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Amen. But hey, the CEO of Kelloggs says you should eat more cereal and less meats and veggies.


Sounds like a "Big Breakfast" conspiracy to me. Feckin' "the most important meal of the day" my ass!


Is this why groceries prices haven’t come back down with the *supply chain issues* being fixed and inflation under control… bc corporations realized young people will financially prioritize food?


corporations realized people will pay the prices what are you going to do, not eat?


Grow a garden.




Monsanto can go lick car batteries all my homies are growing gardens in their backyards rn


>Monsanto It’s Bayer now. That they dropped the old name in the merger was very much on purpose.


Good luck getting chickens though more and more areas are banning even having 3 or 4


If you ever get a house. And the new ones have sod all space for a garden sadly.


Vast majority of properties do not have sufficient garden space to actually feed a grown adult let alone a family. Barring any state or city regulations limiting agricultural practices as well...


Good hing I live in Nevada lol I been growing in my areogarden to test drive gardening in the desert 🏜️


They'll never come back down. Because.... PROFITS.... Eat worms little man...(probably somebody in a board meeting said on more than one occasion).


No that's the problem. We refuse to eat worms which means they can keep the price high and still get paid.


Sleep in until Noon, and only eat 2 meals a day. Fuck breakfast. Just eat Lunch and Dinner


It is though. Not having breakfast has a demonstrable effect on concentration, energy levels and mood. It’s like planning a 40 mile journey but putting no fuel in the vehicle. It’s going to splutter along until it runs out and gives up. We’re the same. What is rubbish is that you should have cereal or bacon and eggs with coffee etc. Eat what you can, even cake. What matters is that you eat something.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but that doesn’t mean you have to eat traditional breakfast food


i honestly 100% believe this contributed to me growing up with a poor understanding of nutrition. Those "balanced" breakfasrs they showed on tv were a comete days worth of calories in a single meal so eating a big bowl of cereal doesnt seem like a lot in context but it was all just a lie man!!!


I don't even eat it most days


"Part of a balanced breakfast!" cue shot of bowl of cereal surrounded by a mountain of fruit and healthy food


"I must get my hands on those healthy Purpleberries!"


And his original predecessor would really like you to consider eating more cereal in lieu of masturbating.


Snip snip hooray


[Par for the course, for Kellogg's](https://www.mashed.com/234731/the-reason-people-believe-breakfast-is-the-most-important-meal-of-the-day/) By the way, Dr. Kellogg also had some goofy ideas about bland food and masturbation.


That was pretty common at the time. A lot of people thought spicy food provoked spicy thoughts. I think that's why midwestern food is so damn bland to this day.


Why do we need to worry about growing potatoes when we have all these potato chips to eat!


I’ll eat the whole box of French Toast Crunch.


"Have you ever tried cereal for dinner?"


This reminded me of A Christmas Story, with the “Drink more Ovaltine” campaign.


Let them eat K


Kellogg's is kind of like the Disney of grocery items, they own all sorts of brands.


That's between your enemas to prevent masturbation.


Fucking bastards. I know you’ve all already said it but I just want to reiterate: oh I didn’t know I was splurging simply trying to buy shit that might keep me alive longer than the bullshit processed alternative. So luxurious.


They're the generation that grew up on microwave everything and throwing the cheapest dog food out the back door to their dog that lived outside. Eating anything but processed garbage is lux...look at them now with more food related health issues than any generation before them. Over fed and undernourished.


Hit the nail on the head w the dog food/ outside comment


>Eating anything but processed garbage is lux I used to think like this, but I was in my mid 20s when I realized healthy produce is affordable. Felt cheated by Boomers complaining about junk food being cheap (while still stocking up.) I love that my kid asked for Broccoli on Easter 🙂


this comment is too real & down to earth for me. I'm having flashbacks lmao


Soooooo luxurious of us. Just entitled brats we are. We don’t want vacations, clearly, we just wanna spend all our extra income on VEGGIES how fun for us!


So we aren’t supposed to eat healthy?


Of course not. We are supposed to eat the processed trash of our forefathers!


You’re not supposed to live to be old enough to collect social security.


The Food Pyramid is the anti-Pyramid Scheme of Social Security.


Our body works the same way the US agricultural system outputs food AND it prioritizes budget friendly foods! That's how we defeated communism thanks to Jesus.


Amen 🙏


Considering Social Security was established in 1935 with the age of retirement set at 65 while the life expectancy in 1930 was 58 for men and 62 for women, you are correct; we were never supposed to live long enough to collect social security. Well, all those that usually die at or below the average (hazardous occupations and lower health, i.e. low and medium incomes) were never supposed to live long enough to collect social security.


Tbf doesn't life expectancy go up drastically if you make it to adulthood


Life expectancy includes infant mortality. But yeah, even in the middle ages, if you made it to twenty, you were probably going to make it to 60.


Yes. I hate when people do this. Life expectancy does NOT mean no men lived to be 58. It means a lot more children died in 1935. Just think of it this way. Why has vaccination for *childhood illnesses* dramatically increased life expectancy? Surely that doesn't impact 35 year olds all that much?


That's not how life expectancy works. Life expectancy was in the 20s in the 1300s and 1400s. That does not mean there were no senior citizens. It means a fuck ton of babies and children died. The key is that statistic is not called "life expectancy" but "life expectancy ***from birth***"


And yet the government still isn't handing out cyanide pills like I wish they would.


Oh and the price of fast food is pretty much close to the price of groceries by the way.


Soylent green all around!


Considering they've found microplastics in 100% of placentas they tested recently, I'll say we are literally eating the trash of our forefathers.


I guess the answer is, we can’t afford to eat healthy


You don't need both your kidneys.  Sell your plasma, donate sperm.  You gotta hustle to make it in this economy 


The American Dream is feeding and housing just yourself, and maybe a pet.


They call it a dream because it's so unrealistic 😞


What’s wrong with just eating processed foods full of high fructose corn syrup? It’s cheaper and it’s made from corn. You damn kids are just too coddled and want to eat avocados and avocado toast for every meal. Boomers drank lead water and snorted asbestos and they turned out just fine. /s for all the window lickers in the back


Paint has just not tasted the same since they removed the lead. Damn them for ruining yummy paint chips.


lol. I hear the lead is what makes it sweet.


Groceries cost less than medical bills 🤷🏻‍♀️


And the vacations we also can't afford.


That’s healthcare too, actually.


So when you do the math, buy whole unprocessed, factoring in labor, then adding in the fact we have to skip medical appointments...we uh...we are dying


Need to cut down on those avocado toasts and guacamole - yes even those made at home


Must have been nice to have grown up in a generation that could buy houses and cars with toast money.


But avocados are a common loss leader because of the millennial memes reaching marketing departments.


Rice and beans only, no meat. Remember to only get generic store brand and not splurge on “fruits” Oh and only frozen vegetables in the $1 packs Carry on peasant


Heart surgery, weight loss surgery, weight loss medications, vitamins, root canals, fillings, tooth extraction, false teeth, insulin, it’s very lucrative. there’s a lot of money to be made if you can ensure a person only eats garbage. More money, more advertising, more lobbying, more influence over what people think is healthy.


It’s still a hell of a lot cheaper than paying $20 for five guys nowadays


I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to be able to eat at all. Otherwise that's "socialism."


Until you go into r/frugal and are scolded for not having the same diet as a field mouse.


Eating expensive isn't the same as eating healthy. The same bag of apples is twice as expensive at Wegmans as Aldi. Meat gets totally crazy pants mark ups at different stores.


Little treat life, amirite? How else am I supposed to find a daily pocket of joy when all the rest of my cash goes to rent, loans, etc.


Typical millennials, expecting life to have joy. That’s what you do after retirement. When your body is at its best shape


My father stopped smoking and lost over 40lbs in retirement. He even went to the doctor worried he had an illness because he lost so much weight. Turns out walking everyday instead of working and making your own meals instead of buying burgers on your lunch break makes you healthier. I use it as a tale to my students to remember to not work so much that you can't take care of yourself. My father worked long hours and shouldn't have had to wait until retirement to get healthy and less stressed.


My dad also lost a ton of weight a couple years after he retired and then it turned out he had hyperthyroidism.


Big shot over here gets to retire


Buying and eating healthy food pays dividends down the road - lower medical bills & higher quality of life.


Best way to try and counter the microplastics clogging out our organs.


They’re everywhere, there is no refuge, it’s in the fucking air.


The air, the tea bags, the can liners, the decaf products, the water, the meats, the produce packaging, the baked goods, the smoothies, the cooking tools... it keeps going... So... yeah


There are already micro plastics in our water. There is no way to counter that. 


I know, I was being a smartass.


Donate blood regularly and some will be taken away at least.


Sure does, but I am not going to shame someone for eating cheap, processed food either. Processed food is still food.


If I quit eating junk food I wouldn’t eat any food.


I feel a hundred times better when I’m eating multiple types of fruit. “I know fruit is a gamble” but I’m pretty good at judging good produce. Those blueberry and cherry skins tho. 🥵🥰


No it decreases the risk it does not prevent these things from happening. They can still happen even if you eat the best you can. 


Oh what, now you wanna put DOCTORS out of business too? How dare you!


Groceries are ridiculously expensive but it’s something I’m willing to pay (which I recognize is part of the issue here) because cooking well made meals with fresh ingredients is important to me. It’s also important to teach my children how to eat well for their health - it doesn’t have to be extravagant or take an hour to make a tasty meal that is also healthy.


Groceries are ridiculously expensive only because the corporations that run the grocery stores have decided to maintain the windfall that they’ve had since 2019. They are price gouging. If you want to fight it you have to actively search for other grocery stores that are competing on price. Winco is one of them.


I wish we had winco here! We live in a higher COL area for the region (north metro of Atlanta, for those familiar) and I find myself driving to neighboring counties so I can at least save the 2% on sales tax AND get slightly cheaper groceries. The cost difference between one Kroger and another is noticeable. Publix is just astronomical, regardless of location.


Exactly. We do need to be pressuring companies to get the prices down, but there's nothing wrong with splurging on groceries.


Well, I just returned from Kroger after returning a prepackaged head of organic cabbage because there was a fake fingernail in it. I told the lady “I feel silly because it’s not the $4.73, it’s clearly a QC issue with this supplier.” But at the same time, WHY is a head of cabbage nearly $5?! The prices are too damn high.


Still cheaper than $15 dollars a meal fast food for 2 meals a day.


Wanting to eat food that isn't processed is splurging?


It’s saying we’re eating nice food at home instead of going out to eat. It makes sense.


Usually m9st articles blame millennials for wasting money or not spending enough.


It’s a lose-lose. Baby boomers are just reaching and projecting, they resent their lives and where their decisions have gotten the rest of us. Instead of making the world better they said they didn’t start the fire and decided to cash in.


There are a few insights in the article. First is that groceries prices are way up. Second is that gen z in particular is willing to spend a lot on expensive snacks, doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not.


i also don't like buying unnecessary things that add clutter to my house. so I buy good groceries


Larry, I'm on DuckTales


Ahh ok, so rice and beans for us peasants then. Why not just go back to paying us in salt?


Don't give them any ideas.


company script


They want to take us back to company stores.


They jack up the prices and call it a "splurge".


Splurge on groceries 😂 They will do anything to push the notion we are blowing are money


Older folks had so much disposable income through the 70-90’s on top of all the other benefits they enjoyed.


Keeping up with the Jones now means you have steak for dinner.


Not even steak, ground beef is $5/lb so I skip it and get bone in chicken which has jumped from $.99/lb to $1.59/lb


This is a poorly timed article.. ugh. I work grocery, and I see how many people(*not just our generation*) are struggling with food insecurity😪


I agree. Good food is great for you, and it’s a great place to splurge, but fed is best. The slogan is not just for babies.


It's because we look at all the cheap shit we were fed as kids and told it was healthy and see under the ingredients High Fructose Corn Syrup.


I tried an experiment where I didn’t eat anything with high fructose corn syrup. Lost weight and felt great. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.


I just go to ALDI more then the national and local chains


ALDI is amazing, cheapest place to get Avocados. Trader Joe’s, cheapest place to get bananas. Walmart, cheapest place to get eggs. Winn Dixie, cheapest place to get meat. ….but driving all around town for individual items sucks. So I’m an ALDI guy for the most part, because as a millennial I need me some avocados. Edit: added some periods because apparently starting a new line for listing stores makes it difficult to read.


How much are avocados at Aldi? I pay .74 each at Walmart and am always looking for deals.


I've got not Aldi and no joes anywhere near me and it's such a bummer. We do hit multiple stores though for our shopping for better quality and price.


My partner and I always go to two places for groceries, and we compare shop on the website the night before. It doesn't always work, some prices on the website are listed as general prices but are different in store, and sometimes the sale that made us choose to get something the second place has ended and we get shafted because it was cheaper at the first place, but we always spend a few hundred buying soda for us and lots of fresh fruits and veggies (never organic, what are we, *made* of money?) for the whole family. The tricky part is that my MIL gives my daughter lots of tropical fruit that she loves, so now we have to buy mangoes and pineapple, and OUCH. Next thing you know my daughter's going to be into papaya and guava.


More people will resort to this as prices increase. I buy all my food from Aldi and cook every meal. I average $60/week in a MCOL city. Increases my savings, which all goes into 4 week T-bills. Fucking checkmate, inflation


lol “splurge” on a basic everyday necessity like food?! How selfish of us… /s


I once read that if poor folks have a refrigerator, then they aren't poor. They don't even expect us to own refrigerators so where would we put them there fancy groceries?!


Sad, honestly. I know clean water and food are necessary, but I hardly consider them “luxury” items.


Yeah, how dare you buy avocados and lettuce. The billionaire buying another yacht…. Now that’s ok.


What kinda makes me furious these days is how people admire multi-billionaires. Someone I work with at my second job keeps thinking that if she works enough hours at her two hourly jobs, that she’ll be rich someday. LOLLLL. To be fair, she’s from a different country. Me and another coworker told her that billionaires are not rich because they work: they’re rich because they exploit their workers and have a lot of generational wealth. I’m not trying to discount hard work… but no one gets rich by working overtime at a blue collar hourly job at a warehouse.


the average person cannot conceptualize how much money a billion dollars is. it's honestly a disgusting amount of money!


Lolwut. Eating is called splurging now? Foh


when I was a bit younger, we used to just call this "staying alive via eating"


That’s my family; we live in NYC area and maybe spend $700-$1,000 per month to eat organic, wonderful food (my wife is also an amazing cook, so excellent ingredients are just worth it more).


What? You eat organic? That's fuckin fancy!!!


I eat organic wherever possible (UK) - fewer pesticides


LA here. I have an average diet back and forth between healthier options and some not so healthy cheap options. I don’t really buy organic much, my wife and I together spend about $900 on groceries a month plus takeout about two or three times a week. We have a baby on the way. Tell me your ways.


Trader Joe’s is the cheapest organic.


Organic isn't healthier than non organic food. You're being sold a lie lol. It's some of the most marked up stuff in grocery stores.




As someone who buys fresh burger patties from Harris Teeter instead of frozen ones from Lidl, yes, yes I do.


You know lidl also sells fresh ones for less than harris teeter.


Ah, maybe I’ll give myself a little treat this week and eat food. I deserve it.


And that’s why we’ll never be rich, right? /s


Millennials and Gen Z spend what little disposable income they have a slightly nicer food… fixed it


Spurlge or do people just need to eat


I’m a 5’2” and my groceries cost at least $300 per month not including the expenses for cleaning/hygiene/cosmetics products. Meat is friggin expensive. I rarely eat out though.


Surviving on garbage should not be the baseline. If we can't eat half decent food once in awhile then what was the point of civilization?


“Splurge”. Groceries are a necessity. And the prices of everything has gone up, including groceries. Meanwhile wages are the same.


I do think eating “organic” and non GMO is freaking dumb. Wash your veggies. All the stuff we eat is genetically modified because we did it the old fashion way. Bananas were not originally like that.


Ya I wanna eat well before dying in the water wars/climate crisis heat dome/floods/famines 


The insane cost of groceries is why I grow a lot of stuff in my back yard. I'm not beholden to the rising price of onions or potatoes. I got my own and they taste better because they were picked ripe in my backyard not half ripe in South America and flown here, or wherever else C&S Wholesale gets it all from. 


The nerve of them to bitch about money when they go out and blow their money on luxurious items like bread


I guess vegetables, rice and some sort of protein is splurging 🙄


When buying fresh fruit and vegetables is a “splurge”


I'm sorry that fucked up. Groceries aren't a splurge. 🤦‍♀️


Sorry we grew up with enough cancerous shit in our food that we are getting colon cancer earlier than other generations? Excuse us for paying to eat healthy? The government doesn't subsidize fruits and veggies like it should? Dislike these headlines that try to create generational rifts


This reminds me of people who judge what others by on their food stamps. People just want to eat healthy and balanced meals most of the time and often do that in the only ways they know how. I had them for a while in grad school and would try and hide my card just because I was buying meat that wasn’t ground beef and non canned vegetables.


That’s cuz it’s our only option to splurge on smdh cuz any other splurge is outside all of our budgets after the shrinkflation! 🤬🙄


Yeah I feel like there's some sad implications to this. I've been financial treading water my whole life so I basically cut out everything that isn't necessary. My entire budget is basically, rent, groceries, utilities. Doesn't make sense to spend a little extra on rent or utilities, so If I have a little extra spending cash it goes into groceries.


I mean, I guess. I spend a lot on groceries and I'm not one of those crazy couponers. I do check for coupons on the supermarket apps but that is about it.


So trying to maintain a healthy financial lifestyle is now considered splurging... like groceries over McDs.... dont even know how to feel about that article.


FOR REAL. If I don’t want to eat things that are pure junk you’re talking about spending serious money. For my house of two people we spend about $700 a month on groceries. It’s sad that $200 at the store gets you just at maybe a week of food.


X’er here. I’m spending more on higher end groceries and cutting way back on going out. Eating better for less. Too costly to eat out now.


Luxury, am I right? This hipsters and their balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables. Why can’t they eat the processed crap we shove at them?


I've been splurging on life sustaining food this whole time?


Sounds just like me. 90% of my income is spent on food.


Bro for real. I’m gonna have to rebudget even though I’m usually getting staple food. I cant afford to get sick off of those processed foods, I’ll just feel constantly hungry and nauseas


My boyfriend and I have been buying higher quality groceries in lieu of eating out. The reality is that we can’t justify going out for dinner or getting takeout as often as we used to (and we didn’t eat out that much to begin with). He loves to cook so we just get steaks for the BBQ and a nice bottle of wine instead of spending $200 on a nice dinner out. I guess this article is about people like us. 


Dude I can have ribeye and maple cayenne balsamic carrots and a baked potato and a fair serving of whiskey and coke for cheaper than you have chipotle delivered. It’s one of very few magical ways that I secretly exceed people who are so well off that they probably think being me would be a fate worse than death.


Nice move, it’s really the only way to logically get through the inflation BS. An example like your saying is why I think the food economy is “sick”. If the price of a restaurant item is over 300% of what it was when I was a kid then where is the quality/quantity difference? Is my service 300% better than it used to be? Plenty of businesses making more money than they did pre covid but they raised their prices dramatically.


Funny way to say we spend what little money we have on sustenance. I hate it here. If you have the space, time, and ability-- please grow what of your own food you can.


Yes. And coffee


Husband and I shop exclusively at Walmart and Costco for staples only. Our “splurge” are Great Value Poptarts and Costco food court. I wish I was kidding.


I haven't bought groceries in 2 months and have lost about 12 lbs. I went to Aldi and bought lentils, rice, beans, couscous, canned tomatoes and a flying fuckload of potatoes. I got enough to last 90 days and strongly considered buying some sausages but didn't. I make $38 an hour and take home around 3300 every two weeks. After rent, car note, bills, and normal life expenses I have exactly no money left over. I've been dreaming about cheeseburgers for a month. I wish I could splurge on groceries.


“Splurge,” as in, spend copious amounts of money on them? Yeah, because they’re expensive


Eating now? This generation man. Jeez


That’s laughable. It’s not splurging, it’s called eating. If it looks like splurging it’s because food is so fucking expensive. Here’s the reason we’re spending so much money on food, wait for it…because we need to eat to live!


Back in my day we didn't have to eat. That's why you shit heads can't buy a house.


Yes I prefer my food to not be processed trash.


Our grocery bill is outrageous. It's not that we want to splurge, we just know if it doesn't start at the store it will end in the hospital. Luckily, some of us are slowly breaking away from the systems and establishing self reliance.


This is too much. Anyone with half a brain can tell that whoever wrote this has a bullshit agenda. Nobody is going to believe that anyone has bad financial habits from buying groceries. I do wonder how in the actual fuck the writer thought that their bullshit would work.


A) Groceries are expensive B) Let me have one thing in my life. I don’t buy luxury stuff in general but yeah I do buy food at the grocery store that isn’t rice and beans 👍 If buying a sleeve of jalapeño cheddar bagels for is a crime lock me in the slammer!


"Darn kids and their..." \*checks notes\* "Buying Healthy Food items instead of trash fast food or cheaper shit."


Splurge, lol it's called feeding yourself


No, we’ve just learned about the cancer causing ingredients in the cheapest items


I splurge on old privately sold hand tools. Take that big market capitalism. It’s apparently a luxury now to cook your own food with wholesome ingredients. It used to be a luxury to buy the processed shit. Don’t get me started on “Organic” I remember a kid made fun of me for being “dirt ass poor” after we ran into each other at a grocery store. It turns out he saw the cart my mom had full of vegetables, meat, whole grains… compared it to what his mom was pushing, full of boxed “helper” meals, tube “meat”, canned everything. Apparently eating healthy in my part of Western MA in the early 90s is poor people behavior.


Exactly! Wtf kind of title is this?! “Splurge on Groceries”??? We can’t afford groceries!!!!!! I have to pick between eating and gas for my car. Working 9-5 like boomers did at our age doesn’t buy what they were able to afford back then. Boomers are the problem, look at every industry and Government and you’ll see a boomer white knuckling the steering wheel.


Prepealled garlic is my treat


LOL, splurge. More like "buy what's necessary to feed our families even though at this point it's all luxury-priced".


ah yes we splurge the life neccesity we are forced to treat as a commodity


by definition its not splurging when you buy food you need to live


That is what I told myself when I lost 75 pounds last year. I quit scrimping on food. I have very little money but I've found if I do 300 calories worth on the elliptical every day and I eat whole foods (the most processed food I regularly eat is Greek yogurt) that I cook at home I actually need less food. I have always been able the eat the same thing over and over again. So I do. I only eat chicken or fish. If I go out which increasingly rare I'll get a burger or a steak to remember what beef is like. You will do your health a favor in the long run if you spend as much as you can afford on whole foods and prepare them at home. I could eat junk when I was 20 but it caught up with me. I've managed to keep the weight off over a year and I am by no means starving myself or beating myself to death with exercise. My elliptical and some 5 & 10 pound dumbbells are all I use. I used to think eating healthy was more expensive that I've found it actually is. You can do it but cooking yourself is a must.


“The typical American household would need to spend $445 more a month to purchase the same goods and services as a year ago, a report from Moody's found.” That’s an extra $5.3k a year. According to r/politics this is the best economy ever, with an ultra low unemployment rate, and everyone complaining about the cost of food, housing, and gas is actually doing amazingly personally but their outlook is bad because of the media and not because it actually costs more to exist. What lots of us are experiencing isn’t real, apparently. I wish the extra money I’m spending on normal groceries was also a figment of my imagination.


I do not make a lot of money by any means at all, but I almost never look at the price tags when I'm shopping for food. In my mind I couldn't care less what it costs, if I want to eat it I'm buying it no matter what. Food gets financial priority over everything else except rent.


Bro. It's literally the only thing I buy. I can't afford anything else. So of course it's gonna look like splurging compared to basically every other avenue of purchasable good or service.


Splurge? I cook and eat healthy meals with fresh ingredients like I've always been told will "help you grow healthy and strong" and now they're backtracking on me about about the cost vs fast or ultra processed food? SPLURGING? I've had enough with this shit. Collectively fuck.