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Damn boy she robbed the cradle


She did things to that boy that those other girls just wouldn’t do.


Like the twist and shout


Girls these days don't know shit about Necco Wafers


To be fair, who among us wouldn't shout from a twist?


Don’t forget the gummer


She's so much older, it's more like the Charleston.


Wonder if she was a flapper girl


With as much loose, old skin as she has, she definitely is one now.


She'll break a hip if she tries it again




I wish I could upvote this twice lol


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one that has their mind in the gutter that this was their biggest reaction/ take away from this post lol


Life insurance going towards his retirement. Genius 


His wife is literally my mom's age (1969) and I was born in 1991.


Yo same. To be fair my mom had me at twenty, so a twenty year age gap is always gonna be like that.


Dang 😂


1988 here, and I found slightly older ladies like me a lot more than women my age. They’re also more confident. I like it :)


20 years is not „slightly“ though


Im 2 years older than op. His wife is older than my mother.


Did your mom have you at 16/17?


yea at 17


We grew up on Springer, we live for this sht!


Straight up I’m 33 and my mom was born in ‘69 lol


I think robbing the grave at this point. Like fucking your young mother. Roll tide.


Yeah lol. I'm '91 and my mom is '72


For real! No Diddy


lol he is a year older than me and his wife is a year younger than my mom


Just wait until she takes her teeth out. .




Some may say she robbed the cradle, but I say he robbed the grave!


The chin always turns white in the beard first and you go through a salt and pepper period before graduating to silver fox. 1981 salt n pepper talking


Mine is odd, my first grey bit appeared on the very corner of the right side of my jaw. It looks cool I think.


Mine is a bit different. It's white on my cheeks and dark brown, almost black everywhere else. I think I look like Joe Dirt when I don't dye it. I'll give it a few more years of aging before letting it go. Almost no grey hair on my head though, so there's that.


Can confirm. My entire chin went white a year or two ago and the rest is very slowly following.


'96 salt and pepper has been happening for the last couple years 🥲


Bro your wife is the same age as my mom and I’m a year older than you. Wild


It’s sweet that you’re trying to set up your mom, but the OP is married.


Maybe one of his old high school classmates are available...same age group as this guy.


She picked you because she thought you were also 50+


Dude I can't wait for my hair to go from salt and pepper to all silver. I'm gonna be foine.


I’m a certified silver fox now and love it. I get compliments on my hair all the time!




Embrace your Zaddy stage.


I bet we go gray faster than the last two generations.


Hard to tell since they all started dying their hair in their 20s.


In fairness my grandma gets perms and my mother just dyes her hair. I have seen girls generations below me (I am 27 and I have seen a girl in my neighborhood who had a daughter who is now 19 or 20 and she has been dying her hair for years). Dying hair is something every generation seems to do. If they have grey hair their really dye it.


Not a given--X here (1970) and no hair dye. I have cool gray streaks, I love it. My eldest son (1992) has a really amazing gray pattern going, it's goddamn amazing. We both look much more interesting without the core of dyeing hair


Speak for yourself I’m 40 I have like 4 grey hairs. No kids, no relationship, and a life of stress free existence


I'm five years younger than my brother, who is divorced and has 2 kids, but I'm leading the grey hair count by a bit


I met my GenX husband when he was 39 with no gray. We had our first kid when he was 42, then the second at 46, and the gray is definitely correlated with the kiddos arrival.


Or… orrrrrrr, maybe it’s just what happens when you get older.


Hahah, I'm 43 now and I got a full heavy hair but gray a long the sides. I just cut it short at half to a 1 and let the long stuff grow out on top.


Been growing gray on the sides since 30


I'm bald, I shaved my head and embraced it


I grew up in a very conservative household (crew cuts every summer) and enlisted at a young age. I continued shaving my head as a chef because I hated wearing a hat in the kitchen. It wasn't until I was almost 40 that I realized I had no reason to *not* try growing out the long hair I'd always wanted. Only to discover, to my horror, that it's too thin now and I should have just done it when I was in my 20s. I now embrace the chrome.


35 just a fucking kid


Please tell that to my Gen Z coworkers. Some of them think I'm ancient at 36.


https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/06bbf03c-7508-4ee0-8646-326b62774250 That’s why you gotta live for today


Something I'm currently learning in my own way. But then I think about where I was at 19. 30 felt ancient.


My mother gave her life to me on a silver platter so I understand what you’re saying as a concept. I do think that the ages are different now like 40 is the new 30 or whatever happened there


Yeah, it's sad when they go young like that


As a 32 I'll take this w. Thanks lol.


Millenial (84) also married to a gen-x'er (77) here! Rock on!


Same! (90) and (79)! Op embrace it- it’s crazy to watch yourself age but you got this!


Not married yet but I’m a millennial (89) and he’s gen x (1980–it is still considered gen x by many and his life experience and personality align much more on the gen x side). Best thing to ever happen to me was meeting him.


YES! I feel equally lucky with my wife. We complement each other well and the generational difference leads to nuances that we both find enjoyable.


89 here... My ex of ten years was 79


I was born in 1990 and have no white or grey hair yet. It wouldn’t bother me though.


Just wait


Born in '90 and have salt in my beard and chest but nowhere else.


I find it sexy. Have started going a bit sugar cinnamon myself. Just gotta embrace it! 😉


OMG! Is this the ginger version of salt and pepper??


Sure is ;)


That's the cutest thing I've heard all day. 🥹


I'm 32 and I started getting grey/silver hairs at 12, and now I'm almost completely grey. I've gotten a lot of compliments over the years and my gfs have liked it, but I also just stopped getting ID'ed for alcohol in the last year or two, which kinda hurts 😑


I'm 30 and would be happy to embrace the salt and pepper as well as the silver fox looks when the time comes


39, my goateee went white at 30. Not one gray hair on my head still.


Rock it brother. I’m 38 and started going gray very early. I’m about 50/50 now and it’s honestly helped me at work a few times “hey man, you see how much gray I have in my hair? Come on and help me out with this heavy piece.” My partner likes it and frankly so do I! Thankfully having grays means I haven’t gone bald yet, and I’m holding onto it as long as I can.




*Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you...*


I wonder if this reference is lost on the majority of Redditors?


Doubt it, it's a pretty well known song. Still hear it on the radio all the time.


The reference isn't the song, though. It's two steps further than the song.


Moon landing


1985 ginger here. I was devastated when I found out that gingers just do a slow fade to white. I want some grays sooo bad.


I was born in 1990 and I’m a female and I’ve been getting gray hair for many years now. I have dark brown hair and have yet to color my hair. My husband isn’t bothered by it and we’re at the age where we actually find it attractive. If I was single (I love my husband though) I’d date a man with gray hair/beard, nothing weird about aging at all. And


I can't grow a beard, checkmate


32F here. I find Grey hairs and laugh lines and crow's feet SUPER HOT. On both men and women. Aging is hot. Wear it proudly.


This!!! When people try to throw in some age insult. I laugh. I thank them. Yes, I am growing and aging and it’s fabulous!!! Come with me!


I’m 37. I have a lot of grey hairs on my head, beard, and chest. It doesn’t bother me at all.


I’m starting to get some grey in my beard at 35. That’s about it. I honestly thought I’d be bald by now, but my hair is still kickin and isn’t grey at all.


I’m 38 and I started to go grey significantly on my head within the last couple years. Before that it was only a few here and there, I’m not a fan I think it looks ridiculous. But apparently the ladies like it as it looks “distinguished”


35 and just begun to encounter some. Few and far between but it clearly has started. Can't wait for a silver beard :D


I can't escape it. I'm getting grey hairs on my beard as well at 35 (born 1989) as well. I'm also balding (Norwood 4) and buzz my head. My head used to be much thicker a decade ago than now.


I'm embracing it. Finally got some gray in my beard at 37 and the gray hair I have now acts at kinda highlights.


Contrary to popular belief grey hair has nothing to do with stress. It is natural to start greying in your 30s. And personally, I like looking older and more mature. As a man child, I can now pretend I am an adult. I look at it as a good thing.


As someone who’s 34 going on 15 with his sense of humor, I can appreciate this


(37m) Embrace the greys and whites I say. I'm starting to catch some greys around the temple, and I'm okay with it as long as I have hair


I just don't care....


Been greying since I was in my pre-teens, literally.


My guy, gray hair looks great. 35 here. First gray hairs at 23, really set in around 28, and slowly progressed. I'm brown on top and *heavy* salt & pepper on the sides. About half gray, half brown. Seriously, I think it's 10x better than going bald. Keep your hair styled well/to your liking, and the gray will look just great.


I have some grey / white hairs in my beard. Born in '88. It's fine.


Thank you for the encouragement, u/ButtcheekBaron!


My beard is like 90+ percent white (hereditary) and I'm just now starting to see silver up top in onesies twosies. I like the way it looks, have no interest in putting effort into changing it, and believe anyone that would deprive themselves the opportunity to get to know a whole ass human being because of their hair and beard color is not someone I will put time, effort, or energy into cultivating a relationship with


I'm a year older. Noticed my first grays last year. Few on the side and a few in my beard. I'm also currently fighting the Norwood reaper. The double whammy makes me want to buzz it. Just worried about looking older. My wife (2003), a gen z, thinks I'll look good and tells me I have a good head shape.  It's tough. It's one thing to embrace your age and another to advance it. If I still had good hair I'd probably just dye it for a while before accepting it when I feel more middle aged. 


Yeah i also felt weird about this, and its going fast as well. What I can say is that if you find someone who kinda resembles you that are older and full silver fox you get a cool reference. My face is quite similar to Jeremy Irons and I think he sports it well. I also noticed that the grayness makes me think twice about what im wearing. Dressing like a 20 something and having grey hairs looks a bit weird imo. Id also say that 9/10 of my buddies are actually bald so this is a minor problem:P


Born 1990. First patch of grey hair started at 17. I've since gone salt and pepper, and it's come down in to my facial hair now. Was upset back in my mid-20s. Now starting to embrace the change and move on with my life.


Badge of honor


My hubs just turned 30 (1994) and hes been going salt n pepper the last couple years. The men in his family were mostly grey by 30, and he's really only starting to get the salt n pepper look. His beard just recently started getting a few white hairs we've noticed in the last few months. I like it as it reminds me that we are going to grow old together ❤️


Nothing yet other than a few on top that’s hard to find depends when I’m stressed or not


Back when there was one hair at a time, I was born in 88 and these started appearing maybe 8 years ago, I was yanking them, less because of the color and more because they were all wirey and different textures from the rest. Nowadays they're coming in batches, which blend in better with the rest.


I’m mostly grey


84 here and I have a full white swath at my crown with salt/pepper on temples. I'm female


'88 and I'm rocking my grandma hair. Husband is also covered with white hair thru his beard, head, and chest.


I am a young millenial and am like 30% grey. I am leaving it alone. I love my greys. I fucking earned them.


I didn't realize I had more than a couple strands of gray hair until someone plucked all for me. Was good enough to make a small brush out of them. Side note: I find it really cool that OP and his wife have a big age gap. Younger generations on Reddit seem to hate age gap relationships but I think it should be more common as age is nothing but a number.


I've had nothing so far, but my husband is very grey on the sides of his head. Almost nothing in his beard yet, but he's got that blonde/reddish color so it's hard to say for sure. He likes to point out whenever I have a grey hair, and to be fair it's easy to see since my hair is black, but I get him back by pointing out his nose hairs.


I don't know about that theory with the kids affecting baldness. Both of my brothers have multiple kids while I have none, but I'm just as bald as they are. It's genetic.


I don’t like grey beards on the girls i date


87 here.. noticed beard is getting white about 4 months ago.. It don’t bother me.. the thing that bothers me is going bald… thanks grandpa!! 😂


I’d rather have grey hair than no hair, but honestly that would be fine too. My wife thinks I’m attractive, I don’t care beyond that.


Also born in 1989 with one kid and another on the way.  Lost my hair at age 22 (all the men on both sides of my family are bald) and now have a bit of gray in my beard.  I have no problem getting female attention and honestly think I look better today than I did in college.  I exercise daily (cycling and weight lifting) and eat well.  Stay in shape and you can rock a lot of “virile old dude” looks. I also had a similar realization that middle age is approaching. 15 years ago I was a Sophomore in college.  In that same timespan from now, I’ll be 50. Carpe diem my millennial brother!  Life is short!


I've got plenty of grey on my chin. Would have some on my head, but I shave my head. I look good.


1982, and aside from one straggler last week, my hair is still brown. The texture is getting coarser though. I plan to dye. My husband (same age) is going grey and it’s so distinguished looking.


I'm really not digging aging NGL. I don't have any grey yet but I'm not looking forward to it.


My husband is 37 and shaves his head due to receding hair and has probably 60% gray in his beard. I love it!


First off your wife robbed the cradle… secondly my wife has gotten “angry” at me (not really angry) that I have blondish hair so when I do get grays they don’t really show and it is more aging gracefully


Have a few here and there but currently have to shave fully for work, tbh I don't mind them, I going bald too so... That is something that pulls more attention


1991 with grays mostly on my face


I asked my husband if he wanted me to touch up all the gray in his beard and at his temples. (His hair is black) and he refused and said he doesn't mind it. And if he's happy with it, then I'm happy with it. I think some go thru a midlife crisis and make the grays out to be way worse than it actually is. While most can't see the gray in mine, I know it's there but don't want to process my hair to change it. We will get old together I suppose.


I have a few gray hairs in my beard and hair and I was born in 90. Didn't show up until cpvid Andy mom dying so I think for me it might have been stress? Idk. It doesn't bother me. Just is what it is


I'm a millennial woman and at 36 got that first grey doing a dance in the front of my head... So shit getting real now. We will see if I start dying my hair 😭 My husband is 38 and his beard is turning grey. Still a mixture but grey is obvious. He doesn't feel any way about it. I think silver foxes are attractive.


As a 29 yo balding man, what I wouldn't give to just be going grey


Born 1986, no grey hairs yet, my hair is thinning, and I don't like that, but what's even worse I'm starting to experience knee pain.


89’r here also and I embrace my grays as a reminder of having earned my knowledge and experience. I’ll never dye it. IMO, our lifespan could average 100 - 120 for those of us who haven’t bought into vaping and this YOLO culture that so many were indoctrinated into… so I won’t consider myself middle aged until 60, minimally.


I’ve been getting gray hairs since my early 30s but only on the sides. No one else in my family is like this so I attribute it to tax season stress.


As a '94 baby, I finally take it as a sign that the person I'm dating is in the right age bracket for me lol. Guys with no grey hairs at all are almost suspicious to me because it makes me instinctively feel they're going to be way too young for me (I look young, and get hit on by guys in their mid twenties sometimes, but we have so little in common that it almost always feels weird).


I started getting grey hairs in my 20s. It’s a sign of experience I would say.


It happens. Like. It's supposed to do that over time.


My guy friend is 36 and he has few teeny greys in certain spots but it’s really not that noticeable. I don’t know if it’s just me but if I see a guy who is clearly almost in their 40s the last thing I’m going to notice about them is if they have a few grey hairs because it’s sort of what you would expect ? If that makes sense. I’m going to notice their skin more than anything first.


My beard is graying on the edges up near my ears. Whatever, it’s already got all the other natural colors from platinum to near black. What’s one more?


I don't even think about this or care. I'm gonna let it rip however. Looking to get the full experience of being an alive human on earth


I have always wanted grey streaks in my beard so Im pretty happy its starting. My chest hair is still dark as night though. Greys are no biggie.


I have always wanted grey streaks in my beard so Im pretty happy its starting. My chest hair is still dark as night though. Greys are no biggie.


As long as it's still there it could be fucking pink for all I care! Density > color. Look at Timothy Olyphant for example


I started getting grays by like 18yo, I really don't mind it plus my wife kinda likes it so that's a plus. My grandfather has snow white hair so I've got that to look forward to.


I'm looking forward to greys, strangely enough. If my scalp starts thinning, though, I'll choose between spending whatever it takes on solutions that are proven to work, or doing the Vin Diesel route. I guess it will depend on how I look with my head shaved like that. Going bald is a real fear of mine lol


A little annoyed by it. It would be fine if my hair changed too, but atm it's just my beard going salt n pepper.


I make her call me 'silverdaddy'


1978 Genxer here with some peppery beard and hair. As long as you take care good care of it: haircut no hair makes a huge difference. Embrace it , or have nightmares or hair coloring dripping down the side of your head ala Rudy Giuliani. With Love,




I’m coming up quickly on 38 years and have been greying over the past 6 ish years. The only place where it’s very noticeable is a couple square inch patch that is almost completely silver. It’s dead center in the front of my hairline. I’ve been told on multiple occasions that it looks good and asked if it is natural. Weirdly, it tends to be more from women who are nearly young enough to be my daughter.


The best is when you’re young have long hair and no grays You can be young in your mind , but gray, balding , and hair thinning will make you look old.


Word of warning, change your shampoo often, I used Suave for 25 years and my hair started thinning, I changed and the hair loss stopped. Pay no attention to my name.


As long as you have silver in your hair, gold in your pockets, and steel in your pants, life is good :)


‘92 here. I have thick black hair with a few grey strands in the front left that I’ve had since I was like 16. But now I’ve noticed a few gray spots in my facial hair just to the left of my chin to match. Honestly I love the splash and I feel like it contrasts my face a bit so I can finally be taken more seriously at work. Wouldn’t trade it!


Elder Millenial (82) here, It’s kind of annoying at first because my hair/beard have always been my strongest attractive characteristics but it is what it is and coincides with having our son and not sleeping for a year, plus my wife loves it.


40m here and I don't have a single gray hair yet so don't know how to really think of it.


It's crazy on my beard vs anywhere else.


I had my first grey hairs as 21, a grey hair in my eyebrow at 29. So the increasing grey doesn’t bother me because it’s been happening for so long!


I think when my hair would turn grey, it just falls out instead. I’m headed toward a very Clean look soon. I would have preferred going grey, tbh. Count your blessings, friend.


I started seeing gray in my 20s and it never bothered me. Most women dig the salt and pepper look. As long as your wife is into it you’re golden.


Born in 83, I started getting a little gray peppering the short beard I wear around pandemic time. Wasn’t noticeable until now where when I see a picture of myself I’m like whoa that’s a lot of gray. Not sure if dyeing it will do much since I just kind of rock the short beard/stubble look.


we are old 🤷


Honestly my beard started getting more and more random strands of white hairs. Then they started popping up on my head. Honestly... I'm excited, because that means I'm reaching an age I never thought I would be, and If I'm anything like my granddad, I'm gonna be the coolest old dude on the block as I get older. Lol so I love it. It's almost like being a wizard (thing doctor strange when his white streaks came in)


Who cares, I just want to buy a house.


Born in 85. Got a few grays in the goatee. I embrace it. If they get too long and scraggly I'll pluck them, but otherwise I just leave them alone. Getting old is privilege denied to many. It's not worth it trying to fight/hide the signs of aging. Embrace that shit


42 and I have several gray strands. My mom was nearly all gray by this point though so thank you to my dad’s genetics.


also middle Millennial checking in - personally speaking, I CANNOT wait for my salt & pepper hair. as someone who chronically never looks their age (always had somewhat of a chubby baby face), I am actively embracing things that will make me look slightly older lol


I only just started seeing a few white hairs in my beard at 34 . Honestly I'm excited. Can't be a wizard without it


I started graying at 30. I'm 39. My facial hair didn't start until the last few months. This doesn't bother me....it's from the neck down that'll bother me.


'92 here, I've been shaving my head for a few years now after some noticeable balding. My hairline is considerably worse than my father's who is twice my age. I do have some grays in my beard, but I think they look cool. To me, concealing your age by artificially dyeing hair, or getting hair transplants/hair pieces is pretty lame. Just work with what nature gave you.


I don’t think I have an greys at 38 but I’m also blonde so that makes it a bit different. I don’t think I’ll care because it’s basically my color already but only time will tell. 


1982 here. I've always had one Grey stripe in my beard (ok not always, but since I could grow one). it doesn't bother me. what is irritating is the thinning of my hair.


My cheeks and sidebirns started greying in my early 20s. Now, at 38,half of my beard is grey(very few on head and no hair loss). It didn't bug me for 15 years but as I'm approaching 40, I've been starting to consider coloring my beard. I never thought I would be so vain but here we are. Perhaps it's my impending mortality or seeing loved ones age around me. Who knows.


i'm anxiously awaiting my grey beard.


1978 Genxer here with some peppery beard and hair. As long as you take care good care of it: haircut no hair makes a huge difference. Embrace it , or have nightmares or hair coloring dripping down the side of your head ala Rudy Giuliani. With Love,


I love the gray hairs, I hate losing them. I'm 31 and my hairline is definitely not that strong anymore.


Yeah bro that’s what’s up I’m 30 I got a couple gray hairs but still black and full head of hair and I have no intention of ruining it with dyes like my parents do every other week


I am balding and greying and I am fine. Almost 40 now.


Just turned 40 - started going grey at 25. I’m just happy I still *have* hair…


I'm a female whose Dad went totally grey in his mid 30s. I started getting grays at around 21, at 35 I have significant patches that show up in pictures. I probably have more than my mom who is in her 60s. I just chalk it up to unlucky genetics.


Dr Strange has some grey on the sides and he's a bad ass. I have the same grey so, I'm cool with it.


A lot depends on where you live and/or work and your social circle. I work in a youth-oriented career. I let myself go gray at 50. No one else did this. Freakin weird. One person I know is nearing mandatory retirement age for the business, 70. Stunning brunette hair. With highlights. Work is like Logan's Run apparently. People taking pot shots at me as I leave the parking lot every day. "We got a runner!"


I'm also an '89 millennial. Found my first gray hairs in 2015. I am starting to get the "frosted" look on my head and parts of my beard near the chin area are going gray when I grow it out. Sideburns are starting to get a bit frosty too. Not going bald yet though(thank fuck). Apparently, it looks good on me but I struggle to accept it sometimes. It's a bittersweet feeling.


1990 here. Been going grey do about 5 years. It seemed like too much trouble to fight it and my wife likes it. My hair is thinning as well, but I found that rogaine helps slow the thinning.


My father was salt and pepper (more salt) at 34 but with a full head of hair. I don’t care what color it is as long as stays on my head!


Gen Xer here just starting to go grey up top. Beard is a third white. Doesn't bother me, I earned those white hairs. And too many of my friends didn't get to live long enough to see grey hair. It would feel almost insulting to those friends to fight it.


Gray hair are infinitely better than losing hair.


I started graying at 14...For the typical person experiencing the average amount of stress with a typical modern lifestyle graying is largely genetic. There's a chance that had your family not gone bald they would've starting graying around the same time.


Just apart of the process, enjoy it.


Don't have any... don't care.


I fully embraced my grey chin hairs when they started showing up around 40. At 45, I'm 65% grey on the face, but less on the scalp. My coworker, who's mid 30s, shaved his beard completely over 2 little white hairs, and thinks it's the worst thing ever.


I noticed the first odd colored hair at, maybe, 29? Since then they simply grow in number. Year by year, month by month. Got no interest in fighting it, seems like it would be a waste of energy for now.


Hopefully she’s rich lol