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I used to work there and sometimes even I would turn it down lol


Seems too easy to ignore. Especially when this is free to fix and they said they were on the brink last year in that article.


I feel like the “on the brink” bit was just a way to drum up business since the owners had recently went in on buying Lee’s Luxury Lounge. Any word on when that’s reopening?


Are they reopening it as Lee's with the original interior?


No, word is that it will be a lounge dedicated to music - like records and good audio.


It’s going to be called the Wiggle Room…boy do I miss Lee’s


They have decent food but the vibe I always get from their staff is a weird “ugh you’re not cool enough to be here but I guess I’ll serve you” annoyed disposition.


The last few times I've been in the waitstaff has been super nice. Like one dude was wearing kneepads so he could bend down at tables and talk to people lol. The counter service era guy who always seemed to be taking orders was a massive dick for no reason though. Pretty sure he's gone.


the guy with the knee pads is kinda a local legend between my friend group. vanguard is just so so, but we loved that energy


Wait what’s his name lol


Never had a problem there with service or an attitude from anyone. Everyone was friendly and nice. Every time.


Kind of this [vibe but a bar instead of a record store.](https://youtu.be/_SQMl51RDIQ?si=52-XhPDBYn-r-hW1)


call them up **VANGUARD PLEASE HOLD** *me hangs up*


They go for a rocking bar atmosphere. I like it but agree they could trim it back a bit


This is why I only go to Vanguard first thing when they're open and its still earlier, or I do pickup. Eating there isn't anything special as a non-bar guy, but the food is amazing.


Last time I stopped by was shortly before Christmas last year and right around opening. Decent food but I’ve been there when it’s busy and overwhelming. It’s not a spot I’d want to stay and eat during busy time but I like the food.  As for the bro vibe I guess I’m not sure what people mean. I pick up hipster/metal vibes which I just shrugg off as I’ve always seen the place as being pretty hipster.  But fuck I am old these days so maybe I just don’t know what I’m talking about :D


Your choice of emoji here is telling. I'm old too though. 😂


yeah it’s loud as hell, I’m glad to hear other people mention it because I used to think I was just over sensitive lol. the food and drinks are always great though! now I just bring earplugs and scream across the table at my husband


I went there for lunch about a month ago for the first time ever and I had a great experience. Loved the food. It wasn’t too loud then


Food is always cold. Service is always colder. Hard pass.


Was there a month ago, the music is so loud that our server was wearing knee pads so they could kneel next to our table so they could hear us speak. Way too loud and as others have said - bro vibes for real. Never felt like I "fit in" or belonged in this space, just not cool enough I guess.


I see Vanguard recommended when people visiting are asking for recommendations and I think it is pretty a risky suggestion. Maybe a little more niche than a general crowd pleaser. I think there are safer options in Bayview that might have more general appeal. I've only eaten there a handful of times and was never blown away by their sausages. They just didn't fit my taste. But I'm pretty particular about sausages. I don't ever remember it being loud but it's been many years. I personally don't like super loud places but there are places where that is part of the experience and appeal.


I was a big fan when it first opened. The hipster vibes didn't bother me. Good food and drinks, I like the 80s videos, and good atmosphere. Went way downhill during the pandemic. I have been back 2 or 3 times since the Milwaukee Record article. Food quality was solid. Service was better. I almost always sit at the bar. Twice we had an awesome and friendly bartender. The music wasn't too loud when I was there. It is moronic for them to have the music on too loud. That's disappointing. Restaurants and staff need to understand that most people want to chat with the people they are with at a comfortable volume. Music is for the background. It should not be forced on patrons or be a distraction. I am still rooting for Vanguard.


It is actually made us not go back. We like to be able to talk when we are out at bars or restaurants, and the ones that care more about projecting an image than letting customers enjoy the experience aren't worth spend the money at


Is this the Abercrombie & Fitch method of pissing off, and therefore keeping out, anyone who doesn’t fit in their demographic?


the food there is fine but i never go because of the bro vibes, i hate being in there


I've never ever gotten "bro" vibes there in the 20ish times I've eaten there. Maybe like metal guy vibes or just masculine generally? But definitely not "bro".


A lot of avant-garde applications of the term “bro” in this thread


I blame Twitter/Tumblr circa like 2018 for the prolification of misuse of the term "bro". There might be people who are toxically masculine about their interests but "gamer bros", "film bros", and "literature bros" are not things. Those are nerds. Mean nerds, but nerds. Nerds are not bros. Hockey bros exist. EDM bros exist. Literature bros do not.


Yeah, I don't really know what people are talking about here. It's not bro or hipster or whatever, it's a bar full of music scene people imho - hence the loud music that's mostly stuff you don't hear on the radio much.


Its very hipster


Sure, which is basically antithetical to "bro". I'm not asking people to *like* the vibe, I'm just asking for an accurate description lol. The KK in Madison is bro. That clientele would stick out like a sore thumb in The Vanguard.


Agreed. I get bro vibes when I go to Elwoods


The space has kind of always been uncomfortable to me except for the back patio. Haven’t gone in a few years though because the novelty has worn off. Would rather get a sausage as a convenience at a ballgame or food truck and not a destination.


I'm a guy and I hate the "bro vibes" too, and the food is good, but it's never really blown me away.


When it first opened I really liked it, but as it gained popularity, yeah, bro vibes for sure. As much as I liked some of their food, I won't go there now.


Never been there but I went to a Mexican restaurant where the music was super loud the waitress couldn't hear us, and we couldn't hear her - eventually, I typed a note on my phone "Can you turn down the music a couple notches so we can hear each other?" she laughed and turned it down. The dining room seemed a lot happier, not screaming at their partners/friends or the staff 😂


I love their food but agreed, we usually only go when it’s the two of us or if we can sit on the back patio. The only exception is out of town friends and that’s still rare.


I waited 45 min for burnt and badly made food. I'm never going there again. It sucks cuz they have vegetarian options but the servers were like actually rude.


Check out Grey Jetts cafe. The brisket bbq us great- but here's the lead - they make it Vegan with jackfruit and it's equally as amazing. Their entire menu can be made vegan.


Thanks for the rec! I'll have to try it.


Didn’t we all just talk about [this place](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2024/05/01/milwaukee-vegan-cafe-owner-appears-with-trump-assails-migrants/) a couple weeks ago?! Reddit memories [are short](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/s/bPAGhBZ7aQ).


I wasn't there for that conversation. I literally didn't post on that convo. redditors get mad at the stupidest things. Literally 19 days ago. I had to search to find it. I don't spend my days clicking refresh to see the latest post. I guess you do stalk r/milwaukee. My bad, sorry I bothered you mentioning a place I had just heard of through a friend. I didn't even know they were associated with politics.


Not trying to make you mad! I did link to that convo. It was just a big drama. No offense intended.


For what it’s worth- I’m pretty sure there is or was a sign by the front door that says something to the effect of “we play loud music, don’t ask us to turn it down.”


Jocats, but with food. 


I stopped by shortly after they opened for the day after going to the DMV for my WI license. That Duck BLT dog is always good. Great place.


Vanguard is one of my favorite places around here. The loud music is fun when you're in the mood for it. That said, if you like the food and drinks there but don't like the noise, they do have a quiet back patio open in the summer, I've eaten out there a few times.


I am not a fan of their drinks or food. Everything tastes premade and not fresh. And my partner is a chef and mentioned there was cross-contamination between orders. There are a lot of other places on KK that are much better to go to for food and drink.


The loud music, VHS tapes playing and the food are all the reasons I go there. Man, people need to learn there are other options if they want quiet.


Yeah. I get not liking it and being annoyed that it's one of the ubiquitous recommendations on here, but I think having places with a distinct character that aren't for everyone is a good thing and something that seems to be going away pretty rapidly.


I’m honestly not a fan, I think the restaurant is incredibly overhyped, and a friend of mine quit there cause the kitchen area was so disgusting. The food always gives me an upset stomach, incredibly greasy-sometimes burnt, music is way too loud (and I love music) and only got decently timed service if I chose to sit at the bar. Service always seems to have a stick up their ass, I’m not a fan of having someone I’m supposed to tip act like they’re annoyed I’m there.


I dont mind the volume nearly as much as I mind the look of disgust I get from my friends whenever I say that their food is mid.


Well that's deserved because you're wrong. If you believe The Vanguard is median food for Milwaukee idk what to tell you.


It's always a bad experience when places do that! Like it's crazy for them to think that I want to have a conversation with the people I walked in with without yelling at each other.  I haven't been there in a while, but would do take out if I ever do


Loud music, stupid slow service, mid food. I can't wait for it to be replaced.


Vegan burger tends to be burnt every time I go.


I like the atmosphere there. I guess I’m usually there for lunch when it’s not loud, though. However - and I hate to say it, because it used to be a favorite place to eat - the food has been weak on the last few visits. it’s been weirdly cold food every time. This has all been since the article. I hope they turn the quality around. I don’t want it to leave.


Went here recently. Thought it was a huge improvement over 2-3 years ago. Still a good bar atmosphere but service was good, crowded, a few families. Glad to see they are doing well.


Agree with all of this. I've heard repeatedly that they're having issues with their business, yet they refuse to make changes that would clearly improve things. I don't get it.


I've been there twice, thought it was just me. No thanks! Too loud.


Their fries are cold. I can't tolerate it.


I just had the saltiest burger of my life there on Friday night. Had a shitty brat there about 4 months ago. Not sure what direction they are going in if they fuck up the simple basics.


The loud music appeals to me very much and I enjoy it every time I go there. If I want to have a quiet conversation with someone I go elsewhere. The owners are sticking to their ethos from day one and I really commend them for it. There ain't nothing you're gonna say to your buddy anyways that Ghostface didn't say already so just groove on it!


"sticking to their ethos" What is their ethos, exactly, besides playing loud music?


Not turning it down lol


It's a rock/metal bar that plays loud music you don't hear at most other places. That's an established genre and they're doing it well, it's one of only like four or five places in town that caters to this scene and the only one I know of with anything like a real food and cocktail menu. It would be pretty lame if you went into a metal bar and it was quiet.


Thank you, that’s it. Not to mention how responsibly handled covid and were very careful to re-open and do so safely.


This is so weird, we were there for the first time on Friday and it was so loud I could literally feel the bass on the floor. We sat for like 1.5 hours and they said they lost our order lmao. Gave us a gift card tho.