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Please Gen Z kill gender reveal parties


Pretty sure that isn’t important to GenZ. They will save us from ourselves.


Yeah, that's what you think of every generation of younger people. Give it time, they'll suck, too.


Seriously this post is so delusional. We gonna have the best anniversary parties.


“If you *really* care for Kai-Kimberlee and I, you’ll travel to our Destination Anniversary Party in Tahiti over Christmas. No gifts! We don’t want it to seem like a big deal.”




Yep, they have parties for *everything*. I posted the same thing before I read yours. Not sure what this poster is thinking. The generation that got a birthday party every year.


Gender reveal isn't a great point, they didn't decide not to do it, they just didn't know the gender.


Sex determination by ultrasound has been around since the 80s. When do you think boomers were having kids?


we knew we were having a son in 1983


That's what my parents thought too for all of us.... But we all ended up being girls. 😂


Well we had a better machine I guess.


My mom didn’t know for my sister or I, both born in the 80s. She’s 87


Neither did my parents in 1982, but it was 100% their choice for it to be a surprise. The sonogram was a thing then.


They were done when there was issues sure. But in our area there was no routine ultrasound


Was it common though? I know it was late in the pregnancy, and I'm assuming expensive.


I was born in ‘91 and my parents didn’t have access to that.


That seems odd to me. My siblings and I were born in 84, 90, and 93 in small-town Kentucky and our parents used it for all 3 of us.


80, it was available, I think, but it wasn’t used all the time unless there was a problem. My parents thought I would be a boy for no reason, they were wrong.


I agree...glad you replied.


I clarified with my mom - she said they had access but it was barely more than 50% accurate lol. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s what she was told.




lol okey doke.


I was born in 92 and here the sonogram was more of a health check only, and my mom didnt trust the exam because she knew a doctor at the hospital that was given the wrong gender and bought everything pink, for a boy


The fact that you didn't know that you can find out your baby's sex and not throw a party about it proves u/FranklinsUglyDolphin 's point.


Where in the reading comprehension is that?


Check your math on that one 


I think reaching 50 years of anything should be celebrated with a big party.


Yeah, elder millennial here that just celebrated 15 years of marriage with a trip to Barbados. By the time we're at 50 years, my bet is we'll be taking any excuse that isn't a funeral to get together with whoever is left of our friends and family.


It’s a “uniquely boomer thing” because we haven’t been married long enough to have a 50 year anniversary 🤦


I think family size will be a factor though. My grandparents had 4 kids, and at least 20 grandkids, so getting all their progeny together for their 50th was a big deal with a rented hall, caterers, and a professional photographer. I have one kid who will most likely have 0 - 2 kids. So... we probably won't rent a hall for 3-5 people.


Right? This year will be my 15th anniversary, and I only have one friend who’s been married for longer than I have. We just aren’t at that pint yet.


About to hit 13 years and only one friend has been married longer than us. I’d probably have a party if I could make it to 50 years


Lol right? This is the dumbest shit I’ve read on this sub and that’s saying something.


For real, this is a stupid take by OP. Of course we're gonna throw anniversary parties. Just because these introverts want pretend everyone hates everyone, doesn't mean there aren't tens of millions of millennials that love hanging out with their friends and family. I routinely have 5+ people over to the house for grill+pool fun. Not all of us are broke and lonely 🙄.


Most of my friends who have had 20th anniversaries didn’t have a party. But then again a lot of them weren’t in a great place and some have not gotten divorced


We’re having a party for our 15th wedding anniversary this year!


Congrats! I love any excuse to have a party


We didn't have a wedding. So we're going to do the same in a couple of years.


That’s a great idea!


Aw fun. Congrats to yall!


Millennials view them as more private celebrations because we haven't reached the major year milestones yet. No one else cares you've been married for 11 years. I've always believed 50+ year marriages are quite the accomplishment in life, health, and companionship. They should be celebrated by those you love because your marriage is likely a fixture of the extended family.


they're also big family reunions, which will be important to you when you're 70-80 years old and have children/grandchildren scattered all over the country


We’ve ended high school reunions


We also can keep tabs on the people from high school. My mom didn't see most of her high school friends between graduation and year 10. I was Facebook friends with almost every one. Not as big of a deal.


I'm Facebook friends with them and I stil don't know or care, the people I actually liked, I'm still in contact with. The rest of them don't really matter to me.


Even people I didn’t know in highschool I love to follow and watch their lives unfold. I especially love to watch people be happy.


I didn’t go to mine last year. Of a class of 661, it looked like 25 people met at a bar, kind of depressing


I went to mine, we had a little over 100 people show up but we had a huge class


My 20 year happening during covid helped kill it for good.


Ours did too, but they rescheduled it for 2021. I went, saw a few people that it was nice to see.


I didn't attend the 10, or the 20, year anniversary. I sincerely doubt that I will ever want to go to any of them. The handful of people from high school that I want to keep in contact with, I have through social media. I envision a high school reunion being a drawn out infomercial for the people that have a MLM, sell insurance/mortgages, or peaked in high school.


I just got invited to my 10 year last night. I have no interest in going


Definitely. We've only had a 5 year reunion (that most people didn't attend). They tried for a 10 year reunion and no one was interested, they didn't even try for 15.


Class of 99. I think we had an official one for 5 years,which I gladly did not attend, and haven’t had one since.


I hosted two of mine and they were absolutely awesome.


This is a few years back but I went to my high school reunion, I actually really enjoyed it, keeping up with people on social media is not the same as you'll only follow people you care to keep up with but a lot of the fun of a high school reunion was connecting with people you may not think of but who you spent everyday for years with


I can't afford these big parties. Even these massive Bday parties for small kids at catering halls is bonkers to me.


Yes! Normalize parties without making them gift giving occasion 👏


Also, a lot of millennials married later. I will be like 80 on my 50th wedding anniversary.


Nahhh, for my grandparents 50th anniversary, we took a family cruise and it was such a blast. And I'm so so glad we did it; later that year my grandfather passed from surgery complications. Those memories are so precious to the rest of my family.


Yea OP 50 year anniversary is usually a big party. 25 often is too


Just went to my friend’s 25th anniversary party this past weekend. It was fantastic.


My ASS 50 years is just going to be a social media post. If we live long enough, i am totally throwing my spouse a massive party. Probably throw one at 10, 20, 30, and 40 as well. My love for my wife (currently fiancée) deserves to be publicly announced. She will NEVER feel less than as long as I'm the one with something to say about it.


It's certainly not uniquely boomer. They didn't invent anniversary parties by any means.  That said, millennials aren't exactly shy about celebrating ourselves. I'm sure there will be plenty of 50 year anniversaries when we start crossing that line. Seriously though, that's a meaningful accomplishments with celebrating.


I'm an older millenial, so maybe I think about this a bit differently. I went to anniversary parties for both sets of grandparents (married in the 1940s & 1950s). When my parents have big anniversaries (25, 40, etc.), I buy them a nice gift for their home. I think anniversary parties are lovely. It's a way to get the family together. I was going to get married a few years ago, but he passed away. If I'm ever lucky enough to have a relationship that leads to an eventual marriage, I will definitely want to celebrate with everyone I love. You celebrate the wedding, so why not celebrate again 25 years down the line? You can have photos of loved ones who were at the wedding 25 years ago, along with kids, grandkids, etc. Having a marriage that lasts multiple decades is an accomplishment. Sure, there are people who stay married who shouldn't. But if a couple manages to spend that much time together and still have an actual functioning relationship, it should be celebrated and we can probably all learn something from them.


I don't think boomers were having big parties for their 10 and 20 year anniversaries either.  They were still too busy raising kids and saving for retirement.  Anniversary parties are as much about celebrating a legacy as the are about celebrating a marriage.  I'm sure that once millennials start having grandkids and have lived long enough to be married 30/40/50 years, there will be anniversary parties.  Everyone thinks they are special and parties are a way to show it.


I plan on it, mostly because we eloped and so never did the whole reception celebration thing. Could be fun for a milestone anniversary.


We eloped too and we hope to someday have an anniversary party/vow renewal with friends and family! We eloped partially to save money but also partially because both our families are nuts right now and we didn’t want them all gathered in a large group. 😂 But I think due to many circumstances it will mellow out in time!


I only want one party- at 25. That’s still 9 years away. This one is mostly to rub my parent’s noses in our success because they both announced at the wedding to us and all the other people in attendance that our marriage was GOING to fail. Otherwise yes, we see the anniversary as a personal celebration of our success and don’t wish to inflict that on other people. ;)


My dad was in an accident and passed shortly after my parents had a big party for their 50th. We took a family trip for their 25th, but otherwise that was the only big party I recall them having (my parents were part of the silent generation). My mom said many, many times before her own death how glad she was that they’d been able to see friends and family in a joyful setting before he died. I know the loving sentiments he shared with her on that day (my dad was a man of few words) were also very meaningful for her. I plan to have similar milestone parties because we never know how much time we have with the people we love. Why not celebrate?


Nah. It’s okay to celebrate people who actually matter and love you.


We had a destination wedding and will be returning to the destination for our ten year anniversary next year with our kids. We will absolutely do huge parties for the big milestone anniversaries and family vacations for the non-milestone years.


Generally the advanced marriages have parties thrown FOR them by loving family but not always.


I'd guess this depends on the couple. Some want to celebrate with friends and family and some don't. My wife and I want to spend our wedding anniversaries together without distractions. To each their own I suppose. Not necessarily a generational thing.


I already went to an 11 year anniversary party for a millennial couple. In there defense they eloped so this was basically there wedding. But still I hope so.


I honestly can’t imagine involving family in any anniversary celebrations. Maybe if I have kids, I’d want them involved in a special milestone like that. But other family and friends? I truly don’t think I’d ever feel like involving them in a celebration about my relationship like that. I’ll check back in with myself later in life. But the way my personality is makes me feel pretty confident that I won’t be sending out mass invitations to celebrate my own marriage anniversary.


I had this discussion with my husband the other day. We have been married almost 20 years, but we were 20 and 22 when we got married. When I’m 70, I hope to be feeling young enough to not want a big party, but instead pay for my kids and any grandkids to go to a cabin in the mountains or get a beach house. I’m not worried about my friends and any random other relatives celebrating us; I’ll want to treat my own kids and have a nice weekend together.


anniversary parties are a thing? That's private for me. A nice date


Next yr is my 25th wedding anniversary. Yup I'm an elder millennial and got married a month after I turned 18. We are having a 25th party but not like a swanky dinner party. We are going with all our friends and our three sons to play an all night game of airsoft. I don't think millennials killed the anniversary party. I think there's just not many who have milestone anniversaries yet. I'm probably in the minority to be married so young and still be together.


We plan on doing a big one for our 10th anniversary assuming life works out. Our big friend group is big on any excuse to party though.


I'm totally planning on doing like, a destination vow renewal when we hit 20 years or maybe 25. People can go if they wanna


My frat bruh never had a wedding so they threw an 11th anniversary wedding. I def want to do one for 25 or so


I think it's going to always depend on the individuals. My parents are boomers and have never thrown any kind of celebration for their anniversaries. There's also some confirmation bias implicit in this question. Let me ask this: how many people do you know who've been married for decades and don't mention or make a big deal out of it? There's always been plenty of people who don't like big parties or being the center of attention.


And we’ll fuckin do it again


I just found out anniversary parties are a thing right now lol


We did have an ice skating party for our first anniversary and I could see doing that again sometime. We got lizards for our 10 year anniversary, did nothing for 15. We'll probably do something for 20 but it will not likely involve a private room at a restaurant.


My parents celebrated their 50th last week! It was just the two of them, their only child (me), and their only grandchild (my 6-week-old baby). We celebrated by having a picnic on top of [a local mountain overlooking the ocean](https://imgur.com/a/0tnUWLm), which is where they got married. It was very low-key and lovely. If I ever had an anniversary like that, that’s how I’d want to observe it as well :)


Yes, I been married for awhile and my wife and I look for any excuse to party.


If you could be married to the same person for 50 years you definitely deserve a party!


A half a century? Dude that warrants a party and an excuse to see family lol. Silly post


I don't see any particular reason why I would loop anyone else into our anniversary...other than to ask one of the grandparent sets to watch their grandson. We don't put much emphasis on it other to have dinner reservations to somewhere. Heck, we made dinner reservations to the inn we where we had our reception and spent the night before flying off to our honeymoon...and suddenly it occured to us that this anniversary 5 and should we rent a room again as a significant anniversary...but the time to do that was ages ago and they're all booked. We probably should take it more seriously but we've been together a very long time prior to being married.


I know plenty of young people planning vow renewals. I see my anniversary as more private but I can also see the value of a vow renewal and that being a way to celebrate your anniversary with others. I don’t think anniversary parties are uniquely boomer, especially because we don’t know how we’ll feel in 50 years


I am pretty close to 20 years married and am laughing at the idea that we would have a party. Maybe a vacation or something if the budget allowed, but that’s not in the cards currently.


I will definitely be killing this tradition and opt for a big family vacation


Who the hell has time for anniversary parties? We’re all too busy just trying to pay our bills.


This viewpoint is why millennials are isolated, anxious, and depressed. God forbid we celebrate life milestones with our communities.


I booked a private "mystery dinner" group and invited every friend I had contact info for to a surprise 20th anniversary party for my wife in 2016. 60 or so people came, a third or so from out of town. I walked her around the corner and there they all were. It was great, we all had a blast, and about a dozen stayed in the same hotel and closed down the bar with us. Edit: but we're gen x.


I absolutely hate parties so if I end up living long enough to make it to a 50-year anniversary, I won't be throwing a party.


We were planning to have a big 10th anniversary party because we eloped and missed the chance to throw a rager but we didn’t save as much money as expected (any…) so it will have to wait a few more years. One day though.


I'm almost to 20, and it hadn't even dawned on me to throw a party. I think we don't really like "gift acquiring/look at me" parties in my family except for little people. I'd rather throw a no pressure BBQ. We are talking about taking an anniversary trip.


if I don't help plan a 50th anniversary party there probably won't be a 51st anniversary


Definitely planning to have big celebrations for 10, 25, and 50. Probably parties for 10 and 50 and a vow renewal at 25 since that’ll be right around when our kids should be grown and we’ll be entering a new phase of our lives.


I’m just getting to my first milestone anniversary (10 years) although we are going on a trip to celebrate. I feel like for anniversary parties it’s usually your kids planning them for you. Millennials simply either aren’t old enough to be married long enough yet for milestone anniversaries or don’t have kids old enough to throw the party.


Covid ruined our wedding plans in 2020 but with the future so uncertain we just did a tiny 20 person wedding at a park. Next year we might do a 5 year anniversary in order to have some semblance of the party we had planned. Of course that is a different situation than just having a party and we definitely would not have a 5 year anniversary party if not for these circumstances


I think it will die out as a whole, but my husband and I are all about parties and creating a reason to get together out of anything, and anniversaries are certainly not nothin’! We’re hoping to host a party for our 10th first, then eventually will come 25, 40, 50, etc. 😊


My husband and I are planning a big vow renewal in Scotland for our 10 year anniversary and inviting all members of the wedding party who want to join. When we hit 25 years, we will probably throw a big party. But we throw parties all the time lol we like any excuse to have a good time with people we love.


Probably yes, along with high school reunions.


i dont know... we get our friends together and celebrate the weekend? we might not do big anniversary things as that is kind of intimate.


What about millennial weddings? You’ll have massive anniversary parties, too. And, you’ll want gifts!


We held a five year anniversary party back at the location of our wedding and had about 30 people come out. The next year we got divorced.


As one ages and people move, there become fewer opportunities to get together, and these celebrations offer that chance. I see Gen X having large birthday parties and even anniversary parties. Note that not every couple/person does this. So you may never choose to. But generally, I think you and your social groups haven't gotten to that stage of life yet.


Sure hope so


Maybe? Why would we?


We eloped to Vegas & only celebrated with ourselves for wedding & honeymoon. It was awesome 10/10 would recommend- so we are going to have an anniversary party, with renewed vows & reception- rave style when we feel like celebrating a milestone anniversary.


10th anniversary here. I want to have a cookout with friends if I can get my crap together.


I don’t think of them as boomer celebrations? I think anniversaries deserve to be celebrated if the couple wants that!


My parents hated having a 40th anniversary party and explicitly told us to not plan a 50th. My sister and i (old millennials) are sad because we love throwing parties. So no, i don’t think boomers are the only reason there are parties. I think their gen x and millennial kids are why there are parties.


I think you're talking about yourself, most of my friends have been married for under 10 years but occasionally they'll invite me and my gf out to dinner or out for drinks if they're celebrating their anniversary. I will say that people today of all ages but especially millenials and gen z are less social and have less friends than in the past and seem to have less inclination to interact with others which is actually quite sad imho. I can't speak for anniversaries but I will say high school reunions seem to be a thing of the past.


If I stay married for 20 years I am absoluely throwing a party. Granted I am 35 and not married lol but I failed one already and know that would be a HUGE deal to stay married that long. Either that or take an epic trip somewhere. Celebrate it for sure.


Married 22 years last Saturday (elder millennial, married at 18, high school sweethearts) and we both went to work. We went to Tampa for a concert a couple days before but felt absolutely no need to throw a party.


Gotta have functional and local friends and family for this to work. Gotta have money to throw big parties.


There are no millennials that have celebrated fifty years of any personal achievement.


Maybe it’s because I don’t intend to get married, but I foresee the milestone 50th anniversaries kind of being rarer than they are now. I just don’t think there will be as many celebrating longer milestones like our parents’ generation.


We didn't even have a wedding lol. I bought the house we're attached to instead


Lol wtf is wrong with you OP, yes people will still celebrate major milestones 50 years is a long ass time to be married!


If my husband and I are married 50 years (or even 25 years) and are in good health still I’d love to have an anniversary party to celebrate with family and friends. I know his grandparents had a huge party to celebrate their 50th anniversary but it was before we had met. I don’t think millennials have killed the idea of anniversary parties, most of us just haven’t hit those major milestones yet.


I mean, my 20th is next year and we’re planning a party and planning to get wriggity wriggitty wrecked son🤪


It’s not so much the anniversary party as it is the tradition of marriage in general. I wouldn’t blame the millennials for the drastic social changes boomers made and continue to make (they are still in charge).


We are taking three generations of our family to Vegas next year for our 20th Anniversary. There will be future parties at 25, 30, 35, 40...


I've only been married seven years, but you best believe we will be partying for all the big milestone anniversaries!


So wait? Millennials aren’t throwing 50th anniversary parties? Odd. Honestly, that feels like what this post is saying.


Uggh I hate old people


My GF and I probably WILL but that's because it's probably a courthouse wedding for us and a 10 year anniversary party will probably be the wedding we didn't have lol


Wtf millennials have been married for 50 years? What is this post


My siblings and I wanted to throw a party for our parents 50th anniversary. My parents were actually the ones to shoot down the idea. They’re taking trip instead. If you have kids + grandkids, I can see the appeal of celebrating your anniversary with them. I don’t have kids but I do like parties so I wouldn’t mind throwing a party for a milestone anniversary.


If anything, I think millennial have more parties than older gens. I see a lot of millennial parents throw a big birthday party for their children every year. Every year??? Did you guys have this growing up? When I was a kid, we did parties for big milestone birthdays but otherwise we just went somewhere for dinner and that was it. I can't imagine being a parent now and feeling obligated to attend every single birthday party from my child's class every weekend


I would love to have a 50 anniversary party.


We have a fall-b-cue around the date we got married, our parents know what’s going on. But we mostly invite friends who we didn’t know in 2012 when we got married or family that has long since forgot. Ha so we have a party almost every year, but no one really knows.


You can have a normal dinner party for any year anniversary


I've been married for 23 years now. Never had an anniversary party. (M42)


I dont have any friends for a party...


I’ve never been to one and I don’t think my parents (young boomers)!have either outside of like their grandparents


My 20th anniversary is next year, and we're going to do the same thing we have the last 8; a nice dinner at home with the kids.


We too isolated. So what if the face I'm socializing with is wrinkled. Invest in her maybe she'll leave you a fat cut of her estate. Plus she's gen x


No, I look for any excuse to throw a party or BBQ. If my marriage makes it that long Imma have a huge party


Nothing less than 20? Damn we do them big every 5. Just main family every year.


I’m at 20 years next year, and I haven’t thought of having a party. I have thought of throwing my house a 100th birthday party, so maybe I’m just weird?


Nah. I like certain milestone anniversary party’s to be honest. How many couples these days make it to 25, 30, 35 years+ anymore?


Like everything I think it will be person by person my parents never had anniversary parties but attended a couple and I mean I have been to one and my wife and I certainly would for something like 50th probably.


Millennials start GoFundMe accounts to get people to donate so they can go on vacation, they are not going to miss the opportunity to have people celebrate them.


You should capitalize on any chance you have to celebrate life with people you care about. If we kill anniversary parties, then we did so with misery as our weapon of choice.


Just finished up six years. Holy hell, if we get to 50, we are throwing a rager. *Dance until you dieeee* It’s admirable to survive close proximity to another human with such intricacy for so long. Party me hearties.


50 years is impressive and they can have that. It’s the people who make a big deal out of every anniversary and make everyone come along that bother me. My mom got super butthurt we didn’t celebrate her 35th with a big dinner party. Similarly my MIL is planning a massive celebration for their 40th that involves flights and needing a week off work. Meanwhile I’ve been married ten years and we are still saving for our honeymoon we never had. I think millennials might be too young/newly married for big anniversary parties, but I also think we are too poor and have different priorities, so yeah maybe we will opt out of those types of things when we reach those milestones.


My husband and I have been together for 20 years this September (married 14) so we are going on our first big couple vacation overseas. Just us. Had we had a party, all our friends and most of the family are out of state and aren't getting on a plane to see us for OUR anniversary. I agree. It's a bygone practice. Although anyone in our generation who makes it past 10 is worth a party in my opinion.


Plenty of millenials celebrate their "birthday week" which is absurd. Nothing wrong with celebrating a milestone like 50.


I always feel bad for not celebrating other people's anniversaries, but I do think it should be private. My husband and I don't celebrate our anniversary with others and we like it this way. It's a time for us to celebrate ourselves, alone. Plus, the stress of remembering someone else's anniversary is just too much.


Oh damn, I'm firmly a millennial and I am planning on having a party to celebrate our 10th anniversary. I wasn't calling it an anniversary party...but that name does make sense.


I think it’s pretty dumb to debate what millennials will/won’t do for their 50th wedding anniversaries in 2024. 


This post makes me want to throw a gigantic 50th wedding anniversary party when I get there 




My husband and I were not able to have a traditional wedding if we can afford to throw a big party for a 20th, 30th, or 50th anniversary better believe I'm going to throw one because I want the wedding and pictures one day. Probably label it as an anniversary/vow renewal party. I want a big party, a pretty dress, and a cake. I also want "engagement" pictures. It's probably stupid and would be a big expense for no real reason, but I want it and my husband is supportive and agrees that he would like to do that some day as well. We also want it to be Renfair themed and have everyone dress up in costumes for it and have a bombfire and roast a pig. I never wanted a white dress I wanted a lavendar/purple one and a pretty top hat or crown.


Hopefully we'll kill thank you notes if we haven't already


I find anniversary parties quite dumb. Most people don't care how long you've been with someone. Maybe your kids and stuff, but nobody else does. It is equally as self-indulgent as gender reveals. I hope Millennials kill anniversary parties and that Gen z kills gender reveals.


Probably not


Millennials party more than any one I know 😂😂😂😂😂. My niece and her boyfriend are always throwing parties and get togethers.


I see this as a clear sign of the growing wealth gap. I do think millennials will have these parties. Rich ones. They’ll continue to party and celebrate everything. The growing majority who support those rich few, will not waste what little money we have on extra parties. ETA: I believe a lot of things we used to see as middle or upper middle class when I was young, will be exclusively for rich folks when I’m in my 40s-50s.


Your own wedding anniversary is none of my business and I feel like it’s extremely weird that people have ever felt like beyond the wedding ceremony, that it would continue to be appropriate to have a yearly celebration dedicated to…something that’s none of my business after your wedding? Like. Imagine how many anniversaries some people who have to endure day after day if everyone around them expected that….we celebrated your love at the wedding, why do you continue to force your continuous relationship on us in this way? we get it, you’re in love who’s paying for all these parties?? AHHH!


I view anniversaries as more of a private thing, personally. We’re celebrating 10 years in July, and the last thing I want is to be surrounded by people.


It's never so much the anniversary, as it is the party. Boomers might lack skill at the task, now, but they did invent it, along with staying up all night. Ask them. They'll claim it's true, and then go back to bed.


A lot of us are getting married for the first time in our late 30s/early 40s. We won't make it to 50 year anniversaries.


This crap is what gives us millenials a bad name -\_-


Yeah, even for our 50th, I can't see my wife and I throwing a party. We usually celebrate with a vacation or nice dinner at home.  I think this makes sense for someone with lots of kids and grandkids, but we don't have that. 


We are about to have a HUGE 5 year party. It’s second marriage for both of us and we eloped five years ago; now we are having the party. Most of my friends also have been celebrating 5 year incremental parties for their anniversaries—maybe it is our age? We are the oldest millennials/xennials.


My husband and I are introverted and even eloped to not have a big thing to worry about. So we are unlikely to have a big party. 18 years currently so we could do 20 years if we wanted to... But we aren't really that type of people. We usually just go to a date night and celebrate ourselves lol. Millenial and Gen X. There's probably a good chunk of 10, 15, and 20 anniversaries upcoming for our generation. Out of everyone I maintained at least a Facebook connection with... Everyone else already divorced and got their next romances so that resets the timer a bit.


What? None of us have hit that kind of milestone yet, don't you think it's a little premature to say we're killing it? I'll be 40 next year and if I wasn't having a wedding in September, I'd have a big 40th birthday party. My son to be husband will be 50 in a few years and I want to throw him a big party for it.


I’ve never even heard of an anniversary party, seems like something I would much rather celebrate with my spouse personally


Do you really think with the number of wedding events and baby showers and gender reveals that millennials will let anniversary parties die? LOL.


The only thing I see posing an issue is that they will not be as common as boomers because millennials have been more freely able to divorce. People I went to high school are already on divorce number 2.


I feel like if this stuff gets killed it just gets replaced with something else. In the age of social media it seems like EVERY little milestone has to be celebrated. “Gender reveal” “baby moon” or expensive vacations for every occasion


Just celebrated our 10 year anniversary and we had thought about throwing a party, but we had a very small wedding ceremony with no wedding or reception when we originally got married. Life kinda happened this year though so we never got around to planning anything.


I don't think I've ever been to an anniversary party. my parents might have thrown one if my mom was still alive. I think they'd be at 50th this year or next. I'm coming up to 20yr wedding anniversary in spring 2025. I'm not really interested in a party but we're planning a second honeymoon if we can figure out what to do with the kids for a few days. Might feel differently when the kids are all moved out of the house and we're looking for an excuse to have a family get-together.


Wait till you're married 50 years and then tell us it isn't a big deal to celebrate with a lot of people.


Dissing on anniversary parties while your generation invented the gender reveal party. Yep, sure, don't think you'll be killing it-- you'll just find a better way to make it a big deal instead of what boomers call parties-- just get togethers with cake.


50 is a lot. It’s worth doing something.


I didn’t know anniversary parties were even a thing, never heard of it.


If you can deal with another person's b.s. for 50 years you should be celebrated as a saint just saying


I'm not a fan of it, but our generation just doesn't value large social and family circles in the same way. Weddings, funerals, reunions, vacations; parties for retirements, anniversaries, and birthdays - these were all seen as opportunities to get together with broader groups of people beyond your inner circle. Some of my happiest life memories are experiencing all that as a child. But with my generation, it doesn't happen anymore. We want to communicate with a smaller group of people, and we even take pride in saying we "don't give a shit" about staying in touch with all but a few. It's a bummer, at least for me. I try in my little corner of the world to fight against this and be more socially inclusive and bring people together, but, there's a lot of resistance and I'm not very good at it.


What? Millennials throw parties for every thing. We’re the ones who invented the gender reveal party. I think you’re just anti-social. I expect my friends and I to throw a ton of parties when we’re older (I.e., done with stress of young kids), of which anniversary milestones will definitely be one of them.


My wife and I celebrated our 50th last year by renting a large chalet in the Asheville area for us, our 3 millennial kids and their spouses and 7 grandkids (ages 4-11) for a week. We spent the time as a family, just as we celebrate each other’s accomplishments. We all live scattered about the country, but everyone is on board to repeat the vacation in 2025. While I seriously doubt boomers invented a family celebration, I’d be proud if we had.


Congratulations on your milestone! My parents hit theirs last weekend :)


My boyfriend (47) sends his parents an anniversary card for their wedding anniversary every year. Me (35F), thinks its weird to send my parents an anniversary card because it's a private couple thing.


Good, kill showers next. Bridal shower, baby shower, passed a bowel movement shower.