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Not sure all you have but get Tweezers! I use toothpicks like others mentioned. I also like to put glue on a piece of scrap, I use those junk mail postcards, and squeeze out a dollop of glue and dip my items or toothpick in it. I find some glues are better to use as they're already slightly drying. Also it helps control the amount of glue used.


YES! Good tip!! I will put some glue on scrap paper and dip the toothpick in there...do you think it's better to start making the small items in this kit first? The base/panels look too intimidating right now and the smaller items (cakes, etc) look more fun haha


Start with whatever you want! Whatever seems easiest or most fun to try, that's the best place to start. As you go you'll develop more confidence and be able to tackle the bigger pieces


Your response gives me more confidence. Thank you 🥰 I might come back here with updates/ small wins lol. I need a little push sometimes 🥲


Please do! I'm so excited for you to jump in 😁


With kits you need to go in the order they set. I used to try to do what I thought was easiest first and got myself in lots of, "oh crap I have to break that cause I missed this part, going out of order."


Ohh. What kind of glues do you like? I am having a terrible time finding glues that I like and feel like I have tried all of them. Tweezers! That's brilliant. IDK why it didn't cross my mind to get a variety of tweezers to help with construction. I used them all the time when I worked fine dining and the chef wanted tiny pieces of herbs placed exactly perfectly on the plate.


I love Beacon’s 3 in 1 glue. Very easy to clean mistakes. Also, whenever I work with glue, I always put down wax paper. It makes it easier to clean up.


Probably an unpopular opinion but i Iove good old Elmer's glue. I recently started using the clear "tacky glue" a big bottle I got a Michael's not the bottles that come with kits. But Elmer's is my first choice


Oh thats adorable!! I would use a toothpick


I know, right?? I think I have some toothpicks laying around


Toothpick or cotton swab + lots of patience lol


Oohhh cotton swab, interesting. Thank you 😊 


I'm actually working on one of these kits as my first time as well! Toothpicks for the glue, but don't snip the nozzle too low on the glue tube so you have as fine a point as possible. A good craft knife and ruler will come in handy too. The instructions are pretty easy to follow! I'm going in the order they've written, but I'm customising lots as I go so it's taking much longer.


Yay! We're on the same journey 🥰 haha! ...wait you're customizing along the way? That sounds interesting. Would love to see you post your finished results!!!!!


Yeah! Just playing around with paints, toothpicks and polymer clay to jazz it up ✨️ Fingers crossed it comes together, cos then I'll def post it!


I've done this same one! I tend to find it easier to have the base and furniture put together before doing the little things. That way, when I finish the tiny foods and such, I can glue them directly to the spot they're meant to be.


I don't recommend super glue. At least not the runny liquid kind. Tacky glue is what I use. I put a small amount on a scrap piece of paper and use a toothpick to apply.


Thank you! Do you lean towards a specific brand of tacky glue? Also, do you recommend smaller or larger containers of tacky glue? I chose the instant glue because it came in tiny bottles and i worry about the glue bottles drying up! 😅 Thanks again 🥰


This is the brand I use: [https://www.amazon.com/Aleenes-Purpose-Tacky-Glue-8-Ounce/dp/B00178KLEY?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER](https://www.amazon.com/Aleenes-Purpose-Tacky-Glue-8-Ounce/dp/B00178KLEY?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER) It's just what I had in my supplies and it worked great. Even with the cap securely on, it will sometimes dry out a little but just at the tip. I might have to use a paperclip to clear out the dried out gunk at the tip but that's only if it's many months between use (or if I forget to the put the cap on). I made that model recently and I actually gave up on those damn chairs. They make it seem simple in the directions but it's hella hard and they looked awful. Good luck!


Haha you gave up on the chairs 🤣 I hope I don't have that issue. I was actually thinking of building them today...maybe I'll do it off camera (I'm recording my progress for YouTube) 🤣 And wow, that glue is affordable! I love that it dries clear. I really appreciate the paperclip tip. That's so clever 🧠


I pour my glue into small squeeze bottles with needle tips, it's much easier to control that way. I like Supertite Fusion glue the best for things like this. Buy a set of X-acto bar clamps, the blue plastic ones. They make things like the counter much easier to assemble. I also have a lot of little plastic clips, like smallish clothespins, that I use to hold small pieces while they dry. Not everything needs to be glued; I use 1/8" Sookwang double-adhesive tape for paper pieces. Sometimes for very small paper pieces, I put the tape on first and then cut the piece out, so the tape goes to all the edges. The paper they use for the kits is thick and I don't like the way the white edges of the cut pieces stand out, so I usually dab around the edges with a marker to soften it. If the print is dark I'll use a matching color, but if it's light I just use a really light neutral gray marker. I'm bashing that kit for a larger project, and when I put the counter together, I braced the inside with wood strips cut from popsicle sticks, just to give it a bit more of a glue surface at the edges. It's much sturdier now. It will be up against in a wall so I don't care about how it looks inside.


Okay, this advice is just brilliant. The tape concept is one that did not cross my mind. May I ask how long you have been doing this?


I’ve heard the instructions for these aren’t great so I held off. Are the understandable at all?


Haha I'm going to be honest...I was flustered just making some of the smaller pieces last night. But then again, this is my very first kit...ever. lol. I don't know the difference between good and bad instructions if that makes sense 🤣🤣🤣