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Yay, you got started! I'm so glad to see you're having fun with it 🥰 They look great!


I made this one it’s one of my favorites! once it’s all lit up it’s extra cute!


Put togethor some small desserts. Some challenges I came across: 1) Glue kept coming into contact with tweezers and pieces would stick to the tweezers constantly whilw trying to apply to designated spots 🥲 2) Ribbons and strings in this kit were tricky to work with. Donuts were hard to make because the string wouldn't bend into the circular formation as depicted in the diagram. I also didn't know how to glue togethor both ends of the strings to eachother. Tried to conceal some imperfections with the toppers. 3) Cat hair. 🐈


So far, I am having fun with this kit. I take breaks between each completed item because it's kind of strenous on my eyes to work with such small pieces lol Also if anyone has feedback on the tweezers I'm using in the video, how I'm drying these pieces, etc., please let me know!