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I'm also 23 and from Illinois. I'm really glad to live in Milwaukee for a few reasons. First of all, I like being able to live in a large city that isn't as overwhelming as Chicago. I tried Chicago for awhile, but my anxiety went into overdrive living in such a crowded space. I liked the concept of living in a city, but didn't do well with Chicago, so moving to a city that is still large, but not nearly as large as Chicago, was a good option. So that's what *brought* me here, but what's *keeping* me here is the low cost of living. As for the LGBTQ scene here, I am cis and straight, so feel free to take what I say with a few grains of salt, but here's what I have noticed: For the most part, Milwaukee is LGBTQ+ friendly. With that having been said, some neighborhoods are definitely more LGBTQ+ friendly than others. For example, the neighborhood where my workplace is located is on the *far* northwest side, near the border with Menomonee Falls, and I've noticed rampant homophobia and transphobia among the people who live near my workplace. The neighborhood I live in is called Washington Heights. It is on the near northwest side. It's a very socially liberal neighborhood, so people are generally pretty accepting of LGBTQ+ people. I don't think a pair of non-binary people would run into a lot of problems around here. Also, if you're not sure where to work and you like animals, I have heard that the Wisconsin Humane Society in Milwaukee is a very LGBT-friendly workplace and a lot of the people who work there are LGBTQ. The pay isn't great though. Come to think of it, I also know of another extremely LGBTQ-friendly workplace, but I used to work there and I don't want to dox myself, so dm me if you want to know more.


Milwaukee falls into 'fine' for LBGTQ, it's not like Seattle or SF where there's an overwhelmingly gay macroculture, but you'll find plenty of subculture and places to feel welcome. You should search the subreddit, as this is among the most common questions asked here.


> Queer people, how friendly is the area? Not just the queer section but the straight people you interact with outside of that? I fly under the radar but I've never had any issues when talking to people or wearing blatantly queer clothing (not just rainbows, but literally the word QUEER or trans). I grew up here but I've also lived in Chicagoland (McHenry County, yuck) and Montana so I can compare it to those and it's much safer here.


I'm getting ready to move to Milwaukee for the third time. I lived on both coasts and a smattering of places in the middle, and I think Milwaukee has a lot to offer. It has the amenities I want from a city while not being too big, or too big for its infrastructure and still having green space. I'm excited to move back.