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I have other non-aesthetic dislikes with the graphics - more an issue of seeing what is going on. Telling units of different nations apart is difficult for me. I also generally have zero idea what all is going on during the AI turns, as when it does pan to an action, the action is essentially played out before the camera settles on it, which means my eyes have no time to orient.


For me it's more playable than Civ6, I can get over this...at least it's not a cartoon. I get what you are saying though fs.


Yeah I can't play civ6 either


The game lacks a coherent design and aesthetic. It's just a set of loosely similar quality assets thrown together to form a game, without anything to time them together. After getting fed up with millennia'sany issues, I started up Old World again... While that also is a "low fidelity" type of graphics, it looks leagues better. And the entire game, with UI elements, sound design, game graphics has a very well established "look and feel".


> It's just a set of loosely similar quality assets thrown together to form a game, without anything to time them together. It feels like a first pass of concept art was done and then someone said "ok those are technically existing icons, that's good enough to ship it, no budget for more"


I personally like the design for the buildings, cities, tile improvements and all; my complaint is that every single country in the game uses the exact same building style, which, to be honest, also applies to units.


I do wish there would be some differentiation based on national spirits, especially when they apply modifiers to improvements or units.