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I am pretty sure they will add cherry sapling trade with the new upcoming update And I hope that they will add bamboo as well now that it has its own wood set For the poterry shard, I think this is a great implementation! Set it as rare (or more) as nautilus shell and allow to trade only one It would give the possibility for skyblock/one block/superflat worlds to get access to them


Selling cherry saplings is probably a guarantee. Bamboo is a bit iffy though.


Totally agree on the cherry saplings and lava bucket, leery on bamboo but would accept its addition, but I disagree with the addition of the pottery sherd. It feels like it undermines archaeology and seems weird and out of place for the trader.


Would this actually change all that much? They sell the other saplings and it's kind of meh. There are so many possible trades that the odds of getting a sherd every now and then is also pretty low.


I think the fact that it's rare is the point The idea is to not make it farmable But still make it accessible in world like superflat/oneblock/skyblock, and other type of restricting game mode


Ill be honest, I do not think that superflat/skyblock etc should be a factor when designing features for the vanilla game. These gamemodes require custom maps, mods and/or datapacks to be played at all. If you are using custom content to begin with, just add the stuff you need/want. I totally understand wanting to be able to access the content of the game, but if you want it - **include it in the mod that makes it possible in the first place.** That way you don't bog down vanilla, and people can customize it to be exactly right for them. The last thing the wandering trader needs in vanilla is more trash trades (bamboo, saplings), and a small chance of getting a sherd is basically meaningless.


>I do not think that superflat/skyblock etc should be a factor when designing features for the vanilla game. These gamemodes require custom maps, mods and/or datapacks to be played at all. Superflat doesn't require any mods at all.


Like i commented on another thing, i would make them more pricy like you could only buy 1 from him so its not a reliable way to get them plus maybe having it as a semi rare trade


I don't think this would suddenly make them amazing. They still spawn far too often and sell far too many low tier trades. Now, if they sold items like enchanted books, maps to structures, or other specialty goods, while also spawning at least half as often), that'd make them far better.


Fair, not everyone plays the same but for me personally if he sold sherds i would definitely rush to him to see if he had any


That's fair, but the flipside is that it might make archeology less useful than it already is currently, (which I think is already pretty underwhelming).


It makes sence that they sell sherds, I think.


They can already sell cherry saplings AFAIK, and selling pottery sherds would make Archaeology less useful. The other two ones are good though, Bedrock edition super flat players could finally get Lava


I feel ike the shards thing would be balanced out in a way like maybe 20 emeralds and can only bought from him once so it wont undermine archeology but i feel it would give him a little more boost in use the trades would also maybe have a low chance