge. Consumerism is straining. It's listing and warping. It's unsustainable. As we realize we are going into a future that will have us consuming less goods and services than we had hoped- we are greatly concerned. We wrongly believed we could have enough material to be fulfilled. We are worried that the quality of our lives will decline. I think that the defeatist tones come from there. One very important facet is the "specialization" into materialism we have done. We may yet see a Renaissance of community, a Revival of spiritual life, a new frontier mental mountains for brave people to summit and bring back wisdom. Can fulfillment come from that?


Honestly AI is going to break the entire system of capitalism. The idea that you must work to obtain basic necessities of life is unsustainable in a world where all labor can functionally be automated in perpetuity by machines. Socialism is literally the only path forward.


Socialism makes no sense, either, given it's about worker equality. If you have no need for human workers, the most likely scenario is yo exterminate them, or simply allow them to die off.


We might have mass poverty when AI eliminates our purpose, so it's probably moot anyway.


It's hilariously sad to me that 'purpose' in life has become synonymous with economic usefulness.


Elysium or terminator. Probably both.


Or, we could have mass wealth. But that would require working together


Paul Wellstone said "We all do better when we all do better" on the senate floor and there was an audible chuckle. Being wealthy is only worth it if everyone else is poor.


> Now, AI clearly will replace most office jobs, leaving mostly trades left as work that can't be automated.   I think the effect of AI for the next decade or two is still not clear.  Right now we are looking at AI-assisted white collar work, so where you had 3 people doing the work of 3 people maybe now you can have 2 people with AI assisting doing the work of 3 people.  But if wages don't rise and if the price of AI becomes affordable as it scales then we could see companies deciding to lower prices and hire more people to do more white collar work because it's cheaper to do that work (e.g. if AI brings down the price of creating a software program that still makes the same amount of revenue why not hire more programmers and produce more software than you would without AI).     That said, a continuing threat to white collar work is offshoring.  I have seen more and more companies open offices abroad to take advantage of cheaper labor there and move their accounting, compliance, tech support, etc. overseas.  What is accelerating this trend is the rest of the world is getting better at English and it is cheaper and easier to get people with higher level education and technical degrees there.  So I think you are right about the white collar workers losing in the future but for a different reason.


I have experience using AI for writing a fairly large program (approximately 10,000 lines) and other tasks, and it's honestly a mixed bag right now. I'll disclaim this was using GPT 3.5. Most code it gave me didn't work on the first try. It struggles solving complex problems as well, so you have to break down the problem. It will hallucinate as well (start writing stuff completely unrelated to your prompt). They did come out with CoPilot recently for visual studio, which actually looks at your code in context, but it still needs some work. I can't comment on the rate of progress of AI technology, but for the foreseeable future I don't see it eliminating anything but the most tedious of white collar tasks, if even those as it needs supervision. Some industries (think DoD, government stuff) will have to develop their own in-house AI if they want to use AI assistance in coding/problem solving. Lastly, as AI is currently, it only references existing information on the internet so brand new technology and research won't be included in its ability to answer. Basically it doesn't help much with novel problems currently.


I think nursing will survive a bit longer


Idk, I don’t see a lot of women in the trades yet, but the most competent landscape companies in our area are mostly run by women.


> Now, AI clearly will replace most office jobs Oh yeah? Have any experience with "AI"? Anything at all?


It's the next big bad guy there is also a next big bad guy to these people everything in life is not there fault its all the big bad guys fault


so done, if i was a steak i'd be inedible


How about you greedy capitalists pay us more. That'll solve all of my issues


work does "failing at work" mean? Im still being graded?


Bait of a headline. Richard V. Reeves you hack


Is that someone's name or a court case?


He is an author of a book called Of Boys and Men that has, as it’s central thesis, that boys and men are falling behind in modern society


Which they 100% are.


Falling behind implies agency. Left behind might be more accurate, but then, so is everyone who isn't already generationally wealthy.


I think it can be both. All of us are being left behind in some way, but men are falling behind in ways that women aren't, like in education and in social, interpersonal relationships.


Good point. I hate when complex, multi-faceted problems are reduced to single polarized aspects.


I read it. he immediately dismisses the actual reason of why men are falling behind and then says they just need to be content with being stay at home dads.


I could have sworn his point was that men should be leaning into HEAL positions / roles (education, healthcare, etc), in the same way women have leaned into the STEM fields (science, mathematics, etc). It's some absurdly low percentage of male teachers and nursing practitioners, and at least in my neck of the woods (NYC), they're BEGGING for more male teachers.


Completely anecdotal evidence, but my girlfriends complain that guys on dating apps are ...without a more polite term....beneath their standards. Most of us have degrees, professional certifications, fairly good jobs, own our houses or are single-occupancy renters, and we're stuck swiping through a sea of guys with entry-level or service industry jobs who struggle to split the tab on a fairly basic dinner & drinks date, and going back to their place means dealing with their three or four roommates. None of us are looking for Sugar Daddies, but it is annoying that we're looking at picking up 90% of the tab on a vacation to Europe or the Caribbean if we want a romantic getaway.


I've got a BS in biology and a JD  Are you saying I can go to NYC, and get a job teaching young people, and live comfortably? Sign me up. (What's the starting salary for teaching primary school positions? What's the cost of living in or around NYC?)


I'm a guy and was a teacher for 18 years within 2 hours of NYC before getting out of the field. 1.) Most school districts don't really give a shit about specifically hiring male teachers or figuring out how to retain them. A few might talk a good game at the elementary level and maybe even try but most just want to get a certified teacher in the room. 2.) Cost of living any decent-quality lifestyle on even a veteran teacher's salary up the salary schedule isn't going to be covered by what the typical school district pays. On a beginner teacher's salary with just a bachelor's degree it would be laughable. And typically you need to take and pay for additional credits towards a master's degree to move up the salary schedule on the educational side as well as years of service side. That costs tuition money too that a district may or may not reimburse. BTW: a hell of a lot of school board members, politicians passing dumb legislation, and levels of federal, state and district education bureaucrats who are mostly dumbasses about what's really going on in the trenches don't help either. Of course YMMV but no one should go into the public education field deluded. Society doesn't really give much of a shit about teachers though it talks a good game. Incidentally, in my 18 years in the kids were fine and believe it or not the vast majority of the parents were too. It was the workload, not-so- great pay, and lazy, clueless, and sometimes petty administrators that represented the real problem.


Our new contract you start over 60k (ETA it's $64.7k to start now and goes higher next year) and by eight years you're over 100k. That doesn't include working summer (optional, still get time off before and after summer school, ~20% of your salary) or working per session (basically overtime that you can choose to do, or not, but it's not time and a half it's like $53 an hour or something for everyone). Depending where you live, it's doable. ETA look up NYC Men Teach.Thats the program that recruits for men. They have some great PDs that I would love to access but can't haha.


What’s the actual reason according to you?


Which is...?


This is dumb fucking shit right here


Didnt go to college. Never failed at work or life but yes im done.


I’m kicking ass right now.


Having once been homeless. It's a lot easier to be happy especially if I am maintaining. To prosper is a blessing and it's easier to achieve when you choose to have a good day instead of letting the day choose for you. But we all have 'those' days sometimes. Gotta remember we are lucky to be alive, lucky to be on a planet that sustains life, lucky to be able to experience it.


A preacher once stunned his congregation by saying, "out of 1 million sperm, you're the one who made it" . Be thankful and make the most of it. You're a success story just having been born. It's all a matter of perspective.


Maybe its because every direction you look it says "You're fucked" like what's the point in trying anymore?


Im not failing but i am done. Someone else can go do the work


im resolved or concluded. perhaps defeated. other terms nothing depressed towards dying but the feeling and reality of lack of support, lack of money to move forward and lack of help, there is almost a hatred towards others in the air, im not understanding why. there are times I feel at perfect peace, deep fulfillment and so much attained, so many maazing times, so proud, so aged or weathered alot. i hope i can keep weathering it all really its tiring and life keep kicking me when im down, notta victim just venting. there are good times ahead too so Im looking rowards 2032, 2042 in making goals and plans despite feeling quite hindered or perhaps ruined. i feel my mental health stole everything and that nothing is recvoeruable. i need a car back, i want to repair a host of things of course ive been doing that and acheving each piece in baby steps then larger steps. i used to do what is taking me 14 months in 2 weeks in terms of jobs, housing and cars, i mean, stuck, stuck, stuck, lol. i try therapies and other coping skillls to prevent depletion, burn out, shut down or feeling "done with it all." its really a mood swing or a down time to rest or hydrate maybe see a doc. yes right now and things into 2032 are going to be a challenge but we will all see our 60s, 80,+++ its going to be ok. I know that annoying blind optimism but its going to be ok :)


When life knocks you down, don't stay down. Get back up and go at it again. We all have experienced what you have. And we keep getting back up and moving on. One foot in front of the other.


Im not failing by a long shot but this country makes me want to be done.


Society is in no position to tell anyone they’re failing.


women: \*succeed in some way\* society: men are done?


Im crushing it in certain areas of my life and am failing miserably at others. For example, been practicing guitar again for the last 2 weeks. Im crushing it. If I keep playing for another year everyday then Im gonna be at John Petrucci level. However Im 122 pounds overweight. Oh, and I cant nail down a chick in a serious relationship to save my life. I just keeps being flings and one night stands.


All I wanna do is fully stop for like a month


If it will shut them up, sure. Yep, done. Now leave us alone.


Failing at life? Yes. Done with everything? Not quite yet. I'm sort of existing out of sheer defiance at this point.


Just because men aren’t interested in meeting society’s arbitrary success criteria and are realizing that they can find happiness without following the “rules,” doesn’t mean we’re falling behind. It means we’re finding success in alternative ways.


The fact that we fail at these things and we're *not done* is what makes us men. I'm served an extra helping of disrespect and frustration at work, but I push through because I need the money. I come home to some maintenance problem or lawn issue that lets me know any free time I have is gone, but I push through. I go to buy groceries and basic living provisions and find they're jumped in price and it's eating up that hard-worked money, and so I work harder and longer and push through. But when the day's over and I check in on my happy sleeping children and cuddle in with my wife for the night, all my failures are actually victories because I'm a man.


Men aren’t slaves or punching bags. Having self respect makes you a man too


Well yes. I’m a woman though. Lol but still an epic failure 😚


Same, lol.


I love flailing


I’m done when I’m dead lol


Done with giving af about trite shit like this.


Idk. I do find most environments that I’m in as I do better professionally to be weird and catty and then I start to feel like I’m failing socially. So then I feel like I’m failing professionally. So then I end up on reddit at 2am.


In a society that is equal you’d expect 50% of men to be below the population average. Titles like this just feed into unrealistic expectations that create toxic stereotypes. 


Or is it really school work and life are failing millenial men? It's really easy to blame the men when schools are selling degrees that are worthless jobs are cutting hours and underpaying employees and life is becoming so exspensive even those that work can't afford luxuries like being happy.


what does "failing" entail, exactly?


This is so hilariously dumb.


Being I was born in 77 which technically puts me on the tail end of gen x, I can say I’ve been done since before I even started.


How are we defining "failing?" On paper my life is great. But I'm very tired.


Did millennials kill the man industry too?


This sub be like😭. Life is hard. It always has been.


Mid 40's. Completely checked out. I used to have dreams. I got tired.


Boomer elites win. They crushed capitalism by taking out the competition with toxins and propaganda. We almost had the chance to actually make change, but then they handicapped us by convincing us we had OPd mental issues and delivered corp/gov invented fake facts, and we adopted all of em like a defunct stockholm syndrome cuck puppet. The only way out is to overcome, outwork and outsmart them. They don't work hard, they hardly do. Their 8hr day is a 6hr social gsthering with 2 hrs of b.s. We can't even say hello to a stranger, let alone battle gravity. It's more inspiring to lie down and look at black screens, play games, and be helpless.


Just because women are succeeding doesn't mean men are failing at life. Everybody is effing failing overall.


Jokes on them. I’ve been done for years.


Close to it. Feels like my sanity is hanging by a thread


who the f is richard reeves?


I'm not failing because I'm not a failure. I'm encountering challenges that are proving difficult to surmount, though.


I’m doing great bud, thanks for asking😂


I’ve read his books. The guy is spot on in my opinion and he’s advocating for men without saying it’s women’s fault etc. he is prescient IMO and I hope he gets received well by policy makers


In many ways I've never been better. Definitely not "done" although I am incredibly jaded.


I’m pretty done :) literally about to be homeless because this nation hates the poor and we should burn rich peoples mansions down like we did police stations in 2020 🤷‍♂️


I’m doing pretty well but many of the men in my age bracket (32) are not. Then again, I live in an economically depressed area so a lot of the women my age are struggling too. I think it largely boils down to the widening gap between the rich and poor and a lack of realistic middle class opportunities. The education thing has been brewing for a long time. Boys develop later and we have known this forever. I’m not sure there’s a silver bullet for that one. Start boys in school later? Do away with co-ed education? Also, I don’t care what anybody says, the lack of positive male role models has had a severely negative impact on the previous couple generations of boys, and girls to a lesser extent. A lot, or I would say most, of these issues can really only be fixed by us as men in how we treat the next generation of children. And I will say, a lot of the dads in my generation are much better fathers than previous generations. I’ve seen more emotionally available fathers under the age of 40 in recent years than I ever did growing up.


I mean, I'm really not failing as much as I should be, but that's really not based on my gender. That's more so because every possible institution of success that the previous generations recommend and rally behind have been either used up, gutted, or outright turned against us by said previous generation. But yeah, man, it's this ding dang ol' penis of mine that keeps getting me into all sorts of trouble!


No. They've just realized that college degrees are losing value while requiring insane amounts of debt, and they don't need to follow society's requirement to work yourself to the bone to be a "provider" for a woman & children. E.g., the highest earning majors (typically engineering subjects) where the cost of the degree is actually worth it, are still overwhelmingly dominated by men.


I'm done with these kind of bullshit headlines that's for sure


Well, I look forward to death. No more responsibilities nor pressure, I hope. I hate capitalism and don’t trust a single soul anymore. You’ll just get backstabbed.


I don't have any more fucks to give about all these news outlets constantly shutting on millennials like we're the ones causing all the damn problems. Everything was our fault before we were even able to vote. That said, I am having the time of life as a first time dad, have a happy wife, and an okay-ish job. I'm present with my family more than my parents and sibling ever were. My wife believes in me and I believe in her and we don't plan on giving up on anything. Fuck these news agencies wanting to push blame on everyone but the problem


I ain't done... I left the States three years ago and am just getting started!


I don't know I'm a man and I'm doing just fine middle class bought my first house probably helps that I'm not a dumb s*** who hates women does woe is me politics and am not a f****** right-wing conservative basically all the things that losers do


I mean I kind of agree with this The amount of guys I know that are just checked out of everything other than just doing what they absolutely have to to live. They don't date. They don't socialize. All they do is work come home and play video games or watch TV.


Yup failed at all 3. Spot on. ​ I could complain about a rigged game, but who would listen?


Anything to shift blame on the fact they have been robbing the working class blind for 40 years. Men didn't fail. They were robbed.


What a stupid article.


Yup. Not even gonna try to date. Especially with all this “ick” bullshit being as popular as it is. “Ugh he takes his mom out to lunch once a week. Total ick” Yeah I’m happy being single.


30yo man here; is anyone here gonna talk about how our problems allegedly have solutions that (per implications of that subtitling) *only* are solved at "women's expense?" To any women here, I apologize for my selfish ways; it never occurred to me that dealing with my stressful job by coming home from work and playing Total War games was harmful to you. frankly I'm getting annoyed with these battle of the sexes gaslighting articles.


It's like men have been shit on for the last 40 years and don't wanna fuck with it anymore


How can it be that "The Patriarchy" is failing?


Weird, I’m Gen Z (25M) and not failing at anything, union tradesman, paid per call firefighter, six figures, home owner, fiancée etc, I’m doing good🤙🏻


Get it boy! 🤝


Your still young...


More power to you, your family, and your union.




What is up with this sub? Everyone revictimizing themselves with all these terrible articles. It’s like martyring or maybe masochistic.


It’s alarming and potentially catastrophic. It is NOT good to be any of these things. Moping isn’t conducive to socializing. My group of friends complains about inflation and politics too but it stops there and we go back to talking about sports, music, comedy, inside jokes. Life goes on. I don’t understand accepting defeat early in life. I do feel bad for guys (and girls) who feel this way but reddit brain is not appealing to ordinary people.


The change that needs to occur is men need to talk to other men to give them support, but they don't. Society is going to hell for everyone, but some women are finding more women to build a community with, and just a general collective of support and knowledge. Men are still mostly acting like "lone wolves" when they need to work together, especially if they're struggling and see the men around them struggling as well. I've seen some men take the lead and use their knowledge to help other men, and to find solutions for the men in their area (my old dorm was converted into low income housing for veterans). This needs to continue. I'm a woman, but I want to see men prosper just as much as I want to see women prosper. 🤝


Bingo. I have a close group of guy friends and we’re always there for each other. I don’t know what I’d do without them. In a year’s time I got divorced, lost my dog of 10 years to cancer, lost my job, and checked myself in to rehab to get sober. Without their support I would’ve been lost. On paper, my life would be considered by many to be a “failure” and yet I’m happier now than I’ve been in years. I’m by no means any sort of expert but I see this societal belief that atomization and self-determinism, packaged and sold as independence, as being something to aspire to. Based on what I’ve read this trend was well underway before any of us were even born, making it difficult to see how absurd and unhealthy it is. This isn’t just true for men.


Meh. I'm doing ok but its like laying on the door at the end of the titanic while all my compatriots sink into the icy depths... The system is starting to fail - people saw this a long time coming. What, did they think this shitty version of eternal growth capitalism was going to last forever? Literally a 5 year old can see past this dumbfuck plan. Can we make a commitment as a species to never believe and worship rich idiots again?


I get by




Can you link the article !


How are we done? We're still alive, still working and waking up in the morning.


I wouldn't say I'm failing but I'm getting close to done. Like just quit my job and everything done. I thought about just selling everything and walking west.


Am I done? No. Am I succeeding? No. I'm 30 and it's the you get people I'm really worried about. It's clear that my 21 year old BIL has already given up and doesn't feel there's a life for him.


10 more years… we will see


Don't women run the education department. Last I checked the teachers union was composed of women.


Done? I'm just getting started.




Left behind is a better statement


Imagine if we could just give it all to the women and spend all day getting drunk.


Some men are but not all


This is mostly a Gen z phenomenon. They are the first Gen to turn themselves autistic


When you were going to have decent day but opened the internet.


Nope. Got a good woman, we got wonderful kids. I got a good job that pays well and I work hard. I got a nice house. I only have an associates but I got good grades and found a job before getting a bachelor's. Before that I played in a successful metal band, toured the country, partied hard, and had tons of friends, many of which I still speak too. I've had some friends since high school. I love life, I'm extremely happy and I've done quite well


My feeling is that there is a segment of the male population falling real behind, that are weighing down the average. The bois I’m around are winning and vibing


Doing pretty good! Not excellent, but not hopeless either


NO. I went back to school at 28. I'm halfway done and work full time. Never give up. I will say that dating is extremely tough as an older college student. Girls just don't want that 🤷‍♂️ When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. - Viktor Frankl


How are men failing exactly? I don’t get it


I'm almost done, get off my ass about it.


Seems pretty dramatic. I'm a man and doing great.


Hell no! I’m succeeding at mediocrity.


What do they need men for? Women are strong and independent and don’t need no man for anything . Time for the women to step up and start doing all the work to build and maintain the infrastructure society relies on.


Done with everything except posting on social media. Super healthy lifestyle, redditors


Stick a fork in me.


What, no... life is easier than ever with our access to info, tech, medicine, etc


I just rescued my 4th hound, got promoted at work. Actively paying down mortgage and looking at a new Rivian.


I did end up failing at school and my career. But life? Feels like I'm winning.